Publication list ECL_Electrochemical Lysis
Publication list ECL_Electrochemical Lysis
Publication list ECL_Electrochemical Lysis Baxter PS, Wemyss-Holden SA, Dennison AR, Maddern GJ Electrochemically induced hepatic necrosis: the next step forward in patients with unresectable liver tumors ? Aust N Z J Surg. 1998; 68:637-640. Berry DP, Dennison AR, Ward R, Maddern GJ. Electrolytic ablation of colorectal liver metastases: 1-year histological patient follow-up. Dig Surg. 2000;17(5):518-9. Borsukov, A.V. Die Möglichkeit der elektrochemischen Lyse in der Behandlung von Lebermetastasen, Lehrmethodische Empfehlungen, Moskau 2003 Borsukov, A.V., Farshuk, N.F., Gasinets A.I., Alibegov R.A., Andreyeva O.V., Lemeshko Z.A., Momdzahn B.K. Low-Invasive Electrochemical Lysis of malignant focal liver lesions: Evolution of treatment effectiveness criteria , 2004 Finch JG, Fosh B, Anthony A, Slimani M, Texler M, Berry DP, Dennison AR, Maddern Liver electrolysis: pH can reliably monitor the extent of hepatic ablation in pigs Clinical Science (2002), 07, 389-395 Fosh BG, Finch JG, Lea M, Black C, Wong S, Wemyss-Holden S, Maddern GJ. Use of electrolysis as an adjunct to liver resection. Br J Surg. 2002 Aug;89(8):999-1002. Lao YH, Ge TG, Zheng XL Electrical therapy for intermediate and advanced liver cacer: a repot of 50 cases. Eur J Surg Suppl 1994 574: 51-53 Maintz D, Fischbach R, Schafer N, Schafer H, Gossmann A, Kugel H. Results of electrochemical therapy of colorectal liver metastases in rats followed up by MRI. Invest Radiol. 2000 May;35(5):289-94. Matveev, N.L. Methodik der Elektrochemischen Lyse Lehrmethodische Empfehlungen Ministerium für Gesundheitswesen und soziale Entwicklung der Russischen Föderation Moskauer Staatsuniversität für Medizin, 2005 Nordenstöm, Björn E.W. Survey of Mechanisms in Electrochemical Treatment (ECT) of Cancer Eur. J. Surg. (1994), Suppl 574: 93-109 Nordenstöm, Björn E.W. Biologically Closed Electric Circuits Nordic Medical Publications, Stockholm, 1983 1/3 Publication list ECL_Electrochemical Lysis Pekar, Rudolf Die Perkutane Bio-Elektrotherapie bei Tumoren Eine Dokumentation zu Grundlage und Praxis der perkutanen Galvanotherapie Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich, 2002 Robertson GS, Wemyss-Holden SA, Dennison AR, Hall PM, Baxter P, Maddern GJ. Experimental study of electrolysis-induced hepatic necrosis. Br J Surg. 1998 Sep;85(9):1212-6. Teague BD, Court FG, Morrison CP, Kho M, Wemyss-Holden SA, Maddern GJ. Electrolytic liver ablation is not associated with evidence of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Br J Surg. 2004 Feb;91(2):178-83. von Euler, Henrik Electrochemical treatment of Tumors, Doctoral Thesis 2002 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences von Euler H , Jerker M. Olssen, Kjell Hultenby, Anders Thörne, Anne-Sofie Lagerstedt Animal models for treatment of unresectable liver tumors: a histopathologic and ultrastructural study of cellular toxic changes after electrochemical treatment in rat and dog liver Bioelectrochemistry 59 (2003) 89-98 Wang HL Electrochemically therapy of 74 cases of liver cancer Eur J Surg Suppl 1994 574: 55-57 Wemyss-Holden SA, Berry DP, Robertson GS, Dennison AR, De La M Hall P, Maddern GJ. Electrolytic ablation as an adjunct to liver resection: Safety and efficacy in patients. ANZ J Surg. 2002 Aug;72(8):589-93. Wemyss-Holden SA, de la M Hall P, Robertson GS, Dennison AR, Vanderzon PS, Maddern GJ. The safety of electrolytically induced hepatic necrosis in a pig model. Aust N Z J Surg. 2000 Aug;70(8):607-12. Wemyss-Holden SA, Robertson GS, Hall PD, Dennison AR, Maddern GJ. Electrolytic treatment of colorectal liver tumour deposits in a rat model: a technique with potential for patients with unresectable liver tumours. Dig Dis. 2000;18(2):50-7. Comment in: Dig Dis. 2000;18(2):49. Wemyss-Holden SA, Robertson GSM, Dennison AR, Vanderzon PS, Hall PM, Maddern GJ A new treatment for unresectable liver tumors: long-term studies of electrolytic lesions in the pig liver Clinical Science 2000; 98: 561-567 2/3 Publication list ECL_Electrochemical Lysis Wemyss-Holden SA, Dennison AR, Finch GJ, Hall P, Maddern GJ Electrolytic ablation as an adjunct to liver resection: experimental studies of predictability and safety British Journal of surgery 2002, 89: 579-585 Wemyss-Holden SA, Robertson GSM, Dennison AR, Hall PM, Fothergill BJ, Maddern GJ Electrochemical lesions in the rat liver support its potential for treatment of liver tumors Journal of Surgical Research 200, 93: 55-62 Xin et al. Hepatoma therapy with direct current guided by B ultrason Journal of China-Japan Friedship Hospital 1989; 3: 247-251 3/3