178 Paradtim of dogs by Rangeria vit*Iliin muthem Brazir: clinicar, pathologicar and **""ffiffitffir1*;$llo Ap Lorerri,.. ss orir.iru,, cA pescador,, NN Silvar, DB Roza', D Driemier,, eCpArarijo., LR Meialet' Vct parh, Parh, Dept Ver Clin 'Sector Fac re, u"a-Ju ii"i'" iI" G4 Srl fUrnGS), porro Alese, RS, Bmzil zver Fac, uFpet. petotas, xs, B-razil ;ncv-u'lici ^" 5PhD sldenq ISD/IMT, USn Sa" prUo, jfiiraif--e_'mail [email protected] ii? rrr*rf ppccil.ffiii, INTRODUCTION: Rangetiosis m -nanbi_uni* ls a p,rotszoal disease caused by an intracellular parasite of _dogs called Rangltia oirati. fhis condlhon affecb especiaily trunrine doss from y"as u southern Brazil. Cksrers if cases Irat mve Deetr obaerved fram Novenber to March siace dcks.are ,Auna*r curiuf,fir"lii seasons. This entity oco.us particularlv'in vou"l oogs and Echfiacreriz€dbyanania ictirusievei ,*rt generalized lymph'node :ljetromegaly: eilaryetrHt and pcrsisteil bleeding tliroush rhe nos€, oral caviry and ear nmEins. fire life"<ycle of R-. vilalli consists ol an ervthrocvric developmnhl g'c*ftC n srage *a *.ro".yrr,7*yti""]lri rhe cyrrylasm of endothelial ceils. now€rer, IL viraili_Wrasitized erytlrocytes are regilw as tmcotrmdoo, to rare findings esoeciallv m rne cnrontc ftrm of clatmt9lL vitdti drc disease. $me;urbo; ultcmal orgarts, marked splenornesrly, eolarged tyrnph nodes, lary€ oi corffi#'blffi ln rne gastriniestinal "roo*ir, tfact and viyid red. nasrv :.?l:,-p"rrj* suggesring tr"maropo';eiit sumuaum. Examinatisr of bore nrarrowsrncan nurrerous R vitolli orgarisms-i;;; cytoplasrn of endotheliat oells. were roundish and had a ,oe"Uy utaiiea llui git.tl^p and a pinpoint, exc€nrric nucleus. msrcrogcatly, runy inracytoplasmic protozoa yere fgund in rhe daot"l;ir .iiGof from different tissues, parastre$ lpere most nttnnrous in rbe hisrotogicat *ato* oll"rriii r"yold ffii p*'**l ;fi;;; nodes. Eryrhrophagocydri, *o-ie* nuUnuOeah giant eth were also ob,served in t11*_?9"1 urrrastnrcturali,r=_ ;i;T; * frlo one stngle-, excentric, electon&sei ilr.sij aoubf i rayerc{. nound to oval structure conesponrring to the mcleus, electron&rse gran Uo mr ocor in svtrm,crG. rne cftu_cal, pathological and ulf.cfructurel aryccc or tIrc pa!?sitim of dogs by R vitalti les'fillid"# and.oval, doubljhyered rr*i;; :Ir"pt^T uerprued as miioctm&ia MATERIAL AND MET.8ODS: Historv_ 15 rnrn The single p*rirr|f,"ri hafoufug the parines consisted of ila souosn Brazit arc AascriU* i-n tfril i iod;. "' clntrq{ nndlngs, nnnagerrm ad oueorre ofi *r.fir rangeliosis were rctneved froi :lgl. verennarians; 3ml ofwhole blood uas coilecld a crrtrigt cary and inoculalcd W 4 bflrs L9T samplinganer Blood smears from both InOi,lOrat organiirF ],.a3tol€ T-,agl*,r"yer rmsuring 3(hrn. Tbcre r+cre rising fiorn tE inemat -lllEl:TlqC surrac.e ol me"dcrovilli parasitophorous vacuole and :Iending into iB fturrn, ineasuring4G5-d;;; dtameierad0s rnm in lengrL wirh"el'ffi;; cores. Tlrc disease",ar surgcafly.rernoved and sanryled together with -at hsntcs ad fre CNS fro,nr necrbsies f;a,gt clectroo micrus@py. Snpars were rranufacnurd rmm ussuesamples and stained withGicmsa anJ Panoptic. Ao imrnunohisroctremicaf ie""rri"l,i wasperfonned cattuwrt ftr lz i*ananh cnaias ^nd-Tomplasnm gorrdii L-N;:ffi; stme n iilati ffiffi,ffi"Hffiffitrtr!*.fi s'as_,c,ond_ucted in conformance "it[ ni grtr{emes for-experirEtrat proceOrnc asser forri n_F taw I I 9 I i of 05.2 I .03, "Code for Anirnal:r_r. Welt-Beingh RS.. RESiULTS; Tk cliaical picture in 2 does wirh riy'r#;ril; *ith bl"; dog. The il;f;; r,fc.srn , rn an.cxperirnental dog inoculatei ymgla rrogaransitiied srgns were observed 5 days afier rhe 1{, j1{uaeA.rever, mudoU pafl or inoclrd; and-btmJ oozulg rom tle nce. fhe ex1rerienral aninal sqgfaDaTr$ty I C days affi:r dE onser]ffi 1fl $ffiffi rm *:ir,f.iffi '#.il'ffitr47 or disease. No blood Frasircs m rickensiil agenr were found ln ure ren OlooA spontaneous or l g"hemis ceu;;i;hr; experimental aasrr. rry to, t. c i o s o'ii - fi'. lT_T.t1.? lli cannum and T garrdri was mrist€aUy i"g;i"". DISCUSSION: The preseot studv shnw conyncurg evid€nce that rangeliosis i, rhesis riarprevious ""repurrte rlpcn[ qlgelosrs was cluracterized Ay nu*ed mlfor TuV.*{rypport fte of canine o$cotoration of rmrcoEae (iaundioe), vlscemt tershmaniosis in southem Brrzil stroul-i bercviewed. T-Try$ rcrnbram (ananria) or ye[6wish addr. fe;; ii:"J,:['jllffi medtated hennlnic anemii- One ,pooru"eou, '1,3',X'*1'::ili'*:,*m; 919 ryaed qhaft er reffnrr wiri, irniaoorO gq.oeqnag and blood transfrrsion. Necronsv rmourys mctuded diffise pallorof thecarcass init babesiosis,.fld* od;i;*d-;;;; nsFtRENCr^s gyi tUaliel,f: 1914, Sobre a nrotdstia tu ltZii{i'* +, caes, chamada Nambi_uvrf e o seu parasih (Raascliaviallil. An paul UeC Ci r :- ::t ::::. :l: a,l;ii; jt:4