Postal Votes Form
Postal Votes Form
SAG GEST - SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 FORM FOR VOTING BY POST The forms for voting by post regarding each one of the items on the agenda are provided below. VOTING INSTRUCTIONS Without prejudice to the requirement for timely proof of shareholder status as per the terms stated in the Calll Notice, shareholders with a right to vote may execute their vote by post, therefore sending a letter by certified mail at least three working days before the meeting to the attention of the Chairman of the General Shareholder Meeting, addressed to the company’s registered address. To ensure confidentiality of the vote up to the moment of voting, the forms for voting on each item of the agenda shall be kept in a closed envelope stating “FORM OF VOTING ON ITEM No.__ OF THE AGENDA”. The envelope(s) containing the form(s) of voting shall be kept inside another envelope accompanied by a letter written by the Shareholder and addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting, sent by registered mail, expressing his/her unequivocal wish to vote by post. The said letter shall be signed by the holder of the shares or by his/her legal representative and accompanied by a certified copy of an identification document of the shareholder, in the case of a natural person or, in the case of a legal person, accompanied by proof of the status and of the powers for the act. SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 1. Deliberation on the management report and separate financial statements for the financial year 2015, and review of the corporate governance report. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 2. Deliberation on the consolidated management report and consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2015. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 3. Deliberation on the proposal for appropriation of the results in relation to the financial year 2015. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 4. General appraisal of the Company’s management and supervision. I Vote of confidence and praise to the Board of Directors for the activity developed during financial year 2015. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 4. General appraisal of the Company’s management and supervision. II Vote of confidence and praise to the Audit Board for the activity developed during financial year 2015. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 5. Deliberation on the Salaries Committee statement on the corporate boards remuneration policy. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 6. Deliberation on the partial change of the Memorandum of Association through an amendment to the paragraph 3 of Article 25. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 7. Appointment of the Statutory Audit Company, on the Audit Board’s proposal. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention SAG GEST – SOLUÇÕES AUTOMÓVEL GLOBAIS, SGPS, SA Public Company Estrada de Alfragide, 67, 2614-519 Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169.764.398,00 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 VOTING BY POST FORM ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 27 MAY 2016 Item 8. Deliberation on the acquisition and sale of treasury stock. In favor Against Mark the corresponding box with a cross (X). Abstention
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