Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm - 1
Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm - 1
Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -1– Curriculum Vitae 1 Current Positions Director, Social and Epidemiological Research Department, Senior Scientist and Head of Group Population Health Research, Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) 33 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2S1 Tel: ++1 416 535 8501 ext. 6173 Fax: ++ 1 416 595 6033 e-mail: [email protected] 2 Chair Addiction Policy and Professor University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health (full, status only) 155 College Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 3M7 Professor, Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto 1 King’s College Circle Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8 Faculty member: Graduate Department of Community Health and Institute of Medical Science Head, Epidemiological Research Unit Technische Universität Dresden Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie Chemnitzer Str. 46 D-01187 Dresden Germany Other mail: [email protected] Biographical data Jürgen Rehm, born 3-21-1958 Augsburg, Germany Nationality: Canadian, German 1976 High School Graduation (Urbana, Il., USA) 1977 "Abitur"-Graduation from Gymnasium with specialization in mathematics and natural sciences (Augsburg, Germany) 1979-1980 Civil Service at the University hospital at Munich (Germany) 3 Academic training 1977-1979 Undergraduate studies in American and Chinese studies at the "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität" (Munich, Germany) 1980-1984 Undergraduate and graduate studies in psychology and methodology at Mannheim University (Germany) 1984 Graduation in psychology (Diplomprüfung) grade average: 1.0 (best possible) 1985 Ph.D. in psychology with minor in methodology (Dr. phil.): magna cum laude Title: Theoretische und methodologische Probleme bei der Erforschung von Vorurteilen (Theoretical and methodological problems in studying prejudice) 4 Professional experiences 1984 -1988 Assistant professor at Mannheim University and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany 1988 - 1991 Head of different epidemiological working groups at the Institute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology at the Federal Health Office, Berlin; Deputy of the head of the department on "Epidemiology of Health Risks" 1991 - 1994 Senior Scientist and head of section on “Epidemiology and Statistics” at the Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems (SIPAD), Lausanne, Switzerland 1994 - 2002 Dozent ("associate professor") at Zurich University for graduate studies in public health Since 1994 Senior Scientist at the Addiction Research Foundation, later Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 1994 - 1997 Director of the various departments and member of the Senior Management Team at the Addiction Research Foundation 1995 – 1998 Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto status only Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -2- Since 1996 Member of Faculty, Graduate Department of Community Health, University of Toronto Since 1997 First Associate Professor, after 1998 full Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto (status only) 1998 – 2000 Senior Scientist at the World Health Organization, in the Assessment, Classification and Epidemiology Unit, and later in the Assessing Health Needs: Epidemiology and Burden of Disease Unit (on a “When Actually Employed” basis; 1998 and 1999 between 80 and 100 days per year) 1998 –2000 Professor for Health Sciences (full, tenured), University of Applied Sciences Hamburg Since 1998 Full Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health (formerly Public Health Sciences), University of Toronto (status only) 2000 – 2007 Research Director and after 2001 CEO of the Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction in Zurich, a university-affiliated private research and evaluation organisation Since 2002 Co-Head of Section “Population Health Research”, later head of group “Population Health Research” at the Social and Epidemiological Research Department, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario 2003 - 2005 Director, Collaborative Program in Addiction Studies (CoPAS), University of Toronto, Canada Since 2003 Inaugural Chair, Addiction Policy, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; formerly Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UoT (renewed 2009) Since 2004 Head, Epidemiological Research Unit, Technische Universität Dresden, Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie 2005 –2008 Head, WHO Collaboration Centre for Substance Abuse, Zurich, Switzerland Since 2010 Director, Social and Epidemiological Research (SER) department, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario 2011-2016 Faculty member: Institute of Medical Science, UoT Current positions: Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto (status only) Inaugural Chair, Addiction Policy, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Senior Scientist and Co-Head of Section Public Health and Regulatory Policies at the Social and Epidemiological Research Department, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario Director, Social and Epidemiological Research (SER) department, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto (status only) Head, Epidemiological Research Unit, Technische Universität Dresden, Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie Faculty member: Graduate Department of Community Health and Institute of Medical Science Major Research Projects/Grants Awarded (selection): 10-1984 - 01-1986 Co-director of the research project "Bank robbery: The offenders' perspective" on behalf of the German Federal Bureau of Investigation (Prof. Dr. M. Irle, Dr. J. Rehm, W. Servay; grant: DM 110,850.-) 10-1987 - 12-1988 Co-director of the research project "Residential burglary: The offenders' perspective" on behalf of the German Federal Bureau of Investigation (Prof. Dr. M. Irle, Dr. J. Rehm, W. Servay; grant: DM 99,850-) 01-1989 - 12-1992 Co-director of the research project "The course of mental illness in a community sample", supported by the German Science Foundation (Prof. Dr. M.M. Fichter, Dr. J. Rehm; grant: DM 570,000.-) 01-1991 - 02-1993 Principal Investigator of the research project "Life-story telling within the Alcoholics Anonymous", supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Dr. H. Klingemann; grant: CHF 170,000.-) 04-1991 – 09-1994 Member of the International Collaborative Study on Alcoholics Anonymous (ICSAA) of the KettilBruun-Society in collaboration with WHO Europe 07-1992 - 11-1994 Principal Investigator of the research project "Trend analyses of consumption of alcohol, tobacco, medication and illegal drugs in the Swiss Health Surveys" on behalf of the Swiss Federal Health Office (Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems; grant: CHF 681,640.-) 12-1992 - 01-1995 Principal Investigator of two research projects to develop a dynamic tool of community health planning on behalf of the government of Salzburg, Austria (Dr. J. Rehm; grant: DM 67,298.-) 04-1993 - 04-1994 Director of the SIPAD-WHO research project "Health behaviour of school-aged children" (Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems; major grant from the Swiss Federal Health Office: CHF 667,700.-, additional grants from Swiss cantons in total about CHF 200,000.-) Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -3– 09-1993 - 02-1994 Co-director of the research project "Communal medical health supply for children at Vienna" on behalf of the Vienna Hospital Association (U. Frick, Dr. J. Rehm; grants: öS 717,978.- and öS 786,476.-) 07-1994 - 11-1994 Principal Investigator of the research project "Knowledge, attitudes and health behaviour of adolescents with respect to cancer" on behalf of the Swiss Cancer Society (Dr. J. Rehm; grant: CHF 62,500.-) 07-1994 - 12-1995 Principal Investigator of the research project "Causal models for subjective health indicators, utilization of health care facilities, and preventive behaviour" on behalf of the government of Salzburg, Austria. (Dr. J. Rehm; grant: DM 15,500.-) 1994 Grant (32-040 493) from the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project "Swiss Cohort Study on Alcohol and Drug Consumption (SCSADC) - First Follow Up" (Dr. H. Klingemann & Dr. J. Rehm; grant: CHF 161,856.-; after leaving Switzerland, I changed from being the Principal Investigator to Member of the Advisory Committee) 11-1994 - 06-1996 Member of the working group of the study "Economic costs of substance abuse" (PI: Dr. E. Single, Canadian Centre of Substance Abuse; supported by various Canadian grants including Health Canada’s National Health Research and Development Program - NHRDP - trough Canada’s Drug Strategy - CDS - Phase II) 01-1995 - present Co-investigator at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) 09-1995 - 07-1996 Principal Investigator for writing the technical report for the 1994 Youth Smoking Survey (Dr. J. Rehm, Dr. Th. Stevens et al.; grant: $ Can. 168,500.- from Health Canada) 1996 - 1999 Member of the group for the cross-cultural applicability research for alcohol, drug, and mental disablements, and methodological consultant within the revision of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) in collaboration with WHO (Mental Health Division, Geneva) 08-1996 - 12-1999 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Alcohol and mortality: ethnic and social influences” (PI: Dr. Th. Greenfield; grant: $ US 206,983.- from NIAAA, Rockville) 08-1996 - 03-1997 Principal Investigator of the research project “Cost-effectiveness analysis of ReViaTM for the treatment of alcoholism” (Dr. J. Rehm; contract: $ Can. 16,348.- from DuPont Merck Pharma, Canada) 10-1996 - 07-1997 Principal Investigator of the grant “Community impacts of increased gambling” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm, Dr. R. Room; grants: $ Can. 48,000.- from the Ontario Ministry of Health, Substance Abuse Bureau; and $ Can. 146,786.- from the Donner Canadian Foundation) 07-1997 - 01-2000 Principal Investigator of the grant ”Cigarette price and smoking behaviours in Canadian provinces: a longitudinal analysis” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm, grant: $ Can. 49,099.- from the National Cancer Institute of Canada) 09-1997 - 12-1999 Principal Investigator of the grant “Smoking, alcohol consumption and mortality in Canadian women” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm with Profs. A. Miller, M.J. Ashley, M. Jain, S. Bondy, R. Ferrence, T. Rohan; grant: $ Can. 75, 570.- from the Medical Research Council of Canada) changed to coinvestigator 01-01-98 06-1998 – 08-1999 Co-investigator of the grant “Exploring DALYs disability weights: a multi-method study” (PI: Dr. B. T. Üstün; grant $ US 1,528,438.- from the National Institutes of Health) 09-2000 – 12-2001 Co-Principal Investigator in the grant “Comparative over-time analysis of injection drug use (IDU) related harm levels and their determinants in Western jurisdictions (PI: Dr. B. Fischer & Dr. J. Rehm; grants $ Can. 45,000.- from the Connaught Foundation and CHF 50,000 from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.000972) 09-2000 – 08-2001 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Alcohol and all-cause mortality – quantifying benefits and detrimental consequences of drinking” (PI: Dr. G. Gmel & Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 47,000.- from the Swiss National Science Foundation 09-2000 – 12-2001 Principal Investigator of the grant “Systematic meta-analysis of the Swiss research literature on methadone substitution treatment” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant: CHF 50,000.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.000939) 12-2000 – 03-2003 Principal Investigator of the grant “Clinical monitoring system for heroin assisted treatment” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 501,075.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.001418) 12-2000 – 08-2001 Principal Investigator of the grant “Mortality and disability attributable to alcohol consumption – Comparative Risk Analysis as part of the Global Burden of Disease 2000 Study; grants of $ US 15.000.- from the World Health Organization and of CHF 39,600.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.001588) Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -4- 12-2000 – 12-2007 Principal Investigator of the grant “Research association to monitor inpatient addiction therapy 2001-2007” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grants CHF 607,420.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.001592, 00.001729, 02.001566 to cover the period up to end of 2003; and grant 03.001289/2.24.02-170 of CHF 894'050.00.- to cover the period 2004-2007) 03-2001 – 08-2002 Principal Investigator of the grant “Alcohol Policy and the Public Good (APPG II)” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 45,500.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 01.000046). 03-2001 – 03-2003 Principal Investigator of the grant “Treatment and clinical monitoring system for heroin-assisted treatment of opiate addicts in Switzerland” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 622,610.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 00.001494) 07-2001 – 03-2009 Project director within the Interdisciplinary Health Research Team on “Illicit opiate addiction, treatment and policy in Canada: A cross-disciplinary, comprehensive and concerted research initiative” (Programme director: Dr. B. Fischer; grant $ Can. 3,312,753.- from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research) 01-2002 – 12-2003 Swiss project director of “cocainEU: Support needs for cocaine and crack users in Europe” (Program director: Dr. M. Krausz, grant CHF 78,944.- from the Federal Office for Education and Science as the Swiss part of a project approved by the European Union) 01-2002 – 12-2003 Co-Investigator of the grant “North American Opiate Medication Initiative (NAOMI): a multi-site, randomized controlled trial of heroin-assisted therapy for treatment-refractory injection opiate users” (PI: Dr. M. Schechter; grant $ Can. 8,115,662.- from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research); the planned Toronto arm could not be realized, however, because of lack of eligible subjects 04-2002 - 06-2003 Principal Investigator of the grant: “Alcohol consumption and the global burden of disease” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 88,140.- from the Swiss National Science Foundation 3200-066738.01/1) 05-2002 – 04-2004 Principal Investigator of grant: “Taxation decrease, alcohol consumption and harm” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm with Co-PI Dr. G. Gmel; grant $ U.S. 250,000 direct costs from NIAAA 1 R01 AA13346-01A1) 08-2002 – 08-2003 Principal Investigator of grant “Need for treatment for people with primary opioid dependence in the canton of Ticino” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 86,616.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 02.000651/2.24.02.-136) 10-2002 – 09-2004 Principal Investigator of Swiss part of grant “EU-ROSE – Management of High Risk Opiate Addicts in Europe” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 157,443.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Education and Science based on approval from the European Union; BBW Nr. 01.0435, EU Nr. QLG4-CT-200201681) 05-2003 – 12-2007 Principal Investigator of the grant “Monitoring and quality development in heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 325,533.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 03.000080/2.24.02.-193) 05-2003 – 12-2004 Principal Investigator of the chapter “Alcohol” in the Developing Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Project (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grants $ US 40,000.- from NIH, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) 06-2003 – 08-2004 Principal Investigator of the grant “The economic evaluation of different forms of tobacco prevention – A secondary analysis” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 40,430.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 02.001044/2.24.02.-171). 06-2003 – 08-2005 Principal Investigator of the grant “Cohort study to evaluate safety and tolerance of diacetylmorphine in oral application in opioid dependent patients” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 134,815.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 03.000429/2.24.02.- 215) 09-2003 – 01-2004 Principal Investigator of the grant “Literature review designer drugs” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 20,000.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 03.001065/2.24.02.-234) 12-2003 – 06-2007 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Evaluation of the revision of the Swiss Narcotics Control Law” (PI s: Drs. F. Dubois & J. Rehm; grant: CHF 2,521,068.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 01.001316 / 2.24.02.-126; contract until 05-31-2009) 08-2004 – 12-2007 Co-investigator of the grant “A prospective study of drinking and academic performance” (PI: Dr. D. Thombs; $ US 1,060,636.- from NIAAA; R01 AA014004-01A2) 04-2004 – 03-2006 Principal Investigator of the grant “Estimating costs of substance abuse in Canada” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant $ Can. 250,000.- from different Canadian institutions through a consortium led by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse) 05-2004 – 03-2005 Principal Investigator of the study "Determining the joint effects of alcohol and tobacco on burden of disease" (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; recipient of the 2003-04 OTRU Investigator Award for Research in Tobacco Control, Round 2 $ Can. 17,500.- ; and grant CHF 21,000.- from the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research) 08-2004 – 12-2007 Principal Investigator of the grant “Pattern of drinking and myocardial infarction – a case cross-over Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -5– analysis” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 114,000.- from the Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research) 09-2004 – 12-2008 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Alcohol, mortality and ethnicity in the US” (PI s: Dr. Carlos Crespo with Co-PI Dr. J. Rehm; $ US 415,875.- from NIAAA; 1 R21 AA01505-01; subcontract of $ US 94,129.- to CAMH) 10-2004 – 12-2007 Principal Investigator of the grant “Cannabis and traffic injury: a case-crossover study” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant $ CHF 173,000.- from the Swiss Science Foundation; #3200B0-105967) 12-2004 – 03-2010 Co-Investigator of the grant “Investigating socio-behavioural risk, prevention and treatment factors for HCV in special populations” (PI: Dr. B. Fischer; grant $ Can. 598,500.- from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research) 02-2005 – 12-2009 Co-Investigator of the grant “Effects of major changes in alcohol availability” (PI: Dr. R. Room; grant $ US 1,032,750.- from NIAAA; 1R01 AA 014879-01A1) 08-2005 – 12-2006 Principal Investigator of the grant “Alcohol attributable mortality in Switzerland – Epidemiology and recommendations for alcohol policy” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant: CHF 52,073.- from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health; 05.001178/2.25.01.-765) since 11-2005 Principal Investigator of several contracts on the revision of estimates on alcohol-attributable burden of disease for the WHO and for the Global Burden of Disease 2005 Study (PI or Co-PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grants $ US 95,000.- from WHO, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, the Global Burden of Disease Study, and various other sources) 04-2006 – 12-2007 Principal Investigator of the grant “Population-based matched case-control study of alcohol consumption and myocardial infarction” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant CHF 132,283.-from the Swiss National Science Foundation) 07-2006 – 03-2008 Principal Investigator of “Avoidable Alcohol Use and Abuse in Canada” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; grant $ Can. $210,415.50 from Public Works and Government Services Canada; Contract Serial No: HT287-060192/001/SS) 07-2007 – 08-2007 Principal Investigator of the contract “Prevalence of Opioid Use in Canada” (PIs: Drs. J. Rehm & B. Fischer; CAN $44,650.- from Schering-Plough Canada Inc) 08-2007 – 06-2008 Principal Investigator of the contract “Cost Review, Economic Impact and Economic Strategy for Alcohol Dependence: Literature Review and Gap Analysis” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; US $157,641.00 from Eli Lilly) since 09-2007 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant "Drinking Patterns & Ethnicity: Impact on Mortality Risks" (PI: Dr. Thomas Greenfield; with Co-PI Dr. J. Rehm; grant US $ 161,265.- from NIAAA to Toronto site; 1R01AA016644-01A1) since 09-2007 Principal Investigator of the contract “Alcohol- and Drug-Attributable Burden of Disease and Injury in the US” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; US $ 1,200,000.- from NIAAA; contract # HHSN267200700041C and various amendments). 05-2008 – 05-2010 Principal investigator of the contract “Alcohol and HIV infection” (PI: Dr. J. Rehm; CAN $ 90,000.from the South African Medical Research Council) since 07-2008 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Cannabis and traffic collisions: A case crossover study of patients presenting to tertiary care centres in Toronto and Halifax” (Co-PIs Dr. M. Asbridge and J. Rehm; CAN $ 671,291.- for 3 years from CIHR #178357) since 08-2008 Co-Principal Investigator of the Module “Community Health and Knowledge Exchange” in the grant “Transforming Care for Mental Illness & Addictions - An Integrated Approach” (Module Co-PI: Drs. J. Rehm & J. Cairney; Can $ 3,600,000.- only for the module out of $ 15,000,000.- overall, for infrastructure from Canada Foundation for Innovation – Research Hospital Fund) since 09-2009 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioid Analgesics in Canada: Epidemiology, Consequences, and Interventions” (CIHR Team Grant Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment) (Co-PIs Dr. B. Fischer & Dr. J. Rehm, Can. $ 1,049,800.- from CIHR for 5 years) since 10-2009 Co-Principal Investigator of the net grant “The Ontario communities project: using a mobile research laboratory to improve understanding, treatment and prevention of addiction and mental illness co-morbidities at the individual and community level.” (CIHR Emerging Team Grant: Comorbidity of brain disorders and other health problems (CBG – 101926) (Net PI: Dr. S. Wells; CoPI: Dr. J. Rehm and others; Can. $ $ 1,498,207.- for 5 years) since 10-2010 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Systematically assessing the role of mental health and pain symptoms for non-medical prescription opioid use and translating findings into policy” (CIHR Knowledge Synthesis Grant) (Co-PIs Dr. B. Fischer & Dr. J. Rehm, Can. $ 99,000.- from CIHR for 1 year) since 01-2011 Co-Principal Investigator of the grant “Assessing the impact of policy interventions for problematic Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -6- prescription opioid use and related harms at a population level” (CIHR Operating Grant: Population Health Intervention Research) (Co-PIs Dr. B. Fischer & Dr. J. Rehm, Can. $ 200,000.- from CIHR for 1 year) Participation in Governmental and International Commissions 1989 - 1991 Commission on "Nutritional Epidemiology", German Federal Health Office, Berlin, Germany 1991 - 1994 Internal Commission on "Health Statistics", Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Berne, Switzerland 1991 - 1994 Commission to support the "Swiss Health Survey", Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Berne, Switzerland 1993 - 1994 "Sub-group population surveys", Co-Operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs, Council of Europe (Pompidou Group) April 1993 Chair, Expert Hearing on Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment, Government of Salzburg May 1993 Co-organisation of and report on the expert hearing "Alcohol and Cardiovascular Diseases", Swiss Federal Commission on Alcohol Problems 1993 - 1994 FEDESTAT "Federal commission on statistics", Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Berne, Switzerland 1994 ICEBERG (European Working Group on Drug Treatment Information Systems) 1994 Contribution to the "Review of UK sensible drinking message" in reply to an invitation by the Interdepartmental Working Group, Department of Health, London, U.K. 1994 Temporary Advisor and Rapporteur for the WHO/Euro Working Group on Population Levels of Alcohol Consumption, Oslo, Norway 1995 Temporary Advisor for and Rapporteur at the WHO European conference on Health, Society and Alcohol, Paris, France 1996 Member, Task Group to review ”Low risk drinking guidelines” for the Province of Ontario, Canada, on behalf of the Ministry of Health 1996 Referee for the programme “Biological and Psychosocial Factors of Drug Abuse and Drug dependence”, Health Research 2000, German Federal Government 1997-1999 Methodological Advisor and Consultant, WHO ICIDH revision to ICF 1997-1998 Member of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) National Expert Working Group on ICIDH 1997 Development and teaching of the UNDCP course “Epidemiological Research Methodologies of Substance Abuse in the Caribbean”, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (August 1 - August 10), in collaboration with The School of Continuing Studies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, OAS/CICAD, CAREC, CARICOM, CARIAD, and ARF 1997/98 Consultant to the Government of Barbados (National Council on Substance Abuse) to conduct a Rapid Assessment Survey in Barbados according to UNDCP guidelines 1998 Member, WHO Group to conduct the Phase III evaluation of the Swiss scientific studies of medically prescribed narcotics 1999-2002 Member, WHO Group to conduct Comparative Risk Analysis for alcohol-attributable burden within the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2000 Study 2001-2004 Member and Chairman of the International Advisory Board to the German project “Heroin-based treatment of opioid addicts” 2001 Witness to the Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs (Agenda: To reassess Canada’s anti-drug legislation and policies) 2001 Witness to the UK Home Affairs Select Committee on Swiss experiences with heroin-assisted treatment 2002 Witness to the Swiss Parliament Committee on Social Security and Health on the revision of the Swiss Narcotic Law. 2003 – present Research Associate to the Centre internationale de criminologie comparée (CICC) at Montreal University 2003 Participation at NIAAA “Task Force on recommended alcohol questions” 2003 Participation at NIAAA “Task Force on state of the science report on the effects of moderate drinking” 2005 - 2007 Chair, National Surveillance Advisory Committee within the Canadian National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol, Other Drugs and Substances 2005 – 2007 Member, Expert Consulting Group for Tobacco Prevention of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -7– 2005 - present Member and Executive Vice President, Board of the Jellinek Memorial Fund 2006 Chair, Health Canada National Workshop to build consensus on concepts and indicators for research on psychotropic pharmaceutical “abuse” 2006 – present Member, steering committee of EU “Building capacity” project 2006 - present Member, WHO Expert Advisory Panel of on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems (renewed 2010) 2006 - 2008 Member, Health Canada Expert Advisory Committee on Supervised Injection Site Research 2008 - 2009 Scientific Committee of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), an agency of the European Union 2008 - present Committee on Alcohol Data Collection, Indicators and Definitions, organised by the European Commission, Health and Consumers Directorate General (DG SANCO) 2008 – present Member, steering committee "AMPHORA" (Alcohol Measures for Public Health Research Alliance) 2008 – present Member, Board of the European Post Graduate School in Addiction Research (ESADD) 2011 Member, Expert Panel, New Health Warning Messages for Cigarette Packages Sold in Canada 2011 – present Member, steering committee and global science group “Alice Rap” (Addictions and lifestyles in contemporary European societies – Reframing addictions program) Numerous participations in WHO activities as temporary advisor and consultant. Publications: Over 500 articles, book chapters, monographs, reports and book reviews with over 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals including contributions to Lancet, BMJ, PloS Medicine, International Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Epidemiology and Archives of General Psychiatry. Teaching Experience: Mannheim University, Germany: Spring semester 1984 - Spring semester 1988, each semester one or two courses on Social Psychology, or on Empirical Research Methods. Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, Germany: Fall semester 1988/89 and Spring semester 1989 courses on " Empirical Research Methods”. Interkantonale Höhere Fachschule für Sozialarbeit in Aarau, Switzerland: 1992 - 1994 once a year a course on the Epidemiology of Substance Abuse and Epidemiological Research Methods. Psychiatric University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland: Fall semester 1992/93, course on self-help within the post-graduate program. Atelier de formation de l'Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Le Vésinet, France: 1993 lecturer in the workshop 59 "Latent and causal modelling in clinical, epidemiological and social science". University of Zurich, Switzerland: block courses (3-5 days) on the epidemiology, prevention and public health of mental disorders (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000) within the inter-university program for the Master of Public Health; module on the contribution of epidemiology to public health of mental disorders (1999, 2002); course on questionnaire construction each year since 2000; course on epidemiology and prevention of substance abuse (2002, 2003, 2005). University of Toronto, Canada: modules on sampling, survey and epidemiological methodology, and substance use epidemiology results within different courses, as well as reading courses on diverse epidemiological, methodological and economic questions at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (formerly Department of Public Health Sciences) (fall semesters 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98, and regularly at all semesters since 2003/2004 – list available on request). Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada: diverse modules at the International Research CapacityBuilding Program for Health and Related Professionals to Study Drug Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean (since 2008) and other international workshops (jointly with WHO, CICAD and others). University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany: from Spring semester 1998 – Spring semester 2000, at least 4 courses per semester on health sciences (Epidemiology, Monitoring, Health Surveillance, Health Psychology, Medical Sociology, Biostatistics). TU Dresden, Germany (Technical University) and Dresden International University: Since 2004, workshops on statistical methods for analysing epidemiological data with M-Plus and DISMOD; since 2009, contribution to the ESADD (3-daycourses on epidemiology of substance use). Contributions to several courses in epidemiology on case-control studies at the German Federal Health Office - 1990; on case-control studies at the 9th European Course in Tropical Epidemiology - August 13-25, 1990; on questionnaire construction for the Swiss Society for Public Health, October 24, 1994, October 5, 1995, and July 6, 1998; on statistical methods at the Swiss meeting on continuous education in psychiatry October 30- November 1, 1994; on epidemiological research methods in substance abuse in the Caribbean focussing on rapid assessment techniques at a specialized Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -8- course within the UNDCP programme at St. Augustine, Trinidad, August 1 - 10, 1997. Supervision of MS, MPH, Ph.D., MD and Diploma Theses: Supervision of numerous theses in the past and present (currently more than 10); main institutions: Technical University Dresden (Methodology, Psychology; current), University of Toronto (Public Health Sciences; Dalla Lana School of Public Health; current), the Swiss Interdisciplinary Master of Public Health course (Public Health), University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (Public Health Sciences), the University of Zurich (MD), and Mannheim University (Methodology, Social Psychology) Consulting Experience: Consulting in epidemiology and methodology for Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich, Germany) Forschungsverbund Public Health Dresden (Germany) Governments of Salzburg and Vienna (Austria) Government of Barbados Government of Poland German Federal Institute for Infectious and Non-communicable Diseases (Berlin, Germany) German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Technology (Bonn and now Berlin, Germany) German Federal Health Ministry (Berlin, Germany). Swiss Federal Office of Public Heath (Berne, Switzerland) European Union and Commission (Brussels, Belgium) WHO Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark) PAHO (Washington, US) WHO (Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland) United Nations Drug Control Programme (Vienna, Austria) World Bank Consultant on various grants from agencies in Canada, Germany, Switzerland and the US, as well as from international agencies. 5 Other experience and qualifications, scholarships 1975 2. Prize in the state contest for natural sciences (Jugend forscht Landeswettbewerb Bayern) 1983-1984 Scholarship from the German Science Foundation ("Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes") Since 1986 Permanent Advisor for statistical and methodological questions, and for clinical research methods at the Psychiatric Epidemiology and Evaluation Unit of Munich University (LMU) 1990 Professional stay at the National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD, and at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, on behalf of the German Federal Health Office. 1987-1994 Director of the "Institute for Computer Analysis in the Social Sciences" (ICAM e. V.) 1991 Hermann Simon Award for the monograph "Verlauf psychischer Erkrankungen in der Bevölkerung", where I co-authored several chapters (see publication list, category 3: book chapters: 9-11) 1994 Honourable mention at the IVO-Award for Young Researchers in the Field of Addiction combined with a grant of Dfl 1,000.- by the "European Addiction Research Institute of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (IVO) 2003 Jellinek Memorial Fund Award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge on alcohol/alcoholism: exemplary research contributions of fundamental importance in alcohol epidemiology and for international leadership in the applications of state-of-the-art methods in population studies (Epidemiology and population studies) 2004 First prize in the public health category of the British Medical Association's medical book awards for 2004 for "Alcohol: no ordinary commodity" (see publication list category 2: monographs) 2003-2005 Visiting Fellow of the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand participating in study on “Burden of Death, Disease and Disability due to Alcohol in New Zealand” 2006 Richard Robinson Award for the best article in the New Zealand Medical Journal in the year 2005 for “The burden of death, disease, and disability due to alcohol in New Zealand” NZ Med J. 2005; 118 (1213; see publication list, category 1: articles in peer-reviewed journals #228 ). 2006-2014 Appointment to WHO Expert Advisory Panel of on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems 2009 1st Annual Ting-Kai Li Plenary Lecture at the 32nd Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Conference at San Diego, USA 2009 Selection to appear on ISI highly cited Curriculum vitae Dr. Jürgen Rehm -9– 2009 Selection of paper on risk factor related burden of disease in the US as best article in PLoS Medicine in 2009 2010 First prize in the public health category of the British Medical Association's medical book awards for 2010 for "Drug Policy and the Public Good" (see publication list category 2: monographs) 2011 Karl-und-Charlotte-Bühler-Preis der Fachrichtung Psychologie der TUD für ausgezeichnete Lehre Karl and Charlotte Bühler award for excellent teaching from the TU Dresden, department of psychology Referee for national and international journals: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie (since 1987); Drogalkohol (editorial committee 1991-1994); European Journal of Social Psychology (since 1992); Sozial- und Präventivmedizin (since 1993); Addiction (since 1994); Contemporary Drug Problems (since 1994); Abhängigkeiten (since 1995); Journal of Studies on Alcohol (since 1996); Statistics in Medicine (since 1996); Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA; since 1997); Lancet (since 1997); Substance Use & Misuse (since 1997); International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (since 1998); Bulletin of the World Health Organization (since 1999); Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (since 2000); American Journal of Epidemiology (since 2000); European Addiction Research (since 2000); Drug and Alcohol Review (since 2001); Drug and Alcohol Dependence (since 2001); Alcohol and Alcoholism (since 2001); International Journal of Epidemiology (since 2002); Health Reports (since 2002); International Journal of Drug Policy (since 2002): Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (since 2002); Sucht (since 2002); Social Science and Medicine (since 2003); Circulation (since 2003); Preventive Medicine (since 2003); Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement (since 2004); Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (since 2004); Archives of General Psychiatry (since 2004); Journal of Hepatology (since 2004); Journal of Adolescent Health (since 2005); Public Library of Science Medicine (since 2005); International Journal of Cancer (since 2005); Addiction Biology (since 2007); BMC Public Health (since 2007); British Medical Journal (since 2007); Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (since 2009); PLoS Medicine (since 2009); Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (since 2009); Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (since 2010); Preventing Chronic Disease (since 2010); Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (since 2010); Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (since 2010). Assistant Editor or member of Editorial Board for Addiction (since 1995); Journal of Substance Abuse (1998-2001); Suchttherapie (since 2000); Sucht (since 2003); Drug and Alcohol Review (since 2004); International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (since 2004); Population Health Metrics (since 2010). Referee for grant proposals/scholarship programs (in chronological order of first request): Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Foundation for Alcohol Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, German Science Foundation (DFG), German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF; former German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Technology), Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, US National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA), US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Wellcome Trust, different study sections of NIH (2005-2007 Kidney, Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes Epidemiology (KNOD) and Epidemiology of Cancer (EPIC)), Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS; 2007,2009), Estonian Science Foundation (2007), Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Austria, 2007), Alberta Gaming Research Institute (2007). Member of local or international organization committees for several international conferences: WHO-BGA meetings on Nutritional Epidemiology 1988, 1989 and 1992; Kettil-Bruun Symposium at Rüschlikon, 1994; Conference on Social and Health Effects of Different Drinking Patterns at Toronto, 1995 (chair of organizing committee); Workshop on Alternative Nicotine Delivery Systems: Harm Reduction and Public Health at Toronto, 1997; Co-occurring substance use and mental disorders: functional relations and clinical implication, Toronto, 1997; Drinking Patterns II at Perth, Australia (1998); International Network Conference on Heroin-Assisted Treatment and its Place in Substitution Treatment at Berne, Switzerland (2001); WHO-German Ministry of Health Workshop on Models of Medication supported Treatment for Opioid Addicts at Velen, Germany (2002). Excellent knowledge of German, French and English. French was the working language at the SIPAD Institute (Lausanne, Switzerland), English has been the working language at CAMH/ARF (Toronto, Canada) and at the WHO.