Urinary Incontinence evaluation in Women who Live in Riverside
Urinary Incontinence evaluation in Women who Live in Riverside
Urinary Incontinence evaluation in Women who Live in Riverside Community Aljerry Rego; Jorge Haddad U3 Figure 2 – Evaluation of Prevalence for Urinary Complaints in women resident in Igarapé da Fortaleza, Macapa, Amapa (July 2011 to January 2012) Aims of Study To evaluate the prevalence of urinary incontinence and risk factors for developing this pathology in women who live in riverside Community in Amapa State, Brazil. Prevalence of Urinary Complaints Material and Methods 29% Observational study, was performed in Igarapé da Fortaleza (Affluent of Amazonas river), at Amapa State, Brazil from 1st July 2011 to 31st January 2012 . U1 71% Figure 1 – Photo from Igarapé da Fortaleza, Macapa, Amapa. With Stress Urinary Incontinence Without Urinary Incontinence U4 Figure 3 – Evaluation of Average of variables related to gynecological-obstetrical antecedents and Body Mass Index of Women resident in Igarapé da Fortaleza, Macapa, Amapa. (July 2011 to January 2012) Average of data related to Risk factors for Urinary Incontinence 45 40 35 30 235 women with more than 18 years old were analyzed to evaluate the prevalence of urinary incontinence and risk factors for developing this pathology. The patients were evaluated by the questionnaire about their urinary symptoms and risk factors as age, parity, menstrual status and body mass index (BMI) were analyzed. For this analysis the patients were divided in two groups- with stress urinary incontinence group (UIG) and without urinary incontinence (CG). The main economic activity is the fishing Açaí extraction. The patients are submitted normally to vaginal delivery. The connection among the houses is by the bridges of wood. Written informed consent was obtained from the patients and the study was approved by Ethics Committee. The statistical analysis were performed by BioEstat 5.3 version software. Results The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) was 28.9% (CI- 23.1%- 34.7%). The analysis of the age, BMI and parity showed that there was significant difference between the groups. The other variables as vaginal or cesarean delivery, weight of the baby and menopause there were not significant difference. 25 20 U2 15 10 5 0 SUIG CG Relevance (p value) Parity Age BMI* 4.7 4.1 0.307 42.2 37.9 0.002 26.9 24.8 0.0009 Natural Labor 4.4 4.2 0.3703 Cesarean Labor 1.6 1.4 0.5257 Weight (Baby) 3.58 3.43 0.1747 Parity (Quantity); Age (in Years); Natural Labor (Quantity); Cesarean Labor (Quantity); Weight/Baby (in Kg). Concluding Message The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in women who live in a riverside Community in Brazil was 28.9%. The risk factors with significant difference for developing stress urinary incontinence in this Community were: age, parity and obesity. References 1. Minassian V. et al. Urinary incontinence as worldwide problem. International Journal of gynecology and obstetrics. 2003. 2. Liapis A. et al. Epidemiology of urinary incontinence in the Greek population: EURIG study. Int. urogynecol J. 2010. 3. Rortveit Guri et al. Urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery or cesarean section. The new England journal of medicine. 2003. Slide 1 U1 Acrescentei as legendas das fotos e gráficos, pois é necessário esclarecer o que foi analisado e delimitar a população USER, 10/6/2014 U2 Tomei a liberdade de modificar aquela tabela que tinha as variáveis analisadas em um gráfico, pois acho que fica visualmente mais atraente para o pôster e poderíamos condensar as informações, bem como estabelecer adequadamente o que foi analisado e as unidades em que encontram-se os números. Caso prefira a tabela mesmo, pode modificar USER, 10/6/2014 U3 Vide comentário 1 USER, 10/6/2014 U4 Vide Comentário 1 USER, 10/6/2014