Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 V2.08: High
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 V2.08: High
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 V2.08: High-speed disk defragmentation in the background! Johann Lueppen – 26.02.2007 Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 tidies up your hard disk automatically every time you take a break from work, ensuring that you never experience slowdowns caused by fragmented disks. The latest version of the program is faster than ever before and also delivers significantly enhanced defragmentation performance. Nowadays most users know that they need to install virus and spyware scanners to protect their computers and many also use cleanup programs to get rid of unnecessary files that are clogging up their hard disks. But very few take the trouble to defragment their hard disks, even though hard disk defragmentation is one of the main reasons for reduced computer performance. What is hard disk fragmentation and how does it happen? When you save a file on a “fresh” hard disk all the data in the file is stored in the same place, as a single block of data. If you then add more files they are also stored as single blocks of data, directly after the data of the first file. This tidy situation changes when you start to erase files – this creates a “hole” in the sequence of data blocks. The next time you save a new file the operating system will try to fill this hole, but if the new file is too large to fit, part of the new file will be stored somewhere else. “As you continue to work with the disk this happens again and again,” explains Johann Lueppen, the head of public relations at Ashampoo. “In time, more and more files are stored in dozens of little scraps in different locations all over your hard disk. The computer’s per-formance becomes slower because reading these fragmented files takes much longer. Ashampoo Magical Defrag solves this problem by keeping the disk unfragmented all the time, with all the files stored in single blocks of data that can be read quickly.” Take a break and enhance your computer’s performance! Defragmenting hard disks is normally a tiresome and time-consuming chore, which is the main reason why so few users bother to do it. Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 solves this problem once and for all because it completely eliminates the work from hard disk de-fragmentation. Once you’ve installed it you can just forget about it – it automatically de-fragments the hard drive whenever you take a break. The intelligent program achieves this without interfering with your use of the computer in any way. As soon as you press a key or move the mouse or an application program activates, Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 automatically stops defragmenting, giving you full control of the computer’s resources again. Magical Defrag 2 V2.08: Vista-compatible, much faster and better than ever! Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 V2.08 is compatible with Windows® Vista and now includes a real-time graphical analysis that you can activate if you want to monitor defragmentation progress. The algorithms and code of the defragmentation engine have been thoroughly overhauled and it now defragments hard disks much faster and more efficiently than ever before. “This version will definitely take fewer lunch breaks to completely defragment your hard drive,” comments Ashampoo speaker Johann Lueppen with a smile. “In fact, once you’ve had it running for a while you’ll find that your hard disks will be kept in optimum condition, so that you always get the best performance possible. That’s a big advantage for all users.” Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 V2.08 is available now. The full version sells US$14.99. A free trial can be downloaded from: » « The initial free trial is for 10 days. This can be extended for another 30 days by registering online, which is free of charge and without any obligation. Ashampoo Homepage: » Please click here to visit our homepage « Product page: » Please click here to open the product page. « Download link: » To download the free trial version please use this link. « Screenshot: » Please click here to see the screenshot «. Boxshot: » Please click here to see the boxshot «. Weiterführende Kontaktdaten Informationen zum verantwortlichen Unternehmen: Ashampoo ist eines der weltweit erfolgreichsten, internetbasierten Unternehmen im Bereich Software-Entwicklung, -Vertrieb und Webportale. Von Beginn an setzten die innovativen Softwareprodukte von Ashampoo technologische Standards und sind bekannt für ihre fortschrittliche Technik und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Das Ashampoo Burning Studio, der Ashampoo WinOptimizer und der Ashampoo Photo Commander gehören zu den bekanntesten Anwendungen aus dem breitgefächerten Produktportfolio. Ashampoo GmbH & Co. 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