HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? REAL ESTATE MARKET IN BRAZIL JOÃO CRESTANA President of Secovi‐SP and CBIC National Commission of Construction Industry HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? SIZE OF BRAZIL Population distribution by gender, according to age group – BRAZIL 2010 Source: IBGE – 2010 Census Men Women HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? SIZE OF BRAZIL POPULATION – BRAZIL Rural x Urban Source: IBGE – 2010 Census HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? SOCIAL MOBILITY AND NEW MIDDLE CLASS 4/52 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? CHANGE OF PYRAMID POPULACIONAL BRAZILIANS OF D AND E CLASSES TEND TO MIGRATE TO C CLASS, WHICH WILL BE PREDOMINANT IN 2014 ( millions of people) 6 8,1 5,7 9,8 6 11,6 Classe A Classe B 37 Classe C 49,7 58,4 Classe D Classe E 38,2 28 20,3 Source: DataPopular Institute 10,7 6,8 3,7 2002 2009 2014 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? THE NEW C CLASS: WHO ARE THEY? Moves R$ 881 billion per year 50% of the population 46% of consumption 59% of credit cards 61% of internet users Millions of brazilians have made their dreams into life projects Source: Instituto DataPopular HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? THE NEW C CLASS: WHO ARE THEY? 68% OF THE C CLASS YOUNGSTERS HAVE STUDIED MORE THAN THEIR PARENTS Source: DataPopular Institute HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? C CLASS AND THE HOUSING RATIO 2011 1st TRIMESTER High Income Low Income Total of people who showed interest in purchasing a property or land in 12 months: 9,9 million New Middle Class Fonte: Instituto DataPopular 8/52 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? POTENCIAL MARKET FOR HABITATION THE POTENCIAL MARKET FOR HABITATION IS SHAPED BY THREE SECTORS 1 Social Housing Deficit 2 3 Future households Given and rented habitations Source: DataPopular Institute HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? REAL ESTATE MARKET IN SÃO PAULO CITY HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? LAUNCHING OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES São Paulo City In thousand units 39 38 34 32 26 2006 to 2010 2Sem Average = 64% 1Sem Average = 36% Source: Embraesp HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? PRICING STUDY NEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? PRICE X INFLATION CUMULATIVE CHANGE Var% Accumulated Price* m² of Floor Area of New Properties in São Paulo City 8,6% *Considered average price of properties launched in a period of 12 months 5,6% 3,9% 0,6% jan/11 fev/11 mar/11 Preço m² Source: Secovi‐SP abr/11 INCC IPCA mai/11 TR jun/11 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? COMMERCIALIZATION HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? COMMERCIALIZATION OF NEW PROPERTIES Município de São Paulo 37 In thousand units 28 36 33 36 2006 to 2010 2Sem Average = 54% 17 1Sem Average = 46% Source: Secovi‐SP HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? PERIOD AVERAGE SALE OFFER Average Sale Offer per year – in % 2006 Source: Secovi‐SP 2007 2008 2009 13,7 22,6 23,2 17,6 2006 to 2010 Average = 16,6% 13,8 16,2 12,1 São Paulo City 2010 Jan‐Jul 10 Jan‐Jul 11 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? BUSINESS VENTURES HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? LAUNCHING OF BUSINESS COMPLEXES LANÇAMENTOS DE CONJUNTOS COMERCIAIS São Paulo City 5,8 Thousand complexes 3,5 2,9 2,4 2,2 2,1 1,1 11% 94% 2006 Source: Embraesp 2007 43% 2008 68% 2009 37% 2010 Jan‐Jul 10 Jan‐Jul 11 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? RESOURCES AND FINANCING IN BRAZIL 19/52 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? REAL ESTATE FINANCING Financing – Savings Funding and Guarantee Fund for Lenght of Service Amount (R$ Billion) HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? REAL ESTATE FINANCING LTV – Acquisition – Savings Funding HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? OPPORTUNITIES HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE MARKET Chalenge: Remuneration of Investor x Borrowing Cost An alternative: Interests Reduction of Borrowing Cost from the Personal Income Tax The interests will be reducted from the base of personal income tax calculus; Temporary benefits; System used in other countries; It was in operation in Brazil (mid 70´s until 84). HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? FUTURE BRAZIL y Low income market will remain for the next 15 years y Requests from people who live in precarious conditions: rent and new households y Younger, more educated and better oriented consumer y Purchase of a property: dreams and apprehension y Brand “connected to” this new consumer will gain strenght y Sustainable and organized urban development y Perennial Housing Policy from the State 24/52 HÁ LIMITES PARA O CRESCIMENTO DO SETOR IMOBILIÁRIO? THANK YOU João Crestana [email protected] (5511) 5591‐1306 25/52
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