Embassy of Pakistan
Embassy of Pakistan
(1) Embassy of Pakistan SHI/SUL-QL-12,Conj, 02, Casa 19, Brasília – DF, CEP 71630-225 Tele: (55-61) 3364-1632 Fax: (55-61) 3248-0246 E-mail: [email protected] VISA APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM FORMULÁRIO PARA PEDIDO DE VISTO Passaporte válido Valid passport 2. Duas fotos 3x4 cm Two photographs sized 3x4 cm 3. Cartão de vacina contra febre amarela: original e cópia Original and copy of vaccination card stating last inoculation against yellow fever 4. Cópia da passagem aérea ou do print de reserva Copy of air ticket or reservation print 5. Em viagens de turismo, favor escrever uma carta informando o itinerário dentro do país For tourism trips, enclose a letter informing the itinerary inside Pakistan 6. Em viagens de negócios, deverão ser enviadas uma cópia da carta convite e uma carta da empresa convidada For business trips, enclose a copy of the invitation letter from the host company and a letter from the company that is sending representatives to Pakistan 7. Enviar guia original de depósito da taxa consular a ser paga no Banco do Brasil (ver quadro abaixo). O valor da taxa varia de acordo com a nacionalidade do passaporte e é responsabilidade do requerente verificar o câmbio do dia. Send the original receipt for the deposit of the consular fee, made to Banco do Brasil (see box below). The fee varies according to the applicant’s nationality and it is the applicant’s responsibility to check currency exchange rates. 8. Preencher E ASSINAR o formulário fornecido por esta Embaixada Fill in AND SIGN the application form 9. A taxa consular não poderá ser devolvida The consular fee is non-refundable Em vista do grande número de pedidos de serviços consulares, esta Embaixada não pode se responsabilizar por qualquer despesa de envio postal, aceitar pagamento para tanto ou assinar recibos e termos de responsabilidade. Sugerese o uso de couriers (ex.TNT Express, DHL, TAM Express, UPS, Fedex) pré-pagos. Due to the large amount of consular requests this Embassy deals with, we cannot be responsible for any mail expenses, accept payment for such, or sign any receipts or terms of responsibility in any case. Please arrange for posting and collection with a prepaid courier service (e.g. DHL, Fedex, TNT Express, UPS, etc.). 1. INFORMAÇÕES PARA DEPÓSITO DA TAXA CONSULAR BANK INFORMATION BANCO DO BRASIL Favor consultar a tabela “Visa/Passport Fees” no website Ag./Branch 1606-3 Please check the Visa/Passport Fee table on the website C.C.: 200.000-8 (2) Embassy of Pakistan SHI/SUL-QL-12,Conj, 02, Casa 19, Brasilia Tele: (55-61) 3364-1632 Fax: (55-61) 3248-0246 VISA APPLICATION FORM LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF THE APPLICANT 1. Full Name: 2. Nationality: 3. Date of birth: Day 4. Father’s Name /Nationality: 5. Mother’s Name/Nationality: 6. Partner’s Name/Nationality: 7. Occupation: 8. Permanent Address: 9. Present Address: Month Telephone No: 10. Year Fax No: Passport No: Place and date of issue: Expiring Date: 11. Type of passport (kindly mark √): Diplomatic ( 12. ) ) Ordinary ( ) Entries required (kindly mark √): Single Entry( ) 13. Official ( Double Entry( ) Multiple Entries ( ) Purpose of Journey (kindly mark √): Family visit( Tourism ( ) ) Official( ) Journalism ( ) Business ( Other ( ) ) ______________________ 14. Mode of travel with details: Date of travel: (3) 15. Duration of stay in Pakistan: 16. Province and city/town/village of destination in Pakistan: 17. Port of landing in Pakistan: 18. Name, address & telephone number in Pakistan: 19. Details of previous stays in/visits to Pakistan with address and dates: 20. Visa request or extended stay in Pakistan refused (kindly mark √): (Yes- ) or (No- ) 21. If yes, when and why? Kindly give details: 22. Has applied for grant of visa been made to another Pakistan Visa Issuing? (kindly mark √) (Yes- 23. ) or (No- ) If yes give details: When: If refused, why: 24. Children endorsed in the passport and traveling with the Applicant: Name Age Sex (i) (ii) (iii) Date Signature of the Applicant (PLEASE NOTE: INCOMPLETE FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR THE ISSUANCE OF VISA) ********* FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (SINATURE OF THE VISA ISSUING AUTHORITY) (Prepared by Raheel Aslam)
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NB. Visa fees or any amount of money paid in excess of the required amount are not refundable. The Embassy welcomes any comment regarding the service it provides
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on www.diversitytravel.co.uk/visas/despatch.pdf and detail your required coverage in the box. This coverage is subject to Royal Mail’s terms and conditions.
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