Martha Higgins - Instituto Dom Fernando Gomes
Martha Higgins - Instituto Dom Fernando Gomes
INSTITUTO DOM FERNANDO GOMES ALUNO (A): ________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSOR (A): Karoline G. Garcez SÉRIE: 7º ano TURMA: ______ DATA: / / 2015 CRITÉRIOS E ATRIBUIÇÃO VALORATIVA: I. A apostila tem valor de 1.0 ponto. lI. A apostila só será aceita até a data de entrega, após a data o aluno ficará com 0.0. III. Data de entrega: 7º ano a: 27/02/2015 7º ano B: 27/02/2015 7º ano C: 27/02/2015 IV. Só são para ser entregue os exercícios. O assunto fica com o aluno. Não esqueça de colocar o seu nome em todas as folhas. APOSTILA DE INGLÊS PERSON 1ST SINGULAR 2ND SINGULAR 3RD SINGULAR (MALE) 3RD SINGULAR (FEMALE) 3RD SINGULAR (OBJECTS AND ANIMALS) 1ST PLURAL 2ND PLURAL 3RD PLURAL PERSONAL PRONOUNS I YOU HE PRONOUNS OBJECT PRONOUNS ME YOU HIM POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES MY YOUR HIS POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS MINE YOURS HIS SHE HER HER HERS IT IT ITS ITS WE YOU THEY US YOU THEM OUR YOUR THEIR OURS YOURS THEIRS PRONOUNS – USOS SUBJECT PRONOUNS Sujeito da frase OBJECT PRONOUNS Objeto da frase. Pode ser objeto direto ou indireto Usado após preposições Quando comparado ao Subject Pronouns, geralmente vem do meio para o final da frase. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE Modifica o substantivo Sempre vem acompanhado do substantivo Vem antes do substantivo POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Não precisa ser seguido de um substantivo. Em algumas frases eles substituem o substantivo. EXEMPLOS Mary is terribly upset today. She is terribly upset today. (SUBJECT PRONOUN) I will go to the party with Sam.I will go to the party with him. (OBJECT PRONOUN) Susan’s car is red. My car is blue, (POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE) Susan’s car is red. Mine is blue. (POSSESSIVE PRONOUN) OBS: Vejam que na terceira frase foi usado o pronome mais o substantivo (carro), já na quarta frase foi usado somente o pronome. O pronome “mine” substituiu o substantivo (carro). Essa é a diferença entre esses dois pronomes. EXERCISE 1) Coloque a pontuação que está faltando, não esqueça de dizer qual o nome da pontuação em inglês. a) b) c) d) e) f) The bus doesn___t arrive for an hour. In my school bag I have a book, a pencil___ a sharpener and a ruler. ___My job can be dangerous,'' said the fireman. ''Look out___'' shouted the man. I couldn___t see through the thick fog. We bought some oranges, lemons___ strawberries and apples at the grocery shop. 2) Reescreva o texto usando letra maiúscula onde for necessário. dear mrs. stone, i am writing to apply for a job as a receptionist within your organisation. i am a qualified secretary and i have already worked as a receptionist both in paris, france and manchester, england. i have a good level of french and english is my mother tongue. also, my french company gave me some special training to handle phone conversations in french. i enclose my cv for your kind reference. please note i am available for interview at any time on tuesdays. i look forward to hearing from you asap. yours sincerely, Martha Higgins martha higgins ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________. 3) Substitua as palavras sublinhadas pelos Personal Pronouns 1. Peter and Paul ( _______________) study French and German. 2. The cat (______________) is in the garden. 3. Do Mandy and you (_______________) like golf? 4. Does your sister (______________) sing well? 5. Dr Swam (___________) visits his patients in the morning. 4) Escolha a opção correta. 1. ______________is in class with __________________ a) Her/ us b) She/we c) She/us 2. Does_____________use a laptop at home? a)He b) it c) him 3. These are my mum’s friends. ________________usually goes out with ___________ a) She/ they b)Her/them c)She/them 4. Do ____________ eat pasta? No, I don’t like _________ a)we/it b)you/it c)you/her 5. We don’t talk to Sam. We’re angry with __________ a)he b)him c)his 5) Substitua as palavras sublinhadas por Object Pronouns.: 1. Tom comes to the cinema with Paul and I (______________). 2. Do you play with your children (_____________) after dinner? 3. Pam takes her dog (______________) for walks in the morning. 4. Does Sue study with her brother (______________)? 5. Mr Postman delivers our letters (_______________). 6) Complete os espaços com os Possessive Adjectives. Example: He has got a new computer. His computer is very good. a) b) c) d) e) I have got a house. _____________house is very big. She has got a cat. _____________cat is black. My brother has got a bicycle. He rides _________ bicycle every afternoon. We learn English at school. __________ teacher of English is nice. You go to a different school. How is ________ school? 7) Escolha qual o melhor pronome para cada opção. 1. ________________(My/Mine) brother planted a beautiful apricot tree in ________________(our/ours) front yard. 2. Annalisa finished _____________ (her/hers) homework early, but Julissa did not do _______________(her/hers) until later. 3. The little boy who lives next door played with _____________(him/his) toys. 4. The furniture belongs to my mother. It is _________________(her/hers). 5. _________________(Our/Ours) family enjoys spending time together. 6. Jenny’s dad trimmed the branches off the tree. It looked bare without all of __________________ (it/its) branches. 7. You must remember to clean _______________(your/yours) room before you go to the party.
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