

08. – 12. Mai 2012
w w w.f u l l dome -festiva l. d e
“How many eyes do you need to watch a fulldome show?”
“As many eyes as there are in the audience!”
“Will they all look in the same direction?”
“Probably not!”
Whether you are here as a producer, student, artist or a member of the audience, whether your motivation is professional, poetic or personal, whether
you are a senior citizen of Domeland or an enthusiastic newcomer – we hope
you will enjoy five event-packed days of immersive 360-degrees shows, workshops, discussions, performances, tech-talks, business connections, start-up
schemes, entertainment, inspiration and a general mingling of friends and
ideas from far and near.
The ongoing evolution of digital image and sound projection in a gigantic
hemispheric space opens new horizons for media, art and the planetarium.
At the same time it dissolves the habits and conventions of media production and consumption. Thus the motto of this year's FullDome Festival is
»Dissolving Space«.
Entering the dome requires a certain pioneering spirit and a tolerance for the
paradoxical. We don't expect all the mysteries and challenges of that medium to be solved by the end of this week. But we believe it's a worthwhile endeavor to come together and share, assess, applaud and promote the variety
and quality the genre has to offer – from full-length feature shows to experimental clips and short films, from cosmic story telling to science visualization
to indulging in visual splendor.
We are honored by the support we receive from so many individuals and
institutions from around the world. Thank you all for your contributions and
your commitment without which this festival could not exist.
We are happy to announce that the 7th FullDome Festival is scheduled for
May 3rd-4th, 2013. The special theme will be »Ornamental Dances«.
Inhalt / Contents
Die Jury / The Jury...........................................................................4
Prefessionelle Shows /
Professional Full-length Feature Shows...................................... 7
Clips & Kurzfilme / Clips & Short Films.......................................19
Studentische Beiträge / Students Clips.....................................27
Workshops, Vorträge und Diskussionen /
Workshops, Presentations and Forums.....................................39
Programmübersicht / Program Overview.................................45
That's the future. Now to the present:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 6th international FullDome Festival
at the Jena Zeiss-Planetarium!
Die Mitglieder der Jury
Die siebenköpfige Jury tagte am 28.04. in Jena und entschied über die von der
Carl Zeiss AG gestifteten studentischen Fulldome-Awards (Creative und Performance Award).
Manfred Waffender
Professor für Mediendramaturgie am Institut für Musik und Medien der Robert
Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf. Nach frühen Versuchen an einer Experimentierbühne im Londoner Westend Tätigkeit als freier Journalist und Reisebuchautor
(anders reisen). Lektor und Herausgeber im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rororo
computer). Drehbuchautor und Regisseur von Industrie- und Fernsehfilmen (NDR,
ZDF, Arte, 3sat). Zahlreiche Filme mit Musikern (Kronos Quartett, Steve Reich, Maria
Joao). Im Jahr 2000 begleitete er im Auftrag der BBC den Dirigenten Sir John Eliot
Gardiner auf einer musikalischen Pilgerfahrt („Bach Cantata Pilgrimage“). Im Auftrag
des SWR entwickelte er in insgesamt 16 Folgen das Erscheinungsbild der Sendung
„musikdebüt“, in der junge Musiker aus dem Bereich der E-Musik vorgestellt werden. 2007 folgte er einer Einladung des Theater and Film Studies Department der
University of Canterbury nach Christchurch, Neuseeland, wo er an seinem fortlaufenden Projekt PLACES_IN_TIME arbeitete. Peter Popp
Produzent/Regisseur/Autor. Managing Director Softmachine, The Fulldome Film
Pproduction Compayn.
Dr. Peter Popp arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren als Filmproduzent, Regisseur und Autor.
Er leitet das Produktions- und Animationsunternehmen Softmachine, das seit 2004
auf die Herstellung von 360°-Fulldome-Filmen spezialisiert ist. Mit „Kaluoka´hina,
the Enchanted Reef“ produziert er den ersten Fulldome-Animationsfilm mit Spielhandlung und leistete damit Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Umsetzung eines
Filmprojektes im Domeformat. Er führt Regie und produziert den international
prämierten Fulldome-Film „Realm of Light“. Gegenwärtig ist der 360°- Film „Life
of Trees“ in Produktion, mit dem Schwerpunkt Education, eingebunden in eine
unterhaltsame Geschichte. Mit „Life of Trees“ entsteht der erste original produzierte, omnidirektionale Fulldome-Film in 3D (stereoskopisch). Sein Unternehmen
Reef Distribution ( ist spezialisiert auf den weltweiten
Vertrieb von Fulldome-Produktionen, TV- und DVD-Lizenzen. 2011 führte er einen
Lehrauftrag der HFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München zum Thema
„360°-Fulldome-Filmproduktion“ durch.
Manuela Meyer
Absolvierende Masterstudentin der Mediengestaltung an der Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar. Michaela Honauer studierte zuvor Medienwissenschaft und Psychologie
an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und bewegt sich seither im Spannungsfeld
zwischen Design und Technik. Sie beschäftigt sich derzeit mit Echtzeittechnologien
und ihrer gestalterischen Integration im Rahmen künstlerischer Projekte. Michaela
Honauer verfügt über mehrjährige Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Medium Fulldome. Ihr Film „Lucca“ (eine Hommage an Wassili Kandinsky und die Tänzerin Gret
Palucca, 2009) wurde mit einem Fulldome Award ausgezeichnet und schaffte es bei
mehreren Fulldome Festivals ins Finale.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Zeit-Bild-Raum“ an der TU Berlin,
Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte.
Manuela Meyer ist ausgebildete Mediengestalterin und Medienwissenschaftlerin
mit dem Schwerpunkt Kulturtheorien digitaler Medien.
In ihrer Abschlussarbeit an der FSU Jena untersuchte sie den Zusammenhang zwischen Kinematographie und der Erfindung des ZEISS-Planetariums. Seit Juni 2011
ist sie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Zeit-Bild-Raum“ an der TU
Berlin. Dort untersucht sie anhand internationaler Zeitungsartikel der 1920er und
1930er Jahre die Ausbreitung des Zeiss-Planetariums in die Welt und die Berichterstattung darüber.
Außerdem organisiert sie derzeit in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Partnern
einen Beitrag für ein im Herbst 2012 an der TU Berlin stattfindendes Fest. Hierfür
wird eine freischwebende Kuppel im Lichthof der TUB zum sphärischen Projektionsschirm, in dem Wissenschaftler und Künstler digitale Datenräume audiovisuell
begehbar machen.
Michaela Honauer
Claudia Tronnier
Leiterin der ZDF-Redaktion Das kleine Fernsehspiel.
Claudia Tronnier kam 1990 nach einem Aufbaustudium der Medienwissenschaft in
Marburg zum ZDF. In der renommierten Nachwuchsredaktion „Das kleine Fernsehspiel“ ( betreute sie von Anfang an eine große
Bandbreite an Spielfilmen, Dokumentarfilmen und Mischformen und entwickelte
neue Fernsehformate für das TV-Labor Quantum, darunter die Musikmagazinreihe
„Lost in Music“ und die Dokusoap „Stellmichein“. Mit der Entwicklung crossmedialer
Formate wie dem Internetkrimi „Wer rettet Dina Foxx“ fördert sie verstärkt Experimente an der Schnittstelle von Fernsehen und Internet. Zusammen mit der M F G
Filmförderung in Baden-Württemberg initiierte sie das Förderprogramm „fifty-fifty“.
Ausserdem ist sie Mitglied im Kuratorium der Filmhochschule dffb.
Thomas W. Kraupe
Direktor des Hamburger Planetariums.
Der Astrophysiker Thomas W. Kraupe studierte Mathematik und Physik an der
Universität München und spezialisierte sich im Bereich Röntgenastronomie am
Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching.
Sein Bestreben, Astronomie und das neue Bild vom Kosmos populär darzustellen,
brachte ihn als Stellvertretenden Direktor an das Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium Stuttgart.
Von 1983 bis 1992 schuf er dort eine Vielzahl didaktischer und künstlerischer
Produktionen – darunter die viel beachteten „Sphärenklänge“ als musikalischpoetische Reisen durch Raum und Zeit, unter Einbeziehung von Schauspielern und
Live-Musik. Neben seiner Tätigkeit in Stuttgart führte Kraupe Regie und schrieb die
Drehbücher zu den Eröffnungsshows mehrerer Planetarien.
Full-length Feature Shows
Benedikt Otto
Geboren 1952 in Dortmund, Studium der Katholischen Theologie und Germanistik
in Saarbrücken. 1974-1991 beim Saarländischen Rundfunk (u.a. Reiseredaktion,
Landtagskorrespondent, Redaktionsleiter Saar 3 regional, Auslandskorrespondent
in Marseille). Seit 1991 beim MDR Fernsehen, zunächst Studioleiter Erfurt, dann
Bereichsleiter Fernsehen/Produktmanager aktuelles Fernsehen (Thüringen Journal, Länderzeit etc.), Redaktionsleiter Studentisches Filmmagazin Unicato. Dozent
an den Universitäten Erfurt, Ilmenau und Weimar. Außerordentliches Mitglied am
Bauhaus Film-Institut (BFI).
8 Scoops of Milky Way
ProduCER: Aayushi Animation Studio
Wednesday, May 9, 6.15 pm
In the side arm of spiral galaxy Milky Way we share a small home
Let us take you to one of the most thrilling journeys mankind ever made.
Be close witness to the complete mission of both of the Voyager Twins and
explore regions mankind never saw before!
with a fascinating neighborhood of 8 wondrous Planets and a powerful
Sun. These Planets are so different from each other that they hardly can be
called from one family yet they create a perfect harmony. We’ve used the
same harmony to create the show. From the Burning Sun, Lava surface of
Venus to the huge stormy belts of Jupiter or the unimaginably beautiful
Saturn, this show is full of never seen footages meant for dome theaters.
Across the Universe
ProduCER: Procyon
TIME: Tuesday, May 8, 5.45 pm
A Part of the Sky Called Orion
Bays Mountain Productions
Wednesday, May 9, 7 pm
Cape Canaveral, August 20th, 1977. The human race is starting one of
the most important missions in space research. Voyager 2 is delivered to
space. 16 days later NASA started the spacecraft Voyager 1 to follow her
twin. Their mission: close-up studies of the four outer, so called gas giants
of our solar system.
NSC Creative
Thursday, May 10, 8 pm
“A Part of the Sky Called Orion” is perfect for 2nd grade and above. It
follows curriculum guidelines as it looks at the big ideas that have guided human understanding of the cosmos and its patterns in the sky. The
program looks at how three different ancient cultures looked at the same
part of the sky we know as the constellation Orion. We focus on the Greek,
Egyptian, and Inupiaq cultures along with their different star stories and
images using the night sky. It is thoroughly enjoyed by children and
adults and is a great program to explore the heavens.
The exploration of Space is the greatest endeavour that humankind has
ever undertaken. What does it take to be part of this incredible journey?
What does it take to become an astronaut?
A Starry Tale
ProduCER: KAGAYA Studios
Tuesday, May 8, 7 pm
“A Starry Tale” promises to be even more popular than this studio’s previous hit, “Celestial Railroad,” which has now been seen by more than one
million people in domes around the world. Constellations have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. What
message do you receive when you see the constellations today? See the
world of mythology and human thought handed down from ancient
times to the future, under the starry sky.
Open the doors of the world’s most famous observatories to your audiences. Produced over three years with exceptional access to the telescopes
and in close cooperation with the principal investigators. Discover the latest stories from the cosmos in this unique planetarium series!
The internationally renowned fulldome show ASTRONAUT, is now available in 360 degrees stereoscopic 3D dome format. Every scene has been
re-worked and re-rendered at ultra-high-resolution to ensure the best
possible fulldome experience.
Awesome Light
ProduCER: Sky-Skan
TIME: Wednesday, May 9, 10.45 pm
Dynamic Earth
ProduCER: Spitz Creative Media
Thursday, May 10, 9.15 pm
Dynamic Earth explores the inner workings of Earth’s climate engine. With
visualizations based on satellite monitoring data and advanced supercomputer simulations, this production follows a trail of energy that flows from
the Sun into the interlocking systems that shape our climate: the atmosphere, oceans, and the biosphere. Collaborators: Thomas Lucas Productions, Inc.; National Center for Supercomputing Applications; Spitz Creative
Media; NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio; in association with Denver
Museum of Nature & Science and NASA Science Mission Directorate.
On May 9, 2003, Hayabusa was launched aboard M-V Launch Vehicle to
collect samples from the near-Earth asteroid, Itokawa. A sample, if Hayabusa can bring one home, could be a key to learning the secrets of our
solar system’s birth. Hayabusa attempts to land on Itokawa after traveling
approx. 2 billion km. However, landing is no easy task. Can Hayabusa return a piece of the past to Earth? Watch the exciting events unfold as this
true-life, fulldome adventure reveals the technological triumphs that ultimately bring a sample of Itokawa back to Earth in June, 2010.
ProduCER: KAGAYA Studios
TIME: Tuesday, May 8, 10.15 pm
Experience the Aurora
Evans & Sutherland
Thursday, May 10, 22.15 pm
Into the Deep
Ogrefish Filmproduktions GmbH
Thursday, May 10, 5 pm
Over seven months in the Arctic Circle, our crews captured timelapse images of the Aurora Borealis with high resolution digital SLR cameras outfitted with fisheye lenses. The results are spectacular. For the first time the
aurora has been captured as it was meant to be experienced, as a display
that covers the entire sky. This immersive show shares the science behind
the aurora and tells the story of our quest to find and photograph the
aurora for wraparound display in fulldome theaters.
Into the Deep takes you on a journey to the mysterious world of eternal
darkness, the deep sea, a world covering more than the half of the living
space on Earth. Despite all technological achievements we know more
about the surface of the Moon than about this space this much closer.
The show indicates the history of the deep sea research as well as presents the living creatures living of this world. It also illustrates the technique of submersibles, the underwater geology and the myths grown up
around the abyss since the dawn of seafaring.
Galaxy Time
ProduCER: Planétarium Galilée
Thursday, May 10, 10.45 pm
“Galaxy time” is an invitation to enter a fascinating world, the world of
the galaxies. Such a journey can be made only by using scales of distances and of disproportionate time with those whom we manipulate in our
everyday life. Planetarium Galilée’s production team has created this 23
minute fulldome film with the idea of having the audience immersed in
a musical voyage through the mysterious and beautiful world of the galaxies.
Our search for the lost continent of Atlantis takes us on a journey through
the astronomical knowledge and understanding of the ancient Greeks.
How did the constellations get their names? What different patterns did
ancient cultures see in the sky? Was Atlantis a real place? Did it really sink
into the sea? We will uncover clues to help us solve this age-old mystery.
Lamps of Atlantis
ProduCER: Evans & Sutherland
TIME: Tuesday, May 8, 8 pm
Lars, the Little Polar Bear
ProduCER: Loch Ness Prod., Mediendom Kiel
Thursday, May 10, 4.15 pm
„Lars the Little Polar Bear“ is a charming story about the adventures of a
curious little bear and his friends, and explores the habitats of their reallife counterparts in the Arctic. It combines nature and environmental education, a gentle introduction to climate change, and a touch of astronomy.
Nanocam shrinks you down to the size of an insect and flies you through
the eye of a needle. A motivating, didactic and funny approach to living
things that has never been seen like this before. The computer generated
images of an electron microscope invite us on a truly immersive joyride
into each kingdom of living things.
Based on the children‘s book by Hans de Beer, a 45-minute version of this
show was produced by Mediendom. Loch Ness Productions created this
special 27-minute version, with new astronomy scenes, and an English
narration. A festival premiere!
California Academy of Sciences
Wednesday, May 9, 8.45 pm
Perfect Little Planet
Clark Planetarium Productions
Tuesday, May 8, 5 pm
How did life on Earth begin? This tantalizing question forms the basis of
the California Academy of Science‘s Morrison Planetarium show, Life: A
Cosmic Story. Narrated by Jodie Foster, Life launches the audience on a
journey through time, witnessing key events since Big Bang, that set the
stage for life. Life features scientific visualizations including a powers-often dive into a redwood tree to show photosynthesis and demonstrate
the interconnectness of all life on the molecular level.
Imagine the ultimate space vacation! Discover our solar system through
a new set of eyes - a family from another star system seeking the perfect
vacation spot. Fly over the surface of Pluto, our best known Dwarf Planet.
Dive over the ice cliffs of Miranda. Sail through the rings of Saturn. Feel
the lightning storms of Jupiter. And walk on the surface of Mars. Which
destination would you choose? A solar system journey for space travelers
of all ages. Full 4k resolution and 60 fps.
ProduCER: Antares FullDome Productions
Wednesday, May 9, 5 pm
Planet Erde - Leben zwischen Eiszeit und
ProduCER: Planetarium Hamburg
TIME: Thursday, May 10, 8 pm
Antares FullDome Productions and Mediúscula present the full-dome
cartoon film MOLES, for digital planetariums. MOLES integrate traditional
storytelling with digital media in order to entertain children, and awaken
their interest for astronomy and nature. With MOLES, children will learn
basic concepts about science while having a great time.
ProduCER: El Exilio S.L.
TIME: Thursday, May 10, 6.15 pm
Bäume sind Giganten der Evolution – und von Ihnen kann man
Erstaunliches über die Zyklen des Planeten Erde erfahren.
Zwischen Tag und Nacht, Jahreszeiten und Eiszeiten gehen wir auf eine
spektakuläre 360-Grad-Exkursion in Wälder und deren Rolle für das Erdklima. Wir erforschen dabei wie sich die Erde von Venus und Mars unterscheidet und wie sich unser irdisches Klima verändert. Diese Reise ist Teil
der „PLANET ERDE 3D Trilogie“.
ProduCER: Astronef
Tuesday, May 8, 9.15 pm
SpacePark 360
ProduCER: Dome3D, Wolfsburg Planetarium
TIME: Thursday, May 10, 11.15 pm
Planets is a breakthrough in large format of fascinating landscapes that
make up the solar system. You fly over the reliefs of Mars or Jupiter‘s
clouds, you dive inside the rings of Saturn and you will relive the tumultuous era of a planet formation. But be careful not to hit an asteroid!
Through images of space probes and stunning sequences with computer
graphics, come discover the portrait of our solar system today.
Dome 3D‘s show SpacePark 360, is a 38 minute, wild immersive ride through
the solar system. Created as a modular show, SpacePark 360 is a set of fulldome movies designed to recreate the experience of amusement park thrill
rides – roller coasters, pendulums, inverters and more.
Secret Lives of Stars
Evans & Sutherland
Wednesday, May 9, 10.15 pm
Supernovas Company
Tuesday, May 8, 6.15 pm
Not all stars are created equal. Some are massive. Others are tiny; almost
insignificant. The specific characteristics of a star will determine what type
of life it will lead, how long it might live and even the type of death it will
die. We will witness the amazing variety of stars and peer into their secret
Supernovas Company is a cosmic tragicomedy for children. The script is
written in verse and features Kurioseo Kuirosei and his friend Flamigero Piroteus. Together they have a cosmic adventure, in a highly peculiar setting,
in which they have to overcome the traps and puzzles of the diabolical Vampirina. She is the leader of an army of vampire stars that cause havoc in the
supernova factory that kindly Flamigero keeps in a corner of a hidden away
galaxy. An original and fun story to delight everyone.
Solar System Odyssey
ProduCER: Morehead Planetarium
Thursday, May 10, 5.45 pm
Solar System Odyssey takes place far in the future with the Earth on the
verge of an environmental collapse. Billionaire Warren Trout thinks he can
make a fortune colonizing the rest of the solar system and sends space pilot Jack Larson to find out where. But there‘s one thing he didn‘t count on
– Ashley, Trout‘s 14-year-­old hacker daughter, has stowed away on board
the ship and has her own ideas for a journey around the Solar System.
The theory of chaos states that a butterfly flapping in Brazil can start a storm
in Texas. What would be the effect of more than 7 billion butterflies on the
Earth? Human activity have a detrimental effect on Earth‘s systems (climate,
ecosystems, biodiversity). Its impact can be seen on nature itself, but also
on the food we eat, the drugs we use, on our health. We act as if our planet
belongs only to us, without even realizing it. Perhaps it is time to reconsider
the way we live.
The Earth and Me
ProduCER: Eugenides Found. / Animonautes
TIME: Thursday, May 10, 8.45 pm
The Future
ProduCER: Airbus
Tuesday, May 8, 10.45 pm
After celebrating its own four decades of innovation, Airbus now is looking to the next 40-plus years – actively working with other industry stakeholders and experts to anticipate the global needs of a better-connected and more sustainable world. However, it all begins with one question:
“What will air transport look like in the year 2050?” In its report “The Future
by Airbus,” Airbus hypothesises how the industry, aircraft and passengers
might change by that time – while highlighting potential steps to meet
the needs of tomorrow.
The Searcher
Adler Planetarium, Chicago
Wednesday, May 9, 11.15 pm
Undiscovered Worlds:
The Search Beyond Our Sun
ProduCER: Charles Hayden Planetarium
TIME: Wednesday, May 9, 9.15 pm
Through the discovery of exoplanets – the hundreds of planets that have
been found orbiting stars beyond the Sun – we have learned that our
solar system is not alone in the universe, and we have had to redefine our
understanding of planets …and solar systems. With new achievements
like the Kepler Telescope and rapidly improving technology, the discovery of exoplanets puts us one step closer to the possibility of finding
an Earth-like world. How will this change how we view our place in the
Wildest Weather in the Solar System
National Geographic
Tuesday, May 8, 8.45 pm
The story begins with the introduction an ancient intergalactic traveler.
The traveler discovers upon returning to the world of it’s origin, that it
is no longer inhabited by it’s ancestors, but by an exotic species of sentient plant life. The realization that the ancestors have either left the home
world or perhaps vanished altogether, impels the traveler to start a search
for them. So begins the journey of “The Searcher.”
Join us on a spectacular journey to the far reaches of space to experience the most powerful and mysterious weather phenomena in the solar
system. You will witness such weather extremes as storms the size of a
100-megaton hydrogen bomb, a 400-year-old hurricane, dust devils that
could engulf entire planets, superbolts of lightning, not to mention ice
volcanoes, and winds that rage at 1,500 miles per hour! Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and other “earthly” weather extremes won‘t seem so
fierce after you experience the Wildest Weather in the Solar System.
ProduCER: Melbourne Planetarium
Wednesday, May 9, 5.45 pm
When the seasons go crazy it’s up to Annie and Max to set things right.
But fixing this will take something extraordinary, and a little help. Come
on a whirlwind adventure as the siblings learn just how the seasons work,
and discover that sometimes, all we need is a new angle on the world.
Share the extraordinary visions of scientists. Instead of just watching the
greatest phenomenon of the Universe, expierence them from inside! A
nebula, a galaxy, a Black Hole, the Big Bang! Wonderfull immersive images of scientific adventure. Emotions to remain in the memory, VIBRATO
is a trip in time…
Vibrato - The Echo of the Universe
ProduCER: ART’M Créateurs Associés
TIME: Wednesday, May 9, 8 pm
Magic of the Otherworld
ProduCER: Mediendom Kiel
Tuesday, May 8, 11.15 pm
Let yourself be enchanted by the celtic harp and lead to an
“Otherworld”. Compositions by Christine Högl connect us in a sensual way
with the deep feelings of our nature. Thus, the music creates an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort, reaches the body and the soul and calms
them for a journey inward. Arranged in aesthetic imagery it allows you
to take a deep breath and find peace and a treat for body, soul and spirit.
Clips &
Short Films
Diana Reichenbach
Friday, May 11, Clips Night
0.1 is an immersive fulldome animated film exploring the evolution of human perception. As digital interactions become
closely inegrated with tangible reality, a hybrid environment is
formed. 8 minutes.
3 Wege, den Raum aufzulösen
Jürgen Rienow - FH Kiel
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
Kleiner Lehrfilm über 3 Dinge, die man beim Produzieren für Fulldome beachten sollte, und was passiert, wenn man es nicht tut.
5 minutes.
A Clear Night
ProduCER: C. Cumbie-Jones and L. F. Jones
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
“A Clear Night” is a music visualization of an audio
composition by Lance Ford Jones. 3.5 minutes.
Buy the ticket…
ProduCER: L. F. Jones and C. Cumbie-Jones
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
A work exploring two contrasting philosophies of experience: the desire to live life without limits and take the consequences vs. the affinity for a life of contemplation and
moderation. To that end, it might be good to remember that
if it gets to be too much you can always close your eyes. 2.5
Carl Zeiss Visions for the World
visuarte Munich und Carl Zeiss
Friday, May 11, Clips Night
“Visions for the World” is the first corporate film in fulldome format. Carl Zeiss is working in many different business
fields related to optics, mechanics and electronics. Visions
for the World tells us, where you can find Carl Zeiss products
and what they are made for. Imagine modern telecommunications without chips, the eye sight without ophtalmological
instruments and glasses, photography without perfect lenses,
our understanding of the world we live in without planetariums. There are many lovely and lively moments in everybodies life
thanks to Carl Zeiss. 9 minutes.
Chaos & Order
ProduCER: Rocco Helmchen
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
A fulldome journey of images and music into a fascinating
world. Structured into four “movements” from geometric
forms, algorithms, simulations to chaos theory this show
explores breathtaking visuals of unprecendentet beauty in
the realm of maths. Experience the fundemental connection
between reality and mathematics as science and art are fused
together in this immersive celebration of the one language of
our universe.
ProduCER: C. Cumbie-Jones and L. F. Jones
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
“Chromasatya” is an immersive mandala that uses color and music to create a brief meditative experience. 3 minutes.
The Doors of Perception
ProduCER: Ralph Heinsohn &
Taucher Sound Environments
TIME: Thursday, May 10, midnight
An audiovisual tribute to Aldous Huxleys 1954 novel. 4 minutes.
United VJ‘s
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
We live in a world where information runs wild and confusion is
the norm. This word we have invented for an order which is not
yet understood. It creates fear, hallucinations and paranoia but
it can also be the welcome math at the door of creativity. Eat
your fears, get confused and dissolve in space. Don‘t let fear be a
mindkiller. 5 minutes.
Dinosaurs at Dusk
ProduCER: Mirage3D
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
Trailer of a show in production on dinosaurs. 2 minutes.
Aayushi Animation Studio
Friday, May 11, Clips Night
In this show we‘ve made our Science “musical”. Fractals and
kaleidoscopes are the very deep routed science, which are
used to define nature in a simplest mathematical manner.
Enigma is combination of these fractals and kaleidoscopic
videos with a hearty touch of music. These videos are specially designed to give a sense of warmth and calmness to
our puzzled minds. Without any narration, just with the help of
music and beautiful colors & patterns, this show will go deep in
your heart. 14 minutes.
Gremlins Ate Stephans Ego
ProduCER: Michel Gingras
TIME: Friday, May 11, Clips Night
Dissolving spherical hemispheres fall into an infinity of colors. 7 minutes.
Inner Voices
ProduCER: Martin Kusch
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
By Martin Kusch / kondition pluriel. Inner Voices is a captivating encounter with a woman‘s delirium through intensified sight and sound. In an attempt to explore strong sensorial
empathy in a dome environment, the film plays with optical illusion and perceptiual displacement. Inspired by David Lynch
and Sarah Kane‘s atmospheres, the 3D landscapes are driven in
a continual mutation by woman‘s voices. The film draws on the
live performance “Intérieur”, presented at the Satosphére‘s opening, in October 2011, in Montréal. 14 minutes.
Matrix Optimizer 2.0
ProduCER: Jan Zehn & Stefan Berke
TIME: Thursday, May 10, midnight
Since the 4th Fulldome Festival, CymaSonics - Matrix Optimizer has become a known term for pioneering groundwork
in the field of virtual fulldome acoustics animation art and
Thanks to the installation of the Fraunhofer IDMT‘s new
Spatial­Sound Wave at Zeiss Planetarium Jena, for the first
time, we are able to bring our work out to the public on a
practical stage, operating on 21 hemispherical placed virtual audio channels.
Experience the first audiovisual fulldome show, demonstrating the Mat-
Life of Trees
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
The Life of Trees is an entertaining and educational full dome
experience that tells the fascinating world of trees. It shows
the importance of plants for life on earth, how trees grow,
how they transport water against gravity to the top of the
crown, and enabled diverse life on earthby producing oxygen.
Audri Phillips
Saturday, May 12, Clips Night
The story is presented by two quirky animated characters: a ladybug called DOLORES and a firefly called MIKE. 2 minutes.
Migrations is a visual poem. Many of the visual metaphors
center around the notion of floating free and liberation. All
creatures on the earth have migrated, not only from place
to place but also in the sense of a physical change of state. This could be thought of as dissolving space. Now with
global warming there unfortunately will also be more forced
migrations. 5 minutes.
ProduCER: Daniel Bandke, Lukas Taido Velvet
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
Pretend Redux
ProduCER: L. F. Jones and C. Cumbie-Jones
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night
Abhängig zu sein von der Technik und den damit verbundenen Prozessen, dass trifft inzwischen auf viele Menschen zu.
„lineardome“ beschreibt den Umgang mit der Technik als
Hoffnungsträger für Illusionen und Wünsche. Am Ende bleibt
die Erkenntnis, dass es im Leben keinen Systemwiederherstellungspunkt gibt. Eine audiovisuelle Fulldome-Produktion in
5.1 Sourround.
“Pretend Redux” continues an exploration begun as a multimedia installation in 1999 as “Pretend Research” moving the
work into the fulldome arena. “Pretend” looks at how little
information we really need in an age of information overload exploring the moving border between pure form and
recognizable content. 4 minutes.
Priene: A Greek City from the Past
ProduCER: Foundation of the Hellenic World
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
Priene in Asia Minor Ionia, the most extensivly excavated Hellenistic City in Asia Minor and an excellent example of Hellenistic architecture, comes to life in FHW‘s production. With the
creation of a structured environment, clear and balanced, the
city expressed the mature philosophical and political thinking
of the classical period. Public Buildings, private residences and
temples constitute the sights of this tour of this city of Asia Minor.
5 minutes.
Hannes Wagner
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
Als die Welt noch jung war, gab es noch keine Nacht. Immer
schien die Sonne auf das Volk der Menschen. Nur der eitle
Rabe war verärgert, da die Sonne seine weißen Federn verbrannte. Hinterlistig überredet er die Sonne zu gehen und
es wird das erste Mal Nacht. Eine lange Nacht, was sollen die
Menschen tun?
Students Clips
Nach einem indianischen Märchen, mit Bildern und Figuren von
Hans-Georg Wagner. 5 minutes.
Der Loup Garou
ProduCER: Ralph Heinsohn
TIME: Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2
„Frommen Kindern geschieht kein Leid, doch das Böse ‚holt die
Eul‘ und der ‚Loup Garou‘. Jenes Wesen geht nachts im Dunkeln um und bestraft all jene, die nicht gottesfürchtig sind...“.
Eine Fulldome-Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Gedichts der
Dichterin Annette Droste-Hülshoff aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.
Sabrina Winther - HFG Offenbach
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Ein alter Mann nutzt das Einkaufen im Supermarkt dazu, ein
bisschen mit der Kassiererin zu plaudern. Dass deshalb viele
Menschen warten müssen, ist ihm grade recht, wenigstens
hat ihn heute jemand gesehen.
ProduCER: Jiayao Chen / Jie Wang
Bauhaus University Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
»Blue« is inspired by Chinese porcelain. The shape of porcelain bowl is compatible to fulldome, my interpretation of
Dissolving Space. Blue in China is the symbol of Life. Blue and
white show the charm of peace, simplicity but elegance, what
is advocated and pursued in Chinese culture. The patterns imply the meaning of lucky, which reflects people’s yearning on the
beautiful life. The blue patterns are formed after high temperature
firing, and never fade, so blue and white porcelain represents permanence.
An Oxen and the Eternal Question
Shane Murphy - Ringling College
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
Sönke Hahn, Bauhaus University Weimar
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
»breakFAST« ist ein moderner Film noir. In einer Kombination
aus realem Bildmaterial und einer aus Zeichnungen bestehenden Filmwelt wird die Geschichte einer Fahrradverfolgungsjagd erzählt. Am Anfang steht ein vermeintlich einfacher
Brötchenkauf, der unserem Helden mehr abverlangt, als er sich
hat träumen lassen... »breakFAST« ist ein mit Augenzwinkern versehener Actionfilm, der das Raumgefühl des Fulldomes auszunutzen versteht.
Anthropogene Einflüsse auf das Klima
ProduCER: Anna Krämer - FH Potsdam
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Anthropogene Einflüsse auf das Klima beschreibt, als animierte Infografik, die mannigfachen Einflüsse, die der Mensch auf
das Weltklima hat. Der Inhalt basiert auf einem Schulbuch
der Cornelsenreihe und ist als ergänzender Unterrichtsfilm im
Fulldome gedacht.
Butterfly Lovers
ProduCER: Yue Mao, Bauhaus-Uni Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Long ago, two young people fall in love after studying together. But due to ancient Chinese custom, they were not
able to get married. Then, both of them refused to marry the
ones who were arranged by their families. The two young
people died of illness. After their death, many people felt
pity about the real story. They created a myth, and gave the
story a beautiful ending. They believe the two people turn into
butterflies, and be in love forever. My movie is just expressing
the butterflies‘ happy life after their suffering. This movie is in a
traditional Chinese painting style.
ProduCER: Mike Munger, Ringling College
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
ProduCER: Zhang Xiaodong
Bauhaus University Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
A fulldome interpretation of Dornröschen, the Sleeping
Der Geist mit den zwei Gesichtern
Florian Meyer, Jiang Yang
Bauhaus University Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
„Buddha sagt: Du kannst deine wahre Liebe nur treffen, wenn
ihr in früheren Leben fünfhundert Mal aneinander vorbei
gelaufen seid, ohne zurückzublicken.“ Es geht um Sehnsucht
und Geduld, Liebe und Zersplitterung sowie das Streben nach
Erleuchtung am Tor zur Unterwelt. Eine gesprochene Geschichte
von Jiang Yang, im Fulldome-Format visualisiert von Florian Meyer, mit einem Soundtrack von Matthias Hampel.
Der Keller
ProduCER: Julius Hass, Johannes Graf, FH
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Auf der Suche nach einer guten Flasche Wein in einem dunklen Keller.
Nicolas Gebbe, HfG Offenbach
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Bei einer Rückkopplung entsteht eine visuelle oder akustische
Schlei­fe, die sich durch bewusstes Eingreifen bis zur immersiven
Selbsterregung aufschaukeln und Raum entstehen lassen kann.
Haie und die, die sie liebt
ProduCER: Aleksander Radan,
HfG Offenbach
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Der Film taucht ein und beobachtet eine junge Frau und ihre
ängstliche Faszination, die in den Tiefen des Wassers lauert.
Morgen geht sie Haie streicheln.
Jetzt Ein Stück
ProduCER: Leonie Link, HfG Offenbach
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Was passiert beim Übergang vom Wachsein zum Schlafen?
Seltsame Assoziationen von Gedanken über Bilder zu Geräuschen – aber was ist real und was ist Traum?
Laser Head Explosion
Denis Carbone, HfG Offenbach
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Handgemalte Licht-Bilder. Stop-Motion-Langzeit-Belichtungen mit Lasern gezeichnet geraten rasant in Bewegung und
führen in eine einzigartige neue Welt, die aus sichtbaren Gedankenblitzen besteht.
Listen Carefully
ProduCER: Sebastian Hilgetag /
Marie Havemann
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Ein Film, der die Hektik der heutigen Zeit portraitiert und andererseits aufzeigt, was passieren kann, wenn man sich trotz
allem dazu verleiten lässt, sich auf Inspiration jeglicher Art einzulassen.
Mission Hollow
ProduCER: Gentian Begolli,
Bauhaus University Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
A Movie about the Hollow Earth.
One Life Stand
Thomas Bannier, HfG OffenFriday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Nach einem Verkehrsunfall schweben zwei Lebewesen im
Zwischenreich von Leben und Tod. Dieser langsame Übergang dient zur Orientierung und Gewöhnung an die neue
Umgebung im Jenseits. Hier entscheidet sich das Schicksal.
Wer genug Willenskraft hat, entkommt dem Tod.
ProduCER: Thomas Kneffel, HfG Offenbach
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Parasiten stehen auf Schokolade, Agavendicksaft, Milch, Blut
und Sauerstoff ebenso sehr wie Du. Was Du gerne magst,
mögen sie ebenfalls. Was Du nicht magst, mögen sie auch
nicht. Das ist der Überlebenstrick.
ProduCER: Xin Wang, Bauhaus Uni Weimar
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
5 pictures about ways people pollute their own world.
Eine Reise in eine Welt aus Gitterstrukturen und Raumwirbeln. Abstrakte Objekte bilden Räume im Weltenraum.
Rose Generazio, Ringling College
of Art and Design
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
Raum im Raum
ProduCER: Kiro Mohrfeldt - FH Kiel
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Marc Rühl, HfG Offenbach
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Hier muss alles neu verputzt werden, aber zuerst muss der alte
Putz ab! Gut, das der Kollege Rauhputzlösung im Auto hat...
Send and Receive
Trisha Rampersad, Ringling
College of Art and Design
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
ProduCER: Jenna DeLorenzo, Ringling
College of Art and Design
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
That Which Once Was
ProduCER: P J DiSalvo, Ringling College of
Art and Design
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
The Salsa Basic
Vanessa Murillo, Bauhaus-Uni
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Salsa is a popular social dance. It typically is a couple’s dance.
»The Salsa Basic« is a video animation, which works as a guide
showing you how to dance, and the fundamentals of Salsa
dancing in a fun, social, interactive and step-by-step way. As a
result you will be absolutely amazed by how quickly you „get
it“. This video also helps you understand the important basic
steps that will enable you to quickly grow your ability to dance.
This method is fast and easy and can be tried without fear. Believe
it or not, Salsa dancing will change your life!
The Shape of Rain
ProduCER: Katja Loos / Camilla Saloto,
Bauhaus University Weimar
ProduCER: Ted Gola Webe
College of Art and Design
TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art
and Design.
Lydia Müller,
Bauhaus University Weimar
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Trapped in a cage which offers no chance of escape the panther has become numb to the world outside. »Xaboh« is an
animated visualization of the poem »The Panther« by Rainer
Maria Rilke. Within three verses Rilke describes the animal‘s
condition, characteristics and perception. The first two verses
focus on the appearance of the panther while the third verse
provides us a first insight into the animals mind.
Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night
Es gleicht einer Reise zu neuen Orten. Gewohnte Räume, die aus
anderen Blickwinkeln wahrgenommen werden. Organische und
klare Formen lösen sich auf, um Neues zu bilden und neuen Raum
zu schaffen – Herauslösung und Veränderung. Von einem Sitzplatz
unter Wasser hinein in die Stadt, weiter durch die Natur und fühlen
wie unter freiem Himmel. Die Reise geht durch Räume die jeder von
uns kennt, aber nur die Leere im Raum lässt ihn auch erkennbar werden.
Amr El-LaithyWednesday, 2 pm
Nodebase Workflow + Interactive Ideas
Lecture Room
Einige Gedanken über Aufmerksamkeit und visuelle Wahrnehmung. Das Verhältnis von visueller Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit ist ein faszinierender Gegenstand der Forschung – in den bildenden Künsten
ebenso wie in der Psychologie, den Kognitionswissenschaften oder den Neurowissenschaften. Welche
Erkenntnisse lassen sich aus der Untersuchung kognitiver und visueller Prozesse in Hinblick auf ContentEntwicklung und Gestaltung für Kuppelprojektionen und immersive Szenarien ableiten?
Tim Florian Horn
Wednesday, 3 pm
Making of - Life a Cosmic Story: data-driven Lecture Room
science visualization
André Wünscher
Fulldome Interaction with Unity 3D
Friday, 2 pm
Mobile Dome
Hannes Wagner
New Stories for a new Medium
Jürgen Rienow Aktuelle Fulldome-Forschung in Kiel
Friday, 3 pm
Mobile Dome
Jan Zehn & Stefan Berke
CymaSonics – Matrix Optimizer 2.0
Thursday, 2 pm
Lecture Room
Thursday, 3 pm
Lecture Room
A short lecture on Spatial Listening, Synthetical Acoustics and the future of AudioVisual Fulldome.
Jan Zehn, introducing the CyMatrix team and project, will speak about spatial listening experience and
the creation of synthetical acoustics, with special focus on CymaSonics as audio-animation technique.
Afterwards, Stefan Berke, virtuous artistical programmer of Matrix Optimizer 2.0, will give a short live demonstration of some of the special features of this new audiovisual fulldome animation software.
Ivo Haulsen Neuigkeiten Fraunhofer FIRST
Prof. Klaus Dufke
Some Thoughts on Vision and Attention Friday, 11 am
Lecture Room
Friday, 12 pm
Lecture Room
University of Applied Science Potsdam
The relationship between human vision and attention is a fascinating subject and the focus of research in
the visual arts as well as in psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. To respect the relevance of
cognitive and visual processing provides a sensitive means of learning about content creation and design
for immersive environments.
Im Rahmen des Fachbereichs Medien der Fachhochschule Kiel ist Forschung an immersiven Medien ein
Schwerpunkt, insb. im Masterstudiengang „Multimedia Production“. Einige der Forschungsvorhaben werden vorgestellt.
Pedro Zaz VJ & Fulldome
Friday, 5 pm
Mobile Dome
2011/2012 was the year of: Syphon Server , Video Mapping Software with Bézier curves and very cheap
edge blend tools. The fulldome medium is finally accessible to VJs and enthusiasts. We aim for the young
and inspired artists of the future and open up the medium to a wider array of ideas and interpretations.
Micky Remann & Co-Initiators
Life and Future of the FullDome Festival
Saturday, 11 am
Star Theater
In it’s short but dynamic history, the Jena FullDome Festival has developed into a leading international forum
and marketplace for presentations and discussions of 360 degree dome projection and immersive media.
This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction and status report of the technical and artistic evolution
of the fulldome medium. Witness the beauty and the challenges of 6 years of FullDome Festival as reflected in some of its program highlights. If you are new to the scene, the workshop along with the shows and
explanations will give you an overview of where the medium stands now and where it may be going in the
future. “Life and future of the FullDome Festival” will be co-presented by the initiators of the Jena Festival.
Prof. Dr. Heidi Kjär
Saturday, 11 am
Koordinaten und Kistenkram auf Kiel gelegt –
Lecture Room
Festival und Internetplattform für immersive
Medien starten jetzt
Prof. Dr. Heidi Kjär und Mitglieder des Team des Instituts für Immersive Medien an der Fachhochschule
Die Referenten stellen Aktivitäten des Institut für Immersive Medien an der Fachhochschule Kiel vor: ab
Mai 2012 steht eine Webplattform zur Verfügung, die allen Interessierten an Produktion und Forschung
für immersive Medien geeignete Kontakte, Informationen, aktuelle Veröffentlichungen, Literatur u.v.a.m.
zur Verfügung stellt. Ziele sind die Koordination von gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten, Austausch
Forschender und Produzenten und die Sammlung relevanter Hilfsmittel. Gleichzeitig startet die Ausschreibung für ein neues Festival räumlicher Medien auf dem Campus der FH Kiel: „Koordinaten“ (2.-3.
November 2012) ergänzt die seit 2010 bekannte „Konferenz iii“ durch attraktive Präsentationen immersiver Medien und eine Preisverleihung am Samstag, den 3.November, im Rahmen des Abendprogramms.
René Rodigast
Bild und Ton gehören zusammen – Möglichkeiten von 3D Audio in der Kuppel
Saturday, 12 am
Star Theater
Im Vortrag wird eine Einführung zum Thema 3D Audio im Planetarium gegeben und das neue Soundsystem der Jenaer Kuppel vorgestellt. Beispielhaft werden Arbeitsabläufe mit dem System demonstriert
und die Notwendigkeit der Konvergenz von Bild und Ton erläutert. Mit eindrucksvollen Video- und
Tonbeispielen wird der Zuschauer in eine immersive Klangwelt versetzt.
Prof. Christian Janecke
In the thick of it – Immersion from an art historian‘s view
Saturday, 2 pm
Lecture Room
The lecture will not deal with immersion in general but instead focus on some aspects of the subject
that stem from art history or art theory. Furthermore, the considerations and examples presented won‘t
suppose immersion to be something that is limited to film or new media but more to certain aesthetic
preliminaries. Christian Janecke has been a full-time professor for art history at the Hochschule für
Gestaltung, Offenbach am Main (Germany) since 2006. Janecke‘s area of specialisation is modern and
contemporary art, partly focusing on art in relation to science, theatre or performance, fashion or design.
Kohei Suzuki
Freischwebende Sterne im Stereokomparator
Saturday, 3 pm
Lecture Room
Im letzten Text der Einbahnstraße mit dem Titel „Zum Planetarium“ definiert Walter Benjamin die Technik
als „Beherrschung vom Verhältnis von Natur und Menschheit“. Das heißt, wie Giorgio Agamben bemerkt,
dass weder der Mensch die Natur noch die Natur den Menschen beherrschen soll. Und nicht einmal in
einem dritten Begriff als dialektische Synthese aufgehoben werden soll. Nach Benjamin organisiert sich
in der Technik vielmehr „eine Physis“, in welcher menschlicher Kontakt mit dem Kosmos sich neu und
anderes bildet als in der Antike. Hier ist die Photographie zu nennen, zu der „eine andere Natur“ als die
zum Auge sprechen soll. Nach der Einführung der Photographie in die Astronomie befassen sich die
Astronomen immer mehr mit dieser anderen Natur. Dabei geht es aber - gemäß Benjamins Modell einer
„Dialektik im Stillstand“ - nicht um die Entkoppelung des Beobachters von der Beobachtung, sondern
um „eine Physis“, die sich in den freischwebenden Sternen im Stereokomparator andeutet.
Nina Wise
The Kepler Project – Performance Art & Fulldome Show
Saturday, 4 pm
Star Theater
The Kepler Projet is the fulldome show I created in collaboration with Morrison Planetarium‘s Ryan Wyatt
and Tim Horn about Johannes Kepler. The performance involves a live actor (Johannes Kepler), full dome
immersive imagery (stunning), amazing music by composer Zoe Keating, and sound design by Christopher Hedge.
Micky Remann & Bauhaus Students
Janus 2.0 - God of Fulldome
Saturday, 5 pm
Star Theater
Traditionally depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions, the Roman god Janus is said to be
able to view front and back, past and future simultaneously. Obviously, Janus is much better equipped to
enjoy fulldome shows than the ordinary human being, whose field of vision is limited to just a segment of
our surrounding 360 degree reality. When we go to the movies, or work with the computer, the screens
in front of us don’t usually overstretch the limits of our forward facing field of vision. But in a dome with
sensory projection fully surrounding us, life appears in a different light, and we are required to rethink
how we should approach and interpret such expanded perceptual experiences more fully. Can Janus help
us understand the specific challenges of the fulldome medium? Students of Bauhaus-University Weimar
discussed this question and found their own interpretations of „Janus 2.0 - God of Fulldome“.
Program Overview
Perfect Little Planet
Clark Planetarium, USA
solar system
Supernovas Company
Ilusa Media, E
astro for kids
Across the Universe
Procyon Film GmbH, A
space exploration
A Starry Tale
Kagaya Studios, J
Break / Pause
Lamps of Atlantis
Evans & Sutherland, USA
history, constellations
Wildest Weather in Solar System National Geographic, USA
planets, weather
Astronef , F
solar system
Break / Pause
Hayabusa Back to Earth
Kagaya Studios, J
space travel
The Future
Airbus, F air transportation
Magic of the Otherworld
FH Kiel, D
music meditation
Nodebase Workflow...
Amr Ellaithy, ET
Life - A Cosmic Story
Tim Florian Horn, USA
making of
Break / Pause
MolesAntares, Ekids
Melbourne Planetarium, AU
astro for kids
8 Scoops of Milky Way
Aayushi Animation Studio, IN solar system families
A Part of The Sky Called Orion Bays Mountain Plan., USA
sky lore, constellations
Break /Pause
ART‘M Créateurs Associés, F
Life - A Cosmic Story
Cal. Acad. of Sciences, USA
life sciences
Undiscovered Worlds...
Hayden Plan. Boston, USA
Break / Pause
Secret Lives of Stars
Evans & Sutherland, USA
Awesome Light
Sky-Skan, USA
astronomical research
The Searcher
Adler Plan. Chicago, USA
sci-fi, visz universe
New Stories for a New Medium Hannes Wagner, D
Cyma Sonics
Jan Zehn, Stefan Berke, D
Break / Pause
Sincere Thanks
to all our Sponsors
Lars, the Little Polar Bear
LNP / Mediendom, USA/D
kids show
Into The Deep
Ogrefish, A
deep sea
Solar System Odyssee
Morehead, Chapel Hill, USA
solar system
NanocamExilio, Elife sciences
NSC Creative, UK
space travel
Break / Pause
Planet Erde
Planetarium Hamburg, D
earth sciences
The Earth and Me
Eugenides F. / Animonautes, GR humankind
Dynamic Earth
Spitz, USA
earth sciences, clima
Break / Pause
Experience the Aurora
Evans & Sutherland, USA
time laps
Galaxy Time
Planet. Galilee, Montpellier, F astrotainment
Space Park 360
Dome3D / Plan. WOB, USA/D
music entertainment
J. Zehn, R. Heinsohn, u.a.
spatial audio
Fraunhofer FIRST News
Ivo Haulsen
Neues aus Potsdam
Prof. Klaus Dufke
Break / Pause
Fulldome InteractiveAndré Wünscherworkshop
Immersionsbegriff...Jürgen Rienowworkshop
Break / Pause
VJs & the Dome
Pedro Zaz, BR
Break / Pause
Students‘ Night
Students Works, intl.
Clip Night, Part 1
Indepentents, Profs, intl.
clips & short films
FullDome Festival
Micky Remann
Festival und Internet...
Prof. Heidi Kjär
Spatial Sound Wave
René Rodigast
Break / Pause
Immersion total
Prof. Christian Janecke
Zeit-Bild-RaumKohei Suzukipresentation
Kepler ProjectNina Wisepresentation
Janus 2.0
Micky Remann & Students
Break / Pause
Clips Night, Part 2
indepentents, professionals
clips & short films
Festival Gala
best of Festival
Veranstaltungsort / Venue:
Zeiss-Planetarium Jena
Am Planetarium 5
07743 Jena
+49-3641-88 54 88
Facebook: FullDome-Festival
e-mail: [email protected]
Jürgen Hellwig
Micky Remann
Volkmar Schorcht
André Wünscher