Curriculum vitae Dr. med Jakob R. Passweg


Curriculum vitae Dr. med Jakob R. Passweg
Prof. Dr. med. Jakob R. Passweg, M.S.
June 21, 1959, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
married to: Marianne Schnegg Passweg M.D.
Jonas Raphaël, born August 30th 1996
Lea Pauline, born January 20th 2000
Klinik für Hämatologie
Bereich Innere Medizin
Universitätsspital Basel
Petersgraben 4
4031 Basel
++4161-3287277/ ++4161-2654450
[email protected]
Bättwilerstr 12 4054 Basel
Phone / Fax
Social Sec
Date 11/4/2014
Education/ Diplomas
1978 Graduated High School (Matura), Dt. Gymnasium, Biel
1984 Graduated, Medical School, University of Berne, Switzerland
1987 Dissertation, University of Berne
1994 Swiss Board Certification (FMH) Internal Medicine and Hematology
1996 Master of Science, Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Postgraduate Training
1985 Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, University of Berne, CH (Prof. R. Preisig, MD Thesis)
1985 Editorial assistant, pharma-kritik drug letter (Dr. E Gysling)
1986 Residency Internal Medicine, Ziegler City Hospital Berne (Prof. R Hoigné)
1987 Residency Geriatrics, Basel University Hospital (Prof. H.B.Stähelin)
1988 Residency Internal Medicine Kantonsspital Bruderholz (Prof. H.Kummer)
1990 Residency Internal Medicine Basel University Hospital (Prof. W. Stauffacher)
1991 Fellowship Nephrology, Basel University Hospital (Prof. G. Thiel)
1990 Fellowship Hematology, Basel Univ Hospital (Proff. B. Speck, A.Gratwohl, A. Tichelli)
1994 Clinical and Research Fellow, International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, Health
Policy Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin (Prof. MM Horowitz) and Bone Marrow
Transplant Program MCW (Prof. W. Burns)
Academic position
1995 Visiting Assistant Professor, Health Policy Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
2001 Venia docendi, University of Basel, Medizinische Fakultät, Innere Medizin
2005 Professeur ordinaire, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Genève
2011 Ordinarius Hämatologie, Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Basel
Clinical Position
96-02 Attending physician (Oberarzt), Hematology Division; Basel University Hospital
02-05 Leitender Arzt, Hematology Division; Basel University Hospital
05-10 Chair, Hematology Division, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Professor of Hematology, Geneva University
Current Position
2011 Chair, Hematology Division, Basel University Hospital
Professor of Hematology, Basel University
 Secretary of the Nordwestschweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft Onkologie, 1997-2005
 Secretary of the Severe Aplastic Anemia Working Party of the European Bone Marrow
Transplant Group (EBMT) 1998-2004
 Scientific Advisor, STABMT (Swiss Transplant, Bone Marrow Transplant) Registry, 1998
 Data manager of the Autoimmune Disease Working Party of the EBMT, 1998-2004
 Chairman of the Allogeneic Minitransplant Group of the SAKK ((Schweizerische
Arbeitsgruppe Klinische Krebsforschung) (2001-2005)
 Board member SAKK (2001-2005)
 Executive Committee of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, Member at
Large (2004-2006)
 Advisory Committee of the Center for International Bone Marrow Transplant Research,
Member at Large (2006-07)
 Aplastic Anemia Working Party of the European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group
(EBMT, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), chairman (2004-10)
 Komission unverwandte Knochenmarkstransplantation Swiss Blood Stem Cells 2005
 Chair Komission unverwandte Knochenmarkstransplantation Swiss Blood Stem Cells 20062012
 STABMT (SwissTransplant, Arbeitsgruppe Bone Marrow Transplant), board member, 2006
 Société Suisse d’Hématologie, Board member, 2006;
 Swisscord, Board member, 2006-2010; Chairman 2012  Swiss Cancer League ,Vice president, 2007-10
 Swiss Cancer League, President, 2010
 European Hematology Association: Fellowship and Grants Review Committee 2010
 Ad hoc Scientific Committee on Bone Marrow Failure, American Society of Hematology,
Member, 2011
 NICER (National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Research) Foundation Council,
Switzerland, Member 2010
 Steering Committee, Basel Stem Cell Network, 2011
 Swissbridge Foundation Council 2011
Chair Swisscord 2012
Treasurer, Swiss Society of Hematology 2012
President, Swissbridge Foundation Council 2013
Grant Support
 Basel Section of the Swiss Cancer League, Switzerland, 1994
 Swiss National Fund for Research, Switzerland, 1994
 Ciba-Geigy Jubilaeums Foundation, Basel Switzerland, 1994
 Free Academic Society, Basel Switzerland, 1994
 Cancer Center of the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA, 1996
 NFP 4046-058668 AB0-Incompatibility and Hyper-Acute Xenograft Rejection; 2000,
 NFP 3200B0-106105/1 Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation: Factors associated iwth ist
use and outcome, coinvestigator (CHF 227k)
 Schweiz. Arbeitsgem. für Klinische Krebsforschung (SAKK) 2004 (CHF 20k)
 Stiftung für Hämatologische Forschung, Basel 2004 (CHF 20k)
 Jacques und Gloria Gossweiler Stiftung 2006 (CHF 100k)
 Fondation Dr Henri Dubois-Ferrière - Dinu Lipatti (Co-investigator) (CHF 60k)
 Krebsliga Schweiz 2009. KFS-02464-08-2009 Bertrand Huard: APRIL blockade for the
treatment of Multiple Myeloma? (Co-investigator) (CHF 320k)
 Immunotherapy with NK cells: adoptive transfer of ex vivo expanded and activated NK cells
in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia Biology and medicine (division III) NFP:
32003B_149647. (Principal Investigator)
 American Society of Hematology
 American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
 European Hematology Association
 European Group of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, EBMT
 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie
 Swiss Society of Internal Medicine
 Swiss Society of Hematology
 Swiss Transplantation Society
Meeting Organization
 EBMT annual meeting 2002 Montreux, Switzerland, Scientific Secretary
 DGHO/OeGHO/SGMO/SGH meeting 2003, Basel Switzerland, Scientific Secretary
 EHA-9, 2004 Geneva (European Hematology Association annual meeting) Organizing
 ICHS 2006 (Immunocompromised host society) Montana, Switzerland, Organizing Commitee
 7th International Donor Registry Conference and WMDA Working Group Meeting (Berne,
Switzerland, 16 – 19 April 2008) National Scientific Committee
 14th annual training course of the Swiss Society of Hematology 2008 Geneva Congress
 DGHO/OeGHO/SGMO/SGH meeting 2011, Basel Switzerland, Organizing Commitee
 EBMT annual meeting 2012 Geneva Switzerland, Congress President
Editorial Position
Co-Editor Bone Marrow Transplantation 2007 ->
Conseil de Rédaction: Revue Médicale Suisse 2006 - 2010
Editorial Board, Hematologica, The Hematology Journal 2008 ->
Associate Editor: Annals of Hematology 2009 ->
Editorial Review
American Journal of Hematology, American Journal of Nephrology, Annals of Hematology,
Annals of Oncology, Anti-Cancer Drugs, Autoimmune Diseases, Archivum Immunologiae et
Therapieae Experimentalis, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, BLOOD, Bone
Marrow Transplantation, British Journal of Haematology, Cell Transplantation, Clinical
Immunology, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Clinical
and Developmental Immunology, Clinical Transplantation, Critical Reviews in
Oncology/Hematology, Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy (CSCR), Cytotherapy,
Experimental Hematology, Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy, Hematologica, Infection,
Journal of Critical Care, Journal of Hematotherapy and Stem Cell Research, Journal of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology, Journal of Transplantation, Leukemia, Leukemia & Lymphoma,
Neurology, Oncology, Onkologie, Pathobiology, Swiss Medical Weekly, The Hematology Journal,
The International Journal of the Health Sciences Centre of Kuwait University, Transfusion and
Apheresis Science, Transplant International, Transplant Infectious Disease, Vox Sanguinis
Project Review
SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation), Dutch Cancer Society, INCA (Institut National de
1991: poster prize Swiss Society of Nephrology
2009: best clinical research award: Swiss Society of Hematology
Teaching (since 2006)
Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève pregraduation students
Travaux pratiques en hématologie (2/3ème année, unité défense et immunité)
UIDC (4ème année) Unité d’Introduction à la démarche clinique:
- Forum Anémie (2h)
- Forum Thrombocytopénie (1h)
- AMC (4ème /5ème année, Apprentissage en milieu clinique) fatigue et anémie (10h)
Cours à choix (5ème année): enseigment module transplantation: Greffe de moelle (4h)
Federal exams (6h)
Basel University, Medical Faculty, Master (4th year): Themenblock Blut, Infekt, Abwehr (6h)
Basel University, Medical Faculty, Bachelor (2nd year), From Symptom zur Diagnose
Basel University,Phil II faculty, Stem Cell Biology, Graduate Programme