consolidated management report
consolidated management report
CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA Listed Company Registered Share Capital: € 169,764,398 Taxpayer: 503 219 886 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under no. 503 219 886 Headquarters: Estrada de Alfragide, 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Offices: Alfrapark – Edifício SGC, Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74 E-mail: [email protected] Web: SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 2 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 3 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. MACROECONOMIC BACKGROUND A. INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND B. PORTUGUESE ECONOMY C. BRAZILIAN ECONOMY II. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET IN 2007 A. PORTUGAL B. BRAZIL III. BUSINESSES REPORT A. AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL 1 - Automobile Distribution - SIVA 2 - Automobile Retail – New Cars - SOAUTO 3 - Automobile Retail – Semi-new and Used Cars – Globalcar B. AUTOMOBILE SERVICES 1 – Portugal - LGA 2 – Brazil - Unidas C. PARTNERSHIPS / STRATEGIC STAKES 1 – Renting i. Portugal/ SC Multirent ii. Spain/ SC Iber-Rent 2 – Remarketing i. Portugal/ Manheim Portugal IV. BUSINESS SUPPORT ACTIVITIES A. FINANCIAL AREA B. HUMAN RESOURCES C. INFORMATION SYSTEMS D. LOGISTICS V. BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING AND INNOVATION PROCESS VI. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS VII. OUTLOOK FOR 2008 A. MACROECONOMIC PROSPECTS SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 4 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 1 - Portugal 2 - Brazil B. AUTOMOBILE MARKET EVOLUTION FORECAST FOR 2008 C. GROUP ACTIVITY EVOLUTION FORECAST 1 - Automobile Distribution and Retail i. Automobile Distribution – SIVA ii. Retail – New Cars - SOAUTO iii. Retail – Semi-New and Used Cars – Globalcar 2 - Automobile Services i. Portugal/ LGA ii. Brazil/ Unidas 3 – Recycling of End of Life Vehicles - ELV i. Ecometais 4 - Partnerships / Strategic Stakes i. Renting a.1. Portugal/ Multirent a.2. Spain/ SC Iber-Rent a.3. Poland/ SC Multirent Sp Zoo ii. Portugal/ Manheim Portugal VIII. FINAL NOTE SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 5 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 I. MACROECONOMIC BACKGROUND A. INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND According to IMF estimates, world economy grew approximately 5.2%, i.e., for the third time in 10 years it has had a higher than 5% growth rate, although this growth shows a slight slowdown vs. the previous year (5.4%). This slowdown has also manifested itself in the Euro Zone, where GDP is expected to have grown 2.5% vs. 2.8% in 2006. Table 1 – International Background – Main Assumptions 2006 5,4 2,8 8,4 65,1 1,256 2007 (E) 5,2 2,5 6,8 72,5 1,360 2008 (P) 4,8 2,1 6,2 80,8 1,420 1 3,1 4,3 4,2 2 3,9 4,4 4,4 World GDP Euro Zone GDP Growth of relevant external demand (in %) Oil price (brent, USD/barrel) USD/EUR exchange rate (annual average) Short term interest rate (annual average, %) Long term interest rate (annual average, %) Sources: IMF, October 2007 Forecasts (WEO, October) (GDP); Ministry of Finance PEC 2007-2011, December 2007 update 2007 1 Euribor 3 months; 2 10 year Government bonds Money market interest rates showed across the board increases for all terms: nearly 100 bp in 2007 on the 3-month term, 85 bp on the 6-month term, approximately 70 bp on the 1 and 12-month terms. ECB official rates increased twice (25 bp on each revision), with the refi rate settling on 4% at the end of the year. The effects of the turbulence started last July following the subprime mortgage crisis and the subsequent liquidity reduction in international financial markets were the main driver of these increases which were particularly felt in more advanced economies, while the main emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India and China) generally remained unaffected by this situation. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 6 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 B. Portuguese Economy In Portugal, although GDP grew in 2007 at a higher rate (+1.9%) than in the previous year (+1.2%), it still evolved at a lower rate than in the Euro Zone, this being the sixth year of real divergence vs. the European average. Table 2 – Portugal – Main Macro-economic Indicators GDP Private Consumption Public Consumption Investment (GFC) Exports Imports unit avr % avr % avr % avr % avr % avr % 2006 1,2 1,2 -0,7 -1,8 9,1 4,3 2007 (E) 1,9 1,2 0,0 2,6 7,0 4,1 2008 (P) 2,0 1,1 0,0 3,3 4,9 2,9 Inflation (HICP) -average Unemployment rate Public Deficit Public Debt % var % act.pop. % GDP % GDP 3,0 7,7 -3,9 64,8 2,4 7,8 -3,0 64,4 2,4 7,6 -2,4 64,1 Sources: Banco de Portugal, Winter 2007 Economic Bulletin; Jan. 2008; Ministry of Finance, PEC 20072011, December 2007 update Private consumption is expected to show a growth rate similar to the one in 2006 (1.2%), which was below the national and Euro Zone GDP growth, and to the increase of the households' real available income, for which reason the savings rate probably stopped the downward trend it had in the last few years. Moderation of the growth in private consumption in the last two years probably was linked to the gradual increase of interest rates and consequent increase of the debt servicing - in a context of high household indebtedness – as well as to an increased tax burden, namely in indirect taxes. This development probably affected the consumption of non-durable goods and the strong increase in consumption of durable goods, where reference has to be made to a 3.7% increase in sales of Passenger Vehicles (PVs). Exports continued to show a strong growth rate, and market shares are expected to grow more than in 2006. While exports of goods slowed down (to 5.0%), exports of services (tourism, transport, others) saw a very high growth rate (12.4%) Inflation dropped 0.6% vs. 2006 and on average, totaling 2.4% (CPI). However, the year on year variation (December 2007 vs. December 2006) rose to 2.7%. Inflation differential against the Euro Zone decreased. Unemployment continued to grow, having reached 7.8% (vs. 7.7% in 2006), and even exceeded (for the first time in several years) the Euro Zone unemployment rate. On the other hand, maintenance of a high rate of long-term unemployment in a context of restructuring of the production capability could reflect some discrepancy between labor supply and demand and a low endowment in human capital, factors that jeopardize a more favorable development of unemployment. Employment growth decreased from 0.7% to 0.4%. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 7 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Revenue from the Car Tax (name of the tax which was in force during the 1st semester of 2007) and from the Vehicle Tax (new name of the tax which came into force in the 2nd semester) increased 1.8%, to € 1,186.7 million, in line with the simultaneous increase in sales of light vehicles: 4.3% made by official Make representatives and 11% in parallel imports. Public debt halted the previous 2-year upward trend, and decreased from 64.8% to 64.4% of GDP according to the most recent version of the PEC 2007-2011. C. BRAZILIAN ECONOMY The Brazilian economy is expected to show around 4.8% GDP growth in 2007, substantially above growth in both 2006 and 2005 (3.7% and 2.9%, respectively), strongly driven by an increase in domestic demand: investment and private consumption. Strong growth in private consumption can be explained namely by the improvement in the consumer confidence index, maintenance of stabilized inflation, positive evolution in the labor market, interest rate reduction environment as well as improved access to credit by an increasing percentage of the Brazilian population, which led to a 33% increase in personal credit. Inflation rate in 2007 (4.2%) remained within the target that had been initially defined by the Government (4.5%), although in the second semester of the year a somewhat greater pressure was felt on prices, particularly as regards food products. Net public debt should stand at 40% of GDP, keeping its downward trend, and this ratio is expected to show its lowest figure since 1998. The interest rate also kept its downward trend, having decreased from 13.25% at the end of 2006 to 11.25% at the end of this year. Some inflationist pressure particularly in the second semester slowed down the pace of interest rate decrease of recent years. As regards foreign trade, the Trade Balance showed a US$ 40 billion surplus in 2007, a decrease vs. 2006 (US$ 46 billion), following an increase in imports that is the result of increased domestic demand and valuation of the Brazilian Real. Labor market behavior, with a decrease in the unemployment rate (9.4% in 2007), together with an average increase in salaries (4.7% in real terms), are strong drivers of private consumption. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 8 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 II. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET A. PORTUGAL Sales of light vehicles (LV) increased 4.3% vs. 2006, totaling 270,237 units. However, this volume represents 140,293 less vehicles (-34.2%) sold compared to 2000. Chart 1 – Sales Volume – Total Markets 410.530 353.894 295.490 305.387 260.59 6 273.093 273.126 268.875 258.860 228.956 215.356 206.488 200.241 192.308 259.189 270.237 201.816 1 94.702 115.040 93.298 76. 431 57.737 1988 2000 2001 2002 Light Passengers Vehicles 66.552 2003 66 .638 68.6 34 2004 64.487 2005 Light Commercial V ehicles 2006 68.421 2007 Total - Light Vehicles Source: ACAP Therefore, the Portuguese market continues stabilized at low levels, in contrast with trends in the European LPV automotive market (EU-15 + EFTA), which is also stabilized, however at levels that are among the highest in recent years. In fact, the European automotive market saw a volume of 14.8 M LPV in 2007 (+0.2% compared to 2006). The volume of LCV sales in that area, with 2.1 million units sold, grew 5.0%. Chart 1.A – Sales Volume – Total Markets in Western Europe (EU-15 + EFTA) 14.817. 719 1.859.523 2001 14.398. 742 14.212.669 1.803.753 2002 14.524.450 1.757. 042 2003 Light Passengers Vehicles 14.763.013 14.504. 759 1.921.686 2004 1.986.302 2005 1.948.481 2006 14.792.143 2. 045.705 2007 Light Commercial Vehicles Source: ACEA The Portuguese light passenger vehicle (LPV) market grew 3.7% vs. 2006, totaling 201,816 units sold, the fourth lowest volume since 1988, the year when measures were adopted to regulate the opening of the SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 9 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 national market. In comparison with the best year ever (1999), the market decreased 33.1%, i.e., 100,000 less vehicles sold. Behavior in both semesters was contrasting due to changes in the tax system which came into force on 1 July: while during the first half of the year the market decreased 1.8% vs. the same period in 2006, in the second half it increased 10.8%, a change which was driven, among other things, by campaigns by the Makes to foster the decommissioning of end of life vehicles. Light commercial vehicles (LCV), with 68,421 units sold, saw a 6.1% increase versus the previous year. However, this was the fourth lowest annual volume since 1995, the year when the Car Tax began to affect some segments of this class of vehicles. 46,619 less cars were sold in this group, a 40.5% decrease compared to 2000. In the same market, developments in 2007 were differentiated in comparison with the previous year: during the first half of the year, the volume of sales grew 24.1%, whilst in the second semester it saw a 12.4% drop due to the increase introduced by the Vehicle Tax (ISV). Three important phenomena are worth highlighting in terms of the LPV market: • Increased sales (+155%) following the decommissioning of end of life vehicles (more than 10 years old), as a result of a joint effort by the Government and strong campaigns by several Makes • Sustained growth in sales to corporate clients, with OR (operational rental) already accounting for 16% of the total market (13.7% in 2005, 7.4% in 2002), surpassing sales to the rent-a-car industry which totaled 11.1%. • Diesel cars already account for more than 69% of the total of units sold (Chart 2). Among these, low cubic capacity engines (under 1,600 cc) - the so-called small diesels – already account for 40.2% of the total market (vs. 38.5% in 2005 and 8.7% in 2002). Chart 2 – Diesel powered vehicles in total PC sales 63,7% 64,9% 69,1% 57,1% 2 6 ,4 % 44,3% 2 6 ,4 % 2 8 ,9 % 2 7 ,5 % 34,8% 2 4 ,6 % 26,9% 16,9% 18,7% 20,9% 12,5% 24,2% 2 0 ,4 % 2 3 ,6 % 12 ,4 % 15 ,2 % 17 ,7 % 4 ,2 % 4 ,5 % 3 ,5 % 3 ,2 % 3 ,8 % 3 ,3 % 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 8 ,3 % 4 0 ,2 % 2 6 ,0 % 3 7 ,3 % 3 8 ,5 % 2005 2006 2 9 ,6 % 19 ,7 % 8 ,7 % 2002 Diesel < 1,6 / LV 2003 2004 2007 Diesel > 1,6 / LV Source: ACAP SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 10 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 These three factors combined caused an increase of the industry's operational costs, which resulted in an additional erosion of the margins. There was also a new increase in the volume of imports of used cars in the parallel market: used PV increased 10.5% vs. the previous year (to 48,892 units). This volume of imported cars accounted in 2007 for approximately 24.2% of the market of new vehicles sold by official Importers. Chart 3 – Used PC Imports, 2000-2007 24,2% 22,7% 48.892 19,3% 44.257 17,1% 39.845 13,8% 12,6% 12,3% 10,8% 31.922 2000 34.286 32.856 2001 28.061 26.627 2002 2003 LPV 2004 2005 2006 2007 LPV % LV Source: ACAP In the evolution per PV segments, the medium low or A segment (VW Golf) again surpassed, as in 2005, the lower or A0 segment (VW Polo). Larger MPVs, which benefit from a reduction in the Vehicle Tax (ISV), i.e., VW Sharan), had a significant weight (5.3%), due to the change in taxes in July: after the ISV came into force, some models suffered significant increases, which originated a strong ‘anticipation’ purchase drive in the second quarter of the year. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 11 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 4 – PV Segments 2002-2007 1,3% 1,3% 2,2% 15,3% 1,3% 1,6% 1,3% 1,7% 2,7% 2,9% 14,8% 33,1% 2003 A00 A0 A 2,5% 36,7% 36,0% 33,7% 5,8% 4,4% 2005 B 3,3% 13,2% 36,0% 35,2% 2004 5,3% 2,3% 13,2% 39,5% 4,0% 3,0% 3,7% 14,5% 38,1% 2,7% 2002 2,8% 37,6% 42,7% 2,2% 2,2% 14,4% 34,2% 44,6% 1,5% C+D 5,3% 2006 G 2007 MPV ISV red. Source: ACAP / SIVA According to preliminary ACAP estimates, the national car stock reached approximately 4.4 million PVs at the end of 2007, compared to 4.29 million in the previous year, i.e., a 2.5% increase. The average car life increased again, from 8.6 at the end of 2006 to 8.7 years. In the LCV segment, the most representative one, i.e., larger vehicles (vans and pick-up trucks, 3 to 3.5 tons in gross weight) increased its weight in the market, from 14.4% to 16.2%. The larger segment, that of Passenger Derivatives (2 passenger vehicles) recovered again part of its market position, going from 37.3% in 2006 to 37.7% in 2007 (Chart 5). Pick-up trucks also increased their penetration, from 12.3% to 12.8%. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 12 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 5 – LCV Segments 2002-2007 10 ,1% 10 ,0 % 9 ,2 % 15 ,6 % 15 ,1% 15 ,3 % 17 ,0 % 16 ,7 % 2 1,0 % 19 ,8 % 3 3 ,4 % 3 4 ,5 % 2002 2003 11,6 % 17 ,5 % 16 ,5 % 19 ,9 % Der.Pass. Vans <2 t 16 ,0 % 12 ,3 % 12 ,8 % 14 ,4 % 16 ,2 % 13 ,8 % 13 ,9 % 2 3 ,2 % 2 2 ,3 % 19 ,4 % 3 6 ,3 % 3 8 ,4 % 3 6 ,3 % 3 7 ,3 % 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fg+Ch.-Cab. 2-3 ton * Fg+Ch.-Cab. 3-3.5 ton Pick-ups Source: ACAP / SIVA The total number of LCVs in the country is estimated by ACAP to be around 1.21 million vehicles at the end of 2007, against 1.184 million in December 2006, showing a 2.1% increase. The average age of vehicles in circulation increased once again, going from 7.4 years at the end of 2006 to 7.5 in 2007. B. BRAZIL Sales of passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles in the Brazilian market grew 28% in 2007, totaling 2.36 million units, against 1.84 million units sold in 2006. 2007 was the best year ever for the automotive market, both in sales and production, the latter totaling 2.79 million light passenger and commercial vehicles. This result was clearly helped by the ease of access to the car finance market in conditions (rates and terms) that had not been available in previous years, and this made it possible for a significant part of the population to buy a car who previously had not had access to this type of goods. Sales of flex-fuel vehicles (which make it possible to use simultaneously or alternatively gas and alcohol) were predominant in the Brazilian market and account for 86.1% of total sales in that period, against 78.1% in the previous year. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 13 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 III. BUSINESSES REPORT A. AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL 1 - Automobile Distribution - SIVA In 2007, SIVA recovered its leadership position in the light passenger vehicle market and ranked again in the third position among importers for the light vehicle market. Total sales of light vehicles by SIVA totaled 30,515 units, a 5.6% increase compared to 2006. This growth surpassed the growth rate for the total market, and was the result of an increase in the market share which, having reached 11.3%, grew 0.2% vs. 2006. In the passenger vehicle market, SIVA sold 26,541 units, a 3.5% increase vs. the previous year. The market share remained at 13.2%. All Makes gave a positive contribution to the growth in sales made by the Group. VW Passenger Cars increased 1.5% and VW Commercial Vehicles increased 23.5%. Audi sales increased 7.2% and Škoda grew 4.9%. In addition, luxury makes saw the best year ever, with total sales of 18 units of both Bentley and Lamborghini, a 100% increase vs the previous year. Chart 6 – SIVA Total Sales, 2006-2007 (in units) + 5,6% LPV Market: + 3,7% LCV Market: + 6,1% LV Market: + 4,3% + 1,5% 28.885 30.515 + 7,2% 15.645 15.881 + 4,9% 6.422 3.640 VW VP AUDI * Excl. Derivatives and Pickups +23,5% 6.883 3.820 SKODA 2006 3.169 3.913 VW VCL +17,1% 2.052 2.403 VW VCL "ABC" * 2007 SIVA ** ** Includes Luxurius I l d L B d Source: ACAP SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 14 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Volkswagen – Light Passenger Cars 2007 should be considered as a period of consolidation for Volkswagen, with growth in sales volume for the second consecutive year. In a light passenger vehicle market that has stabilized at a low level in the last four years, the Make grew 1.5% and achieved a 7.9% market share. The investment effort in communications and image, as well as a clear focus on the corporate market were the main factors behind these results. Chart 7 – Volkswagen Sales – Light Passenger Cars Units Market Share 15.881 8,0% 7,5% 7,9% 15.645 15.415 2005 2006 2007 Good acceptance of the Make from the part of the corporate market, namely of the Passat and Polo models, was complemented by a strong presence in the Consumer/individuals market, to which the new Golf Variant contributed decisively from mid-year onwards. Passat was – for the second consecutive year – sales leader among its segment, with a 14.1% market share, which proves that the range’s balanced offer and excellent product image match market needs well. Polo, in spite of recent renovation among its major competitors, performed very well in terms of sales, keeping the fourth place in its segment, with no erosion of its 7.2% share. The end of 2007 is also marked by the launch of the Tiguan, whose acceptance by both the market and trade press is clearly shown by a significant order portfolio. A special reference should be made to Eos – produced at Autoeuropa – which achieved a top position in terms of sales in its sub-segment. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 15 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Volkswagen - Commercial Vehicles With 3,913 units sold in 2007, sales volume for the Make rose 23.48% vs. the previous year, having been one of the Makes with higher growth in the commercial vehicle market. In the ABC segment, a new sales record was achieved for the third consecutive year (2,382 units), with a 7.0% market share in a market that totaled 33,900 vehicles. Chart 8 – Volkswagen Sales – Commercial Vehicles (ABC Segments) 7,0% 5,8% 6,0% 5,8% 6,3% 5,2% 5,8% 5,3% 5,2% 5,0% 2.197 1.831 4,1% 2.052 2382 4,2% 3,6% 3,1% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Units Market Share Audi The Audi Brand sold a total of 6,883 units in 2007, corresponding to a 3.41% market share, a 7.18% increase vs. the previous year. In 2007, the Make strengthened its sportive image with the launch of two new models: the Audi A5, which marked the return of the Make to the luxury Coupé segment, and the Audi R8, the Make’s new ex-libris, a super sports model giving extreme performances with a central engine, 420 HP and V8 engine, which places Audi in the exclusive club of car makers producing vehicles that go over 300 km/h. Apart from the two above-mentioned sports cars, the renewed lines of the Audi A8 are also worth mentioning, as well as the new 125 HP TSI engine for the Audi A3, and the transition of the A4 range to the new generation to be launched in January 2008. The Audi Q7 sold 360 units in its first full year of sales, and already stands as the reference of its segment. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 16 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 9 – Audi Sales 3, 52 Units Market S hare 3,28 3, 32 3, 30 3, 19 3,41 6.883 6.422 7.259 6.392 6.387 6.020 7.510 6.104 5.012 2, 04 % 1.145 0,47 2, 02 2.539 1,22 4.047 1,76 2,22 6.047 2,18 7.603 2, 92 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: ACAP The Dealer Network was strengthened and modernized to be able to respond to the effort that the Make will be making with new product launches. New sales points were opened in 2007 in Ponta Delgada and Caldas da Rainha. A new Dealership, Expocar Porto, was opened in the Porto/Matosinhos region. This development and renovation effort is to be continued in the next two years. Two important Programs were also launched: • Through the After Sales Courtesy Car Program, Dealers make available to Car Repair Workshop Clients a vehicle at no cost in accordance with the existing Service program. • The Audi Used Car Program – “Audi Advantage Plus” embodies the Make’s international standards for used cars and provides new dynamism to this business area that complements the sale of New Cars. Škoda In 2007, the Škoda Make showed a 4.95% increase in sales – above the market increase – which made it possible for Škoda to improve its market share for the third consecutive year, now established at 1.87% (vs. 1.83% in 2006). With a total volume of 3,820 units sold in 2007, sales to Security Forces should be highlighted, which totaled 373 units (920 units so far since 2004), a clear sign of the preference of this important Client who relies on the quality and reliability of the Škoda cars, features that are associated to the good levels of service provided by the Dealer Network. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 17 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 10 – Škoda Sales 3.810 3.607 1,87% 1,80% 1,83% 1,86% 1,84% 1,35% 1,02% 0,25% 0,29% 94 95 96 97 3.820 2.784 2,12% 0,33% 0,40% 3.640 0,55% 0,65% 98 99 '00* '01 '02 '03 Units '04 '05 '06 '07 Market Share Source: ACAP Implementation of a marketing policy which was oriented towards above-the-line communications focused on volume segments (particularly the launch of the new Škoda Fabia in May 2007) and activities which aimed to bring the Make closer to the Clients, such as Shows in Shopping Centers and sponsoring (surf, athletics, go-karting and cycling events), contributed decisively to consolidation of the Make in the market in 2007. The very competitive “value for money” positioning of Škoda vehicles, versions such as Octavia RS and Scout, improved penetration in the corporate segment and increased levels of Client satisfaction also contributed to the good results achieved in 2007. Another strategic vector was a greater consistence among Distribution Networks, with good performance by recently appointed Dealerships (particularly Almada, Setúbal and Montijo), which gave the Make better territorial coverage and higher visibility. Luxury brands (Bentley and Lamborghini) 2007 proved to be a very positive year in terms of sales for the represented luxury brands, particularly for Bentley that reached the highest number of units sold in Portugal (16) since its introduction in 2000. Sales involved in particular the Bentley Continental GTC and the Bentley Continental GT models. It is also worth highlighting the sale of two Lamborghinis, a Murciélago LP640 and a Gallardo SuperLeggera. In terms of After Sales, the turnover remained basically at the same level as the previous year, with a slight increase in the total number of admissions and hours sold. Spares and Accessories Sales of Spares and Accessories exceeded €78 million, a 3% decrease versus 2006. However, and in spite of this decrease – for the third consecutive year – the total for this item should be considered particularly positive, particularly if we take into account the difficult economic environment and SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 18 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 the way it continues to affect in particular the automotive business. This fact has contributed to a slowdown in the growth potential of the Parts and Accessories business, which was also affected by a decrease in the car stock of vehicles less than 8 years old. Also noteworthy, particularly in terms of results of the Group, is the fact that there was a decrease in the weight of parts sold under warranty operations. € Millions Chart 11 – Sales of Parts and Accessories 87,5 87,5 81,2 83,6 80,9 78,2 67,9 54,5 46,6 38,1 21,4 1994 24,0 27,5 1995 1996 29,8 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: SIVA The Degree of Service (an indicator that measures the level of Spares and Accessories supplied by SIVA to its Authorized Repairshop Network) showed a favorable evolution in the annual average, above 95%, with important effects on the level of Customer Satisfaction. During 2007, several actions were implemented that became decisive for the performance achieved, such as: • facilitation of local marketing activities • significant reinforcement of promotion and advertising of the Accessory line; • price repositioning of the more competitive parts • new product launches • improvements in inventory management • careful monitoring of procedures involving orders for broken down vehicles • training activities provided to SIVA and Authorized Repairshop employees. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 19 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 2 - Automobile Retail – New Cars - SOAUTO The automobile retail business is conducted via a seven dealership network located in the Lisbon and Oporto urban centers: • Castelimo SA, VW and Audi dealer (Lisbon), under the Expocar brand for the Audi make and Castelimo for VW. • JM Seguro SA, VW and Škoda dealer (Lisbon). • Justocar SA, VW dealer (Barreiro), under the Castelimo brand for the VW make. • Cervag SA, VW dealer (Oeiras). • Rolporto, VW dealer (Oporto). • Cercascais, Audi dealer (Oeiras and Cascais). • Rolvia SA, Audi dealer, (Oporto), under the Expocar brand. Presence in the retail business is based on a logic of network value enhancement and facilitation, to enable stronger and better positioning of the Makes represented in the national market. This continued to be pursued throughout 2007, and the following initiatives are worth highlighting: • Opening of Expocar Porto, an Audi Dealership, in partnership with the Network Dealership, thus strengthening the weight of the Group on the total sales of the importer • Continuity of the restructuring and streamlining process of our network, to make it more flexible, efficient and increasingly Client Satisfaction oriented, in an increasingly competitive market. • Centralization of Back Office tasks in the shared services unit of Grupo SAG, therefore enabling Dealerships to focus on the strengthening of their critical activities. In terms of operational activity, 3,637 new vehicles and 1,255 used vehicles were sold, i.e., a decrease of 5.3% and 5.6% vs. the previous year. The weight of after sales business (repairs and parts) in turnover increased from 46% in 2006 to 48% in 2007. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 20 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 12 – EBITDA Workshpop Services 20% Vehicles 28% Spare Parts 52% With these results, Grupo SAG maintains a share of reference in the sales of the national VW / Audi and Škoda Dealership Network, with a share of approximately 17%. 3 - Automobile Retail – Semi-new and Used Cars – Globalcar and Car&Go Within its business of semi-new and used car sales to Private Customers and to Retailers, as planned, Globalcar opened two new Car Centres in 2007: one in Odivelas and one in Leça da Palmeira, which joined those in Rio de Mouro and Montijo, thus completing the expansion plan that had been drawn and strengthening the presence of the Globalcar brand nationwide. In total, 1,677 vehicles were sold, of which 1,200 to Private Customers. When it merged its business with that of Car&Go in mid 2007, Globalcar became an integrated operator of Sales and Post-Sales, an innovative situation in this line of business. It is worth mentioning that the new centers opened in 2007 include a Car&Go unit, therefore complementing the original unit that existed in Rio de Mouro. With the aim of developing and establishing Globalcar’s business, several initiatives took place in 2007, apart from the opening of the new centers, among which the following: • Facilitation of the purchasing area to optimize efficiency of this function and to improve purchase price conditions. • Creation of a dedicated Marketing team; • Change of image of the Centers to clearly show Globalcar’s six values (Attitude, Transparency, Pride, Commitment, Trust, Satisfaction). SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 21 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 B. AUTOMOBILE SERVICES 1 – Portugal - LGA As expected, LGA continued in 2007 to focus on the adaptation of its activities to the new market realities. Therefore: Preparation of new cars Having prepared 30,125 new cars of the various makes represented by SIVA, there was an increase of approximately 6.5% in business vs. 2006, a direct reflection of SIVA’s sales activity and of the evolution of the domestic new car market. Repairs This unit saw increased activity in 2007, consubstantiated in an increase of approximately 4% in billings, which was mainly the result of significant growth in the segment of Clients outside Grupo SAG. It is worth mentioning that, for the first time, this repair unit surpassed the annual threshold of € 3 million in billings, and also posted the highest monthly amount in billings of €300,000 in October. The number of jobs involving new cars saw a decrease of approximately 13.5%, which denotes an improvement in the quality of cars received, as well as a reduction in en-route damage. As concerns used cars, the number of repairs increased approximately 9%, reflecting the increase in the business segment of external clients. The average amount per repair grew significantly, since the type of intervention in new cars represents an average invoice amount that is significantly below that of repairs in used cars. 2 – Brazil - Unidas In 2007, Unidas continued to show solid growth in all its business areas: in Fleet Management and Renta-Car, the central pillars of the operation in Brazil, and also in the Semi-new car business, an instrumental unit within Unidas the aim of which is to maximize the value of sales of vehicles originating in Fleet Management and Rent-a-Car. Fleet Management The Fleet Management business, which accounts for approximately 70% of Unidas' total revenue, showed a significant increase, with the fleet reaching 23,240 units at the end of the year. This amount reflects an increase of approximately 28% vs. 2006, and consolidates Unidas’ leadership position in Fleet Management in the Brazilian market. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 22 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 13 Fleet Management - No. of Vehicles – Total Fleet on 31st December 22.265 18.189 12.242 156.283 8.085 126.632 89.944 68.667 2004 2005 Gross Turnover (R$000) 2006 2007 Total Fleet In terms of annual production, 13,617 new OVR contracts were signed, in comparison with 7,745 in 2006. Financed capital rose to R$362 million in 2007, 78% more than the R$203 million achieved in 2006. Rent-a-Car and Franchises Throughout the year, continuity was given to the plan of expansion based on Franchises, through the ‘Turn-key’ model and on a sales strategy focused on the more profitable segments (Agencies and Individuals). It was therefore possible to increase billings in the Unidas network by 32%, with the number of rental days reaching 807,779 days, i.e., 36% more than the amounts reached in 2006. Chart 15 - Rent-a-Car / Franchises - Gross Revenue and No. of Daily Rentals 807.779 593.728 529.147 411.316 7 1.0 7 3 5 3 .8 4 3 4 4 .9 2 8 3 8 .2 7 1 2004 2005 Gross Turnover (R$ 000) 2006 2007 Daily Rentals SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 23 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 The success of the Franchise model is fundamentally due to the benefits it provides to all parties involved: • Reduction in the level of investment required from the Franchisee to open the Franchise, since the Franchisee “receives” a shop that is ready to operate and includes the cars that are needed to develop the business. • Faster expansion of the network due to a decrease in structural investments. • Greater control from the part of Unidas as regards the standards of the franchised fleet (vehicle model, age, mileage). Semi-New In the Semi-new area, Unidas sells cars originated in the Fleet Management (OVR) and Rent-a-Car businesses. The aim of this instrumental unit is to maximize the sales value of the cars resorting to two channels of distribution: Dealers and Private Consumers. In 2007, 12,289 vehicles were sold, of which 9,792 (80%) directly to Private Consumers and 2,497 (20%) to used car Dealers. The Private Consumer channel increased its weight significantly as regards total sales, following the decision to concentrate sales points of this channel in the Greater Sao Paulo area, where it is possible to achieve higher sales margins than in other regions of the country. Chart 16 – Sales of Semi-New Cars 2.497 2.317 9.792 2.354 3.161 4.199 5.003 1.703 2004 2005 2006 Private Consumers 2007 Dealers SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 24 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 C. PARTNERSHIPS AND STRATEGIC STAKES 1 – Portugal / Santander Consumer Multirent The lack of consolidated and reliable statistics about the Portuguese Operational Vehicle Rental (OVR or Renting, the latter term having become more commonly used) makes it extremely difficult to know the actual performance of this business, but it is estimated that 2007 saw an increase of more than 5% in the production of new contracts. This shows again that there has been an increase in the penetration rate of this product vs. sales of new light vehicles, which grew 4.3% vs. 2006. The total fleet managed by companies operating in this market was estimated at more that 115 thousand units at the end of December 2007, which shows an increase of more than 10% vs. the 105 thousand vehicles assigned to fleets at the end of 2006. SC Multirent strengthened its position in the Portuguese OVR market with 5,748 new contracts, a 16% increase vs. the 4,955 contracts signed in 2006. The amount of capital invested in new vehicles rose to over € 104 million, a 7% increase vs. the previous year. At the base of this growth was the excellent performance of the Indirect Distribution Channel, one of the strategic focuses defined for 2007, as well as Multirent’s technological platform and increased penetration in Clients’ fleets where the Company already had a presence. Chart 17 – Operating Leases Market 305,387 2.1% 2.0% 268,121 258,859 1.6% 273,126 1.7% 259,189 270,237 1.9% 1.2% 3,528 2002 5,232 2003 Light Vehicles Slaes 4,420 2004 4,726 2005 SC MR New Contracts 5,748 4,955 2006 2007 Penetration Rate The active OVR contract portfolio was 10,296 units on 31st December 2007, a 9% increase vs. the 9,472 active contracts at the end of 2006. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 25 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Chart 18 – Multirent - Fleet Fleet Under Management 12.000 200.000 180.000 10.000 160.000 140.000 8.000 120.000 6.000 100.000 80.000 4.000 60.000 40.000 2.000 20.000 0 0 2002 2003 2004 Invested Capital (€'000) 2005 2006 2007 Number of Contracts Capturing new clients focused on the private consumer and small/medium sized company segments, where OVR penetration is only just beginning, and the following main actions should be highlighted in 2007: • Beginning of the distribution of SC Multirent’s OVR through Banco Santander Consumer Portugal’s business structure, benefiting from the agreements established by this entity with a vast network of Dealers of various makes; • Provision of management services for Maintenance, Tires and Residual Value of OVR contracts distributed by Banco Santander Totta in its branch network; • Beginning of sales of Maintenance and Warranty Extension Contracts for new vehicles of the Volkswagen, Audi and Škoda Makes through their respective dealer networks. This initiative was significantly successful and resulted in 1,263 Warranty Extension Contracts in just 10 months of activity; • Beginning of the sales, under an autonomous scheme, of Maintenance and Tire services which, until now, had been sold only as an integral part of OVR contracts; • Relocation of the Quotations and Client Support Service areas to Konecta, a Call Center of Grupo Santander; these services are now sub-contracted under a variable regime; • Closing of the Chelas Wellcome Center, and relocation of the reception of end of contract vehicles to Manheim Portugal’s facilities, an affiliate of Grupo SAG specializing in car auctions; • Continuous improvement of technological business support tools; • Focus Group activities and specific events to ensure Client loyalty. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 26 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 2 – Spain / Santander Consumer Iber-Rent Santander Consumer Iber-Rent, a company which is partly held by SAG (40%) and Santander Consumer (60%), is active in the Renting area in Spain, apart from also conducting that business in Portugal as owner of SC Multirent’s capital. The Spanish Renting market continued to show signs of strong vitality, in spite of a decrease of approximately 1.2% in the total volume of sales of new light vehicles vs. 2006. It is estimated that the total number of new contracts grew around 10%, which represents a penetration of nearly 11% as regards the total amount of new licensed vehicles. Also, the managed fleet is expected to have grown over 12%, totaling around 600,000 units. Unlike previous years, the growth in the Renting market was based on small and medium sized companies and private Clients, a situation which has to do with increased competition in product distribution through Dealerships, since that is the channel which makes it possible to reach those market segments more effectively. Bearing that in mind, the Company adopted in the Spanish market the strategy it had started in 2006, i.e., to increase its sales effort in the Indirect Channel, trying to optimize synergies with Santander Consumer EFC that has established sales agreements with a vast network of Dealers for the distribution of traditional car finance products. Therefore, in 2007, Santander Consumer Iber-rent produced a total of 10,551 new contracts that represent an increase of approximately 18.4% vs. the same period in the previous year. The total financed capital reached € 180 million, which reflects a 19.1% increase vs. 2006. The managed fleet totaled 17,186 units, a 2.1% increase vs. the situation at the end of December 2006. 3 – Portugal / Manheim Portugal SAG, in partnership with Manheim, a world leading North-American company in the Remarketing of used cars, entered the Remarketing services business in Portugal at the beginning of 2007 through the establishment of Manheim Portugal, a company whose capital is held by both companies, 40% by SAG and 60% by Manheim, respectively. The businesses of S.L.V. and Unileilões were acquired simultaneously, both of them being used car auction companies operating in the Portuguese market for some time already. With these acquisitions, Manheim positioned itself immediately as the second largest operator in this business sector. Manheim Portugal focuses its services on the auctioning of used cars and on the provision of certain complementary services, such as transportation, parking and preparation of vehicles. 2007 was a crucial year for the launch of the foundations of Manheim Portugal, and several key projects were implemented to ensure a successful future: • Merging of the two auction centers existing in Lisbon (Cacém and MARL), with all services provided by the Company now centralized at the MARL facilities; • Reorganization of the internal structure, taking into account the merging of the operations of both companies; SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 27 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 • Launch of two auction floors with parallel functioning; • Development of a new website with the new Manheim Portugal image; • Launch of online auctions, supported by the Manheim’s internationally tested tool (Cyberstock); • Construction and opening of a new auction center in Oporto to replace the former one and to be positioned as the biggest and more sophisticated auction center in Oporto; • Expansion of the Lisbon auctioning center located at MARL; • In September, staging of the largest auction ever in Portugal coinciding with the opening of the renovated facilities at MARL: approximately 800 cars were auctioned in the presence of 1,000 used car dealers. IV. BUSINESS SUPPORT ACTIVITIES A. FINANCIAL AREA During 2007, the provision of financial area services continued to be extended to the various Business Areas of Grupo SAG, with integration of the Car Retail Companies’ back-office. Apart from reductions in the costs with personnel as a result of the centralization measures adopted, particular attention was given to every possibility of decreasing costs, namely through increased efficiency in the provision of services and with the continuation and launch of the following projects: • Implementation of the Hyperion software as a tool for accounts consolidation and preparation of individual and consolidated accounts reports. • Streamlining of the technological platform. The client base growth strategy resulted in four new contracts. B. HUMAN RESOURCES In 2007, the Group made a strategic commitment towards clarification of its Values. Therefore, the Group defined its core values that are now the framework of the Group’s business in its entirity. Grupo SAG’s values reflect the posture and the unique internal attitude, the aim being that they become the basis for the Group’s Organizational Culture and generate common corporate motivations and objectives: • Responsibility We are committed to sustainable development. • Adaptability We assimilate change in order to evolve and grow. • Cooperation We achieve better results working as a team. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 28 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 • Innovation We improve continuously, doing things always differently and better. • Entrepeneurship We discover and exploit new business opportunities, taking on calculated risks. These values are materialized in an internal posture that enhances both individual and collective growth among our staff. This resulted in the definition and communication of a core pillar of our Human Resources strategy – the Group’s Competence Model. Furthermore, the Global Performance Management System – GPS– was defined in articulation with the remaining policies in the Human Resources Management area. With the aim of “revamping our structures”, of creating a “personnel exchange” which could potentially be of interest to the Group and be able to provide challenging work opportunities to young graduates in a prestigious Group, closer contacts were established with major Universities and Traineeship Protocols were developed. The Group also sought to be represented in this market and began to attend University Forums. C. INFORMATION SYSTEMS The PESIG (Group Strategic Information Systems Plan) aims to ensure a set of technological solutions to support Grupo SAG’s different Business Areas, so as to enable these to develop their business plans with adequate effectiveness and security levels. Accordingly, the Group’s IT Government was strengthened with a new IT project management software which enables the Technological Committee to have an integrated vision of all the projects and of their importance for the Organization and relevant priority levels. The IT area continued to give support to the approximately 4,500 users of the Dealer Network nationwide, and updates of the integrated systems have been done with the factory for the various Makes. D. LOGISTICS The efforts of the Logistics Department in 2007 were focused on organizational improvement, on the establishment and implementation of streamlined procedures in the various Business Units, as well as on the areas of car documents, nationwide distribution of cars. V. BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING AND INNOVATION PROCESS Within Grupo SAG’s corporate development strategy based on the development and strengthening of partnerships, on the expansion of the services area and on consolidation of the process of internationalisation, several activities were conducted, among which we point out the following: Santander Consumer Partnership Under the partnership with Santander Consumer for the development of the Operational Vehicle Rental (OVR) business, Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z.o.o.., was created, with SAG holding a 40% stake, while the remaining 60% are held by Santander Consumer Bank Poland. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 29 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 The extension of the partnership to this new market represents an important step in SAG’s internationalization process as well as a strengthening and consolidation of the partnership with Santander Consumer. In the area of car finance in Portugal, SAG agreed with Santander Consumer the terms of sale of the 40% stake the former held in Banco Santander Consumer Portugal (formerly Interbanco). However, the parties will continue to exploit new possibilities of cooperation in other markets where potential growth and synergies between both partners can be maximized. Ecometais The year 2007 also marks SAG's entry in the end of life vehicle recycling business through the acquisition of 100% of Ecometais’ equity capital. Integration of yet another business in the automotive value chain extends SAG’s activity area to a business segment that is increasingly more important in developed economies and which has significant valuation potential, whilst at the same time enacting the Group’s commitment as an environmentally responsible entity. Car Retail As part of the development of the car retail network, Rolvia was established, a new Dealer operating under the Expocar Porto brand where SAG holds a 60% stake and which is the result of an expansion strategy of the Audi make in the Greater Oporto region. Research, Development and Innovation Given the context of stagnation that has affected the automotive sector in recent years, the increase in Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) represents today an undisputable value for SAG to be able to differentiate itself and compete in the future. Based on the knowledge, experience and results accumulated through the implementation of the “Sagres” innovation project, an RDI Management System was developed which materializes the requirements considered by SAG to be needed for proper innovation management: a clear, innovation-oriented mission, the definition of ambitious objectives, identification of those managers in the Company who will be responsible for this mission, involvement of all Staff, sharing of knowledge and recognition of innovation efforts. With the implementation of the RDI Management System, SAG encompasses different dimensions of Innovation projects at the level of Products and Services, Marketing, Processes and Organization. Although it is too early to evaluate the economic result of the new business opportunities since they only started recently, in 2007 some results of the innovation process could be seen as the ideas that were generated materialized into new business opportunities. These include SAG’s entry in the end-of-life vehicle recycling business (with the above mentioned acquisition of Ecometais) and start of the implementation of a project in the area of individual urban mobility systems, which is still in its pilot stage. In November 2007, Grupo SAG was one of 15 Portuguese companies that obtained certification for their RDI Management System according to the Portuguese NP4457:2007 standard. This distinction recognizes the Group for its practices, procedures, processes and involvement from top management in the development and implementation of the RDI policy in the organization. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 30 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 VI. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Total Revenue and Margins In 2007, Grupo SAG’s Turnover totaled €739 million, a 1% increase vs. 2006. It is worth to highlight the performance by the Distribution Business Areas in Portugal, which grew 6.5%, and in Brazil (Unidas), which saw a 34% increase vs. the previous year. In 2007, the Group’s margin of contribution was 25.4%, a significant improvement vs. the previous year, where this indicator was 21.7%. Income Statement ( € ) Sales 2007 2006 Var. % 641.360.042 654.468.279 -2,0% 97.702.058 79.392.208 23,1% Turnover 739.062.100 733.860.487 0,7% Contribution Margin 187.675.134 159.611.264 17,6% % Contribution Margin 25,4% 21,7% Outside Services and Supplies - Commercial Expenses -19.440.462 -20.154.808 -3,5% Outside Services and Supplies - Car Expenses -24.103.876 -21.020.582 14,7% Sub-Total Variable Expenses -43.544.338 -41.175.389 5,8% Outside Services Supplies - Non-Variable Expenses -29.451.985 -24.745.052 19,0% Payroll Expenses -44.979.113 -39.221.448 14,7% Sub-Total Overheads -74.431.098 -63.966.499 16,4% -3.293.683 -2.230.011 47,7% -121.269.119 -107.371.899 12,9% 66.405.984 52.239.365 27,1% 9,0% 7,1% -13.431.035 -7.877.409 70,5% -177.860 1.632.694 -110,9% Provisions -5.182.292 2.174.748 -338,3% EBIT 47.614.830 48.169.398 -1,2% 6,4% 6,6% Financial Income -9.388.748 -23.441.519 -59,9% EBT 38.226.081 24.727.879 54,6% 5,2% 3,4% 40.040.545 5,4% 24.105.286 3,3% Services Rendered Taxes Operational Costs EBITDA % EBITDA Depreciation (+/-) Capital Gains % EBIT %EBT Net Profit % Net Profit SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 66,1% 31 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Total Revenue ( € 000) 2007 2006 Var. % Sales Distribution 589.459 553.262 6,5% Retail 108.449 111.605 -2,8% 19.215 21.803 -11,9% 1.981 1.992 -0,6% -100,0% Used Car Retail Automobile Services - Portugal Automobile Services - Brazil Ecometais Residual Value Units Other Companies Intra-group sales Consolidated Total 0 6 1.701 0 23.685 64.839 -63,5% -100,0% n.a. 0 1.042 -103.130 -100.081 641.360 654.468 -2,0% 896 842 6,4% 8.772 8.902 -1,5% Services Distribution Retail Used Car Retail Automobile Services - Portugal Automobile Services - Brazil Ecometais Residual Value Units Other Companies Intra-group sales Consolidated Total Total Revenue 221 191 15,7% 6.726 8.016 -16,1% 83.842 62.542 34,1% -16 0 n.a. 1 6 -83,3% 10.077 9.950 1,3% -12.817 -11.057 97.702 79.392 23,1% 739.062 733.860 0,7% Operational Costs Operational Costs totaled € 121 million in 2007, a 12.9% increase vs. the previous year. This evolution is in line with growth in business volume, particularly in Unidas, in Brazil. EBITDA EBITDA totaled € 66.4 million, a 27% increase vs. 2006, with EBITDA margin reaching 9% (7.1% in the previous year). Financial Income (Net Interest) Consolidated net interest obtained in 2007 was € -9.4 million, a 60% improvement vs. 2006, and it is influenced by capital gains achieved with the sale of SAG’s 40% stake in Banco Santander Consumer Portugal (formerly Interbanco). SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 32 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 As concerns the contribution to SAG’s consolidated results, there were positive evolutions in the Affiliates overall through the equity method, particularly contributions from SC Multirent and SC Iberent, which showed increases of 18.6% and 68.6% vs. results achieved in 2006. Financial Income ( € ) 2007 2006 SC Multirent (Portugal) 1.252.531 1.056.450 18,6% SC Iberent (Spain) 1.150.800 682.400 68,6% -100,0% Banco Santander Consumer Portugal (ex. Interbanco) Var. % 0 8.980.906 Manheim -24.468 0 CRE 133.214 119.311 11,7% Others -11.372 -247.446 -95,4% 2.500.705 10.591.621 -76,4% ( + / - ) Capital Gain 32.791.407 1.002.142 3172,1% Income from Assciated Companies 35.292.112 11.593.763 204,4% Financial Income - Brazil -25.089.912 -17.748.407 41,4% Financial Income - Portugal -19.590.949 -17.286.874 13,3% -9.388.749 -23.441.518 -59,9% Associated Companies Total Consolidated Financial Income n.a. Variation in interest expenses involving financing operations contracted by the Group was a consequence of the increased level of indebtedness, both in Portugal and in Brazil: in Portugal, as a result of investments made, namely in SC Multirent Sp Zoo in Poland and the acquisition of Ecometais; in Brazil, as a result of increased finance needs due to the high pace of growth of Unidas’ portfolio. Consolidated Net Profit Consolidated Net Profit assignable to SAG totaled € 40 million, which corresponds to an increase of approximately € 16 million compared to 2006. Balance Sheet and Financial Structure The structure of the Consolidated Balance Sheet is affected by the above-mentioned conditions, and the level of investments made by SAG and the strong business growth of Unidas in Brazil should be highlighted. Therefore, to finance the increase in assets in Brazil, and apart from support by SAG via a new capital increase that totaled € 36 million, Unidas resorted to raise new credit facilities in the local market, which originated an increase of approximately € 45 million in financial liabilities. Grupo SAG's net bank debt rose to € 367 million, a € 45 million increase vs. December 2006, whilst maintaining in essence the recommended balance for the type of assets that make up the Group’s business portfolio, as shown by the Average Interest Expenses to EBITDA, which improved from 6.98 to 5.90. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 33 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Financial Ratios The evolution of the major consolidated financial ratios was as follows: 2007 Net Profit/Total Assets Net Profit/ Medium Average Adjusted Equity Average Net Financial Debt/Medium Average Adjusted Equity 2006 2005 2004 3,6 3,0 4,2 10,3 6,3 9,0 3,3 6,9 101,0 94,6 104,9 103,7 Medium Long Term Financial Debt/Total Financial Debt 48,6 43,1 55,9 51,4 EBITDA / Net Interest 2,10 2,37 2,14 3,43 Adjusted Equity/Assets 0,36 0,50 0,46 0,48 Average Financial Debt / EBITDA 5,90 6,98 9,17 4,84 • In this context, it is worth to highlight the positive evolution of the asset and equity profitability indicators. • Debt structure, with medium and long term debt accounting for approximately 50% of total debt, in addition to the above mentioned positive trend of Net Debt to EBITDA started in 2006. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 34 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 The following amounts were considered in the calculation of the above ratios: Basis for the Financial Ratios Calculation (€ 000) EBITDA 2007 2006 66.406 52.239 -31.645 -22.001 40.041 24.105 Equity 126.892 108.532 Adjustment 279.279 279.022 Adjustment Equity 406.171 387.554 Adjusted Average Equity 387.956 385.731 Liabilities 717.112 668.180 Average Liabilities 692.646 699.988 Financial Debt Short Term 204.983 160.021 Financial Debt Medium/Long Term 178.613 211.320 Total Financial Debt 383.596 371.341 Cash -15.760 -49.014 Net Financial Debt 367.836 322.327 Net Average Financial Debt 391.752 364.836 Net Interest Net Profit Assets 844.004 776.712 Average 810.358 808.094 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 35 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Shareholder Profitability and Dividends The Board of Directors is going to propose a payout of 70% of the consolidated net profit. This proposal implies an additional dividend payment of € 0.1335 per SAG share, to be added to the interim dividend that was already paid in 2007 (€ 0.0314 per share). Shareholder Ratios 2007 2006 Net Profit/Equity (not Adjusted) 31% 22% Net Profit/Adjusted Equity 10% 6% Net Profit/ Market Capitalization 14% 8% Profit per Share - Basic (€) 0,2359 0,1420 Profit per Share - Diluted (€) 0,0259 0,1368 70% 60% Payout Ratio (Base IAS) Dividend Yield Dividendo per Share (€) 5,3% 4,8% 0,1649 0,0853 Stock Performance SAG’s stock price, which saw a 74% valuation in 2007, continued the upward trend it started in 2005 (+ 5% in 2006 and + 33% in 2005), a noteworthy performance if we consider the financial market environment in the second semester of the year which was particularly punitive to small & mid caps. In 2007, the Liquidity Management program for SGA shares signed with BIG – Banco de Investimento Global was continued. Under this agreement, 1.9 million treasury stock were purchased. Chart 19 – SAG Share Price Evolution at the Stock Exchange SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 36 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 VII. OUTLOOK FOR 2008 A. MACROECONOMIC PROSPECTS 1 - Portugal World GDP is expected to grow approximately 4.8% in 2008. According to the IMF, this slowdown is mainly due to turbulence in international financial markets and to continuing oil price rises. The European Commission forecasts that GDP growth could reach 2.2% in the Euro Zone in 2008. The relevant external demand for Portugal is expected to slow down again, but could still grow around 6.2%. Inflation in the Euro Zone could be similar to 2007 (2.1%), the same applying to interest rates, while a new valuation of the Euro vs. the US dollar (> 4%) is expected, as well as in effective terms (3.5%). Chart 20 – GDP, variation rates (%) 2,8 2,6 2,2 2,0 1,5 0,8 1,9 2,0 1,5 1,2 0,5 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (e) 2008 (p) -0,7 Portugal Euro Zone Source: European Commission, Autumn 2007 Forecast, November 2007 In Portugal, recovery of economic activity could continue; however, there is a risk that 2008 will be the seventh consecutive year of real divergence with the EU, according to the European Commission. GDP growth is likely to continue relying on corporate investment and exports. Private consumption is expected to grow at a moderate rate, with gradual recovery of the savings rate vs. the lowest values estimated in 2006 and 2007. A slight acceleration in real available private income is expected as well as a pause in unemployment growth. Inflation could stabilize at 2.4%, showing an increase similar to the one in 2007, both from the energy and non-energy component. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 37 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 The budget consolidation effort will continue, with the public deficit expected to decrease to 2.4% of GDP and public debt to decrease to 64.1%. In what concerns car taxation, the ISV (vehicle tax) that factors in a 60% environmental component on PV since January 1st, is expected to yield € 1,120 million (-5.6% vs 2007) and the IUC is expected to bring in € 111 million (+26.1%) to the government. Also, a tax expenditure is expected in the amount of € 63.8 million in ISV (Vehicle Tax) as a result of the 11 types of tax benefits, representing 5.7% of the revenue. 2 - Brazil The outlook for the Brazilian economy in 2008 is positive: • GDP is likely to continue to grow around 4.7%, heavily supported by increased consumption and strong investment on infra-structure • Public debt ratio (40% of GDP) should continue its decreasing trend, allowing Brazilian Sovereign Debt to aspire to achieving “Investment Grade” risk rating. • The unemployment rate is expected to remain below the two-digit level. Among the main risks that could affect the above growth scenario, these are the most important: • Inflationist pressure which could be felt already in the second semester of 2007, particularly in the food sector, should dictate restrictions to the decrease in interest rates, and these could see upward adjustments in 2008 should inflation grow. • Valuation of the Real should maintain the trend to decrease the surplus in external trade; however, it is not expected to have significant impact on economic growth that is strongly based on domestic demand. B. AUTOMOBILE MARKET EVOLUTION FORECAST FOR 2008 The current forecast of the ACAP for 2008 as regards the light passenger vehicle market is one of stagnation: 202,100 vehicles or +0.1% vs. 2007, given the still weak growth of economic activity, particularly private consumption. These prospects strengthen the notion that this market will see a downward stabilization. The same context, together with an increased tax rise through the Vehicle Tax in the more representative segment of the Light Commercial Vehicle market, has prompted the same Association to forecast a 3.4% drop in this market to 66,100 units sold. In all, sales of light vehicles would therefore decrease to 268,200 units, -0.8% vs 2007. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 38 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 C. GROUP ACTIVITY EVOLUTION FORECAST 1 - Automobile Distribution and Retail i. Automobile Distribution – SIVA Volkswagen - Light Passenger Vehicles The outlook for the Make in 2008 is based on three main factors: The best price positioning ever achieved in Portugal by the Golf range thanks to the introduction of the new TDI Bluemotion engines, has given this model – the benchmark in its segment – a new dynamism that can be extended to the already successful Golf Variant. This fact will enable a successful transition to the new Golf to be launched in the last quarter. Successive launches of the Passat CC and sporty Scirocco – which will be produced at Autoeuropa, like the Eos –, together with the Tiguan, will enable an even wider market coverage. Volkswagen - Commercial Vehicles In 2007, the Make expects to strengthen its sales in all product ranges, keeping the double-digit growth it has seen since 2003. The launch of the new Caddy MAXI is expected to contribute to the expected performance, and it will strengthen the product range in the relevant segment. The VW Transporter and VW Crafter ranges are expected to grow the same as in 2007. Other vectors that are considered to be strategic for 2008 will be the entry of new business partners in the distribution area – to optimize territorial coverage – and facilitation of the new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to ensure Client Loyalty and Client Capturing. Audi In terms of sales, the Make aims to strengthen the level of activity of the previous year, both in terms of sales volume and market share. 2008 will see the launch and presentation of the new o Audi A4 Sedan, o Audi A4 Avant e o A3 Cabrio. Škoda The Škoda make expects increased sales following the launch of the new Škoda Fabia Break (available as early as January), which completes the renovation of this model, which already featured the hatchback version (launched in May 2007). There will also be a launch of the low CO2 emission Fabia under the name “Green Line”. In the last quarter of the current year, the new Superb will be launched, a model which will certainly strengthen Škoda’s Brand Image, since it is the top of the range, with high quality standards combined with very attractive design and strong personality. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 39 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Luxury Brands (Bentley and Lamborghini) Expectations for 2008 are high bearing in mind the decision to open a sales place that is exclusively devoted to Lamborghini in the center of Lisbon, as well as a sales and post-sales facility for Bentley and Lamborghini in Oporto. The aim is to ensure full coverage to represented Makes, with exclusive and dedicated spaces, to ensure the most exclusive and complete response possible. The aim is to surpass the expectations of a demanding and sophisticated clientele. Spares and Accessories In spite of factors that will naturally influence the Spares and Accessories business - such as the reduction of the number of cars with less than 8 years of age, improved quality of parts (extended service intervals, reduction in the number of warranty claims) and increased competition - we expect an upward consolidation of the current sales levels in this business segment of the Company. ii. Automobile Retail – New Cars – SOAUTO New Cars Although the unfavorable economic environment in Portugal is expected to continue in 2008 and the automobile market is stabilized downwards, a slight increase is expected in the turnover of the Group’s Dealerships based on the ambitious business plan of the represented Makes. iii. Automobile Retail of Semi-new and Used Cars – Globalcar and Car&Go Integration of Car&Go in Globalcar’s business will enable a stronger optimization of the available resources, with the majority of vehicles sold being serviced in one of the existing units (Rio de Mouro, Odivelas and Leça). Also, the provision of services to external Clients is also planned, taking advantage of the expansion to Odivelas and Leça. Wit the aim to improve operational efficiency, at the beginning of 2008 a new Car Finishes unit will be inaugurated at the Rio de Mouro facilities, exclusively dedicated to the preparation of cars sold. Although using outsourced labor, the structure will enable a significant reduction in the reconditioning costs of cars sold to the End Client. 2 – Automobile Services i. Portugal/ LGA Experience accumulated by LGA in its core activities justifies the continuation of the current operational strategies, particularly as regards: Strengthening of the business acquisition and facilitation capacities to enable growth of the Repair business in the segment of External clients; Planning and optimization of the installed capacity; Analysis of new business opportunities; SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 40 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 ii. Brazil/ Unidas In 2008, the growth rates evidenced in 2007 and in previous years are expected to continue. • In Fleet Management (OVR), growth of the Brazilian economy and the subsequent increase in the companies’ business, together with a progressive recognition of the Fleet Outsourcing services as a way to affect financial resources to priority activities in a market where the penetration rate of this product is still very low, the outlook for the future is optimistic. • In Rent-a-Car, continuation of a favorable economic environment is a good sign for strong growth of travel (business and leisure) with direct impact on the demand for Rent-a-Car services. With that in mind, and to respond to the strong pace of growth of its business, the Company has made significant investments in its major resources, namely personnel, technology, processes and infrastructure enabling the Company to respond to the expected growth while maintaining its leadership position with its increased profitability levels. 3 – End of Life Vehicle Recycling (ELV) i. Ecometais To build on the large valuation potential involved in the ELV recycling business, Ecometais will have to face two major challenges in 2008: • Significant increase of the obtained raw materials, as a means to optimize production capacity; • Processing of light fragmentation residues (“fluffs”), with the aim to reduce one of the business’s most significant costs. As concerns the first challenge, at the end of 2007 a new Commercial / Purchase Area was created which comprises 1 Director and 3 Business Managers who will try to acquire on a nationwide scale the raw materials needed to optimize the installed production capacity. As for the second challenge, the aim is to research into and to develop, with support from the Group’s Innovation area, the best way to separate the “fluffs” into their main constituent groups: • Ferrous and non-ferrous metals (approximately 4% of the weight of “fluffs”), which, being sellable, will enable increased revenue for the company; • Inert materials (essentially “dirt”), which involve a “gate fee” in landfills that is much lower than the one for “fluff” as a whole in general; • Rubber and plastic which, when duly processed (granulated) can be used as fuel. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 41 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 4 – Partnerships / Strategic Stakes i. Renting a.1. Portugal/ SC Multirent The Portuguese Renting market is expected to maintain in 2008 its growth trend, possibly with slightly lower rates than previous years, since the adoption rate by private Clients and small and medium sized companies is becoming significant. However, penetration rates achieved by this product vis-à-vis new cars in other European markets seem to indicate that the growth potential is still there and offers positive prospects. SC Multirent is expected to continue to grow in a sustained manner, basing its business model in the proprietary skills it has developed throughout the years and which have enabled it to achieve a prominent position in the Portuguese Renting market, enhanced by synergies, namely at the operational and commercial level, resulting from the excellent complementarity that exists between both its Shareholders – Santander Consumer and SAG. a.2. Spain/ SC Iber-Rent In an uncertain economic environment, a decrease of approximately 3% in the total market of new light vehicles is expected in Spain. In spite of this, it is believed that the production of new Renting contracts could grow at the same rate as in 2007, i.e., at a rate of approximately 10%. As in 2007, growth in the Renting market in 2008 will essentially be based on the small and medium sized companies segment, as well as on the private Client segment. Therefore, Santander Consumer Iber-rent will maintain its production growth strategy, with special focus on the Indirect Channel, mainly in the areas outside Madrid and Barcelona. a.3. Polónia / SC Multirent Sp. z.o.o. Following the team building and computer system implementation stage, January 2008 will mark the beginning of the development of SC Multirent Sp. z.o.o.’s activity in Poland. As is the case in Portugal and in Spain, SC Multirent Sp.z.o.o. will sell its services through two distinctive distribution channels: • Indirect Channel: distribution through the vast dealer network with which Santander Consumer Bank has established contracts, therefore taking advantage of the commercial structure of this partner/shareholder that has a leadership position in the Polish car finance market; • Direct Channel: distribution via its own sales team comprising employees who have a vast know-how about the Polish Renting market. We believe that, within the short term, this new company that is the result of the strengthening of the partnership between SAG and Santander Consumer, will take a forefront position in a market with strong growth potential. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 42 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 ii. Remarketing / Manheim Portugal In 2008, synergies resulting from Manheim’s vast experience in this type of operations, on the one hand, and SAG’s know-how about the Portuguese used car market, on the other, will be the base for implementation of the growth strategy and business profitability of Manheim Portugal. VIII. FINAL NOTE In compliance with the legal and statutory provisions, the Board of Directors submits to the Shareholders’ approval the Annual Report and Accounts for financial year 2007, in the firm belief that, to the best of its knowledge, information contained in the same was prepared in compliance with the applicable accounting standards and gives an accurate and adequate image of the Company’s and its affiliates included in consolidation, assets and liabilities, financial situation and results, and that the Management Report accurately reflects the development of business, performance and position of the Company and the affiliates included in the consolidated accounts and contains a description of the main risks and uncertainties that confront them. Alfragide, 28 February 2008 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS João Manuel de Quevedo Pereira Coutinho Esmeralda da Silva Santos Dourado Carlos Alexandre Antão Valente Coutinho Fernando Jorge Cardoso Monteiro António Carlos Romeiras de Lemos Manuel Ferro da Silva Meneses Rui Eduardo Ferreira Rodrigues Pena José Maria Cabral Vozone Pedro Roque de Pinho de Almeida SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 43 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 44 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 45 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 2007 2006 YTD YTD Notes Revenue Sales Services Rendered Turnover 641.360.042 97.702.058 739.062.100 654.468.279 79.392.208 733.860.487 Cost of Goods Sold (565.488.478) (584.265.401) Gross Margin 173.573.622 149.595.086 34.336.164 (23.528.335) 184.381.452 26.063.694 (18.277.526) 157.381.254 (19.440.462) (24.103.876) (43.544.338) (20.154.808) (21.020.582) (41.175.390) 3 Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Contribution Margin 4 4 Variables Expenses Outside services &Supllies- Commercial Expenses Outside services &Supllies- Car Expenses Sub-Total - Variáble expenses Variáble Margins 140.837.113 Overheads Outside services &Supllies- Non-variable Expenses Payroll Expenses Sub-Total - Overheads 22 Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) Provisions Depreciation and Amortization Gains / (Losses) on Assets Sold 9, 11 4 Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) Interest Paid Interest Received Income from Associated Companies - Equity Method Profit Before Taxes (EBT) Corporate Income Tax (29.451.987) (44.979.113) (74.431.100) (24.745.052) (39.221.448) (63.966.500) 66.406.014 52.239.364 (5.182.292) (13.431.035) (177.858) 47.614.828 4 4 4, 5 5 Net Profit from Ordinary Activities 116.205.864 2.174.749 (7.877.409) 1.632.694 48.169.398 (100.323.481) 83.509.045 7.425.687 38.226.079 (67.213.448) 33.052.174 10.719.756 24.727.880 1.748.216 (602.492) 39.974.294 24.125.388 39.974.294 24.125.388 66.250 40.040.544 (20.101) 24.105.287 Básic 0,2359 0,1420 Diluted 0,2588 0,1539 Net Profit from Discontinued Activities Net Profit Attributable to : Minority Interests Earnings per share: 7 Charted Accountant The Board of Directors SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 46 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 47 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 48 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 49 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2007 1. GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE GROUP’S ACTIVITY The Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest as at 31 December 2007 have been approved and authorized for presentation by the Board of Directors. The accounts are consolidated in Portugal. SAG Group, of which SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais SGPS, SA (SAG GEST SA) is the parent company, comprises Companies operating in various business areas in Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Poland, namely in automobile distribution and retail trade of the Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Bentley and Lamborghini makes, sale of used multi-brand cars, preparation of new cars and bodywork repairs, Operational Vehicle Rental – medium to long term car rental products and services, maintenance contracts, rent-a-car services as well as insurance brokerage. SAG GEST SGPS SA is a holding Company with headquarters in Estrada de Alfragide, 67 – Alfragide, Amadora. 2. SUMMARY OF MAIN ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Bases for preparation The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of SAG GEST SGPS SA and its affiliates where it holds a majority interest or controls management. The Financial Statements of these Companies were integrated through the integral consolidation method with the exception of Santander Consumer Iber-Rent SL, Autolombos, Lda. and CRE SGPS, where the equity equivalence method was used. All amounts shown in the Notes herein are expressed in euros, unless stated otherwise. 2.2 Compliance statement The Consolidated Financial Statements were prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Any standards not disclosed are not applicable. 2.3 Bases for Consolidation The Consolidated Financial Statements, as well as the individual Financial Statements of Companies included in the consolidation perimeter of SAG GEST SGPS SA, are reported for the period ending 31.12.07, and were prepared using accounting policies that are consistent among them, except for Globalrent – Sociedade Portuguesa de Rent-a-car, Lda. and Unidas, S.A., whose specific activities differ from the other Companies’ included in the consolidation, whereby vehicles used by such Companies are recognized as basic equipment. Hence, the criterion and depreciation rates used in connection with assets used by said Companies are different from the rates used in depreciating assets by the remaining Companies included in the consolidation perimeter. Such depreciation criteria are, however, applied SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 50 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 uniformly to all Group Companies that perform similar activities, as is the case of the above Companies. Inter-company balances and significant inter-company transactions (with their corresponding income and expenses) performed between Companies included in the consolidation perimeter were eliminated in the consolidation process. Differences between the book value of financial investments and the acquisition values of the Companies consolidated through the integral consolidation method are recognized as follows: • Where the acquisition price is higher than the acquired company’s equity value, such difference is booked as Goodwill; • Where the acquisition price is lower than the acquired Company’s equity value, such differences affect Net Income in the financial year in which the acquisition takes place. Differences determined on the date of the Group’s first consolidation, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, were recognized against Consolidated Shareholders Equity, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Decree no. 410/91, dated 2 July 1991. The consolidation of Companies using the integral consolidation method originated the recognition of the following Goodwill amounts: • Goodwill assets, included as Intangible Assets (Note 11) arising from Companies acquired between 1999 and 2007: The Group applied IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, effective as of 1st January 2004. From that date, amortization of Goodwill generated by the acquisition of the aforementioned investments is no longer considered. The value of goodwill became subject to impairment tests on an annual basis. The amount shown in the adjusted Consolidated Balance Sheet is considered to be close to the respective market value. Auto Lombos Lda, CRE SGPS, Ecometais, SA and Manheim, Lda were included for the first time in the period ending 31 December 2007 in Grupo SAG's consolidation using the equity method. Under the terms of an agreement established on 22 December 2006, SAG alienated on 15 February 2007 its stake in Comepor - Companhia Portuguesa de Mediação de Seguros, S.A., which corresponded to 100% of the registered capital, on behalf of CRE SGPS, SA, a company where, following this transaction, SAG now holds a stake which corresponds to 20% of the relevant registered capital. Regarding Banco Santander Consumer Portugal SA, the Group sold 21,2% of the shares, remaining with 11,8%. The corresponding Goodwill was eliminated. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 51 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 • Creditors, reflected in Net Equity, and resulting from the first consolidation performed in 1998, and from the inclusion of new companies: The amount representing third party participations is included in the Consolidated Financial Statement under “Minority Interests”. Minority interests represent the interests of unrelated third parties in Subsidiaries Rolporto – Comércio e Indústria de Automóveis, S.A. Rolvia - Sociedade de Automóveis, SA and Inovision – Tecnologias de Informação, S.A.. 2.4 Main accounting policies Investments in affiliates The Group’s investments in Affiliates are recognized through the equity method. Therefore, the investments are recognized at their cost of acquisition, adjusted to any subsequent changes occurred to the stake held by the Group in those Companies’ assets. The corresponding Goodwill is recognized as Intangible Assets, and it is not depreciated, being subject to annual impairment tests. The results of the period reflect the recognition of the Group’s proportion of the operating results of such Affiliate Companies. Other Financial Assets Other financial assets are recognized at fair value. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 52 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Foreign Exchange Transactions The functional currency used in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG GEST SA and its Subsidiaries is the Euro, except for its Subsidiary Unidas, SA, whose functional currency is the Brazilian Real, and Affiliate Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z.o.o., whose functional currency is the Polish zloty. The Financial Statements of Unidas, SA are translated into Euros in accordance with the following criteria: • The Balance Sheet is converted to Euros using the exchange rate prevailing at yearend. • The Income Statement in Euros is the result of adding all monthly Income Statements after each one of them is converted to Euros using the exchange rate prevailing at the end of each month. Transactions in foreign currencies (outside the Euro zone) are converted into Euros using the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the transaction. Foreign currency denominated accounts receivable and payable are converted into Euros using the exchange rate prevailing on the Balance Sheet date. All exchange rate differences are recognized as income or expense for the period, except for the differences determined as a result of translating the Financial Statements of Unidas, SA, which are recorded against Consolidated Shareholders Equity. Land, Buildings and Equipment Buildings and Equipment are recognized at cost or at their re-valued amounts in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable regulations, the last of which was performed in 1998 in respect of assets existing as at 31 December 1997. Since 2001, the Group’s property is re-valued every two years based on technical valuations performed by independent experts. These valuations are used as the basis for the execution of the impairment tests required by the IFRS. Depreciation is calculated based on cost or re-valued amounts, using the straight-line method, except in the cases mentioned below, in order to fully depreciate the assets during their estimated useful life, as follows: % Buildings and other constructions 2,00 to 16,66 Machinery and equipment 10,00 to 31,25 Autos and trucks 14,28 to 25,00 Tools 10,00 to 25,00 Office equipment 10,00 to 33,33 Other tangible assets 10,00 to 33,33 In Unidas, SA, depreciation of vehicles included as basic equipment that are assigned, respectively, to Operating Vehicle Rentals and Corporate Fleet activities, is calculated in such a way as to reflect the estimated loss in value of the vehicle during the term of the relevant contract. At Globalrent and Unidas, SA, depreciation of vehicles included as basic equipment that are assigned, respectively, to Rent-a-Car and Daily operations, is booked so as to reflect the estimated loss in value of the car between its date of purchase and its expected sales date, using the straight-line method. Expenses incurred in connection with the repair and maintenance of equipment are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 53 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Impairment of Assets On each reporting date, the Group evaluates any signs of impairment that may affect the value of its assets. Whenever these occur, or whenever the IFRS require the performance of impairment tests, the Group makes an estimate of the recoverable value of the asset corresponding to the highest of the corresponding fair value, after deducting eventual sales costs or the asset’s usage value. In the event of an impairment situation, the value of the asset is reduced in order to reflect its recovery value. Financial costs Loans are recognized as liabilities at their nominal value, and their costs are recognized as expenses in the period to which they relate. Intangible Assets Intangible Assets are valued at cost. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis, using depreciation rates that allow full depreciation of these assets until the end of their useful life. This account includes the differences (“goodwill”) between book value of the Companies included in the consolidation perimeter either through the integral method or the equity method, as the case may be, and the respective equity value at the date of entry to the Group. Under the terms of IFRS 1 Appendix B (“First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards”), it was decided to neither apply calculations retroactively to determine the value of goodwill in accordance with IFRS 3 (“Business Combinations”), nor the retroactive calculation of IAS 21 (“The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”) with regard to acquisitions made before 1 January 2004. Inventories Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market value. Market value represents the normal sales price less sale costs. Cost is determined as follows: • New cars – acquisition cost plus any other additional purchase expenses; • Used cars – These inventories result from repurchase transactions and are valued using the cost of such repurchase transactions; • Spare parts and other saleable goods – Average cost of acquisition plus any other expenses incurred prior to the respective entry into stock. Debtors Receivables are recognized at invoice value after deducting any adjustments for bad and doubtful accounts. Adjustments for bad and doubtful accounts are recognized when there are doubts regarding the possibility to collect debt, when collecting is not probable or on the basis of their respective ageing. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 54 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Creditors Payables are booked at invoice value. Cash and cash equivalents The Cash and Banks amounts shown in the Consolidated Balance Sheet include values with a maturity of three months or less, and are net of bank overdrafts. Bank Debt Bank Debt is recognized at par. Expenses associated with bank loans are recognized as expenses in the periods they relate to. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Company has an obligation (of legal or constructive nature) based on past actions, that will probably involve a future financial payment in connection with such obligation, and that such payment can be measured reliably. Leasing Fixed assets acquired under financing contracts, or other contractual instruments that, in their substance, represent financial leases, are booked as financial leases, in accordance with the provisions set forth in IAS 17 (“Leases”) recognizing, on the one hand, tangible assets, deducted from the respective cumulative depreciation and, on the other, outstanding principal payments, in accordance with the applicable financial plan. Interest expenses included in contractual instalments and depreciation are recognized as expenses in the relevant period. Income Recognition Income is recognized as such to the extent that it is probable that the Company will obtain a future economic benefit and that the value of the latter value can be assessed reliably. In order for income to be recognized, the following criteria also have to be fulfilled: Sales of goods Income is recognized when the significant risks and benefits resulting from the ownership of the asset have been passed to the purchaser and the said income can be measured accurately. In the case of cars, income recognition coincides with the transfer of car ownership, which occurs, in most cases, simultaneously with the issuing of the corresponding sales invoice. In transactions where, simultaneously with the issuing of the sales invoice, the Selling Company or any other Company included in the consolidation perimeter, undertakes a repurchase commitment for the same vehicle, the principles specified in IAS 18 (“Revenue”) have been applied. Hence, neither income from revenues nor any other income or expenses relating to this kind of transaction have been recognized. Such income and expenses were recognized on a straight-line basis during the period in which these commitments are maintained, which generally corresponds to the period of time between the invoice date and the date on which the vehicle is repurchased. Services Income from services is recognized during the period in which they are actually provided, regardless of whether or not an invoice was issued. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 55 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Interest Interest income is accrued so that it is recognized in the corresponding period, regardless of whether or not the corresponding support document was generated. Dividends Dividend income is recognized when the Shareholder’s right to receive such dividends is established. Income tax The Companies included in the consolidation that comply with the provisions of section 63 of the Portuguese Income Tax Code elected to apply in 2007 the Portuguese regime for consolidation of Groups of Companies. Accordingly, Portuguese Income tax is the result of adding all individual income taxes due by each of the Companies included in consolidation. In accordance with current legislation, income tax returns can be subject to review and correction by the tax authorities for a four-year period (five to ten years for Social Security, as provided for in the transition regime). Hence, the tax returns of the Companies included in the consolidation in respect to the years 2003 to 2007, may still be subject to review, although Grupo SAG considers that any possible corrections resulting from tax reviews to such tax returns will not have any material impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2007. The Group adopted the recognition of deferred taxes, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in IAS 12 (“Income Taxes”), as a way of suitably allocating the tax effects of its operations and to exclude distortions associated with tax criteria that would affect the economic results of certain transactions. The movement recognized during the period, and the reconciliation between the Provision for Income Taxes for the period and current income tax, as well as the breakdown of deferred taxes are described in Note 5 below. Financial instruments (and derivative financial instruments) Certain Group Companies regularly use financial instruments or derivative financial instruments in the regular course of their operations, exclusively in order to minimize their exposure to risks related to the fluctuation of interest and exchange rates, and not for negotiation or speculation purposes. The most commonly used instruments for coverage of said risks are recognized as follows: Coverage of interest rate fluctuation risks Interest rate swaps and Forward Rate Agreements – The fair value of derivative financial instruments is recognized in Equity and subsequently recognized as Income for the period as the cash flows associated with these operations occur, by recognizing interest paid and/or received on a monthly basis during the period of the operation. Coverage of exchange rate fluctuation risks • Exchange rate options or exchange rate forwards regarding investments in foreign Affiliates – the fair value of such derivative financial instruments is recognized in the Balance Sheet as Equity, together with the adjustments resulting from the conversion into Euros of the Financial Statements of such foreign Affiliates. • Exchange rate forwards to cover exchange rate fluctuation risks associated to financing in foreign currency – the fair value of derivative financial instruments is recognized as Equity and subsequently recognized in the Income Statement on a monthly basis, SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 56 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 simultaneously with the monthly recognition of exchange rate variances associated with the corresponding liabilities. These procedures were adopted by the Group in accordance with the corresponding written policy approved by the Board of Directors, which came into effect on 1 January 2004. The de-recognition of financial instruments occurs when the Group no longer controls the contractual rights that govern such financial instruments, which occurs regularly when they are sold or when cash-flows from said instruments are transmitted to a third party. Calculation of the Fair Value of financial instruments (and derivative financial instruments) The principles and procedures defined in IAS 32 (“Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation”) and IAS 39 (“Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”) have been fully adopted. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 57 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 2.5 Companies included in Consolidation The Subsidiaries included in the Consolidated Financial Statements, as well as their main financial indicators are as follows: These Affiliates were consolidated using the integral method, with the exception of Santander Consumer Iber-Rent SL, Autolombos, Lda., CRE SGPS and Manheim, Lda. which were consolidated using the equity method. In 2007, Banco Santander Consumer Portugal and Comepor – Companhia Portuguesa de Mediação de Seguros, SA, were no longer part of the consolidation perimeter, and Rolvia – Sociedade de Automóveis, SA, Ecometais, SA and CRE SGPS, SA are now included in the consolidation perimeter. The entity Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z.o.o. is not included in consolidation as its activity during 2007 was meaningless. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 58 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 3. REPORTING BY BUSINESS SEGMENT The Group’s main reporting format is the report by business segments, the report by geographical area being the secondary format. The identified business areas are managed separately based on the nature of the products and services provided. Each segment represents a strategic business unit that offers different products and operates in distinct markets. The new car, used car and spare parts segment corresponds to distribution and retail sales of the Volkswagen, Skoda, Audi , Lamborghini and Bentley brands, sale of multi-brand used cars, as well as sale of spare parts and accessories for the respective brands. The car rental segment represents essentially the “fleet management”, “Corporate Fleet”, “renta-car” and “daily” services – medium to long-term car rental products and services, maintenance contracts, and short-term car rental services. Other operations involve namely the preparation and repair of vehicles. Transfer prices between business segments are determined on an arm’s length basis, and are equivalent to prices used in transactions performed with bona fide unrelated third parties. The Group’s geographic segments are reported in accordance with the physical location of the corresponding assets and operations. Business segments The following chart represents the results, assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2007 and their comparison with identical information as at 31 December 2006, with regard to the various business segments where the Group is involved: SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 59 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Geographical Segments The following chart represents the results, assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2007 and their comparison with identical information as at 31 December 2006, with regard to the geographical segments: Portugal 2007 Brazil 2006 2007 Total 2006 2007 2006 Revenue Sales/Services Revenue from cont.operation 655.220.163 655.220.163 671.312.874 671.312.874 83.841.936 83.841.936 62.547.613 62.547.613 739.062.099 739.062.099 733.860.487 733.860.487 Segments Assets 655.220.163 671.312.874 83.841.936 62.547.613 739.062.099 733.860.487 Other Segment Information Segments Assets Total Assets 440.534.927 440.534.927 474.905.960 474.905.960 403.469.131 403.469.131 301.806.050 301.806.050 844.004.058 844.004.058 776.712.010 776.712.010 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 60 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 4. OTHER OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES Other Income and Expenses are as follows: Other Operating Income and Expense 2007 2006 Other Income Manufacturer's Support Other Income Other Operating Income Mobility Expenses Legalization of Imported Vehicles Miscellaneous Income Total 10.853.780 7.809.602 10.798.717 2.400.595 2.237.588 235.882 34.336.164 11.270.978 5.265.559 4.982.146 2.317.885 2.225.252 1.873 26.063.694 Other Expenses Manufacturer's Guarantees Taxes Other Income Legalization of Imported Vehicles Donations Other Operating Expenses Mobility Expenses Fines and Penalties Miscellaneous Expenses Total 12.073.604 3.293.683 1.648.541 86.029 3.961.139 2.440.469 5.059 19.811 23.528.335 9.002.476 2.230.014 1.677.765 189.751 2.751.585 2.412.532 12.292 1.111 18.277.526 2007 2006 Financial Income Favourable Exchange Differences Interest Received Income From Subsidiaries and Associates Miscellaneous Financial Income Cash Discount Received Buildings Income Total 45.648.940 9.345.004 27.866.424 620.559 28.118 0 83.509.045 20.677.276 10.716.703 1.002.142 632.093 13.555 10.405 33.052.174 Financial Expenses Interest Paid Unfavourable Exchange Diffrences Depreciation Miscellaneous Financial Expenses Bank Changes Losses From Subsidiaries and Associates Cash discount Allowed Total 37.159.468 55.010.752 135.113 4.500.993 3.354.890 0 162.267 100.323.481 32.717.691 27.159.773 139.396 4.208.861 2.809.464 128.135 50.127 67.213.448 Financial Expenses and Income Gains and Losses on Sales of Fixed Assets Gains on Sales of Fixed Assets Losses on Sales of Fixed Assets Total Gains & Losses from Associates Income from Associates Expenses from Associates Total 2007 2006 63.767 241.625 (177.858) 2007 7.461.529 35.842 7.425.687 1.646.313 13.619 1.632.694 2006 10.719.756 0 10.719.756 Income from Subsidiaries and Associates reflects from one side the result of the effective sale of the 28,2% stake held in Banco Santander Consumer Portugal in October 9th, 2007, in which resulted a capital gain of Eur 19.614.747. Additionally, This item also reflects an amount of Eur SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 61 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 8.251.677, as the result of the “fair Value” applied to the remaining stake, that has been sold in January 4th, 2008. Since at December 31, 2007 existed the commitment of an irreversible obligation to sell the stake effectively sold in January 4, the company, under IAS 39, applied the option ”fair value through profit or loss” by the agreed amount to this item, in order to present the relevant financial information at December 31, 2007, by eliminating the “accounting mismatch”, that in the absence of this revaluation, would be reflected in the accounts. 5. INCOME TAX The estimate for Income Tax recorded in the Consolidated Financial Statement accumulated until 31 December 2007 is as follows: The other non deductible items includes adjustments from Brazilian accounting principles to IFRS. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 62 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Deferred Tax accounts balances registered the following movements in the period ending on 31 December 2007: Profit and losses from hedging operations are recognized in Equity at their value, net of taxes. Taxes resulting from these operations, totalling € 465,602.62, have been registered as Deferred Tax Assets. 7. EARNINGS PER SHARE As at 31 December 2007, Grupo SAG had 10 378 415 treasury stocks. In addition, there are 4,687,500 treasury stocks that SAG could be obliged to buy under a swap agreement established with a financial institution. The nominal value of SAG stock is € 1 each. Earning Per Share 2007 Net Profit After Tax - Before Discontinued Operations Net Profit After Tax After Minority Interests 2006 40.040.544 40.040.544 24.105.287 24.105.287 Number of Outstanding Shares Number of Shares in Treasury Stock Weigthed Average Number of Shares Outstanding (Basic) Earnings per Shares (Before Dilution) 169.764.398 (15.065.915) 154.698.483 0,23586 169.764.398 (13.165.915) 156.598.483 0,14199 Stock Options Weigthed Average Number of Shares Outstanding (Diluted) Earnings per Shares (Diluted) 154.698.483 0,25883 156.598.483 0,15393 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 63 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 9. LAND, BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT Tangible Fixed Assets are detailed as follows: Land and Buildings include € 7,316,338 and € 22,129,012, respectively, in respect of assets recognized through a sale and leaseback agreement. The Group considers that, as at 31 December 2007, there were no impairments signs that may affect the value of its Tangible Assets. 11. INTANGIBLE ASSETS IAS 38 (“Intangible Assets”) defines an intangible asset as a non-currency, identifiable asset without physical substance, for use in production or supply of goods or services, leasing to others, or for administrative purposes. An asset is a resource that is: • controlled by the Company as a result of past events; • expected to produce future economic benefits for the Company. Hence, and as an adjustment following the Group’s first adoption of IFRS/IAS, SAG cancelled start-up expenses and research expenses from its Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2003. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 64 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 2007 Software Opening Balance- 1 January 2007 (Net Fixed Assets) Increases Retirements-At Cost Retirements of Depreciation Transfers Attributable to Discontinued Operations Impairment Depreciation Charged Against Profit & Loss Closing Balance - 31 December 2007 (Net Fixed Assets) Research & Development Expenses Start-Up Expenses Key Money on Transfer of Goodwill (Note Leaseholds 2.3) Patents & Trademarks TOTAL 139.552 3.427.078 (865.748) 2.700.883 - - 174.579 (225) 174.354 1.684.736 399.000 2.083.736 114.142.267 6.325.151 (51.627.110) 68.840.308 116.141.134 10.151.229 (51.627.110) (865.973) 73.799.281 As at 1 Januarys 2007 At Cost Accumulated Depreciation Fixed Assets - Net 3.982.076 (3.842.524) 139.552 32.337 (32.337) - 406.645 (406.645) - 174.579 174.579 1.684.736 1.684.736 114.142.267 114.142.267 120.422.640 (4.281.506) 116.141.134 As at 31 December 2007 At Cost Accumulated Depreciation Fixed Assets - Net 7.409.154 (4.708.271) 2.700.883 32.337 (32.337) - 406.645 (406.645) - 174.579 (225) 174.354 2.083.736 2.083.736 68.840.308 68.840.308 78.946.759 (5.147.478) 73.799.281 Tangible Fixed Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2007 2006 Software Opening Balance- 1 January 2007 (Net Fixed Assets) Increases Retirements-At Cost Retirements of Depreciation Transfers Attributable to Discontinued Operations Impairment Depreciation Charged Against Profit & Loss Saldo Final a 31 de Dezembro 2006 (Imobilizado Líquido) Research & Development Expenses Start-Up Expenses Patents & Trademarks Key Money on Transfer of Goodwill (Note Leaseholds 2.3) TOTAL 730.127 646.228 (1.085.206) 176.816 (328.413) 139.552 - - 174.579 174.579 42.398 1.642.338 1.684.736 99.693.596 14.458.671 (10.000) 114.142.267 100.640.700 16.747.237 (1.095.206) 176.816 (328.413) 116.141.134 As at 1 Januarys 2006 At Cost Accumulated Depreciation Fixed Assets - Net 4.421.054 (3.690.927) 730.127 (32.337) 32.337 - 406.645 (406.645) - 174.579 174.579 42.398 42.398 99.693.596 99.693.596 100.640.700 (4.065.234) 96.575.466 As at 31 December 2006 At Cost Accumulated Depreciation Fixed Assets - Net 3.982.076 (3.842.524) 139.552 (32.337) 32.337 - 406.645 (406.645) - 174.579 174.579 1.684.736 1.684.736 114.142.267 114.142.267 120.357.965 (4.216.831) 116.141.134 Tangible Fixed Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2006 The Group considers that, as at 31 December 2007, there are no impairment signs regarding the value of the registered goodwill. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 65 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 12. INVESTMENT IN AFFILIATES Investments in Affiliates are detailed as follows: 14. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS Other financial assets refer to other securities and treasury operations. 15. INVENTORIES Inventories are represented as follows: New Vehicles Used Vehicles At Cost Retirements - At Cost Reserve for Obsolete &Slow Moving Items Total At Cost Retirements - At Cost Reserve for Obsolete &Slow Moving Items Total 84.764.544 0 (160.577) 84.603.967 2007 Spare Parts & Accessories 25.148.040 (830) (1.182.438) 23.964.771 15.179.112 (12.927) (1.089.482) 14.076.702 New Vehicles Used Vehicles 2006 Spare Parts & Accessories 75.386.812 0 (183.853) 75.202.959 5.967.055 0 (644.651) 5.322.405 15.682.898 (16.853) (636.469) 15.029.576 Work in Process 87.262 0 0 87.262 Work in Process 123.446 0 0 123.446 Other 1.825.320 0 0 1.825.320 Other 431.404 0 0 431.404 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Total 127.004.277 (13.757) (2.432.497) 124.558.022 Total 97.591.615 (16.853) (1.464.972) 96.109.789 66 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 16. DEBTORS Accounts receivable are detailed as follows: SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 67 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 17. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and Cash Equivalents are detailed as follows: Bank Deposits Cash 2007 2006 14.830.838 929.346 15.760.183 48.684.005 330.365 49.014.369 Reconciliation of Cash & Marketables Securities Balance per Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Bank Deposits Bank Overdrafts Cash 14.830.838 (13.289.832) 929.346 2.470.352 48.684.005 (24.201.526) 330.365 24.812.843 The amounts included in Cash and Cash Equivalents are determined in order to only include amounts that can be realized within no more than three months from the Balance Sheet date, and include creditor balances of bank accounts on the same date. As at 31 December 2007, Group Companies had a total of € 103,712,137 in bank facilities available for use in order to fulfil operating requirements. 18. ISSUANCE OF CAPITAL AND RESERVES As at 31 December 2007, Registered Share Capital was represented by 169,764,398 ordinary shares with a par value of € 1 each, and was fully paid up. Treasury stock is owned by the Group’s Parent Company that, as at 31 December 2007, held 10,373,315 shares, and by affiliate Rolporto S.A. which, on the same date, held 5,100 shares of SAG SGPS. An additional 4,687,500 shares could have to be purchased by SAG Gest at a unit price of € 1.71, pursuant to a commitment made under a swap agreement established with a Financial Institution. The impact of this transaction was recognized according to IAS 39 (“Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”) in the Consolidated Equity. Capital 2007 2006 Autorized Ordinary Shares at EUR 1 Convertable Warrant Warrant were exercised Capital Issued 169.764.398 0 0 0 169.764.398 150.000.000 19.773.871 (19.773.871) 19.764.398 169.764.398 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 68 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 The amount of EUR 8,943,032 recognized as Cumulative Translation Adjustments corresponds to the positive variance that occurred in 2007 in the conversion to Euros of the investment and results of the Unidas, SA subsidiary for consolidation purposes. The amount of € 9,199,307 in connection with hedging losses is the result of gains and losses incurred in exchange rate risk coverage derivative financial instruments in respect of the Group’s investment in the same Subsidiary. The recognition at fair value, in accordance with IAS 39 (“Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”), of derivative financial instruments purchased to provide coverage in respect of interest rate fluctuation risks (considered as Cash Flow Hedging Instruments) produced a decrease in Other Reserves of EUR 215,129. These instruments were engaged in accordance with the Exchange Rate Risk Coverage Policy approved by the Board of Directors, as specified in Note 23. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 69 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 19. BANK DEBT Bank Debt is detailed as follows: SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 70 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 20. PROVISIONS FOR OTHER RISKS AND CHARGES Provisions refer to specific risks that are reassessed each year. 2007 Legal Proceeding Miscellaneous Risks Other Provisions Total Balance as at 1 January 2007 Increases Reductions Balance as at 31 de December 2007 7.803 629.453 0 637.257 0 2.792.692 0 2.792.692 6.216.790 4.737.897 (6.526.398) 4.428.289 6.224.593 8.160.042 (6.526.398) 7.858.238 Non Current 2007 Total 637.257 637.257 2.792.692 2.792.692 4.428.289 4.428.289 7.858.238 7.858.238 2006 Legal Proceeding Miscellaneous Risks Other Provisions Balance as at 1 January 2006 Increases Reductions Balance as at 31 de December 2006 0 7.803 0 7.803 0 0 Non Current 2006 Total 7.803 7.803 Total 0 9.417.624 2.102.212 (5.303.046) 6.216.790 9.417.624 2.110.015 (5.303.046) 6.224.593 0 0 6.216.790 6.216.790 6.224.593 6.224.593 Contingencies associated with these provisions refer mainly to operating risks related with the possibility of the Group's generating losses as a result of: • court proceedings, including of tax nature; • unjustified appropriation of assets; • loss in the value of vehicles. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 71 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 21. CREDITORS Accounts Payable detailed as follows: SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 72 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 22. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES In addition to the balances between, and the transactions performed with Companies included in Consolidation, as mentioned in Note 2 herein, which were eliminated during the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statement, there are other balances and transactions performed with related parties, namely: Entity SGC S.A. – S.G.P.S., Nature of Transaction Amount of transactions conducted during period interest 1.058.059 Payroll costs are detailed as follows: 2007 Corporate Bodies 2006 2.626.178 2.345.756 25.962.152 26.365.665 Bonuses and Variable Remuneration 6.228.243 1.499.457 Social Security Contributions 8.140.352 6.153.835 Other Headcount Costs 2.022.188 2.856.735 44.979.113 39.221.448 Employees Total 23. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS In the course of their regular activities, SAG Group Companies are exposed to interest and exchange rate variations that are monitored dynamically in order to guarantee the fulfilment of policies established to manage such financial risks. The ALCO (“Assets and Liabilities Committee”) is in charge of defining Grupo SAG's financial risk management policies, and it is also responsible for monitoring and assessing the implementation of recommended coverage strategies on a regular basis. In order to implement the risk coverage strategies, Derivative Financial Instruments are negotiated from time to time in order to freeze interest or exchange rates or, alternatively, to limit the fluctuation range of such variables. The products that are normally used in these hedging operations are as follows: • Interest rate fluctuation risk coverage – “Interest Rate Swaps” (IRS) and “Forward Rate Agreements” (FRA); • Exchange rate fluctuation risk coverage – “Forwards” and exchange rate options. Relating to exposure to exchange or interest rate fluctuation risks, Group SAG suitably documents, in accordance with IAS 39 (“Financial Instruments”: Recognition and Measurement”), the following: • the existing relation between the hedged item and the hedging instrument. • the objectives to be achieved with the coverage; • the method used to assess the efficiency of the hedge; and • the accounting method used. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 73 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 To assess the effectiveness of the hedge, efficiency tests are performed, in with paragraph AG 105 of IAS 39. These tests demonstrate the effectiveness of the hedges within the established limits, and consist in the comparison of past changes in the cash flows of the hedged items that are attributable to the hedged risks with past changes in cash flows of the hedging instruments. These changes are stated in the following paragraphs. The Group currently has two types of positions that generate exposure to interest and exchange rate fluctuations risks, for which policies have been defined. 1. Investment in Foreign Currency During each reporting period, the Financial Statements of Unidas, SA, a Brazilian Grupo SAG Company whose functional currency is the Brazilian Real, are converted using the exchange rate as at the date of the Financial Statements, in accordance with Note 2 – Summary of Main Accounting Policies (Transactions in Foreign Currency). Market exchange rate fluctuations and the consequent use of different exchange rates in each reporting period generate exchange differences that are exclusively registered in Equity (Cumulative Translation Adjustments), without any impact in the Profit and Loss Account. Because there is no liquid market actively performing transactions between the Real and the Euro, SAG analyses and manages the exchange risk generated by this Investment in two different ways. SAG considers that its total foreign exchange exposure resulting from Investment in Foreign Currency comprises two different, unrelated risks: • risk of variation between the Real and US Dollar; and • risk of variation between US Dollar and Euro. Therefore, different financial instruments are usually engaged to cover the risks inherent to each one. The results obtained with such coverage are recognized exclusively in Equity without any impact in the Profit and Loss Account. On the other hand, in accordance with the defined policies, the transaction costs associated to the coverage instruments may imply that, at certain times, certain exposures are not covered or are only partially covered. As at 31 December 2007, the Group only had active coverage for the USD /EUR currency exposure situation: This coverage was achieved through an exchange forward in the amount of USD 227 million. As at 31 December 2007, this operation had an unfavourable market value for SAG totalling EUR 30,808.46. Operations conducted in 2007 for BRL /USD exchange rate coverage recorded an unfavourable result totalling € 23,976,965.40, while operations engaged for USD / EUR exchange rate risk coverage saw a total (positive) result of € 11,460,271.02. On the other hand, as a result of exchange rate variations occurred in that same period, the value of the said Group’s investment showed a total exchange rate valuation of € 8,938,882.84 in the translation of Reals into Euros broken down as follows: 2. • € 20,517,133.13 gain as a result of the valuation of the Real vs. the USD; • € 11,578,250.29 loss as a result of the devaluation of the USD vs. the Euro; Variable Interest Rate Liabilities Financial instruments were engaged to cover the risk of interest rate fluctuations in connection with certain financing liabilities of SAG Group bearing a variable interest rate and which are not connected to Assets whose value is directly related to changes in interest rates. The decision to obtain this type of coverage is taken on a case-by-case basis and depends on the expected evolution of market interest rates. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 74 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 In 2007, certain coverage instruments were in force using Interest Rate Swaps (IRS), through which Grupo SAG aimed to cover the portion of interest whose value depends on the 6-month Euribor applied to bond issues. These coverage instruments are considered as Cash Flow Hedges and the fair value of the corresponding derivative financial instruments affects Grupo SAG's Equity. This amount is progressively transferred to the Income Statement, as and when the corresponding interest is recognized in Financial Results. Operations subject to coverage, all of which are subject to re-pricing every six months, were as follows: The coverage financial instruments involving these liabilities and that were in force during the reporting period and are also subject to re-pricing every six months were the following: The Equity is positively affected by the fair value of the above mentioned hedging instruments, totalling Eur 1,756,991.01 at December 31. The 2007 Financial Result includes the appropriation of the changes in fair value of the financial instruments that occurred during 2007, for a positive amount of Eur 1,060,406.50. This amount reflects the appropriation of the changes in fair value of the financial instruments corresponding to the portion of the hedged interest expense recognised in the Profit & Loss Account during 2007. 24. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Guarantees As at 31 December 2007, several bank guarantees had been issued on behalf of Group Companies by banking institutions in the amount of approximately € 46,315,562. Group Companies’ liability for issued bank guarantees totals € 124,215,372. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 75 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Contingencies Portuguese Tax Authorities issued additional Income Tax assessment notes to SAG Gest and other Companies within the consolidation perimeter, with regard to Income Tax owed for the years 2003 to 2002, totalling € 6,056,140.84. The said Companies disagree with the basis for the issuance of such additional assessments and have initiated, within the applicable legal deadlines, legal proceedings in respect of each of the said assessments. Therefore these costs have not been reflected in the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2007. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, based on recommendations issued by renowned independent entities, the probabilities of success of the contest proceedings are high. 25. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Apart from the subsequent event referred in note 4, no other events have taken place after the Balance Sheet date that could have a material impact on the financial statements. Alfragide, 28 of February 2008 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 76 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 STATUTORY AND AUDITOR’S REPORT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 77 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 REPORT AND STATEMENT OF THE AUDIT BOARD CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2007 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 78 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 Report and Statement of the Audit Board on the consolidated accounts reports In accordance with the law, the memorandum of association and the mandate assigned to us, we present our report on the auditing activity conducted, as well as our opinion about the management report and consolidated financial statements presented by the Board of Directors of SAG GEST - Soluções Automóveis Globais, SGPS, SA, a listed company, concerning the financial year ended on 31 December 2007. 1. Report 1.1 We regularly monitored the Company’s activity throughout the year to the extent that we deemed adequate. We had contacts with the Board and other responsible staff of the Company, who were always available to provide all the required explanations about the Company and its Affiliates. 1.2 All checks that were considered due and adequate were conducted, and no situation was brought to our knowledge that could be in breach of the applicable by-laws and legal precepts. 1.3 We reviewed the Legal Certification of the Consolidated Accounts and the Audit Report prepared by Ernst & Young Audit & Associados, SROC, SA, which have our approval, and we have taken note of the relevant Annual Audit Report issued by that Auditing Company about the auditing that was conducted. 1.4 The consolidated accounts, including the balance sheet, financial statements, the relevant Annex and other statements provide a good understanding of the financial situation and results of the group of companies. 1.5 The adopted accounting policies and valuation criteria are adequate and comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 1.6 The management report is sufficiently clear about the development of the businesses and situation of the companies included in the consolidation, in each of the markets where they operate, and it provides evidence about the most significant aspects of the relevant activity and prospects as regards the evolution in the present environment. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 79 Consolidated Annual Report 2007 2. Opinion In view of the above, and considering the information received from the Board of Directors and the conclusions contained in the Legal Certification of Accounts and Audit Report, our opinion is that the management report, the balance sheet and the consolidated financial statements for the 2007 financial year are in a position to be approved Alfragide, 12 March 2008 The Audit Board João José Martins da Fonseca George (Chairman) Duarte Manuel Palma Leal Garcia (Voting Member) Martinho Lobo de Almeida Melo de Castro (Voting Member) SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Sociedade Aberta C.R.C. Amadora nº 503219886 – Capital Social: EUR 169.764.398 – Contribuinte Nº 503 219 886 Sede: Estrada de Alfragide, nº. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora 80
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