Summarized Resumee Name: Vicente Jose Muratore de Lima Birth


Summarized Resumee Name: Vicente Jose Muratore de Lima Birth
Summarized Resumee
Name: Vicente Jose Muratore de Lima
Birth: 26/11/1965
Address: Prof. Oswaldo Teixeira , 197
São Paulo – 05617-020
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Harvard Dental Implant Course- Harvard University- USA
Ankylos Dental Implants- Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt am Main
Advanced Surgical Procedures in Oral Implantology
Munich- Germany
Straumann Education Week- University of Berne- Switzerland.
Dental Implants
2002-2006- 2002-2006- Doctorate Course in Prosthodontics at University of Sao
Paulo (USP)
Thesis: Prospective study of periodontal and peri-implant parameters from
abutments that received an tooth-implant supported prosthesis.
Prosthetic Course at Frei Berlin University. Berlin, Germany
2000-2002 - Master course in Prosthodontics at University Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Thesis: Comparative study of flexural resistance and metallurgical microStructures from titanium grades I and IV used in Prostheses
Obtained from different casting processes.
Dental Implants course- Tufts University- USA
Dental Implants course- Institute for Facial Esthetics- Pennsylvania_USA
1986-1989 – Dentistry Graduation at University Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Organizations Membership
Academy of Osseointegration Member (AO)-
Academy of European Academy Member (EAO)-
International Team for Implantology member (ITI) –
International and American Dental Research member (IADR) –
International Courses
2008- 19th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting Meeting at Boston-USA. Feb 28March 1.
2007- 16th European Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Barcelona- Spain. Oct
2007- 18th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at San Antonio-USA. March 8-10
2006- Ankylos Implant System: Concept, Handling and Indication
Hanau-Wolfgang. Nov 01-02. Germany
2006- 15th European Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Zurich-Switzerland. Oct
2006- 17th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting Meeting at Seattle-USA March 16-18
2005- 14th European Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Munich-Germany
2005- - International Team for Implantology (ITI) World at Munich- Germany
2005- 16th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Orlando-USA. March 10-12
2004 Advanced Surgical Procedures in Oral Implantology
Sept 29- Oct 1. Prof Dr. H.P. Webber.
Munich- Germany
2004- 15th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at San Francisco- USA. March 18-20
2003- 14th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Boston- USA. Feb27-Mar 1
2003- International Team for Implantology (ITI) Iberio Congress
Sept 26-27. Lisboa- Portugal.
2003- The Straumann Education Week, University of Berne. Switzerland
March 17-21
2003- 81th International and American Dental Research Meeting – GotemburgSweden. June 25-28
2002- 5th Prawissimo International Implant Symposium at Cologne- Germany. Nov 1-2
2002- 13th Academy of Osseointegration Meeting at Dallas-USA. March 14-16
2002- 80th International and American Dental Research Meeting- San Diego- USA.
March 6-9
2001- Prosthetic Course at Frei Berlin University. Oct 29-30. Germany
2001- 4th Prawissimo International Implant Symposium at Hannover- Germany.
Oct 26-27. Germany
2001- Ankylos Implant System: Concept, Handling and Indication
Hanau-Wolfgang. Oct 30 and Nov 1.Germany
2001- 30th American Association of Dental Reserach- Chicago_USA. March 7-10
2000- Prosthetic Course at Frei Berlin University. Oct 4 . Germany
2000-78th International and American Dental Research Meeting - Washington-USA.
April 5-8
2000- Ankylos Implant System: Concept, Handling and Indication
Hanau-Wolfgang. Germany.Oct 09-10.
2000- Ankylos Implant System: Concept, Handling and Indication
Hanau-Wolfgang. Germany.Feb 21-22
2000- 3th Prawissimo International Implant Symposium at Munich- Germany. Oct 6-7
1992- Tufts University
Surgical procedures for Nobelpharma Implants
Surgery Dept. Nov 6-8,Boston, USA
1992- Prosthetic Training program for the Branemark Method. Nov 20-21
Prof. Dr. Thomas Balshi. Philadelphia, USA.
International Publications
Presented abstracts
- Comparative study of flexural resistance and metallurgical microstructures from
titanium grades I and IV used in Prostheses obtained from different casting processes.
JDR v.82 abst 1029 IADR 2003; Gotemburg- Sweden.
- Immediate post extraction implant placement using a progressive thread design
implant system and guided bone regeneration. JDR v.81 abst 3563, p. A-438 IADR
2002; San Diego USA.
- Evaluation of superficial hardness and impact strength of acrylic resin for sclero of
Ocular prosthesis. JDR v. 81 abst 719, IADR 2002; San Diego USA.
-Effect of thermocycling on composite resin core-retention to posts. In: In: 30th
DENTAL RESEARCH, 2001, Chicago - Illinois - USA.
Journal for Dental Research. , 2001. v.v.80. p.192 - 192
-Statistical and clinical analysis between different osseointegrated implant systems: 4
Journal of Dental Research. , 2001. v.v.80. p.212 - 212
-Microstructure and corrosion resistance of the laser welded Au-Pd alloy
JDR v.79 abst. 1660, p.351. IADR,2000 Washington, USA
International Lecture
Instalação de implantes ITI TE em alvéolos de dentes recém extraídos. Relato de casos
clínicos e concretos sobre o TE. In: 6 Congresso iberico ITI, 2003, Lisboa. (TE ITI
implants installation in alveolus from extracted teeth. Clinical Cases e concepts). In: 6
ITI Iberian Congress, 2003, Lisbon. Portugal
Chapter in Published Books
Lima, V. J. M. Implantology in Geriatry: Geriatric Dentistry. Clinical Concepts
(Implantodontia em Geriatria: Odontogeriatria. Nocoes de interesse clinico). Ed São
Paulo: Artes Medicas, 2002, p. 321-331
Muratore, V.J. Biomechanical Considerations in Prosthesis over dental Implants.
(Considerações biomecânicas em próteses sobre implantes.) In: In: DENTÁRIA, V
Congresso Paulista Técnico em Prótese. (Org.) Atualização em Prótese Dentária - Interrelação clínic/laboratório..1ª, 1997, p. 203-215.
Brazilian Publications
Dias, A.; Lima, VJM. Oral Reabilitation over dental implants in
geriatric patients. ( Reabilitacao oral sobre implantes no paciente geriátrico.
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia e Implantodontia), v.8, p. 182-186, 2001
2.GALATI, A., LIMA, V. J. M. Glass Ceromers reinforced with fibers. General
Considerations and case report. (Cerômeros com reforço de fibras - considerações
. gerais e relato de um caso clínico. Jornal Brasileiro de Clínica e Estética em
Odontologia. ), v.Ano 4, p.72 - 75, 2000.
3.QUINTAS, A. F., BOTTINO, M. A., LIMA, V. J. M. Osseointegrated dental
Implant: A new perspective to the elderly edentulous patient. (Implante dentário
osseointegrado: uma nova perspectiva para o paciente idoso desdentado..
Atualidades Em Geriatria). , v.Ano 4, p.29 - 32, 1999.
Poster Presentation
- Solving a difficult aesthetic case with guided vertical ridge augmentation instead of
using immediate occlusal loading of implants technique: case report. 19th AO meeting,
march 18-20; San Francisco-USA.
- Immediate implant supported overdentures retained by conical crowns for the
mandible. 18th AO meeting, feb 27-mar 01; Boston-USA
- Immediate post extraction implant placement using a progressive thread design
implant system and guided bone regeneration. 17th AO meeting, march 14-16; DallasUSA. Journal of Dental Research. , 2002. v.81. p.A-438

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