W H AT I S A C I S ? B A C KG R O U N D ACIS is an a‐political, autonomous, private, TO LEARN MORE: Visit our site www.acismoz.com which includes a full directory of our members To join contact us on [email protected] non‐profit association which was founded interests, in particular of its mem‐ in 2000 with the aim of contributing to the bers, but also of businesses which promotion and development of commerce undertake commercial and indus‐ and industry through the strengthening trial activities in Mozambique. and sustainability of local business, as well as contributing to the development in Mozambique of an economy based on CONTENTS 2 Finances 2 Products & in general. 3 Services Testimonials Lobby and advocate on behalf of our members and the private sector Based on our Articles of Association, ACIS’ mission is to: Provide information, support and training for our members. private sector participation. Management Promote, support and protect the Our vision is of a strong, ethically sound private sector working in a healthy 4 & 5 business environment, contributing to the economic development of Mozambique. MEMBERSHIP Over 300 members Combined investment value of in excess of A full list of our members and a description of their products and services, as well as their contact details 10 billion US$ Combined workforce of over 60,000 section of our web site employees www.acismoz.com Members work with over 450,000 family Membership is open to individuals and sector farmers as outgrowers is available in the Member Directory organisations both within and outside Mozambique, please contact us for details Page 2 W H AT I S A C I S ? MANAGEMENT ACIS is ultimately managed by a The elected officials meet on a monthly General Assembly which comprises basis and members are able to submit all members of the association. The any comments, concerns and questions General Assembly is led by a they have about the management of the President and Vice‐President. association at these meetings. It elects a Management Committee, On a day‐to‐day basis ACIS is run by an which is responsible for the day‐to‐ Executive Director and an administration day running of the association, and a team overseen by the management and Fiscal fiscal committees. ACIS Management Team Committee which is responsible for financial oversight Visit us on: www.acismoz.com and auditing. FINANCES ACIS depends for its day‐to‐day ACIS is fiscally and legally compliant operations on the fees paid by in accordance with the requirements members. This enables us to retain of the Ministry of Finance . Accounts the independent voice with which are prepared monthly and distributed we have become synonymous. regularly to all members. Membership fees are as follows: Joining fee: 2,000Mt; ACIS Meeting Monthly fee: 1,100Mt Page 3 W H AT I S A C I S ? PRODUCTS & SERVICES Information & support – which includes: Advocacy Regular mailouts of news, data, statistics, This is a complex area where success can be reminders and other relevant information difficult to quantify. Our approach is to focus on Free access to Legal Framework series assisting member companies to ensure they are Free access to HIV/AIDS Workplace Toolkit The right to present questions and concerns and receive individual help and support fully legally compliant and thus have strong basis for advocating their rights. In addition to national level advocacy we also assist with localised and company specific issues. In particular our advocacy work focuses on tax & Free access to translations of key legislation accounting, labour and sectoral issues into English where these are available Networking, linkages, advertising An example of the type of products we offer is Among other opportunities members have the our innovative: right to free listing on our database and web‐ based member directory (which receives over 30,000 hits per month), to free advertising on our web‐based notice‐board, to participate in ACIS events, to sponsor events, products and Which includes 17 titles in English & services, and to have ACIS assist in preparing an Portuguese, designed to assist new and Investor Focus articles about the company, existing investors. Titles are available free to which is mailed to over 1,000 senior business, download from www.acismoz.com government and donor recipients W H AT I S A C I S ? Page 4 TESTIMONIALS The following are some of the comments our members have made about ACIS: ACIS Av. Poder Popular No. 264 Predio de AMI, 5o Andar CP07 Beira Phone/Fax: + 258 23 325997 E‐mail: [email protected] Web: www.acismoz.com "I arrived in Mozambique in August 2009 with little knowledge about the laws of the country and even less knowledge of Portuguese language. It was a horrendous challenge in unchartered territory but thanks to the services of ACIS, especially the download section of their website and the regular information emails, I now have ammunition enough to become an excellent Manager in this country. I have been in CEO positions in two other more‐developed countries before coming to Mozambique but no other organization I know has offered such a professional, timely and effective service. The English translations of the various laws alone would be enough to make the existence of ACIS worthwhile. Thanks to Carrie and thanks to all the ACIS team for the great job ! Keep it up!” André BAYA Country Manager, Rogers Logistics 'In relation to Intertek International Limited ‐ Government Services, ACIS has been a tremendous assistance in terms of sounding out their members as regards a key service we provide to Customs ‐ Pre‐ Shipment Inspection of certain imported goods. Based on this sounding they presented their views to the Chamber of Commerce (CTA) and key players in Government in an objective, transparent and unequivocal manner. In addition ACIS assisted us to appreciate the issues and concerns of the legitimate importing community. I also find that the regular ACIS e‐mails on various issues (economic, political and legal) are a very useful source of information which assist in the daily running of our operations as well as getting an overall feel for the Mozambican business landscape. General questions asked of ACIS are always promptly answered.'' Avelar da Silva General Manager ‐ Mozambique “O grupo Kawena, S.A. em Moçambique (Kawena, Saverite e Kangela Celular) melhorou significativamen‐ te o seu desempenho devido ao excelente serviço informativo e de divulgação de legislação, relatórios, procedimentos de variada natureza existentes em “Joining ACIS has been one of the Moçambique e sobre tão vasta matéria, para além de greatest joys for our company, the um site de fácil utilização e tão bem “apetrechado” de association’s devotion and uphill Christian Roeder informação muito útil para que possamos melhorar os struggle to provide us with up to date nossos conhecimentos e cumprir com o que nos é de legislation, reviews and general infor‐ Country Manager, DAMCO direito. Para além disso, começamos a participar na mation has had a major impact on our CCT que nos permite ter voz e apresentar as nossas company and assisted us to stay at the “ACIS has been an invaluable source of au‐ questões e experiência, receber as dos nossos congé‐ forefront in our business environ‐ thoritative information and, in certain contexts, neres e assim participar na vida social, política e eco‐ ment”. an early warning system for impending legisla‐ nómica do nosso País. Johann Júnior tive change. To the lawyers at SAL & Caldeira, Commercial Manager , Joaco Cimen‐ it’s also a real timesaver, as we often send new Miguel Pinheiro investors to the ACIS website to learn about Director dos Recursos Humanos/Grupo Kawena, S.A. tos Lda how to set up in business in Mozambique. ACIS projects abroad a positive, can‐do image of “O contributo inquestionável da ACIS na promoção e "THE definitive source for my business Mozambique that gives comfort (and inspira‐ desenvolvimento do empresariado local, abriu uma information and support. Without tion) to investors.” importante e dinâmica janela de oportunidades, quer parallel in Mozambique." Samuel J. Levy através da criação e alargamento de um network de Lynne Joshua Partner, SAL&Caldeira Advogados e Consulto‐ contactos e de interacção entre os seus membros, em Director, Admintegrada Lda res diversos sectores de actividade, abrindo oportunida‐ des de negócio e um ambiente de coesão. Um outro ponto importante e destaque é: … a sensibilidade e “ACIS é defenitivamente uma associação a qual todas as empresas do mercado deve‐ conhecimento dos constrangimentos de acesso à legis‐ riam associar‐se. Não só pelo seu excelente trabalho na promoção do investimento e lação traduzida para os seus membros. Do nosso pon‐ desenvolvimento do país, bem como, pela sua constante busca no que diz respeito á to de visto, isto reflecte a visão de conjunto da ACIS, informação e procura de soluções adequadas aos seus diversos membros. materializada no pensar local e agir globalmente. E A DBB ao juntar‐se a esta organização, aumentou a sua exposição no mercado, ainda, o fluxo de informação colocada à disposição dos ganhando uma maior visibilidade, o que por sua vez veio contribuir para o crescimen‐ membros e que certamente é um contributo valiosíssi‐ to carteira de potenciais clientes. Acreditamos no projecto, bem como na sua visão mo.” em contribuir para o desenvolvimento económico de Moçambique.” Carla Gonçalves Cristiana Oliveira Directora Comercial, Moçambique Companhia de Gestora Media/Media Planner, DDB Moçambique Seguros, SA Better Business Together. “ACIS assisted us in many cases during our long‐term partnership through providing guid‐ ance with local legislation in Mozambique and its application. We also appreciate ACIS as a forum to strengthen our brand in the local market and create networking opportunities.” W H AT I S A C I S ? Page 5 TESTIMONIALS ACIS Av. Poder Popular No. 264 Predio de AMI, 5o Andar In our 2010 Member Survey, members were asked to describe ACIS. Here’s what they said: CP07 Beira Phone/Fax: + 258 23 325997 E‐mail: [email protected] Web: www.acismoz.com Better Business Together. Dynamic and incisive Association, actively fighting on behalf of the private sector´s interest. Informative, on the ball, very current, pretty well disciplined, very popular .... and yes ... a blessing in this Environment The Chamber is very professionally run, it is well informed in matters important to business and has its finger on the pulse in all matters affecting it's members. Up to date with essential and well researched information and provides an essential service for the business community. Excellent tool to keep us all informed of what is happening in the country Excellent. It gives me confidence to do business in Mozambique knowing I belong to such an association. A well run organisation with great communication with its members Extremely informative and up to date with matters in Moz. A great source of info. It is a very professional commercial association. Your emphasis on ethical business practice is commendable. ACIS, giving a very much needed and welcomed service to the business community in Mozambique An essential service An active Association, very informative and pro‐active with the members. Brought in what tax payers were in need of; a voice prepared to argue and to contribute for the creation of a business environment. Well done. Keep it up. A hard working and broadly representative organisation that truly seeks results for its members. Indispensable ‐ a life saver for any company doing business in Moz Dedicated, effective, thorough, and influential. An amazing service to business in Mozambique ‐ real value for money. Invaluable actually! ACIS is a very professional association that constantly updates you on all relevant issues for our company operations. It is very organized and it is the best source of legal information in PT or EN for any operating company or for a potential investor in the country. A ACIS tem contribuido significati‐ vamente para que possamos melhorar a nossa compreensão dos problemas que afectam um melhor desenvolvimento do sector privado e da economia em geral em Moçambique. O empenho da ACIS no apoio, difu‐ são e transmissão de informações, bem como na promoção e desen‐ volvimento do comércio e da indús‐ tria em Moçambique merecem os nossos parabéns. Organizacao muito activa e ao cor‐ rente do que de maior relevo se passa no meio empresarial. As a small business I find ACIS very helpful in keeping up to date with new legislation. The member database is also a great way to contact prospective clients First and foremost we would like to thank you for the opportunity to voice our opinion in this forum. Your Organization is a solid and reputable reference and are continuously able to meet its members expectations. We would like to praise you on the good job you are doing and ask you to maintain this same level of excellence and specially the existent interpersonal relationship between your staff and the members which makes it a "Family Organization". Continue with the excellent work! Due to its professionalism, the most invaluable resource available to Mozambican business.
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become an excellent Manager in this country. I have been in CEO posi ons in two other more -developed countries before coming to Mozambique but no other organiza on I know has offered such a profess...
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