Curriculum Vitae von Professor Dr. Axel A. Weber
Curriculum Vitae von Professor Dr. Axel A. Weber
Curriculum Vitae von Professor Dr. Axel A. Weber Übersicht Personal Data:........................................................................................................................... 2 Academic Career: ..................................................................................................................... 2 University Education: .............................................................................................................. 3 Research Grants:...................................................................................................................... 3 Research Contracts: ................................................................................................................. 4 Research Affiliations:............................................................................................................... 4 Organization of Conferences:.................................................................................................. 5 Referee for Economic Journals:.............................................................................................. 7 Working papers:....................................................................................................................... 7 Articles: ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Books:...................................................................................................................................... 10 Personal Data: Name: Geburtsdatum: Geburtsort: Nationalität: Familienstand: Dr. Axel A. Weber 3. März 1957 Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland Deutsch Verheiratet, zwei Kinder Büroanschrift: Professor für Internationale Ökonomie, Universität zu Köln, Gyrhofstraße 8c, D-50923 Köln, Deutschland +49+221+470-4433 +49+221+470-5024 (noch nicht verfügbar) Tel.: Fax.: Email: Homepage: Büroanschrift: Tel.: Fax: Email: Homepage: Center for Financial Studies, Taunusanlage 6, 60329 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland +49 69 24294113 +49 69 24294177 [email protected] Academic Career: Since Nov. 2001: Professor (C4) for International Economics at the University of Cologne, Germany Since Oct. 1998: Director of the Center for Financial Studies in Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1998 – 2001: Professor (C4) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1994 – 1998: Professor (C3) at the Rheinischen Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn, Germany June 1994: Habilitation in Economics at the University of Siegen, Germany 1993 – 1994: Interim Professor at the Rheinischen Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn, Germany 1992 – 1993: Visiting Fellow at The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., USA 1989 – 1992: Assistant-Professor (wissenschaftlicher Assistant, C1) to the Faculty of Economics at the University of Siegen, Germany 1988: Visiting Fellow, Center for Economic Research, CentER, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg, The Netherlands 1988: Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, Queen Mary College, University of London 1987: Ph.D. Degree at the University of Siegen, Germany 1982 – 1988: Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Chair for „Domestic and International Monetary Economics” at the University of Siegen, Germany University Education: 1982: Diploma in Economics (Diplom Volkswirt) at the University of Konstanz, Germany 1976 – 1982: Graduate Studies in Economic at the University of Konstanz, Germany Research Grants: Since 1999: RTN-Grant from the European Commission entitled „Understanding Europe’s Role in the Global Economy” with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK. 1997 – 1999: ACE-Grant from the Commission of the European Communities entitled „Policy Making in a Small Open Economy Aiming at Joining the European Union: The Case of Hungary“ with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK. 1997: PHARE-Grant from the Commission of the European Communities with the Hungarian National Bank and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK. 1996 – 1999: Grant from the Commission of the European Communities to organize three Euroconferences with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK 1992 – 1993: Research grant from the Fritz-Thyssen Stiftung to visit The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., U.S.A. 1990 – 1993: Research grant from the Commission of the European Communities under the “Stimulation Programme for Economic Sciences” (SPES) to finance a joint Research Network with Professor John Drifill (University of Southampton), Professor Frederick van der Ploeg (University of Amsterdam), and Professor Michael Wickens (University of York) Research Contracts: Since Oct. 2000: Member of the Research Advisory Board of the Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main. 1996-1998: Research contract as a consultant for a study "The Stability of Money Demand in Austria and in the EMS"; Contractor: Austrian Nationalbank, Vienna, Austria 1994: Joint Research contract on "The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on European Community Trade" with Professor André Sapir and Dr. Khalid Sekkat (both University of Brussel); Contractor: European Parliament, Directorate – General for Research, Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1989-1990: Joint Research contract on „Asymmetries and Adjustment Problems“ with Professor David Begg (Birbeck College, University of London, UK); Contractor: Commission of the European Communities, Directorate – General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels, Belgium Research Affiliations: Since 1990: Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, UK. 1997: Visiting Fellow of the European University Institute, Florence, Italy 2001: Visiting scholar of the research department of the European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1997, 1994: Visiting fellow of the International Monetary Fund, Research Department, Washington, D.C., USA 1992 – 1993: Visiting Fellow of The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., USA. Organization of Conferences: 2002/2004: Organizer of a ECB/FED/CGES/CFS conference on "International Research Forum on Monetary Policy", Frankfurt, July 5/6 2002 and Washington D.C., 2004. Co-organisers: Matthew Canzoneri (Georgetown University), Dale Henderson (Federal Reserve Board), Axel Weber (Center for Financial Studies) and Ignazio Angeloni (European Central Bank). 2003: Member of the Organizing Committee of the "Tagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik", Zürich, Switzerland 2002: Member of the Organizing Committee for the "17th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association", Venedig, Italy. 2002: Organizer of a WELTBANK/CFS conference on "Has Globalisation Gone to Far? On the Effects of Capital Account Liberalization", Washington D.C., Spring 2002. Co-organisers: Graciela Kaminski (George Washington University) and Sergio Schmuckler (World bank). 2001: Organizer of a CFS/Bundesbank conference on "How to Pave the Road to E(M)U: The Monetary Side of the Enlargement Process (and its Fiscal Support), Secrecy and Monetary Policy", jointly with CFS and the Deutschen Bundesbank, Eltville, October 2001. Co-organizer: Hermann (Deutsche Bundesbank). 2001: Organizer of a CFS-Summer School "Recent Advances in Monetary Economics", Bundesbank Training Center Eltville, 12-19 August 2001. Co-organizer: Volker Wieland (University Frankfurt) 2001: Organizer of a CFS-conference on "The ECB and Its Watchers III", Frankfurt/Main, June 2001. 2000: Organizer of a CGES/CEPR/CFS conference on "Monetary Policy Challenges In The 21st Century A Transatlantic Perspective", Washington DC, October 2000. Co-organisers: Matthew Canzoneri (Georgetown University), Christopher Erceg, Dale Henderson, Andrew Levin (Federal Reserve Board), Axel Weber (Center for Financial Studies) and Holger Wolf (Georgetown University). 2000: Organizer of a CFS/Bundesbank conference on "Transparency, Secrecy and Monetary Policy", jointly with CFS and the Deutschen Bundesbank, Frankfurt, October 2000. Co-organisers: Reiner König, Heinz Hermann (both Deutsche Bundesbank), Gerhard Illing (University Frankfurt). 1999: Organizer of a CFS-conference on "The ECB and Its Watchers II: EMU? So Far, So Good", Frankfurt, June 2000. 1999: Co-organizer of a conference on "Monetary Policy-Making under Uncertainty", organized jointly the ECB, Frankfurt, 3/4 December 1999. Co-organisers: Frank Smets (EZB) and Ignazio Angeloni (EZB) 1999: Organization of a CFS-conference on "The ECB and Its Watchers", Frankfurt 17/18 June 1999 1999: Organization of a CFS Workshop on "Exchange Rate Regimes" for the Deutsche Bundesbank, Training Center Hachenburg, 1/2 June 1999. 1998: Co-organizer of a CEPR-confernec on "Structural Explanations of Real Exchange Rates", organized jointly by CEPR and the Austrian Nationalbank, Vienna, 3/4 April 1998. Co-organizer: Eduard Hochreiter (OENB) 1998: Co-organizer of a CEPR-conference on "Financial Crises: Contagion and Market Volatility", organized jointly by CEPR and the World Bank, London 8/9 Mai 1998. Co-organisers: Pierre-Richard Agénor (World Bank), Manmohan Kumar (Credit Suisse First Boston), and David Vines (Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford, and CEPR) 1998: Co-organizer of a CEPR-conference on "Financial Crises and Asia", London, February 1998 Co-organisers: Manmahan Kumar (Credit Suisse First Boston), Richard Portes (LBS and CEPR) and David Vines (Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford, and CEPR) 1997: Co-organizer of a CEPR-conference on "Market Integration and Real Exchange Rates" , jointly with Professor Mathiew Canzoneri , Robert Cumby and Francesco Giavazzi at Goergetown University, Washington, D.C., USA 1997: Organizer of a CEPR Euroconference on "Speculative Attacks on Foreign Exchange Reserves" at Sesimbra, Portugal, hosted by the Banco de Portugal 1995: Co-organizer of a CEPR Workshop on "Money and Exchange Rates in Europe" jointly with Professsor Mathiew Canzoneri and Professor Francesco Giavazzi at Bocconi University, Milano, Italy 1995: Member of Organizing Commitee for the "10th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA)", at Prague, Czech Republic 1995: Organizer of a CEPR Workshop on "Money and Exchange Rates in Europe", at the University of Bonn 1994: Organizer of a CEPR Workshop on "Money and Exchange Rates in Europe" jointly with Professor Mathiew Canzoneri and Professor Vittorio Grilli at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA 1993: Member of the Organizing Committee for the "8th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA) at Helsinki, Finland Referee for Economic Journals: American Economic Review (AER), Journal of Political Economy (JPE), Journal of Monetary Economy (JPE), Journal for International Economics (JIE), The Economic Journal (EJ), The Review of Economics and Statistics (RES), The European Economic Review (EER), Economica, The Machester School, Oxford Economic Papers (OEP), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Open Economy Review (OER), Economic Policy, International Journal of Economics and Finance, European Journal for Political Economy, Empirical Economics, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Kredit und Kapital, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie Journal of Economics, Zeitschrift des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Prof. Dr. Axel A. Weber: Publications: A selected List of Publications (November 1999) including articles in academic journals, books (including co-edited books), articles in books, and orking papers/studies. Working papers: Weber, Axel A.: "The Credibility of Monetary Target Announcements: An Empirical Evaluation", Center for Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 9031, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Weber, Axel A.: "Stochastic Process Switching and Intervention in Exchange Rate Target Zones: Empirical Evidence from the EMS", Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No. 554, CEPR, London, England. Weber, Axel A.: “Exchange Rates, Target Zones and International Trade: The Importance of the Policymaking Framework", Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge der UniversitätGesamthochschule Siegen, No. 41-93, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Siegen. Weber, Axel A.: "The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on European Community Trade: A Study for the European Parliament", Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No. 1041, CEPR, London, England (with André Sapir and Khalid Sekkat). Weber, Axel A.: "The Term Structure of Interest Rate Differentials in Exchange Rate Target Zones: Empirical Evidence from the EMS", Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No. 611, CEPR, London, England. Weber, Axel A.: "The Costs/Benefits of a Common Monetary Policy in France and Germany and Possible Lessons for Monetary Union", Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper No. 1041, CEPR, London, England. (with Jaques Mélitz). Weber, Axel A.: "Sources of Speculative Attacks: An Empirical Analysis", Sonderforschungsbereich 303 Discussion Paper No. 418. Weber, Axel A.: "Sources of Business Cycles and Long-term Growth: A Comparative Empirical Study", Sonderforschungsbereich 303 Discussion Paper No. 4. Weber, Axel A.: Quantifying Channels of Contagion, Work in Progress (with Paul Masson) Weber, Axel A.: "How Wide are European Borders? On the Integration Effects of Monetary Unions ", forthcoming as CFS Discussion Paper, 2002 (with Guenter W. Beck). Weber, Axel A.: "Economic Integration and the Exchange Rate Regime: How Damaging are Currency Crisis", forthcoming as CFS Discussion Paper, 2001 (with Guenter W. Beck). Weber, Axel A.: "Monetary Policy Rules and EMU", forthcoming as CFS Discussion Paper, 2001. Weber, Axel A.: "Price Stability, Inflation Convergence and Diversity in EMU: Does One Size Fit All?", work in Progress (with Guenter W. Beck) Articles: Weber, Axel A.: "EMU Asymmetries and Adjustment Problems in the EMS: Some Empirical Evidence", European Economy - Special Edition No. 1 (1991), S. 187-207. Weber, Axel A.: "Reputation and Credibility in the European Monetary System", Economic Policy 12 (1991), S. 57-102. Weber, Axel A.: "The Role of Policymakers' Reputation in the EMS Disinflations: An Empirical Evaluation", European Economic Review 36 (1992), S. 1473-1492. Weber, Axel A.: "Long-run Neutrality and the Lucas-Critique: Empirical Evidence for the United States and Europe", Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 41 (1994), S. 67-117. Weber, Axel A.: "Monetary Policy in Europe: Towards a European Central Bank and One European Currency", International Journal of Public Administration 18, Special Issue on Europe 2000: The Future of the European Union, 1995, S. 1513-1562. Weber, Axel A.: "Exchange Rate Mayhem: The Antecedents and Aftermath of Speculative Attacks: Comments", Economic Policy 21 (1995), S. 300-307. Weber, Axel A.: "Germany before and After Unification: The Determinants of Business Cycles and Long Term Growth", Economic Modelling 13 (1996), S. 575-601. Weber, Axel A.: "Côuts et Avantages d’une Politique Monétaire Commune en France et en Allemangne", Économie Internationale 65 (1996), S. 63-92 (mit Jaques Mélitz). Weber, Axel A.: "Sources of Purchasing Power Disparity between the G3-Economies", Journal of Japanese and International Economics, erscheint demnächst. Weber, Axel A.: "Ursachen Spekulativer Attacken: Eine empirische Analyse", Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik, 1998. Weber, Axel A.: "Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bildungsstand und Wirtschaftswachstum: Theorie und empirische Evidenz", Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik, 1998. Weber, Axel A.: "Stabilization Policy in Multi-Country Models: Comments", in: Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau, Hrsg., European Integration in the World Economy, Studies in International Economics and Institutions, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Deutschland, S. 130-139. Weber, Axel A.: "The Design of Fiscal Rules for Europe after 1992: Discussion", in: Francisco Torres und Francesco Giavazzi, Hrsg., Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1992, S. 83-91. Weber, Axel A.: "Exchange Rates and the Effectiveness of Central Bank Intervention: New Evidence from the G-3 and the EMS", in: Christian Bordes, Eric Girardin, und Jaques Mélitz Hrsg., European Currency Crisis and After, Manchester University Press, Manchester England, 1995, S. 202-235. Weber, Axel A.: "Intervention, International Policy Coordination and the Future of EMU: A German Perspective," in: Mathiew Canzoneri, William Ethier and Vittorio Grilli, Hrsg., The New Transatlantic Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1996, S. 54113 Weber, Axel A.: "Is Central Bank Intervention Effective in Stabilizing Exchange Rates?" in: Franco Bruni, Donald Fair and Richard O’Brien, Hrsg., Risk Management in Volatile Financial Markets, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht, Niederlande, 1996, S. 255-282. Weber, Axel A.: "Contagion, Monsoonal Effects, Spillovers and Jumps between Multiple Equilibria: Comments" in: Agénor. Pierre-Richard, Marcus Miller, David Vines and Axel Weber (eds.), "The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences", Cambridge University Press, 1999. Books: "Neue Klassische Makroökonomie, rationale Erwartungen und kontemporäre Information: Theoretische Analyse, ökonometrische Testprobleme und empirische Evidenz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter Verwendung des Kalman-Filters", Schriften zur angewandten Ökonometrie, Heft 20, Verlag Haag & Herrchen, Frankfurt am Main, 403 Seiten, 1988. "The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences", Cambridge University Press, 1999, (with Pierre-Richard Agénor, Marcus Miller and David Vines, eds.) "The Euro: A Challenge and Opportunity for Financial Markets", Roudlege Publishers, 1999, (with Michael Artis, eds.). "Monetary Policy and Credibility: Theories and Facts", Mimeo.