Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise
Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise
Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinwelse" AMTLICHE VEROFFENTLICHUNGEN Vereinte Nationen Documents, Offi Records, Africa: Economic Commission for Publications Africa, annual report, 22 April 1986-27 April 1987, E/ 1987/36, E/ECA/CM.13/60, June 1987, VII, 187S. (ESCOR 1987 Suppl.16). - Review Appraisal of the UN Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990, E/1988/40, Jan.26, 1988, 3S. idem, UNCTAD's contribution to the implementation of the UN-PAAERD 1986-1990, Progress report prep. by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/1191, Aug.10, 1988, 11, 9S. idem, interaction between the external environment and the efforts of African countries in the implementation of the relevant provisions of the UN-PAAERD, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/1 182, Aug. 11, 1988, 111, 53 S. Summary of the Survey of Economic and Social The Iron and Steel Conditions in Africa 1986-1987, E/1988/60, May 18, 1988, 16 S. Industry of West, North and Central Africa, PPD.77, April 28, 1988, VII, 93 S. (UNIDO Sectoral Studies Ser.41). Maritime Transport Review for Developing Africa 1986, report by the secretariat of UNCTAD, UNCTAD/AP/3, July 1988, IV, 41 S. Land Policy and Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa, selected papers presented at a workshop held in Gaborone, Botswana, 14-19Febr.1982, ed. by J.W. Arntzen, L.D. Ngcongco, and S.D. Turner. The UNU, Tokyo, 1986. VIII, 150S. (UN Rural Development in White Sales Publ.: 1986. III.A.6). [Doc.] NRTS-28/UNUP-604. Nile Province, Sudan, a study of interaction between man and natural resources, ed. by H. R.J. D a v i e s. The UNU, Tokyo, 1986. V, 142 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1986. III.A.5). [Doc.] NRTS-27/UNUP-579. Asia and the Far East: Implementation of Selected Country Programmes, Asia and the Pacific., report of the Administrator, DP/1988/28, April 20, 1988, 12S. Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Asian-Pacific Region, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/39, Dec.1 8,1987,2 S. & Addendum. Summary of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 1987, E/1988/57, April 27,1988, 16 S. Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, report of the S-G, E/1 988/55, April 26, 1988, 17 S. Migration of Asian Workers to the Arab World, ed. by and - - - - - - - - - - - In dieser Abteilung wird auf eine unter sachlichen Gesichtspunkten getroffene Auswahl Neuerscheinungen hingewiesen, die im Institut vorhanden sind. Besprechung der hier angezeigten Veröffentlichungen bleibt vorbehalten. * von © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 162 Literatur G Godfrey u n a t iII e k e. The UNU, Tokyo, 1986. V, 358 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1986. III.A.2). [Doc.] HSDB-30/UNUP-555. Atomic Radiation: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Radiological Weapons, CD/864, Aug.29,1988,29S. Bacteriological (Biological) and Chemical Weapons: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemical Weapons to the Conference on Disarmament, CD/874, Sept. 12, 1988, 176 S. idem, special report, CD/83 1, April 20, 1988, 146 S. Report of the Mission Dispatched by the S-G to Investigate Allegations to the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Conflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran -and Iraq, note by the S-Gj S/2-0 060, July 20, 1988, 23S. & Addendum. idem, S/20063, July 25, 1988, 19S. & Addendum. idem, S/ 20134, Aug. 19, 1988, 16 S. - - - Capital - Punishment: tection of the Implementation of the United Nations Safeguards Guaranteeing ProRights of those Facing the Death Penalty, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/ 1988/9, June 3, 1988, 34 S. Charter: Bericht des Sonderausschusses ffir die Charta und die Starkung der Rolle der Vereinten Nationen, A/42/33, Nov.1987, 111, 35 S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.33). Child: Children in a Global Context, report of the Executive Director, E/ICEF/1988/ 2(Partl), Febr.18, 1988, 16S.; Part1l, programme statistics, report of the Executive Co-ordination on InE/ICEF/1 988/2(Part Il)/Add. 1, March 15, 1988, 16 S. formation in the Field of Youth, report by the S-G, E/1988/29, March 28, 1988, 19S. Prevention of the Disappearance of Children, report prep. by Mr. Theo v a n B o v e n, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/19, Aug.10, 1988, 11, 18S. Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of theChild, E/CN.4/1988/28, April6, 1988, 53S. The State of the World's Children 1987, James P. Grant, Executive Director of the UNICEF. Publ. for UNICEF by Oxford University Press, Oxford, etc., 1987 [X], Director, - - - - 148S. Commodity Trade: Draft Annotated Terms of.Referende for an International Tin Study Group Established outside of UNCTAD, TD/TIN.7/3, Sept.2, 1988, 15S. & Addendum. Draft Terms of Reference andRules of Procedure for an Intergovernmental Producer-tonsumer Forum or Group for Tin Established within UNCTAD, TD/ TIN.7/4, Sept.2, 1988, 4 S. idem, of an Intergovernmental Group on Copper, note by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/COPPER/6, March 22, 1988, 6 S. Legal, Administrative and Financial Aspects Relating to the Establishment of a Copper Forum or Group within - - - and outside of UNCTAD, idem, of March 28, 1988, 6 S. - note a by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/COPPER/7, or group, note by the, UNCTAD secretariat, tin forum TD/TIN.7/5, Sept.7, 1988, 6 S. Major Aspects of Structural Change in Consumption, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C. 1 /TUNGSTEN/76, Aug.31, 1988, 25 S. Report of the Committee on Commodities on its 12th Session, 2-17Febr.1987, TD/B/ 1132, TD/B/C. 1/292, June 1988, IV, 39 S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppl.8). Report of the Committee on Tungsten on its 19th Session, 9-19Nov.1987, TD/B/C.1/295, TD/B/ C.1/TUNGSTEN/74, March 30,1988,23 S. -Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Market Development for Copper, 13-16june 1988, TD/B/C.1/297, TD/B/ C.I/COPPER/AC/2, June27, 1988, 8S. Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Iron Ore on its 2nd Session, 7-11 March 1988, TD/B/C.1/296,'TD/B/IPC/ IRON ORE/AC.1/10, June 20,1988,22 S. - - - - to Imprisonment and the Reduction of the Prison PopUlaContinuation of by the Secretariat, E/AC.57/1988/10, June3, 1988, 4S. Preparations for the 8th UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Crime Prevention: Alternatives tion, note Offenders, the - idem, report of report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/14, June 21, 1988, 17S. preparatory meeting on topic 1: Crime prevention and criminal justice in - interregional © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 163 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise context of development, realities and perspectives of international co-operation, idem, topic II: Vienna, 15-19 Febr.1988, A/CONF.144/IPM.1, March 10, 1988, 28 S. the - problems of imprisonment, other penal sanctions and alternative measures, Vienna, 30May-3june 1988, A/CONF.144/IPM.4, June9, idem, topic III: Effective national and international action against (a) orga1988, 38 S. nized crime; (b) terrorist criminal activities, Vienna, 14-18 March 1988, A/CONF.144/ IPM.2, April 11, 1988, 44 S. idem, topic IV: Prevention of delinquency, juvenile justice and the protection of the young, policy approaches and directions, Vienna, 18-22 April idem, topic V: UN norms and guide1988, A/CONF. 1 44/IPM.3, May 11, 1988, 42 S. lines in crime prevention and criminal justice, implementation and priorities for further standard setting, Vienna, 27june-1 July 088, A/CONF.144/IPM.5, July 11, 1988, 47 S. Measures Taken to Implement the Declaration of Basic Principles of justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/3, July 8, 1988, 29 S. Progress Made with Respect to the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/8, April22, 1988, 20S. & Criminal justice policies in relation to - - - - - Addenda & Revision. Progress Report on UN Activities in Crime Prevention and Proposals for Control, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/2, June3, 1988, 25S. Concerted International Action Against Forms of Crime Identified in the Milan Plan of Review of the Action, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/16, April 14, 1988, 25 S. Functioning and Programme of Work of the UN in Crime Prevention and Criminal - - - Justice, report of the S-G, E/1988/31, April25, 1988, 19S. 1dem, E/AC.57/1988/13, June27, 1988, 22S. Supervision of Foreign Offenders who Have Been Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released, preliminary report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/7, Febr.9, 1988, 13 S. The Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters, preliminary report - - - of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/6, Febr.9,1988,14 S. Cyprus: Question of Human Rights in Cyprus, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/27, Febr.3, 1988, 3 S. Report by the S-G on the UN Operation in Cyprus, for the period 1 Dec. 1987-31 May 1988, S/19927, May 31,1988,15 S. & 1 Kt. & Addendum. - hochrangigen Ausschusses ftir die Oberpriifung der techEntwicklungslindern, A/42/39, Sept.1988, IV, 51 S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.39). Economic and Financial Co-operation of the USSR with Developing Countries, note by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/1 19 1, Sept.23, 1988, 5 S. Major New Developments in the Economic Co-operation and Integration Groupings of Developing Countries, 1985-1987, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C.7/87, Operational Activities for Development, report of the 3rd (ProJuly 6, 1988, 41 S. Production and gramme and Co-ordination) Committee, E/1988/116, July 25,1988, 6 S. Use of Machine Tools in Selected Developing Countries, Milan, Italy, 14-220ct.1987, report, PPD.81, May25, 1988, IV, 54S. (UNIDO Sectoral Working Paper Ser.67). Report of the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Island Developing Countries, Malta, Trends in International 24-25 May 1988, UNCTAD/ST/LDC/9, July 5, 1988, 11 S. Agricultural Markets with Special Reference to the Share of Developing Countries, report Financial Solidarity for Development, 1987 of the S-G, E/1 988/70, June 27, 1988, 25 S. review. Development assistance from OPEC members and institutions to other developing countries 1981-1985, report by the UNCTAD secretariat. New York, 1988. X, Developing Countries: Bericht des nischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen - - - - - - - (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.D.4). [Doc.] TD/B/C.3/225, TD/B/C.7/85. GuideliPlanning in Developing Countries, basic principles and practices. UNIDO, Vienna, 1988. IX, 136 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.111.E.4). [Doc.] ID/349. The 174 S. nes - for Industrial - 1987 report, prep. by the UNCTAD secretariat. New York, 1988. XI, 202S. & Annex, 110S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198711.D.12). [Doc.] TD/B/1153. Policies for Development and Selected Issues for Action, proceedings of a Least Developed Countries, - Technology © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 164 Literatur seminar organized by Islamic 10-17Nov.1986. New York, Bank and UNCTAD, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, XXIX, 267S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1l.D.7). [Doc.] Development 1988. UNCTAD/TT/94. Diplomatic Intercourse: Eighth Report on the Status of the Diplomatic Courier and the Diplomatic Bag not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier, by Mr. Alexander Ya h k o v, Special Rapporteur, A/CN.4/417, June 7,1988, 71 S. Disarmament: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the World Disarmament Conference, A/S-15/4, May 1988, 111, 9 S. (GAOR 15th Spec.Sess.Suppi.4). Report of the Preparatory Committee for the 3rd Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to DisarWorld Dismament, A/S- 15/1, Febr. 1988, 111, 22 S. (GAOR 1.5th Spec.Sess.Suppl. 1). annament Campaign, report of the S-G, A/S-1 5/9, May 19, 1988, 13 S. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Comprehensive Programme of Disarmament, CD/867, Sept.2, 1988, 33 S. idem, special report, CD/832, April 21, 1988, 35 S. Report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly'of the UN, CD/875, Sept.20, 1988, 303 S. ideml special report. to the 3rd Special Session of the General Assembly of the UN Devoted to Disarmament,,CD/834, May 2, 19883 265 S. Confidence-building Measures in Africa, by Augustine P. M a h i g a and Fidelis M. N j 1. New York, 1987 V, 16 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZO.5). [Doc.] UNIDIR/87/33. The International Non-proliferation R6gime 1987, by David A. V. F i s c h e r. New York, 1987 V, 81 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZO.2). [Doc.] UNIDIR/87/5. The Status of Multilateral Arms Regulation and Disarmament Agreements, 3rd ed., 198Z New York, 1988. IV, 190S. (UN Sales Publ.: 108.IX.5). Study on Deterrence, its implications for disarmament and the arms race, negotiated arms reductions and international security and other related matters, report of the S-G. New York, 1987 IX, 142 S. (UN Sales, Publ.: 198ZIX.2). [Doc.] A/ 41/432. (Disarmament Study Ser. 17). The UN and Disarmament, a short history. New - - - - - - - - - - - York, 1988. XV, 112S. -The'UN Disarmament Yearbook; Vol.12, 198Z New York, 1988. XIX, 506 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.IX.2). The UN General Assembly and DisarUNIDIR on mament 198Z New York, 1988. IX, 184 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.IX.3). China's Concept of Security, by Yimin S o n g. Geneva, 1986. 111, 40 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1986.0.1). [Doc.] UNIDIR/85/6. - - Discrimination: Analysis of the Replies Received from Governments on Action Taken under Programme of Action for the 2nd Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discriminadon, repoit of the S-G, E/1988/8, March 7, 1988, 33 S. Implementation of the Declarathe - the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, report submitted by Mr. Angelo V i d a I d'A I m e i d a R i b e i r o, tion on Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/1988/45, Jan.6, 1988, 11, 28 S. & Addendum. ImplementaProgramme of Action for the 2nd Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/2, Dec.10, 1987,2S. idem, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/33, Dec.9, 1987, 4 S. Report of the Working Group on Indigenous Population on its 6th Session, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/24, Aug.24, 1988, 36 S. & Addenda. Study on the Achievements Made and Obstacles Encountered during the 1st Decide to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, note by Mr. Asbjorn Eide, Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/5, Sept.19, 1988, 4 S. UN Training Course on the Preparation of National Legislation to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, report of the S-G, E/I 988/10, April 8,4988, 8 S. -A Working Paper by Mrs. Erica-Irene A. D a e s Containing a Set of Draft Preambular Paragraphs and Principles for Insertion into a Universal Declaration on Indigenous Rights, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/25, june2l, - tion of'the - - - - 1988,5S. Economic and Social Council: July 1988, XI, 211 S. Report of the ECOSOC for the Year 1987, A/42/3/Rev.1, (GAOR 42nd Sess.Suppl.3). Resolutions and Decisions of the - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Bibliographische 165 und dokumentarische Hinweise session for 1987, New York, 3-6Febr.1987, Ist regular sesYork, 4-29May 1987, E/1987/87, March 1988, 111, 66S. (ESCOR 1987 ECOSOC, organizational sion, New Resolutions and Decisions Adopted by the ECOSOC at its Organizational Session for 1988, 2-5Febr.1988, E/1988/INF/4, Febr.9, 1988, 21S. & Addendum. idem, at its 1st regular session of 1988, 3-27May 1988, E/1988/INF/5, June27, 1988, 129 S. idern, at its 2nd regular session of 1988, 6-29july 1988, E/1988/INF/8, Aug.1 1, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, report on the ist 1988, 72S. Suppl.1). - - - - session, 9-27March 1987, E/1987/28, E/C.12/1987/5, Aug.1987, V, 62S. (ESCOR 1987 Suppl.17). idem, report of the 2nd session, 8-25 Febr.1988, E/1988/14, E/C.12/1988/ 4, Aug.1988, V, 81 S. (ESCOR 1988 Suppl.4). Report of the Special Commission of the ECOSOC on the In-depth study of the UN Intergovernmental Structure and Functions - - in the Economic and Social Fields, E/1988/75, June 1, 1988, 142 S. - Index to Proceedings 1987, 2nd regular 1987, first regular session of the ECOSOC, organizational session 198Z New York, 1988. XVII, 151 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1.12). [Doc.] ST/ session - - - LIB/SER.B/E.64. Co-operation: Note by the S-G, [contains special plan of economic co-operation for Central America], A/42/949, April 26,'l 988, 63 S. Regional Co-operation, report of idem, report of the 1 st (Economic Committhe S-G, E/1 988/69, June 10, 1988, 46 S. Ventures as a Form of International EcoS. 11 1988, joint E/1988/117, 25, July tee), nomic Co-operation, background documents of the high-level seminar organized by the UN Centre on Transnational Corporations in co-operation with the State Foreign Economic Commission and the State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR, Economic - - - Moscow, 10March 1988. New York, 1988. VI, 210S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1l.A.12). [Doc.] ST/CTC/93. Economic Development: Committee for Development Planning, report on the 23rd session, York, 21-24 April 1987, E/1987/23, Aug.1987, IV, 38S. (ESCOR 1987 SuPpl.10). idem, report on the 24th session, New York, 12-15 April 1988, E/1988/16, June 1988, V, 55 S. (ESCOR 1988 Suppl.6). Main Research Findings of the System in Major Global Economic and Social Trends, policies and emerging issues, report of the S-G, E/1988/65, New - - May 31, 1988, 28 S. - Overall Socio-economic Perspective of the World Economy to the S-G, E/1988/62, June 17, 1988, 38 S. Role of Public Sector in the Economic Development of Developing Countries, report of the S-G, A/ Promoting The CDP Report 1988: Human resources 42/138, E/1987/50, March 24, 1987, 25 S. Year 2000, report of the - - development strategy, views and recommendadevelopment, Sales tions of the Committee for Development Planning. New York, 1988. IX, 45 S. (UN Publ.: 19881I.A.11). [Doc.] ST/ESA/208. Modelling of World Economic Development. New York, 1988. V, 56S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.Il.C.2). [Doc.] ST/ESA/195. World Economic Survey 1988, current trends and policies in the world economy. New a neglected dimension of - - York, 1988. IX, 174 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.Il.C.1). [Doc.] E/1988/50, ST/ESA/205. Electronic Data Processing: Guidelines for the Regulations of Computerized Personal Data Files, final report submitted by Mr. Louis J o i n e t, Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/ 1988/22, July 21, 1988, 14 S. Emergency Force: Report of the S-G on the UN Disengagement Observer Force for the period 14Nov.1987-2OMay 1988, S/19895, May20, 1988, 7S. & 1 Kt. 1dem, on the - period 23jan.1988-25july 1988, S/20053, July25, idern, on the implementation of operative para.2 of the S/RES/ 1988, 7S. & I Kt. 598(1987) [UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group], S/20 093 Aug. 7,198 8, 5 S. Energy: Development and Utilization of the New and Renewable Sources of Energy, report Implementation of of the Ist (Economic) Committee, E/1988/110, July 21, 1988, 2S. Resolution 2(111) of the Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and UN Interim Force in Lebanon for the - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 166 Literatur Renewable Sources of Energy at its 3rd Session, report of the S-G, A/AC.218/15, Jan.25, Mobilization of Financial Resources and Inter-agency Co-ordination for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, rep. of the S-G, 1988 31 S. - A/AC.218/16, Febr. 1, 1988, 9 S. Report of the Administrator of the UNDP on Activities in the Field of New and Renewable Sources of Energy, note by the S-G, A/AC.218/ UN Conference for the Promotion of International Co-opera17, Febr. 19, 1988, 12 S. - - tion in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Geneva, 23 March-1 0 April 1987, technical reports, o.J. [1988]. Vol.l: Nuclear energy planning, A/CONF.108/TR.1, I, 170S.; V61.11: Development and perspectives in the field of nuclear energy production, A/ CONF.108/TR.2, 11, 145S.; Vol.Ill: Development and perspectives of other applications of nuclear energy, A/CONF.108/TR.3, III, 286S.; Vol.IV: Nuclear safety and radiological protection, A/CONF. 1 08/TR.4, 11, 193 S.; Vol.V: Spent fuel and radioactive management, A/CONF.108/TR.5, 1, 104S.; VoLVI: Practices and experiences in legal, administrative and regulatory aspects, A/CONF.108/TR.6, II, 110S.; Vol.Vll: Personnel training, A/CONF.108/TR.7, 1, 34S. New and Renewable Sources of Energy for Development. Bangkok, July 1988. IV, 100 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.111.7). [Doc.] ST/ESCAP/580. (Energy Resources Development Ser.30). Environment: Cross Programme Analysis of the Activities of the UN System waste - in the Area of Environment, report of the S-G, E/AC.51/1988/7, -March 30, 1988, 41 S. Illegal Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes, report of the S-G, E/1988/ - 72, May 16, 1988, 5 S. International Co-operation on the Environment, report of the 1 st Medium-term Plan of the (Economic) Committee, E/1988/118, July26, 1988,-9S. UNEP for the Period 1990-1995, as approved by the GC in para.1 of its decision SS.I/6 of 18 March 1988, UNEP/GCSS.1/7/Add.2, May 9, 1988, 40 S. idem, UN system-wide medium-term environment programme, UNEP/GCSS.1/7/Add.1, May 1988, VIII, 103 S. Report on New Projects 1987 Nairobi..1988. IX, 96 S. UNEP Environmental Management Guidelines. Nairobi, 1'988. Vol. 14: Domestic wastewater management. VI, - - - - - S.; Vol. 15: Rural workcamps. VI, 15 S.; Vol. 16: Flood plain management. VII, 19 S.; V61.17: Coastal protection measures, VII, 18S. ACCIS Guide to UN Information Sources on the Environment, prep. by the ACCIS in collaboration with the INFOTERRA PAC of the UNEP. New York, 1988. X, 141S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZO.6). Environmental Aspects of Nickel (ACCIS Guides to UN Information Sources 2). 29 - - Production, part 1: Sulphide pyrometallurgy and nickel refining, a technical review. Paris, 198Z [iv], XII, 117S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1986.III.D.13). (UNEP-Industry & Environment Technical Review Ser.7). Environmental Management Practices in Oil Refineries and Terminals, an overview, Paris, 198Z [iii], XI, 103 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1II.D. 1). (UNEP-Industry & Environment Overview Ser.). Regional Strategy for Environmental - - Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources MECE Member Countries Covering the Period up to the Year 2000 and Beyond, as adopted by the ECE at its 43rd session, 1988 in decision E(43). New York, 1988. IV, 52 S. (UN Sales Publ.:, 1988.1l.E.26). [Doc.] E/ECE/1 171, ECE/ENVWA/5. Use and Disposal of Wastes from Phosphoric Acid and Titanium Dioxide Production. New York, 1988. XII, 141 S. (UN Sales Publ.: - 1988.1l.E.27). [Doc.] ECE/CHEM/65. Europe: Economic Commission for Europe, annual report, 11 April 1987-21 April 1988, E/ 1988/36, E/ECE/1 170, June 1988, V, 128 S. (ESCOR 1988, Suppl. 12). The Commission's Activities and Implementation of Priorities in 1987, report of the Executive Secretary, E/ECE/1153, Febr.8, 1988, 13S..- idem, contribution to the UN programmes designed to assist developing countries, E/ECE/1 155, Febr.2, 1988, 8 S. Co-operation in the Field of Transport, report by the Executive Secretary, E/ECE/1 159, March 7, 1988, 3 S. idem, with other international. organizations, E/ECE/1 156, Jan.25, 1988, 7 S. - - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise 167 Development of Trade and Industrial Co-operation, note by the Executive Secretary, Febr.3, 1988, 5 S. ECE Today, economic co-operation in action, ECE/ GEN/1 00, Sept. 1988, [1], 12 S. idem, in the Mediterranean in the Light of the Final Act of the CSCE, report by the Executive Secretary, E/ECE/1164, Febr.24, 1988, 4S. Programme of Work for 1988-1992, note by the Executive Secretary, E/ECE/1169, March 14, 1988, 8 S. Resolutions Bearing on the Work of the Commission Adopted by the ECOSOC and the GA, note by the Executive Secretary, E/ECE/1154, Febr.23, 1988, 8S. Summary of the Economic Survey of Europe 1987-1988, E/1988/52, April 22, 1988, 8 S. Supplementary Report Containing Views and Proposals of the ECE to the Special Commission of the ECOSOC on the In-depth Study of the Intergovern- - E/ECE/1 158, - - - - - - mental Structure of the UN Economic and Social Sectors, E/ECE/1 150/Rev. 1, Nov. 16, Overall Economic Perspective to the Year 2000. New York, 1988. X, 224 S. 1987, 52 S. - (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.ILEA [Doc.] ECE/ED.AD/32. Freedom of Information: for Programme Implementation of the Recommendations and Co-ordination at its 26th Session on Made by the Committee Department of the Work of the Public Information, report of the S-G, E/AC.51/1988/1 1, April 25, 1988, 13 S. Present Policies for Distributing Material through UN Information Centres, report of the UN - Information Committee, E/AC.51/1988/12, April 25, 1988, 9 S. International Co-operin the Information Field, some new trends and tendencies, prep. by A. Wy s o c k i, ID/WG.474/1, July 6,1988,14 S. - ation Friendly Relations Among States: Bericht des Ausschusses fiir die samkeit des Grundsatzes der Nichtanwendung von Gewalt in Vers6rkung der Wirk- den internationalen Bezie- hungen, A/42/41, Febr.1988, 111, 32 S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.41). Assembly: Official Records: Annexes, 40th session, 17Sept.-18Dec.1985, 28Apr.-9May, 20june and 15Sept.1986. V61.1, agenda items 3-84. New York, Aug.1988. XIIS., getr.pag. [480S.]; V61.11, agenda items 85-150. New York, Aug.1988. Resolutions and Decisions Adopted by the GA during its XIIS., getr.pag. [388S.]. 42nd Session. V61.1, 15 Sept.-21 Dec. 1987, A/42/49, July 1988, 111, 357 S. (GAOR 42nd idem, Resolutionen und Beschftisse, A/42/49, Sept.1988, III, Sess.Suppl.49, Vol.[). 414S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.49, Bandl). Index to Proceedings of the GA, 42nd session 1987/1988. Parti: Subject index, conclusion of the 41st session, 1986/198Z New York, 1988. V, 394 S.; Part II: Index to speeches. New York, 1988. IX, 601 S. (UN Sales Publ.: General - - - 198 8.1.16, Part Human Rights: 1, 11). [Doc.] ST/LIB/SER.B/A.42, Part 1, 2. Commission on Human Rights, report on the 44th session, 1 Febr.- 1IMarch 1988, E/1988/12, E/CN.4/1988/88, Apr.1988. XV, 383S. (ESCOR 1988 Suppl.2). idem, report of the 2nd (Social) Committee, E/1988/89, May 12, 1988, 2 S. & Addendum. idem, report to the Special Commission of the ECOSOC, E/CN.4/1988/ The Administration of justice and the Human Rights of 85, March 11, 1988, 10 S. - - - Detainees, report of the Working Group on Detention, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/28, Aug.29, idem, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/15, Jan.27, 1988, 4 S. idem, succint 1988, 22 S. - information - on the work of the Human Rights Committee and Discrimination, developments elsewhere the Committee on the Elimination of Racial in the Human Rights programme and the activities within the UN Programme on Crime Prevention and Control as they relate to the question of the Human Rights of persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/18, June 17, 1988, 24 S. 1dem, synopsis of material received from Non- Governmental Organizations in consultative status with the ECOSOC, prep. by the Secretariat, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/15, July 7, 1988, 13 S. Advisory Services in the Field of Human Rights, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/60, Febr. 15, 1988, 8 S. idem, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/6, Jan.6, 1988, 2 S. idem, E/CN.4/1988/40, Jan. 18, 1988, 10 S. & Addendum. idem, report on Guatemala by the - - - - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Literatur 168 Mr. H6ctor G r o Expert report on Haiti 1988, 13 S. - by the Analysis Esp s I e 11, E/CN.4/1988/42, Dec. 10, 1987, 11, 13 S. idem, Braunschweig, E/CN.4/1988/38, Febr.3, - Mr. Andr6 Expert of the Current Trends and Developments Regarding the Right to Leave any Country Including One's Own Country, and some other Rights or Considerations Arising therefrom, final report prep. by Mr. C. L. C. M u b a n g a C h i p o y a, E/ CN.4/Sub.2/1988/35, June 20, 1988, VIII, 128 S. & Addendum. Development of Pub- - lic Information Activities in the Field of Human Rights, report of the S-G, E/CNA/ Report to- the Commission on Human submitted by Mr. Jos6 Antonio El of the Human Situation in Salvador, on Rights Rights Human Rights and P a s t o r R i d r u e j o, E/CN.4/1988/23, Jan.29, 1988, 11, 30 S. Disability, progress report by Mr. Leandro D e s p o u y, Special Rapporteur, E/CNA/ Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Sub.2/1988/1 1, June 13, 1988, 20 S. 1988/20, Jan. 15, 1988, 9 S. & Addendum. - Final - - by the UN University, note by the S-G, E/CNA/ 1988/48, Dec.23 1987, 8 S. Interrelationship between Human Rights and International Report of the Peace, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/2, June 9, 1988, 26S. Sessional Working Group on the Question of Persons Detained on the Grounds of Mental III-health or Suffering from Mental Disorder, E/CNA/Sub.24988/23, Aug.26, 1988, 15 S. Report of the Working Group on a Draft Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Developments, information submitted - - - Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, E/CN.4/1988/26, March 8, 1988, 34 S. Report of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary DisapAddendum. Report of pearances, E/CN.4/1988/19, Dec.31, 1987, IV, 69 S. & Annex & the Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Right to Development, E/CNA/ 1988/10, Jan.29, 1988, 17S. Report on the Human Rights Situation in the Islamic - - - of Iran, by the Special Representative of the Commission, Mr. Reynaldo Galindo P o h 1, E/CN.4/1988/24, Jan.25, 1988, 11, 23 S. idem, on the question of Human Rights in Chile, submitted by Mr. Fernando Vo I i o J I m 6 n e z, 1 Special Rapporteur, E/ Republic - CN.4/1988/7, Febr.5, 1988, 62 S. stan, prep. the by Febr.26, 1988, 11, Well as - Mem, on Special Rapporteur, 13 S. - Respect for the the Situation of Human Mr. Right Felix of Ermacora, Everyone in Association with Others and its Contribution to to Own Rights in Afghani- E/CN.4/1988/25, Property Alone as the Economic and Social of Member States, note by the S-G, E/1988/24, April25, 1988, 5S. Report and List of States which, since ljan.1985, have proclaimed, extended or terminated,a state of emergency, presented by Mr. Leandro Despouy, Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/18, July 13, 1988, 29 S. & Addendum. Hu- Development - Second Annual - man Rights, a compilation 1988. VIII, 416S. Yearbook of the Human of international instruments. New York, (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.XIV.1). [Doc.] ST/HR/l/Rev.3. Rights Committee, 1979-1980. VoI.I: Summary records. of the meetings of the 6th to the 10th sessions. New York, 1988. XI, 434S. (UN Sales PUbl.: 1985.XIV.12). [Doc.] Yearbook on Human Rights for 1980. New York, 1988. XXII, 269S. (UN CCPR/2. - - Sales Publ.: 1985.XIV.8). Human Settlements: International Co-operation in the Field of Human Settlements, report of the 1 st (Economic) Committee, E/1 988/109, July 21, 1988, 2 S. In-depth Evaluation of the Major Programme on Human Settlements, progress report of the S-G, E/AC.51/ 1988/4, March 11, 1988, 30 S. Synoptical Table on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee on the Cross-organizational Programme Analysis of the - - System in the Area of Human Settlements, note by the Secretariat, E/AC.51/1988/8, April 18, 1988, 23 S. 'Global Report on Human Settlements: 1986. Publ. by Oxford University Press for the UN Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), Oxford, etc., UN - 198 Z XV, 229 S. & Tab. 1-18. © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 169 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise Indian Ocean: 111, 12 S. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean, A/S-15/5, May 1988, (GAOR 15th Spec. Sess. Suppl. 5). Development: Industry and Development, global report 1988/1989. UNIDO, Vienna, 1988. XXIII, 256 S. & Annex, 107 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.III.E.6). [Doc.] ID/ Industrial 360. Board: Annual Report of UNIDO 1987, Industrial Development July 14, 198 8, VII, 144 S. Report of the IDB on the idem, Work of its 3rd Session, 30june-3july 1987, GC.2/3, July16, 1987, 22S. resumed 3rd session, 120ct.1987, GC.2/3/Add.1, Oct.20, 1987, 6S. Report of the Programme and Budget Committee on the Work of its 3rd Session, 9-18March 1987, Industrial Development Board, 4th session, 198 8, IDB.4/1 0, - - - idem, 4th session, 20-24june 1988, IDB.3/2, March3l, 1987, 10S. & Addenda. IDB.4/4, June 30, 1988, 12 S. Industrial Development Organization: Decisions and Resolutions of the General Conference, 2nd regular session, Bangkok, 9-13 Nov.1987, GC.2/INF.4, Dec.3, 1987, V, The Financial Regulations, note by the D-G, GC.2/21, Oct.23, 1987, 9S. 43S. FinanFinancial Rules of UNIDO, UNIDO/DG/B. 74, April 8, 1988, 35 S. & Annex. cial Situation of UNIDO, budget performance report 1986-1987, submitted by the D-G, - - - - IDB.2/36, PBC.3/12, Febr.4, 1987, 10 S. idem, report of the D-G on the regular budget Programme for Repayment of 1986-1987, IDB.3/34, PBC.3/19, Sept.23, 1987, 18 S. the UN Loan to UNIDO, proposals by the D-G, IDB.3/32, PBC.3/17, June 19, 1987, Status Report Staff Regulations, note by the D-G, GC.2/26, Oct.23, 1987, 17 S. 3 S. of Assessed Contributions Paid and of Advances to the Working Capital Fund for the Years 1986 and 1987, submitted by the Secretariat, IDB.3/30, PBC.3/15, June.15, 1987, - - - - 7S. jurisdiction: Draft Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, note by the Secretariat, E/AC.57/1988/15, Jan.28, 1988, 7S. Draft Declaration on the Independence and Impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and Assessors and the Independence of Lawyers, report of the Special Rapporteur, Mr. L. M. S i n g h v 1, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/ International Criminal - 20, July 20, 1988, 26'S. & Addendum. Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions and Measures for their Prevention and Investigation, report of the S-G, E/AC.57/1988/5, June 1, 1988, 25 S. Implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the judiciary, note by the Secretariat, E/AC.57/1988/4, Jan.28, 1988, 5 S. Summary and - - - Arbitrary Executions, report by the Special Rapporteur, Mr. S. Amos Wa k o, E/CNA/ 1988/22, Jan.19,1988, 11, 57 S. & Addenda. International Law: The Status of the Individual and Contemporary International Law, study Mrs. Erica-Irene A. D a e s, Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/33, July 18, 1988, VIII, 113 S. & Addendum. International Law Commission: The Work of the International Law Commission, 4th ed. New York, 1988. X, 402 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.V. 1). International Monetary System: Report of the 6th Session of the Co-ordination Committee by Multilateral Payments Arrangements and Monetary Co-operation among Developing Countries, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2-4Nov.1987, UNCTAD/ST/ECDC/39, June13, Bilateral Investment Treaties. New York, 1988. VII, 194 S. 1988, 11, 9 S. & Ann.I-III. on - (UN Sales Publ.: 19881I.A.1). [Doc.] ST/CTC/65. International Responsibility: Fourth Report on International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law, b o z a, Special Rapporteur, A/CN.4/413, April 6,1988, 37 S. by Mr. Julio B ar - Security: Sixth Report on the Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind, by Mr. Doudou Thiam, Special Rapporteur, A/CN.4/411, Febr.19, 1988, 18 S. International © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 170 Literatur International Watercourses: Fourth Report on Non-navigational Uses of McCaffrey, Special Rapporteur, A/ the Law of the International Watercourses, by Mr. Stephen C. CN.4/412, March 3,1988,32 S. & Addenda. 15june 1988 from the Permanent Representative of the USA to the UN the President of the SC [report of the UN Command concerning the maintenance of the Armistice Agreement of 1953 during the period.1 Jan. 1987- 31 Dec. 1987], S/ Note by the President of the S-C [official report of the 19950, June20, 1988, 7S. Korea: Letter dd addressed to - Korean People's Army and Chinese People's Volunteers Side to the Korean Military Armistice Commission), S/20100, Aug.9, 1988, 14S.. idem, [special declaration made - the President Roh Tae Woo], S/19999, July8, 1988, 5S. idem, [statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea to implement the special declaration of the President], S/20 028, 19 July 1988, 5 S. on 7july 1988 by - Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, summary 1986, E/ idem, summary 1987, E/1,988/61, May24, 1988, 23S. 1987/55, April22, 1987, 37S. Evaluation of Latin American Multinational Enterprises, report prep. by Mr. Waldo Latin America: Economic - - Palma, UNCTAD/ST/ECDC/35, Nov.5, 1987, 47S. Development and for vanquishing property. Santiago, Chile, 1988. 114S. (VN Sales The Publ.: 1988.II.G.3). [Doc.] LC/G.1472. (Estudios e Informes CEPAL 69). Evolution of the Latin American Economy in 1986. Santiago, Chile, 1988. 95S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1l.G.4). [Doc.] LC/G.1501. (Cuadernos de la CEPAL 58). Protectionism: Regional negotiation and defence strategies. Santiago, Chile, 1988. 261 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.G.9). [Doc.] LC/G.1459. (Cuadernos de la CEPAL 59). Law of the Sea: The Law of the Sea: A select bibliography. New York, 1988. VII, 49 S. (UN The Law of the Sea: R6g1me of islands, Sales Publ.: 1988.V.2). [Doc.] LOS/LIB/3. legislative history of partVIII (Art.121) of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. New York, 1988.111,124 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZV.11). Mercenaries: Report on the Question of the Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-determination, submitted by:the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Enrique B e r n a I e s B a I I e s t e r o s, E/CN.4/1988/14, Jan.20, 1988, 11, 35 S. Farias - Change: Strategies - - - Minorities: Election of Members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/46, Dec.31, 1987, 4 S. & Ann.1, 11 & Addenda. Report of the Su on Prevention of Discrimination - and Protection of Minorities on its 39th Session, Geneva, 10 Aug. -4 Sept. 1987, by Mr. Joinet, Rapporteur, E/CN.4/1988/37, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1987/42, Nov.23, 1987, X, 150 S. Report of the Working Group on the Rights of. Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, E/CN.4/1988/36, March 8, 1988, 13 S. Louis - - Review of Further Developments in Fields with which the Sub-Commission Has Been Concerned, report submitted by the Unesco, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/4, July 15, 1988, 7 S. I.dem, by the ILO, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/3, July 6,1988, 9 S. Namibia: Mi.11tary Situation in and Relating to Namibia, report of Standing Committee II, A/AC. 131/24 1, April 9, 198 7, 28 S. Programme of Work of the Committee on the UN - - Fund for Namibia for 1987, A/AC.131/273, Nov.17, 1987, 6S. idem, for 1988, A/ AC. 131/278, April 8, 1988, 6 S. Report on the Activities of Foreign Economic Interests - - Operating in Namibia, report of Standing Committee 11, A/AC. 131/243, April 29, 1987, 31 S. Report on Contracts between Member States and South Africa since the Adoption of A/RES/40/97 A of 13 Dec. 1985, report of the Standing Committee II, A/AC. 131/265, Oct.22, 1987, 37S. Report on Political Developments Related to Namibia, report of Standing Committee II, A/AC.131/240, April 16,1987,31 S. UN Council for Namibia, - - - idem, programme programme of activities for 1988, A/AC. 131/269, Oct.28, 1987, 18 S. of work of Standing Committee I for 1987, A/AC. 131/233, Febr. 10, 1987, 19 S. idem, - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 171 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise for 1988, A/AC.131/275, Febr.18, 1988, 18S. idem, of Standing Committeell for idem, of Standing Committee III for 1988, A/ 1987, A/AC. 131/232, Febr.2, 1987, 6 S. AC. 131/282, May 23, 1988, 19 S. Narcotic Drugs: Commission on Narcotic Drugs, report on the 32nd session, - - 2-11Febr.1987, E/1987/17, E/CN.7/1987/18, March 1987, IV, 78S. (ESCOR 1987 Suppl.4). idem, report of the 1 Oth special session, 8-19 Febr. 1988, E/1 988/13, E/CN.7/ 1988/14, April 1988, V, 150 S. idem, report of the 2nd (Social) Committee, E/1 988/87, May 13, 1988, 24 S. Recommendations of Subsidiary Organs of the Commission, note by the S-G, E/CN.7/1988/9, Dec.22, 1987, 3 S. Action to Give Effect to the Relevant Recommendations of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, - - - - by note the S-G, E/CN.7/1988/4, Dec.22, 1987, 5 S. & Addenda. - Heads of National report of the 2nd meeting, E/ CN.7/1989/2, June 3, 1988, 16 S. idem, Asia and the Pacific region, report of the 13th meeting, E/CN.7/1988/8, Dec.15, 1987, 18S. idem, Latin American and Caribbean region, report of the 1st meeting, E/CN.7/1988/7, Nov.20, 1987, 20S. Implementation Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Africa, - - - Psychotropic SubPreparation of the New stances, note by the S-G, E/CN.7/1988/5, Dec.28, 1987, 33 S. Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, note by the S-G, E/CN.7/1988/2(Part I), Dec. 15, 1987, 4 S. idem, report of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting, Vienna, 25jan.-5Febr.1988, E/CN.7/1988/ of the International Treaties on the Control of Narcotic Drugs and - - idem-1 report of the Review Group, Vienna, 1988, 32 S. 27june-8july 1988, E/CONF.82/3, July20, 1988, 115S. Sub-Commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, report on the 23rd Summary of the session, Vienna, 3-4Febr.1988, E/CN.7/1988/13, Febr.9, 1988, 11 S. Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1987, E/1988/33, Febr.10, 1988, Triennial Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations Made by the 5 S. Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its 25th Session on the Work of the Drug Control Programme, report of the S-G, E/AC.51/1988/5. March 23, 1988, 18 S. UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control, interim report, E/CN.7/1988/12, Dec.16, 1987, Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 17 S. and Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Con2(Part IV), Febr.8, - - - - - - (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.X1.1). [Doc.] ST/NAR/14. Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance, report of the 3rd (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee, E/1988/11 1july21,1988, 8 S. Natural Resources: Net Transfer of Resources from Developing to Developed Countries, Replenishment of the UN Revolving report of the S-G, E/1988/64, June 22, 1988, 23 S. Fund for Natural Resources Exploration, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/48, trol. New York, 1988. VIII, 100S. Natural Disasters: Special Economic, - March 14, 1988, 10 S. Non-Self-Governing Territories: Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, A/41/23, June 1988, X, 261 S. (GAOR 41st -Sess. Suppl.23). idem, working paper prep. by the Secretariat, American Samoa, A/AC.109/ idem, Bermuda, A/AC. 109/942, April 7, 1988, 16 S. idem, 953, April 25, 1988, 16 S. British Virgin Islands, A/AC. 109/940, March 15, 19885 18 S. idem, Cayman Islands, A/ AC. 109/941, March 24, 1988, 18 S. idem, Guam, A/AC. 109/945, April 11, 1988, 16 S. & Addenda. idem, Montserrat, A/AC. 109/944, April 6, 198 8, 22 S. idem, St. Helena, - - - - - - - idem, Tokelau, A/AC.109/937, March 1, 1988, A/AC.109/938, March 15, 1988, 21 S. 13S. idem, United idem, Turks and Caicos, A/AC.109/950, April 15, 1988, 17S. Activities of Foreign EcoStates Virgin Islands, A/AC.109/955, May3, 1988, 27S. - - - - nomic and other Interest which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 172 the Literatur Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples other Territories under Colonial Domination and Efforts Apartheid and Racial Discrimination in Southern Africa, in Namibia and in All Eliminate Colonialism, working paper prep. by the to idem, Bermuda, A/AC. 109/ Secretariat, Anguilla, A/AC. 109/935, Febr. 10, 1988, 5 S. idem, Cayman Islands, A/AC.109/943, March 24, 1988, 5 S. 947, April 21, 1988, 8 S. idem, Montserrat, A/AC. 109/946, April 14, 1988, 8 S. idem, Turks and Caicos Islands, A/AC.,109/952, April 18, 1988, 6 S. idem,. United States Virgin Islands, A/AC. 109/956, May 13, 1988, 8 S. Information from Non-self- governing Territories Transmitted under Art.73' of the Charter of the UN, report of the S-G, A/AC.109/917, July 28, 1987, 5 S. - - - - - - - Military Activities and Arrangements by Colonial Powers in Territories under their Administration which Might be Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, working paper prep. by the Secretariat, Bermuda, A/AC.109/902, July27, 1987, 3S. idem, A/AC.109/948, April 15, 198 8, 2 S. idem, Guam, A/AC. 109/949 April 14, 1988, 3 S. idem, United States Virgin Islands, A/AC. 109/954, April 27,1988, 5 S. Nuclear Tests: Progress Report to the Conference on Disarmament on the 26th Session of the Ad Hoc Group of Scientific Experts to Consider International Co-operative Measures to Detect and Identify Seismic Events, CD/853, Aug.8, 1,988, 5 S. Nuclear Weapons: Ad Hoc Committee on Effective. International Arrangements to Assure Non-nuclear-weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons, idem, special report to the Conference on Disarmament, CD/868, Sept.2, 1988, 8 S. report, CD/825, April 11, 1988, 10 S. Outer Space: Co-ordination of Outer Space Activities within the UN System, programme of - - - - work for 1988 and 1989 and future years, report of the S-G, A/AC.105/389, Nov.3, 1987,31 S. Physical Nature and Technical Attributes of the Geostationary Orbit, study - Report of prep. by the Secretariat, A/AC. 105/404, Jan. 13, 198 8, 24 S. & Addendum. the Ad Hoc Committee on Prevention of an Arms Outer Space, CD/870, - Sept. 12, 1988, 15 S. idem, special report, CD/833, April 25, 1988, 18 S. Report of the Legal Sub-Committee on the Work of its 27th Session, 14-31 March 1988, A/AC.105/ 411, April 8, 1988, 56 S. Report of the UN Expert on Space Applications to the Scienti- - - fic and Technical Sub-Committee, A/AC. 105/396, Dec.22, 1987,19 S. Pacific Islands: Report of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust of the Pacific Islands, 17 Dec. 1987-19 July 1988, 55th session, 1OMay Trust 1988, S/20168, Oct.1988, IV, 29S. & 1 Kt. (SCOR 43rd Year Spec.Suppl.1). Territory of the Pacific Islands, working paper prep. by the Secretariat, A/AC.109/957, Territory - May 12, 1988, 28 S. Palestine Question: Assistance to the Palestine People, report of the Administrator, DP/ Recent Economic Developments in the Occupied 1988/23, April20, 1988, 10S. Palestinian Territories, with special reference to the external trade sector, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/1 183, Aug.8, 1988, VI, 34 S. Question of the Violation of Human Rights in the Occupied Arab Territories, including Palestine,. report of the S-G, The Situation of the. Palestinian Women Living E/CN.4/1988/3, Jan.13, 1988, 2S. within and outside the Occupied Arab Territories, report of the S-G, E/CN.6/1988/8, - - - Nov.1 1, 1987,27 S. UN Population Fund, periodic report on evaluation, report of the Executive Director, DP/1988/36, Febr.23, 1988, 23 S. idem, report of the Executive Director for idem, report of the 1987, DP/1988/32, March17, 1988, PartI, 24S.; PartI1, 24S. Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1987, DP/1 988/33, March 8, 1988, Part 1, 25 S.; Part 11, 18 S. idem, work plan for 1989-1992 and request for approval authority, UNFPA, revised report of the Executive Director, DP/1988/34, April 15, 1988, 24 S. Population: - - - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 173 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise budget for the 1988-89 biennium, DP/1988/39, May 3, 1988, 51 S. & Annex. Implications of Population Aging, proceedings of an international population structure and development, Tokyo, 10-12Sept.1987, ST/ - estimates Economic and Social symposium on World Demographic Estimates and Projections, ESA/SER.R/85, 1988, VIII, 430S. 1950-2025, a report prep. jointly by the UN, the ILO and the FAO of the UN, ST/ESA/ SER.R/79, 1988, VII, 386 S. Mortality of Children under Age 5, world estimates and projections, 1950-2025. New York, 1988. VI, 50 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988,XIII.4). [Doc.] ST/ESA/SER.A/105. World Population Trends and Policies, 1987 monitoring - - - Special topics: Fertility and women's life cycle and socio-economic differentials in mortality. New York, 1988. XIV, 411 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.XIII.3). [Doc.] ST/ESA/ Annual Review of Population Law, Vol. 11, 1984. International resolutions SER.A/1 03. and agreements, constitutional provisions, legislation, regulations, )udicial decisions, legal pronouncements. Ed.-in-chief: Paul E. M a s o n, associate ed.: Reed B o I a n d, contributing ed.: Jan S t e p a n. Publ. by UNFPA, New York and Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 198Z XLII, 613 S. Prisoners of War: Report of the Mission Dispatched by the S-G on the Situation of Prisoners of War in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq, note by the S-G, S/20147, Aug.24, 1988, report. - 43S. Public Administration: Public Administration and Finance, report of the 1st (Economic) Committee, E/1 988/94, May 20, 1988, 5 S. Special Action Programme in Public Administration and Management for Africa, report of the S-G, E/1988/21, March 28, 1988, 10 S. Refugees: Bericht des Hohen Kommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Flüchtlinge, A/42/12, - April idem, Addendum, A/42/12/Add.1, Report of the Sub-Committee on Adand Financial Matters, A/AC.96/701, Oct.7,1987,17S. Report of the SubVII, 49S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.12). 1988. Aug.1988. V, ministrative 79S. (GA/OR/42, Suppl.12A). - - - Committee of the Whole on 12th meeting, A/AC.96/700, Executive Committee of the High Intern Protection, Report of the 38th Session of the Programme, Geneva, 5-120ct.1987, A/AC.96/702, Oct.22, 1987, 1, 52 S. &Annex. -Report of the UNHCR, E/1988/53, May 4,1988, 111, 44 S. Security Council: Official Records, 42nd Year: Resolutions and Decisions of the SC, 1987, Oct.5, 1987, 12 S. - Commissioner's S/INF/43, New 17S. April 1988, IV, York, 1988. XV, 71 S. - Index to Proceedings of the SC, 42nd Year 198Z - (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1.11). [Doc.] ST/LIB/SER.B/S.24). Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the UN, report of the 3rd (Programme and Co-ordination) Com- Self-Determination: mittee, E/1 988/107, July 19, 1988, 10 S. Consideration of Maritime Liens and Mortgages and Related Subjects In Accordance with the Terms of Reference of the joint Intergovernmental Group, note by the secretariat of UNCTAD [contains JIGE(IV)/2, LEG/MLM/12], TD/B/C.4/AC.8/12, March 25, 1988, [1], 40 S. idem, note by the Secretariats of UNCTAD and IMO Shipping: - [contains JIGE(IV)/3, LEG/MLM/13], TD/B/C.4/AC.8/13, March 8, 1988, [1], 3S. I.dem, note by the UNCTAD secretariat [contains JIGE(V)/2, LEG/MLM/17, TD/B/ C.4/AC.8/17, Sept.5, 1988, 15 S. & Addendum. idem, consideration of future work on other aspects of the terms of reference, note by the UNCTAD secretariat [contains Report of the ,JIGE(V)/3, LEG/MLM/18], TD/B/C.4/AC.8/18, Sept.5, 1988, 5S. - - - its 12th Session, 10-21 Nov. 1986, TD/B/1 123, TD/B/C.4/ Report of the Joint UNCTAD/ 307, July 1988, V, 37S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppl.6). IMO Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Maritime Liens and Mortgages and Related Committee on Shipping on - Subjects on its 3rd Session, Geneva, 30 Nov-1 I Dec. 1987 [contains 29S. idem, MLM/101, TD/B/C.4/AC.8/10, Jan.27, 1988, [1], ii, - JIGE(III)/3, on LEG/ its 4th session, © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 174 Literatur London, 16-2OMay Aug.4, 1988, IV, 4 S. [contains JIGE(IV)/5, LEG/MLM/15], TD/B/C.4/AC.8/15, Review Conference [UN Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences], report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/CODE.2/4, UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978 Aug.19, 1988, VII, 34S. UNCTAD (Hamburg), note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/306, Febr.19, 1988, 10S. Minimurn Standards for Shipping Agents, UNCTAD/ST/SHIP/13, Sept.7, 1988, 3 S. Review of Maritime Transport 1987, report by the UNCTAD secretariat. New York, 1988. X, 98 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1l.D.6). [Doc.] TD/B/C.4/319. Slavery: Question of Slavery and the Slave Trade in All their Practices and Manifestations, including the slavery-like practices of apartheid and colonialism, note by the S-G, E/ CN.4/Sub.2/1988/31, June 13, 1988, 111, 34 S. Report of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery on its 13th Session, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/32, Aug.22, 1988, 1988 & Annex. - - - - - 32 S. - Slavery and mendations made Slavery-like Practices-: Exploitation of child labour, survey of recomby the Working Group on Slavery and Slavery-like Practices since its idem, sale report of the S-G, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/29, June 6, 1988, IV, 24 S. of children, preliminary report of the S-G, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/30, July 11, 1988, 9 S. Social Development: Social Development, report of the 2nd (Social) Committee, E/1988/91, inception, May 25, - 198 8, 13 S. Social Welfare: of the World Concerning Disabled Persons and the UN Decade of Disabled Persons, report of the S-G, E/1 988/32, April 22, Implementation Programme of Action 1988,14S. South Africa: Activities of Transnational Corporations in South Africa and Namibia and the Collaboration of such Corporations with the Racist Minority R6gime in that Area, report of the S-G, E/C.10/1988/7, Febr.2, 1988, 18 S. Adverse Consequences for the Enjoy- of Political, Military, Economic and other Forms of. Assistance Given to the Racist and Colonialist R6gime of South Africa, updated report prep. by Mr. Ahmad M. K h a I i f a, Special Rapporteur, E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/6, June 15, 1988, 11, ment of Human Rights 22 S. & Addendum. - Implementation of the International Convention on the SuppresApartheid, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/30, sion and Punishment'of the Crime of Nov. 15, 1987, 12 S. & Addenda. - Report of the Group- of Three Established under the Violation of Human Rights in Convention, E/CN.4/1988/32, Febr.2, 1988, 13 S. Southern Africa, interim report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts, -E/CN.4/ 1988/8, Jan.22, 1988, 89 S. Sanctions Against South Africa: The peaceful alternative to violent change. New York, 1988. 201 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1.5). - - State Immunities: Preliminary Report on jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Pro- perty, by Mr. Motoo 0 g 1 s o, Special Rapporteur, A/CN.4/415, May 20,1988,138 S. State Responsibilities: Preliminary Report on State Responsibility by Mr. Gaetano A r a n gi - R u i z, Special Rapporteur, A/CN.4/416, May 18, 1988, 34 S. & Addendum. Tax: International Co-operation in Tax Matters, report of the 1st (Economic) Committee, o - E/1 988/93, May 20, 1988, 2 S. idem, work of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts, report of the S-G, E/1988/11, March 15, 1988, 11 S. Contributions to International Co-operation in Tax Matters. New York, 1988. 111, 40S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.XVI.1). [Doc.] ST/ - - ESA/203. - International Income Taxation and Developing Countries. New York, 1988. VII, 108 S. (UN Sales Pub].: 1988.1l.A.6). [Doc.] ST/CTC/56. Technical Assistance: sion, Report of the Committee on Transfer of Technology on its 6th Ses- 270ct.-13Nov.1986, TD/B/1122, TO/g/C.6/143, May 1988, IV, 33S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppl.5). Recent Trends in International Technology Flows and their Implifor Development, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C.6/145, Aug.18, 1988, V, 28 S. Report of the 4th Meeting of Governmental Experts on the Reverse Transfer of Technology, Geneva, 14-18March 1988, TD/B/1169, TD/B/AC.35/18, - cations - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 175 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise Report prep. by the Co-ordinator for UN Humanitarian and Programmes Relating to Afghanistan, SG/CONF.3/1, June 10, 1988, 29 S. Technical Co-operation Activities of UNCTAD, report by the UNCTAD Technology-related secretariat, TD/B/WP/58, Aug.23, 1988, 11, 41 S. & Addendum. Policies and Legislation in a Changing Economic and Technological Environment, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C.6/146, Aug. 8, 1988, 45 S. UNCTAD Work Programme on the Development and Transfer of Technology and Proposals for Future Work, report by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C.6/147, Aug.8, 1988, 11, 29S. & April 8, 1988, 22 S. - Economic Assistance - - - Addendum. to Be Taken against All Totalitarian or other Ideologies and Practices, fascist and neo-fascist, based on racial or ethnic exclusiveness or intolerterror, systematic denial of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms, or Terrorism: Measures including nazi, hatred, ance, which have such consequences, report of the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/49, Nov.30, 1987,3 S. Torture: Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, note by the S-G, E/CN.4/1988/16, Jan.21, 1988, 2 S. idem, report by the Special RapporAddendum.teur, Mr. P. Kooijmans, E/CN.4/1988/17, Jan.12, 1988, 11, 25S. & - - I.dem, statusof theConvention, reportof theS-G,E/CN.4/1988/18,Dec.11, 1987,4S. Trade: The EEC Scheme of Generalized Preferences, the trade effects of quotas and ceilings 1976/77-1984/85, study by Matthew McQueen, UNCTAD/ST/MD/32, May16, Generalized System of Preferences: Replies received from preference1988, 11, 24 S. - giving countries, the EEC,,note by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/C.5/PREF/30, June 10, 1988, 77 S. The Trade Effects of A Priori Limitations under the EEC Scheme of Generalized System of Preferences, study by Craig R. M a c P h e e, UNCTAD/ST/MD/ Handbook on Restrictive Business Practices Legislation, 30, June 22, 1988, 11, 22 S. note by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/RBP/49, June 29, 1988, 11, 17 S. & Annex. Activities Relating to Specific Provisions of the Set of Principles and Rules, TD/B/RBP/ - - - 48, Aug.3, 1988, 1, 21 S. Legislative and other Developments in Developed and DevelPractices (1985-1988), prep. by oping Countries in the Control of Restrictive Business Work Programme on the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/RBP/51, Aug.26,1988,1,24S. Restrictive Business Practices, note by the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/RBP/50, - - July 26, 1988, 4 S. Trade and Development: Alternative Approaches for Extending Concessions on Non-tariff Negotiations with Special Reference to Developing Countries, research paper prep. by Mr. P.J. L I o y d, UNCTAD/ST/ECDC/45, June 21, 1988, 11, Bilateral Agreements on Trade and Economic Co-operation Concluded by Devel33 S. Alfredo C a oping Countries, texts arranged by subject. Vol.l: Compilation prep. by Measures in Trade - - s t I II o G 6 in e z, UNCTAD/ST/ECDC/36, March 22,1988, V, 231 S., E/F/S. - Devel- opments and Issues in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, note by Trade and Development the UNCTAD secretariat, TD/B/1186, Sept.14, 1988, 10S. Report 1988, report by the secretariat of the UNCTAD. New York, 1988. XXI, 292 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.D.8). [Doc.] UNCTAD/TDR/8. Trade and Development Board: Official Records: Decisions, 33rd session, 2nd part, - April and 14 April 1987, TD/B/1 138(Vol.1), April 1988, 111, 7 S. (TDBOR idem, 15th special session, 18-2OMay 1987, TD/B/ Sess.Suppl.1(2nd part)). 1140(Vol.1), April 1988, 111, 3S. (TDBOR 15th Spec.Sess.Suppl.1). idem, resolutions 24 March-3 33rd - - and 210ct. and 20Nov.1987, TD/B/ session, idem, report, 15th 1152(Vol.I), April 1988, 111, 11S. (TDBOR 34th Sess.Suppl.1). 18S. V, 18-20 1988, (TDBOR 15th 1987, TD/B/1140(Vol.11), July session, May special and decisions, 34th 1st part, 5-16 - Spec. Sess.Suppl. 1 A). Trade on - Report of the Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related its 12th Session, 1st part, 8-19Dec.1986, TD/B/1124, TD/B/C.3/217, to July 12 Za6RV 49/1 © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 176 Literatur 1 1988, IV, 54 S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppi.7). idem,, 12th session, 2nd part, 2-6 March 1987, TD/B/1133, TD/B/C.3/224, April 1988, IV_16S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppl..9). Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Definitions. and Methodology - - in the UNCTAD Data Base Employed on Trade Measures on its 2nd Session, Geneva, 16-2OMay 1988, TD/B/1176, TD/B/AC.42/6, June28, 1988_20S. Report of the Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget on its 11 th Session, ,24-26Febr.1986, TD/B/1089, TD/B/WP/45, July 1988, 111*, 7S. (TDBOR. 32nd Sess.Suppl.5). idem, on its 12th session, 6-100ct.1986, TD/B/1119, TD/B/WP/48, 1987, 111, 16 S. (TDBOR 33rd Sess.Suppl.4). idem, on the 1 st and 2nd parts of its 13th session, 8May and 14-24Sept.1987, TD/B/1147, TD/B/WP/50, July 1988, IV, 23S. idem, on its 14th session, 2-9Febr.1988, TD/B/1157, (TDBOR 34th Sess.Suppl.3). TD/B/WP/53, Sept.1988, 111, 10 S. (TDBOR 34th Sess.Suppl.3). Trade and Development- Organization: Consolidated List of UNCTAD Meetings, 1964-1988, TD/B/INF.161 Aug.25, 1988, V, 77S.:- Programme Evaluation in UNCTAD, report by the S-G of UNCTAD, TD/B/1 184, July 14,1988,111,24 S. Trade Law: Bibliography of Recent Writings Related to the Work of UNCITRAL, note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/313, Febr.12, 1988, 17S. Collection and Dissemination of Information on Interpretation of UNCITRAL Legal Texts, note by the. Secretariat, A/ - - - - -7 CN.9/312, March 17,1988, 7 S. Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods, note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/308, Febr.23, 1988, 6 S. Preliminary Study of Legal Issues in International Countertrade, report of the S-G, A/CN.9/302, - - March 2,1988, 25 S. Report of the Working Group -on International Contract Practices on the Work of its 11th Session, New York, 18-29jan.1988, A/CN.9/298, Febr.8,1988, - 33 S. - Report of the Working Group on International Payments on the Work of its 17th Session, New York, 5-15july,1988, A/CN.9/317, Aug.25, 1988, 31 S. Stand-by Letters of Credit and Guarantee, report of the S-G, A/CN.9/301, March 21, 1988, 31 S. Training and Assistance, note by the Secretariat,. A/CN.9/31 1, Febr.-I 8, 1988, 9 S. UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/309, March 25, 1988, 12 S. UN Conventibn on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/307, Febr.12, 1988, 7S. UN Commission on International Trade Law: Yearbook Vol.XVI, 1985. New York, 1988. V, 519S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZV.4). [Doc.] A/CN.9/SER.A/1985. idem, Vol.XVII, 1986. New York, 1988. V, 416S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.V.4). [Doc.] A/CN.9/SER.A/ - - - - - - 1986. Trade Unions: note Allegations Regarding Infringements of Trade by the Secretariat, E/1988/27, April 6, 1988, 11 S. Union Rights in South Africa, Transnational Corporations; Commission on. Transnational Corporations, report on the 14th session, 6-15 April 1988, E/1988/17, E/C.10/1988/16, June 1988, IV, 63 S. (ESCOR 1988 Suppl.7). idem, report of the 1st (Economic) Committee, E/1988/113, July25, - 198 8, 14 S. ties of the - Activities of the UN Centre joint on Transnational Corporations and the Activi- Units Established with the C.10/1988/3, Febr.9, 1988, 37S. Regional Commissions, report of the S-G, E/ Utilization of Regular Budget Resources for the Programme of the UN CTC during the Biennium 1986-1987, report of the S-G, E/C. 10/ 1988/4, Febr.8, 1988, 17S. Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations, note by the S-G, E/1988/39, Jan.29., 1988, 2 S. & Addendum. Experience Gained in the Use of the Information System on Transnational Corporations, report of the S-G, E/C.10/1988/ 14, Jan.27, 1988, 19S. idem, in technical co-operation activities, E/C.10/1988/9, Jan.27, 1988, 16S. Report of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting on its 6th Session, E/C.10/1988/6, March 23, 1988, 21 S. Report of the Secretariat on the 4th Survey on Transnational - - - - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 177 Bibliographische und dokumentarische Hinweise of the S-G, E/C.10/1988/2, March 16, Relating to the Environment, E/ 1988, idem, in services other than banking, report of the SC. 10/1988/11, Jan.27, 1988, 15 S. International Accounting and Reporting G, E/C.10/1988/13, Febr.1, 1988, 29S. Issues: 1987 review. New York, 1988. VII, 140S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.A.8). [Doc.) 18 S. Development, report Corporations and in World Corporations Transnational - Issues - - to Transnational Corpora(UN Sales Publ.: 19871I.A.6). [Doc.] ST/ Transnational Corporations in Biotechnology. New York, 1988. VIII, 136 S. CTC/71. Transnational Corporations in Publ.: 1988.1I.A.4). [Doc.] ST/CTC/61. Sales (UN World Development, trends and prospects. New York, 1988. XXI, 623 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.A.7). [Doc.] ST/CTC/89. idem, executive summary. New York, 1988. ST/CTC/6Z - tions, V6l.VI. National New Legislation York, and Regulations Relating 1988. IV, 322 S. - - - 111, 63 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.11.A. 15). [Doc.] ST/CTC/8Z - Transnational Corpora- tions, a selective bibliography 1983-198Z New York, 1988. Vol.1, VIII, 442S., E/F. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.Il.A.9); Vol.11, VI, 463 S., E/F. (UN Sales Pub].: 1988.II.A.10). [Doc.] ST/CTC/76, V61.1, II. UN CTC Bibliography 1974-198Z New York, 1988. V, 83 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 198ZIl.A.23). [Doc.] ST/CTC/88. Transport: Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, report. of the Group of Rapporteurs on its 37th session, 7-11 March 1988, ST/SG/AC.10/C.2/29, idem, 38th session, 8-12Aug.1988, ST/SG/AC.10/C.2/31, April22, 1988, 41S. idem, report of the Group of Experts on its 28th session, Sept.20, 1988, 22S. - - - 1-5Aug.1988, ST/SG/AC.10/C.1/20, Aug.25, 1988, 37S. New Transport Technoloin the land, air and maritime transport gies, review of recent technological developments sectors. New York, 1988. VI, 89 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.II.A.14). [Doc.] ST/ESA/196. - Deposited with the S-G, status as at 31 Dec.1987 New York, XXIV, 883 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.V.3). [Doc.] ST/LEG/SER.E/6. Trusteeship Council: Index to Proceedings of the TC, 54th session 1987, 18t,h special 198Z New York, 1988. VI, 51 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1988.1.8). [Doc.] ST/LIB/ session Treaties: Multilateral Treaties 1988. - - SER.B/T.48. UNICEF: UN Children's Fund, financial report and audited financial statements for the of Auditors, A/42/5/Add.2, July 1988, year ended 31 Dec.1986 and report of the Board idem, report of the Executive Board, VII, 73 S. (GAOR 42nd Sess.Suppl.5 B). 1987, E/1987/24, E/ICEF/1987/11, Aug.1987, IV, 60S. (ESCOR 1987 - 20April-1 May Suppl.11). idern, 18-29April 1988, E/1988/18, E/ICEF/1988/13, June 1988, V, 60S. Emergency Operations in 1987, E/ICEF/1988/11, Febr.22, (ESCOR 1988 Suppl.8). 1988, 14 S. Supply Operations, E/ICEF/1988/4, March 23, 1988, 25 S. Medium-term - - - - Plan for the Period 1987-1991, E/ICEF/1988/3, March18, 1988, 53S. Programme Development in the Eastern and Southern African Region, E/ICEF/1988/5, Febr.29, - idem, West and Central Africa Region, E/ICEF/1988/6, Jan.27, 1988, 24 S. idem, Americas and the Caribbean Region, E/ICEF/1988/7, Febr.11, 1988, 25S. idem, idem, East Asia and the Pakistan Region, E/ICEF/1988/8, Febr.2, 1988, 23S. idem, Middle East and South Central Asia Region, E/ICEF/1988/9, Jan. 13, 1988, 15S. UNICEF History Series MonoNorth Africa, E/ICEF/1 988/10, Febr.29, 1988, 16 S. graph VIII: Water and Sanitation in UNICEF 1946-1986. M.G. Beyer, ed.: John Balcomb, CF/HIST/MON/87-008, Oct.1987, [11], ii, 67S.; Monograph IX: UNICEF in Education, a historical perspective. H. M. P h i I I i p s, CF/HIST/MON/87-009, Oct. 1987, [1], VI, 98 S.; Monograph X: UNICEF in Asia, a historical perspective, CF/ HIST/MON/88-01 0, June 1988, VIII, 190 S.; Monograph XI: Henry R. L a b o u i s s e, UNICEF Executive Director 1965-1979, CF/HIST/MON/88-01 1, June 1988, [11], 82 S. UNITAR: Keeping Faith with the UN, by B. G. R a m c h a r a n. Nijhoff : Dordrecht, BoSales Publ.: 198ZIII.K.RR/33). ston, Lancaster and UNITAR, 198Z XXI, 354S. (UN 1988, 25 S. - - - - - - © 1989, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 178 Literatur (UNITAR Research Report 33). The Modern Law of Diplomacy, external missions of states and international organizations, by L. D e in b i n s k i. Niihoff : Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster and UNITAR, 1988. XV, 281 S. (UN Sales Publ.: 1987III.K.RR/34). (UNITAR Research Report 34). United Nations: Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, 2nd-11th reports on the proposed programme budget for the-biennium 1988-1989, A/ 42/7/Add.1-10, May 1988, 111, 48S. (GAOR 42nd Sess.Suppl.7A). Activities of the UN Sudano-Sahelian Office, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/49, April5, 1988, 20 S. Annual Overview Report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination for 1987, E/1988/42, March 23, 1988, 44 S. idem, report on expenditures of the UN system - - - - relation Detention of Staff Members programmes, E/I 988/78, July 4, 1988, 23 S. of the UN and the Specialized Agencies, report by the S-G E/CN.4/Sub.2/1988/17, Follow-up to the Cross-organizational Programme Analysis on Aug.19 ' 1988, 6 S. in to - - Economic and Social Research and Policy Analysis in the UN System, note by the S-G, E/1988/47, March 29, 1988, 8 S. Guidelines for International Decades, report of the SG, E/1 988/58, April 27, 1988, 7 S. International Co-operation and Co-ordination within the UN System, report of the 3rd (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee, E/ 1988/114, July25, 1988, 16S. Operational Activities for Development of the UN System, note by the S-G, E/1988/76, July 5, 1988, 31 S. United Nations Volunteers, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/46, March 4,1988,13 S. & Addendum. - - - - United Nations Development Programme: Annual Report of the Administrator for 1987, April 28, 1988, 12 S. & Addenda. Audit Reports, note by the AdministraDP/1988/5, April 7,1988, 19 S. &Addendum. -Current and Prospective Co-opera- DP/1 988/18, tor, - between the UNDP and the World Bank, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/61, tion April 12, 1988, 15 S. Decisions Adopted by the UNDP Council at its Organizational Mid-term Meeting and Special Session, Febr.1988, DP/1988/43, March8, 1988, 9S. Review of Resources, note by the Administrator, DP/1988/26, May4, 1988, 30S. Modalities for Enhancing the Implementation of Inter-country Programmes, report of the Administrator, DP/1 988/69, April 12, 1988, 7 S. New Arrangements in the UNDP in the Field of Science, Technology and Energy, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/ 47, March25, 1988, 19S. Response of the UNDP to Emergency, medium-and longterm development requirement s in Africa, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/,65, - - - --: - Review of Programme and Project Activities, report of the Adminis44 S. DPA 988/19, March 14, 1988, 9 S. & Addenda. Revised Budget Estimates for the Biennium 1988-1989, report of the Administrator, DP/1 988/52, March 29, 1988, 29 S. & May 4 '1988, - trator, Addenda. - idem, report of the ACABQ, DPA 988/58, May 17, 1988, 20 S. The Role of the UNDP Office in Geneva, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/ 75, April 27, 1988, 10S. Strengthening of the Capacity of the UNDP to Promote and Support Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries, including its financing, and - - Functioning - Trust Fund Established report of the Administrator, DP/1988/71, April 18, 1988, 11 S. by the Administrator in 1987, report of the Administrator, DP/1988/53, March 29, 1988, - 16S. 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