Taking Care of Business - Kulturförderpunkt Berlin


Taking Care of Business - Kulturförderpunkt Berlin
Taking Care of Business
An interactive seminar on funding and business development possibilities for Berlin
based creatives. Presented by Kulturförderpunkt Berlin and curator Kate Brehme
(Contemporary Art Exchange), supported by SUPERMARKT
WHEN? Friday 10th October, 12–18 pm
WHERE? SUPERMARKT | Brunnenstraße 69 | 13355 Berlin
Are you a creative worker based in Berlin? Do you want to know more about who can
give you funding and funding advice? Do you want to know what options there are
for developing your creative business? Then this event is for you. Taking Care of
Business will provide an overview of the various possibilities available to help you
fund and develop your creative endeavours in an interactive and informative
afternoon event.
Come meet people from organisations such as Kulturförderpunkt Berlin, Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- & Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes, crowdfunding platform Indiegogo
and the European Enterprise Network, and hear case studies from other creatives
with fundraising and business development experience. After an initial info-session,
participants will have the opportunity to gain more detailed and tailored information
through short consultations or workshops with the speakers, use the SUPERMARKT
space to sit and work on their funding or development applications, and exchange
with other creatives.
An affordable buffet lunch will be provided by SUPERMARKT to keep you energised
for an inspiring and informative afternoon!
Registration: [email protected]
Language: German and English
Cost: Free entry or €5 per person for lunch buffet (optional). Drinks are available for
purchase from our café.
Gefördert durch
Ein Projekt der
12:00-13:00 – Welcome and brief introductory presentations featuring:
Michelle O‘Brien, Creative Producer and Co-Curator, SUPERMARKT
Laura Seifert, Kulturförderpunkt Berlin
Konrad Lauten, German Representative, Indiegogo
Melanie Seifart, Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- & Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes
Anne Le Rolland, Enterprise Europe Network
13:00-13:30 – Case study presentations by Berlin creatives (speakers TBC)
13:30-14:30 – Lunch Break (optional buffet) + Participant sign up for Kulturförderpunkt
14:30-17:00 – You decide! Participants can use the space to participate in:
Funding application writing workshops led by Kulturförderpunkt
One-on-one consultations with speakers
Co-working on your own funding applications
Networking with other creatives
17:00-18:00 – Networking at the SUPERMARKT bar
Kulturförderpunkt Berlin (culture funding point) is a new public-funded service that offers free
information on cultural funding sources. Since autumn 2013 the not-for-profit organisation
Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH with support of the Senate of Berlin and funding from the EU Fund
for Regional development has created this funding information desk which offers advice and
information on funding opportunities from the public and private sector to artists and cultural
projects in Berlin, completely free of charge. http://www.kulturfoerderpunkt-berlin.de/
Kate Brehme is an independent curator and arts educator from Australia. Kate has over ten
years’ experience curating a number of projects, exhibitions and events in Australia, Scotland
and Germany and is director of Contemporary Art Exchange, a curatorial platform for
international exchange projects with young and early career artists. Kate is a lecturer for NODE
Center for Curatorial Studies and runs Coffee, Curating and Cultural Management, a series of
ongoing monthly drop in discussions for Berlin-based curators and cultural managers to network,
discuss methodologies, and get feedback on projects or ideas. contemporaryartexchange.org
Gefördert durch
Ein Projekt der
Enterprise Europe Network’s mission is helping small companies make the most of the
business opportunities in the European Union. Their experts can help you find international
business partners, source new technologies and receive EU funding or finance. And they can
advise you on issues so diverse as intellectual property, going international, or EU law and
standards. The Enterprise Europe Network brings together business support organisations from
more than 50 countries. They are connected through powerful databases and know Europe
inside out. What's more, they have been working together for years, some even for decades.
You'll be amazed at how well your local Network contact point is connected in Europe, and even
beyond. http://een.ec.europa.eu/
Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform used internationally in over 244 countries and territories.
Indiegogo is a way for people all over the world to join forces to make ideas happen. Since 2008,
millions of contributors have empowered hundreds of thousands of inventors, musicians, dogooders, filmmakers – and many more – to bring their dreams to life. Some Indiegogo campaigns
are small and personal. Some are large and mainstream. Each campaign is moving forward
because it is supported by a community of people with a common goal. www.indiegogo.com
Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- & Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes (Cultural and Creative
Industries Initiative of the Federal Government) look at the cultural and creative industries from
a different angle. Their target group are businesses, start-ups, freelancers and self- employed
professionals in the cultural and creative industries. They offer an industry-specific point of
contact for their business-related needs. Their team combines the ideal skills for the interface
between creativity and entrepreneurship: not only are their staff members deeply familiar with
the various creative sectors, but they also possess comprehensive business expertise. These
insights help them to address the needs of creative professionals in a particularly targeted
The SUPERMARKT is a conference and workshop center, a cafe & a coworking space and a place
where international people gather. They offer space for meetings, presentations, work and
mutual thinking. As fans of Digital Culture and Open Source solutions they often organize
community-based events: Hackathons, developer events, tech workshops, book- and
magazinesprints. http://www.supermarkt-berlin.net/en
Gefördert durch
Ein Projekt der