Kristina Stoeckl Complete List of Publications (September 2016)


Kristina Stoeckl Complete List of Publications (September 2016)
Kristina Stoeckl
Complete List of Publications (September 2016)
1. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) The Russian Orthodox Church and Human Rights. London,
New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0415658713.
2. Stoeckl, Kristina (2008) Community after totalitarianism. The Russian Orthodox
intellectual tradition and the philosophical discourse of political modernity. Frankfurt,
Brüssel et al.: Peter Lang (= Erfurter Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Orthodoxen
Christentums, Vol. 5. Ed. by Vasilios Makrides). ISBN: 978-3631579367.
Edited books
3. Gabriel, Ingeborg/Papanikolaou, Aristotle/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (forthcoming)
Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity. London, New York: T&T Clark (accepted).
4. Stoeckl, Kristina ed. (2015) The Future of Religious Education in Europe. Florence:
European University Institute ReligioWest. ISBN: 978-9290843573.
5. Bardon, Aurelia/Birnbaum, Maria/Lee, Lois/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (2015) Religious
Pluralism. A Resource Book. Florence: European University Institute ReligioWest.
ISBN: 978-9290843559.
6. Stoeckl, Kristina ed. (2015) Sergej S. Horujy. Practices of the Self and Spiritual
Practices. Foucault and the Orthodox Hesychast Tradition. Edited with an
introduction by Kristina Stoeckl. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. ISBN: 978-0-8028-7226-5.
7. Nautz, Jürgen/Stoeckl, Kristina/Siebenrock, Roman eds. (2013) Öffentliche Religionen.
Politikverständnis und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement. Innsbruck: Innsbruck
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-3902811868.
8. Rosati, Massimo/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (2012) Multiple Modernities and Postsecular
Societies. Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN: 978-1-4094-4412-1.
9. Guggenberger, Wilhelm/Regensburger, Dietmar/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (2009)
Religion, Politik und Markt: Die Rückkehr der Religion als Anfrage an den politischphilosophischen Diskurs der Moderne. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press (Edition
Weltordnung – Religion – Gewalt, Vol. 4). ISBN: 978-3902719140.
10. Palaver, Wolfgang/Exenberger, Andreas/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (2008) Aufgeklärte
Apokalyptik: Religion, Gewalt und Frieden im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Innsbruck:
Innsbruck University Press (=Edition Weltordnung – Religion – Gewalt, Vol. 1). ISBN:
Edited special issues
11. Mattes, Astrid, Julia Mourão Permoser, and Kristina Stoeckl, eds. 2016. Institutional
Responses to Religious Pluralism. Vol. 2, Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and
Transformation in Contemporary Society: Vienna University Press.
12. Stoeckl, Kristina ed. (2015) Special Section „Das Orthodoxe Christentum und die
(Post-) Moderne.“ Transit. Europäische Revue 47.
13. Stoeckl, Kristina/Roy, Olivier eds. (2015) “Muslim Soldiers, Muslim Chaplains: The
Accommodation of Islam in Western Militaries.” Religion, State and Society 43/1.
ISSN: 0963-7494 (Print), ISSN: 1465-3974 (Online).
14. Stoeckl, Kristina/Roy, Olivier eds. (2015) “Religious pluralism in a Christian format:
the ‘Muslim chaplain’ in European prisons”. International Journal of Politics, Culture
and Society 28/1. ISSN: 0891-4486 (print version), ISSN: 1573-3416 (electronic
15. Birnbaum, Maria/Stoeckl, Kristina eds. (2014) “Beyond critique”. Exchange on the
Immanent Frame Blog of the Social Science Research Council:
16. Stoeckl, Kristina ed. (2011) Document Collection of the Italian-Russian Workshop
“Politics, Religion and Culture in Postsecular Society (Faenza, 13-14 May 2011)”,
PECOB – Portal of East Central and Balkan Europe:
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
17. Stoeckl, Kristina/Uzlaner, Dmitry (forthcoming) “Pussy Riot’s punk-prayer: Orthodox
believers, protest and religious freedom in Putin’s Russia”, Contemporary Journal of
Religion, special issue edited by Slavica Jakelic. ISSN: 1353-7903 (Print), ISSN: 14699419 (Online).
18. Stoeckl, Kristina (2016) The Russian Orthodox Church as moral norm entrepreneur,
Religion, State and Society, 44/2, 132-151, DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2016.1194010.
19. Stoeckl, Kristina (2016). Political liberalism and religious claims: four blind spots,
Philosophy and Social Criticism (online first), 1-17. DOI: 10.1177/0191453716651665
20. Mattes, Astrid, Julia Mourão Permoser, and Kristina Stoeckl, eds. 2016. “Introduction:
Institutional Responses to Religious Pluralism”, Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion
and Transformation in Contemporary Society, Vol. 2 Vienna University Press.
21. Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) “Vladimir Bibikhin: His Biographical Notes and the Moscow
Circle of Religious Intellectuals”, Stasis, 1, 2015, 392-399. [in Russian and English].
ISSN: 2310-3817.
22. Stoeckl, Kristina/Roy, Olivier eds. (2015) “Introduction: Muslim Soldiers, Muslim
Chaplains: The Accommodation of Islam in Western Militaries.” Religion, State and
Society 43/1. ISSN: 0963-7494 (Print), ISSN: 1465-3974 (Online).
23. Stoeckl, Kristina/Roy, Olivier (2015) “Introduction: Religious pluralism in a Christian
format: the ‘Muslim chaplain’ in European prisons”. International Journal of Politics,
Culture and Society, 28/1: 1-3. ISSN: 0891-4486 (Print), ISSN: 1573-3416 (Online).
DOI: 10.1007/s10767-014-9178-7.
24. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov’ i prava cheloveka”.
Gosudarstvo, Religiya i Cerkov v Rossii i za rubezhom, 3/32, 146-165. ISSN: 2073-7203
(Print), ISSN 2073-7211. [French translation in: (2015) “Les droits de l’homme:
l’approche de l’Eglise orthodosse russe” Istina LX, 59-75.]
25. Stoeckl, Kristina (2012) “The Human Rights Debate in the External Relations of the
Russian Orthodox Church”, Religion, State & Society 40 (2), 212-232. ISSN: 0963-7494
(Print), ISSN: 1465-3974 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2012.692246.
26. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) “European Integration and Russian Orthodoxy: two multiple
modernities perspectives”, European Journal of Social Theory 14 (2), 217-234. ISSN:
1368-4310 (Print), ISSN: 1461-7137 (Online). DOI: doi: 10.1177/1368431011403462.
[Russian translation in: (2012) “Evropejskaya integraciya I russkoe pravoslavie: dve
perspektivy v ramkakh 8roblem8 mnozhestvennykh sovremennostej”, Gosudarstvo,
Religiya I Cerkov v Rossii I za rubezhom 1 (30), 57-83. ISSN: 2073-7203 (Print), ISSN
27. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) “L’insegnamento della chiesa ortodossa russa sulla dignità,
libertà e i diritti dell’uomo”, Pace Diritti Umani – Peace Human Rights VIII (1). ISBN:
28. Mourão Permoser, Julia/ Rosenberger, Sieglinde/Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) “Religious
Organizations as Political Actors in the Context of Migration: Islam and Orthodoxy in
Austria”. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36 (9),1463-1481. ISSN: 1369183X (Print), ISSN: 1469-9451 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2010.500819.
Reprinted (2015) in: Migration and Religion Vol. II. The International Library of
Studies on Migration Series, edited by James A. Beckford. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78347 257 4.
29. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) “The impact of the return of religion on theoretical
approaches to democracy and governance in the social and political sciences”. In:
Sociology Compass 4/2, 1-11. Online ISSN: 1751-9020. DOI: 10.1111/j.17519020.2010.00284.x.
30. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) “Political Hesychasm? Vladimir Petrunin’s Neo-Byzantine
Interpretation of the Social Doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church”. In: Studies in
East European Thought 62/1, 125-133. ISSN: 0925-9392 (Print), ISSN: 1573-0948
(Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11212-010-9107-x.
31. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) “The lesson of the revolution in Russian émigré theology and
contemporary Orthodox thought.” Religion, State and Society 4, 285-300. ISSN: 09637494 (Print), ISSN: 1465-3974 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/09637490701621661.
32. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) “A new anthropology: Sergej S. Khoružij’s search for an
alternative to the Cartesian subject in ‘Očerki sinergijnoj antropologii’”, Studies in
East European Thought 59/3, 237-245. ISSN: 0925-9392 (Print), ISSN: 1573-0948
(Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11212-007-9029-4 [published also in Russian as: “Novaya
antropologiya: poisk al’ternativy kartezianskomu sub’ektu v ‘Ocherkakh sinergijnoj
antropologii’ Sergeya Khoruzhego.” Voprosy Filosofii 1 (2008), 173 – 178. ISSN: 00428744].
33. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) “Soobshestvo posle sub’ekta. Pravoslavnaya
8roblem8tual’naya tradiciya I filosofskij diskurs politicheskogo moderna.” Voprosy
Filosofii 8, 34-47. ISSN: 0042-8744. [English version (2008) “Community after the
Subject. The Orthodox Intellectual Tradition and the Philosophical Discourse of
Political Modernity”. In: Sofia Philosophical Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 117-138. ISSN:
34. Stoeckl, Kristina (2006) “Modernity and its critique in twentieth century Russian
Orthodox thought.” Studies in East European Thought 58/4, 243-269. ISSN: 09259392 (Print), ISSN: 1573-0948 (Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11212-006-9009-0.
Articles in edited volumes
35. Stoeckl, Kristina (forthcoming) “Modernity and Political Theologies”, Political
Theologies in Orthodox Christianity, edited by Ingeborg Gabriel, Aristotle
Papanikolaou and Kristina Stoeckl. London, New York: T&T Clark (accepted).
36. Stoeckl, Kristina (forthcoming) “Moral argument in the human rights debate of the
Russian Orthodox Church”, In the Shadow of Constantine, edited by Aristotle
Papanikolaou. Fordham: Fordham University Press.
37. Stoeckl, Kristina (forthcoming) “Europe’s Entangled Modernities”, Borders
Constructed and Deconstructed – Orthodox Christianity in Europe, edited by Alfons
Brüning (= Eastern Christian Studies Vol. 14). Leuven: Peeters.
38. Stoeckl, Kristina (2016) „Die Rezeption des Menschenrechtsbegriffs in der Russischen
Orthodoxen Kirche“, Rezeption und Rechtskulturwandel: Europäische
Rechtstraditionen in Ostasien und Russland, hrsg. V. Martin Schermaier und Werner
Gephart (=Schriftenreihe des Käte Hamburger Kollegs „Recht als Kultur“).
Frankfurt/M: Klostermann, 205-230. ISBN: 978-3465042525.
39. Stoeckl, Kristina (2016) „Die Menschenrechtsdoktrin der Russischen Orthodoxen
Kirche aus dem Jahr 2008 – der institutionelle und ideologische Kontext“,
Christentum und Menschenrechte in Europa. Perspektiven und Debatten in Ost und
West, edited by Vasilios Makrides, Jennifer Wasmuth, Stefan Kube (Erfurter Studien
zur Kulturgeschichte des Orthodoxen Christentums, 11), Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 27-44.
ISBN: 978-3-631-62580-4.
40. Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) “Introduction”, The Future of Religious Education in Europe,
edited by Kristina Stoeckl. Florence: European University Institute ReligioWest. ISBN:
41. Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) „Introduction“ to Sergej S. Horujy. Practices of the Self and
Spiritual Practices. Foucault and the Orthodox Hesychast Tradition. Edited with an
introduction by Kristina Stoeckl. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. ISBN: 978-0-8028-7226-5.
42. Bardon, Aurelia/Birnbaum, Maria/Lee, Lois/Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) “Introduction”,
Religious Pluralism. A Resource Book, edited by Aurelia Bardon, Maria Birnbaum, Lois
Lee and Kristina Stoeckl. Florence: European University Institute ReligioWest. ISBN:
43. Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) “Postsekulyarnyj liberalism i traditsionnaya religiya”,
Pravoslavie I sovremennost’: Problemy sekulyarizma i postsekulyarizma, kollektivnaya
monografiya. Moskva, Orel, Livny: Izd. Novospasskogo Monastyrya, 72-86.
44. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “Religious approaches to human rights: The Russian Orthodox
Church’s Basic Teaching on Human Dignity, Liberty and Rights,” Europa mit oder ohne
Religion? Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenwärtigen und künftigen Europa, hrsg.
Kurt Appel, Isabella Guanzini und Angelika Walser. Vienna: Vienna University Press an
V&R unipress. ISBN: 978-3-8471-0320-2.
45. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “Orthodox Churches and migration”, in Eastern Christianity
and Politics in the twenty-first century, edited by Lucian N. Leustean. London, New
York: Routledge, 721-736. ISBN: 978-0-415-68490-3.
46. Stoeckl, Kristina (2013) „Orthodoxe Kirchen als Migrations- und Minderheitenkirchen:
Herausforderungen und Chancen“, in Öffentliche Religionen. Politikverständnis und
zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement, edited by Jürgen Nautz, Kristina Stöckl and Roman
Siebenrock. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2013, 187-202. ISBN: 9783902811868.
47. Stoeckl, Kristina (2012) “Post-secular subjectivity in Western philosophy and Eastern
Orthodox Thought”, Philosophical Theology and the Christian Traditions: Russian and
Western Perspectives, ed. David Bradshaw. Council for Research in Values and
Philosophy. ISBN: 978-1565182752.
48. Stoeckl, Kristina (2012) “Contemporary Orthodox Discourses on Human Rights: the
Standpoint of Christos Yannaras in a political philosophical perspective,” Orthodox
Christianity and Human Rights, edited by Evert van der Zweerde and Alfons Brüning
(= Eastern Christian Studies Vol. 13). Leuven: Peeters, 185-199. ISBN: 978-90-4292508-3.
49. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) „Gemeinschaft nach dem Totalitarismus. Die
Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Gemeinschaft in der zeitgenössischen
russisch-orthodoxen intellektuellen Tradition im Spiegel westlicher Philosophie,“ Die
Tradition einer Zukunft. Perspektiven der Religionsphilosophie, herausgegeben von
Florian Uhl, Sylvia Melchardt und Artur R. Boelderl. Graal-Müritz: Parerga, 177-202.
ISBN: 978-3937262970
50. Stoeckl, Kristina/Mourão Permoser, Julia/Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2011) “Immigrant
Religions as Public Religions in Austria”, Politics of religion in Western Europe.
Modernities in conflict?, edited by Francois Foret and Xabier Itcaina. London:
Routledge, 189-206. ISBN: 978-0-415-59534-6.
51. Mourão Permoser, Julia/Rosenberger, Sieglinde/Stoeckl, Kristina/ (2011) “Religious
Actors and Migration in Austria”, in Religious Actors in the public sphere, edited by
Jeffrey Haynes and Anja Hennig, London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-61035-3.
52. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) „Modern Trajectories in Eastern European Orthodoxy:
Responses to the Post-totalitarian and Post-Cold War Constellation”. Domains and
Divisions of European History, edited by Johann P. Arnason and Nathalie Doyle.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 40-57. ISBN: 9781846312144.
53. Stoeckl, Kristina (2009) „Staatskirche und Diaspora. Die zwei Erscheinungsformen von
Zivilgesellschaft in der russischen Orthodoxie“. Zwischen Fürsorge und Seelsorge.
Christliche Kirchen in den europäischen Zivilgesellschaften seit dem 18. Jahrhundert,
edited by Arnd Bauerkämper and Jürgen Nautz: Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 237-258.
ISBN: 978-3593390116
54. Stoeckl, Kristina (2009) “Erlebnis, Tradition, Institution: Die drei Dimensionen der
Rückkehr der Religion”. Politik, Religion und Markt: Die Rückkehr der Religion als
Anfrage an den politisch-philosophischen Diskurs der Moderne, edited by Wilhelm
Guggenberger, Dietmar Regensburger and Kristina Stöckl. Innsbruck: Innsbruck
University Press (=Edition Weltordnung – Religion – Gewalt, Vol. 4), S. 115-130. ISBN:
55. Guggenberger, Wilhelm/Regensburger, Dietmar/Stoeckl, Kristina (2009) „Einleitung“.
Politik, Religion und Markt: Die Rückkehr der Religion als Anfrage an den politischphilosophischen Diskurs der Moderne, edited by Wilhelm Guggenberger, Dietmar
Regensburger and Kristina Stöckl. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press (=Edition
Weltordnung – Religion – Gewalt, Vol. 4), S. 7-18. ISBN: 978-3902719140.
56. Palaver, Wolfgang/Stoeckl, Kristina (2008) „Einleitung“. Aufgeklärte Apokalyptik:
Religion, Gewalt und Frieden im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, edited by Wolfgang
Palaver, Andreas Exenberger and Kristina Stöckl. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University
Press, 2008 (=Edition Weltordnung – Religion – Gewalt, Vol. 1), 11-22. ISBN: 9783902571411.
57. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) “The Orthodox and the Modern: European Vicinities over
Time and Space.” Reflections on Europe. Defining a political order in time and space,
edited by Bo Strath and Hans-Ake Persson. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 231-250. ISBN 97890-5201-065-6.
58. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) „Unüberwindliche Grenzen? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit
dem orthodoxen Denken in der europäischen Moderne.“ Grenzüberwindungen –
Unüberwindliche Grenzen. Ein europäisches Gespräch, edited by Frank Hoffmann,
Stefan Karsch and Evelyn Overhoff. Münster u.a.: LIT Verlag (=Gesellschaft und
Kultur, Bd. 5), 37-52. ISBN: 978-3-8258-0333-9
Encyclopedia articles
59. Stoeckl, Kristina (2016) „Modernization/Modernity“, Vocabulary for the Study of
Religion, hrsg. V. Robert Segal & Kocku von Stuckrad. Amsterdam: Brill. ISSN: 22122524, 458-462.
60. Stoeckl, Kristina (forthcoming) “Jean Luc Nancy, Dekonstruktion des Christentums”,
Werklexikon der Religionsphilosophie und Religionskritik, hrsg. von Michael Kühnlein.
Suhrkamp Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-518-29740-7.
Working papers, conference-reports and short articles
61. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “The Theology Blind Spot.” Immanent Frame Blog of the
Social Science Research Council. February 13, 2013:
62. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “In Ukraine, the future of the Russian Orthodox Church is at
stake”, Tr@nsit_online “Ukraine in Focus”, May 2014:
63. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “The Orthodox Component in the Russian Support for Eastern
Ukrainian Separatists“, Tr@nsit_Online "Ukraine in Focus". August 2014:
64. Stoeckl, Kristina (2014) “Religious Traditionalism and Politics.” IWMPost 112, Winter
2013/14, 12.
65. Stoeckl, Kristina (2013) “Politikkoordination zwischen Kirche und Staat in Russland.”
RGOW Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West 10, 18-21.
66. Stoeckl, Kristina (2012) “Russian Orthodoxy and Human Rights”. IWMPost 109,
January-April, 14-15.
67. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) Conference-Report of the Italian-Russian Workshop "Politics,
Religion and Culture in Postsecular Society (Faenza, 13-14 May 2011)", PECOB Portal of East Central and Balkan Europe
68. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) Working paper "Defining the Postsecular", in Document
Collection of the Italian-Russian Workshop "Politics, Religion and Culture in
Postsecular Society (Faenza, 13-14 May 2011)", PECOB - Portal of East Central and
Balkan Europe
69. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) "Welche politische Philosophie für die postsäkulare
Gesellschaft? Bestandsaufnahme eines practice turn". In: Tr@nsit, Online-Supplement
of Transit - Europäische Revue. Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences (IWM),
published July 2010.
70. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) "Vladimir Bibikhin: filosofia e memoria", La Nuova Europa
6/354 (Novembre-Dicembre 2010), 97-104.
71. Stoeckl, Kristina (2008) "Sergei S. Horujy’s 'Synergetic Anthropology'—One More
Phenomenon of Philosophy Grounded in Orthodoxy or an Original Approach in
Religious Philosophy?" Landshaft 2, (accessed
72. Stoeckl, Kristina (2008) Conference-Report "Second Obergurgl Governance
Symposium: Governance and Religion", University of Innsbruck, 20.-22.11.2008, (accessed
73. Stoeckl, Kristina (2007) "Obzor konferencii ‘Sub'ekt i soobshestvo v evropejskoj
filosofii i teologii: vsglyad s vostoka i zapada’ (Florenciya, 19 maya 2006 g)" Voprosy
Filosofii 1, 86-90. ISSN: 0042-8744. [transl. "Report on the conference 'The human
subject and community in European philosophy and theology: perspectives from East
and West"].
74. Stoeckl, Kristina. 2016. “Book review: Elizabeth Shakman Hurd. Beyond Religious
Freedom: The new global politics of religion.” St. Antony's International Review 12/1,
75. Stoeckl, Kristina (2015) Book review "Orthodox Identities in Western Europe:
Orthodox Identities in Western Europe", edited by Maria Hämmerli and Jean-Francois
Mayer. Entangled religions. Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious Contact
and Transfer. 2, XL-XLVI.
76. Stoeckl, Kristina (2013) Book-review "Politics, Religion, Gender: Framing and
regulating the veil", edited by Sieglinde Rosenberger and Birgit Sauer. Religion, State
and Society, 41/2, 76-78.
77. Stoeckl, Kristina (2012) Book review "Christianity and Modernity in Eastern Europe.
Edited by Bruce R. Berglund and Brian Porter-Szüs", Religion, State and Society, 40, 24, 422-425.
78. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) Book review "Das revolutionäre Ebenbild Gottes.
Anthropologien der Menschenwürde bei Nikolaj A. Berdjaev und Sergej N. Bulgakov,
by Regula Zwahlen", Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie 68, Heft 2, 455-457.
79. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) Book review "The Globalization of Hesychasm and the Jesus
Prayer: Contesting Contemplation, by Christopher D. L. Johnson", Journal of
Contemporary Religion 27/1, 166-167.
80. Stoeckl, Kristina (2011) Book review "The Revival of Political Hesychasm in
Contemporary Orthodox Thought: The Political Hesychasm of John Romanides and
Christos Yannaras, by Daniel P. Pane; Političeskij isikhazm i ego tradicii v social’noj
koncepcii Moskovskogo Patriarkha [Political Hesychasm and its Tradition in the Social
Concept of the Moscow Patriarchate], by Vladimir Petrunin", Journal of
Contemporary Religion 26 (3), 499-502.
81. Stoeckl, Kristina (2010) Book review "Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 19451991, edited by Lucian Leustean", Religion, State and Society, 28/3, 314-316.
82. Stoeckl, Kristina (2006) Book review "Konstantin Kostyuk: Der Begriff des Politischen
in der russisch-orthodoxen Tradition", Studies in East European Thought 58/4, 331334.