Admission to the Berlin University of the Arts - UdK


Admission to the Berlin University of the Arts - UdK
Stand 03/2010
Admission to the Berlin University of the Arts - UdK
General Information for Foreign Applicants
Study in Germany
Application for Admission to UdK
Knowledge of German
Entry and Residence Formalities
Costs of Study
Working Regulations
Accommodation Facilities
Residence after Completion of Studies
Non-Regular/Visiting Students (Gasthörer)
It is indispensable for foreign nationals wishing to study in Germany to gather information about every aspect of the
intended studies before leaving their home country.
Preliminary information as to life and academic studies in Germany as well as about actively valid entry and residence
formalities are available from the German Diplomatic Missions abroad (see page 4).
Division of Academic Year
In Germany the academic year usually is divided into two semesters: The winter semester runs from October 1 to March
31 and the summer semester from April 1 to September 30. These two six-months-periods do not coincide with the
terms during which classes are in session. During the winter semester classes run from mid-October to mid-February,
during the summer semester from mid-April to mid-July.
As per UdK admissions policy, foreign applicants have to fulfil the same entrance requirements as native ones.
However, since all courses are taught in German only, they are additionally required to submit a proof of having a
sufficient command of German as part of the application. Since the procedures and the requirements of application and
admission vary, respective details are specified in the information on each programme. Current information on all
programmes is available on pdf-files via the homepage, and as a brochure offered by the Foreign
Student Office and the Student Advisory Service (Allgemeine Studienberatung).
Foreign nationals can apply from their home country. Please note, that it is imperative to submit all the documents
required along with the application form during the special application period set by each course of study.
There is no such status as Guest Student, but only Gasthörer (see page 7). Enrolment for a limited period is possible
exclusively for exchange students from partner-universities, or individual-scholarship holders (e.g. DAAD, Fulbright).
Akademisches Auslandsamt/Foreign Student Office
The Foreign Student Office provides information in all matters concerning application and admission, as well as in
questions of study and residence as a foreign student in Berlin.
Visiting address:
Einsteinufer 43 - 53 / room 16 a
10595 Berlin-Charlottenburg
phone: +49(0)30.3185 2196 (Ursula Stephan)
+49(0)30.3185 2727
e-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
and by appointment
Mailing address:
Universität der Künste Berlin
Akademisches Auslandsamt
Postfach 12 05 44
10595 Berlin
Allgemeine Studienberatung/Student Advisory Service
Einsteinufer 43 – 53, Raum 16 B (front desk)
10595 Berlin (Charlottenburg)
e-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
Monday and Thursday
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Admissions Procedure
For all programmes at UdK there is a specific admission procedure, in which the artistic ability of the applicant is
Application Periods
Application for studies at the UdK is only possible during special periods (Bewerbungsfristen). Deadlines are usually five
months before the beginning of the course of study applied for. The respective application deadline is specified in the
information on each programme.
Transfer Students
Transfer students from similar programmes of other universities (Hochschulwechsler) have to comply with the
admissions procedures as well. The recognition of previous studies is granted by the admissions committee in case of
the acceptance for a study.
Admissions Requirements/Recognition of Foreign Certificates
In certain programmes foreign applicants are required to prove the equivalence of their school-leaving certificate
according to the German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (Abitur). For this purpose certificates (school-leaving
certificate together with study certificates, if available) have to be submitted in time as mentioned in the resp.
information on application and admission (for details see pdf-file on the site of each programme via ).
If the certificates are not considered equivalent to the German Abitur and no exceptional regulation can be applied
(specified in the information on the programme), admission is not possible. A preparatory college - Studienkolleg - at
which foreign applicants can acquire the missing qualification, is not available at the UdK. In Berlin this institution only
exists at the Technische Universität ( or Freie Universität (
Applicants from the PR China
All applicants from the PR China are required to contact the APS (Akademische Prüfstelle) at the German Embassy
before application in order to obtain a certificate confirming the recognition of their documents. Information and forms
are available on
Foreign applicants are expected to prove a sufficient command of German. The level required depends on the intended
course of study, and is specified in the information on each programme.
Foreign applicants are exempt from the language requirements if they have
- obtained the qualifications for higher education at a German-speaking high school,
- graduated from a German-speaking university,
- passed the assessment exam at a German Studienkolleg,
- passed a similar examination at a German-speaking university,
- a language diploma from the Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II,
- the Große oder Kleine Deutsche Sprachdiplom from the Goethe-Institute as assigned by the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München.
Foreign applicants for admission to the UdK are strongly recommended to ask for information on valid regulations at
the German Diplomatic Mission of their home country prior to arrival in Germany. Citizens of several countries are
exempt from procuring a visa, and can apply for a residence permit when in Germany. A “Table of countries whose
citizens require/do not require visas to enter Germany” is available on
Student Applicant Visa
Applicants for a study in Germany who do need a visa are generally recommended to ask for a so-called
Studienbewerber-Visum at their local German Embassy or Consulate. This requires the following documents:
- valid passport,
- adequate school leaving certificate,
- proof of sufficient funds to cover the study and living costs.
Since it usually takes some weeks for the visa application to be processed, please submit your application for admission
to the UdK at the beginning of the application period and simultaneously apply for the visa (possibly with the
confirmation by the UdK that the application for admission has been submitted).
Students from those countries are not advised to apply for a tourist visa. A tourist visa does not permit studies and
cannot be converted into a residence permit. Whoever enters Germany without an appropriate visa, and only applies
for a residence permit once in the country, has to expect a refusal. This means that the person has to leave Germany in
order to make a correct application from abroad.
Residence Permit
After the enrolment, foreign students will be able to obtain a residence permit from the Berlin registration office for
foreigners (Ausländerbehörde).
Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten/Ausländerbehörde
Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
It is possible to make an appointment for the application or extension. For details see:
The application form is available on:
Students from EU-countries can apply for the residence permit at any Bürgeramt:
For more information on all matters of your residence permit please turn to the Foreign Student Office.
Courses of study (except some postgraduate programmes) are usually exempt from tuition fees.
Fees per Semester
There are some contributions per semester for social welfare (Studentenwerk), the student union executive committee
(AStA), administration, and the semester ticket, which entitles students to use all public transport like Bus, U-Bahn,
Tram, S-Bahn. The charges amount to about 250 EUR. A receipt of payment has to be presented before enrolment.
Fees for Admissions Examinations
Applicants are required to pay 30 EUR for audition in some programmes of Performing Arts and Music.
Fees for German Language Classes
Students admitted on the appropriate minimum level of German language knowledge can attend classes offered by the
university to improve their skills and take the resp. language examination latest at the end of the second semester. The
fees for the language courses presently amount to 100 EUR for the summer semester, 120 EUR for the winter semester,
and 75 EUR for the final assessment test.
Health Insurance
Prior to enrolment, all students are required to prove a statutory health insurance. The premiums for students, which
currently amount to about 60 EUR per month, must be paid to a local insurance company before enrolment. The
certificate issued by the insurance company has to be produced when enrolling.
There are certain agreements within EU-countries and several other European countries (EU-card). It is therefore
recommended to consult the health insurance company in the home country for specific information.
Costs of Living
In addition to the expenses mentioned, students should presently plan to have at least another 700 EUR per month at
their disposal for food, rent, study materials and other costs.
Foreign students who intend to study in Germany are strongly recommended to make adequate financial arrangements
for the period of their studies before leaving their home countries. The German Embassies/Consulates and the Berlin
registration office for foreigners insist on a proof that students are able to pay all costs related to their studies.
Work Permit
In order to ensure that they are able to focus on their studies, foreign students are normally expected to dispense
without employment. Accordingly, a student residence permit includes no work permit. However, students are usually
allowed to work up to 90 days or 180 half days (max. 4 hours) a year without any work permit. Student assistants are
exempt from this regulation.
Students attending a preparatory Studienkolleg or a German language course are allowed to work only during holidays.
Information/Application while at Home
Students who would like to finance their studies at least partly by means of a scholarship should gather information as
to the available programmes while still in their home country. Information is given by the German Embassies or
Consulates and the DAAD foreign branches ( As a rule, applications for a DAAD scholarship have to be
made in the home country.
Scholarship-Programmes in Germany
Foreign students who have already entered Germany and studied here successfully for some semesters may apply for a
scholarship to some German organizations (a brochure is available in the Foreign Student Office and the Student
Advisory Service). However, these scholarships are granted only on a very small scale, and their allocation depends
mainly on academic achievement.
Private Rooms/Apartments
The rent for rooms let to sub-tenants, shared flats or small apartments are available from about 300 EUR per month. If
you want to find a room in advance, you may find offers on:;;;;
Student Halls of Residence
The Student Welfare Organization (Studentenwerk) administers most of the places available in student dormitories.
Allocation of these places is governed by unified regulations. Only students enrolled at Berlin institutions of higher
education are eligible for accommodation. Married couples can find joint accommodation if one of the partners is
There are no waiting lists for many halls of residence. In these cases, students are required to contact the
administration of the requested hall of residence directly. If there are any vacancies, a rent contract can be made
Please request relevant information material, including application form directly from the Student Welfare Organization: .
Tenement Agency by the Student Welfare Organization
The Berlin Student Welfare Organization (Studentenwerk) offers rooms as well as flats/apartments that are either
owned by private landlords or managed by the organization itself. After admission to the university please contact the
following address personally:
Studentenwerk Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 34, 10623 Berlin
If you need a room for the first days, you can find a list of hostels at the following web site:
Rent Subsidies
As a general principle, rent subsidies (Wohngeld) may be granted to foreign students as well under special conditions.
Therefore, decisions on allocation of rent subsidies are reached on an individual basis. Application forms are issued and
received by the local government (Bezirksämter) responsible for the student's place of residence.
Foreign students are expected to leave Germany after completing their studies. Extension of the residence permit for
another year, however, is possible under certain circumstances for graduates in order to find an appropriate job related
to the programmes finished.
For the duration of one semester, interested people may participate in a limited number or courses on agreement of the
teacher. The fees charged depend on the number of hours a week chosen. Please note, that there is no possibility of
receiving individual artistic instruction.
So-called Gasthörer are not considered formal UdK-members and do not receive a student identity card with the
pertaining allowances. Further, please note that registration as a Gasthörer gives no right to obtain a residence permit!