March - Our Lady of Mercy School
OLM TRAVELS TO THE MIDDLE EAST s During Thanksgiving Week last month, Ms. Claire Collins accepted an invitation to visit the new campus of New York University that opened in September of 2010 in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the largest Emirate of the United Arab Emirates. The local customs are rooted in Islam teachings and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is ruled by its Sheikh. The experience of such a visit was a rich one on many levels. NYU's mission for this campus is to accept and graduate the world's best and brightest global citizens - those students who show the most promise of becoming peacemakers and visionaries for the construction of a better future. The Great Mosque of Abu Dhabi The current Freshman Class of NYUAD, as the university is known, is composed of 150 students, the best of their high school classes, who speak an average of three languages and represent 39 nations worldwide. There are two Brazilian students in this class, both of New York University Downtown Campus Abu Dhabi whom are proud to be the pioneers of the first class of this new initiative, The First Global Network University. In the year 2013, a new campus will be inaugurated on a new island currently under construction! The core curriculum of NYUAD is first and foremost Liberal Arts in nature with a strong emphasis in Math and in the Sciences. The university actively seeks out prime candidates to be part of its mission and willingly helps facilitate the application process for students who are nominated by OLM for admission. If any student at OLM has interest in knowing more, please come see Ms. Claire Collins. Bedouins with their camels live and work in the desert outside Abu Dhabi by daylight or moonlight When in Abu Dhabi, we were proud to report that our OLM international student body could take great advantage of the rich opportunity NYUAD offers; we hope it will appeal to our students as a viable option, a continuation of the OLM high school experience. Claire Collins Women join together near the clock of the Great Mosque that shows prayer times CONTINUING NOTES FROM AN ERRANT EDUCATOR By John J. Majka THE MARCH FOR LIFE COMING TO WORK There is always a fear in the back of any educator's mind of being misinterpreted, misunderstood, or mistaken! The consequences to someone who takes his role in society seriously, namely his vocation to teach future generations, can be quite shattering. But a stand must be taken. Attention students!! SCHOOL IS WORK. If you see school as your present job and as an advance into your professional future, you will create attitudes that, in this first phase of adult life, will make people happy that you work for them; then, in the following years, you will know how to treat the people who eventually will come to work for you. The many people who marched for life had, have had and continue to have a very simple point to make: ABORTION IS WRONG. The more this is said, the less will it be practiced. The less abortion is practiced, the more human will we have become as a society. For almost 17 years now I have been coming to work, regularly, at OLM. It is a gift to have a job these days and even more so to be doing something one really enjoys most of the time. I have not always felt all that well and sometimes was not even looking forward to a particular class or activity and I knew that in coming to work it would be work. The Health Department of New York City was flabbergasted in announcing the results of a study finding that 41% of pregnancies in the city ended in abortions. That was not the reason for abortion being legalized, since it is a serious surgical intervention upon the mother and fatal for the fetus. (see: burner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+catholicex+% 28Catholic+Exchange%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail) Life is simply not only about us in the here and now. The shortest way, the most convenient solution and the first thought about how to resolve a conflict is not necessarily the best response--actually it rarely is. It is too easy to state that the remorse, guilt and grief experienced by so many women and even men who participated in an abortion is due to cultural/religious influences. Deep down we all want to live; we believe that the quality of life has to come from the way we live and let live. It wouldn´t be easy nor always satisfying in every detail, but it was a commitment to participate in the mission of a school that allowed me to do what I liked doing --counseling and then, later, teaching --while being able to share what I knew and learning some of what I still did not know, in an ongoing teaching/learning relationship with students that I could call mine by dint of the personal nature of the vocation of teaching and by pride in their efforts and successes. Student success does not simply come from talent or from a facility in working with or even manipulating facts and other tools. It comes from effort that is constant, developing and effective in an attempt to produce valuable results toward the solving of conflicts and strains faced in everyday living. There are no real shortcuts; it is usually the narrow path and the road less-traveled. Students--don´t avoid work--embrace it and there will come a satisfaction that makes all the sacrifices and sufferings worthwhile. THE COURAGE TO WANT TO TEACH! Olá! My name is Lynzie Keck. I am currently a senior at Ashland University in Ohio. I am studying Early Childhood Education and will graduate in May. I am in a first grade classroom here at OLM. So far, I am enjoying every minute of it! The kids are so much fun. Not only will I take away a great teaching experience here in Brazil, but I also hope to really jump into the culture and experience that as well. I am originally from Indiana, which is where my mother, father and the rest of my family resides. I have one brother and two sisters. I have been blessed with three nieces, a nephew and another nephew was just born! I enjoy spending most of my time with my family. When I‟m not with them, I enjoy shopping, reading and being with my friends. I am so excited to get to know each of the students in my classroom! I know this will be one of the greatest times of my life. I‟m already learning so much, in the classroom and just about different life situations in general. I‟m looking forward to a great next few months! What‟s up OLM? My name is Zachary Tucker and I‟m a student teacher from Bowling Green State University. For those of you who don‟t know, BGSU is located in the extremely flat and many times boring part of Ohio, but I love it. I am excited to be working with 10th and 11th graders in social studies (the best subject) and also hope to get involved with some of the activities throughout the school. I‟m originally from a tiny town in southeastern Ohio called Belpre, but have lived in several other cities while growing up. I have two older sisters (Bethany and Wendy) and also have two older brothers (Chris and Josh). My siblings have already blessed me with 4 beautiful nieces and an amazing nephew, and hopefully more will come soon! This summer Bethany and Chris will both be getting married so I am excited for the festivities when I return to Ohio. I am a huge football (American) fan and even though they are terrible I absolutely love the Cleveland Browns. I have also found a passion for photography since coming to college and Rio de Janeiro definitely offers several locations to practice. I love music of all types and my passion started when I would travel with my grandpa‟s jazz group when I was younger. Growing up back in Belpre, I spent all of my summers outdoors swimming, fishing and hunting with my best friend Broc and others. I would consider myself a very open person, so feel free to ask questions. I‟m excited to begin my adventure at OLM and in the beautiful country of Brazil. Ciao, Zach T Zachary Tucker, Lynzie Keck, Ashley Meyerrose and Brooke Lyons Oi! My name is Brooke Lyons, a student teacher from Bowling Green State University! I am more than ecstatic to be in the beautiful country of Rio de Janeiro, and, even more, I am excited to have the opportunity to work with the students and staff here at OLM. I've had a lifelong passion for education and I will be the third generation coming from a lineage of educators. What better way to start my highly anticipated career in education by gaining experience in Rio?! I am from Dayton, Ohio where I went to high school at a performing arts school. In high school, I majored in theater and creative writing so I am particularly fond of the arts. My goal is to absorb as much culture and education from the students and staff as I am able to impart on them. More recently, I have been inspired to do a lot of work with community service. I have served as the President and Executive Chair for several philanthropic organizations on my college campus as well as in my hometown, such as the African Leadership Summit and the FadWatch Fashion Club. I hope to make this a wonderful experience here at OLM and I can't wait to see what's in store for me here!! Thanks for having me, Brooke Lyons Oi! My name is Ashley Meyerrose and I am a student teacher from Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio. I am majoring in Middle Grades Education. This semester, I have the pleasure of working with the 8th grade English and Math classes here at OLM. I am very excited about this opportunity to work with you students as well as explore all that Rio de Janeiro has to offer! I was born in Munster, Indiana, but have lived in Pickerington, Ohio for most of my life. I graduated from Pickerington North High School in 2007 where I was involved in cheerleading, choir, and the National Honor Society. At Ashland University, I am a cheerleader, a scholar for the College of Education, and a member of Kappa Delta Pi, which is the education honorary society. I have been a cheerleader since I was in 1st grade, so I am very passionate about it and I hope to help out with the cheer squad here! In my free time, I like to exercise, go shopping, scrapbook, cook, and watch movies! This is my first time being out of the country. I am excited to pair my passion for teaching with the experience of being in a new country and a new culture! I love working with students, and I am very honored to have this opportunity! Quem conta um conto aumento um ponto... Fernanda Machado(´12) Por volta do entardecer, quando Matias e sua mulher sorviam um triste chá e se queixavam da miséria da classe média, da necessidade de ter de andar sempre com a camisa limpa, do preço dos transportes, dos aumentos por força da lei, enfim daquilo que conversavam na hora do crepúsculo os pobres casais, escutam bater na porta e a abriram e irrompeu casa adentro um mulatinho sujo, muito assustado que escondia a face com as mãos magrinhas. Matias, em tom alarmado, mandou a mulher se trancar no quarto. Levantou a cadeira onde estava sentado e já se preparava para acertá-la contra o menino, que neste mesmo instante o mulatinho havia retirado as mãos do rosto mostrando seus olhos cheios de lágrimas... esperou que Matias o acertasse. Matias parou instantaneamente. A fisionomia sofrida do mulatinho o abalou muito, fazendo-o pensar sobre o que ocorrera com o pobre garoto. Depois de intermináveis segundos, sem saber o que fazer, Matias perguntou em um tom sério e seguro: - Para que isso tudo garoto? O que você quer da gente? Novamente o menino chorou e a mulher foi chamada para ampará-lo. Depois de ter se acalmado e comido um pão recheado com queijo e presunto acompanhado de um leite quente, o menino contou que morava com a mãe e que ela o abandonara, deixando-o sem nada. Ao vagar triste e faminto pela rua, um policial começou a persegui-lo e, no desespero, acabou invadindo a casa de Matias. - Foi mal, tio... foi mal, tia – concluiu o menino. Matias não pode acreditar na crueldade daquela mãe e decidiu levar o menino à delegacia para prestar uma queixa contra ela. O menino não queria ir. Mesmo na insistência ele não cedeu. Disse que, na delegacia, ele não pisava porque não queria encontrar aquele policial novamente. A mulher não queria ficar sozinha com o garoto. Matias falou para o mulatinho que ficasse quietinho assistindo televisão enquanto que eles voltariam logo. No caminho, a mulher perguntou a Matias porque ele estava ajudando um estranho. - Eu sinto que é a coisa certa a fazer – respondeu ele. Regressaram satisfeitos e quando entraram para ver como o menino estava, ele tinha sumido. A televisão também tinha sumido... o microondas... o DVD... o computador... a geladeira... e a cadeira também. Não tinha sobrado quase nada. A mulher, agora extremamente pálida, gaguejando, perguntou: - E... e agora!? Sentindo-se derrotado, Matias respondeu: - Agora voltaremos à delegacia. “Capoeira é luta de dançarinos. … dança de gladiadores. … jogo de camaradas. … jogo, é bailado, é disputa - simbiose perfeita de força e ritmo, poesia e agilidade. Única em que os movimentos são comandados pela música e pelo canto. A submissão da força ao ritmo. Da violência à melodia. A sublimação dos antagonismos... Na Capoeira, os contendores não são adversários, são 'camaradas'... Acima do sentido de competição, há um sentido de beleza... O capoeira é um artista e um atleta, um jogador e um poeta.” Dias Gomes As a mother of three, I find it extremely important to respect each one´s individuality, which they express through a different modality of sport. From a very early age, Maria Julia, my youngest, has proven herself to have a very strong personality. At the daycare she used to go to before starting pre-nursery here at OLM, Capoeira (afro-Brazilian fight dance) was offered to children as a means of developing not only their motor skills, but also their cultural awareness. Capoeira is offered here at Our Lady of Mercy both as part of the PE curriculum and as part of the After School Program. Juju immediately embraced this latter opportunity. She takes this activity seriously, and is always focused on Mestre Davi´s orientations. Her family felt honored at her “Baptism” on November 27th during the “7° Encontro Infantil de Capoeira Semeando e Cultivando a Capoeira do Futuro”. All students who represented our school community at the “Mico Preto” yearly ceremony did an outstanding job. We are all very proud of our “Abelhinha”! Ms. Scavarda, MS English Teacher OLM WELCOMES NEW STUDENTS FROM COLOMBIA, ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES Julio Mario Quadros (right) is an exchange student coming to spend the next semester in OLM. He originally comes from Colombia and came alone to Brazil to attend the exchange program. He lives with his grandmother, and is adapting well to Brazil. His new classmates in 10 th grade are providing all the help he needs as he adapts to the school and the curriculum; up till now he has a good opinion of OLM. He is sure to enjoy school here in Brazil very much; he really loves the beach, playing volleyball and swimming, so he is in the right place! Luca Romiti (left) is a new edition to the 11th grade this semester, having come all the way from Rome, Italy because his parents were transferred to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Arriving in the end of the Christmas vacation, his first week in school was also his very first week in Rio meaning that his first impression of Brazilian culture was seen here in OLM, which is a great honor for the school as it introduced him not only to a new curriculum but also to a new country. He is excited about learning English and ready for the rest of the school year. His classmates have been a big help and welcomed him properly to their class. Luca he enjoys playing soccer, an all time favorite sport here in OLM and he is fitting right in. OLM´s current senior class has a unique new arrival this semester; her name is Shila Branch from Colorado, United States. What makes her different is that she already has enough credits to graduate and so she is at OLM to audit classes and learn Portuguese. She will stay with the senior class until May, when she will return to Colorado to attend her graduation ceremony. She chose to visit Brazil for a vacation but refused to sit still during her time here so she enrolled in OLM as an observer of the senior class in order to learn more about Brazilian culture and the language spoken. According to her, the first week in Botafogo before school started was lonely and boring and she is quite happy to be in school where she is already making many friends with her classmates. She enjoys running and sports, actually planning in following this love for athletics into a career of teaching as a personal trainer. Rodrigo Fernandes Rodriguez’s Brazilian parents went to work in the U.S.A. where he was born and lived his entire life as an American citizen. He would regularly come to visit family in Brazil during his school holidays, so he is already very familiar with this country and life here. His parents have now returned to Brazil for work purposes and he has been enrolled here in OLM into this year´s 10 th grade class. He is a music lover and has already signed up for Mr. Camera´s class during his activity period. In his opinion it is a great class that he enjoys a great deal. He favors several sports but his favorites would be basketball, volleyball and astoundingly surfing. He is already comfortable here in Brazil and is warming up to OLM more everyday. BROTHERHOOD The senior class of 2011 went on February 15th to Sitio Santo Agostinho escorted by Mr. Majka, Ms. Machado and Ms. Souza. We had a wonderful time, we did some fantastic activities that brought us more united as a class and after we had free time. Time that we spent with our friends in the pool, playing soccer, or playing American football. Brotherhoods are always fun, it is sad to remind us that this was our last, we are graduating soon and maybe it is not possible to united once more the whole class and have some fun with our teacher that in some way are special for us. It is hard to say goodbye to people you like, so I prefer to say “see you later”. Alejandra Loaiza (´11) HALLOWEEN BASH Ivan Varella(´11) This year's annual Halloween party was to be held, as it has been for the past 24 years at OLM on Saturday October 30th, yet unfortunately for a few reasons that need not be mentioned the festivities were held back. Still not all was delayed: the senior Haunted House was hosted on Friday October 29th for all classes at certain periods of the day so that students could at least enjoy a good scare at Halloween to lighten the load of their school work with a fright. The haunted house was as usual built in the school’s art room, the preparations began on Wednesday of that very week, and with students giving it their all to make sure they could satisfy the school’s expectations of a scary room. The event did turn out to be a sensational experience; while at the beginning of course the students were a bit inexperienced at guiding the visitors through the room’s various scares, they got better with each tour. The art room was turned into an abandoned film studio filled with the monsters and scares being focused around the various horror movie blockbusters. The idea was that each group that entered with a senior (acting as a tour guide) would traverse the room passing by all the monsters in turn while acting as if they knew not what was happening. The haunted house was a success in the morning and until early after lunch but unfortunately afterwards several students had already vacated the premises leaving the remaining working students shorthanded. A special acknowledgement to Andrew of the senior class that remained providing the event with an appropriate, spooky soundtrack even beyond the time he was expected, even going as far as canceling an important appointment he had that day. Thanks also to the responsible seniors that took charge of the event: Helena Machado, Barbara Padovani, Fernanda Bastos da Silva, Maria Eduarda Leitão e Giovanna Franco. The main festivities happened the following weekend and they provided great entertainment and fun for all those that attended it, the Halloween party is a great day cherished by the younger students for the number of games, sweets and activities that arouse their interest. The event mostly took place on the front court where the stage was also built; there were several gaming booths such as: Throwing aliens, bucket basket, haunting animals, bowling and other classics like fishing—all this with your usual snack booths. The play area for the kindergarten was closed off by several colored panels (1mx60cmx11m) painted by classes 6-10 to show their creativity and keep people from entering. There was a costume parade to show off everyone's costumes. This was a favorite of the little kids,who enjoyed dressing up for the party in different costumes and clothes. There was also a synchronized dance. It turned out to be one of the best ever Halloween parties and all pray for next year’s success. The appeal which is what the school values in this event, the chance for all students and guests to enjoy the evening and have fun. All the activities, game booths, food, entertainment and the seniors haunted house promised and delivered, leading to a great spook fest ending Halloween and October with fear and fright. MIDDLE SCHOOL PARTY MIDDLE SCHOOL PARTY II ! It was great! Good music, good food, nice decorations and nice people. The theme was “Under the Sea” and I think STUCO really took it seriously! When you stepped inside the disco (cafeteria) there were paper like algae and fish all around the ceiling, and right in the center there was this huge orange octopus hanging. ei About the food, there are no comments. It´s the second time Middle School STUCO hired “Crepe Cabral” and it was a huge success! Also, there were yummy cup cakes made by Mrs. Aguilhar with sugar-made sea animals sprinkled on top of each. S The dance floor was always full, T with everybody dancing and having fun the whole time. There was an U atmosphere of love that crashed the party. Some were D corresponded, while others were left heart broken… Surely it LENT: A TIME FOR SPIRITUAL REFLECTING, RENEWING, was a blast of aREADING, party. RECHARGING Nathalia Crespo – ´14 By John J. Majka “Seguro minha mão na sua para juntos fazermos no teatro e na vida o que não quero nem posso fazer sozinho.” Foi esta frase que nos incentivou e fez com que esta peça se tornasse realidade. É difícil de acreditar, mas nós tivemos apenas duas semanas para preparar a apresentação. Do roteiro ao figurino, tudo foi feito nessas duas semanas. Em alguns momentos nós simplesmente queríamos desistir, achávamos que não daria tempo de tudo ficar pronto, mas sempre havia uma esperança que nos fazia continuar. Só existe uma palavra para descrever os ensaios: estressantes. “Victor, acerta a fala!”, “Cala-te Isaura!”, “Gente, vamos ensaiar!” Estas eram frases comuns nos nossos ensaios. À medida que nos aproximávamos da 5ªfeira, a preocupação aumentava. “Essa é a minha turma e me orgulho de fazer parte dela.“ (Nathalia Crespo) No dia da peça, estávamos todos nervosos. A ideia de que a escola inteira estava ali para nos assistir, só nos apavorava mais ainda. Por incrível que pareça, no momento em que entramos no palco, tudo isso passou. Esquecemos de todo o resto e só nos concentramos no espetáculo. No final, todos aplaudiram e a peça foi um sucesso. Pode ter sido difícil e estressante, porém quando a peça acabou e estávamos reunidos no palco, todo mundo só tinha um pensamento na cabeça: “Eu faria isto tudo de novo.” Ana Luiza Ferrer & Maria Pia Bertin (´14) “Quando nós estivermos nos formando, vamos nos lembrar da peça e ver que somos capazes de fazer qualquer coisa, se fizermos juntos.” (Maria Pia) “Aprendemos que, se lutarmos pelo que queremos, nós conseguiremos tudo não importando quais obstáculos estiverem a nossa frente.” (Isabel Boechat) A ESCRAVA ISAURA Saboreando um chá, Breno e Nathalia (irmãos Henrique e Malvina) conversam. Vitória e Isabella (figurantes) observam Isabela (ama preferida) nos cuidados da casa Maria Pia e Ana Luiza (diretoras) em discurso final. Luiz (Leôncio) enciumado observa Perez (Belchior) ao declarar seu amor a Carolina (Isaura) “Preciso admitir que entre xingamentos e a vontade de “matar” Ms. Menezes e Ms. Barros, o projeto foi bem divertido.” (Joana Page) LENT: A TIME FOR SPIRITUAL READING, REFLECTING, RENEWING, RECHARGING By John J. Majka Below are a few articles from the Catholic Press that could be helpful toward filling minds with spiritually fertile thoughts. Needless to say: the most valuable reading would be the Gospel of Mark followed by the Gospel of Luke—a chapter per day (conveniently, 40 of them!)—to get to know Jesus a little better this Lent. The Lunchtime Examen will focus on a spiritual theme, such as gratitude or forgiveness. New prayer presentations will be available on consecutive Wednesdays, starting March 9, making it a perfect weekly prayer practice for Lent. Some Lenten advice from the Benedictine Monks of Norcia, Italy So, what are you giving up for Lent? Could Christ have sinned when tempted by Satan?, On the Gospel for the 1st Sunday of Lent On Seeking Greater Serenity GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen. Second Graders had a great time at „Museu Nacional‟! They learned about mummies, saw fossils of dinosaurs that were found in Brazil, and visited the Imperial Room. It was a fun day with lots of exciting discoveries! Ms. Fernandes and Ms. Lins POETRY CONTEST During the months of February and March, the 4th and 5th Grade did Projects in the Library Class together with their English Teachers. The 4th grade Fairy Tales project was to read some Fairy Tales and re-write them with different characters or create their own stories. On March 30th, they presented their work and had a special snack. Their teachers, Mr. Freire and Ms. Monteiro were very surprised with the quality of their work. 4th Grade Karine Trindade -5B, Bernardo Feinstein – 5A, and Gustavo Page – 5A 1st place - DREAMS In the dreams, You can fly over the sky, See the whole world. And then in a little road, You see a toad. Then you wake up And go to work ******* 2nd place - DO YOU LIKE POTATOES? Do you like potatoes, Smashed with tomatoes? Or do you prefer potatoes, Crumbled with tomatoes? Well I want potatoes, Without tomatoes. What kind of food do you like: Tomatoes or French Fries? ******* 3rd place - VACATION Vacation is good. Vacation has food. Vacation is even Better than it should. When vacation comes, I will be having some fun. When vacation is out, I will cry and shout! 5th graders worked with Poems. They read books of Poetry in the Library and in their classroom. Then, they started to write their own poems during English and Library Classes for a Poetry Contest. After all the corrections, made by their English Teacher, Ms. Andrade, the poems were sent to Middle and High School English Teachers for the selection. Ms. Scavarda, Ms. Maurey, Ms. Rebello and Ms. Lyons had difficulties in choosing the best ones but on February 24th they announced the winners in a great celebration in the Library. The winners were: 3rd place – Karine Trindade -5B, 2nd place – Bernardo Feinstein – 5A, and 1st place – Gustavo Page – 5A. All the Poems and Fairy Tales were show quoted text displayed in the Library. Monica Monteiro WHAT WE LEAVE BEHIND FOR MUN 2011 Speech given at the last dinner in NYC, March 12 th To Merege, we leave the responsibility of being the oldest one next year. As seniors, we are known as the oldest ones, the most lost (gladly nobody asked us for directions this year), the noisiest ones in the bus and To Ana Luiza, we leave a phonebook, so she can write down the number those who walk very fast in the street. Everyone knows us for our height of all her new friends. (one tall, one average, and one short). We are the ones who love to sleep To Nathalia, we leave more laughter, since she loves to laugh about after committee sessions and that get stuck in the elevator. everything. We have spent years To Ms. Paes, we leave a cell at MUN, two starting phone that she figures out last year and one is how to use from the already a veteran. As beginning of the trip. seniors, we are sad, because tonight To Lucia, we leave extra represents the end of an luggage, so she can buy a incredible adventure, few extra items. but it also marks the continuation of many To Priscilla, we leave an Ice amazing friendships. Tea and 20 packs of sugar. Here‟s what we leave To Fernanda, we leave a lot behind: 8 of raisin bread and even more naps. To Isabella, we leave food that‟s already halfTo Duda, we leave high eaten. heels that are actually high off the floor. To Bruno, we leave 10 minutes of non-stop talking. To New York, we return all the horrible Ice Teas you provide us. To Louise, we leave a watch, stylish and efficient. Everything was great. Reality be told, we came as buddies, but we To Carol, we leave a manual on how to use revolving doors. are leaving as friends. Even with the age difference, we want to let you know, you guys are awesome. To Mateus, we leave a lot of ketchup, so his life never has a dull moment. For us, never stop participating in school activities, and if To Luiz, we leave an Ipad 2 made out of paper, since the real one is possible, in MUN, and never let opportunities go by without taking nowhere to be found. a risk. Thank you for everything, and for giving us the best MUN trip ever. (Tears) To Jessica, we leave Hollister… enough said. By Fernanda Da Silva, Maria Eduarda Leitão, Priscilla de Araujo (’11) OLM PRIORITIZES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN SÃO PAULO AND IN RIO DE JANEIRO As part of the new OLM American school integration initiative, both the teaching staff and administrators from every sector of Our Lady of Mercy School were present to represent our community at the Annual Association of American Schools of South America Conference hosted by the Escola Americana de Campinas, in the state of São Paulo. It was a deeply meaningful experience of Professional Development. 8At the AASSA Conference, OLM staff was able to share experiences, learn about new pedagogical theory, the brain and cognition, and different points of view from 800 representatives of every country in South America. Sessions were held in English with simultaneous translation into Portuguese and Spanish. The keynote speakers put forth interesting, forwardthinking philosophies of education. The OLM staff brought back to school new technology, new global definitions of society, its expectations for the XXIst Century, and new goals for education that include both learning several languages and being culturally prepared. The experience is one more in a series of ongoing Professional Development opportunities that OLM promotes for the ultimate benefit of our students. Other OLM staff members who stayed in Rio on Friday, April 1 had a special In-Service day of sharing with Dr. Lyndaker, recently returned from the annual ASCD Conference (Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development) that was held in San Francisco. (Most of the many books he brought back were borrowed by the teachers and the group work on themes from the conference were valuable additions to the professional baggage of the teachers involved.) Both moments were extraordinarily enlightening and meaningful experiences for all. OLM takes pride in remaining on the pedagogical cutting edge. By Claire Collins Ms. Barbosa, Ms. Muzbeck and Ms. Collinis Ms. Valente and Ms. Barbosa Ms. Collins, Ms. Monteiro, Ms. Barbosa, Ms. Brandão and Ms. Valente Ms. Braga, Ms. barros, Ms.Miranda, Ms. Menezes Ms. Tinoco and Ms. Dopico PEP RALLY GAME You are TOP TEN!! These professional athletes, Ms. Freire and Ms. Azeredo, secured the victory for the OLM Staff Team when they played the high school students in Volleyball in the Pep Rally Game on April 5th! Go Dream Team, Go! Claire Collins The OLM staff show their Lancer spirit while playing against the actual Lancer athletes… Go Lancers! Ms. Fortes & the OLM Cheerleaders
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career. This makes the teaching of Middle School all the more fascinating, challenging, and essential to the students´ attitude towards learning forever. Middle School is when the wonder of discove...
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As we size it up, we realize what kind of year we have ahead of us. It is a very exciting time! There are in actuality not one, but two, first days of school. The one we see and live out as the OLM...
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