

02-09-2016 11:07
FabiO - Fachbibliographien und Online-Datenbanken
[ FabiO-Startseite und Register ]
Best of History Websites „a portal created for students, history educators, and general history
enthusiasts. Here you'll find sites, rated for usefulness and accuracy, that will help you study or teach
a wide variety of topics and periods in History"; Gebiete: Prehistory, Ancient/Biblical, Medieval,
U.S. History, Early Modern European, 20th Century, World War II, Art History, General Resources,
Maps…“ Fachportal f. Geschichtswissenschaften (Schwerpunkt: allgemeine und europäische
Clio Online Fachportal f. die Geschichtswissenschaften; zentraler Einstiegspunkt ins Internet; „Bereits
vorhandene Angebote von Hochschulen, Bibliotheken und Forschungseinrichtungen werden genutzt
u. neue Angebote durch enge Kooperation der beteiligten Institutionen (u.a. Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin,
BBF, SUB Göttingen, Staatsbibl. zu Berlin) entwickelt“
eHistory at OSU ( = Ohio State University) Schwerpunkt: USA; Multimedia Histories, Primary Sources,
Origins, Book Reviews, eReviews, Online Books, History Links, Maps and Images… - Plattform für Neue Medien in den Geschichtswissenschaften
The Encyclopedia of World History Ancient, Medieval, and Modern / Sixth Edition (
Historical Text Archive „offers articles, books, maps, and photographs on various subject categories,
including genealogy, history, religion, rock-n-roll, wars, and women's studies. In addition, it provides
information on individual countries and has over 5,000 related links in its database. The site also has
hundreds of examples of history research papers and reports, spanning a myriad of categories.
Viewers may search the papers database by either keyword or subject area“
Historicum: Geschichtswissenschaft u. Geschichte im Internet ein epochenübergreifendes Angebot f.
die Geschichtswissenschaft, gefördert von der DFG im Rahmen des Aufbaus einer Virtuellen
Fachbibliothek Geschichte; Literaturrecherche, Rezensionen, Digitale Reihe, Server Frühe Neuzeit,
Themen, Länder, Forschung
Historische Bibliographie Online Berichtsjahre 1990ff; etwa 124.000 bibliographische Einträge der in
Deutschland sowie im deutschsprachigen Ausland erschienenen historischen Bücher, deutsche- sowie
fremdsprachige Zeitschriftenaufsätze, Beiträge aus Sammelwerken ua.; kostenfrei nur Zugriff auf
einen eingeschränkten Datenbestand
History Channel (Schwerpunkt: amerik. Geschichte)
History Guide (der SUB Göttingen)
BSZ Wiki -
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linksammlungen:fabio:geschichte From the World's Largest History Magazine Publisher
History Research Online - „a collection of resources for graduates, undergraduates, teaching
assistants, and other researchers“
HistoryWorld „contains over 400 separate historical articles and approximately 4000 events within its
unique database“ Übersicht zu Links und Ressourcen - Hist. Seminar der Univ. Basel (Bibliotheken, Zeitschriften
und Aufsatz-Datenbanken, Subject Gateways u.a.)
InformationsWeiser Geschichte Fachinformationsführer f. Internetressourcen zu den
geschichtswissenschaftlichen Sondersammelgebieten der SUB Göttingen und der BSB München
Internet History Sourcebooks Project - Fordham Univ., N.Y. („collections of public domain and copypermitted historical texts…for educational use.“)
Nachrichtendienst für Historiker (u.a. Presseschau, Newsboard, Link-Katalog, Zeitschriften, TVProgramm) („this site features links and teaching and learning aids for UK instructors and
students“; mit vielen Links auf History-Websites)
Web der Weltgeschichte private Homepage mit vielen Themen, Daten, Fakten, biogr. Darstellungen - 2000 Jahre Weltgeschichte (Zahlen, Daten, Fakten)
Weltgeschichte Online jeden Monat ein anderes geschichtliches Thema in Form von Flashtrickfilmen
World History Archives (Zeitgeschichte in Dokumenten) auch Zugang zum „Gateway to World
History“: „a collection of resources to support the study and teaching of world history…“
World History - HyperHistory Online
Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin: Inhaltsverzeichnisse geschichtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften in
deutscher Sprache
ZIS-Datenbank Suchmaske (Schwerpunkt: Zeitgeschichte)
Achtzehntes Jahrhundert
C18-L - Resources for 18th-century Studies Across the Disciplines
WW-Person - Eine Datenbank des höheren Adels in Europa
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
African-Americans - Biography, Autobiography and History The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
The African American Mosaic-A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and
Gateway to African-American History Resources: u.a. History and Culture, Art and Literature, Martin L.
In Motion The African-American Migration Experience: „a massive amount of material documenting
African-American migrations from the 15th to the 21st centuries-more than 16,500 pages of texts,
over 8,000 pictures, accompanied by more than 60 maps“
Alte Geschichte
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
Bibliographies - Bibliographien Roman Law Resources
Anglo-amerikanische Geschichte
VLib-AAC - History
Antisemtismus in Deutschland ausgangs des 19. Jahrhunderts unter bes. Berücksichtigung Berlins und
Pommerns - Quellen und Materialien (u.a. Biographien u. Autobiographien v. Antisemiten u. Juden)
The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II A Collection of Primary Sources [pdf] / The National
Security Archive
National Library of Australia's Federation Gateway
Bodensee-Links Geschichte Linksammlung des Vereins Bibliotheken der Regio Bodensee
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Last update: 06-11-2013 15:05
Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill Center of the West five separate museums, including Buffalo Bill Museum, the Plains Indian
Museum, and the Cody Firearms Museum
Condensed China Chinese History for Beginners
Churchill, Winston
The Churchill Papers A Catalogue / auch: Biographie
Lebendiges Virtuelles Museum Online (LeMO)
Geschichtsring Deutschland
Jahresberichte f. deutsche Geschichte Zugang zur Online-Datenbank: alle Titelaufnahmen ab dem
Berichtsjahr 1985, mit Verknüpfungen in die Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB), den Karlsruher Virtuellen
Katalog (KVK) sowie zu online verfügbaren Rezensionen
Kleines Lexikon zur Geschichte in Baden und Württemberg, philatelistisch unterstützt Manfred Ebener
Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Baden-Württemberg
Historisches Lexikon Bayerns LMU / BSB
Chronik Berlins - Geschichte Berlins
AG Berliner Klassik u.a. Biographien von Berliner Ärzten, Naturwissenschaftlern u. Technikern,
Ministern unter Friedrich Wilhelm II., Berliner Verlegern
Chronik der Mauer Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / Deutschlandradio / Zentrum für
Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V.
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
Thüringer Archiv f. Zeitgeschichte "Matthias Domaschk" Bibliographien, Biographien u.a.m.
Sonderbestände der LB Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Personalschriften, Ditmarsche Sammlungen
Westfälische Geschichte Geschichtsportal zur Regional- u. Landesgeschichte Westfalens
Dreißigjähriger Krieg
Wer war Wer im Dreißigjährigen Krieg ? Die etwas anderen Biographien von 199 Personen und
Persönlichkeiten einer faszinierenden Epoche deutscher und europäischer Geschichte im Vorurteil
ihrer Zeitgenossen und im Urteil der Geschichte
Erster Weltkrieg
Themenportal Erster Weltkrieg Portal im Rahmen von clio-online; Themen, Spezialsammlungen,
Literatur, Chronologie, Web-Verzeichnis; Partner: u.a. Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin, Bibl. f. Zeitgeschichte
in der WLB Stuttgart
First World The War to End All Wars
The World War I Document Archive
World War One Color Photos der frz. Armee während der letzten beiden Jahre des Ersten Weltkriegs
Französische Revolution
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Exploring the French Revolution: With Topical Essays, Images, Text
Documents, Songs, Maps, a Timeline, and a Glossary
Attending to Early Modern Women „annotated links to high quality academic resources useful for the
study of women in early modern Europe and the Americas. Specific focus is on periods between the
sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; however, links also include some medieval and nineteenth
century resources“
Proletarische Frauenbewegung des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts Sammlung von insgesamt
1044 Publikationen zum politischen Kampf zur Emanzipation der Frau im 19. u. 20. Jahrhundert
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(politisches Kleinschrifttum, Flugschriften, Zeitschriften u. seltene monographische Arbeiten von
Aktivistinnen der proletarischen Frauenbewegung)
Women in World History Curriculum's Website „full of information and resources to help you learn
about women’s history in a global, non- U.S., context“
American Women's History: A Research Guide
Frühe Neuzeit
Frühe Neuzeit Digital (Angebot der HAB Wolfenbüttel) Frühe Neuzeit: u.a. Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung
Virtual Library Geschichte - Frühe Neuzeit (Historisches Inst. der Univ. Dortmund)
Hellenic Culture auch: Museums, Monuments and Archaeological Sites of Hellas
Mostly Medieval Exploring the Middle Ages; by Susan Wallace: „Here you will find information on
heraldry, myths and legends, religion, medicine, and other aspects of life in Britain during the Middle
BRITISH HISTORY ONLINE digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary
sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles (Institute of Historical Research and
the History of Parliament Trust)
Life in Elizabethan England A Compendium of Common Knowledge - Games · Food · Money · Religion ·
Language · Weddings · Masters & Servants · Occupations · The Peers · London · Fashion · Children ·
Household Management · Pastimes · Names · The Queen's Suitors · Education · Christmas · Heraldry ·
Historical Directories „a digital library of local and trade directories for England and Wales, from 1750
to 1919. It contains high quality reproductions of comparatively rare books, essential tools for
research into local and genealogical history“
Dictionary of Victorian London „a useful resource on Victorian London history during the 19th century“
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
In Search of Scotland (BBC)
Scottish Documents Scotland's Written Legacy - „If you … have always wanted to find out more about
Scots in past centuries, is the site for you“
Gathering the Jewels The Website for Welsh Cultural History
The Witchcraft Bibliography Project („This comprehensive Online collection spans the 16th to 19th
centuries…The Online database provides invaluable primary source materials - many of which are
inaccessible outside of rare book archives - to researchers, scholars, students and general interest
Klaus Grafs Hexen-Lesezeichen
Quellen zur Hexenverfolgung im Staatsarchiv Wertheim
Historische Atlanten
Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe („…consists of maps depicting with accuracy the states of this
continent every first day of each centennial year from AD 1 to AD 1700“
Historische Kartographie
siehe unter FabiO Kartographie (inkl. historische Kartographie)
Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority mit Central Database of
Shoah Victims' Names
Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in Schule und Jugendarbeit (Lernen aus der Geschichte)
Chronologie des Holocaust Tag-für-Tag-Chronologie des Holocaust
The Nizkor Project („a collage of projects focused on the Holocaust, or Shoah, and its denial“) - A Cybrary of the Holocaust (u.a. Images, Witnesses, Education, Camps, Forums)
Holocaust Encyclopedia United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)
Life After the Holocaust Stories of Holocaust Survivors After The War
Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Cinematographie des Holocaust Forschungsprojekt und Datenbank - Fritz Bauer Institut - Studien- und
Dokumentationszentrum zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust
Remember Me Displaced Children of the Holocaust
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Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State „informed and nuanced attempt to understand the extermination
process and of the mentality of the people who perpetrated these heinous crimes“
Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933 - 1945
Iberische Halbinsel
LIBRO - The Library of Iberian Resources Online
Timeline of Ireland
Antique Maps of Iceland „the Nordic Digital Library Center and the National and University Library of
Iceland have joined forces to create this digital archive of all maps of Iceland from before 1900“
Kalter Krieg
Cold War Bibliography
Early Canadiana Online
Canada in the Making „Canada's history through a look at important acts and treaties. The site
presents the text of the documents themselves, introductions to the documents, maps, essays,
biographies of historical figures…“
Canadian Timeline Micromedia ProQuest: „this site provides an historical timeline of major Canadian
events over the last 100 years“ Online Resources for Canadian Heritage
Database of Online Canadiana (DOC) DOC is a project initiated by the Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien
e.V. (Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries) to develop an interdisciplinary
database providing access to selected online resources on Canada for students, teachers in secondary
education, and university teachers alike
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
Pathfinders and Passageways The Exploration of Canada
King, Martin Luther
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. biography, chronology of his life, most famous sermons
Footnotes to History: The nations you didn't learn about in high school geography - by James L. Erwin
(Kleinstaaten, auch längst vergangene)
WWII Concentration Camps (Bilder aus den Lagern)
Korean History - A Bibliography
Korean War Project (Korea-Krieg)
Korean War Photo-Documentary B.L. Kortegaard
A History of the Crusades Hrsg. v. Kenneth M. Setton; ersch. v. 1958 bis 1989 in 6 Bänden bei Univ. of
Wisconsin Press): Stichwortsuche; Indices zu den einzelnen Bänden)
Geschichte der Kurpfalz (VLGK) Virtual Library Geschichte
Historisches Lexikon für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein (HLFL)
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The Medici Archive Project „the Medici Archive Project is developing this site to place many of these
letters online, along with a strong interest in the history of costumes and Jewish history during the
Renaissance. One of the site's strongest element is the Document of the Month, where the Archive's
curators have selected an item from their holdings to place online, along with a long-form essay
detailing the provenance and importance of the document“
Militär-, Industrie- und Verkehrsbauten Interessengemeinschaft für Militär-, Industrie- und Verkehrsbauten
VL-DE Geschichte - Mittelalterliche Geschichte Ressourcen im Netz (Uni Erlangen)
Regesta Imperii Regesten, RI opac, Datenbanken, Links (Kooperationsprojekt Deutsche Kommission f.
die Bearbeitung der Regesta Imperii e. V. bei der Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften - Bayerische
Bibliothek der Monumenta Germaniae Historica - OPAC
Zeitrechnung des Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit Dr. H. Grotefend (HTML-Version v. H. Ruth)
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Medieval Women - An Interactive Exploration
MaBib - Die Mittelalter-Bibliothek populäre Web-Site zum Mittelalter (u.a. Lexikon, Sagen, Legenden,
ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies The ORB Encyclopedia, The ORB Textbook
Library, Resources for Teaching, E-Texts, The ORB Reference Shelf, External Links
Reti Medievali Iniziative on line per gli studi medievistici (Schwerpunkt: Italien)
Stanford Medieval and Modern Thought Text Project „the goal of the project has been to digitize close
to 25,000 pages every year in the broad area of medieval and modern thought“
Mostly Medieval Exploring the Middle Ages - Visitors can make their way through sections such as
„Ballads,“ „Beasties,“ „Book of Days,“ „God and War,“ and „Heradlry“
The Mongols in World History Asia for Educators Project at Columbia University
Battle for the Holy Land Frontline: Der Krieg im Nahen Osten (in engl.)
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
The Napoleon Series
The Napoleonic Guide „a one-stop reference site for Napoleon and French history enthusiasts.
Focusing on French history between 1796 to 1815, the site offers information on the era's major
powers, armies, soldiers, battles, the Naval War, the War of 1812, and much more“
Napoleonic Period Collection „The site includes information about the Napoleonic Era, complete with a
nice timeline, and a comparison between the French and English drawings is included in this trove of
visual ephemera. Finally, the site also contains a brief piece on the publishing scene of the late 18th
and early 19th centuries, along with a very nice bibliography of additional resources“
Internet Modern History Sourcebook
Nürnberger Prozess
Nuremberg Trials Project A Digital Document Collection
Österreichische Historische Bibliographie (Monographien, Reihenwerke, Artikel aus Festschriften,
Sammelwerken, Zeitschriften, Periodika, aus Aufsatzsammlungen, Katalogen, Kongress- u.
Tagungsbänden, Diplomarbeiten, Dissertationen, Habilitationsschriften, Sach- und
Personalbibliographien seit 1945)
Oral History
The Oral History Review The History Cooperative - Journal
Literaturdatenbank Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas (Herder-Institut Marburg e.V.)
Preußen - Chronik eines deutschen Staates
Königin Luise von Preussen und ihr Umfeld
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Public History
Public History Resource Center „Public history is an important way of conveying the importance of the
historical past to a broad public audience, and the Public History Resource Center is a fine online
resource for persons interested in these goals“
THE WORLD - Regional genealogy and local history research includes: areas, countries, directories,
organizations, local ancestry and local history studies. Total ethnic group populations are combined
with regions of significant ethnic population, for an evaluation of global migration patterns over
generations of time
Renaissance Secrets „topics include a discussion of the many faces of Venice during the Renaissance,
medical care and hospitals during the Renaissance, the conspiracy to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I,
and Johannes Gutenberg“ (BBC)
Revolution (1848)
Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions
Rezensionen Rezensionsplattform für die europäische Geschichtswissenschaft - fasst
Tausende von Rezensionen aus geschichtswissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften aus ganz Europa auf
einer Website zusammen
Sehepunkte epochenübergreifendes Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaft
The History Journals Guide by Stefan Blaschke: Übersicht zu rezensierten Büchern, CDROMs, Ausstellungen, Filmen, Websites
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
Römisches Reich
De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors: The DIR and ORB Ancient and Medieval Atlas (Christos
Hadrian's Wall
LacusCurtius - Into the Roman World mit vielen Links zu anderen Web-Sites (u.a. RomanSites Gateway to Roman History)
Rom und sein Weltreich
Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project (or Severan Marble Plan of Rome) The Severan Marble
Plan is a key resource for the study of ancient Rome…
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Rendezvous with History
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz Suche nach Biographien, Familien-, Orts- und Sachartikel
Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism
The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record A Project of The Virginia
Foundation for the Humanities / The Digital Media Lab at the University of Virginia Library
"I Will Be Heard !": Abolitionism in America
In Motion The African-American Migration Experience
African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts „this fine online exhibition created by the
Massachusetts Historical Society brings together a number of primary documents that tell the stories
of African Americans and abolitionist movements in the commonwealth“
Images of the Antislavery Movement in Massachusetts
Slave Trade Archives UNESCO-CI: „the Slave Trade Archive Project was created in order to improve
access to original documents related to the transatlantic slave trade and slavery across both
BSZ Wiki -
Last update: 06-11-2013 15:05
International Institute of Social History Amsterdam
Historic Cities Maps & Documents: „This site contains maps, literature, documents, books and other
relevant material concerning the past, present and future of historic cities and facilitates the location
of similar content on the web“
Feldpostbriefe aus Stalingrad Deutschlandfunk
National Museum of American History
WWWVL - The World Wide Virtual Library History Schwerpunkt: Nordamerikanische Geschichte
Digital History „the site includes an online American history textbook, an interactive timeline, a
multimedia section, and a very rich selection of primary source materials“
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History „persons looking for information about any period in
American history will find the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Web site an excellent
resource containing thousands of helpful materials ranging from the colonial period to the present
AMDOCS: Documents For The Study of American History historische Texte von Columbus bis George
W. Bush
American Women's History: A Research Guide
The September 11 Digital Archive „The major goal of this project is to create a legacies of those
terrible events by allowing people to tell their stories, and then make those stories available to a wide
audience. The project also seeks to provide an historical context for understanding these events along
with their consequences“
19th Century United States Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies Online
The African American Mosaic-A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and
African-Americans - Biography, Autobiography and History The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
American Colonial History „scholarly books and articles on American colonial history that appear to be
of continuing interest“
The American Presidency
The American Revolution - The Struggle for Independence
American Women's History: A Research Guide
Black Facts Online Your Internet Resource for Black History Information
Clinton Presidential Memorial Projects „the Presidential records created during the term of President
Bill Clinton“
Common-place - The Interactive Journal of Early American Life
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02-09-2016 11:07
Digital History LTD. - The Gateway to the Past USA im 18.Jahrhundert
Documenting the American South - The Southern Experience in 19th-Century America
Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School: historische
Dokumente der Vereinigten Staaten aus 5 Jahrhunderten
Founding Fathers Info Guide
George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress
The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources 1745-1799 Ed. by John C.
History - The 18th Century (Schwerpunkt: USA)
History of the United States Capitol
JFK LINK „…an ongoing archive of material relevant to the life, administration, death and legacy of the
35th President of the United States of America…“
Making of America (…a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the
antebellum period through reconstruction)
OurDocuments 100 Milestone Documents for American History
The Handbook of Texas Online
U.S. Civil Wars Generals
Civil War Maps LoC
U.S. Historical Documents Archive Sammlung historischer Dokumente zur Geschichte der USA
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930
The Alabama Historical Quarterly historische Zeitschrift des US-Bundesstaates Alabama
Alaska's Digital Archive a wealth of historical photographs, oral histories, moving images, documents,
and other materials from libraries, museums, and institutions throughout our state
Encyclopedia of Chicago History
Colorado’s Historic Newspaper Collection (CHNC) the archive contains materials from 117 newspapers
from the years 1859 to 1930
Delaware: Digital Archives This website was created by the state of Delaware to bring together some
of their vast historical holdings, including many materials from the Delaware Public Archives
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The New Georgia Encyclopedia
Indiana Historical Society: Digital Images „provides over 17,000 digital images for the historicallyminded visitor“
Kentuckiana Digital Library
Louisiana Digital Library „Through the online archive of over 2000 photographs, visitors will be
treated to views of 1960s subdivisions, mansions in the French Quarter, and the construction of the
Louisiana Superdome. Visitors can perform basic keyword searches across various fields, including
title, subject, date, among others“
Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage „Drawing on archival collections from such local institutions as the
Montgomery County Historical Society, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, along with many others, there
are over a dozen fine digital collections here for the curious and historically minded“
Mass Moments „an electronic almanac of Massachusetts history“
African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts „this fine online exhibition created by the
Massachusetts Historical Society brings together a number of primary documents that tell the stories
of African Americans and abolitionist movements in the commonwealth“
The Making of Modern Michigan „The Making of Modern Michigan brings together important
documents dealing with Michigan history“
Virtually Missouri
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07
02-09-2016 11:07
Historic New England These resources include online photo exhibits, listings of their historic properties
(and how to visit them), and of course, access to their in-house publication, Historic New England
Historical Myth a Month Facing the Truth About Some of Our Best But Tallest Tales
New Mexico
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood New Mexico is celebrating its 100th anniversary of statehood in
2012, and this website brings together materials from partner institutions about its history and culture
New York
Forgotten New York „Kevin Walsh, a lifelong New Yorker, has fashioned this fun and informative
tribute to the various elements of the city's compelling past“ New York Heritage Digital Collections
Ohio History Central Online Encyclopedia Ohio Historical Society
Ohio History The Scholarly Journal of the Ohio Historical Society
Ohio History Online Portal Education Research Places Services
Oregon Encyclopedia …authoritative source of information on Oregon history, culture, people, places,
significant events, and institutions…
Historic Pittsburgh „this collection brings together historic material dealing with Pittsburgh from a
number of key sources, including the University of Pittsburgh’s Library System and the Carnegie
Museum of Art“
Southern Oral History Program (SOHP) The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - „Founded in 1973,
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the SOHP has recorded over 2900 interviews with people from all walks of life, and their website
contains a generous sampling of this material. First-time visitors may wish to start by watching
'Spoken Memories' which provides a nice introduction to the history and work of SOHP“
Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture „Originally released in 1998 as a large print volume,
the Encyclopedia was placed online in a searchable format in 2002“
Tennessee Documentary History Collection, 1796-1850 University of Tennessee - „brings together a
diverse set of documents and images related to antebellum Tennessee“
Texas Historic Sites Atlas „the Atlas contains close to 300,000 historic and archaeological site records
documenting Texas history“
Wisconsin Historical Society
Dictionary of Wisconsin History
Wisconsin Local History and Biography Articles Collection
Wisconsin Blue Books includes extensive description and statistics on virtually all aspects of life in
Wisconsin, including major sections on the state’s population, geography, history, election data,
educational resources, social services, finance, agriculture, industry, transportation system, etc
Vietnam War Bibliography by Edwin E. Moïse
The Vietnam Project „…enables scholars, students and all interested in this remarkable period in our
world history to conduct research directly from universities, schools, libraries, and homes“ - Texas
Tech Univ.
Vietnam War Era Ephemera Collection „That particular event inspired a host of posters, handouts, and
other printed ephemera that may have quickly disappeared, as do many pieces of material culture
often do. Fortunately, the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections division has created
this online archive which brings many of these documents together in one place“
POW/MIA Databases & Documents „information relating to the treatment, location, and/or condition
(T-L-C) of United States personnel who are unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War“
Viktorianisches Zeitalter
The Victorian Web An Overview
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02-09-2016 11:07
Internet Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings
Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus 1933 - 1945
Das Attentat auf Adolf Hitler vom 20. Juli 1944
Kreisauer Kreis Wikipedia
20. Juli 1944 Bundeszentrale f. politische Bildung
Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V.
Georg Elser Bundeszentrale f. politische Bildung
Vikings - The North Atlantic Saga
Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini": PERIODICALS
Zeitgeschichte-online (ZOL) Portal f. d. zeithistorische Forschung (Zentrum f. Zeithistorische
Forschung Potsdam / Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin); auch: Fachzss. „Zeithistorische Forschungen /
Studies in Contemporary History“
Zeitgeschichte Virtual Library Geschichte: Kaiserzeit, Weimarer Republik, Drittes Reich, BRD, DDR)
Zeitgeschichtliches Archiv 9 Millionen thematisch systematisierte Artikel hunderter Zeitungen und
Zeitschriften Ost- und Westeuropas aus den Jahren 1946 bis 1992 - passwort- und kostenpflichtige
Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Research, Publications
Links zur Zeitgeschichte Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte in der Württ. Landesbibliothek Stuttgart
ZIS-Datenbank (Informationen über eine große Anzahl von historischen Web-Sites. Schwerpunkt:
Historische Bibliographie Online (komplette Berichtszeit 1990-heute - kostenpflichtig)
eForum zeitGeschichte Österreichs erstes und einziges E-Journal f. Zeitgeschichte
BSZ Wiki -
Last update: 06-11-2013 15:05
linksammlungen:fabio:geschichte Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften im Internet
Zeitenblicke Online-Journal f. die Geschichtswissenschaften
sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften
Zweiter Weltkrieg
HyperWar: A Hypertext History of the Second War
World War II Timeline
World War II Military Situation Maps „digital collection of World War II situation maps from the years
1944 and 1945“
Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
The Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II - Web Archive
Fliegerlynchmorde im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Ansprechpartner und Redaktion: Horst Hilger
From: - BSZ Wiki
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Last update: 06-11-2013 15:05
Printed on 02-09-2016 11:07