The Good News -
The Good News -
The Good News LYONSVILLE CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST "A Home for The Spiritual Journey" Rev. Robert von Trebra, Pastor Gary Boxell, Editor July & August 2013 From The Pastor’s Keyboard Churches are not permanent institutions, but living things -- each with its own life cycle. When Jill and I visited Italy a few years ago, I remember visiting a beautiful old church building that housed an active congregation more than 10 centuries ago, but is now empty. As we celebrate our 170th anniversary, we remember that some of the members of our congregation, and some recent visitors, were once part of churches that have closed. Inside this issue: Worship Opportunities 2 Birthdays & Anniversaries 3 Remember in Your 3 Prayers Mark Your Calendars 4, 5 Congratulations 5 General News 6 Sympathies & Prayers 6 Join Us 7 Thank You Notes 7 We were recently visited by a newspaper reporter doing a story about our 170th anniversary. He asked me whether I thought we would last another 170 years. I said there were some encouraging signs, but as with any one of us as individuals, we never know. It is important to remember that the value of any church is not measured by its size, or its age, but by the lives it changes, and its faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As with all living things, as some churches close, others are born – and we can celebrate those new congregations and support them as they grow. In the 19th century, Lyonsville Church helped start several new congregations in the area. We often remember and celebrate our “daughter” and “granddaughter” churches that are still active. We don’t always remember that we helped start two other churches that didn’t remain active for very long. As in Jesus’ parable of the sower, some seeds grow and produce much fruit; others don’t (Matthew 13:1-9). One way we support new churches today is through the annual special offering to “Strengthen the Church.” We will receive this offering on July 21 this year – a day when we will remember in our worship service our history of helping start new churches. May we continue to scatter new seeds, and promote new life as we spread the good news of the gospel! Pastor Bob von Trebra Mission Board News 8, 9 Page 2 Worship Opportunities During July & August July 7: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Communion Sunday A service of lectio divina Scripture: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 July 14: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reception of new members Scripture: Deuteronomy 23:15-16; Acts 5:27-29 Message: Underground Railroad July 21: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The annual special offering to Strengthen the Church will be received Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 Message: Planting New Churches July 28: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Communion Sunday A service of lectio divina Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46 August 4: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Guest Minister will be Rev. Jonathan Knight, Associate Conference Minister serving the Fox Valley Association of the Illinois Conference UCC. (Pastor Bob will be on vacation) Scripture: t.b.a. Message: t.b.a. August 11: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:10-17; Matthew 7:24-27 Message: A Foundation for Hospitality August 18: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-20 Message: Temperance August 25: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-4; Matthew 5:1-12 Message: Making Peace September 1: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time A service of lectio divina Scripture: Luke 14:1, 7-14 The Good News The Good News Page 3 Happy Birthday Sanna Bashor Nick Guglielmi Michael Baker Marion Randolph Peter Schuch Adeline Brocken Beth Doria Bruce Cady Lacelyn Salvatori Michael Belletete Robert Hegner Rosemary Klitchman Cody Helms Lois Soehrman Chris Weaver Steven Brocken Crystal Loehman 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/6 7/7 7/8 Dawn Snell Penny Taylor Bob Randolph Melissa Hendricks Charlotte Mikat-Stevens Ben Adams Bob von Trebra 8/1 8/1 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/9 8/10 8/10 8/11 8/13 7/11 7/11 7/14 7/18 7/24 7/26 7/31 Colleen Kedzierski Brad Snyder Byron Loehman Lauren Moose Cindy Schurig Emelia Servello Ian Hegner Marianna Mikat-Stevens Jack Godar 8/15 8/22 8/23 8/26 8/27 8/29 8/30 8/30 8/31 Happy Anniversary Carrie & Michael Molloy Ruth & Otto Chvosta Laura & Bruce Cady Bob & Jill von Trebra 7/3 7/5 7/12 Debra & Don Pondelick Lauren & Thomas McSweeney Bob & Sherry Mueller 8/13 Please contact the church office if any information is missing or incorrect. Remember in Your Prayers Bob Bales Otto Chvosta Ruth Chvosta Gladys Clendenin Celeste Gundlach Chuck Helms Mike Kelly Erich Mees Hazel Mulcahy Jeanne Pierson Dee Wallace 7/22 7/29 7/31 The Good News Page 4 Mark Your Calendars TILE GAME NIGHT: We will meet on Friday, July 12, 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you missed us at our last “Tile Game Club”, we hope you will join us this month for a night of playing Scrabble and/or Rummikub. If you don’t know how to play, we can easily teach you. Bring your own snacks. Refreshments will be provided. For more information see Laurie Tsukuno. LYONSVILLE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Our next meeting will be at 11:30a.m. on Sunday, July 14, 2013. A light lunch will be served. The book selection is Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Sarah’s Key follows the story of Julia Jarmond, an American journalist living in France, who is assigned to complete an article on the Vel’d’Hiv’ roundup in France as well as the story of Sarah, a young girl, who experienced the roundup first hand. The novel explores France’s role in World War II and shines light on an otherwise scarcely remembered tragedy of the Holocaust. While most novels about the Holocaust delve into its horrors, Sarah’s Key delves into the effects of the Holocaust that are still felt decades later by the French. This is a very moving story that alternates between Julia’s and Sarah’s point of view. This book should be available at your library, via Kindle, or in paperback. If there is interest, we plan to couple this book experience with a field trip to the Holocaust museum in Skokie later in the summer. If you have any questions, please contact Nayna Byers, who will be the discussion leader for this selection. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PINK FIRE TRUCK? Have you ever seen a firefighter in PINK bunker gear? The Bedford Park Fire Department will host the Pink Fire Trucks at their fire station # 1 at 6820 Archer Ave. in Bedford Park on Thursday, August 8, 2013 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. These trucks and oddly dressed firefighters are touring the United States to bring attention to Women's Cancer Research. Any woman who is a cancer survivor can sign the pink truck. For more information, talk to Chuck or Judy Holloway at church, or by phone (708) 594-7821 or Email [email protected]. The Holloway’s son, Jack, is coordinating this event. The Bedford Park Fire Department is selling shirts, raffle tickets, etc. to make money for cancer research for women. GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY: We’ll be taking trips to the Greater Chicago Food Depository July 27, August 24 and September 28. Please note that the September trip will be from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. See page 8 for details. The Good News Page 5 Mark Your Calendars (continued) ORDINATION SERVICE FOR MERLYN LAWRENCE will be held at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Glen Ellyn on Sunday, August 11, 3:00 p.m. The Glen Ellyn church is located at 535 Forest Ave., Glen Ellyn 60137. Their telephone number is (630) 4693096. FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN: We have reserved several spots for the 9:30 -11:30 a.m. session at FMSC in Aurora on Monday, August 12th. We will have a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall after worship beginning August 20th. If you would like to attend, please let a member of the Mission Board know or watch for the sign up sheet. Thank you. LEADERSHIP COUNCIL will meet on August 20 at 7:15 p.m. LABYRINTH WALK Saturday, August 24, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Experience a peaceful walk through our candle-lit labyrinth. Come anytime between 4:00 Join Us and 5:30 p.m. – it takes about 30 minutes to walk the labyrinth. Instruction in how to do a labyrinth walk is provided to newcomers. GATHERING DAY (Rally Day) will be Sunday, September 8. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Joe Fiandaca, who graduated from Carroll High school in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Trinity Byers and Chloe Cihak, who graduated from 8th grade in June. Rev. Bill Ressl, who successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in May. He will graduate with a Ph. D. degree from Chicago Theological Seminary in Spring, 2014. Former Ministry Intern Merlyn Lawrence, who was approved for ordination in an Ecclesiastical Council on June 2. She will be ordained on Sunday, August 11, 3:00 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Glen Ellyn. Page 6 The Good News News from The Pews LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! UPDATED CHURCH DIRECTORIES are available in both the church office and in the back of the sanctuary. SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THE E-Newsletter of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ by visiting their website at IN CASE OF PASTORAL EMERGENCY Pastor Bob von Trebra has a cell phone. If it is important to reach the pastor immediately, you can call him at home: (708) 246-6429 or on his cell phone: (708) 420-1255. For other matters, you can leave a message on the pastor's voice mail by calling the church: (708) 246-1255. Bob tries to pick up his voice mail messages about twice each day. His usual day off is Monday. PASTOR BOB WILL BE ON VACATION August 1-10. If you have pastoral care needs during this time, please contact the office and leave a message if the office is closed. Someone will return your call. LAY READERS AND COMMUNION SERVERS NEEDED. The Worship and Spiritual Growth Ministry Board is asking for volunteers to offer their services as either a Lay Reader or Communion Server. If you can help, contact Wilma Mrazek (708-783-1303). OUR SYMPATHIES AND PRAYERS TO: The family and friends of Ryan Pondelick, who passed away on June 1. A memorial service for Ryan was held at Lyonsville Church on June 22. The family and friends of Rev. Russell Fate, who passed away in May. Rev. Fate served as Pastor of Lyonsville Church 1950-51. A memorial service was held for him on June 22 at the Congregational UCC in Iowa City, IA. The Good News Page 7 Join Us MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP meets on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Willow Hills Restaurant, next to Walgreens at Joliet Rd. and Willow Springs Rd. in Indian Head Park. All men are welcome to join us for this chance to eat and talk! For more information contact Ben Adams at (708) 246-2254. WOMEN’S BABY BOOMER BUNCH (WBBB) will meet for breakfast at JC George's Restaurant on LaGrange Road in the Countryside Plaza at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 3rd. Their Saturday, July 6th meeting has been cancelled. All boomers and their friends are invited. Contact Judy Birmingham for more information. NOTE THAT THE TIME AND PLACE HAVE CHANGED. 7-8-9 LUNCH GROUP will meet July 7th at Carrabba’s Italian Grill in Woodridge (1001 W. 75th St.). They will also meet August 4th at Chili’s in Downers Grove (1330A W. 75th St.). THANK YOU Thank you to the Indian Head Park Women’s Club for their donation to the Good Samaritan Fund in support of our food pantry. Thank you to Karla Monti for her work on the planters by the front entrance. Thank you to everyone who helped with the pet parade and the pet blessing. Page 8 The Good News News From Your Mission Board LYONSVILLE CHURCH FOOD PANTRY Come and help out at our own food pantry for just one hour. We have a new time for our food pantry; it is on Sundays from 11:30am to 12:30pm. We would like to have two people there to help assist our guests/visitors during this time. You just need to help restock any food dropped off, check expiration dates, and help bag food. Please contact Karen Oberg or anyone on the Mission Ministry Board for July and August dates. Over the last several years, our Food Pantry has become very active (serving 7-8 families a week). In order to keep the pantry open, we need members of the congregation to step forward and volunteer. The last several weeks have been covered mainly by members of the Missions Committee; however, this is a Mission for all members of Lyonsville - to feed the hungry. You will not be asked to serve alone. We currently have no one signed up to work in the pantry during the months of July or August. If you are able to give one hour to help, please let any member of the Missions Committee know. We have a sign up sheet out during coffee hour or you can send an email to Judy Birmingham ([email protected]). Thank you. GOOD SAMARITAN FUND On Communion Sundays, donations are invited to the Good Samaritan Fund, which is used to provide assistance locally to persons in need. You may use the white offering envelopes in the pews, and indicate that the gift is for the Good Samaritan Fund. Thank you for your GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY To all church members, family, and friends, please come join us to help volunteer at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) on Saturday, July 27, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Also on Saturday, August 24, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We will meet at church to carpool between 8:15 and 8:30. Another trip is planned for Saturday, September 28, from 1:30pm to 4:30.The GCFD, Chicago’s food bank, is a non-profit food distribution and training center providing food for hungry people. The Food Depository distributes donated and purchased food through a network of 650 pantries, soup kitchens and shelters to 678,000 adults and children in Cook County every year. They rely heavily on their volunteers to help repack bulk products, assemble boxes with assorted food, check expiration dates, glean produce, etc. Participants must be at least 13 years old. For more information go to or see/call Laurie Tsukuno (630-969-5965) or Judy Birmingham (630-325-3208) to sign up. The Good News Page 9 SCHOOL KITS In August, the Mission Ministry will be collecting and assembling school kits/bags for children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings to give them some of the basic tools for learning. These kits will contain the following: One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip). Three 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages. No loose leaf or filler paper. One 12 inch/ 30 centimeter ruler. One hand held pencil sharpener. One large eraser. Six new pencils with erasers. One box of 24 crayons (only 24). One 12”x14” to 14”x17” finshed size cotton or lightweight canvas bags with cloth handles (please no reusable shopping bags or backpacks). BE GREEN, CARPOOL IT’S A WIN – WIN! Not only will you be helping the environment but you’ll also be helping a fellow church member by carpooling. It’s a great way to get to know someone better. If you would be able to offer a ride every now and then, please let Pastor Bob or Laurie Tsukuno know. We will compile a list of drivers with their phone numbers, which we will offer to members needing a ride. Contact Lyonsville The Good News is produced monthly, except for a combined July/ August edition. Please submit your articles to [email protected]. The deadline for the next issue is August 18. Phone 708-246-1255 Fax 708-246-1070 Email [email protected] Visit us on the web at Please return this form to update your contact information. ____ Please correct the information on the mailing label. ____ No thanks. Please remove from mailing list. ____ I prefer email delivery. Here’s my email address: —————————————————————— LYONSVILLE CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 6871 Joliet Road Indian Head Park, IL 60525