MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # State Description 1 INDUSQUIMA S/A (GRUPO IBEC) Client SP Construction of an industrial building warehouses and offices., 2,000 Industrial 1964 2 ROLHAS METÁLICAS CROWN CORK S/A 3 SOTREQ S/A DE TRATORES E EQUIPAMENTOS CATERPILAR SP RJ Enlargement of the already existing industry., Construction of a commercial building with workshops warehouses and offices., 5,500 Industrial 4,000 Commercial 1964 1964 4 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ Construction of offices building and restaurant 900 Industrial 1964 5 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ General reform of workshop building restaurant and quality control rooms. 1,400 Industrial 1965 6 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ General reform of warehouses offices and sewage systems. 4,000 Industrial 1965 7 NELSON PARENTE RIBEIRO RJ Construction of a high standard residential building with 5 storey. 1,200 multi-storey Residential 1965 8 SOTREQ S/A DE TRATORES E EQUIPAMENTOS CATERPILAR ES Construction of a commercial building with workshops warehouses and offices., 1,000 Commercial 1965 9 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ General reform of an industrial building. 1,200 Industrial 1966 10 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ Construction of 4 warehouses and a 400.000 liters reservoir. 12,400 Warehouse Industrial 1966 11 IMATACA PAULISTA S/A PEPSI COLA REFINCO RJ Construction of an industrial building warehouses offices parking lots and a 800.000 liters reservoir., 8,000 Industrial 1967 12 SPAL IND. BRAS. DE BEBIDAS S/A COCA COLA SP Construction of an industrial building warehouses and offices., 8,000 Industrial 1967 13 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ 1967 SP Construction of an industrial building warehouses and offices., Construction of a high standard residence., 1,200 Industrial 14 RENATO MINERBO 500 Home 1968 15 SPAL IND. BRAS. DE BEBIDAS S/A COCA COLA SP Construction of an industrial building warehouses offices parking lots and a 1.000.000 liters reservoir., 19,580 Industrial 1968 16 IMATACA PAULISTA S/A PEPSI COLA REFINCO SP Construction of an industrial building warehouses offices parking lots and a 200.000 liters reservoir., 8,000 Industrial 1968 17 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ Enlargement of the already existing warehouses 3,500 Industrial 1969 18 LABORATÓRIO BEECHAM LTDA RJ Construction of an industrial building., 6,700 Industrial 1969 19 TRASNSPORTES FINK S/A RJ Enlargement of a commercial warehouse building with offices ., 2,700 Warehouse Commercial 1969 20 COMPANHIA DE CIGARROS SOUZA CRUZ RJ Enlargement of the already existing industry., 3,800 Industrial 1970 21 22 23 24 JOHAN QUAD JÚLIO ROVAI IND. E COMÉRCIO DE PLASTICOS ZARAPLAST EDIFÍCIO JULIO ROVAI I SP SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of a residential building of high standard with 18 storey., 400 350 5,200 15,000 Home Home Industrial multi-storey Residential 1970 1970 1972 1973 25 26 27 28 VICTOR ESKENAZI JOSEPH ALAIN MINERBO GÁVEA PLASTICOS LTDA IND. E COMÉRCIO DE PLASTICOS ZARAPLAST LTD SP SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a building for industry., Construction of an industrial building., 320 320 2,500 4,700 Home Home Industrial Industrial 1973 1973 1974 1974 29 LABORATÓRIO SEARLE DO BRASIL SP Enlargement of a commercial building for offices and warehouse., 30 TRANSPORTE DE MAQUINAS TORPEDO LTDA 31 ZAKI CASOLA KATTAN E RAYMOND DAYAN 32 SPAL IND. BRAS. DE BEBIDAS S/A COCA COLA SP SP SP Construction of a building for industry., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of a factory with area for parking lot and a reservoir for 1.000.000 liters., Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 560 Commercial 1974 2,700 Industrial 2,000 Industrial 12,000 Industrial 1974 1974 1975 1 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # State Description 33 VY-MAR ARTEFATOS DE PLASTICOS LTDA. 34 TÊXTIL KACHANI E EUROVEL Client SP SP Enlargement of the already existing industry., Construction of 02 industrial buildings for fabric factory., 3,800 Industrial 7,160 Industrial 1975 1975 35 36 37 38 39 SP SP SP SP SP Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of a building for garage and offices., Construction of a building for industrial with office chemical reservoir streets and parking lot., 3,300 4,500 5,200 750 17,000 Industrial Industrial Industrial Commercial Warehouse Industrial 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 40 STAR IMÓVEIS E CONSTRUÇÕES LTDA 41 FERRUSA FERRA RUIZ LTDA SP SP Construction of a building for industry and meters., Construction of a building for warehouse and offices., 4,500 Industrial 4,200 Warehouse Industrial 1975 1976 42 INDUVEL INDÚSTRIA DE VELUDOS LTDA SP Construction of an industrial building with offices and a reservoir for 400.000 Liters of an industrial building with shed and office., 5,800 Industrial 1976 43 RUY FRANKEL SP Construction of an industrial building warehouse and offices. 3,000 Industrial 1976 44 ZAKI CASOLA KATTAN E RAYMOND DAYAN SP 45 RENDATEX INDÚSTRIA DE RENDAS E TECIDOS LTD SP Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building., 4,300 Industrial 600 Industrial 1976 1977 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a factory with offices and a reservoir., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building with offices., Construction of an industrial building and offices., Construction of an industrial building with offices., 280 4,900 650 300 21,000 320 3,500 3,100 2,100 Home Industrial Home Home Industrial Home Industrial Industrial Industrial 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 55 SIXFIL TÊXTIL LTDA 56 SPAL IND. BRAS. DE BEBIDAS S/A COCA COLA SP SP Construction of an industrial building with offices., Enlargement of the already existing warehouses and Construction of a new building for offices., 3,300 Industrial 2,100 Industrial 1978 1978 57 TRI-SET TÊXTIL LTDA 58 EDIFÍCIO BAHIA SP SP Construction of an industrial building and offices., Construction of a residential building of high standard with 15 storey and 2 undergrounds., 4,300 Industrial 6,400 multi-storey Residential 1978 1979 59 VIVIAN DE PICCIOTTO SP Construction of a Commercial Building., 6,000 Warehouse Commercial 1979 60 TORINO ADM. E PART. E EMPREEND. S/C LTDA 61 SÃO PAULO MAQUINAS LTDA SP SP Construction of an industrial Building with offices., Construction of a commercial building with warehouse and offices., 2,700 Industrial 1,450 Commercial 1979 1979 62 SOCIEDADE FABBE-PRIMAR 63 PERSOL INDUSTRIA METALÚRGICA LTDA 64 MOISE DE PICCIOTTO SP SP SP Construction of an industrial building with offices., Construction of two industrial buildings with offices., Construction of 02 industrial buildings with offices., 7,000 Industrial 5,000 Industrial 3,500 Warehouse Industrial 1979 1979 1979 65 HELLERMAN DO BRASIL E AMEROPA IND. PLAST SP Construction of two industrial buildings., 1,200 Industrial 1979 66 GERALDO RODOSLI 67 ADOLPHO E JACQUES PICCIOTO SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building., 350 Home 1,500 Warehouse Industrial 1979 1979 68 GUY ESKINAZI 69 REPRESENTAÇÃO SEIXAS S/A SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of two industrials buildings with offices., 450 Home 5,000 Warehouse Industrial 1979 1980 STAR IMÓVEIS E CONSTRUÇÕES LTDA KALIBRAS COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA INDUSTRIAS DE ALIANÇAS ARNALDO FRANKEL AUTO VIAÇÃO 1001 S/A AGRO QUÍMICA MARINGÁ S/A FRANCIS GEORGE CHERRY ZAKI CASOLA KATTAN WILSON FRY JOSEPH ALAIN MINERBO CONFECCÕES RAPHY LTDA NORBERT ARPAD ROEMER JACQUES ISHAAC KHAFIF KALIBRAS COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA MOISE KHALIFEH Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 2 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # State Description 70 JÚLIO ROVAI EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOB. LTDA Client SP Construction of a residential building of high standard with 17 storey., 10,500 multi-storey Residential 1980 71 JOSEFA ADM. E PARTICIPAÇÕES LTDA SP General reform of the industrial building and of the offices., 2,700 Commercial 1980 72 RUDOLF ROBERT HESSE SP Construction of an industrial building and offices., 2,500 Warehouse Industrial 1980 73 DANIEL CHAMMAH 74 IND. E COM. DE PLÁSTICOS ZARAPLAST LTDA 75 OXY QUIMICA E METALÚRGICA LTDA SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building and offices., Construction of an industrial building with sheds for warehouse and offices. 400 Home 3,500 Industrial 2,400 Industrial 1981 1981 1981 76 PAULO SARTORELLI SP Construction of a high standard residence., 350 Home 1981 77 JOSE HENRIQUE VETTORI SP Construction of a building to factory with office., 2,500 Warehouse Industrial 1982 78 TITÂNIO INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA 79 MARVERICK EMPREENDIMENTOS S/A SP SP Construction of an industrial building and offices., Construction of an industrial shed., 1,200 Industrial 2,500 Warehouse Industrial 1982 1982 80 INTERPRINT FORMULARIOS LTDA. 81 EDIFÍCIO CEARÁ SP SP Enlargement of the existing factory., Construction of a residential building of high standard., 1,200 Industrial 6,500 multi-storey Residential 1982 1982 82 DR. DORIVAL SORTINO 83 DISTRIBUIDORA DE BEBIDAS COMAR LTDA SP SP Construction of 03 sheds for industry and offices., Construction of a warehouse., 8,000 Industrial 2,500 Warehouse Commercial 1982 1982 84 STAR IMÓVEIS E CONSTRUÇÕES LTDA SP Construction of 02 industrial buildings and warehouse., 4,400 Warehouse Industrial 1982 85 AZTECA COMERCIO DE MANUFATURADOS LTDA SP Construction of a 10 storey and 2 undergrounds parking lot commercial building., 6,000 multi-storey Offices 1983 86 SANTA MARIA EMPR. IMOBILIARIOS LTDA SP Construction of 04 residential buildings with 12 apartments each. Earth movement services execution streets and parking lots more sewage and pluvial waters gallery in an area of 60.000 m2., 4,000 multi-storey Residential 1983 87 REPRESENTAÇÕES SEIXAS S/A 88 CESTARI INDUSTRIAL E COMERCIAL 89 EDIFICIO JULIO ROVAI III SP SP SP Construction of two industrial buildings with offices., Building construction for warehouse and offices., Construction of a residential building of high standard with 16 storey with a ground and 02 undergrounds for parking. 4,000 Industrial 2,000 Commercial 6,200 multi-storey Residential 1984 1984 1984 90 GATUSA GARAGEM AM. TRANSPORTES URBANOS SP Construction of commercial building with offices workshops and parking lots., 1,500 Commercial 1984 91 PIRITUBA VEICULOS LTDA SP Construction of a commercial building for warehouse and offices., 2,500 Commercial 1984 92 JOHAN QUAD 93 VY-MAR ARTEFATOS DE PLASTICOS LTDA SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a commercial building for warehouse and offices., 380 Home 3,500 Commercial 1984 1984 94 IMPORLIGA S/A. COM.IND.E IMPOR SP Construction of an industrial building for warehouse and offices., 2,000 Industrial 1984 95 LOSANGO S/A COMERCIAL E IMPORTADORA SP Construction of a shed for warehouse offices and cloakrooms., 3,100 Commercial 1985 96 SPAL IND. COM. DE BEBIDAS S/A COCA COLA SP Factory construction with areas for warehouse offices and workshops., 5,500 Industrial 1985 97 SPAL IND. BRASILEIRA DE BEBIBAS S/A COCA COLA SP Construction of a factory with workshops garages and offices., 5,400 Industrial 1985 98 REPRESENTAÇÕES SEIXAS S/A SP Construction of a commercial building with offices., 2,000 Warehouse Commercial 1985 99 PRIMO POLA SP Construction of an industrial building ., 7,500 Industrial 1985 Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 3 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # State Description 100 METALURGICA SUPRENS LTDA Client SP Construction of a building for industry., 101 EDIFICIO PINUS SP 102 EDIFICIO ITAGUABA area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 5,200 Industrial 1985 Construction of a residential building of high standard with 22 storey, ground and 3 parking lots undergrounds., 11,000 multi-storey Residential 1985 SP Construction of a residential building of high standard with 09 storey intermediary floor and 03 undergrounds., 3,800 multi-storey Residential 1985 103 AÇO FINO COMERCIAL E IMPORTACÃO LTDA SP Construction of a commercial building., 1,000 Warehouse Commercial 1985 104 105 106 107 108 SP SP SP SP SP Construction of an industrial building., Construction of a commercial building., Construction of an industrial building with offices., Construction of an industrial building and offices., Construction of an industrial shed for industry and offices., 7,000 1,200 2,100 2,500 2,500 Industrial Commercial Industrial Industrial Industrial 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 109 PUBLISTAND PROMOÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS SP Construction of a commercial building and offices., 1,800 Commercial 1986 110 DRASTOSA S/A INDUSTRIAS TEXTEIS SP Enlargement of the already existing factory with 6 storey for heavy loads., 2,600 Industrial 1986 111 EDIFICIO ARYANE SP Construction of a residential building of high standard of 18 floors 02 underground to garages and ground., 7,000 multi-storey Residential 1986 112 REPRESENTAÇÕES SEIXAS S/A SP Construction of a warehouse and offices 1,800 Warehouse Commercial 1986 113 FERRUSA FERRO RUIZ LTDA SP Construction of a building for industry and offices., 5,600 Warehouse Commercial 1986 114 EDIFICIO BARÃO DE LACORDAIRE SP Construction of a residential building on a high standard 16 storey and 2 undergrounds., 4,800 multi-storey Residential 1987 115 LUIZ CROCIQUIA 116 LATICINIOS GAXUPÉ - LEITE BELA VISTA SP SP Construction of an industrial building with office., Construction of a commercial building and offices., 1,500 Industrial 1,200 Warehouse Commercial 1987 1987 117 EDIFICIO PALMA SP Construction of a residential building of 12 storey., 2,600 multi-storey Residential 1987 118 EDIFICIO MONTE ALEGRE 200 SP Construction of a residential building of high standard with 18 storey with 02 undergrounds to garages., 5,700 multi-storey Residential 1987 119 EDIFICIO ARAUCARIA SP Construction of a high residential building standard with 22 storey and three undergrounds for garages., 11,500 multi-storey Residential 1987 120 AÇO FINO COMERCIAL E IMPORTAÇÃO LTDA SP Construction of a commercial building with office., 1,200 Warehouse Commercial 1987 121 ARTENAFEX ART. NAC. DE FELTRO 122 EDIFICIO JULIO ROVAI IV 123 IMEC IND. COM. IMP. EXPORTAÇÃO LTDA SP SP SP Construction of an industrial building with offices., Construction of a residential building of high standard with 17 storey withofground and 02 undergrounds., Construction a commercial warehouse building and offices., 1,200 6,000 450 Industrial multi-storey Residential Commercial 1987 1988 1988 124 ANDRIELLO S/A. IND.E COMÉRCIO 125 CHOCOLATES GAROTO S/A. 126 THEREZINHA IRIS VALINOTTO TERMINI SP SP SP Construction of a commercial building., Construction of a 12m height refrigerate Warehouse for Construction of a high standard residence., 500 Commercial 6,000 Warehouse 1,000 Home 1988 1988 1989 127 PLASTGRUP S/A. 128 TEQUISA TUBOS INOXIDAVEIS LTDA SP SP Construction of an industrial building., Enlargement of the metalurgical industrial building already existing., 3,300 Industrial 2,000 Industrial 1989 1989 129 SR. RODULPH SHAFFERMAN SP Construction of a commercial building., 1,400 Commercial 1989 ANDRIELLO S/A. INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO IRMAOS KALUPGIAN & CIA. PRILEX IND.E COM.DE PLASTICOS MARVERICK EMPREENDIMENTOS S/A MARVERICK EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 4 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # Client State Description RICARDO POLA REFAÇO RETIF. DE FERRO E ACO FOSECO INDUSTRIAL E COMERCIAL TÊXTIL MAMUT LTDA JOHNNY SHAFFERMANN MARVERICK EMPREENDIMENTOS S/A SP SP SP SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an industrial building., Enlargement of the factory., Construction of two warehouses and offices and factory., Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of two sheds for industry and offices., 136 EDIFICIO IRIS 137 C.A. PENTEADO JR S/A IMPORT. C 138 BOUQUET INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTD SP SP SP 139 BC COSMETICOS LTDA / SHWARTZCOPF GROUP 130 131 132 133 134 135 area m2 Building Type Accomplished in Home Industrial Industrial Commercial Home Warehouse Commercial 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 Construction of a residential building of high standard with Construction of a commercial building and office., General reform and enlargement of the existing factory., 13,500 multi-storey 1,300 Commercial 3,200 Industrial 1990 1990 1990 SP Construction of a 2 storey warehouse for heavy load and 5 storey offices., 5,500 Industrial 1990 140 C.E.CENTRO MEDICO HIGIENOPOLIS SP Construction of a commercial building for medical purposes 16 storey., 6,500 multi-storey Offices 1991 141 IRMAOS KALUPGIAN & CIA. 142 MALHARIA BRASILEV LTDA. 144 TECELAGEM NOSSA SENHORA DE LOURDES LTD. SP SP SP Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building for tapestry and warehouse with a heavy load and vibrating weaver machinery bases and 1 storey., 3,000 Industrial 7,000 Industrial 3,000 Industrial 1991 1991 1991 143 VISATEX TINTURARIA E ESTAMPARIA LTDA SP Construction of an industrial water sewage treatment and a general reform of a dye and textil industry., 6,000 Industrial 1992 145 DRASTOSA S/A INDUSTRIAS TEXTEIS SP Construction of an industrial building for heavy loads 7 storey., 4,000 Industrial 1992 146 EDIFICIO BRASILIA VII SP Construction of a residential building of high standard with 21 storey and 2 undergrounds., 10,600 multi-storey Residential 1992 147 IND.E COM.PLAST.ZARAPLAST LTDA SP General reform of all industrial building and reinforcement of the structure., 11,000 Industrial 1992 148 ANDRIELLO INDUSTRIAS TEXTEIS 149 ANA MARIA DE OLIVEIRA / PUBLISTAND SP SP General reform of the building., Construction of a commercial building for warehouse., 1,200 Industrial 2,400 Commercial 1992 1992 150 COFIMET INDUSTRIA DE COND. ELETRICOS LTD SP Complementation of an electrical wire industrial building., 6,700 Industrial 1992 151 TÊXTIL INTERNACIONAL LTDA. SP Construction of an industrial building., 1,200 Industrial 1993 152 EDIFICIO LUIZA TOLLE SP Construction of a high standard residential building with 15 storey and 1 penthouse 3 undergrounds., 6,700 multi-storey Residential 1993 153 EDIFICIO SUNSET HILL SP Construction of a high standard residential building with 7 storey and 2 penthouse 2 undergrounds., 4,200 multi-storey Residential 1993 154 VIA VENETO ROUPAS LTDA. 155 CIA DE AUTOMÓVEIS TAPAJÓS MERCEDES BENZ SP SP Construction of a commercial building with 4 storey., Construction of a commercial building with parking lot of 20.000 m2., 1,200 Commercial 8,250 Commercial 1993 1994 156 MARVERICK EMPREENDIMENTOS E PART. LTDA SP Construçtion of a 8 storey offices building., 2,450 multi-storey Offices 1994 157 EDIFICIO PALAZZO SANTANA SP Residential building of high standard. 10 storey, 1 penthouse, 2 undergrounds, 5,000 multi-storey Residential 1994 158 EDIFICIO SAN REMO SP Construction of a residential building 9 storey and 2 undergrounds., 3,650 multi-storey Residential 1994 159 EDIFÍCIO LUIZ ANTONIO TONINI SP Construction of a high standard residential building with 18 storey,1 penthouse 2 undergrounds., 13,500 multi-storey Residential 1994 160 FIASA FIACAO E TECELAGEM S/A. AL Construction of a cotton industry with an air-conditioning filtering system and humidity control and a tunnel net ., 18,000 Industrial 1995 Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 900 750 3,000 5,000 500 5,000 5 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # State Description 161 TRANSREMOCAO TRANSP.PES.E REM.TEC.LTDA. Client SP Construction of a commercial building with a large parking lot (8.000 m2) for heavy trucks and cranes., 2,000 Commercial 1995 162 METALURGICA SUPRENS LTDA. SP Construction of an metalurgic industrial building / warehouse and offices., 3,600 Industrial 1995 163 EDIFICIO MARIANA SP Construction of a high standard residential building with 15 storey, 1 penthouse 2 undergrounds., 4,500 multi-storey Residential 1995 164 165 166 167 SP SP SP SP Construction of a textile industry., Construction of a commercial building with offices., Construction of a commercial building with offices., Construction of an industrial building for dying with water and sewage treatments, warehouse and offices., 2,700 1,050 700 7,250 Industrial Commercial Commercial Commercial 1995 1995 1995 1995 760 Warehouse Commercial 1996 ANDRIELLO S/A INDUSTRIA E COMÉRCIO ALVARO JOSE FERREIRA DA MOTA AGROLEMA AGROPECUARIA LEMA LTDA TINTUR.E EST.TECIDOS ARTEC LT. area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 168 SUL PECAS COMERCIO E REPRESENTACOES LTDA. SP Building for warehouse use with 2 storey and 1 underground., 169 MEIER ICCHAK STRENGEROWSKI 170 ESKENAZI INDUSTRIA GRÁFICA LTDA SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of an Industrial building for printing with heavy load pavement., 460 Home 5,100 Industrial 1996 1997 171 TRANSPORTADORA AMERICANA LTDA. SP Construction of a warehouse building., 1,300 Commercial 1997 172 DOMINIIO TRANSPORTADORA TURISTICA LTDA / OTAVIO LAURINDO FELIX SP Construction of commercial sheds for warehouse for Dominio Transportadora Turistica Ltda / Garage and parking lot of 12000m2., 3,500 Commercial 1997 173 NATORI TECIDOS LTDA. SP Construction of a 4 heavy load storey warehouse ., 5,500 multi-storey Warehouse 1997 174 FANEM LTDA. SP 175 RAYSA INDUSTRIAS TEXTEIS LTDA. / AGUINALDO MG SALVADOR DA SILVA Construction of a commercial building., Construction of an Industrial building with offices., 900 Commercial 3,000 Industrial 1997 1997 176 MEIER ICCHAK STRENGEROWSKI 177 CAN S/A. EMPREEND.E PARTICIP. 178 VIVICON CONST. PART.S/A - SONOPRESS / BERTELSMANN GROUP SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., Construction of a commercial warehouse., Construction of an industrial building for CD and printing with 2 heavy load storey and pavement., 150 Home 800 Commercial 8,752 Industrial 1997 1998 1998 179 PUBLISTAND PROMOÇÕES E EMPREEND. LTDA SP Construction of an Industrial building., 450 Commercial 1998 180 GREGORIO KALUPGIAN 181 DIGICABO IND. E COM. DE CABOS ACESS. LT 182 TECELAGEM LOURDES LTD. / SEBASTIANO SCHEMBRI SP SP SP Construction of a commercial building., Construction of an industrial building., Construction of an industrial building and offices., 550 Commercial 2,342 Industrial 3,636 Industrial 1998 1998 1998 183 TOMMY HILFIGER SP Construction of a commercial building in a mix metallic and concrete frame structure., 700 Commercial 1999 184 PUBLISTAND PROMOÇÕES E EMPREENDIMENTOS SP Construction of an Industrial building., 450 Industrial 1999 185 FLAPA EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS LTDA SP High standard Residential building with 12 storey and 1 penthouse / 1apt each floor., 5,033 multi-storey Residential 2000 186 RUBINELLA INDÚSTRIA DE MODAS LTDA. SP Building for industrial use with underground and 2 storey in a mix metallic and concrete frame structure., 1,400 Industrial 2000 187 COND.EDIF.BRASÍLIA BUSINESS CENTER SP Building for offices with 108 suites / 20 storey and 2 undergrounds., 188 SHOULDER IND.COM.CONFECÇÕES LTDA. SP Construction of an industrial building for a clothe's factory with 6 storey., 4,000 Industrial 2000 189 TAPETES LOURDES LTDA. SP Construction of an industrial building for tapestry and warehouse with heavy load and vibrating weaver machinery bases., 1,500 Industrial 2000 Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 11,000 multi-storey Offices 2000 6 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # Client State Description SP A condo of 29 warehouses for several purposes and an office building with 6 storey., 48,000 Warehouse Commercial 2000 191 FITAS ELASTICAS ESTRELA SP SP Construction of an industrial building 3 heavy load storey in precastoffices concrete structure., Building 23 storey with 120 suites and 2 undergrounds., 5,000 Warehouse Industrial Offices 10,000 multi-storey 2001 192 CONDOMINIO EDIFICIO BRASÍLIA TOWER 193 ALTAPLAST INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO DE PLASTICOS LTD SP General reform of a an industrial building with the roof hightened from 6m to 13m with steel structural and foundations reinforcement ., 7,000 Warehouse Industrial 2002 194 BIANCA INCORPORAÇÃO DE IMÓVEIS LTDA. SP Residential building with 1apt each floor 17 apt and 1 penthouse / 19 storey., 8,500 multi-storey Residential 2002 195 ETILUX INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDA. SP Construction of a 12m height warehouse for logistic purposes with offices., 7,000 Warehouse Commercial 2002 196 SUL PECAS COMERCIO E REPRESENTACOES LTDA. SP Building for warehouse use with 3 floors in a mix metallic / concrete frame structure., 2,350 Warehouse Commercial 2003 197 ESCOLA TALMUD TORA MAGUEN AVRAHAM / UNIT SP 1 (CONGREGACAO MEKOR HAIM) Construction of a school with 6 storey and 1 underground., 5,500 School building 2003 198 RICARDO GUERINI 199 KODAK BRASILEIRA COM. IND. LTDA 200 METALURGICA SUPRENS LTDA SP SP SP Construction of a high standard residence., General reform of a commercial building ., Construction of a building for industry., 600 Home 1,200 Commercial 7,500 Industrial 2004 2004 2005 201 ANDRIELLO S/A INDUSTRIA E COMÉRCIO 202 TRISOFT TEXTIL LTDA SP SP Construction of a textile industry., Enlargement of the factory and extention of the truck parking lot area with the blasting cutting rock slope., 8,500 Industrial 2,400 Industrial 2005 2005 203 SHOULDER IND.COM.CONFECÇÕES LTDA. SP Enlargement of an industrial building for a clothe's factory with 1 underground and 4 storey., 6,000 Industrial 2007 204 ESCOLA TALMUD TORA MAGUEN AVRAHAM / UNIT SP 2 (CONGREGACAO MEKOR HAIM) Construction of a school with 6 storey and 1 underground., 6,500 School building 2008 205 ARY KUFLIK BENCLOWICZ / EDITORA NOBEL SP Construction of 2 warehouses for logistic and industrial purposes with offices 5,000 Warehouse Commercial 2007 206 VIVICON CONST. PART.S/A BUILT TO SUIT FOR BRINK´S GROUP SP Construction of a heavy 3 storey commercial facility whith a large parking lot (7.000m2) for heavy trucks / build to suit for Brink´s 11,000 Warehouse Commercial 2008 207 TRANSREMOÇÃO TRANSPORTES PESADOS E REMOÇÕES TECNICAS LTDA. SP Enlargement of the offices for a commercial building for heavy transportation services., 1,000 Commercial 2008 208 IRMAOS KALUPGIAN & CIA. 210 INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO JOLITEX LTDA. SP SP Construction of a commercial building., Construction of a warehouse for logistic and industrial purposes with offices 2,500 Commercial 10,000 Warehouse Commercial 2009 2011 212 ESKENAZI INDUSTRIA GRÁFICA LTDA SP Enlargement of an Industrial building for printing with heavy load pavement., 2,400 Industrial 2011 General reform of a commercial building with a heavy load pavement Project , managment and consulting for a warestore with 18m height x 30m span in steel frame Warehouse Commercial 3,300 Industrial 190 ESPACE CENTER ADMINISTR.E EMPREEND.LTDA. 213 LEITE FAZENDA BELA VISTA / LATICINIOS GUAXUPE 214 INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO ZARAPLAST LTDA. DE SP PLASTICOS SP 215 AUTOPEL AUTOMAÇÃO COMERCIAL E INFORMATICA LTDA SP 209 TEMPLO ISRAELITA BRASILEIRO OHEL YAACOV SP 211 REPRESENTAÇÕES SEIXAS S/A area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 2001 1,500 2011 2011 4,400 multi-storey Offices 2011 Construction of a Synagogue building., 3,000 Temple 2012 SP Construction of an industrial building with offices., 4,400 Industrial 2012 216 VIVICON CONST. PART.S/A BUILT TO SUIT FOR OFFICES SP Construction of a 6 storey building for offices with 2000 m2 floors, 1 underground parking lot - steel and concrete structural frame. 217 RICARDO GUERINI SP General reform of a high standard residence. Miro_achievements2015 General reform of a multistorey office building - retrofiting 08-04-15 15,400 multi-storey Offices 2012 500 Home 2013 7 of 8 MIRO CONSTRUTORA LTDA -- TECHNICAL RESUMEE -- ACHIEVED WORKS. Rua Ceara 311 – 01243-010 Sao Paulo / SP TEL: 55-11-3826-2244 / 55-11-3663-6800 Fax: 55-11-3825-5349 www.miroconstrutora.com.br # Client State Description area m2 Building Type Accomplished in 218 SUL PECAS COMERCIO E REPRESENTACOES LTDA. SP Building for warehouse use with 2 floors in a steel frame structure., 219 ROGERIO BLUNDENI E OUTROS - PATIO PERDIZES SP Construction of a 8 storey building for offices and 3 underground parking lot. 5,000 multi-storey Offices in progress 220 ROGERIO BLUNDENI E OUTROS - PATIO EUROPA Construction of a 8 storey building for offices and 3 underground parking lot. 4,000 multi-storey Offices in progress Construction of a refrigerated warehouse for logistic and industrial purposes with offices 5,500 Warehouse Commercial SP 221 ADEGA ALENTEJANA - SR MANUEL BELEZA CHICAU SP USEFUL TOTAL M2 ACCOMPLISHED CONSIDERING INFRA STRUCTURE AND PAVEMENT SERVICES APPROXIMATELY TOTAL M2 ACCOMPLISHED Miro_achievements2015 08-04-15 420 Warehouse Commercial 956,973 M2 1,913,946 M2 2015 in progress SQFT >> - SQFT >> - 8 of 8
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