NOTICES TO MARINERS Nº DIRETORIA DE HIDROGRAFIA E NAVEGAÇÃO NOTICES 150 TO 158 CENTRO DE HIDROGRAFIA DA MARINHA Rua Barão de Jaceguay s/nº - Ponta da Armação 24048-900 - Niterói, RJ, Brasil Tel/Fax: 0XX21-2613-8210 / 2620-0073 Internet: http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br NOTICES TO MARINERS NAVAREA V FORTNIGHTLY PUBLICATION ELABORATED BY CENTRO DE HIDROGRAFIA DA MARINHA (NOT FOR SALE) ANNEX TO AVISOS AOS NAVEGANTES PUBLICATION 22 2004 30 NOVEMBER GENERAL INFORMATION Navigational Warnings The Notices to Mariners (in English) issued in this publication disseminate information on alterations verified that affect oceanic and coastal navigation, through Area Warnings (NAVAREA) and Coastal Warnings, respectively. This information reach mariners through transmission via radio of Radio Warnings; through publication of the fortnightly Notices to Mariners; and through Internet. Radio Warnings - Are those that contain information that, due to the necessary urgency it should reach mariners, are transmitted via radio. Depending to the region the alteration occurs and the type of navigation mainly interested, Radio Warnings are classified in Area Warnings, Coastal Warnings and Local Warnings . Area Warnings - Refer to the oceanic area under Brazilian responsibility which issue is essential for long course navigation. It includes all warnings that contain alterations for NAVAREA V, until the pilot station. These Warnings, when broadcast, are preceeded by NAVAREA word followed by the identifier cipher of the origin country and then the order number of Brazilian Radio Warning. Coastal Warnings - Covers information that interest coastal navigation. The Fortnightly Publication of Notices to Mariners edited in English publish only Area and Coastal Radio Warnings in force more than six weeks and Temporary, Preliminar, Permanent and Special Permanent Notices elaborated in the fortnightly. All Temporary and Preliminar Notices in force will be published in Notices to Mariners nº 24. They are available in Internet, in address http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/avgantes/english/englishlist.htm. The “Blocks” and the “Precaution Notes” to update Brazilian Nautical Charts are not distributed with Notices to Mariners edited in English. Notices to Mariners edited in English are also available in INTERNET, in http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/avgantes/avgante.htm, without “Blocks” and “Precaution Notes” . address Issue of Radio Warnings Area and Coastal Warnings are transmited in all Daily Lists, until they are published in Notices to Mariners edited in English, after six week in force or until their respective cancelation (the one occurs first). To receive the lists through SAFETYNET International Service, the vessels fitted with EGC receivers of Inmarsat-C System should program their equipments for NAVAREA V, selecting East Atlantic Satellite (AOR-E), where the earth station of EMBRATEL in Tanguá issues the information to. Weekly, on Wednesdays, two General Radio Warnings, containing the numeric list of all Area and Coastal Radio Warnings that remain in force, are issued in Daily Lists in English. 2 NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS TRANSMISSION INTERNET LISTS OF RADIO WARNINGS (*) HF NOTICES TO MARINERS PUBLICATION PERIOD TRANSMISSION SCHEDULES RADIO WARNINGS ISSUED LANGUAGE http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/avgantes/avgante.htm RADIOTELETYPE (RATT) F1B RADIODATA J2D SAFETYNET FREQUENCES 6.448,0 KHz 12.709,0 KHz 16.974,0 KHz 4.266,0 KHz (at request) 8580,0 KHz 16974,0 KHz INMARSAT C INTERNET: http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/avgantes/avgante.htm ; AND NOTICE TO MARINER AVAILABLE IN SHIPPING OFFICES. 0400Z TO 0445Z 2130Z TO 2215Z Daily AREA WARNINGS Portuguese/English COASTAL WARNINGS Portuguese/English LOCAL WARNINGS Portuguese 1430Z TO 1530Z 0400Z AND 1230Z AVISOS DE ÁREA E COSTEIROS - RADIO WARNINGS ( NAVAREA, COASTAL AND LOCAL) IN FORCE MORE THAN 6 WEEKS - TEMPORARY NOTICES - PRELIMINAR NOTICES - PERMANENT NOTICES - SPECIAL PERMANENT NOTICES Fortnightly - BLOCKS FOR AMENDMENT TO NAUTICAL CHARTS - CORRECTIONS TO LIST OF LIGHTS, LIST OF RADIO AIDS, SAILING DIRECTIONS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS - PRECAUTION NOTES English Portuguese (All) English (**) (*) THE LISTS OF RADIO WARNINGS ISSUED BY SAFETYNET AND HF DO NOT CONTAIN RADIO WARNINGS PUBLISHED IN NOTICES TO MARINERS PUBLICATION. THE LIST OF RADIO WARNING ISSUED BY INTERNET ARE UPDATED DAILY AND CONTAINS ALL NAVAREA AND COASTAL RADIO WARNINGS IN FORCE. (**) NOTICES TO MARINERS PUBLICATION IN ENGLISH VERSION CONTAINS ONLY AREA (NAVAREA) AND COASTAL RADIO WARNINGS IN FORCE AND TEMPORARY, PRELIMINAR, PERMANENT AND SPECIAL PERMANENT NOTICES ELABORATED IN THE FORTNIGHT. RADIO WARNINGS Radio Warnings in force not included in this section can be found in internet, in address "http://www.dhn.mar.mil.br/chm/avgantes/avgante.htm" NORTH COAST NAVAREA V 2003 N 0181 - Barra Norte do rio Amazonas - Canal do Curuá - Chart 201 - Boat CM Milagres do Socorro II - Shiprecked near Curuá nº 2 light-buoy - NRORD 24 01º 01'.78 N 49º 38'.93 W. N 0794 01º 09'.64 N 49º 33'.33 W Barra Norte do rio Amazonas - Chart 201 - Safewaters nº 3 light-buoy NRORD 20 - Removed. N 0070 - Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha - Baía de Santo Antônio - Chart 10 (INT.216) - Wood quay interdicted for mooring maneuver. N 0108 00º 15'.41 S 48º 24'.19 W Rio Pará - Cabo Maguari - Chart 231 - Simão Grande light - NRORD 148 Radar responder beacon (RACON) - Inoperative. N 0133 01º 07'.54 S 45º 37'.86 W Ilha Maracaçumé - Ponta da Praia Grande - Chart 400 - Ponta da Praia Grande light - G 0070.5 - Extinguished. N 0456 01º 34'.12 N 49º 01'.35 W Barra Norte do rio Amazonas - Chart 210 - Amazonas nº 1 major light-float G 0003 - Removed. N 0516 - Barra Norte do rio Amazonas - Canal Grande do Curuá - Chart 201 - Alteration in position of light-buoys due to Meio and Rio Branco banks extended to the middle of the channel: Curuá nº 1 light-buoy - NRORD 32 - 01º 02'.39 N 49º 39'.52 W - New position: 01º 01'.78 N 49º 38'.93 W; Curuá nº 2 light-buoy - NRORD 24 - 01º 01'.78 N 49º 38'.93 W - Removed; Curuá nº 3 light-buoy - NRORD 36 - 01º 00'.12 N 49º 40'.89 W - New position: 00º 59'.76 N 49º 40'.35 W; Curuá nº 4 light-buoy - NRORD 40 - 00º 59'.98 N 49º 39'.89 W - New position: 01º 00'.35 N 49º 38'.82 W; Curuá nº 5 light-buoy - NRORD 42 - 00º 57'.94 N 49º 42'.16 W - New position: 00º 57'.70 N 49º 41'.79 W; Curuá nº 6 light-buoy - NRORD 44 - 00º 57'.25 N 49º 41'.36 W - New position: 00º 57'.20 N 49º 41'.01 W; Curuá nº 7 light-buoy - NRORD 46 - 00º 56'.94 N 49º 43'.11 W - New position: 00º 56'.80 N 49º 42'.61 W; Curuá nº 8 light-buoy - NRORD 48 - 00º 56'.99 N 49º 42'.97 W - New position: 00º 55'.83 N 49º 42'.19 W; Curuá nº 9 light-buoy - NRORD 50 - 00º 56'.03 N 49º 44'.79 W - Missing; Curuá nº 10 light-buoy - NRORD 52 - 00º 55'.23 N 49º 44'.99 W - New position: 00º 55'.85 N 49º 44'.09 W; Curuá nº 11 light-buoy - NRORD 54 - 00º 55'.44 N 49º 47'.16 W - Missing; Curuá nº 12 light-buoy - NRORD 56 - 00º 54'.04 N 49º 47'.54 W - New position: 00º 54'.40 N 49º 47'.50 W; and Curuá nº 14 light-buoy - NRORD 58 - 00º 52'.08 N 49º 50'.46 W - New position: 00º 53'.00 N 49º 50'.42 W. Mariners should take caution and be attentive when navigate in area. 2004 4 NORTH COAST N 0694 02º 27'.64 S 44º 22'.17 W Baía de São Marcos - Fairway to terminal Ponta da Madeira - Chart 412 Light-buoy nº 19 - NRORD 592 - Out of position. N 0880 01º 11'.26 N 49º 53'.96 W Barra Norte do rio Amazonas - Canal Grande do Curuá - Chart 201 - Guará light - G 0004 - Radar responder beacon (RACON) - Inoperative. N 0884 - Canal Grande do Curuá - Chart 201 - Meio bank extending to southeast among positions: 00º 57'.10 N 49º 43'.10 W, 00º 57'.60 N 49º 41'.65 W and 00º 57'.70 N 49º 41'.45 W. COASTAL 2004 N 4074 01º 48'.80 N 50º 01'.40 W Cabo Norte vicinity - Chart 210 - Barge Rio Araguari shipwrecked in position. N 4337 00º 54’.62 S 46º 11’.32 W Ilha do Apeú - Cabo Gurupi - Chart 400 - Apeú light - G 0070 - Extinguished. N 4363 00º 39’.71 S 48º 02’.61 W Rio Pará - Ponta Taipu - Chart 314 - Taipu light - G 0020 - Extinguished. N 4426 - Ilha dos Guarás vicinity - Canal do Espadarte - Chart 313 - Present situation of buoyage: Light-buoy nº 1 - NRORD 151 - 00º 24'.53 S 47º 55'.10 W - Missing; Light-buoy nº 3 - NRORD 152 - 00º 27'.33 S 47º 57'.92 W - Missing; and Light-buoy nº 6 - NRORD 153.2 - 00º 25'.73 S 47º 55'.00 W - Missing. N 4428 00º 30’.10 S 47º 23’.00 W Salinópolis vicinity - Chart 311 - Pedra da Corvina light-buoy - NRORD 478 Extinguished. N 4501 01º 27’.92 S 48º 30’.32 W Rio Pará - Baía de Guajará - Near 4º Distrito Naval - Chart 320 - Belém light established - NRORD 269 - In position - Operating experimentally days 01, 08, 15, 22 and 29/DEC/04 and 05, 12, 19 and 26/JAN/05 - Characteristic: Fl.W Detailed phase: W 0,5 - Ecl. 19,5 - Period: 20s - Luminous range: 15 nautical miles. EAST COAST NAVAREA V 2004 E 0671 05º 11'.00 S 35º 11'.17 W Cabo Calcanhar offward - Chart 803 - Risca do Zumbi light-buoy NRORD 1102 - Removed. E 4113 22º 43'.80 S 41º 52'.45 W Enseada de Búzios vicinity - Chart 1504 - Ilha Branca light - G 0349 Extinguished. E 4398 - South of Tabatinga light - Chart 800 - Existence of provisional square tower with pyramidal body in metallic with white and orange horizontal bands Showing continuous white quick light - With approximate 40 metres height. COASTAL 2004 5 EAST COAST E 4471 - Arquipélago de Abrolhos - Ilha de Santa Bárbara vicinity - Chart 1311 Existence of rocks with known depths in positions: a) 17º 57'.94 S 38º 42'.01 W - 4,8m; b) 17º 57'.97 S 38º 42'.04 W - 5,9m; c) 17º 58'.07 S 38º 42'.16 W - 7,1m; d) 17º 58'.00 S 38º 41'.89 W - 7,2m; e) 17º 58'.09 S 38º 41'.91 W - 7,9m; f) 17º 58'.10 S 38º 42'.19 W - 6,9m; g) 17º 57'.98 S 38º 42'.09 W - 6,1m; h) 17º 57'.99 S 38º 42'.12 W - 7,5m; and i) 17º 58'.06 S 38º 41'.96 W - 7,6m. (Coordinates in datum: WGS-84) SOUTH COAST NAVAREA V 2004 S 0033 - East of Canal da Verga - Chart 90 - Ref. Notice S 147(T)/02 light-buoy for environmental data colect removed for maintenance. S 0549 24º 03'.06 S 46º 15'.87 W Baía de Santos vicinity - Ilha da Moela - Chart 1700 - Moela radiobeacon NRORD RF 2590 - Inoperative. S 0606 26º 42'.48 S 48º 33'.00 W East of ilhas Itacolomis - Chart 1809 - F/B Esperança shipwrecked in position. S 0786 32º 38'.00 S 52º 17'.00 W East of Sarita light - Chart 2100 - F/B Rio Pesca I anchored and inclined Since 12/OCT/04. S 0798 24º 26'.90 S 44º 02'.00 W South of ilha Grande - Chart 23100 (INT.2124) - Existence of 3 unlit buoys in area within 2 nautical miles radius centered in position. S 4056 26º 46'.79 S 48º 34'.09 W Enseada de Itapocorói - Chart 1809 - Pedra do Cação light-buoy - NRORD 3815 - New detailed phase: W 1,0 Ecl. 1,0 - W 1,0 Ecl. 7,0. S 4454 - Northeast of Albardão - Chart 90 - Reference to Notice S 124(T)/04, buoy for data collect replaced by light-buoy - Characteristic: Fl(5)W - Period: 20 seconds and extinguished. S 4466 23º 04'.86 S 43º 33'.74 W Ilha Rasa de Guaratiba - Chart 1620 - Guaratiba light - G 0404 - Extinguished. S 4470 - Ilha de Santa Catarina vicinity - Chart 1902 - Existence of survey equipment to monitor conditions of sea: Medium anchorage buoy with wave measurer - Yellow color - Showing stroboscopic light in position: 27º 42'.50 S 48º 08'.32 W and current measurers signaled by blue tonel in position: 27º 42'.37 S 48º 08'.14 W. COASTAL 2004 6 SOUTH COAST S 4497 23º 00'.89 S 42º 55'.20 W Ilhas Maricás - Chart 1506 - Maricás light - G 0358 - Extinguished. GENERAL NAVAREA V 2004 G 0841 - 1 - Summer Time - Since 02/NOV/04, the Official Time in Distrito Federal and in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul states is advanced in 60 minutes in relation to the present Legal Time. 2 - Tide Table - Mariners should be attentive to add one hour to those laid in the tables in relation to the national ports in the affected states. 7 AMENDMENTS TO NAUTICAL CHARTS Temporary (T), Preliminary (P) and Permanent Notices in the fortnight NORTH COAST PRELIMINAR NOTICE (P) N 150(P)/04 NORTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - NORTH COAST Canal Grande do Curuá - Ponta do Céu - Small lighthouse reconstructed Name - Ponta do Céu Position - 00º 46'.09 N 50º 05'.74 W New position - 00º 46'.13 N 50º 05'.41 W (datum: WGS-84) New description - white square metallic lettice structure Details - Small lighthouse reconstructed in new position with alteration in description, remaining the other legends. Note - This Notice replaces Preliminar Notice nº N 116(P) of 2004 and cancels Radio Warning nº N 0855 of 2004. Charts which will be affected - Nºs 201 - 202 - 210 - 220 - 40 - 200 - 4011. PERMANENT NOTICE N 158//04 BRASIL - RIO PARÁ Baía do Marapatá - Canal Norte - Amendments to chart Position - 01º 40'.00 S 49º 10'.00 W Details - Insert the accompanying blocks in the position. Chart affected [Last correction] - Nº 305 and plan [147/04]. EAST COAST PERMANENT NOTICES E 151//04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - EAST COAST Near Macaé - Terminal de Imbetiba - Alteration in characteristic and period of light-buoy Name - Light-buoy nº 3 Position - 22º 22'.90 S 41º 46'.08 W Details - Replace near the position the legend "Lp.E.3s" by "R(2)E. 6s". 8 EAST COAST Note - This Notice cancels Radio Warning nº E 7951 of 2004. Chart affected [Last correction] - Nº 1507 and Plan "B" [121/01]. E 152//04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - EAST COAST Fairway to terminals for solid, liquid and gas - Near TEMADRE and USIBA terminal - Existence of rock with known depths Positions: a) 12º 49'.39 S b) 12º 44'.90 S c) 12º 49'.38 S d) 12º 50'.74 S e) 12º 50'.51 S 38º 31'.16 W 38º 37'.90 W 38º 31'.16 W 38º 30'.80 W 38º 30'.82 W Details: 1 - Insert in positions a) and c) a symbol for "dangerous underwater rock" with known depth of 2.9 metres, surrounded by a danger line. 2 - Replace near position b) (rock) the depth 5.8 metres by 4.5 metres. 3 - Insert in position d) a symbol for "dangerous underwater rock" with known depth of 5.8 metres, surrounded by a danger line. 4 - Insert in position e) a symbol for "dangerous underwater rock" with known depth of 10.2 metres, surrounded by a danger line. {Chart 12000 - Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms (2nd ed. 1995) page 38 IK [14(421,4)]} Charts affected [Last correction] - Nºs 1103 (1a) [47/04] - 1105 (2) [105/04] - 1104 (1c), (2), (3) and (4) [105/04]. SOUTH COAST PRELIMINAR NOTICES (P) S 153(P)/04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - SOUTH COAST Canal de Piaçagüera - Existence of minor depths Details: 1 - Existence of minor depths, varying from 11,5 metres to 10,5 metres between parallels: 23º 52'.83 S and 23º 54'.00 S; 2 - Existence of minor depths, varying from 10,5 metres to 9,7 metres between parallels: 23º 54'.00 S and 23º 54'.52 S; and 3 - Existence of minor depths, varying from 7,8 metres to 7,4 metres in right edge of the channel between parallels: 23º 54'.43 S and 23º 54'.65 S. Chart which will be affected - Nº 1701. S 154(P)/04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - SOUTH COAST Porto de Santos - Fairway - Existence of rock and minor depth 9 SOUTH COAST Positions: a) 23º 56'.33 S 46º 18'.63 W b) 23º 56'.42 S 46º 18'.80 W c) 23º 56'.55 S 46º 18'.57 W Details: 1 - Existence of rock with depth of 9,5 metres in position a). 2 - Existence of minor depth of 9,1 metres in position b). 3 - Existence of wreck with depth of 3,7 metres known through sounding in position c) and the symbol for wreck showing any portion of hull will be removed from the position. Chart which will be affected - Nº 1701 and plan. GENERAL PRELIMINAR NOTICE (P) G 156(P)/04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL Existence of submarine cable Positions: 1) 03º 45'.90 S 2) 02º 58'.00 S 3) 03º 04'.00 S 4) 03º 20'.80 S 5) 04º 42'.90 S 6) 05º 40'.50 S 7) 06º 34'.60 S 8) 08º 05'.60 S 9) 10º 16'.50 S 10) 11º 29'.60 S 11) 12º 36'.60 S 12) 13º 53'.70 S 13) 15º 46'.90 S 14) 17º 40'.10 S 15) 19º 17'.30 S 16) 20º 48'.30 S 17) 21º 22'.90 S 18) 22º 19'.00 S 19) 23º 32'.00 S 20) 23º 58'.00 S 21) 23º 59'.00 S 22) 23º 54'.00 S 23) 23º 52'.06 S 24) 23º 49'.06 S 25) 23º 48'.07 S 38º 26'.40 W 36º 30'.00 W 35º 23'.00 W 34º 47'.10 W 33º 55'.00 W 33º 24'.10 W 33º 01'.30 W 32º 55'.60 W 33º 01'.20 W 33º 12'.94 W 33º 13'.70 W 33º 29'.30 W 33º 41'.80 W 33º 54'.30 W 34º 02'.30 W 34º 18'.90 W 34º 41'.70 W 35º 50'.00 W 37º 24'.00 W 39º 08'.00 W 40º 40'.00 W 41º 38'.00 W 42º 05'.08 W 42º 36'.05 W 42º 51'.06 W Details - Existence of submarine cable among positions. Note - This Notice cancels Radio Warning nº G 1259 of 2001. Charts which will be affected - Nºs 50 - 60 - 70 - 10 (INT.216) - 20 (INT.202). PERMANENT NOTICES G 155/04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - EAST COAST Porto de Tubarão 10 GENERAL Reference: Dredging Details - Cancel Temporary Notice nº E 148(T) of 2004 due to the estimated end has expired. G 157/04 SOUTH ATLANTIC - BRASIL - NORTH AND SOUTH COASTS Cancellation of nautical charts Reference: Charts nºs 500, 600 and 1800 Details - Cancel the following nautical charts: Chart 500 - Da Ilha de Santana a Camocim (3ª edição: 28 de julho de 1978), due to publication of nautical charts nºs 21600 (INT.2109) and 21700 (INT.2110); Chart 600 - De Camocim a Fortaleza (3ª edição: 15 de outubro de 1975), due to publication of nautical charts nºs 21700 (INT.2110) and 21800 (INT.2111); and Chart 1800 - Da Ilha de Bom Abrigo à Ilha do Arvoredo (1ª edição: 2 de fevereiro de 1957), due to publication of nautical chart nº 23300 (INT.2126). NOTE TO USERS The Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation began 1st July 1997, transmissions of maritime safety information for the area under the Brazilian responsibility METAREA/NAVAREA V, using the International SafetyNet -Inmarsat - C, part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. In these transmissions are released Navigation Warnings and Weather Forecast and also bad weather warnings and SAR following the time below: Navigation Warnings : 0400Z and 1230Z Weather Forecast : 0130Z, 0730Z, 1330Z and 1930Z To receive these informations ships should have the EGC inmarsat - C Safetynet receiver. The users must program their receivers to METAREA/NAVAREA V, selecting the East Atlantic Satellite - AOR - E for which Embratel the Land station divulge the informations. The use of the Safetynet makes efective in Brazil the resources of the GMDSS as set by the 1988 amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - 1974 (SOLAS). We ask the users to inform the quality of signal received on board. 11 DIRETORIA DE HIDROGRAFIA E NAVEGAÇÃO RUA BARÃO DE JACEGUAY, S/Nº - PONTA DA ARMAÇÃO 24 048-900 - NITERÓI - ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - BRASIL DELIVER TO THE NEAREST SHIPPING OFFICE, ASSISTANT PORT DIRECTOR OFFICE, AGENCY OR HARBOUR OFFICE. _____________________________________________________________________________________ FORM FOR INFORMATION ON NAUTICAL CHARTS Date .................................................................... Ref. Nº ................................................................................ Vessel/Ship or Place ........................................................................................................................................ Address ............................................................................................................................................................ Observer ........................................................................................................................................................... Date of observation ...................................................Time of observation (GMT)............................................. Position: Lat. ............................................................. Long. ........................................................................... Chart affected (quote the origin country) Nº ............................................ Edition ............................................ Publication affected ................................................................................. Page .............................................. Latest Notices to Mariners held ........................................................................................................................ Description/Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ SENDER:.......................................................................................................................................................... VESSEL/SHIP/PLACE:..................................................................................................................................... Signature:_________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING IN THE FORM FOR INFORMATION ON NAUTICAL CHARTS 1 - This sheet is to facilitate the furnishing of information to Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação on irregularities observed which may affect safety of navigation. 2 - Information should be as complete as possible, always mentioning the essential which characterize perfectly the irregularity observed, as: - a voyage (or cruise) from where, to where; - date and time observed; - position, in the moment of the observation, which should refer to the largest scale chart: -method used to determine position: astronomical, satellite, omega, by true or magnetic bearings from conspicuous points (at least three bearings from different points), by bearings and distance by radar, or by combination of any these methods. The necessity, in case of magnetic bearings, to inform the error value is reminded. Mariners are required, in any method used, to inform: types, models and trade mark of the equipments used and, whenever it is possible, the instrumental errors value; If the position obtained is not accurate, such a fact should be informed; - the depth and the methods used to determinate it, the quality of the bottom, if it is possible to obtain it, the registries of echobathymeter, if existent, these registries should report: date and time, depth found, scale used in reading the depth, sea condition according to DHN-5909 model, type, model and echobathymeter trade mark, meteorological conditions, color of sea water, draught of the vessel or ship; - publication or chart used, indicating edition, page and Hydrographic Service publisher. In addition to the information required above, mariners should give a description of all details considered interesting and not quoted above. 3 - Information that could not be confirmed due whether to lack of details or to imperfection in observations effected and methods used, should not be sent. 4 - Information on sounding, uncharted dangers or irregularity in navigational aids may be reported to the nearest Shipping Office, Assistant Port Director Office or Agency, and also, in mariners criteria, to DHN through the nearest coastal radiotelegraphic station, using address TLX nº 2131220 or FAX (0XX21) 2620-7921. Messages with address "NAVEMAR" are free of charge. It is convenient to remind all mariners that the draught of some modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under thirty (30) metres or fifteen (15) fathoms, when near or in fairways to ports and terminals, may present risk that justify sending of urgent information through telegraphic address "NAVEMAR". _____________________________________________________________________________________ DIRETORIA DE HIDROGRAFIA E NAVEGAÇÃO RUA BARÃO DE JACEGUAY, S/Nº - PONTA DA ARMAÇÃO 24 048-900 - NITERÓI - ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - BRASIL DELIVER TO THE NEAREST SHIPPING OFFICE, ASSISTANT PORT, DIRECTOR OFFICE, AGENCY OR HARBOUR OFFICE. _____________________________________________________________________________________ FORM FOR CORRECTION OF AID TO NAVIGATION PUBLICATION The Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN) request, in interest of Safety of Navigation, mariners communicate this Directorate any omission or inaccuracy found in its aid to navigation publications, as well as existing divergences between its information and that contained whether in nautical charts or in other source, with the view of improvement of these publications. Collaboration of mariner can be done through fulfillment of this form with the requested data and sending it to the address in its back. Last Notices to Mariners received: ................................................................................................................... Publication to be corrected (name and year of edition): .................................................................................... Pages of publication to be corrected (page number of Notices to Mariners and its last correction): ................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... Corrections to be effectuated: .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... Name of collaborator and date:.......................................................................................................................... Name of the vessel: .......................................................................................................................................... Address for correspondence: ......................................................................................................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________ SENDER:.......................................................................................................................................................... VESSEL/SHIP/PLACE:..................................................................................................................................... Signature:_________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CENTRO DE SINALIZAÇÃO NÁUTICA E REPAROS ALMIRANTE MORAES REGO BASE NAVAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO - ILHA DO MOCANGUÊ - NITERÓI CEP 24.040-300 - ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO - BRASIL DELIVER TO THE NEAREST SHIPPING OFFICE, ASSISTANT PORT, DIRECTOR OFFICE, AGENCY OR HARBOUR OFFICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ NAUTICAL SIGNALS EVALUATION FORM (FASN) For the purpose of streamlining our services, we request the captains of national and foreign navigating along the Brazilian coast to fill in this evaluation form and deliver it to the port captaincies or the nearest organization of the navy, through the intermediary of vessel's agent (waterclerk) in each Brazilian port. 1. Name of Ship/Craft ....................................................................................................................................... 2. Flag .............................................................................................................................................................. 3. Height from bridge to the waterline ............................................................................................................... 4. Nautical Signals which offer good daylight visibility (and the distance if possible) ...................................... 5. Nautical Signals which offer good visibility at night (and the distance if possible) ............................. 6. Nautical Signals which offer bad daylight visibility (and the distance if possible) ..................................... 7. Nautical Signals which offer bad visibility at night (and the distance if possible) .................................... 8. RACON signal received on radar screen and distance ................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9. Suggestions for improvement of the Nautical Signals along the navigated stretch .................................... _____________________________________________________________________________________ SENDER:.......................................................................................................................................................... VESSEL/SHIP/PLACE:..................................................................................................................................... Signature:_________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING IN THE NAUTICAL SIGNALS EVALUATION FORM (FASN) 1 - This form is conceived to gather information in an easy way to the Brazilian Lighthouse Authority, the "Centro de Sinalização Náutica e Reparos Almirante Moraes Rego", about the aids to navigation along the brazilian coast. 2 - The informations should refer mainly to the identify, including RACON signals. aids that were found mal-functioning or difficult to 3 - Suggestions to improve the aids to navigation performance are welcome and should be given. 4 - Upon filling in, this form shall be sent to the Harbour Office, or the nearest Organization of the Brazilian Navy. _____________________________________________________________________________________
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