lnformation Package Summer Semester 2016
lnformation Package Summer Semester 2016
HOCHSCHULT PFORZHE Pforzheim Un IM UNIVERSITY -, iversity Exchange Students - lnformation Package Summer Semester 2016 - HOCHSCHUII:, ..r¡r..riii jk ,rì,.ii1,,,i i" ,' , 7=, Welcome and lntroduction Session Pforzheim University Exchange Students Summer Semester 2016 THURSDAY, March 10th & FRIDAY, March 11th ,2016 1 HOCHSCHULE,, ,Tì,jr:: i¡.,; .,i..!í.r, j,,". Z= AGENDA - THURSDAY, March 10th ,2016 1 - For ALL Exchange Students of Pforzheim University PART 10:15 Welcome Address - Vice Rector 10:20 Round of introductions - exchange students 10:45 lnformation on courses "German as a Foreign Language" 10:50 Welcome Address - Students' Uníon & lnitiatives 11:00 break @ Desisn-students will be picked up by their program responsible in Room W2.3.15 11:10 all other exchange students I lntroduction & lnformation on courses "Gross-cultural Gommunications" 2 l"1OCl'lSC'|"{lJL[ ' :r,.lil .i:¡ r;t.rlr¡] ' .i i -, AGENDA - FRIDAY' March 11ttt,2016 l5:30-17:00 Mandatory introductory session for exchange students Room T2.3.og a) with engineering / industrial engineering background and b) for all students planning to take industrial Engineering courses (= course s starting with the course lD BAExxxx) 5 -. t Vice Rector's welcome addressl Prof. Dr. Hanno Weber, Vice Rector Pforzheim University Ð Round of introductions rdettg Cryd 6 HOCHSCHULE ìÌr'. 1il,?'r ¡l :ir¡r ìlirrr!/l r?,,i ir'- Welcome and lntroduction Session - Pforzheim University Exchange Students - à Welcome address I Students' Union Representatives AStA, gemini I I I ltocilsotur¡ Allgemeiner SludierendenAusschuss Students Union Welcome to Plorzheim Univers¡fvl http: r osto.hs-pf orzheim.de u u ASiAHSPforzheim E Our differenf deporlemenfs: Culture Finqnces lnlernqtionql PR Sociol Sport hilp: zzosto.hs-pforzheim.de zAStAHSPforzheim n Cuhure -> Theqler. Running Dinner, Cinemo Finonces lnternqtionc¡l PR Sociol Sporf http: r osto.hs-pf orzheim.de ¡ASIAHSPforzheim u n Culture Finqnces lnternofionql PR. -> Sociol Fqcebook poge, represenloÌion Sport http: r uosfo.hs-pforzheim.de zAS}AHSPforzheim n Culture Finqnces lnterntrliontrl PR Sociol -> BIood donotion doy, Hecrlrh doy Sport http: / /qsto.hs-pf orzheim.de zAStAHSPforzheim n We wish you q greqf experience in Germqnyl ln cose there ore ony questions, feel free to send us on emqil: ostq-vors [email protected] qt our office @ Or sto a http: rrosto.hs-pforzheim.de ¡AStAHSPforzheim n -Buddy Program _Field trips. G et-togethers gemini means twin. all Internationals can get a )> - Buddy meeting: )> March 23rd (Wednesday) German Buddy mîr roor¡(,{r¡ p?or¡ät facebook: "Þ 'x 'f -InternationalCommunity Pforzheim Mail: Office: eotrmneoD) :fn'.n*t lrr !-'""i Ì // SSr0 [email protected] in W1 building - (fancy tape art glas building) *ffi*. hf I-IOCHSCHULI à ì.- ll ri'r r.,r,ii,r; i ' =- lnformation on courses noGross-cultural Competencies" http ://www. hs-pforzhei m. de/ifs 33 l.lCIclisc[{ult,, r,, j 1,,. ]i\ii,,. =- (âo'o ":,?. -&r"" udlo , A¿/¿axc Gross Cultural Competencies ll¿/ro*, -?arr'¿s¡l /ttt¡ta¿t&*l .:¡.. t;'lt 34 HOCHS( l{UL[ ,:.,: ¡ ]*¡: r:r li¡ ,,, ,: ,' -. Approach . . Group workshop, including group presentation, discussions, role plays, simulations, games . First hand chance to interact with German students and get to know the culture. ++not a mandatory course for foreign students (anymore) but . . highly recommended ++ attendance + active participation required marks / credits awarded 37 HOCHSCI-ltJLt ,i. j i,, r,:,i',.,r ,, Ð For registrations I Find a CCC course that doesn't clash with any of your courses. Ð You are invited to register on the lists on the door of Ms. Bender's office -W2.3.27 * HOCHSCHULE '' -rl''' ' li'.¡ rtt''qi"i'i 'ì',' '!= ISP I Overview t I Focus: Undergraduates Leading to a Gertificate / Diploma (min. 30 / 60 Gredits, irrespective of the language of instruction) + lntegration of bachelor courses of . . Business School & Department of Business Administration and Engineering (=¡rBAE") [School of Engineeringl > Specializations - within Business School's classes taught in English > lntegration of exchange students r Additional lectures / seminars focused on German culture www. hs-pforzhei m.de/is p 41 HOCHSCHULE '' ',.. 1 ii\/ I'r.,1\rl " ,' 3g ISP I General remarks Course selection: 1. 2. 3. Free choice from all Business School's & BAE undergrad program offers, both in English and German However - check for possible timetable clashes. Make sure that you fulfill the necessary prerequisites. Engineering students: You have access to ISP classes not requiring prerequisites - please contact Jochen + We prepared "specializations" (within Business School's classes taught in English) in order to avoid timetable clashes. ; You are not allowed to choose courses from Master-Level. www. h s- pf orz h e i m. de/i s p 42 HOCI-ISCl-llllE 'i.. i; i\.;' ri''Ìi!''l :i 11 ISP I Specializations à -, ISP Brochure . Accounting and Finance . Contextual Studies . lnternational Business . lnternational Economics . Marketing page 12113 AÊ www.hs-pforzheim.de/isp I-IOCHSCHIJLI ' ,i.," ¡Ì ;lr¡ ri\iir!¡i r'" ,, - ISP I Organizational information on specific courses rmation - Time frame of courses: Weekly courses vs. compressed courses. 1) General 2) Mandatorv lntroductorv Session.... a)....for exchange students with engineering / industrial engineering background: lntroduction of BAE (Business Administration and Engineering) classes and the School of Engineering's "Engineers made in Germany'' (EMIG) program Friday, March 11tn, 15:30-17:00, T2-Building, T2.3'09 b) ¡8U3090 lndependent Studies ÐMandatory introductory session for exchange students on Friday, March 18th, 12:00 - 13:30, Wl building Wl.3'05 www. h s-pforz h ei m. de/is p 4b HOC|'ISCHULE " ,9..'r 1i l!1¡ rlf.ìliil r' ,r' == ISP I Organizational information on specific courses (cont.) 5l New courses à MCO3104 Sales Promotion and Event Management t MKT3033 Sales Management and Negotiations Techniques 6) Courses we cannot offer on orqanizational reasons Ð MKT3041 Service Marketing t MAR2O4112042 Basics of Market and Communication Research t ESR3107 Corporate Environmental & Sustainability Management 49 www. hs-pforzhei m.de/isp f'{o(.HSCHIJLE ' ''' 'i ¡lvr ir"r lì'1ì ]"'; ' ?= ISP I Organizational information on specific courses (cont.) 8ÀÊ3ö92 lf egotlation Skllf s and Business Behavlor staying summer semester ZOt0 * winter semesteç2o16117 | [2 weeks full day format September I tgtt'to september 30b, 2016 I I StûOents I I lRegístration: Itæisrensineerinq(Ohs-pfozheim.de lDeadline: I n¡arcn lst, 2016 I www. h s-pforzh e i m. de/is p 50 HOC HSC HULE P[ i) lii]i {Ll M iJ hl l\r f- l:i1',i'i !i/ == ISP I Organizational information on specific courses (cont.) e) Courses requirinq additional e-mail reqistration (deadline March l4th 2016) à t t ) t t t , SSC1101 The History of Post-WarGermany (Steinbeis), seat limit SSC1102 The History of German Art (Fischer), seat limit GMT3025 Management Simulation E [compressed seminar] (Rade), seat limit GMT3025 Management Simulation S [compressed seminar](de Pablo), seat limit GMT3025 Management Simulation F [compressed seminar](Lortsch), seat limit BREM3117 Project Management Organization (Bertagnoli), seat limit HRM3101 Leadership (Schmitz), seat limit AQM2202 Computer-aided Analysis of Financial Markets (value at risk) (Mughal), seat limit www. hs-pforzhei m.de/isp HOCHSCHULE Pfjiiri.ii.tI iiu: i iiïIv'I,l.rrr, -i'r' E ISP I Organizational information on spec¡f¡c courses (cont.) 9) Courses requiring additional e-mail reqistration www.hs-pforzheim.de/isp 54 HOCHSCHULE "' ,ri,^i1l 'ir¡ rr¡,11..', r' i -, ISP I Academic year details - Course Registration, Learning Agreement, Exams Registration 1. Gourse Registration (,,yellow pages") t www. h Paper-based, to be submitted to the ISP Office by Wednesday, March 23rd ,2016 s-pforz hei m. de/is p 57 2. Submission of Learning Agreement (,,L4" I Paper-based) Contact Business Students and Engineering / lndustrial Engineering students : Jochen Ebert, ISP office W2.3.19 Deadfine: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2O16 t à Step 1: Meet with Jochen for approval of subjects + signature Step 2: pick-up signed and sealed LA at ISP office ISP arranges for countersignature of Pforzheim University's lnternational Programs Offìce ) Step 3: You'll send the LA via e-mail to your home university for approval + signature t www. h Step 4: After approval by your home university: - bring hardcopy of the LAto the ISP-Office (W2.3.19 )or - send softcopy to [email protected] for all students (possible after March 23rd,2016) s-pforzh ei m. de/i s p HOC HSCHULE i' ' r¡ì,"'r lì ;i\1 : ii..li\ii :'' ,' l ==, What we do not hope, however it may happen .... that some students do not pass an exam. Resits are only possible within the exam period of the following semester. 1 No additional online resits or resit dates available outside of the official 2. examination period. 3. Students taking resits have to be nominated by their home institutions and have to be enrolled at Pforzheim University for the resit semester. 4. Students resitting exams at Pforzheim University are asked to participate in the corresponding lecture or stay in close contact with the professor or fellow students. 5 lf students cannot resit for an exam at Pforzheim University, we recommend to cover the missing subject(s) at the home University. www. h s- pforzh ei m. de/i sp 61 HOCI"-ISCHULE ' ', . ii ;:¡r rr1.rl\'r'i ':;1 :- ISP Checklist for end of semester ¡ Erasmus form to be filled in and signed by Ayse Derre, WI.2.12 from the lnternational Programs Office (,,Akadmisches Auslandsamt") n Return all books to library & ,,confirmation of the library" to be filled in and signed by the library X Gonfirmation of the library to be handed in at the lnternational Programs Office, Ayse Derre,Wl.2.'12 before departure ++ requirement for the issuance of your transcripts ++ www. hs-pforzhei m.de/isp 62 HOCHSCHULÊ " :i'''r1li if:r; llf.!i\rl r ,l r' * Helpful links (cont.) Ð Pforzheim University's Exami nation Office ("Prüfungsamt") . Exam registration . Grades & online https ://h ic. hs-pforzheim.de/qispos/ transcripts www. hs-pforzheim.de/isp 65 HOCHSCHULI ,i r¡¡.,,r ,r i\,, rúi.ljr!,.i r.,.,;i,. == Helpful links (cont.) ) Pforzheim University's lnstitute of Foreign Languages l,'** . Website - IFS ¡s.pforzheim.de/ifs Courses . German as a foreign language . Cross eultural communication www. h s-pforzhei m. de/is p 66 I-IOCHSCHU¡E "t ;l;.'' ! lir,, ll',' !LrÌ ì'',,' - ....Meet with Students' Unions representatives for group picture and tour through Pforzheim University's Business School 13:30 Departure busses to "Gotdstadt-Watk" - Guided tour through the city of Pforzheim meeting point: bus stop (,,Hochschule/Wildpark") Thank you for your attention! Have a good start to your semester abroad at Pforzheim University & looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! www. h s-pforzhei m. de/is p 69 Appendix 2 - How to access grades via the internet, transcripts of records o At httgs://hic.hs-pforzheim.de/qispos/ you may access your grades and print provisional transcripts. a Official Transcripts will be issued and sent off to your Home Universities as soon as your records are completed. a Deadline for our professors to submit grades are for the Summer semesters: end of August; Winter semesters: end of February. ln addition we might need approximately two weeks to finalize uploads to https ://h ic. hs-pforzhei m. de/q ispos/. Hereafter your official transcripts of records as well as your ISP certificates and ISP diplomas will be send to your home universities o o o o Resits What we do not hope, however it may happen that some students do not pass an examination. o Subsequent resits are offered only within the examination period of the N EXT semester (please see: www. hs-pforzheim. de/isp-calendar) o Additional resit appointments cannot be offered o Please note that resit candidates would have to be nominated for the NEXT semester by the home university at the lnternational Office of Pforzheim University, would have to enrol, and - strongly recommended - follow the subject again at Pforzheim University. . . . lf candidates cannot take the resits in Pforzheim or the subjects are not offered in the next semester, we recommend that failed courses are covered at the home university. Pforzheim University's lnternational Programs Office ("Akademisches Auslandsamt") Ayse Derre Admission, housing, health insurances, advising international students (incl. financial support within DAAD programs) Building Room: phone: E-Mail: W1 w1.2.12 +49-(0)7231-28-6147 Ayse. Derre@ hs-pforzhei m. de Block Monday 1 08:00 09:30 - 2 09:45 11:15 - 3a 1l :30 13:00 - 3b 12:00 - l3:30 4 l3:45 l5:15 - 5 15:30 17:00 - 6 17:15 18:45 - 7 l9:00 20:30 - Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday t HOCHSCHULE PFORZHIIM UNIVERSITY SM Warm welcome to our international students at Pforzheim University! lT Guide L HOCHSCHULE PFORZHËIM UNIVERSITY HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM ffi æ l5$ìnêlleugnff StErt 8åc$ebr ilûster WH*chalt und Recht Technl HochsÕÌ¡ul€ |tmm I Zusat;oualif*at'enen I ForscÌ¡ung Oualåt Shrdent Servi:€s htrmôtionål Cåreer Service Aushndssufeottrûl Ahfmi W Úbersicht 'Zr¡sat¡qudlifi ka$onen' ¡ntcrnrt¡onsl Str¡dy Progrðm ...more for lncoming Exchõng€ Stüdents Coursås in EÍ\¡GLßH Courses in G€RMAN Courses in FRENCH and SFqNSH GERt,tAll as å FORÊ6N LA'{€UAGE Adrnbsbn & Acðdemic Csþndar ++yô¡, will !¡Fed Ádo$* Á{rsôst lleadçr (o resd l¡}âse doc¿rn18¿15++ Prerequbles Nationsnies of Sludents hlorn¡stbo Fackoge Weborne & orÈntstrüñ | S[rnÍisr S,eß¡ester 3015 Pfftrsit Plor¡hein Univêrslty 1. JJ Progrsm Brochure 2014i?û15 Pwtrsl Eushcas Scfiool 2. + ISP-flownlosds -.. .¿J lnfôr tll 3. môtion Ðn {:ourse$. srgôn¡rrtisnôl inlormsti*n. {dåy 1 sriêntåtbn) lnformat¡on on onhne time loble, (day 2 orientðt¡)n) fi¡r Pfor¿hêiîer Bachebr- $ludbrende ¡. 6P Fscr¡ty Engtsh Trsc* 5. jJ Contact .åJ lT infraslructure (d$y 2 orientstion) Course reg¡stratron {'yellow peges"} 6. JJ Learning Agreement 7. ¿J Acsdemrc ìl¡rit¡ng Guidelines lor Plor¡heinì University Sus¡ncs$ Scho$l 8. .âJ msp - How lo fnd us Winter Seme$ter 20l5lt$ ft lJ Program 0rochure 2015J?016 3 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHËIM UNIVTRSITY re How and where to use student lD card? 297946 ,stu¿cd lddity ga¡¡üg bis Càr<J 18.03.1010 Student lD card is not only to use as an authentication as a student at . . . ' . the Pforzheim University, but: re Cash free payment at,,Mensa'i cafeteria and vending machines Login at multifunctional copy machines all over campus r-Ë*t [ -¡Ë-l L¡brary lD card Door opener (main entrances activation)) / computer labs (some labs need specific ,,Studiticket" for bus and public transport Very important: your student lD is only activated and ready to be loaded with money after your user account is activated through initial login at the multifunctional printer! 5 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM UNIVIRSITY ffi Problems w¡th lD card? o a General problems with lD card (damage, loss) ) please go to the student service center (StudiCenter) in W1 building Problems with door opener? Blöhbaum in room V1- .I.04 ) please contact Mrs. rc a Problems with multifunctional printer or money please contact Mr. Krause in room charging W2.2.I7 (HlZ- lT Service center) ) Please handle your lD card with care - in case of loss or damage you will have to pay a fee of 20€ 7 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHFIM UNIVERSITY FTq Your user account Default password for first login is your birthday: t ) combination: ddmmyyyy example: 08 I2L990 (December B, L990) Please change default password ) ) ! only at pc lab you can change password do not use umlauts like äöüá or symbols or email address Different login at the Library! ) ) Combination: 000 + Studentnumber + 0 example: 0002928270 Password: Date of Birth ten digits (dd.mm.yyyy) ) example: L4.l-0.L990 (L4.October.1990) 9 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM UNIVIRsITY W Your user account When will my login be blocked? ) ) 3x incorrect login wa¡t 30 min. arìd try again Problems? Where do I get support? ) building W2 Room W2.2.L7 T1 HOCHSCHULE PFORZH[IM UNIVIRSITY M Webmail Access Ënglish Siternap Kanlak lntern HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM Hochschr.¡¡e i Gestaltung Technik , ,..!_!tl- , ffi Wirtschafr und Rechl I Fôrschung lnternatiôna¡ ASIA BEþ.lA Seschaff unçsnrarkt Bibliothek te ng Lqr) lnstitut für Fremdsprachen {IFS} vsly twFsSôftt ÂlüNflr! $ìjli !:,!{ r'rliÌ:$ iì-'{t ù$ ii rs , r,j l"i Ì:. ¡"rìù ril r;., lr¡I$;iri| iX$ r.ù¡11 ürrJ$, Mensa Str.¡denlische Onllnê-Systeme Personenverzeichn is Sch¡nucktechnoiogisches Insiitut (STI) !,Y* lnfomationenfär -. ...rr,i,:L..:,rii. i..'-¡,r Studieninteressierte . :i.Ì rì r:r: j.,, .." r.i r: I ì. Stellenangebote Studium Generale r,,, ffi AKuelles Veranstaltungen Sludierende Servces am 24 09. teilweise geschlossen 0¡1.10.2010 Erstsemesterbegrüßung Alumni Anmeldung BWK- und tliS-Projekte 0i1.1û.2010 ISP Welcome ãnd lntroduction Session Untemehmen Vorãnmeldung WiPo-Seminar 05.1û-2û10 VtA lrnpulse [{edienveltreler Semestertermine f!,litarbeiter/of f ene Stellen Studierendenvertreter in den Gremien ab WS10/1 06.10.2010 ìnfcverânstaltung Wahlpflichtfach 1 weiteré.,, 13 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM UNIVËRSITY re Wireless lnternet On campus you can access the wireless lan via,,hsx" cloud Sdeftp HOCHSCHULE PFÖRZHEtM s$n Reliltr6l o"ro*r ro¡)g¡-ttns*an lffil ffi,.'*n,.,**.@**o*no -€nìrichOrg€n' Ksnþn htêîn tt6 tr um neor F6-dune htem'þñrr B¿!ùtrô91! Gr$iet Stud!ñGaôrraÞ F ffignræhlctioç¡lduþ Downloads fär o [-f o guide is not available in English Just follow screenshots step by (HrZ) r-S.^,€rg 8ùbhck I Sottwra ste p o Qnce,,hsx" is installed it will rirJ Âðlåil$q fu *ðllôtiðh Ss..hxh$ilrñk{¡ {!v,fr1ðwr.3?+# Þ¡t} (rsF) AôhlN¡q adr vN.Tðet$l¡M¡ fúr ¡bi S$ X ¡O.$ (lryõd) Âsilbq ¡sr vp$-rd*dlâN${ {;. ¡¡ð{ tS S tS,Ë {sNs {@p*td}¡ ¡ì*r $r !ilh lútil¡óth fùr $r&N$ ¡ {slodslré) anh,hq rü ¿ rP$"nqn ftJ frr \s¡¡dêsÌ i3 ?l # Ë[T] Âslrðq ¡uf KûrN[rþ? dç6 dudrñti4h{e ûwkksstss (å¡rp$ psñlcr lßtùlléhos (süt{e {wi¡dðw$Jr c* 8it} tbdsrd b rsildñsþ¡l NMrfl dr\q {ùrri!4i{N tr$!üñkìN(¡{ ñ.uvr I lúlìif u¡ k hsft *Sç¡r* OS X nû," {l !d) Âñ14¡t¡ñç pr$*sl{hss $çi"lêidwc¡!r N,{d!d{$ Ssgidrôti*{ iÒ t[{: Èr!þì- ùú cs¿r piVefTrïitsi fs' nfsrNdld{ulètd *ledt{t5 Risìrilirfrm ¡s ÞùRk- sd K$r$¡i5${}ñsry{$déff {ùr ó$$meÈðkìlì*d* $tul{ûtûÀ VÞS ìñå[d]ùL¡dû s¡id{. {¡r $ìA( Õ$ X nS,{ {Se!ù ls$8d}. ¡ì¡{ W X lÐ,r {ljôÊ"\ \¡srl idelilì¡thn Slids \qiôdo!$q {:rlJ6{ Ën } l¡Ftì.v$[ùñqsôv{h* $nt{! \ù\r* nÞ$ñN rx.i l$!.\N rsû¡ $*.,rÀ{l!þ hrtr{$¡{ linhr(ùüle Hsr¡tuùs sritoei{erÞ gAri}ìrei$rcil{s ì{4Àsq ¡us lv'lj¡*NrS} h$* d{ì¡ ksi¡srlùL" ¡}fðr¡h,:¡& $!r&trnsd ù$ úrúbA ? ¡i$nq $$ $-låe¡ñ! \s{ d.1r l{ñ$Ssle Fto,?h{r¡n Srt i(¡5} l¡ÞM¡* is¡d ¡Êd l*ni ìqùÀS !ünì \$"|$û{¡eh ¡rkd¿r }iñhxhslû P$ùÈrhûiã! Þùr ilðr0$T lSð¡B r$m s^¡rs.S* hsx &r rkrbshul4 Nûv¡&dù N¡ âa8sr\¡ bdì ¿ùl¡N$ ?usr l*û¡ ñg nfortunately, the installation . . . con nect utomatica lly hsx works with smartphones username: fh\userid password: defau lt password a Sj".!siìdr h$d{f sNl*¡ßì* lrt4rdìsi{Ì Arr ñbs${! ¡ù$ \s{.¡r-ñ¡{¡ fitr de. H&bsrhil û Þ}wr hs,ñ p,r 14 isdoÞ':t } 15 HOCHSCHULE PFORZHËIM UNIVIRsITY M Wireless lnternet Please proceed as adviced in the VPN installation guide Sitffiap Kontal(t lntern ryt|5i HOCHSCHULE PFORZHEIM ffi Tecllnlk stan Rektoräl Utler6tcht "Ë¡nrlchtungên" lnternatlmal Wlrlscl¡ãfi und Veryã¡tung f,ressè- uñd . Beaufirãgle Gremien ..t i , .' f'..f PersonenveEe¡c hnùs Sludrum GeneraÞ r. I .-r I ,,t r, t: -,if ,r,l,rl Hochschullntomat¡onsz€ntrum (r+lz) lT-Seryrces Brlf,hothek Sôllwåra Tlte¡ n\nkr;tu o¿f, hÍitÂt¡iltkìü tltrï¡f dìh {¡ld n¡{:&é}r {Winr¡sws 3} 1" 64 ü}it} "&¡¡k:itr¡rrgl ðr¡v" [ìd!rt{¡t"rfirìîl de-s vÈf,år$ti}lt¡rt!$sver?e¡È}rni$$es {l,SF} id¡ìklit*nfJ ðilr v!!s-I¡rfirållèti'ô{r Ídir Llôq $Í$ ¡{ 1$.:i {i'tr¡¡}årrl) Ånk¡i{sns} ¿sí v$!n"tû$tþÍl:åt&gh fùr f"la{ $t} X $.{i. 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Go to "www.hs-pforzheim.de Choose "E-Learning" (drop down menu) Log-in with the same account as your Pforzheim U niversity e-mail account ¡\nüì*l{l*ililruü üdür l{cnn"vurT v*ru*xm*n$ 29 HOCHSCHULE PFORZþ{EIM UNIVËRSITY ffi E-learn¡ng How to fi nd your course in Moodle HOCHSCI-{ULE PTORZHËIM LA}IGIIAGE r == ' . ülnrrdrr $rr+el i.rgrrL$ o Exemplary illustration course registration / ' W flüilrst {åle$ßar*$ i-ehfânseþst üef Filli$ltàl Ts{hüìk,, s\"!'lll-l I sðrfisirr \rtirtsr þ $,ly !tr061e settings t¡ tìÃ]iä12r - ì-.ü¡J,$iu$ HOCHSCHULË PFORZHËIM i src i$ lils {arrr!ìe =C s $srol:rùsf silil¡riri Enrolrent oplions üS\[11 S') ]ntsr r\aliüüal indush iåi ünüine*rr$$ 1 +i: F n I SÅ[:S$I.l ìñT*f nälìs$âl $r]$ìris$s \}${ìri"ilrsn$ I,I.åììfiil*{fin Course admnistrâtion .f, f8r<f me ¡,r t¡ $An?l 5ü lnternational ndustrial E.n$ineerin$} 1 +ä f this csùrse My proilt seltrñgs Ira!ìeírrn: dìhrì$trûn ì{ìrìlie Trårf;Ë.'$,1¡¡s¡tì,n \ìäiì¡ìSrì!i]rì * Self enrolrnent {Têilnehmerlin) . . choose your course enter the password g.$f$lnu$t [Èy rrr¡.** ,l¡uTå-qì{ ffiffif 31_ HOC IJSC I_IIJLË -, Your user account Default password for first login is your birthday: à combination : ddmmyyyy ) example: 08I2Igg0 (December B, j.990) Please change default password! à only at pc lab you can change password à do not use umlauts like äöüá or symbols Different login at the Library! à Combination: 000 + Studentnumber + 0 à example: 00029 28270 Password: Date of Birth ten digits (dd.mm.yyyy) à example : !4.10.1990 (14.October.1990) 9