Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais: Israel – Brasil List of Business


Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais: Israel – Brasil List of Business
Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais: Israel – Brasil
List of Business Opportunities: Brazil - Israel
Missão Econômica de Israel no Brasil
Maio e Junho de 2013
Israel Economic Mission to Brazil
May and June, 2013
Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais com Empresas Israelenses
- Páginas 5 a 14
List of Business Opportunities with Brazilian Companies
- Page 17 to 27
Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais com Empresas Israelenses
Citi Diamonds..……..........................................…………...….....................………………………………….. 05
Trade Dory …..………………….…………............……...………………………………………………......... 06
Priotex Ltd....………………………...………………………………………………………..……………….. 07
SpotOn Video.…………….......……………………………………................…………......................………. 08
Hypermedia Systems Ltd…………………….……………………………............................……………… 09
RED Equipment..…….....………………………………………………………...........................................…. 10
Lista de Oportunidades Comerciais com Empresas Israelenses
Supergun......………………...............................………………………………………...……........….………. 11
Eshet Eilon.......………………………………………………………………...…….......................….…….… 12
Tagit EAS LTD.............................................................................……………………………..…………...…… 13
Inter Trade Corp – I.T.C……………………..….........................................................................…………...… 14
CiTi Diamonds
A Citi Diamonds é especializada em compra e venda de diamantes lapidados com
matriz em Tel Aviv e escritório em Nova York. Deseja entrar no mercado brasileiro, está
buscando parceiros, agentes ou compradores
Contato: Yossi Meshulam
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-03-6448288
Setor: Serviços
Trade Dory
A Trade Dory ajuda a criar oportunidades comerciais entre empresas brasileiras e
israelenses, além de fornecer a assistência necessária para que entrem em um novo
Website :
Contato: Dotan
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-08-9389097
Setor: Serviços
Priotex Ltd.
A Priotex fabrica tecidos Jacquard para colchões, estofamento, mobília, revestimento,
cabeceira, cortinas etc. e procura agentes, distribuidores e joint ventures
principalmente com fabricantes de colchões.
Contato: Noam Niram
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-03-9640830
Setor: Têxtil
SpotOn Video
SpotOn Video oferece um aplicativo para Smartphone que grava e gera
automaticamente vídeos personalizados em HD.
Contato: Itzik Klein
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-054-3188456
Setor: Tecnologia
Hypermedia Systems Ltd.
Hypermedia Systems Ltd. desenvolve e comercializa produtos de telecomunicações
de última geração para médias e grandes empresas, permitindo que os sistemas
atuais sejam atualizados.
Contato: Igal Zeigerman
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-077-4445023
Setor: Telecomunicações
RED Equipment
A RED Equipment fabrica equipamentos para a confecção de semicondutores. A
equipe de especialistas fornece também serviços de consulta, treinamento e
• Website:
• Contato: Danny Hacohen
• E-mail: [email protected]
• Phone: 972 04 8736248
Setor: Eletrônica
A Supergun desenvolve e fabrica sinalizadores esféricos de aviso aeronaves com
exigências específicas dos clientes locais e internacionais, usando tecnologias e
materiais inovadores avançados. O marcador pode ser rápida e simplesmente
instalado nos cabos de alta tensão, minimizando os riscos para o instalador.
Contato: Moti Winsberg
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-03-5622333
Setor: Segurança
Eshet Eilon
Fundada em 1935, Eshet Eilon oferece soluções completas para o manuseio de frutas
e legumes, que incluem: Recebeminto, tratamento de água quente, limpeza, secagem,
seleção e classificação, assim como a embalagem. Eshet Eilon fabrica sistemas de
triagem modulares que se aplicam as mais recentes tecnologias disponíveis,
garantindo confiabilidade e confiabilidade.
Contato: Avishay Tamir
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-04-9858777
Setor: Agricultura
Tagit EAS LTD.
A Tagit desenvolve, produz e comercializa alarmes de segurança eletromagnéticos. A
n gama de produtos abrange todas as necessidades dos clientes - dos setores de
varejo, lazer até bibliotecas (segurança para papel).
Contato: Vladimir Manov
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-09-8853207
Setor: Segurança
Inter Trade Corp – I.T.C
A Inter Trade Corp é especializada no desenvolvimento e fabricação de sinalização
de emergência da mais alta tecnologia e personalizada de acordo com a necessidade
dos mais variados segmentos.
Contato: Ami Talmor
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972 09 7661139
Setor: Segurança
List of Business Opportunities with Brazilian Companies
RÉGNIER & MORAIS ADVOCACIA.............…………...….....................……………………………..…….. 17
G. Berkovich Import & Commerce Ltd.............……...……………………………………………….......... 18
Elram Engineering & Advanced Technologies Ltd..……..............……………………..……………….. 19
Supergum Ltd…………….......……………………………………................…………......................………. 20
KALROM Systems Ltd.…………………….…………………………….................................……………… 21
Uniglobe Trade Ltd./ Midglobe Trading Pvt. Ltd.…………………………...........................................…. 22
List of Business Opportunities with Brazilian Companies
Uniglobe Trade Ltd./ Elephant Travels Ltd.……………………………...……….……....................…..... 23
Plastic Millennium Ltd.………..….............................……...……………………………………………….... 24
NANY Ltd………..…...………………...……………………………………………………………………….. 25
Ceres Telecom Ltd……………………........……………………………………................…………………. 26
Gideon Fisher & Co. – Law Office & Notary..………………………………................…………………. 27
RÉGNIER & MORAIS ADVOCACIA is a Brazilian Law Office with 16 years of
experience in law solutions for international trade, providing consult and litigation
services, in both administrative and judicial courts, focusing on customs law, tax law
and trade regulations, as well as representing clients before private sector and
government Brazilian authorities, either on direct invetments (new business
procedures) or merchandise cross-border operations.
Website :
Contato: Alexandre Medeiros Régnier
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: (41) 3232-6734 / Cel: (41) 9182-7006
Setor: Saúde
G. Berkovich Import & Commerce Ltd.
G. Berkovich Import & Export Ltd. represents worldwide known companies in the
fields of safety, sand blasting and painting products. The company specializes in impor
& export. of: Sand Abrasives: coal slag ,cooper slag grit, Aluminum Silicate
Contato:Mr. Gidi Berkovich
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-77-3009880
Setor: Export. &
Elram Engineering & Advanced Technologies 1992 Ltd.
Elram Engineering is a leading firm in the field of gearbox and motor design with 30
years of experience. We offer the most complete range of drives for poultry houses.
Our products are advanced and cost effective. Elram Engineering specializes in drive
technology, both mechanical and electrical. We develop and supply gearboxes, motors,
actuators and controls.
Website: /
Contato: Mr. Joel Grosberg
E-mail: [email protected]
Setor: Export
Supergum Ltd.
Supergum manufactures Spherical Markers for aircraft warning.
Supergum advantage is producing high quality products with competitive prices.
We have the ability to adjust our product to any requirement or regulation.
We are looking for distributors and salesmen that are working with power companies.
Contato:Mr. Moti Weisenberg
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-3-5622333, Mobile: 972-50-9646681
Setor: Manufacturing
KALROM Systems Ltd.
Kalrom Systems offers software that none of the major software companies do. The
name of the product is Kal Admin as described at our website.Our strategy is to put the
needs of our clients ahead of profit considerations, We are confident that if we take
good care of the former the later will take care of itself. Kalrom Systems is looking for
clients or distributors for its product worldwide.
Contato:Mr. Michael Ronen
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone:972-2-6721939 / 972-52-3847229
Uniglobe Trade Ltd./ Midglobe Trading Pvt. Ltd.
Uniglobe is specializing in export of tea and fresh fish from Sri Lanka. The fish is being
sent by air.
The company is already selling these products to various clients in Europe.
Contato: Mr. Shmuel Kenigsberg
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972- 9-7444773/ Mobile: 972-54-4268750
Setor: Export
Uniglobe Trade Ltd./ Elephant Travels Ltd.
Uniglobe is specializing in incoming tourism to Sri Lanka.
Contato: Mr. Shmuel Kenigsberg
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-9-7444773 / Mobile: 972-54-4268750
Setor: Tourism
Plastic Millennium Ltd.
Plastic Millennium provides services to a wide variety of customers for plastic
collection tanks all over Israel.
In addition, the company specializes in providing removal solutions to small and large
companies. The company's aim is to lead the plastic recycling field in Israel while
preserving high standard of service to our customers and improving the quality of the
Contato: Mr. Dor Klein
E-mail:[email protected]
Telefone: 972-3-9072779 / Mobile: 972-54-7544409
Setor: Service
Nany specializes in the production of high quality, kosher and inexpensive marinades
and other food supplements, made of natural ingredients and fat free. These products
are being sold to private homes as well as to public halls and coffee shops. The
company can produce its products per specific orders.
The company retains FDA approval, and is producing for American companies as part
of Aroma chain.
Contato: Mr. Nadav Hagag
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 972-50-7399479
Ceres Telecom Ltd.
CERES is a dynamic, technologically advanced company, active in the field of telecom,
offering a wide range of project management, skills and services from a dedicated,
focused and highly professional team.
Ceres offers services and highly specialized, cutting-edge technological niche solutions
for Wireless and Fiber Optic telecom networks to: Telecom Vendors, Operators and
Contato: Mr. Arik Zemer
E-mail:[email protected]
Telefone: 972-54-4275141 / 972-52-6057227
Setor: Services
Gideon Fisher & Co. – Law Office & Notary
Gideon Fisher & Co. offers to the international and Israeli business community a full
range of corporate, commercial advisory, litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution
The Firm applies an overall business perspective to each particular course of action,
offering comprehensive and integrated legal services - including complete litigation and
commercial support - to its clients, while considering both commercial and litigant
Contato: Adv. Benjamin Leventhal
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone:972-3-6913999 / 972-3-7385805
Setor: Services
Havendo interesse em alguma oportunidade apresentada, contate a empresa diretamente.
If interested in any of the opportunities, please contact the company directly.
Não encontrou a solução ou tecnologia israelense procurada? Entre em contato conosco:
If you didn’t find the Brazilian opportunity you were looking for, contact us:
Missão Econômica de Israel no Brasil Israel Economic Mission to Brazil
 : +55 (11) 3032-3511
 : +55 (11) 3032-9233
 : [email protected]
Contact us