This week`s diary


This week`s diary
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge
Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills
 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank  Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)
Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm.
Ph: 3345 3766
Fax: 3344 3343,
Mass Times: 3345 1831
Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.
Web: Email: [email protected]
Deanery website:
8:15 am
8:30 am
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Tuesday 18th November
8.15 am
8.30 am
7.00 pm
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Silent Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament - S/bank
Wednesday 19th November
8.15 am
8.30 am
9:00 am
Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Rosary - Sunnybank
Thursday 20th November
8.30 am
8.45 am
9.00 am
7.30 pm
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Meditation Media Rm
21st November
The Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:15 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
9.45 am
Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Benediction - Sunnybank
Legion of Mary - Media Rm
Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank; Administrator: Acacia Ridge)
Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor)
Fr Peter Kavumpuram MST (part time Associate Pastor, part time
chaplain to Syro-Malabar Community).
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year A
16th November 2014
This week’s diary
Monday 17th November
St Elizabeth of Hungary
Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498)
Dear Parishioners
Pope Francis has written to Prime Minister Tony Abbott a
letter on the occasion of the G20 Summit. You can Google this
letter quite easily. He encourages G20 members to consider
several topics including public spending and investment, severe
malnutrition of many women and men in the world, unemployed young
people without work, the extreme attacks on human rights and total
disregard for humanitarian law in the Middle East and international care for
the poor and the marginalised. It is not a long letter and is certainly worth
We continue to pray during November for family members and friends who
have died. A big thank you to Carol Micale and our welcoming
committee for organising such a memorable Memorial Mass last
Saturday morning. It was a heart warming Mass and the morning tea after
Mass was much appreciated. Thank you to everybody involved.
As I mentioned in the newsletter last weekend Deacon Stephen Camiolo
will be ordained a Priest on Monday 8th December at 7pm in the
Cathedral of St Stephen in Brisbane. Everyone is invited and we will
organise a bus to transport anyone who would like to leave from Our Lady
of Lourdes Church. Please contact the Parish office if you would like to
travel in the bus. Stephen's first Mass will be celebrated at Sunnybank on
Wednesday 10th December at 6:30 pm.
Saturday 22nd November
St Cecilia
The “Break Open of the Word” book is available in our piety stores for
$12. All our readers are encouraged to buy this book which contains the
Scripture readings for each Sunday over the next 12 months. Anyone who
appreciates the Scriptures would value this book as it has a short
commentary on each of the Sunday readings.
10.30 am Novena to Our Mother of
Perpetual Help - Sunnybank
11.00 am Reconciliation - Sunnybank
2.30-5 pm Catholic Charismatic Prayer
(Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Spanish
Media room - Sunnybank
5.00 pm Reconciliation
6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank
I am looking for volunteers for Children's Liturgy of the Word at the
9:15am and 10:30am Masses at Sunnybank. Next year at the 9:15 and
10:30 am Masses the primary school children will be invited to move to the
Media Room to learn about the Scriptures which are being read at Mass at
their own level. If you would like to be involved please contact sister Stella at
the Parish office.
Sunday 23rd November
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
I have invited Verna Sharp to be the official Parish photographer at
Sunnybank. The hope is that Verna will be able to photograph all the
activities of the different Parish groups to be able to be shown at next year’s
Parish feast day on February 13th.
6.30 am
8.00 am
9.00 am
9.15 am
10.30 am
11.30 am
6.00 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - (Spanish) - A/Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank: Youth
Have a good week everyone.
Fr Dan.
Next: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26a,28; Matthew 25:31-36
Reflections on 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year A
Introduction: Accepting the gift of God’s unconditional love should transform how we
see God, ourselves, our gifts and the order of values that guides our lives.
First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31
The woman in her home is praised for her practical wisdom and her contribution to family
life and the neighbourhood.
Second Reading: 1Thessalonians 5:1-6
Paul instructs his community about the Lord’s return. Life must carry on but they should be prepared to
be accountable for God’s gifts and blessings.
Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30
The gifts from a loving God entail both freedom and responsibility in using them.
St Thomas More Class of 1984 - 30 Year Reunion!
Students and staff who were a part of the 1980-1984 journey - and your families.
Sunday 23rd November 2014 - 11am.
St Thomas More College, Cnr Troughton Rd & Turton St, Sunnybank.
BYO Picnic (food and drinks)
A BBQ will be available to use, and there is plenty of seating and tables (but maybe pop a spare chair in the boot just in case).
Ann Donnelly Marshall - Mob: 0418729970, Email: [email protected] or
Selina Kadell (Summers) – Mob: 0414257939, Email: [email protected]
Please let us know if you are coming – RSVP: Thursday 20th November 2014
Centacare Pastoral Ministries is currently
Australian Christian Meditation Community Qld
seeking expressions of interest from people
wishing to apply for a scholarship to undertake a
Certificate in Spiritual Care with a view to
becoming a Pastoral Carer at one of five
Health Care professionals recognise the valuable
contribution of pastoral carers to the holistic healing of patients and their families.
Director, World Community for Christian Meditation
If this sounds like something you are interested in,
please email [email protected] for
more information.
Remaining Aria Angels Dates for Term 4
Wednesdays: November 19, 26. Cost $5.00.
Time: 9am (for 9.30 start) - 11am in Media Room.
Information contact Anne Scott 0419 642 490
Would you like to get involved by
volunteering with Caritas?
Caritas is looking for volunteers to get involved in
various activities in and around Brisbane.
Do as much or as little as you want.
Please email Joseph Foley at
[email protected] or call him
on 0428 259 439
7.30pm – 9.30pm
at Marymac Community Centre
616 Ipswich Road, Annerley
Cost: $40
For details contact Gabby Nelson 0488 592 770
or email: [email protected]
Catholic Kids Club
Last Meeting for the year
Saturday 13th December 2014
Activities Room - Paloma Centre
3:00pm - 5:00pm (4yrs - 11yrs)
(Come dressed in Christmas gear
and bring a plate of food to share)
At meetings children learn about their
faith in a fun way through activities,
crafts, games and stories.
For more information on this ministry
call Kristen on 3345 3766
Your Prayers Are Asked For:
the recently deceased:
Nicanor Aguto, Norma Cameron, Pius Paul Cheng,
Dr Des McGuckin, Blanche O’Kelly, Maria Sanchez Razal, Brian Tulley, Joseph Van Quy Nguyen.
those with anniversaries & others who have died:
Patricia Batros, Guy Catchlove,
Maria Di Carlo, Maureen Fitzgerald, Rosemary Lergessner, Philip Mitchell, Benito Palombo,
Francesca Saitta.
those who are unwell:
Anthony Christmas, Edna Daley, Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow,
Baby Milla Wilson, Patricia Briggs, Chris Carr, Paul Hennessy, Anthony Co, Eva Cruz,
Maria Alvarado, Melissa, Natalie and Stephanie Perkovic, Lola Kelly, Mag Complex,
Daphane Maccampley, Desmond O’Reilly, Janie Booth, Jessica Vasen, Ljerka Doslovic,
Myriam Adolphie.
the Continuing Sick:
Kath Adams, Eva Baker, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher,
Maxine Brady, Jeremy Carroll, Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey,
Mary Dixon, Yvonne Fletcher, Baby Luka Kello, Patrick Kennedy, Bianca Miller, Julanne Slater,
Maria Surdo, Emma Weatherley.
Deacon Stephen Camiolo will be ordained on
December 8th in the Cathedral of St Stephen
He will celebrate his First Mass at
Our Lady of Lourdes on December 10th.
The Welcoming Committee will be hosting a Supper
Function, including a sausage sizzle, after Stephen’s
First Mass. Parishioners are asked to contact the
Parish Office to say how many adults and how many
children are attending for catering purposes.
Tea and coffee will be served during the supper.
The Committee requests that parishioners bring a plate
of finger food, either savoury or sweet, to share.
Committee members will be in the Media Room from
5.30 pm onwards to take delivery of food contributions
Sacramental Programme 2015
Important Notice for Parents
This week we commenced the interviews for the 2015
Sacramental Programme. Currently, we have about
seventy families who have registered. If you have not
contacted the Parish office for an interview time,
please do so on 3345 3766. Please access the website, Sacramental Program/Sacraments.
St Vincent de Paul
Christmas Appeal
SVDP will begin their annual appeal for nonperishable food to be included in Hampers that will be
distributed to the less fortunate in the days before
To allow sufficient time to make up the Hampers, baskets
will be placed at the back of the Church from next
weekend for all your donations.
If you wish to make a complete hamper, our requirements
are: a Christmas pudding/cake; cordial/soft drink; coffee/tea;
jam/ Vegemite/similar; a tin of fruit; a tin of ham; a box of
cereal; a bag of lollies and some long life custard the sorts of food needed for Christmas Day.
We are not collecting toys this year. If you wish to give a gift
to a disadvantaged child, please place a gift
voucher or some money in an envelope marked "SVDP gift
vouchers". Cash will be converted into gift vouchers and
given to parents so that they can select a toy or clothes
appropriate for their child's age. Thank You
You’re invited to
The Feast of Our Lady
of the Immaculate Conception
Fr Dan’s 40th Jubilee: Video Presentation
Saturday 6th December, 2014
This is a group for single and solo people of middle age 10 am
Rosary in 5 languages
who meet on first Sunday of the month. Our next gather- 10.30 am Mass for Our Lady and Fr Dan
ing is Sunday 7th December at the Runcorn Tavern,
11.15 am Celebrating Fr Dan’s 40th Jubilee
124 Gowan Road. Ask for Mary H’s table.
12 noon Festive Lunch, door prizes at Runcorn Tavern,
124 Gowan Road
Please note that lunch service starts at 11.30 am.
Carols by the Samoan Youth Choir &
The next gathering will be in February next year.
Michael Win.
Singles and Solos
BBQ is on
Donation for a sausage or
gold coin for a drink . .
Thank you
Pastoral Associate
Stella Noskoff rsj
[email protected]
Parish Office Staff
Karrin Halliday
Parish Manager
Youth and Young Adult
[email protected]
Gabby Nelson (Assistant)
Kristen Roe (Assistant)
Tam Nguyen (Accounts)
[email protected]
Caring Co-ordinator
Carol Micale
[email protected]
Unite Youth/Young Adults
Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird
0403 182 617
[email protected]
Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care
Community Program ManagerJennifer Vanarey
3216 9554
Paloma Reception Centre
3345 6666
OLOL School, Sunnybank
Principal - Mark Badke
3345 0700
Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya
3344 3064
[email protected]
OLOF School, Acacia Ridge
Principal - Warren Fields
3275 1152
St Stephen’s School, Algester
Principal - Steve Taylor
3711 4911
St Stephen's OSHC
Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling
3711 9291
[email protected]
St Thomas More College, Sunnybank
Principal - Peter Elmore
3323 4600
Soubirous Place
Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm
3344 3481
Sunnybank Parish
Bob Davis
Therese Prygiel
Louise Weston
Latino American
Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez
0481 118 521
Marina Castellanos (Secretary)
0481 168 748
Office: Tuesday & Wednesday
9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367
This Sunday
16th of November
after Mass til 8:30pm
In the Media Room
Everyone is welcome
Thank you to all those
who came to the
Prayer Vigil, to pray
for the youth and
young adult ministry at our parish,
last Friday night. We greatly
appreciate your prayers and support!
Please continue to pray as we plan
and prepare for 2015!!
NOTE for those on the roster!!
The end of the year is fast approaching!!!!
If you are on the ministry roster and will be
away over December-February please let us
know so that we can adjust the roster as
needed. THANK YOU =)
Lounge Room
Ultimate questions.
Please leave your questions in the
box and we will get an answer for the
next lounge room…...
There’s No Such Thing as “Impossible” for God (Part 1 )
by Christina Mead (Taken from the Lifeteen Website)
We have a God who deals in the impossible. This is huge, life-changing, and has
everything to do with Christmas. I think we’re so used to the story of “Christmas” that we
can easily forget to spend time just letting ourselves be amazed by the story.
For Example: The Blessed Mother is a virgin. In every sense of the word. This is not
figurative; it’s not one of those words that means something else. Mary was and still is a
virgin. And that’s that. (CCC 496 – 501) But she becomes pregnant when an angel shows up
in her house and says, “Hi, you’re a really well behaved teenager because God preserved
you from sin and now you’re going to carry the Creator the universe in your womb . . .
but don’t worry about the town being scandalized because you're only engaged
the Holy Spirit will take care of it.” (I paraphrased)
What would your reaction be? I’m pretty sure I would be so scared I would cry.
Profusely. God does the impossible.
As if That Weren't Enough. Then the angel tells Mary that her cousin Elizabeth is
expecting a child. That’s cool, right? Not that unusual. My cousin just had a baby too
– no big deal.But the angel says, ” . . . in her old age” about Elizabeth. That means that
Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah had given up hope of having a baby long ago.
Two miraculous children all within 10 verses of the Gospel of Luke. Whoa.
And this isn’t just a story. This isn’t made up. It’s not your “Grimm fairytale.”
Here’s the exciting part. (As if Jesus being born an infant isn’t exciting enough!)
Are you ready for this? . . . God hasn’t changed. And He never will.
( Part 2 Next week )
Sunday 23rd November
MUSICIANS: M.Kearney, P.Avinante, M.Betia, K.Henriquez
SINGERS: n & C Tran, M.Betia, L.Conde
READERS: C. Son, S. Eastgate, R. Vaz
OFFERTORY: Shalomi and Elisha Tran
ALTAR SERVERS: A. Harman, L, Harman
SPECIAL MINISTERS: S. Robb, C. Burl, S. Ranatunga G. Naidoo, S. Matthew,
M. Henriquez, S. Powell
BBQ: D. Eastgate, S. Randle Piety Store: S. Powell