Recommended toolsφ 1.Wrench 2.Silicone 3. Plumber Tape 4.Pipe
Recommended toolsφ 1.Wrench 2.Silicone 3. Plumber Tape 4.Pipe
Model / Modelo / ශਭ / ꑝ鴭 / Modelo 33825-DV / 33830-DV / 33825-PDV Series / Series / ㌱ࡍ / 겑ꍡ댽 / Série Headquarters Delta Faucet Company A division of Masco Corporation of Indiana 55 East 111th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 USA Tel: (317) 848-1812 Prezado Consumidor: Obrigado por escolher Delta Faucet. Nossos produtos possuem materiais de alta qualidade, com excelente durabilidade, pois são fabricados com alta tecnologia de produção, que permitirá ser utilizados por muitos anos. Recommended toolsφ 1.Wrench 2.Silicone Instalação Herramientas recomendadasφ 1.Llave 2.De silicona 3.Banda de sellado 4.Llave para tubos 1. Antes de instalar o produto, verifique se a tubulação esta limpa. 2. Figura 1, instalção do produto. 3. Instalação da haste do pop-up, conforme figura 2. 4. Verifique se não tem vazamentos nas conexões. 5. Verifique conforme a figura 3, o correto funcionamento. 6. Deixe correr a agua, antes de usar. Dear Customer, Thank you for selecting Delta Faucet, a product that will give you years of dependable service! Each faucet is built using only the very best materials and the latest manufacturing technology. Engineered for durability, we are confident you will enjoy your new faucet for years to come. 4.Pipe Wrench ᔰ䇤ᐛޭφ 1.ᢩᢁ⧱⪹㜬⭕ᯏᑜ㇗䫩 Manutenção Installation and Connections 1. Flush pipes thoroughly before faucet installation. 2. Install faucet, figure 1. 3. Install the pop-up waste, figure 2. 4. Check all connections for leaks. 5. Check for correct operation, figure 3. 6. Flush faucet thoroughly before use. 3. Plumber Tape Limpar o arejador, como mostrado na Figura 4. Para substituir o cartucho, veja a Figura 5. Para substituir demais componentes, veja a Figura 6. Ề㣙 ⓸Ạφ 1.⥀㾌 2.㐘⫠䂌 Limpeza Cuidado ao limpar o produto. Use apenas um pano limpo umido. E para secar use um pano macio. Maintenance Cleaning the aerator, figure 4. Replace the ceramic cartridge, figure 5. Replacement parts, figure 6. Observação 1. As ilustrações são apenas referências para as instruções de instalação. 2.Pressão de Trabalho: 5 m.c.a ( 0.05Mpa) - 70 m.c.a (0.7Mpa). Melhor Pressão de Trabalho: 20 m.c.a ( 0.2Mpa) - 50 m.c.a (0.5Mpa). Cleaning Care should be given to the cleaning of this product. Although the finish is extremely durable, it can be damaged by harsh abrasives or polish. To clean simply wipe gently with a damp cloth, and wipe dry with a soft towel. Note 1. Pictures are only for installation instruction. Please subject to the confirmed sample. 2. Working pressure: 0.05Mpa-0.7Mpa Recommended working pressure: 0.2Mpa-0.5Mpa 1. Nota 1. El dibujo solo sirve de instrucción de montaje. Refiérase al producto. 2. Presión de trabajo: 0.05Mpa-0.7Mpa Presión de trabajo recomendada: 0.2Mpa-0.5Mpa 3.䙀⤠⭬㏘䊀㣂G Ferramentas recomendadas φ 1.Chave de Boca 2.Silicone 4.Chave Inglesa 4.䑀㢨䘸 ⥀㾌 3.Faixa de bombeiro 2. ቀᮢⲺ亴ᇘφ 䶔ᑮ䉘ᛞ䘿ᗍ㙂䗴≪嗏ཪθᵢӝ䘿⭞儎䍞䠅ᶆᯏθ䟽⭞ᴶ᯦Ⲻ⭕ӝ ᢶᵥθޭᴿᶷླⲺ㙆ѻᙝθሼѰᛞᨆבཐᒪਥ䶖ⲺᵃࣗȾ ᆿ㻻ૂ䘔 ᆿ㻻嗏ཪҁࢃθᖱᓋߨ⍍㇗䐥Ⱦ ➝ഴᆿ㻻嗏ཪȾ 3.➝ഴᆿ㻻ৱ≪㻻㖤Ⱦ ỶḛᡶᴿⲺཪᴿᰖ╅Ⱦ ➝ഴỶḛ嗏ཪᐛ֒ᱥੜ↙ᑮȾ ↙ᕅֵ⭞ҁࢃθ䈭с䎭⌗ಞθཝ≪䠅ߨ⍍Ⱦ . 㔪ᣚ ➝ഴ⍍䎭⌗ಞȾ ➝ഴᴪᦘ䰶䰞㌱㔕Ⱦ ➝ഴᴪᦘެᆹ䴬䜞ԬȾ ⍍ ⍍ᵢӝᰬ䴶ࣖቅᗹθታ㇗ᵢӝⲺ㺞䶘䭶ቸᶷެ㙆⭞θռԃᴿਥ㜳 㻡ቌᬜ⢟ᡌᢉݿ⢟ᡶᦕ՚Ⱦ⍍ᰬਠ䴶⭞⒵ᐹ䖱䖱ᬜᤣθ❬⭞䖥∑ᐴ ᤣᒨਥȾ ⌞ᝅ ഴ⽰ӻ䲆ӄᆿ㻻ᕋθ䈭ԛᇔ⢟ѰȾ 2.ᐛ֒ু࣑0.05Mpa-0.7Mpa ᴶ֩ᐛ֒ু࣑Ѱ 0.2Mpa-0.5Mpa 67355 09/08/2011 1. 2. 1 . 0.05Mpa-0.7Mpa : 0.2Mpa-0.5Mpa 2 67355 Rev. A 3A. 3B. 4. 6B. Model 33825-PDV RP71086 RP63541 RP63542 RP60114 RP63545 RP63544 RP26533 3C. 3D. RP71081 5. RP5268 RP44881 RP39016 RP71080 6A. Model 33825-DV 33830-DV RP71086 RP63541 RP63542 RP60114 RP63545 RP63544 RP26533 RP71081 RP71087 RP5268 RP44881 RP39016 RP71080 67355 Rev. A 3 4 67355 Rev. A
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1A. 1B. 2D. 2C. 2B. 2A.
2. Presión de trabajo: 0.05Mpa-0.7Mpa
Presión de trabajo recomendada: 0.2Mpa-0.5Mpa
1A. 1B. 2A. 2C. 2D. 3. 2B. 4.
Cleaning the aerator, figure 3.
Replace the ceramic cartridge, figure 4.
Replacement parts, figure 5.
Care should be given to the cleaning of this product. Although the
finish is extremely...
Recommended toolsφ 1.Wrench 2.Silicone 3
Care should be given to the cleaning of this product. Although the finish is
extremely durable, it can be damaged by harsh abrasives or polish. To clean
simply wipe gently with a damp cloth, and wi...