Expression of iron metabolism - related genes in a
Expression of iron metabolism - related genes in a
UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS DEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOGIA ANIMAL Expression of iron metabolism - related genes in a Portuguese population of Alzheimer disease patients Cláudia Cavaco Guerreiro MESTRADO DE BIOLOGIA HUMANA E AMBIENTE 2013 UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS DEPARTAMENTO DE BIOLOGIA ANIMAL Expression of iron metabolism - related genes in a Portuguese population of Alzheimer disease patients Dissertação de Mestrado orientada por: Professora Maria Teresa Rebelo (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) Prof. Doutora Luciana Maria Gonçalves da Costa (Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge) Cláudia Cavaco Guerreiro MESTRADO DE BIOLOGIA HUMANA E AMBIENTE 2013 Agradecimentos Existem várias pessoas a quem quero agradecer pois ao longo deste percurso tiveram um papel crucial para que chegasse aqui… - À minha orientadora externa, Prof. Doutora Luciana Maria Gonçalves da Costa, por me ter aceitado para trabalhar num projecto tao interessante, no qual aprendi novas técnicas e conceitos, por toda a dedicação e apoio e por ter estado sempre disposta a ajudar no que fosse preciso. Não irei esquecer toda essa ajuda e será sempre um exemplo a seguir pela extrema dedicação e profissionalismo ao seu trabalho; - À minha orientadora interna Professora Maria Teresa Rebelo por ser uma pessoa sempre disponível a ouvir e ajudar; - À Doutora Madalena Cristina da Rocha Martins e ao Bruno Silva que foram o meu braço direito relativamente a toda a aprendizagem no Real Time e orientação na análise estatística e mostraram estar sempre disponíveis para as minhas dúvidas; - À Doutora Isabel Picanço, à Liliana Marques e à Ana Mateus, responsáveis pela minha formação a nível laboratorial onde me ajudaram com os protocolos e a orientar-me no laboratório e deram a força necessária para nunca desmoralizar; - A todos os meus amigos que sempre me deram força para acabar a tese independentemente das várias circunstâncias, em especial um muito obrigada à Diana Miguéns e ao Tiago Mendes que aturaram todas as minhas crises existenciais ao longo deste percurso e souberam ouvir e reconfortar nas alturas mais difíceis. - Aos meus pais, especialmente à minha mãe, pelo apoio incondicional e por me terem feito chegar até aqui. 1 Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder and one of the most frequent dementia worldwide. The main neuropathological hallmarks of AD are of extracellular senile “plaques” (SP), and intracellular neurofibrillary “tangles” (NFT) which are associated with the loss of cortical neurons. This disease also is characterized by elevated brain Fe levels and accumulation of copper and zinc in cerebral Aβ amyloid deposits, like SP. Thus, a dysfunctional homeostasis of transition metals seems to play pivotal role in pathogenesis of this disease. In this work we intended to: i) measure the expression of specific target Fe metabolism-related genes to (TF; ACO1; HMOX-1; CP; FT; DMT1; APP and Nrf2); ii) search for a putative association between gene expression studies and biochemical results and iii) identify novel susceptibility factors associated with AD. Although we did not find significant differences between patients and controls in Fe metabolism parameters measured in periphery, a tendency for the decrease of serum Fe concentration, Tf, TIBC, Tf saturation and Ft was observed in AD compared to healthy individuals. These observations reinforce previous results that showed a low Fe status in periphery of AD patients. On the other hand, gene expression studies showed a significant decrease in ACO1 (p=0.011); SLC40A1 (p=0.000); CP (p=0.000); APP (p=0.007); TFR1 (p=0.000); TFR2 (p=0.000), while an increase in expression of FT-L (p=0.038) was observed in PMBCs of AD patients compared with healthy volunteers. These findings strongly suggest a cellular Fe overload in AD individuals, which may lead to oxidative stress, a typical feature of this disease. More research for peripheral blood Fe metabolism markers and genetic variation in AD may be important to provide a low invasive and earlier form for its diagnosis. Keywords: Alzheirmer’s disease, Iron metabolism, gene expression, biochemical parameters. 2 Resumo A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a mais comum doença neurodegenerativa e representa um dos casos de demência mais frequente a nível mundial. As suas principais características neuropatológicas são a formação de “placas senis” e de “emaranhados neurofibrilares”, associados à perda de neurónios corticais. Esta doença é também caracterizada pela presença de elevados níveis de ferro (Fe) no cérebro e pela acumulação de cobre e de zinco nos agregados de β-amilóide, que constituem as “placas senis”. Desta forma, uma disfunção na homeostase de metais de transição parece desempenhar um papel crucial na patogénese da DA. Neste trabalho pretendemos: i) avaliar a expressão de genes-alvo específicos, relacionados com o metabolismo do Fe, tais como TF; ACO1; HMOX-1; CP; FT; DMT1; APP e Nrf2; ii) procurar uma associação entre os estudos de expressão génica e os respectivos resultados bioquímicos e iii) identificar novos factores de susceptibilidade associados à DA. Na análise bioquímica, apesar de não termos encontrado diferenças significativas entre os doentes e os controlos, observou-se a tendência para uma diminuição da concentração sérica, dos níveis de Tf, TIBC, saturação da Tf e Ft nos doentes. Estas observações estão de acordo com resultados anteriores que mostraram uma baixa concentração de Fe periférico em doentes com a DA. Por outro lado, os resultados da expressão génica mostraram uma diminuição significativa da ACO1 (p=0.011); SLC40A1 (p=0.000); CP (p=0.000) APP (p=0.007); RTf1 (p=0.000) e do RTf2 (p=0.000) nas PMBCs dos doentes, quando comparados com os indivíduos saudáveis. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam uma sobrecarga de Fe celular na DA, o que pode levar ao stress oxidativo tipicamente sugerido para esta doença. Novas descobertas sobre marcadores do metabolismo do Fe periférico e a variação genética na DA poderão ser essenciais para o fornecimento de um diagnóstico mais precoce e menos invasivo da doença. Palavras-chave: Doença de Alzheimer, metabolismo do ferro, expressão génica, parâmetros bioquímicos. 3 Index Agradecimentos………………………………………………………………....1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………...…..2 Resumo……………………………………………………………………..……3 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….…….5 1.1Alzheimer´s disease………………………………………………………..5 1.1.2 Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease……………………………..….6 1.1.2 Biology and Pathophysiology of disease…………………………...…7 1.1.3 Genetic Factors of disease………………………………………….…8 1.2 Regulation of Iron metabolism…….……………………………………...9 1.2.1 Iron metabolism in brain…………………………………………...…11 1.3 Iron metabolism and Alzheimer’s disease…………………………….….14 1.4 Objectives………………………………………………………….……..14 2. Materials and Methods………………………………………………….…..15 2.1 Individuals – Recruitment and clinical characterization…………………15 2.1.1 Clinical evaluation of subjects…………………………………….…16 2.1.2 Sample collection and storage…………………………………….....16 2.13 Database and Biological Bank……………………………………..…16 2.2 Quantitative Real Time PCR………………………………………………..17 3. Results…………………………………………………………………..…...18 3.1 Population of study…………………………………………………………18 3.2 Measurement of biochemical parameters……………………………..……19 3.3 Gene expression studies……………………………………………………20 3.3.1 Real Time PCR optimization…………………………………...…20 3.3.2 Fe metabolism related gene expression in AD and controls…….....24 4. Discussion…………………………………………………………………..28 5. References………………………………………………………………….37 4 1. Introduction 1.1Alzheimer Disease 1.1.1 Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, and one of the most frequent dementia worldwide (1). The prevalence of AD in the world is approximately 30 million people (2) and it’s estimated by 2040 that 80 million individuals will have AD, accounting for 60% of all dementias (3). In Portugal, estimates from Associação Portuguesa de Familiares e Amigos de Doentes de Alzheimer indicate that more than 90 000 individuals suffer from AD (4). This disease is characterized essentially by the decline in cognitive abilities and has as insidious onset with a heterogeneous progression and several stages of severity that lead to death in 7-10 years (2). Throughout the development of the disease there are coexisting changes such as language dysfunction, visuospatial difficulty, loss of insight, and personality changes (2). A useful staging system for dementia severity is the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) (5). This system classifies individuals who are cognitively normal (CDR=0), very mildly impaired (CDR=0.5) (6), mildly impaired (CDR=1), moderately impaired (CDR=2), or severely impaired (CDR=3) and has been beneficial for research studies as a global dementia rating scale and can track dementia progression in the clinic or in research (3). However, it is noted that many of the individuals classified as having very mild dementia also meet criteria for what is called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (6). This condition is an intermediate state between healthy subjects and AD in which manifest memory disturbance is not accompanied by dementia. Nevertheless, clinical diagnostic criteria are not easily able to distinguish mild AD from MCI and normal aging (7). It has been proposed that several structural and functional magnetic resonance (MR) techniques could be used for the evaluation of progression and early diagnosis of AD. However, such approaches are not exclusive for many of AD cases and clinicians are still not able to improve the diagnostic potential of disease (8). 5 It has been proven through the structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that the loss or damage of brain tissue in characteristically vulnerable regions, such as the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, is predictive of progression of MCI to AD. Furthermore, this technique allowed a distinction between AD and other pathologies such as vascular or non-Alzheimer neurodegeneration (9). Thus, machine learning techniques have recently been identified as promising tools in neuroimaging data analysis, and such techniques are also able to concomitantly contribute to the construction and validation of novel and effective disease biomarkers (8). 1.1.2 Biology and pathophysiology of disease The main neuropathological hallmarks of AD are the presence of toxic insoluble aggregates of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) in the form of extracellular senile “plaques” (SP), and hyperphosphorylation with subsequent aggregation of the microtubule-associated protein tau in the form of intracellular neurofibrillary “tangles” (NFT) which are associated with the loss of cortical neurons (1,10). Both SP and NFT are widespread in the brain, however they occur mainly in regions involved in learning, memory and emotional behaviors such as the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, basal forebrain and amygdale. SP are associated to brain regions with reduced numbers of synapses and in these places neuritis are often damaged, suggesting that Aβ damages synapses and neurites (11). The peptide Aβ results from the proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid peptide precursor (APP), a family of glycosylated transmembrane proteins which are ubiquitously expressed, but most abundantly in the brain. (12). APP is cleaved by three types of proteases: α-, β- and γ-secretases, and its proteolysis by β - and γ-secretase results in the production of Aβ 1–40 and Aβ 1–42 isoforms and defines the amyloidogenic (toxic) pathway, as opposed to the proteolytic cleavage of APP by α - and γ-secretase, which produces noncytotoxic soluble fragments. These amyloidogenic isoforms are hydrophobic and can oligomerize and form aggregates that precipitate and accumulate in neurons (12, 13). This accumulation can be toxic to neurons and increase their vulnerability to oxidative and metabolic stress (11). On the other hand, tau is synthesized and produced in all neurons and is also present in glia cells. In healthy neurons, tau binds to tubulin and stabilizes microtubules. In AD, 6 tau becomes hyperphosphorylated, and this form dissociates from microtubules and has a tendency to self-aggregate, forming NFT in cell bodies and dystrophic neuritis. Previous results suggest that neurofibrillary pathology contributes to neuronal dysfunction and correlates with the clinical progression of this dementia (3). 1.1.3 Genetic Factors of disease Both genetic and environmental factors can contribute to the development of AD. In terms of age of onset, AD can be classified in late-onset and early-onset. A minority of cases show an obvious genetic origin and demonstrate an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, which is called early-onset AD. Linkage studies indicate that point mutations in the gene for the APP, on chromosome 21, are associated with a subset of early onset (less than 65 years) familial AD cases. However, most early onset cases have been linked to alterations in two other genes: presenilin 1 (PSEN1) on chromosome 14 and presenilin 2 (PSEN2) on chromosome 1 (14). Importantly, previous results suggests that different mutations in these three genes lead to a common result: an increase in Aβ accumulation in the brain, which forms the core of the neuritic plaques found in AD (14). However, these genetic mutations make only a small contribution to the risk of developing AD, since only a small percentage of all autossomal dominant early-onset cases are linked to these genes (14). For late-onset cases one gene has been consistently identified as a susceptibility factor for development of disease, the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) (15). This gene has 3 alleles, APOE ε2, APOE ε3 and APOE ε4. It was discovered that APOE ε4 allele confers a genetic risk factor for lateonset AD and is associated with greater levels of cerebrovascular amyloid deposition and hemorrhage in the central nervous system (CNS). Also, the APOE ε2 allele has been linked to a greater risk of cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated to vasculopathy and CNS hemorrhage. APOE is an important regulator of plasma lipoprotein metabolism and is present at high levels within the CNS, where it plays a role in a variety of processes including cholesterol transport, neuronal plasticity and inflammation. Its exact function in health and disease, particularly in AD, remains still unclear (15). 7 Thus, a large proportion of the heritability of AD continues to remain unexplained (1) and it would be important beyond the identification of new genes target considers also the risk linked to genetic and environmental factors. 1.2 Regulation of iron metabolism Iron (Fe) is essential element in the human body and it’s particularly abundant in the brain. It represents a cofactor for many proteins involved in the normal function of neuronal tissue (16). Because Fe is involved in almost every aspect of normal cell function and because of its role in the production of free radicals (17), it is essential that cells and organ systems have a welldefined mechanism for binding, storing, and delivering Fe. Several proteins are involved in Fe uptake and metabolism in the peripheral tissues and particularly in brain. Dietary Fe uptake takes place in the duodenum, which cells express a proton coupled to a ferrous Fe (Fe2+) transporter, Figure 1 Schematic presentation of Fe metabolism. the divalent-metal transporter 1 (DMT1), localized in their apical membrane. In their basolateral membrane, these cells express the only Fe exporter known in mammalians, ferroportin (Fpn) (18). This protein exports Fe2+ from cells to circulation where is carried through the bloodstream mostly by binding to transferrin (Tf), a Fe transport protein that binds two Fe atoms of ferric Fe (Fe3+) (non-toxic) (Fe2-Tf) (19) (Fig.1). Tf acts as the major Fe chelator and delivers the great majority of its Fe to developing erythroid cells, which take up Fe via the Tf cycle. In this cycle, the Fe2-Tf complex binds to its receptor (TfR1) and is endocytosed. The acid environment of endosomes 8 triggers Fe3+ release and the endosomal reductases convert it to ferrous Fe (Fe2+), before it’s transport to cytosol by endosomal DMT1 (20). Once in cytosol, Fe2+ can be transferred to the mitochondria or stored in cytosolic ferritin (Ft). About a quarter of total body Fe stored in macrophages and hepatocytes, as a reserve for red blood cell formation, is mostly in the form of Ft. Mammalian Ft are heteropolymers who consists in two subunit types, heavy (H) and light (L) chains. H-subunits have a ferroxidase activity, catalyzing the oxidation of two Fe2+ atoms to Fe3+ and L-subunits seems to be involved in the nucleation of the mineral Fe core (19). Cellular Fe homeostasis is to a large degree controlled at the level of the translation of the mRNA of proteins which are involved in cellular Fe metabolism. This posttranscriptional regulation is made by two Fe regulatory proteins, IRP1, also called Acotinase1 (ACO1), and IRP2, which act as cytosolic Fe sensors (19). When cellular Fe concentration is low, IRPs bind with high affinity to Fe regulatory elements (IREs), mRNA stem loops that encode the regulated proteins and are mainly responsible for control post-transcriptional of the balance of cellular Fe storage and transport. If IREs are in 5’-untranslated region (5’ UTR) of the mRNA, as in the case of Ft and Fpn (SLC40A1) genes, your link to IRPs prevents initiation of translation. On the other hand, if IREs are in 3’-untranslated region (3’ UTR), as in the case of TF and DMT1, binding of the IRPs protects them against degradation by nucleases. Thus, cellular Fe uptake increase and its storage and export are suppressed (19). When cellular Fe concentration is high, there is a decrease in affinity of IRPs with IREs and IRPs are no longer active in binding, which increases translation of Ft, Fpn and APP while TFR1 and DMT1 mRNAs are degraded by nucleases. Under these conditions, ACO1 acquires acotinase activity, associated with the incorporation of a 4Fe4S cluster and IRP2 is degraded in the proteasome (19). Absorption of dietary Fe is tightly regulated by hepatocytes which secrete a regulatory peptide hormone, hepcidin. The first signal of Fe loading is increase of Tf saturation, which is detected in liver via a complex pathway involving hemochromatosis protein (HFE), Tf receptor 2 (TfR2) and hemojuvelin (HJV). Hepatocytes respond increasing HAMP gene expression and, consequently, increasing secretion of hepcidin that prevents Fe absorption through Fpn internalization. Thus, this hormone also controls levels of serum Fe (19). 9 1.2.1 Iron metabolism in brain Abnormalities in expression of Fe metabolism proteins, due to genetic and nongenetic factors, are the cause of the increased brain Fe (21 ya ke 2003). The regulation of Fe metabolism in the brain Figure 2 Schematic representation of Fe uptake and export in the brain. Adapted from Moos et al, 2007 is independent from liver because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a poorly permeable vascular barrier which limits its access to plasma nutrients, such as Fe. Fe transport into the brain involves the Tf- to-cell cycle where Fe2-Tf binds to TfR1 expressed on the luminal membrane of the endothelial cells of brain capillaries. Then Fe is released in the cytosol, probably dependent on DMT1 (which is highly expressed in neurons) and it is exported to the CNS by Fpn. Astrocytes in the BBB contain ceruloplasmin (Cp) attached to their end-feet membranes by a glycosilphosphatidylinositol (GPI) linkage, generated by alternative splicing. Cp exhibits ferroxidase activity that promotes Fpn activity by oxidizing the Fe2+ released to Fe3+, which allows it to bind to Tf in the interstitial fluid (18) (Fig. 2). Interestingly, it was observed in brain of AD patients that the stability of IRP-IRE complex is increased, compared to healthy people (21). This can result in increase of stability of TfR and in decrease of Ft, leading to Fe accumulation in brain (21). Several studies seeking to understand if the intrinsic mechanisms that regulate Fe homeostasis in the brain involve the same regulatory pathways used in the rest of the body (22). For example, it was observed that hepcidin can be involved in regulating Fe 10 storage in the brain thought the reduction of Fpn expression levels, restricting the Fe release from neural cells (23). Since the regulation of brains expression of key proteins in response to rising levels of Fe occurs first at transcriptional level (RNA), many of the brain dysfunctions are likely to involve gene expression changes. Once candidate genes are identified (like IRP2, HFE and FT-L in mice) further clues to explain the mechanisms involved in Fe regulation in brain may be obtained from conditional genetic manipulations restricted to particular regions, cell types and timepoints (22). 1.3 Iron metabolism and Alzheimer’s disease AD is characterized by elevated brain Fe levels and accumulation of copper and zinc in cerebral Aβ amyloid deposits, like SP (24). Thus, a dysfunctional homeostasis of transition metals seems to play pivotal role in pathogenesis of this disease (25). The lack of recycling of metals ions as a result of aging or disease leads to this dysregulation of metal homeostasis and, consequently, to Aβ aggregation and deposition. In particular, altered Fe metabolism is a widely accepted feature of AD. Enhanced Fe concentrations occurs specific brain areas of AD patients, especially in the basal ganglia (26), hippocampus (27), neocortex (28), and in or around SP and NFT (29). Also was observed changes in the levels of Ft and Tf in areas of the AD brain associated with neurodegeneration (30). Therefore, it becomes apparent that Fe progressively accumulates within neurons, with age, leading to oxidative injury and neurodegeneration (25). Recently, an increasing number of studies have suggested that this oxidative stress phenomenon may be at the basis of AD (31). The importance of oxidative damage in AD could be suggested through the up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes. Heme oxygenase-1 (HMOX-1) is a 32 kDa stress protein that degrades heme to biliverdin, free Fe, and carbon monoxide and is among the most sensitive and selective indicator of cellular oxidative response in AD. It has been demonstrated that HMOX-1 immunoreactivity is greatly increased in neurons and astrocytes in brain of AD patients and colocalises SP and NFT (32). Another key factor involved in neurodegeneration processes is the nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). This factor is essential in regulation of cellular homeostasis, mainly by exposure of cells to oxidative and chemical stress. It regulates basal and induced expression of many 11 antioxidant proteins, detoxification enzymes and xenobiotic transporters. Aberrant expression or function of Nrf2 can induce neurodegeneration, as occurs in AD (33). SP and NFT are influenced by Fe and several studies has documented that an oxidative event, like excess of Fe, is critical for Aβ neurotoxicity and aggregation (34). Fe availability modulates the levels of cellular APP associated with protein processing by α -secretase. In fact, α - and β-secretases generate the 40–42-aminoacid Aβ peptide that is toxic to brain neurons, an event that is accelerated in the presence of Fe (35). Also, has been reported that intracellular Fe levels control APP translation via IREs at 5’ UTR of APP mRNA so that Fe can directly regulate its synthesis and expression (36). Moreover, results showed that ACO1 is a central mediator of neural APP expression in response to intracellular Fe (37). This event is similar to the interaction of ACO1 and IRP2, with canonical IREs that controls Fe-dependent translation of the Ft subunits. These two proteins perform a post-transcriptional regulation of expression of Ft and TfR in response to cell Fe status (37). Another protein that is involved in modulation of Fe homeostasis and possibly linked to AD pathology is furin and its responsible for the cleavage of both α and β-secretases and represents a member of the subtilisin-like pro-protein convertase family which catalyses the cleavage of precursor proteins into their biologically active forms (38). It is also implicated on production of soluble HJV (37), an antagonist of bone morphogenic protein that regulates positively HPC expression (39). Transcription of furin is regulated by cellular Fe levels and hypoxia, so when Fe is in excess furin protein levels decrease, as well as production of HJV. When Fe is deficient or in hypoxia the levels of Furin and soluble HJV increase and preventing HPC activation (40). Once that furin modulate the processing of α- and -β secretases, a decrease in your levels can lead to activation of the amyloidogenic pathway, resulting in Aβ production and ultimately neurodegeneration (19). Thus, Fe regulation of furin may play an important role in AD (41). On the other hand, and importantly, previous reports had shown that APP has a functional ferroxidase similar to Cp and interacts with Fpn to facilitate Fe export from cells. It was observed that the block of its ferroxidase activity can contribute to neuronal Fe accumulation in AD cortex (42). Fe homeostasis is meticulous regulated, particularly in the CNS, by concern action of several Fe-related genes and proteins (43). Several studies suggest that highly prevalent gene variants involved in Fe absorption, transport and metabolism could influence the age at onset of AD (19). Also, C282Y and H63D HFE mutations (that codifies the 12 human hemochromatosis (HH) protein) have been suggested as being involved in AD pathology (44). HFE protein forms a stable complex with the TfR and decreases the affinity of Tf binding while these mutations seem to eliminate this interaction. The interplay of TfR and Tf is very important for control of Fe absorption and, consequently for Fe homeostasis maintenance. In this way, the loss of HFE-repressor function for Tf uptake could result in increased cellular uptake of Fe by some tissues and contribute to Fe deposition in HH. This can leads to an excess of cellular free Fe and free radicals suggesting that these variants could have a role in AD pathophysiology (44) and thus, leading to the search of associations between Fe metabolism related genes in this disease. The distribution of TF alleles differs in human populations and the most common phenotype is designated as TF C. The two alleles TF C1 and TF C2 are present in majority of the population (45). Previously, interactions of HFE gene with the TF C2 have been suggested as potential a risk of developing AD (13), especially in males (46). The male carriers of HFE and Tf C2 variants may be at specially risk and the influence of these genes can be particularly important in presymptomatic stages of AD (47). It was observed that once acting together as bicarriers, TF C2 and C282Y give 5 times greater risk of AD. Also mutation H63D may further increase the risk of developing the disease (48). Furthermore, tricarriers of HFE C282Y, TF C2 and APOE4 may be at still greater risk. Taking into account some technical limitations (like small number of samples and conflicting results of several studies) it’s clear the need of further research to clarify the role of these variants in risk of developing AD (49). In previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS), evidence of genetic influence on systemic Fe status has been reported in three loci (HFE, TFR2 and TMPRSS6) mapped to genes known to be associated with Fe homeostasis (50). In recent years, using a cohort of twins and their siblings, GWAS were conducted on genes codifying four serum markers of Fe status (serum Fe, Tf, Tf saturation and serum Ft). Interestingly, it seems that common variants in genes involved in Fe metabolism may modulate susceptibility or resistance to AD pathology in humans (51, 52). However, GWAS specifically designed to search for genetic associations in AD did not identify new putative candidate Fe-metabolism genes implicated in this disease (53, 54). Moreover, the predictive ability of some loci associated with AD to identify individuals at risk of this disease is not yet clinically significant (54). 13 A study done by our own group found significant associations between AD and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TF, transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2), ACO1 and Fpn (SLC40A1) genes. In addition, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) gene expression studies a decrease of SLC40A1, TFR1 and TFR2 transcript levels in AD patients was observed when compared to controls. The mapping of systemic Fe markers and Fe-related gene expression levels with the AD significantly associated SNPs further revealed the involvement of specific Fe-metabolism pathways in this disease (55). In this context, since Fe dyshomeostasis in AD may have genetic and environmental causes, its necessary a global approach to clarify the mechanisms by which iron dysfunction could be involved in its pathophysiology (55). Although the effects of the change in Fe metabolism in AD could be expected to be expressed particularly in the brain, we can assume that such dysfunction could have a reflection on the systemic profile of Fe-related proteins. The identification of biomarkers of peripheral blood could be essential to achieve early diagnosis of a disease. Thus, a joint approach to phenotypic and genotypic level could circumvent the heterogeneity of this disease and may be crucial to understand the putative influence of Fe metabolism in AD pathofisiology. 1.4 Objectives The main objective in this work is study the further putative role of Fe metabolism in the molecular mechanisms associated with AD pathophysiology. In this context, we specifically intend to: 1. Measure the expression of specific target genes related to Fe metabolism which have been previously identified (53) as being associated with AD (TF and ACO1). Moreover, given its importance in Fe metabolism homeostasis, we also intend to qualify the gene expression of HMOX-1; CP; FT; DMT1; APP and Nrf2 genes. 2. Search for a putative association between gene expression studies and biochemical results in our population. 3. Identify novel susceptibility factors associated with AD. 14 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Individuals – Recruitment and clinical characterization 2.1.1 Clinical evaluation of subjects In this study 67 AD patients were recruited [mean ± SD age: 75.3 ± 7.6 years; 11 men (70.6 ± 8.80), 56 women (76.3 ± 6.97)], which were attended in Outpatient Clinics at Hospital de Santa Maria and Hospital Fernando Fonseca. The clinical evaluation and characterization of these patients was performed through the criteria used in the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) (56). Also, 72 control individuals were recruited [mean ± SD age: 68.1 ± 8.4 years; 31 men (69.5 ± 8.38 years), 41 women (67.1±8.43 years)], mostly elderly people without any sign of cognitive decline, from the two referred hospitals, Associação de Alzheimer de Lisboa and attendees of Associação de Moradores do Campo Grande and Associação de Reformados do Campo Grande. The criteria used for controls (57) were: i) age (≥ 50 years), ii) Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score above cut-off (range 0-30; cut-offs: > 15 if illiterate, > 22 if with 1-11 years of education and > 27 if with more than 11 years of education) (58), iii) community dwelling with maintained activities of daily living as evaluated by normal Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale (59), iv) no evidence for cognitive deterioration or cognitive complaints, v) no neurological or psychiatric condition likely to interfere with cognition and without familial history of dementia. Individuals with any systemic disease and/or taking psychoactive medications with possible impact on cognition, as well as chronic alcohol or drug abuse, were excluded. For both groups were performed surveys with personal clinical data (only for AD patients), education, habits, other diseases and medication (for all individuals). Blood collection with informed consent for each blood donor was also taken. 15 The study was presented and approved by local ethics committee of Hospital de Santa Maria and Hospital Fernando Fonseca. 2.1.2 Sample collection and storage The blood sample (approximately 20 ml) was obtained by venipuncture in vacuum conditions and collected three blood tubes: a serum gel tube (for serum isolation), an EDTA tube (for DNA extraction) and a CPT tube (for plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolation). For PBMCs, they were isolated from CPT tubes by centrifugation (30min, 1639g, room temperature), double washed with PBS (15min, 353g, 4ºC) and conserved on RNA later (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Total RNA was extracted from PBMCs using the miRNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer’s instructions, aliquoted and stored at -80ºC until further use. 2.1.3 Database and biological bank Database was also previously created (55), and included all clinical information on diagnosis (medical conditions, prescribed medication, cognitive performance and other relevant clinical information, biochemical and genetic data). RNA were stored in appropriate conditions, at Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge and at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência. This biobank was used only for research purposes and the database is anonymous and restricted to researchers directly involved in this project. 2.2 Quantitative Real-Time PCR The quantification of the Fe metabolism-related gene expression was performed by quantitative Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) on a ViiA™ 7 RT-PCR System (Applied Biosystems). Primers were designed to amplify specific amplicons for FURIN, HMOX1, TF, IREB1, NRF2, FT and APP. The software used was ABI Primer Express software (Appleid Biosystems). The primer sets were tested for amplification efficiency through a standart curve analysis by using successive cDNA diluitions. In RT- qPCR, the values assigned to efficiency should be between 90% and 110% and the standart curve slope should be equal to -3,32. However, slope values between -3,580 16 and -3,100 are accepted (60; 61; 62). The coefficient of determination (R2), which explains the observed values and the quality of the linear function apllied should be approaching a value of 1 for a quality of optimal adjustment (63). The synthesis of cDNA was carried out by using the RNA extracted from the blood mononuclear cells from 47 control and 50 AD individuals. Briefly, cDNA was synthesized from total RNA in a reaction catalyzed by reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase. Each cDNA sample was diluted 5-fold and 5 µL added to 5 pmol of primers and SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) to a final reaction volume of 15 µL. The cycling parameters used were 10 min at 95ºC (hold stage), followed by 40 cycles of 15 sec at 95ºC and 30 sec at 60ºC (PCR stage), and finally a melting curve stage. Quantification of gene expression was performed by the 2^-ΔΔCt method using HPRT1 as an endogenous control and a pool from several cDNA’s as a normalizing sample. IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software was used to perform statistics descriptives, normality tests and analysis of variance, adjusted for age and gender (ANCOVA), of gene expression data. 17 3. Results 3.1 Population of study The main demographic and clinical characteristics of population under study are described in Table I. Table I– Summary of the main demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population. Sample Characteristics AD patients (n=67) Controls (n=72) Age 75.3±7.6 68.1±8.4 Male (n=11) Male (n=31) Female (n=56) Female (n=41) Gender Age at onset Of disease 69.2±8.1 MMSE 14.0±6.9 Clinical Dementia Rating 1.71±0.49 15.9±10.5 Legend: MMSE – Mini Mental State Examination; CDR – Clinical Dementia Rating 18 3.2 Measurement of Biochemical parameters The results obtained of Fe metabolism markers in peripheral blood, that it was been measured by our group, of AD patients and respective controls of study population are described below in Table II. Table II – Biochemical parameters measured in serum from AD cases and controls and respective multivariate analysis of variance. Parameters [Iron] (µg/dL) AD Cases n mean±SD 67 74.84±25.06 Controls n mean±SD 72 89.42±28.36 [Transferrin] (mg/dL) 67 261.57±49.18 72 267.26±41.46 0.696(0.153) [TIBC] (mg) 50 325.28±63.99 47 330.36±54.61 0.894(0.018) 67 23.51±8.83 72 27.37±9.02 0.361(0.841) 65 112.29±80.03 69 147.22±111.99 0.257(1.295) 48 36.05±7.92 41 34.43±6.88 0.935(0.007) CPO 50 121.73±38.90 46 117.91±34.28 0.752(0.101) CPF 30 723.47±164.38 11 694.37±154.78 0.982(0.001) Transferrin Saturation (%) Significance (F) Overall MANCOVA(F) 0.155(2.051) 0.292(1.282) [Ferritin] (ng/µL) [CP] (mg/dL) Legend: [Fe] – serum iron concentration; [Tf] – serum transferrin concentration; [TIBC] – Total iron-binding capacity; Tf Saturation – Transferrin saturation; [Ft] – serum ferritin concentration; [Cp] – serum ceruloplasmin concentration; CPO – Ceruloplasmin oxidative activity; CPF – Ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity. Although we did not find significant differences between patients and controls, a tendency for the decrease of serum Fe concentration, Tf, TIBC, Tf saturation and Ft was observed in AD compared to healthy individuals. In contrast, a tendency for an increase 19 in serum Cp concentration and both its ferroxidative and oxidative activities was found for AD patients comparatively to controls. 3.3 Gene expression studies 3.3.1 Real Time PCR optimization During the optimization of each primer set it was taken into account the slope of standart curves, the R2 and efficiency values. They are presented in the table below (Table 5). Table 5 – Values of slope, R2 and efficiency of each primer set optimized in RT-qPCR. Gene FT-H FT-L TF IREB1 HMOX-1 FURIN Nrf2 Slope -3.366 -3.651 -3.225 -3.419 -3.390 -3.144 -3.213 R2 0.996 0.999 0.874 0.998 0.999 0.998 0.999 Efficiency (%) 98.177 87.9 104.192 96.091 96.897 107.999 104.751 Legend- FT-H: ferritin heavy chain; FT-L: ferritin light chain; TT: transferrin; IREB1: iron responsive element binding 1; HMOX-1: heme oxygenase 1; Nrf2: Nuclear factor E2-related factor-2; R2: coefficient of determination. 20 3.3.2 Fe metabolism related gene expression in AD and controls The expression of several Fe metabolism-related genes was measured in PBMCs from AD patients and controls (Fig. 3). The results obtained showed a significant decrease in CP (p=0.000) (Fig. 3A); SLC40A1 (p=0.000) (Fig. 3B); TFR1 (p=0.000) (Fig. 3C); TFR2 (p=0.000) (Fig. 3D) and ACO1 (p=0.011) (Fig. 3E), while an increase in expression of FT-L (p=0.038) (Fig. 3F) was observed in AD patients compared to controls. Importantly, a decrease in PMBCs of APP expression (p=0.007) (Fig. 3H) was observed in AD patients compared with healthy volunteers. Given the putative importance of this result we also measured the expression of APP in MCI individuals (p=0.018) (Fig. 3O). The results obtained showed that there is a significant difference between AD, MCI and controls cases. This way, we observe a gradual increase in APP expression from the more severe clinical group (AD patients) to controls, while the group of MCI individuals shows one intermediate APP expression compared to the other groups. A CP mRNA expression levels SLC40A1 mRNA expression levels p=0.000 Control n=51 AD n=40 p=0.000 B Control n=58 AD n=44 21 FT-L mRNA expression level ACO1 mRNA expression level TFR2 mRNA expression levels TFR1 mRNA expression levels p=0.000 Control n=58 Control n=47 E p=0.000 AD n=48 Control n=58 C p=0.011 AD n=42 Control n=45 AD n=49 D p=0.038 AD n=43 F 22 p=0.193 FURIN mRNA expression level FT-H mRNA expression level p=0.425 G Control n=47 H Control n=47 AD n=43 I J p=0.200 DMT1 mRNA expression APP mRNA expression levellevels APP mRNA expression level levels HAMP mRNA expression p=0.688 P=0.007 Control n=58 Control n=47 p=0.018 AD n=53 AD n=49 Control n=50 Control n=47 K MCI n=16 AD n=44 AD n=49 L TF mRNA expression level Control n=47 p=0.307 HMOX-1 mRNA expression level p=0.288 M AD n=43 AD n=42 23 N Control n=47 AD n=50 NRF2 mRNA expression level O P=0.227 Control n=47 AD n=50 Figure 3 - Boxplots showing the median and dispersion of the gene expression observed in AD patients and controls, after of removal severe outliers. A – Ferritin Heavy chain mRNA expression level; B – Furin mRNA expression level; C – Ferritin Light chain mRNA expression level; D – Acotinase mRNA expression level; E – Transferrin; F – Heme Oxigenase 1 mRNA expression level. 24 Discussion The results obtained in this study provide additional evidence to strengthen the hypothesis of an altered Fe homeostasis in AD. In fact, we found significant differences between AD patients and controls in the expression of Fe metabolism-related genes. Also, despite no significant differences were found at the biochemical level, some peripheral Fe metabolism biomarkers like Fe, Tf and Ft, showed a tendency to decrease in AD patients when compared to controls. These results support previous findings of a peripheral blood low Fe status in this disease (55). The quantification of mRNA expression of studied genes showed a significant decrease in TFR1, TFR2, SLC40A1, ACO1, CP and APP transcripts in PBMCs of AD patients compared to controls. It has been described that IRPs regulates expression of several Fe metabolism-related genes at the mRNA level (likely TFR1; TFR2; FT; DMT1; SLC40A1 and APP genes) (64). It was previously described that when cellular Fe is in excess FT and Fpn (SLC40A1) expression increases, while TFRs and DMT1 decreases. In our patients we found a tendency for a decrease in Fe, thus one can speculate that Fe accumulation in cells could own which is in agreement with the diminution of TFR1 and TFR2 expression in order to avoid Fe cellular influx. The results obtained showed that FT and DMT1 expression also are in agreement with this line of reasoning. However, SLC40A1 expression is decreased in AD patients who could suggest that Fpn decrease could lead to AD pathophysiology. Pinero et al. 2000 show in brain of AD rats that protein level was decreased in TfR1 and increased in Ft in response to Fe overload, leading to block of Fe entry into the cells and to enhance Fe store avoiding oxidative damage. In fact, expression results are in agreement with this report but at systemic level, we observed that Ft has a tendency to decrease. However, it was reported that FT-H has, essentially, a specific ferroxidase activity for rapid iron uptake while FT-L appear to be involved in nucleation of mineral Fe core (19). This indicate that FT-H exists predominantly in serum and FT-L in cell, so our results suggests that FT mainly express in PMBC cells is FT-L (p=0.0038) and in serum we observe principally FT-H activity. Also, it was suggested that, when considering molecular genetic studies of Fe homeostasis, its important remember that 25 gene transcript levels do not always correlate with protein levels due to IRE/IRP system (65), which regulates post-transcriptional Fe homeostasis, which can influence transcript stabilization or translational repression (66). Our results can suggest a possible role of a disruption in the IRE/ACO1 in the development of AD. It was also described that ACO1 is implicated in regulation of several Fe-related genes expression (67). In this way, ACO1 is involved in regulation of several key players of cellular Fe homeostasis and especially acts as a central mediator of neural APP expression in response to intracellular Fe (68). Once that ACO1 strongly regulates APP expression it make sense that in our population both APP and ACO1 expression is decreased in AD patients compared to controls. Thus, one can hypothesize that ACO1 gene could have a direct role in Fe-metabolism related genes dysregulation and thereby contribute to AD. In addition, the ferroxidase activity of APP stabilizes Fpn in the neuronal membrane and was reported that in AD cases the inhibition of this activity lead to Fpn internalization, causing neuronal Fe retention, increase of cellular oxidative stress and cell death associated with the disease (69). Since APP possesses ferroxidase activity similar to Cp and both interacts with Fpn to remove Fe from cells (69), and the decrease in APP, CP and SLC40A1 expression suggests cellular Fe accumulation. However, serum Cp did not show any significative differences between AD and controls, with a slight tendency to be increased in AD individuals. CP it’s expressed by two isoforms, Cp serum and GPI-Cp. Previously, it was shown that GPI-Cp is the membrane form of Cp that is required in Fe efflux in CNS. Alterations in this activity can lead to Fe accumulation in brain (70). GPI-Cp is physically associated with Fpn and alone, in absence of GPI-Cp or Cp, is unable to efflux Fe from cells (70). So, if GPI-Cp function in the brain is impaired, Fpn could be destabilized and prevent the output of Fe from cells. In our study, there are no significant differences in serum Cp concentration or oxidase activity between AD patients and controls, but the form of Cp that was measured in serum is the secreted Cp. Once that CP expression was significantly decreased in our patients, it’s possible that the expressed form is GPI-CP, thus leading to Fe retention inside cells. Initially, we tried to quantify GPI-Cp expression by quantitative RT-PCR, using the RNA extracted from PBMCs of our sample of AD patients and controls but we can´t succeed. Our results showed that serum Tf was a slight tendency to decrease. In previous study was reported that Tf decrease and Cp increase concentrations, in AD patients compared to controls, in diverse pathological conditions as an important defense mechanism 26 reflecting the body’s resistance to an oxidant insult (71). It was already described that when systemic Fe is in excess the HAMP expression increases leading to high levels of hepcidin secretion (19). Consequently, hepcidin bind to Fpn to internalize it and posteriorly degraded it, inhibiting Fe efflux (72). In our results we observe that HAMP expression was similar values between AD patients and controls, suggesting that serum Fe is not increase and leading to the reasoning that Fe is mainly within cells. In our study, serum Fe concentration, although were not found significant differences between patients and controls, the tendency of population suggests that Fe accumulates in PMBC cells of AD patients. Ozcankaya et al reported a significant higher concentration of Fe in 27 AD patients’ serum compared with 25 controls (73) but Squitti et al also did not find any significant differences between 51 AD patients and 53 controls for serum Fe, Tf and Cp concentrations (74). Both studies were performed in European populations; however, sample sizes and their constitution in terms of age and gender in these studies it’s different. This is in agreement with our results, once that population study is also bigger. In general, these observations suggest an impaired cellular Fe efflux in AD leading to cell damage by oxidative stress. Normally, oxidative damage in AD could be monitored by the up-regulation of antioxindant enzimes, like HMOX-1 (75). Premkumar et al demonstrated that both protein and mRNA of HMOX-1 are elevated in brains of AD patients. It was also reported that an increase of HMOX-1 expression promotes the aggregation and phosphorylation of tau (76), which becomes a vicious cycle where HMOX-1 is induced in response to oxidative stress and phosphorylation of tau to protect neurons (77), but at the same time if its expression increase, can trigger the tau aggregation and subsequent cellular toxicity (76), characteristic events of AD. Herein, although not statistically significant, we found a tendency to decrease of HMOX-1 expression levels in AD patients. Additionally, literature suggests that levels of Nrf2 protein under unstressed conditions in cells is maintained at very low levels (78) and also regulates HMOX-1 expression (79). Our results show a tendency in Nrf2 increased expression, which suggests that in AD patients cells are in stress conditions and once that HMOX-1 is regulated by Nrf2 it make sense that both have been increased. Furin was shown to be also implicated in Fe homeostasis in AD (80). It was been described that excess of cellular Fe decreases furin protein levels and in a previous study it was reported that expression of FURIN in the brains of AD patients were significantly decreased compared to controls (80). This result follows the same 27 reasoning of our results, which shows that mRNA levels of FURIN have a tendency to decrease in AD individuals. 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