- Salzgitter Mannesmann International


- Salzgitter Mannesmann International
Cold rolled flat products
Cold rolled flat products
Cold rolled coils/sheets/strips in soft, unalloyed qualities,
carbon steels, annealed and hardened
Hot dipped and electrolytically galvanized flat products
Pre-painted flat products
Trapezoidal sheets
Non-grain and grain oriented electrical steel
Material/qualities acc. to all international standards available.
Other products on request.
Salzgitter Mannesmann International GmbH
Department cold rolled flat products
Schwannstraße 12
40476 Düsseldorf
Postfach 30 09 43
40409 Düsseldorf
Stephan Müller, Director
[email protected]
+49 211 4300-327
Hans-Joachim Eberhardt, Deputy+49 211 4300-501
[email protected]
Kerstin Ollmann, Secretary+49 211 4300-406
Fax:+49 211 4300-312 [email protected]
Sonderdruck Salzgitter v1.qxp:Salzgitter
23:10 Uhr
Seite 7
sales organisation
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International GmbH
Schwannstraße 12
40476 Düsseldorf
Postfach 30 09 43
40409 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 211 4300-1
Fax: +49 211 4300-90
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (HK) Ltd.
Unit 2801, Fook Lee
Commercial Centre
33 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel.: +86 1085275-550
Fax: +86 2083870-955
Salzgitter Mannesmann
Trade (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
Unit No. 880, A
Beijing Sunflower Tower
No. 37 Maizidian Street,
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100 125
P.R. of China
Tel.: +86 10 85275550
Fax: +86 10 85275544
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (USA) Inc.
1770 St. James Place
Suite 500, Houston,
Texas 77056-3499, USA
Tel.: +1 713 3867910
Fax: +1 713 9659330
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (USA) Inc.
Chicago Division
2300 N. Barrington Road,
Suite 575, Hoffman Estates,
Illinois 60195, USA
Tel.: +1 847 843 3800
Fax: +1 847 843 3802
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (Canada) Inc.
1333 West Broadway
Suite 1444, Vancouver,
British Columbia
Canada V6H 4C1
Tel.: +1 604 7363713
Fax: +1 604 7365712
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (Mexico)
S.A. de C.V., Mexico
Santa Margarita No. 508
Colonia Insurgentes
San Borja
C.P. 03100 Mexico D.F.
Tel.: +52 55 55598233
Fax: +52 55 55755562
Representative Office
Tel.: +86 21 64731509
Fax: +86 21 64733052
Representative Office
Tel.: +86 20 83870769
Fax: +86 20 83870955
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
137 Telok Ayer Street, #07-06
Singapore 068602
Rep. of Singapore
Tel.: +65 6327 5370
Fax: +65 6327 3583
Representative Office
Tel.: +84 4 736 5700
Fax: +84 4 736 5709
Representative Office
Ho Chi Minh City
Tel.: +84 8 823 5860
Fax: +84 8 823 5855
Representative Office
Tel.: +886 2 27223858
Fax: +886 2 81926137
Representative Office
1- Kazachij Per. 7
119017 Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 495 9561558
Fax: +7 495 2344970
Representative Office
ul. Rozdzienskiego 188 B
40-203 Katowice, Poland
Tel.: +48 32 2565581
Fax: +48 32 2090509
Salzgitter Mannesmann
International Ltd.
Agent Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 32536285
Fax: +55 11 32853572
Representative Office
Kozjak Str. 19, Et. 10 App. 30
1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2 9615978
Fax: +359 2 8685725
Representative Office
604 East Wing Building 4 A
Dubai Airport Free Zone
P.O. Box 54431, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel.: +971 4 2045630
Fax: +971 4 2045631
Representative Office
Kurmangasy Str. 84 A
050022 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 727 267 4213
Fax: +7 727 267 4111
Salzgitter Mannesmann
Pentasteel International
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
904-905 Parekh Market
39, J.S.S. Road
Opera House
Mumbai, 400004 India
Tel.: +91 22 2389 4489
Fax: +91 22 2389 5555
Salzgitter Mannesmann
(France) S.A.R.L.
5-7 avenue du Général
De Gaulle
94160 Saint Mandé
Tel.: +33 1 48084345
Fax: +33 1 48080546
Salzgitter Mannesmann
(Espana) S.A.
Avd. Alberto Alcocer 46-B
28016 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 91 3440469
Fax: +34 91 4571096
Salzgitter Mannesmann
(Scandinavia) AB
Varvsgatan 41
972 32 Luleå, Sweden
Tel.: +46 920 774 00
Fax: +46 920 774 09
Salzgitter Mannesmann
(Italia) s.r.l.
Via G. B. Pirelli 11
20124 Milano, Italy
Tel.: +39 02 89075212
Fax: +39 02 89075216
Salzgitter Mannesmann
(UK) Ltd.
Windsor House
Cornwall Road, Harrogate
North Yorkshire, HG1 2PW
Great Britain
Tel.: +44 1423 566660
Fax: +44 1423 505777