Visa Application Requirements
Dear Client, We are pleased to present you with detailed instructions on processing your visa application with us. Within this information pack you will find: A list of the required documents for your application Advisory processing times Embassy visa fees Return delivery services we offer Application form Other important information Once you have completed the forms please send all the documents required to our London office. We will send you a confirmation email when we have received your application. If you have any questions, our Visa Consultants are available by email [email protected] or telephone 0203 544 3550 Monday – Friday 8.45am – 5.30pm. For full terms and conditions on using our visa service please visit Thank you for choosing Diversity Travel to process your visa applications. Sincerely, Diversity Travel Visa Department Visa Application Requirements You Have Requested: Country: Mozambique Type of Visa: Business Visa Documents Required: 1. Passport • The passport must be valid for 6 months beyond the exit date and have at least three blank pages 2. Two Passport Photos • The photos must: o Be a standard sized passport photo o Have a white background o Have been taken within the last 6 months 3. Business Letter • This can be from, either; the British based organisation or the organisation being visited in Mozambique. The letter should include the following: o Be on company letterhead o Include the applicants full name o Mention details of the trip; dates, places and organisations to be visited o Indicate the length of stay and visa type required o State that ‘full financial responsibility will be taken for the applicant’ o Be signed by the Head of Department/Director 4. Flight Itinerary You Need To Fill Out: 5. Application Form • • One fully completed application form Please provide a photocopy of the completed application form 6. Visa Booking Form • One fully completed visa booking form Visa Application Requirements Non UK Passport Holders • • Applicants must be a resident in the UK Applications for persons travelling on travel documents or emergency passports will take longer. Processing Times and Fees Processing Time Normal Service - 3 working days Next Day Service Same Day Service Visa Type Single Entry Multiple Entry Single Entry Multiple Entry Single Entry Multiple Entry Embassy Fee (£) 40.00 70.00 50.00 100.00 60.00 110.00 Diversity Travel Processing Fees Please contact us if you require details of our processing fees. Dispatch and Delivery Methods To Diversity Travel We recommend that items be sent to us by Royal Mail Special Delivery service or other secure and traceable delivery services. Our opening hours to receive applications are between 8.45am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday. From Diversity Travel We can return the passport to you by Royal Mail Special Delivery, DHL or UPS. There is no consequential loss coverage for next day couriers (Special Deliver, DHL and UPS). We also have a same day bike service or it is possible to collect from our office. For urgent applications or if there would be a significant financial loss should the passport be delayed we recommend using the same day bike service or collecting from our office. The fees for returning your passport are listed below. Please clearly indicate your preferred return delivery method on the Visa Booking Form. Visa Application Requirements Please send your documents to our London Office address: Diversity Travel Ground floor 9/10 Staple Inn Holborn London WC1V 7QH Once we have received your application we will send you a confirmation email with a quote and breakdown of the costs. Your application will be submitted, at the Embassy, on the next available day. To have your application submitted on the same day we receive it in our office, please contact us. If we have any questions or if we need additional information we will contact you directly. PEDIDO DE ENTRADA EM MOÇAMBIQUE RECIBO N.º REQUEST FOR ENTRY VISA TO MOZAMBIQUE PREENCHER COM LETRA LEGíVEL RESERVADO AOS SERVIÇOS: TO BE FILLED IN LEGIBLE LETTERS FOR OFFICIAL USE VISTO N.º DATA DE EMISSÃO TEMPORÁRIA TEMPORARY ………./ ………./ 20…... UMA ENTRADA SINGLE ENTRY VALIDADE MÚLTIPLAS ENTRADAS MULPLE ENTRIES ………./ ………./ 20…… APELIDO Surname NOME COMPLETO Full Name NOME DE SOLTEIRA Maiden Name PAIS DE NASCIMENTO Country and Place of Birth DATA DE NASCIMENTO Date of Birth PASSAPORTE Nr. Passport Nr. SEXO Sex ESTADO CIVIL Marital Status DATA DE EMISSÃO Date of Issue ……./ ………./ 20…… PROFISSÃO / OCUPAÇÃO Profession / Occupation NACIONALIDADE Nationality VALIDADE NACIONALIDADE DO PASSAPORTE Validity Passport Nationality ……./ ……./ 20…… CARGO QUE OCUPA Position you hold ORGANIZAÇÃO, INSTITUIÇÃO OU EMPRESA ONDE TRABALHA Institution, Organisation or firm you work for ENDEREÇO DA RESIDÊNCIA PERMANENTE Address of the permanent residence TELEFONE (Incluindo código de área) Telephone (Including area code) CORREIO ELECTRóNICO E-mail address ESTEVE ALGUMA VEZ EM MOÇAMBIQUE? Have you ever before been in Mozambique? SIM Yes NÃO No JÁ FOI RESIDENTE EM MOÇAMBIQUE? Have you ever been a resident in Mozambique? SIM Yes NÃO No PORQUE SAÍU DE MOÇAMBIQUE? Why did you leave Mozambique? DATA DE SAIDA Date of exit ………./ ………./ 20…… INDIQUE AS INSTITUIÇÕES E EMPRESAS A QUE ESTEVE LIGADO Mention the institutions and firms to which you where attached O PREENCHIMENTO INCORRECTO OU INCOMPLETO IMPLICA RESPOSTA TARDIA, DEVOLUÇÃO OU INDEFERIMENTO INCOMPLETE OR INCORRECT FILLING IN OF THIS FORM MAY RESULT IN DELAY DEVOLUTION OR REJECTION High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 1 of 2 DETALHE OS MOTIVOS DA ENTRADA EM MOÇAMBIQUE In detail give reasons for your entry in Mozambique TEMPO DE ESTADA EM MOÇAMBIQUE Length of stay in Mozambique DATA DE ENTRADA Date of entry FRONTEIRA DE ENTRADA Entry border FRONTEIRA DE SAÍDA Exit border DATA DE SAÍDA Date of exit ENDEREÇO DA HOSPEDAGEM EM MOÇAMBIQUE Address of residence in Mozambique PROVíNCIA Province DISTRITO District CIDADE City AVENIDA/RUA Avenue/Street CASA N.º House N.º FAMILIARES/AMIGOS RESIDENTES EM MOÇAMBIQUE – Relatives, friends living in Mozambique NOME COMPLETO Full Name NACIONALIDADE Nationality PARENTESCO Relationship ENDEREÇO Address RESERVADO AOS SELOS Reserved for stamps DATA Date ………/ ………/ 20…… …………………………………………………………………………………….. ASSINATURA DO REQUERENTE OU DA ENTIDADE SOLICITANTE Applicant’s signature or of the applying entity ASSINATURA RECONHECIDA POR SEMELHANÇA À EXISTENTE NO ……………………………………………………………… N.º ………………………….EMITIDO A ………./ ………../ 20 …… EM ……………………………………………………………… RESERVADO AOS SERVIÇOS For official use DATA DA RECEPÇÃO ………/ ………./ 20 ……. DATA DA RECEPÇÃO ………………………………………………………….. ASSINATURA DO FUNCIONÁRIO ………/ ………./ 20 ……. High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 2 of 2
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