English_Nützliche Adressen


English_Nützliche Adressen
Beratungsstelle Opferhilfe Bern
(Advice centre for aid to crime victims, Berne)
Advises crime victims and their relatives.
Fachstelle Gewalt Bern
(Advice centre to stop violence)
Advice for adults and youths, who use violence against other people.
Berner Rechtsberatungsstelle für Menschen in Not
(Legal advice centre for people in trouble, Bern)
Personal legal advice for people who are affected by poverty.
Eigerplatz 5
3007 Bern
031 385 18 27
BIZ Bern – Mittelland, Berufs-, Studien und Laufbahnberatung
(Advice & Information Centre, Bern-Mittelland – Career guidance, student advisory service
and career planning advice)
Informs and advices people of all ages about vocational training, further education and courses of
studies at institutions of higher education.
Botschaften/Vertretungen anderer Nationen in der Schweiz
(Embassies/Consulates of other nations in Switzerland)
frabina - Beratungsstelle für Frauen und binationale Paare
(Advice centre for women and binational couples)
Offers advice on problems in the relationship, legal issues, marriage and divorce law as well as in
the case of separation and divorce.
(Shelters for women)
Offers emergency accommodation, protection and psychosocial advice for women, and their
children affected by violence.
HSK - Bernische Dachorganisation für Heimatsprachkurse
(Bernese umbrella group for native language courses)
Parent education courses and training of HSK teaching staff
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INFRA - Information und Beratung von Frauen für Frauen
(Information and advice by women for women)
The offer includes free initial advice for women, in particular for legal issues.
Mütter- und Väterberatung
(Advice for mothers and fathers)
Advice centre for parents with babies and infants.
Procap – Beratunggstelle für Menschen mit Handicap
(Advice centre for persons with handicaps)
Free-of-charge legal advice regarding social security for persons with handicaps.
RAV – Regionale Arbeitsvermittlung
(Regional employment agency)
Information on unemployment, unemployment insurance and on the job hunting process.
Integration Handicap Rechtsdienst
(Legal service for disabled persons)
Advice on all legal issues regarding disabilities.
(Social services)
The services offered by social services include counselling, mediation and help with personal,
social and financial situations.
Triio – Beratung, Bewerbung, Bildung
(Advice, applications, education)
Offers free-of-charge personal advice on all subjects regarding work and unemployment as well as
help in writing applications.
Verein Berner Beratungsstelle für sans papiers
(Bernese advice centre association for persons without documents)
Advises and informs migrants, who live in Switzerland without a residence permit.
Berner Schuldenberatung
(Debt advice association)
Offers help and advice on budget issues, debts, enforcement and wage garnishment.
Zentrum 5 - Integrationszentrum für MigrantInnen
(Integration centre for migrants)
Offers rooms for courses and groups, advice and also various German courses.
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Englisch isa 2014