Eine Liste der eingereichten Beitraege


Eine Liste der eingereichten Beitraege
GASIR Jahrestagung 2005
Jena, 10-12. Oktober
Böttcher M.E., Ferdelman T.G., Joergensen B.B., Blake R.
& Surkov A.
Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of microbial sulfate reduction by the deep biosphere off Peru (ODP Leg 201)
Isotope biogeochemistry of diagenesis caused by a black shale-fueled marine biosphere (ODP Leg 207)
H . Beschow, J. Schulze, B. Hayas, W. Merbach
Bedeutung N-haltiger Wurzelabscheidungen in Mischkulturen von Nichtleguminosen mit Leguminosen
W.A. Brand, M. Patecki, P. Ghosh ans M. Rothe
J-RAS: A high precision reference for the isotopic composition of CO2 in air
Simon Davis
Dual inlet precision 13C analysis with multi-aliquot CF analysis
Barbara Deutsch, Petra Kahle, Maren Vofl
Impact of Drainage Water Nitrate on Adjacent Surface Waters: A stable isotope approach
R. Langel, L. Szwec, J. Dyckmans
A practical guide to the reliability of simultaneous δ13C and δ15N measurement at different C/N ratios
U. Flenker, C. von Kuk, V. Gougoulidis, F.Hülsemann, W.
Influence of dietary changes on the dynamics of 13C/12C in selected urinary steroids
Julia Gaye-Siessegger, Ulfert Focken, Hansjörg Abel,
Klaus Becker
Effect of dietary protein/energy ratio on trophic shift of C and N isotopes and on the activity of enzymes involved in
the amino acid metabolism of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
Gerhard Gebauer
Mundraub im Wurzelraum: Isotopenhäufigkeitsanalysen und molekularbiologische Daten liefern neue Einblicke in
die komplexe Ernährungsweise der Waldbodenvegetation
H.Geilmann, J.Richter, W.A. Brand
irm-EAMS routine - measurements
Benny Geypens, Michael Berglund, Alain Maquet,
Fernando Cordeiro, Philip Taylor
Potential of nitrogen isotopic analysis in crops for the discrimination of agricultural systems
E. Hettmann, F. Volders, and G. Gleixner
Compound specific carbon isotope ratios of metabolites in Plants determined by LC/MS-IRMS
J. Jung, U. Hener, A. Münch, A. Mosandl
Authenticity Assessment of Glycerol in Wine
Frank Keppler
Carbon isotope anomaly in the major plant C1 pool and its biogeochemical implications
Petra Linke, Willi A. Brand
E. Lehndorff, B. Nabbefeld, U. Flenker, F. Hülsemann, M.
Urbat, L. Schwark
Biomonitoring of atmospheric COx and NOx in urban and rural areas using carbon and nitrogen isotopes as proxy
parameters. Part I: method development
Y. Oelmann, W. Wilcke, R. Bol
Quellencharakterisierung mit Hilfe von 15N und 18O Isotopen im Nitrat unter leguminosenhaltigem Grünland
Christian Pazmandi and Michael Traugott
Calibration of isotopic turnover rates in wireworms, common agricultural pests
Juergen M. Richter and Willi A. Brand
High Precision Continuous Flow δ2H and δ18O Analysis
Söe, Burse, Bartram, Boland
De novo biosyntheses versus sequestration of defense compounds in leaf beetles ñ a mechanistic approach by
stable isotopes and molecular biological techniques
M. Saurer, C. Reynolds, P. Cherubini, K. Treydte, R.
Changing relation between CO2- and water fluxes in Swiss forests
R. Sutka, G. Adams, N.E. Ostrom and P.H. Ostrom
Hanns-Ludwig Schmidt und Andreas Rossmann, HansPeter Sieper und Hans-Joachim Kupka
Ein Meflsystem zur parallelen Isotopenverhältnis- und Elementaranalyse
M. Schumacher, R.E.M. Neubert, H.A.J. Meijer
About the characteristics of delta18O in combustion derived CO2
G.L.B. Wiesenberg, M.W.I. Schmidt and L. Schwark
Is the atmospheric Suess-effect reflected in arable soils of urban areas?
S.Sewenig, S.Fichtner, T.Holdermann, G.Fritschi,
Bestimmung der d13C V-PDB und d15N V-AIR-Werte von Cocain aus einer Großsicherstellung in Hessen
Janine Seyfferth
Biosynthese von Blüten- und Blätterduftstoffen - verfolgt anhand stabiler Isotopen
Rolf Siegwolf, Matthias Saurer
d13C and d18O from Carbon Mono- and Dioxide, two proxies for tracing combustion sources
Stange C.F. und Pekkarinen N.
Doppel Isotopen-Tracer Studie zur Validierung der barometrischen Prozessseparation
S. Steinbeiss, G. Gleixner
Variable contribution of soil and plant derived carbon to dissolved organic matter
N. Stelzer, S. Weber, I. Nijenhuis, M. Kästner, H.-H.
Monitoring of in situ biodegradation of groundwater contaminants using a test system (BACTRAP) with 13C-labelled
Nadine Borges, Michael Rode, Gerhard Strauch
Identifikation von Nitratquellen in einem landwirtschaftlich genutzten Tieflanddrainagesystem mittels stabiler Isotope
A.Telz, G. Gleixner
Seasonal variations in the sources of soil CO2 in a deciduous forest of the national park ÑHainich, Germany
Alexandra Theune, Michael Böttcher und Michael
Abiotic hydrolysis or microbial disproportionation of elemental sulfur? An experimental sulfur and oxygen isotope
S and O isotope composition of the atmoshere in Saxony (Germany)
Rober van Geldern and Axel Suckow
Correction strategies in deuterium analysis using chromium reduction
Esther Thomas, Albrecht Hesse und Gerd E. von Unruh
Der Einfluss einer vegetarischen Kost mit niedrigem und hohem Oxalatgehalt auf die intestinale Oxalatabsorption
und Oxalatausscheidung im Urin
Maren Voss, Barbara Deutsch, Ragnar Elmgren, Christoph
Humborg, Pirju Kuuppo, Marianna Pastuszak, Carl
Rolff,Ulrike Schulte
River biogeochemistry and source identification of nitrate by means of isotopic tracers in the Baltic Sea catchments
Jenny Weihmann
Stabile Isotope (C,N) zur Herkunftsbestimmung von Cyaniden in belasteten Böden
N site preference of N2O produced by fungal denitrification
Reinhard Well, Fawwaz Jaradat, Irina Kurganova, Valentin
Lopes, Heinz Flessa
Isotopomer signatures of N2O emitted from an arable loess soil under different process conditions - a soil
microcosm study.
G.L.B. Wiesenberg, J. Schwarzbauer, and L. Schwark
Plant-internal variation of lipid composition and compound-specific isotopes of various crops
Wutzke KD, Oetjens I
13C- and 15N-incorporation of doubly stable isotope labelled Lactobacillus johnsonii in humans.
Böttcher M.E., Bernasconi S.M. & Simon K.
Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen isotope fractionation during experimental formation of pirssonite
Neil Wallace
Analysis of low concentration ground water contaminants from sample head space vials using automated CryoFocusing GC-C-IRMS
M. Hebestreit, U. Flenker, U. Güntner, H. Geyer, W.
Determination of the origin of urinary norandrosterone-traces by gas chromatography / combustion / isotope ratio
mass spectrometry
Frank Keppler, David B. Harper, Thomas Röckmann,
Robert M. Moore and John T.G. Hamilton
New insight into the atmospheric chloromethane budget gained using stable carbon isotope ratios
E. Lehndorff, C. Ostertag-Henning, L. Schwark
Biomonitoring of atmospheric COx and NOx using carbon and nitrogen isotopes as proxy parameters. Part II: The
Cologne Conurbation
Böttcher M.E. , Wortmann U.G. & Bernasconi S.M.
Isotope geochemistry of sedimentary sulfur in hypersulfidic carbonates of the Great Australian Bight (ODP Leg 182)
F. Hülsemann, U. Flenker, W. Schänzer
Isolierung von Kreatin und Kreatinin aus dem Urin für die 13C/12C und 15N/14N Isotopenanalyse
S.P. Sah, N. Lamersdorf and R. Brumme
Natural abundance of 15N in different compartments of a spruce forest ecosystem under acid rain and manipulated
clean rain field conditions
Dirk Sachse, Jens Radke, Ines Mügler and Gerd Gleixner
Compound specific hydrogen isotope rations of biomarkers reconstruct the palaeoclimate
From atmosphere into soil – Carbon (C) translocation in an agro ecosystem under FACE conditions
A. Augusti, T. Nicol, M. Öquist, T. Sparrman, J. Schleucher
M.Boner, K. Hecker, H. Förstel
Inertes Material zum Einsatz in der Hochtemperaturpyrolyse
A. Hilkert, D. Juchelka, M. Krummen
New Applications by Isotope Ratio Monitoring LC/MS
Monika Joschko and Gerd Gleixner
Spatial variability of 13C-signatures on agricultural sandy soil