annual report 2013 - ALGOS Group - INESC-ID
annual report 2013 - ALGOS Group - INESC-ID
ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1. WHO WE ARE 4 2. WHAT WE DO 12 3. HUMAN RESOURCES 16 4. OUTCOME 18 5. COOPERATION, PARTNERSHIP AND MOBILITY 22 6. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 24 7. VISIBILITY 28 8. HIGHLIGHTS 36 9. RESEARCH UNITS 44 10. ANEXES 50 3 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1. WHO WE ARE INESC-ID is a research institute dedicated to advanced research and development in the areas of Electronics, Communications, and Information Technologies. INESC-ID was created in 2000, as a result of the reorganization of the R&D activities of its parent institution, INESC, in Lisbon. INESC-ID is a not for profit, privately owned institution, declared officially of public interest. It is owned 51% by IST - Instituto Superior Técnico – and 49% by INESC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores. INESC-ID operates in two locations, near (or inside) the two campi of IST, namely Alameda and Taguspark. 1.1 ASSOCIATE LABORATORY INESC-ID was awarded the status of “Laboratório Associado” in December 2004. This has increased the funding and enabled the recruitment of a number of postdoctoral researchers and support staff. The activities of INESC-ID in 2013 are structured into five research lines: Information and Decision Support Systems Interactive Intelligent Systems Embedded Electronic Systems Computing Systems and Communication Networks Energy Systems Some research lines are composed of different research groups, but the research and administrative planning, once centered in the groups, has progressively moved towards the research lines. 5 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 CAMPUS I ALAMEDA CAMPUS II TAGUSPARK Rua Alves Redol, 9 1000-029 Lisboa Telef.: +351 213100300 Fax: +351 213145843 Avenida Professor Cavaco Silva 2780-990 Porto Salvo Telef: +351 214233508 Fax: + 351 214233290 1.2 INSTITUCIONAL STRUCTURE 1.2.1 Management structure INESC-ID is structured according to the organization chart shown below. Current management of the organization is ensured by the Board of Directors, assisted by the Project Support Office (GAP), the Human Resources Office (GARH), and other administrative support units, which provide services sub-contracted to INESC (holding). Fig. 1 – INESC-ID Organization Chart Audit Board General Council Board of Directors Advisory Board Human Resources Office (GARH) Project Support Office (GAP) Scientific Council Board Energy Systems Information and Decision Support Systems Interactive Virtual Environments Embedded Electronic Systems Computing Systems and Communication Networks Coordinating Commitee Other members Administrative Support 7 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Board of Directors The Board of Directors is composed of three members proposed by the Scientific Council and appointed by the General Council. It is in charge of the general management of the Institution. The Board was composed, until June 2013, by Leonel Sousa (chairman), José Carlos Monteiro and Luís Rodrigues. From July 2013 until the end of the year the Board of Directors was composed by Luís Rodrigues (chairman), José Carlos Monteiro and Jorge Fernandes. General Council The General Council is composed by three representatives of IST (Instituto Superior Técnico), two of INESC, and by the chairman of the Scientific Council of INESC-ID. The General Council approves both annual technical and financial reports, as well as the plan and budget. It appoints the board of directors under proposal by the Scientific Council. In 2013 the General Council was composed by Prof. Arlindo Oliveira,Prof. Paulo Martins, Prof. José Tribolet, Dr. Abílio Ançã Henriques and Prof. João Miranda Lemos. Audit Board The Audit Board is composed of three members appointed by the General Council. It examines and certifies the accounts of the Institution. In 2013 the Fiscal Council was composed by Hermínio Ribeiro, Dr. João Catarino and Grant Thornton & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda. Scientific Council The Scientific Council is composed of all researchers with a Ph.D. degree. It is responsible for the strategic planning and organization of the research units, and also evaluates the research projects, annual budget, plan, and reports. The Scientific Council is assisted by the Advisory Board which visits INESC-ID on a regular basis. 8 Board of the Scientific Council The Scientific Council has a managing board composed of a chairman and two other members. In 2013 the Board of the Scientific Council was composed by Luís Silveira, Inês Lynce, and João Miranda Lemos (chairman). Scientific Council Coordinating Commitee The Coordinating Commitee is composed of the Board of the Scientific Council and representatives of the thematic areas. Advisory Board The Advisory Board is composed by external advisors that provide advice concerning the strategy and plans of the Institution. In 2013 the members of the Advisory Board were Profs. Srinivas Devadas (MIT, USA), Morris Sloman (Imperial College, London,UK), José Carlos Princípe (Univ. Florida, USA), Braum Nauta (University of Twente, Netherlands) and Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo Labs, Barcelona). Human Resources Office This office (GARH – Gabinete de Apoio aos Recursos Humanos) is responsible for the human resources affairs of INESC-ID. Projects Support Office The Projects Support Office (GAP – Gabinete de Apoio aos Projectos) supports general applications for competitive funding and also the management of research projects. The scope is extended to support the activities of INESC-ID in technology transfer and the appreciation of intellectual property, namely through the creation of patents and launch of spin-offs. This office also organizes visits and institutional exhibitions, besides providing administrative support to the activity of the Board of Directors. 9 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Administrative Support Administrative Support is provided by six secretaries that support the researchers of the different R&D groups. 1.2.2 Scientific Structure The research developed at INESC-ID is organized in five Research Units, which of them organized in several research groups. Each research unit has one or two Coordinators, elected among the researchers with a doctoral degree. The Coordinators responsabilities are as follows: • Represent the research unit on the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council; • Coordinate the activities of several research groups belonging to the research unit; • Promote the preparation of proposals for R&D projects; • Coordinate the preparation of plans and reports concerning the research unit. Each research unit integrates different research groups, which are listed below together with their coordinators in 2013: Information and Decision Support Systems Coordinators: Prof. Mário Silva, Prof. Ana Teresa Freitas Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics – Prof. Ana Teresa Freitas Information Systems – Prof. José Borbinha Data Management and Information Retrieval – Prof. Mário Silva 10 Interactive Intelligent Systems Coordinators: Prof. Isabel Trancoso, Prof. Joaquim Jorge Spoken Language Systems – Prof. Isabel Trancoso Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters – Prof. Ana Paiva Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces – Prof. Joaquim Jorge Embedded Electronic Systems Coordinators: Prof. Jorge Fernandes, Prof. Nuno Roma Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits – Prof. Jorge Fernandes Signal Processing Systems – Prof. Nuno Roma Quality, Test and Co-Design of HW/SW Systems – Prof. Marcelino Santos Electronic System Design and Automation - Prof. Horácio Neto Algorithms for Optimization and Simulation – Prof. Luís Silveira SW Algorithms and Tools for Constraint Solving – Prof. Inês Lynce Communication Networks and Mobility Coordinators: Prof. Augusto Casaca, Prof. Paulo Ferreira Distributed Systems – Prof. Paulo Ferreira Software Engineering – Prof. João Cachopo Communication Networks amd Mobility – Prof. Augusto Casaca Energy Systems Coordinators: Prof. João Santana, Prof. João Miranda Lemos Control of Dynamic Systems – Prof. João Miranda Lemos Alternative Energies and Electromechanical Energy Conversion – Prof. Gil Marques Power Electronics and Power Quality – Prof. José Fernando Silva Power Systems and Energy Policy – Prof. Marcelino Ferreira 11 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2. WHAT WE DO 2.1OBJECTIVES INESC-ID aims to produce added value to people and society in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The mission of INESC-ID is to develop tomorrow’s technologies by excelling in research, today. The main objectives of INESC-ID are: to integrate competences from researchers in electrical engineering and computer science to advance the state of the art in computers, telecommunications, information systems, and energy; to support the first stages of the value generation chain: basic research, applied research, and advanced education; in cooperation with other institutions, to perform technology transfer, to support the creation of technology based startups, and to provide technical support. Tangible results of the institution activity are: publications in national and international journals and conferences; methodologies, tools, patents, and prototypes to be transferred to the academic, scientific or industrial sectors, advanced professional education and training. In order to fulfill its mission, INESC-ID values internationalization, networking, partnership and visibility. R&D activities cover a broad (although focused) range of research areas and application markets, such as wireless communications, electronic equipment, health care, medical imaging, industrial automation, e-learning, and enterprise information systems. INESC-ID also acts as a service provider, to stimulate cooperation with industry, to focus research on practical issues, and to make the economic market aware of its capabilities. Close ties with professionals qualified by INESC-ID are encouraged, not only for lifelong education support, but also for networking activities. The scientific activities of INESC-ID are financed by a number of funding agencies, of which the most important are FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, ADI – Agência de Inovação, and the European Comission. Adittionaly, INESC-ID also participates in other funding programs involving government funding with the purpose of developing R&D in companies through consortiums with research partner institutions. 13 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2.2 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS In the last year the institution has worked hard to fulfill its mission. Our research is now quite visible at an international level, and its quality is recognized. INESC-ID has also been involved, at an institutional level, in the establishment and development of the training activities in the context of the Portugal-CMU and the Portugal-MIT programs. Among the most significant achievements, we would like to highlight the following activities: R The exceptional quality of the publications of INESC-ID researchers has been recognized in 2013 with several best paper awards, in national and international conferences; R The organization of the conferences Mobacc2013, the International Workshop on Information Technology for Energy Application (IT4Energy) and InForum, that required the participation and the effort of the institution as a whole; R The success of the six INESC-ID startup companies. Three of them (Coreworks, VoiceInteraction and PetSys) were created in early years as a result of a very significant technology transference. In 2009 there is also the participation in a fourth startup company, NWC, a highly innovative company in the implementation and development of specific social and network applications. In 2010 SiliconGate, a startup that operates in the field of microelectronics and develops and licenses high performance power management blocks that are key elements in any mobile equipment; The newest participation is HeartGenetics. HeartGenetics genotyping technology is based on a DNA MICROCHIP that can include all genetic variants that have been proved to be the main cause of a specific cardiac genetic disease. Genotyping is achieved through a high-throughput and high accurate DNA Microchip platform optimized for genetic analysis using an iPlex MassArray system. 14 R The increasing in scientific productivity results in about 105 international journal papers, and more than 300 communications in international conferences. Morevover, about 27 PhD theses were finished in 2013; R From a total of 20 research projects that started in 2013, 5 have received European funds and 15 are supported by national funding (FCT). In 2013 there were a total of 76 research projects ongoing (17 European, 1 managed by ADI and 58 funded by FCT); We have put some effort in order to promote technology transfer through the participation of the mentioned startups, but also to support the invention registration through patents and the increase of industry research contracts. The reason we are focusing considerable effort in such activities is that as an institution of excellence we know how important is the funding diversity to motivate researchers and put forward their results expectations. Besides the competitive national and international funding we expect to create our own revenues to add value for what we do best: develop tomorrow’s technologies by excelling in research, today. 15 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3. HUMAN RESOURCES The majority of the researchers of INESC-ID are members of the academic staff and post-graduate students of IST. There are also researchers from other Universities and Polytechnic Institutes and a small number of contracted postdoctoral researchers. On 31 December 2013 INESC-ID had a total of 372 collaborators, 164 of which with a Ph.D degree and 118 with a M.Sc. degree. Since INESC-ID focuses its activity on the rapid growth areas of information technology, communications and electronics, an increase is to be expected in the number of researchers with higher degrees within the next few years. Many researchers are carrying out their post-graduate work at INESC-ID. Table I summarizes the qualifications of INESC-ID researchers. Table I – Human Resources ACADEMIC DEGREE Number Habilitation 31 PhD Degree 133 MSc Degree 118 1st Degree 83 High School 7 TOTAL 372 The increase of technical and scientific activity, as a result of the status of Associate Laboratory, leads to the need to improve technical support and administrative services. The institution is mostly composed by researchers with a PhD, which reflects the motivation given to our collaborators to develop a structured researcher career. INESC-ID also has a very young structure, due to the amount of fellowships and young researchers; about 55% have ages between 20 and 40 year old and have a high degree level. INESC-ID is continuously seeking highly qualified candidates with a PhD degree and with a track record showing their ability to perform independent research in their scientific areas. In 2013 researcher Pedro Monteiro won the FCT Researcher Program. The FCT Investigator Programme aims to create a talent base of scientific leaders, by providing a five year funding for the most talented and promising researchers, across all scientific areas and nationalities. The programme supports both outstanding post-doctoral researchers who wish to make the transition to independent researcher, and already independent researchers, with a proven track record, who wish to consolidate their research skills and establish leadership in their research fields. 17 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 4. OUTCOME A main source of national funding of INESC-ID is FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, through direct funding of the associate laboratory projects awarded in a nationwide competitive basis. National funding is also provided by AdI – Agência de Inovação. Another main source of funding are European Union projects. The following set of tables summarizes the activities carried out in 2013 and the results achieved. PROJECTS Table II – Projects TYPE OF PROJECT Number International Programs (research projects ongoing) 17 National Programs (research projects ongoing) 58 Contracts with companies 23 Total R&D 98 Table III – Publications Number PUBLICATION TYPE Books 4 International Journals 120 National Journals 2 Book Chapters 21 International Conferences 294 National Conferences 32 Patents 2 Technical Reports 30 Special Issues of Journals (edition) 3 Conference Proceedings 4 Total 512 19 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 512 98 PROJECTS R&D PUBLICATIONS 615 DISSERTATIONS 160 SCIENTIFIC EVENTS 20 DISSERTATIONS Table IV – Thesis ONGOING COMPLETED Total PhD Theses 145 27 172 MSc Theses 319 92 411 Graduation Theses 32 0 32 496 119 615 TYPE Total ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Table V – Organization of Scientific Events TYPE OF ACTION Number Associate Editor of Journal 11 Committee Chair 12 Committee Member 82 General Chair 3 Invited Speaker 5 Reviewer 47 21 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5. COOPERATION, PARTNERSHIP AND MOBILITY INESC-ID participates in the programs between Portugal and CMU (Carnegie-Mellon University) and with Portugal/MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Other partnerships include Cadence Design Systems, TU Darmstadt, IST, ISCTE, Universidade da Madeira, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Beja, and Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal. Other partnerships were established in 2013, namely with Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) and Universidade da Beira interior (UBI). In addition to the above formal partnerships, there is a large number of cooperation agreements with other institutions within the framework of the research projects. 23 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 6. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Our research and development activities cover a broad range of research areas and application markets, such as wireless communications, electronic equipment, health care, medical imaging, industrial automation, e-learning, and enterprise information systems. INESC-ID also acts as a service provider, stimulating cooperation with industry and focusing research on day life issues, providing a high level of technology transfer. Several startup companies have been created by researchers and former graduate students associated with INESC-ID. This is an interesting indicator of the industrial technology impact of INESC-ID. 25 2013 Coreworks \ digital integrated circuit design Coreworks, founded in 2001 by two researchers of INESC-ID, is a provider of Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) for multi-standard multimedia and communications applications, such as digital television, internet protocol television (IPTV), portable audio players, mobile Internet devices, and software defined radio. Their products have been implemented in a wide variety of technologies, for more than 30 customers worldwide. The company received an A-series investment round from Espírito Santo Ventures in 2006. SiliconGate \ mixed-signal circuit design SiliconGate operates in the field of microelectronics and develops and licences high performance Power Management blocks that are key elements in any mobile equipment. Funded in 2008, SiliconGate brought together the experience of senior designers from Industry with the research expertise of an INESC-ID research group. Recently, Wolfson Microelectronics plc, a global leader in high-performance mixed-signal semiconductor solutions for the consumer electronics market, has selected SiliconGate to provide high-performance power management IP in a four year contract.. PETsys \ medical imaging PETsys, SA was established in 2008 to exploit the results of a research project, started in 2003, on PET (positron emission tomography) systems for mammography. The shareholders are 5 institutions, and 15 individuals that participated in the project, together with a Belgium business angel. PETsys has acquired the rights to use the internationally patented PET scanner technology that allows early cancer detection with higher resolution (1-2 mm against 5-10 mm) and higher sensitivity (x10) than with standard devices. 26 ANNUAL REPORT INESC-ID currently has equity in the following start-up companies: INESC-ID Voiceinteraction \ speech processing VoiceInteraction was founded in 2008 by researchers from the Spoken Language Systems Lab of INESC-ID, following the work developed in TECNOVOZ, a technology transfer project funded by the Portuguese Innovation Agency (AdI). NWC Network Concept, Lda was founded in 2008. It had origin in a joint project by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and INESC-ID to develop a software multi-services platform, Kelius. Kelius integrates all the services in residential or professional environments, including Internet, video surveillance, television, and telephone. The control is performed through an interface implemented in a computer or in a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). The new methods and techniques behind this platform are patented. NetworkConcept \ communication networks Based on a solid background of R&D, VoiceInteraction offers innovative solutions in the areaof speech processing. Their solutions are based on speech recognition, speech synthesis, 3D facial animation, and spoken dialogue systems technologies. The applications cover different areas: subtitling systems for RTP (public national TV broadcaster), media clipping, dictation systems for hospitals, spoken dialogue systems for kiosks in monuments. Heartgenetics \ genetics & biotechnology HeartGenetics is a new company, founded in 2013 that has developed a revolutionary methodology that includes (i) a DNA MICROCHIP array platform optimized for genetic analysis and (ii) efficient and scalable algorithms for data processing. This new methodology is particularly relevant for improving significantly cardiovascular diagnostics. On top of the core competences on the subject of cardiovascular genetic testing, they develop new hightech bioinformatics technologies that support highly accurate analysis and integration of both genetic and clinical data. Besides owning equity in each company, there is close connection of these start-ups with INESC-ID due to partnerships for R&D projects. 27 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7. VISIBILITY 7.1 Annual General Meeting INESC-ID has been organizing each year a strategic planning meeting. These meetings, that have taken place since 2004, have involved the participation of external invitees with high impact backgrounds. The 2013 meeting took place in October, at Queluz, were researchers met to discuss issues related with technology transfer. A special historical visit was organized in the Queluz Palace during the afternoon to the meeting participants. With the goal of gathering the institution research team, the theme of knowledge valorization was also presented and motif of interest and discussion from the audience. Eng. Paulo Rosado, from OutSystems, and Prof. Luís Caldas de Oliveira, from IST were this year invited speakers for the general annual meeting. The entrepreneurship new office was also presented in this meeting. 29 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7.2Seminars INESC-ID has also a very active schedule of seminars, presented by our researchers and/ or invited speakers. These seminars are organized in a regular basis, in order to promote collaboration between researchers and research groups and also across disciplines. These seminars are opened for all the scientific community: students, researchers and general public are welcomed to participate. A significant amount of external speakers were invited to present and participate in some of these seminars. During 2013, about 40 seminars were organized by our research groups at INESC-ID facilities. These seminars are described in the annexes of this report. 7.3 Distinguished Lecture Series The INESC-ID Distinguished Lecture Series is designed to bring to the institute outstanding scientists, academics or practitioners to share their vision, and present their groundbreaking work. The series aims to promote a regular sequence of high quality seminars in the core areas of the lab. Invited speakers cover a broad range of interests, activity profiles, and different stages of the professional career, being selected among those that have raised significantly above their peers in one or more aspects of their activity. One of the main goals of the Distinguished Lecture Series is to encourage the interaction and promote discussion and exchange of ideas between the invited speakers and lab researchers. The INESC-ID Distinguished Lecture Series was launched in September 2012, with a seminar planned to take place every month. The Distinguished Lecture Series are described in the annexes of this report. 30 7.4 Media & Dissemination INESC-ID research work is often news in several wide public known media. Besides TV interviews and paper, our researchers are opened to show their team work at several levels. In 2013 we were news for several research projects results. These news are also published in our website or social networks. 7.5 Prizes and International Recognition INESC-ID researchers were awarded the following prizes recognizing the excellence of the R&D activities developed: R Best Paper Award to the article Lightweight identification of captured memory for Software Transactional Memory, at the 13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2013), Italy, Dec2013, to Fernando Miguel Carvalho e João Cachopo; RBest Paper Award High Performance Multi-Standard Architecture for DCT Computation in H.264/AVC High Profile and HEVC Codecs, at the Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP´2013), Oct2013, to Tiago Dias, Nuno Roma e Leonel Sousa; R Best Paper Award of the EuroGP-2013 conference for the paper: A New Implementation of Geometric Semantic GP and Its Application to Problems in Pharmacokinetics, to Leonardo Vanneschi, Mauro Castelli, Luca Manzoni e Sara Silva; 31 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Best student paper Rollerchain: a DHT for Efficient Replication, na 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA13), Cambridge, MA, USA, Aug2013, to João Paiva, João Leitão, e Luís Rodrigues; R Best-Paper Award Runner-up in the 5th IEEE International Middleware on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2013), Bristol, UK, Dec. 2-5, 2013 (Published by IEEE Computer Society), entitled Flexible SLAs in the Cloud with a Partial Utility-Driven Scheduling Architecture, to José Simão e Luís Veiga; R Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) fellow nomination to Leonel Sousa; R HiPEAC Paper Award, for the article Accelerating the Computation of Induced Dipoles for Molecular Mechanics with Dataflow Engines, IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), to Frederico Pratas, Diego Oriato, Oliver Pell, Ricardo Mata e Leonel Sousa; R Best Paper Award in the International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software Stony Brook, NY, USA, 8-9 July 2013, with the paper Automatic Equivalence Checking of UF+IA Programs, for both researchers José Carlos Monteiro and Nuno Lopes; R Best Full Paper Award in the VSGAMES2013, for the article Engaging Engineering Students with Gamification, to Gabriel Barata; R Best Paper Award for the paper Identifying the Optimal Level of Parallelism in Transactional Memory Systems, in the NETYS2013, to Paolo Romano and Diego Didona; R Gopala Anumanchipalli was awarded with one Spoken Language Processing Student Grants, for the paper presented at ICASSP2013; R The research project VITHEA, led by Alberto Abad, received the Award Gala IV Inclusion Applied Research, in Leiria. The IV Inclusion Gala, which featured high patronage of Maria Cavaco Silva, intends to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and to distinguish good practice in the area. This project also received an award for the best service in Mobile Health, at the SaudeCUF 2013 conference; 32 In 2013 internal prizes were given. These INESC-ID Awards were created in 2009. These awards are annually given, usually at the annual general institutional kick-off meeting. The juri is composed by the Advisory Board members, an independent committee made of world class experts. The existence of awards for the best researchers has a high importance and value for the institution. It is a contribution to strengthen the scientific prestige and social intervention of INESC-ID in its scientific environment. The established categories are: PhD student, Researcher and Young Researcher. In 2013 the comission selected for the Best PhD Student Award Luís Tarrataca, for the Best Young Researcher both Sara Silva and Sara Madeira, and, for the Best Senior Researcher Prof. João Marques da Silva. 33 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7.6Exhibitions In 2013 the effort to improve the external image of the institution continued. INESC-ID has organized and participated in several events of high visibility, such as: R Open visits to INESC-ID, within the participation in the JEEC2013 - Jornadas da Engenharia Electrotécnica do IST; R 34 Participation in The European Researchers Night, with the research groups of the Interactive Intelligent Systems research area. Presentations of researchers Prof. Ana Paiva (Queres ser meu amigo?), Prof. Luísa Coheur and Prof. Isabel Trancoso (SPRINTALKs) and also demos in the building atrium of the Knowledge Pavilion; R Participation in the SET (technology entrepreneurship week) with the workshop “Interactive Robotic characters” given by Tiago Ribeiro, from the GAIPS research group; R The DataStorm research project organized a workshop to present its goals with distinguished presentations from leaders of key related initiatives at the European level. The event took place at the IST Taguspark Campus on July; R Ciência Viva summerships, coordinated by Prof. Moisés Piedade, were a success. About 30 high school students spent some days at Taguspark, with the goal of assembling race cars. These events/exhibitions allow not only a closer relation between INESC-ID and other scientific organizations, but also an important promotion of our activities near the general public and companies. These activities help to strength important connections in order to improve technology transference. Besides the high impact exhibitions, INESC-ID also promoted external visits, mostly from other organizations and groups of external researchers or students from abroad. Prof. Peter Staeker visited INESC-ID, as part of his visit to Portugal, in September. The goals of this visit, which was coordinated by the IEEE Portugal Section, were to understand the IEEE role in the country, as well as to establish solid bridges between IEEE members and the universities, research institutions and companies in Portugal. Members of the MITI, Ministério das Tecnologias de Informação, from Angola, also visited INESC-ID, in April. Some presentations and demos were prepared for this event. We also welcomed a serbian comittee, within a project about technology transfer, in July. The purpose of this visit also involved our startup companies. We also promoted the participation in initiatives with the goal of gathering different research groups allowing researchers to interact in different and relaxed environments. We participated in the Bike to Work Day, an initiative with the purpose to motivate people to come to work by bike. 35 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 8. HIGHLIGHTS 8.1PlanGridEv PlanGridEV: Distribution grid planning and operational principles for EV mass roll-out while enabling DER integration. Objective. The overall objective of PlanGridEV is therefore to develop new network planning tools and methods for European DSOs for an optimized large-scale roll-out of electromobility in Europe whilst at the same time maximizing the potential of DER integration. The comprehensive approach of PlanGridEV takes into account requirements and constraints of all relevant stakeholders, in particular through an effective cooperation between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and DSOs accompanied by leading scientific and technological research partners in the consortium. The main objective of this project is to design new planning rules and operational principles for the optimal integration of EV for different network topologies and with different levels of DER penetration such as PV, wind and solar energy and micro CHP.Tools and methods will be developed that permit DSOs to design new or adapt existing planning rules and investment strategies to ensure technical efficiency and the cost-effective evolution of infrastructures to facilitate the mass roll-out of EV in networks characterized by different levels of DER penetration. Finally, recommendations for the regulatory framework and further developed business models will be elaborated. Approach strengths and output. For the first time, PlanGridEV will adopt a European approach involving DSOs as well as OEMs to develop new distribution network planning rules and operational principles. This approach accounts for the need to adopt a multi-stakeholder perspective to satisfy customer expectations and to ensure a safe and efficient network operation integrating EVs. 37 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The research strategy of PlanGridEV will focus on the perspective of planning rules and operational principles, thereby following the steps below. INESC-ID’s strong research background in optimal planning of distribution networks is a key asset to develop the new planning tools necessary to validate the new planning rules. Research team. Two different groups are involved in the project: Power and Energy Systems and Communication Networks and Mobility. Main researchers are Prof. Pedro Carvalho (PI), Prof. Mário Nunes, Prof. Luis Marcelino Ferreira, and Prof. João Santana. Partners.The consortium is composed of major European players from the energy and automobile sector (DSOs, OEMs) as well as research institutions (universities, research organizations) and engineering consultancies. Their know-how is complementary and safeguards a successful course and outcome of this project. The consortium of PlanGridEV unites partners from different European regions and thereby ensures a holistic European perspective and interdisciplinary approach. The project is led and managed by RWE Deutschland AG as the coordinator of PlanGridEV. R 8.2BiomagPLT The BiomagPLT research project “A high throughput magnetoresistive biodetection platform” is a national project financed by FCT. The main goal of this research project is to investigate and design a novel multi-channel high performance embedded electronic acquisition and processing system and a new high density multi-channel magnetoresistive biochip. The new high density magnetoresistive biochip can be useful for numerous applications where high throughput screening is required and in which the current magnetoresistive biochips are not suitable due to their reduced sensor count. Moreover, a higher sensor count would also increase the confidence levels in the assays that can already be performed using actual magnetoresistive biochips. This system will take advantage of a recently developed technology that joins CMOS and Thin Film microelectronics technologies which allows the implementation of digital and analog electronic circuits coupled with magnetoresistive biosensors in the same chip. State of the art. Nowadays conventional analysis methods are beginning to be replaced by novel highly evolved and compact biochip based point-of-care devices that perform common blood or glucose analysis at a fraction of the cost and require a much shorter analysis time. Due to the potential of these new technologies the research in biodetection methods and biochips has significantly grown in the past decade. From this research, 38 methods like gene expression profiling, where thousands of biosensors analyze a given sample in parallel, became possible and now provide a valuable tool for several applications like clinical diagnoses, forensics or drug screening. However, its miniaturization was not yet accomplished which have led to significant efforts to achieve a portable device that can perform such analysis. Such a portable device would have a significant impact on the aforementioned applications as it would allow its widespread usage and may reduce both cost and analysis time. Starting in 2000 magnetoresistive based biochips have been developed at INESC-MN and, since 2005, research to achieve its integration with highly compact and sensitive electronic systems has been performed at INESC-ID. The new embedded system will enhance both reading speed and biosensor addressing capabilities of the current biochip reading system ( and will be able to interface biochips with a much higher number of biosensors. Scalable architectures for both embedded system and biochip, aiming the implementation of a high throughput, portable and autonomous biosensing device, are proposed. The new reading system deals with the high volumes of data by adopting an FPGA as main processing device. The data from each acquisition channels is treated by one dedicated signal acquisition and processing co-processor implemented in the FPGA, allowing the system to be easily scaled. This system enables a new set of applications, currently only possible using microarrays, to be performed with magnetoresistive based biochip having the inherent advantage of providing higher sensitivity and dynamic range when compared to microarrays. Preliminary Results. In the scope of this on-going work several publications have already been achieved, as well as an MSc and a PhD thesis. The figures describe both the initial prototype of the embedded system and the first version of the CMOS biochip. Moreover, the Intellectual Property has been secured by summiting a Provisional Patent Application and it is planned that this technology will be transferred to a Spin-off that is being incubated at INESC-ID and INESC-MN. 39 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 8.3Euro-TM The advent of multi-core architectures caused a disruption in software development. While in the past each new generation of processors produced faster sequential executions, over the last decade, and in future, processors will become only marginally faster. Fortunately, however, their computational capacity will keep on growing by increasing the number of parallel processing units that future CPUs will make available. It is hence of the uttermost importance to provide software developers with abstractions and tools to simplify parallel programming, and allow for effectively exploiting the potential of modern parallel processors. The standard approach to concurrent programming is based on, so called, lock-based synchronization. Unfortunately developing applications using locks is extremely complex for two main reasons: 1) if the programmer uses a few, very coarse locks, applications achieve very limited concurrency, failing to unleash the parallelism of modern multi-core architectures; 2) using fine grained locks, conversely, can improve performance, but at the cost of a strong increase of the complexity in developing, verifying, maintaining and reusing applications. Transactional Memory emerged as a concurrent programming paradigm alternative to locking. In Transactional Memory, programmers are required only to identify which code blocks should run automatically, and not how concurrent accesses to shared state should be synchronized (as with locks). How this result is achieved is totally transparent for the developers, benefitting ease of programming, and yielding, to reductions in the development cost and time-to-market. 40 Launched in 2011, and Chaired by Prof. Paolo Romano, of the Distributed Systems Group at INESC-ID, the COST Action Euro-TM is a pan-European research network that connects European researcher units working in the area of Transactional Memory. Bridging more than 200 researchers from 50 institutions in 17 European countries, Euro-TM aims at consolidating European research on this important field, by coordinating the European research groups working on interdisciplinary aspects of Transactional Memory, including theoretical foundations, algorithms, hardware and operating system support, language integration and development tools, and applications. To this end, Euro-TM implements a number of diverse dissemination activities aimed at raising awareness on scientific results and fostering international collaborations. Up to date, Euro-TM has organized 8 international scientific workshops, 2 Doctoral Schools, organized dissemination events in the largest European open-source conference (FOSDEM 2014). Notably, Euro-TM has gathered not only researchers from academia, but also from industry, across all the spectrum of events. On the scientific side, Euro-TM has funded dozens of short-terms scientific collaborations between different European research units. This has led to the production of numerous interdisciplinary publications in top scientific conferences and journals. Researchers of the Euro-TM COST Action have been directly involved in two of the most exciting recent evolutions in the area, namely the development of hardware supports for IBM and Intel processors, and the standardization of language level supports for C++. Additional information on the scientific and dissemination activities of Euro-TM can be found on its online portal: R www.eurotm.orgm along with pointers to teaching material, existing tools, projects, and related events in the area. 41 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 8.4GALA GALA (GAme and Learning Alliance) is a network of excellence set to coordinate, disseminate and promote research on serious games at the European level and become an international reference point for the field. The network consists in a highly multidisciplinary consortium of 31 partners, coming from 13 countries all over the European Union. It includes universities, research centers and enterprises, thus representing a mix of the interests and skills involved in serious games development and deployment chain allowing an effective synergy between research, education and business. A Serious Game (SG) is a game developed with objectives beyond entertaining. SG may be used to teach, train, sensitize or motivate people. These games cover very diverse topics with prominent examples in medicine, business, heritage, crisis management, social learning and engineering. GALA activities are motivated by the great potential of SG for society and the need to defragment and structure the field due to its strong multidisciplinary nature. The activities of the network are structured along three major axes: Research Integration and Harmonization, Joint Research Activities and Spreading of Excellence. 42 Research Integration and Harmonization. GALA promotes effective communication among its partners and a broad community of stakeholders potentially interested in SG. It runs a program of associate partnership, currently, with more than 30 parties that work together with GALA’s members. The goal is to congregate many different stakeholders with different perspectives and promote a common understating. The work has a strong focus on education standards and means to favor real uptake and scaling of the SG initiatives. Joint Research Activities. Through the creation of multidisciplinary teams it has been possible to iteratively analyze, identify and address key issues in SG thematic areas. The synergy between different perspectives is bridging the gap between specific needs and problems of thematic areas and available technical solutions. As a result, a repository with serious game studies and a repository with serious game services have been developed to support everyone interested in getting to know the field and developing SGs. In addition, some effort has been put into publishing didatic books, the creation of a Serious Games M.Sc. framework and internship exchange programs. Spreading of Excellence. Communication channels have been created for timely and high-quality dissemination and discussion of SGs regarding techniques, tools, applications and methodologies. The visibility of the work and its sustainability beyond the project’s funding is promoted by the creation of a Serious Games Society that hosts several initiatives, such as, a Serious Game Academy, an International Journal of Serious Games, European SG Awards and the established peer-reviewed European conference on SG. R 43 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9. RESEARCH UNITS 9.1 Information and Decision Support Systems This research unit integrates the following research groups: Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics, Information Systems, and Data Management and Information Retrieval. The “Information and Decision Support Systems” research line aims at designing novel processes, techniques, and technology for the analysis, design, development, integration, deployment, and operation of distributed information systems and enterprise architectures. It gathers the INESC-ID groups that perform research in the fundamental areas of knowledge required to assure efficient, intelligent, aligned, safe, reliable, secure, and trustworthy information systems to support the whole structure of the modern economic and social framework. In this context, INESC-ID gathers a body of competences that renders it a national and international reference. These competences include significant expertise in fundamental technology, techniques, algorithms, data structures, and programming techniques, as well as in more applied areas such as software engineering and web application development. Domains of activity: R Constraint solving and optimization algorithms (Boolean satisfiability and discrete optimization algorithms); R Databases: data profiling and cleaning, transformation and integration; R Text mining: information extraction, sentiment analysis; R Information retrieval; R Knowledge management and engineering; R Linked data and semantic web technologies; R Scientific data management and digital libraries; R Computational biology, systems biology and bioinformatics; R Health Informatics; R Social Computing; 45 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The team has a diverse set of backgrounds/competencies: R Algorithms and complexity; R Machine learning and data mining; RStatistics; R Software engineering: requirements engineering, model-driven engineering; R Enterprise engineering; R IT projects and services management; RCorpus linguistics. 9.2 Interactive Intelligent Systems This research unit was recently restructured to encompass three different groups with strong synergies between them: GAIPS (Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters), VIMMI (Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces), and L2F (Spoken Language Systems). Their goals are: R explore multimodal interaction models in virtual environments by using interfaces based on synergic recognition of multiple modalities; 46 R create intelligent agents and synthetic characters that can interact with users in a natural way, inspired in the way humans interact with each other; R bridge the gap between natural spoken language and the underlying semantic information; R create and develop new architectures of cooperative virtual environments using artificial intelligence techniques to create realistic synthetic characters; R develop software architectures for virtual environments, with emphasis on image synthesis algorithms; R develop innovative applications in areas such as games and learning environments. 9.3 Embedded Electronic Systems This research unit integrates the following research groups: Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits, Signal Processing Systems, Quality, Test and Co-Design of HW/SW Systems, Electronic System Design and Automation, Algorithms for Optimization and Simulation, and SW Algorithms and Tools for Constraint Solving. Embedded Electronic Systems (EES) are crucial in the development of new devices and products, for emergent applications, and for consumer electronics, IT, communications and media, energy, environment, transports, biomedicine and life sciences. The EES covers all the areas for designing electronic based systems, with research activity on new algorithms, architectures, methodologies, tools, electronic and microelectronic circuits covering RF, analog, mixed-signal and digital parts. The EES comprises the know-how to design and produce prototypes using discrete electronic systems, ASICs and reconfigurable electronics for the design of complete embedded electronic systems. The EES performs advanced research, development, innovation, technology transfer and professional training with, and for, the academia, R&D, and industry with the highest international standards. The EES main targets are to produce highly trained human resources, to establish international networking, and to push research economic value, promoting the global competiveness of the existing industry or the creation of new start-up companies. 47 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9.4 Computing Systems and Comunication Networks The Computing Systems and Communication Networks research line integrates the following research groups: Distributed Systems, Communication Networks and Mobility, Software Engineering. Thus, this research line aims at providing innovative algorithmic, middleware, communications architecture and mobility support to build complex and dynamic distributed applications and network protocols. It gathers the INESC-ID groups that perform research in the fundamental areas of knowledge required to assure efficient, safe, reliable, secure, and trustworthy computing and network systems to support the whole structure of the modern networks and complex software. In this context, INESC-ID gathers a body of competences that renders it a national and international reference. These competences include significant expertise in fundamental technology, techniques, protocols, architectures and algorithms. 9.5 Energy Systems The Energy Systems research line integrates the following research groups: Control of Dynamical Systems, Alternative Energies and Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Powe Electronics and Power Quality, and Power Systems and Energy Policy. The objective of the research line on Energy consists of performing research and promoting technology transfer in the area of Energy, with particular focus on problems that are concerned with alternative energies and energy conversion, power electronics and power quality, power and energy systems, energy policy and control and optimization applied to energy production. A special attention will be given to the fact that energy systems are complex systems, sometimes with large or very large dimensions and distributed over space. Furthermore, these systems involve stochastic phenomena and significant levels of uncertainty, and pose large scale optimization problems. 48 Therefore, aspects related to distributed coordination and optimization due to uncertainty will receive special attention. Furthermore, the exploitation of the interdisciplinary relationship between the groups of the line of Energy that are expert on Electrical Engineering and other groups that have their center of expertise on Information Technologies and Control will be a key issue to boost the research. Within the period, the main achievements planned (some experimental) are: R R R Development of adjustable speed generators for renewable energy R To obtain robust sliding mode, generalized sigma-delta, predictive optimum controllers or fast predictive controllers for Multilevel and Matrix or Sparse-Matrix Converters to synthesize Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC), Active Power Filters (APF) and Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR), for renewable energy sources and FACTS/UPFC/ IPFC applications. R R R Analysis and solution of real problems related with energy sector Electromechanical drives for a More Efficient Use of the Electric Energy To design advanced power electronic converters for pulsed power, electric vehicles, r newable energy sources (wind, photovoltaic), clean power supplies, energy harvesting, all-electric aircraft, hybrid sources Collaboration and contracts with industry and government agencies Market versus regulation debate 49 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 10. ANEXES 10.1 Publications 10.2Books & Books Chapters R Paulo Ferreira and Pedro Hugo de Queirós Alves, Distributed Context-Aware Systems, Dec 2013, Springer. R José Silva, Electrónica Industrial: Semicondutores e Conversores de Potência, Dec 2013, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. R Andreas Wichert, Principles of Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Dec 2013, World Scientific. R Francisco Rocha and Salvador Abreu and Miguel Correia, The Next Frontier: Managing Data Confidentiality and Integrity in the Cloud, Mar 2013, IEEE Computer Society Press. R Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, Behavioral dynamics under climate change dilemmas, Chapter The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective Series (Volume 4), edited by Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Gr, Dec 2013,. R Tiago Costa and Filipe A. Cardoso and Moises Simões Piedade and Paulo P. Freitas, Handbook of Bioelectronics, Chapter MagCMOS, Oct 2013, Cambridge University Press. R Alberto Sardinha and Ruzanna Chitchyan and João Araújo and Ana Moreira and Awais Rashid, Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering, Chapter Conflict Identification with EA-Analyzer, Aug 2013, Springer. R S. Al Moubayed, J. Beskow, B. Bollepalli, A. H. Abdelaziz, M. Johansson, M. Kout and José Lopes and J. Novikova, C. Oertel, G. Skantze, K. Stefanov and G. Varol, Tutoring Robots: Multiparty multimodal social dialogue with an embodied tutor, Chapter , Jul 2013, Springer. R Alexandre Barão and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Handbook of Research on Enterprise 2.0: Technological, Social, and Organizational Dimensions, Chapter How to value and monitor the relational capital of knowledgeintensive organizations?, Jun 2013, IGI Global. R Jacqueline Guzman and Regina Motz and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Handbook of Research on Enterprise 2.0: Technological, Social, and Organizational Dimensions, Chapter Valuing Learning Objects shared in an Online Community, Jun 2013, IGI Global. R Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel Sousa, HighPerformance Computing on Complex Environments, Chapter Efficient Multi-Level Load Balancing on Heterogeneous CPU+GPU Systems, Jun 2013, Wiley & Sons. R David Clarke and Aleksandar Ilic and Alexey Lastovetsky and Vladimir Rychkov and Leonel Sousa and Ziming Zhong, HighPerformance Computing on Complex Environments, Chapter Design and optimization of scientific applications for highly heterogeneous and hierarchical HPC platforms using functional computation performance mo, Jun 2013, Wiley & Sons. 51 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva and Luís Veiga, Mobile Computing over Cloud: Technologies, Services, and Application, Chapter A2Cloud: the Anytime Anywhere Cloud, Jun 2013, IGI Global. R João Barreto and Pierangelo Di Sanzo and Roberto Palmieri and Paolo Romano, Data Intensive Storage Services for Cloud Environments, Chapter Cloud-TM: An Elastic, Self-Tuning Transactional Store for the Cloud, May 2013, IGI-Global. R Leonardo Vanneschi and Sara Silva and Mauro Castelli and Luca Manzoni, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XI, Chapter Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for Real Life Applications, May 2013. R Elmano Margato and Fernando Oliveira Nunes, Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Chapter Risk. Assessment of Chronic Exposure to Magnetic Fields near Electrical Apparatus, Feb 2013. R Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and Hildegardo Noronha, Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and HCI, Chapter On the usage of different work analysis methods for collaborative review of large scale 3D CAD models, Jan 2013, Springer. R Liliana Rosa and Luis Rodrigues and Antónia Lopes, Book 2 on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, Chapter Dynamic Tuning of Communication Services Using High-level Goal Policies, Jan 2013, LNCS 7475, Springer. R Luís M. Pereira and Han The Anh and 52 Francisco C. Santos, Complex Systems of Mindful Entities: on Intention Recognition and Commitment, Chapter book chapter in Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics Volume 8, 2014, pp 49, Jan 2013, Springer. R João Ferreira and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva and João L. Afonso and Vítor Monteiro, Computational Intelligence and Decision Making - Trends and Applications, Chapter Collaborative Broker for Distributed Energy Resources, Jan 2013, Springer Verlag. R Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto, Embedded Systems Design with FPGAs, Chapter Decimal Division Using the Newton– Raphson Method and Radix-1000 Arithmetic, Jan 2013, Springer. R Gustavo Soares Santos and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems: Achievements and Trends, Chapter Interoperable Intelligent Tutoring Systems as SCORM Learning Objects, Jan 2013, Springer. R Gustavo Soares dos Santos and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems: Achievements and Trends, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Chapter Interoperable Intelligent Tutoring Systems as SCORM Learning Objects, Jan 2013, Springer. R Ricardo Ribeiro and David Martins de Matos, Multi-source, Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization, Chapter Improving Speech-to-Text Summarization by Using Additional Information Sources, Jan 2013, Springer. R Alexandre Barão and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, Sociotechnical Enterprise Information Systems Design and Integration, Chapter Applying SNARE-RCO to Evaluate the Relational Capital of an Organization: The SH Case Study, Jan 2013, IGI Global. 10.2.1International Journal Articles R J. F. B. D. Fonseca and Faria, B. V. E and João Trindade and Cruz, G and Chambel, A and Fernando Henrique Corte Real Mira da Silva and Ricardo Lopes Pereira and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques, “Last mile” challenges to in situ volcanic data transmission, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(12), pp.3419-3428, Dec2013, European Geosciences Union Article. R Huan Chen and Joao Marques Silva, A Two-Variable Model for SAT-Based ATPG , IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 32(), pp. 1943 - 1956 , Dec. 2013, IEEE Press. -Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, An Extension of STFT Uncertainty Propagation for GMMBased Super-Gaussian a Priori Models, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 20(12), pp.1163-1166, Dec2013, IEEE. R Ana C. Meira Castro and Joao P. Carvalho and Maria C. S. Ribeiro and João P. Meixedo and Francisco J. G. Silva and António Fiúza and Maria L. Diniz, An integrated recycling approach for GFRP pultrusion wastes: Recycling and Reuse Assessment into New Composite Materials using Fuzzy Boolean Nets, Journal of Cleaner Production, Dec2013, Elsevier R Nuno Castela and Paulo DIas and Marielba Zacarias and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Atualização Colaborativa do Modelo de Processos de Negócio, Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies, 12(), pp. 33-47, Dec. 2013, Academy Publisher. R Henrique Moniz and Nuno Ferreira Neves and Miguel Correia, Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Wireless Ad hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 12(12), pp.2441-2454 , Dec. 2013. R Aleksandar Ilic and Frederico Pratas and Leonel Sousa, Cache-aware Roofline model: Upgrading the loft, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 99(2), pp.1-4, April2013, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. R Taimur Kuntz and Fábio Alex Rabuske and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Cesar Rodrigues and Diogo Rodrigues Oliveira de Brito, Comparator-Based Binary-Search ADC Architectures for UWB Receivers, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 77(3), pp. 12, Dec. 2013, Springer. R Gabriel César Ferreira Pestana and Sebastian Heuschler and Augusto Casaca and Pedro Reis and Joachim Metter, Complex Event Processing for Decision Support in an Airport Environment, International Journal on Advances in Software, 6(4), pp. 246-260, Dec. 2013. R João Miguel Guerreiro Dias Alves Lourenço and J. M. Lemos and Jorge S. Marques, Control of neuromuscular blockade with Gaussian process models, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,8(3), pp.244254, May2013. R José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Educating the educators to innovate: the need to reinvent academia´ s mission and to reengineer their basic tool: the Educator, pp7-10, Journal of Innovation Management, Dec2013. R Ricardo Dias and Manuel J. Fonseca and Nelson Faria Gonçalves da Silva and Tiago Filipe Dias Cardoso, Encontra: a Generic Multimedia Information Retrieval Meta-Framework, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTA), 67(3), Dec. 2013. 53 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Diego Didona and Pascal Felber and Derin Hermanci and Paolo Romano and Joerg Schenker, Identifying the Optimal Level of Parallelism in Transactional Memory Applications, Computing Journal, pp.233-247, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Dec2013. Roque Martinho and Ana Paiva and Peter MCowan, Multimodal Affect Modeling and Recognition for Empathic Robot Companions, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10(1), article 1350010, Mar2013, World Scientific Publishing Company. R Catarina Moreira and Pável Calado and R Mauro Castelli and Leonardo Vanneschi Bruno Martins, Learning to Rank Academic Experts in the DBLP dataset, Journal of Expert Systems, Nov2013, Expert Systems Wiley Article. R José Silva and Sónia Pinto and José Monteiro and João Palma, Linear and Sliding Mode Control Design for Matrix Converter Based Unified Power Flow Controllers, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 1(99), pp.1, Dec. 2013. R Filipe Cardoso and Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Ricardo Ferreira and E. Paz and Susana Cardoso and Pedro Ramos and Moises Simões Piedade and Paulo Freitas, Magnetic tunnel junction based eddy current testing probe for detection of surface defects, Journal of Applied Physics, Nov2013. R Hector Pettenghi and Ricardo Chaves and Leonel Sousa, Method to Design General RNS Reverse Converters for Extended Moduli Sets, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, (12), pp. 877-881, Dec. 2013. R José M. Catela and Moises Simões Piedade and Rui Rocha, MoteIST: A Modular Low-Power Approach to Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes, International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS), 4(3), pp. 82-101, Dec. 2013, IGIGlobal. R Ginevra Castellano and Iolanda Margarete 54 dos Santos Carvalho Leite and André Tiago Abelho Pereira and Carlos António and Sara Silva, Prediction of High Performance Concrete Strength Using Genetic Programming with Geometric Semantic Genetic Operators, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(17), pp. 68566862, Dec. 2013. R Moises Simões Piedade and Rui Rocha and José M. Catela and Alexandre L. Correia, Smart Ultra Low Power Energy Harvesting System, International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS), 4(3), pp. 102-118, Dec. 2013, IGI -Global. R L. P. Perera and Joao P. Carvalho and C. Guedes Soares, Solutions to the Failures and Limitations of Mamdani Fuzzy Inference in Ship Navigation, (99), pp1,IEEE TVT - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Nov2013 R Carlos Páscoa and Nelson Ferreira and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Strategy essentials: organizational simulators, The LEarning Organziation, 20(6), pp.358-376, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. R Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite and André Tiago Abelho Pereira and Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and Carlos António Roque Martinho and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva, The influence of empathy in human-robot relations, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 71(3), pp.250260, Mar2013. R Sílvio Moreira and David Batista and R José M. R. Vaz and José António Beltran R José Simão and Luís Veiga, Adaptability R João Peres and M. Guerreiro Neves and R Gil Marques and Duarte Sousa and M. R Cátia M. Machado and Ana T. Freitas and Paula Carvalho and Francisco M. Couto and Mário J. Silva, Tracking Politics with POWER, Program: electronic library and information systems, 47(2), pp.120-135, Emerald, 2013. Driven by Quality Of Execution in High Level Virtual Machines for Shared Environments, International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 28(6), pp. 59-72, Nov. 2013, CRL. F. Iacchetti, An Open Loop Sensorless Slip Position Estimator of a DFIG Based on AirGap Active Power Calculations - Sensitivity Study, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 28(4), pp. 959-968, Nov. 2013, IEEE. R Alysson Bessani and Miguel Correia and Bruno Quaresma and Fernando André and Paulo Sousa, DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds, ACM Transactions on Storage, 9(4), article 12, Nov. 2013. R Fernando Luís Todo-Bom Ferreira da Costa and Luís Veiga and Paulo Ferreira, Internet-scale Support for Map-Reduce Processing, Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA), 4(18), pp. , Nov. 2013, Springer. R Francisco Fernandes and Ana T. Freitas, slaMEM: Efficient retrieval of Maximal Exact Matches using a Sampled LCP Array, Bioinformatics, 30(4), Dec. 2013. R Cátia M. Machado and Dietrich Rebholz- Schuhmann and Ana T. Freitas and Francisco M. Couto, The semantic web in translational medicine: current applications and future directions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Nov. 2013. Gerald, A Fast LDPC Encoder/Decoder for Small/Medium Codes, Microelectronics Journal, 44(10), pp. 888-896, Oct. 2013, Elsevier. Maria Eduarda Pedro and V. Maló Machado, Accurate Numerical Method to Evaluate the Capacitances of Multi-conductor Power Cables, Electric Power Systems Research, 103(), pp. 184-191, Oct. 2013. Francisco M. Couto, Enrichment analysis applied to disease prognosis, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 4(21), pp. 21, Oct. 2013. R Hugo Miguel Aleixo Nicolau and Tiago Guerreiro and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Mobile touchscreen user interfaces: bridging the gap between motor-impaired and able-bodied users, Universal Access in the Information Society, Oct. 2013, Springer. R J. M. Lemos and Luís Filipe Marques Pinto and Luís M. Rato and Manuel Rijo, Multivariable and Distributed LQG Control of a Water Delivery Canal., Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 139(10), pp. 855863, Oct. 2013, American Society of Civil Engineers. R Leonel Sousa and Samuel Freitas Antão and Ricardo Chaves, On the Design of RNS Reverse Converters for the Four-Moduli Set {2^n+1, 2^n-1, 2^n, 2^{n+1}+1}, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (TVLSI) Systems, 21(10), pp. 1945-1949, Oct. 2013. R Orlando Anunciação and Susana Vinga and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Using Information Interaction to Discover Epistatic Effects in Complex Diseases, PLoS ONE, 8(10), article e76300, Oct. 2013. 55 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Vítor V. Vasconcelos and Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, A bottomup institutional approach to cooperative governance of risky commons, Nature Climate Change, 3(9), pp. 797-801 , Sep. 2013, NPG. R Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro and Ivo Miguel da Quinta Anastácio and Márcia Lourenço Baptista and André Loureiro da Costa, A Framework for Robust Address Assignment in WSNs Whispering to Avoid Intruders, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013(), pp. 16, Sep. 2013, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. R Jude Angelo Ambrose and Hector and Andreas Wichert, Intricacies of Quantum Computational Paths, Quantum Information Processing, 12(2), pp. 1365-1378, Sep. 2013. R Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Markel Vigo and Luis Carriço, Mobile Accessibility, Universal Access in the Information Society, Sep. 2013. R Hugo Miguel Aleixo Nicolau and Tiago Guerreiro and David Lucas and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Mobile Text-Entry and Visual Demands: Reusing and Optimising Current Solutions, Universal Access in the Information Society, Sep. 2013, Springer. Pettenghi and Darshana Jayasinghe and Leonel Sousa, A Randomized Multi-modulo RNS Architecture for Double-and-Add to prevent Power Analysis Side Channel Attacks, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 7(5), pp. 283 - 293, Sep. 2013, IET journals. R Pedro Costa and Marcelo Pasin and R Nuno Miguel da Luz Neves Guerreiro and R Andreas Wichert, Proto Logic and Neural Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Analogue and Mixed-Signal Production Test Speed-Up by Means of Fault List Compression, Circuits and Systems, 4(5), pp. PP. 407-421, Sep. 2013, Scientific Research Publishing. R Alberto Abad and Annamaria Pompili and Angela Costa and Isabel Trancoso and José Fonseca and Gabriela Leal and Luisa Farrajota and Isabel P. Martins, Automatic word naming recognition for an on-line aphasia treatment system, Computer Speech and Language, 27(6), pp. 1235-1248, Sep. 2013, Elsevier. R Angelo Miguel Aparicio Cardoso and Andreas Wichert, Handwritten digit recognition using biologically inspired features, Neurocomputing, 99, pp. 575-589, Sep. 2013, Elsevier. 56 R Luis Domingues Tomé Jardim Tarrataca Alysson Bessani and Miguel Correia, On the Performance of Byzantine FaultTolerant MapReduce, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 10(5), pp. 301-313, Sep. 2013. Sub-Symbolic Reasoning, Journal of Logic and Computation, 23(3), pp. 627-643, Sep. 2013, Oxford Journals. R Luis Domingues Tomé Jardim Tarrataca and Andreas Wichert, Quantum Iterative Deepening with an application to the Halting problem, PLOS ONE, 8(3), article e57309 , Sep. 2013. R Leonel Sousa and Samuel Freitas Antão and José Germano, A Lab Project on the Design and Implementation of Programmable and Configurable Embedded Systems, IEEE Transactions on Education, 56(3), pp. 322-328, Aug. 2013. R L. Furi and M.L. Ciusa and D. Knight and V. Di Lourenzo and N. Tocci and D. Cirasola and L. Aragones and Joana Coelho and Ana T. Freitas and E. Marchi and L. Moce and P. Visa and J. B. Northwood and C. Viti and G. Orefici and the BIOHYPO Consortium and I. Morrissey and M. R. Oggioni, Evaluation of Reduced Susceptibility to Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and Bisbiguanides in Clinical Isolates and Laboratory-Generated Mutants of Staphylococcus aureus, Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 57(8), pp. 34883497, Aug. 2013. R Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and João Gonzalez and Telmo Santos and Pedro Ramos and Moises Simões Piedade, Geometric Optimization of a Differential Planar Eddy Currents Probe for Non Destructive Testing, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 197, pp. 96-105, Aug. 2013. R The Anh Han and Luis Moniz Pereira and Francisco C. Santos and Tom Lenaerts, Good Agreements Make Good Friends, Scientific Reports, 3(2695),article 2695 , Aug. 2013, Nature Publishing Group. R Dorothea Kolossa and Steffen Zeiler and Rahim Saedi and Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, Noise-adaptive LDA: A new approach for speech recognition under observation uncertainty, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(11), pp. 1018 - 1021, Aug. 2013, IEEE. R Gonçalo Fernandes Simões and Helena Galhardas and Luis Gravano, When speed has a price: Fast information extraction using approximate algorithms, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 6(13), pp. , Aug. 2013. R Gil Marques and M. F. Iacchetti, Control Method of the DFIG Connected to a DC Link Through a Diode Bridge, Energy and Power Engineering, 5(4), pp. 102-108, Jul. 2013, Scientific Research. R João M. P. Cardoso and Tiago Carvalho and José Gabriel Figueiredo Coutinho and Ricardo Nobre and Razvan Nane and Pedro Diniz and Zlatko Petrov and Wayne Luk and Koen Bertels, Controlling a complete hardware synthesis toolchain with LARA aspects, Microprocessor and Microsystems, 37(8), pp.1073-1089 , Jul. 2013, Elsevier. R M. Valdés and Judite Freijedo and M.J. Moure, J.J. Rodríguez-Andina and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and Fabian Vargas and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Design and Validation of Configurable On-Line Aging Sensors in NanometerScale FPGAs, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 12(4), pp. 508-517, Jul. 2013, IEEE. R Catarina Moreira and Andreas Wichert, Finding Academic Experts on a MultiSensor Approach using Shannon’s Entropy, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(14), pp. 57405754, Jul. 2013. R José Amaral and Vítor Pinto and Tiago Costa and João Gaspar and Ricardo Ferreira and Elvira Paz and Susana Cardoso and Paulo P. Freitas, Integration of TMR Sensors in Silicon Microneedles for Magnetic Measurements of Neurons, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, 49(7), pp. 3512 - 3515 , Jul. 2013. R Frederico Lopes and Thiago Pereira and Everton Cavalcante and Flavia C. Delicato and Thais Batista and Paulo F. Pires and Paulo Ferreira, OpenCOPI: Middleware Integration for Ubiquitous Computing, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS), Jul. 2013, Taylor & Francis. R Sara Bouchenak and Gregory Chockler and Hana Chockler and Gabriela Gheorghe and Nuno Santos and Alexander Shraer, Verifying Cloud Services: Present and Future, SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 47(2), pp. 6-19, Jul. 2013, ACM. 57 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Miguel Correia and Nuno Ferreira Neves and Paulo Verissimo, BFT-TO: Intrusion Tolerance with Less Replicas, Computer Journal, 56(6), pp. 693-715, Jun. 2013. R Nuno Sebastião and Nuno Roma and Paulo Flores, Configurable and Scalable Class of High Performance Hardware Accelerators for Simultaneous DNA Sequence Alignment, Journal on Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 25(10), pp. 1319–1339, Jun. 2013, Wileys. R Duncan Bérenguier and Claudine Chaouiya and Pedro T. Monteiro and Aurélien Naldi and Elisabeth Remy and Denis Thieffry and Laurent Tichit, Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks, Chaos, 23(2), article 025114, Jun. 2013. R Julio C. Vazques and V. Champac and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Process Variations-aware Statistical Analysis Framework for Aging Sensors Insertion, Journal of Electronic Testing , 29(3), pp. pp 289-299, Jun. 2013, Springer. R Hector Pettenghi and Ricardo Chaves Next Generation of Similarity Measures that fully explore the Semantics in Biomedical Ontologies, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 11(5) article 1371001, Jun. 2013, World Scientic Publishing Company. R Sara A. Encarnação and Marcos Gaudiano and Francisco C. Santos and José Tenedório and Jorge M. Pacheco, Urban Dynamics, Fractals and Generalized Entropy, Entropy, 15(), pp. 2679-2697, Jun. 2013. R Jorge dos Santos Oliveira and Nuno Mendes and Vitor Carocha and Clara Graça and Jorge A. P. Paiva and Ana T. Freitas, A computational approach for microRNA identification in plants: combining genomebased predictions with RNA-Seq data, May. 2013. R Ramon Fernandez Astudillo and Reinhold Orglmeister, Computing MMSE Estimates and Residual Uncertainty directly in the Feature Domain of ASR using STFT Domain Speech Distortion Models, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 21(5), pp. 1023-1034, May. 2013, IEEE. R Paulo Jorge Fernandes Carreira and André and Leonel Sousa, RNS Reverse Converters for Moduli Sets with Dynamic Ranges up to (8n+1)-bit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 60(6), pp. 1487-1500, Jun. 2013, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Guilherme Nogueira Coelho dos Santos and Silvia Resendes, Conflict Detection and Resoltion in Home and Building Automation Systems: A literature review, Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing , pp. 1-17, May. 2013. R Gil Marques and Duarte Sousa, Sensorless R Robert M. Nickel and Ramon Fernandez Direct Slip Position Estimator of a DFIM Based on the Air Gap pq Vector – Sensitivity Study, IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(6), pp. 2442-2450, Jun. 2013, IEEE. 58 R Francisco Couto and H. Sofia Pinto, The Astudillo and Dorothea Kolossa and Rainer Martin, Corpus-Based Speech Enhancement With Uncertainty Modeling and Cepstral Smoothing, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 21(5), pp. 983-997, May. 2013, IEEE. R Ramon Fernandez Astudillo and Dorothea Kolossa and Alberto Abad and Steffen Zeiler and Rahim Saeidi and Pejman Mowlaee and João Paulo da Silva Neto and Rainer Martin, Integration of beamforming and uncertaintyof-observation techniques for robust ASR in multi-source environments, Computer Speech and Language, 27(3), pp. 837-850, May. 2013. R José Amaral and João Gaspar and Vitor Pinto and Tiago Costa and Nuno Sousa and Susana Cardoso and Paulo Freitas, Measuring brain activity with magnetoresistive sensors integrated in micromachined probe needles, Applied Physics A, 111(2), pp. 407-412, May. 2013. R Jacinto Nascimento and Jorge S. Marques and J. M. Lemos, Modeling and classifying human activities from trajectories using a class of space-varying parametric motion fields., IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 22(5), pp. 2066-2080, May. 2013, IEEE. R António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo and Mike Heidrich, Routing metrics for cachebased reliable transport in wireless sensor networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013(139), pp. 1-16, May. 2013, Springer. R André Guilherme Nogueira Coelho dos Santos and Silvia Resendes and Paulo Jorge Fernandes Carreira, Towards automatic conflict detection in home and building automation systems, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, May. 2013. R Tiago Manuel Oliveira Henriques Moita and Carlos Beltran Almeida and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, ActivIC: Design-Based Automatic Characterization of Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits, Journal of Low Power Electronics, 9(1), pp. 1-16, Apr. 2013, American Scientific Publishers. R Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Pedro Ramos and Fernando Janeiro and Moises Simões Piedade, Defect Characterization with Eddy Currents Testing using Non-Linear Regressions Feature Extraction and Artificial Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 62(5), pp. 1207-1214, Apr. 2013. R Sérgio Esteves and João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva and Luís Veiga, Fluχ: a quality-driven dataflow model for data intensive computing, Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA), 4(12), pp. 1-23, Apr. 2013, Springer. R Gustavo Soares Santos and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Interoperable Intelligent Tutoring Systems as Open Educational Resources, Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(3), pp. 271-282, Apr. 2013, IEEE. [bibTeX] R António José dos Reis Morgado and Federico Heras and Mark Liffiton and Jordi Planes and Joao Marques Silva, Iterative and core-guided MaxSAT solving: A survey and assessment, Constraints, 18(4), pp. 478-534, Apr. 2013, Springer. R Paulo Jorge Fernandes Carreira and Alfredo Ferreira, New Interaction Paradigms in Energy Management, ERCIM News, 93(), pp. 49-50, Apr. 2013, ERCIM. R Tiago Dias and Sebastián López and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa, Scalable Unified Transform Architecture for Advanced Video Coding Embedded Systems, International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), 41(2), pp. 236-260, Apr. 2013, Springer. R Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite and Carlos António Roque Martinho and Ana Paiva, Social Robots for Long-Term Interaction: A Survey, 5(2), pp. 291-308, Apr. 2013, Springer. 59 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Martijn Kuipers and Ricardo Vaz and Mário Serafim Nunes, Video Quality Protection for Real Time Video Streams over Wireless Networks, Telecommunication Systems, 52(4), pp. 2259-2270, Apr. 2013, Springer. R José Carlos Campos Costa and J. Monteiro, Coverage-Directed ObservabilityBased Validation for Embedded Software, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 18(2), pp. 19:119:20, Mar. 2013. R Levent Aksoy and Cristiano Lazzari and Eduardo Costa and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro, Design of Digit-Serial FIR Filters: Algorithms, Architectures, and a CAD Tool, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), 21(3), pp. 498511, Mar. 2013. R Alberto Sardinha and Ruzanna Chitchyan and Nathan Weston and Phil Greenwood and Awais Rashid, EA-Analyzer: Automating Conflict Detection in a Large Set of Textual Aspect-Oriented Requirements, Automated Software Engineering, 20(1), pp. 111-135, Mar. 2013, Springer. R João Bispo and João M. P. Cardoso and J. Monteiro, Hardware Pipelining of Repetitive Patterns in Processor Instruction Traces, Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 8(1), pp. 22-31, Mar. 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Robust Control of Depth of Anesthesia Based on H_∞ Control, Archives of Control Sciences, 23(1), pp. 5-23, Mar. 2013, Polish Academy of Sciences. R Fernando Batista and Ricardo Ribeiro, 60 Sentiment Analysis and Topic Classification based on Binary Maximum Entropy Classifiers, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, 50(1), pp. 77–84, Mar. 2013, Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural. R Rute Pedro and Joel Silva and José Silva and Luís Gurriana and Amélia Maio and José António Soares Augusto, The MiniPET: a Didactic PET System, Journal of Instrumentation, 8(8), article c03005, Mar. 2013, IOPscience - IOP Publishing. R Thomas Pellegrini and Rui Correia and Isabel Trancoso and Jorge Baptista and Nuno J. Mamede and Maxine Eskenazi, ASRbased exercises for listening comprehension practice in European Portuguese, Computer Speech and Language, 27(5), pp.1127-1142 , Feb. 2013. R João Barros and Jose Fernando Alves da Silva and Élvio Jesus, Fast Predictive Optimal Control of NPC Multilevel Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Eletronics, 60(2), pp. 619-627, Feb. 2013. R José Silva and João Barros, Fast- Predictive Optimal Control of NPC Multilevel Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(2), pp. 619-627, Feb. 2013, IEEEE. R Ana Cristina Mendes and Luísa Coheur and João Pedro Carlos Gomes da Silva and Hugo Rodrigues, Just Ask – A MultiPronged Approach to Question Answering, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 22(1), pp. 34, Feb. 2013, World Scientific Publishing Company. R Bruno Rodrigues de Araújo and Gery Casiez and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Martin Hachet, Mockup Builder: 3D Modeling On and Above the Surface, Computers and Graphics, 37(3), pp. 165-178, Feb. 2013, Elsevier. R Victor Pires and Manuel Kadivonga and J. F. Martins and A. J. Pires, Motor Square Current Signature Analysis for Induction Motor Rotor Diagnosis, Measurement, 46(2), pp. 942-948, Feb. 2013, Elsevier. R João P. Carvalho, On the Semantics and the Use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Dynamic Cognitive Maps in Social Sciences, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 214, pp. 6-19, Feb. 2013, Elsevier. R Joana Coelho and João Carriço and Daniel Knight and Jose Luis Martinez and Ian Morrissey and Marco R. Oggioni and Ana T. Freitas, The use of Machine Learning methodologies to analyse Antibiotic and Biocide susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus, PLOS ONE, 8(2), article e55582 , Feb. 2013. R Fernando Manuel Duarte Gonçalves and Manuel Rolo and Ricardo Bugalho and João Varela and Angelo Rivetti and G. Mazza and J. C. Silva, TOFPET ASIC for PET application, Journal of Instrumentation, 8, article c02050, Feb. 2013. R Sílvio Moreira and David Baptista and Paula Carvalho and Francisco Couto and Mário J. Silva, Tracking politics with POWER, Program: electronic library and information systems, 47(2), pp. 120-135, Feb. 2013, Emerald. R Jorge Octávio Martins Esteves and João Pereira and José Júlio Alves Paisana and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, Ultra Low Power Capless LDO with Dynamic Biasing of Derivative Feedback, Microelectronics Journal, 44(2), pp. 94-102, Feb. 2013, Elsevier Science Publishers. R Hildegardo Noronha and A Lopes and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos, Work Analysis Methods in Practice: the Context of Collaborative Review of CAD Models, International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, Jan. 2013, IGI Global. R Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and A Lopes, A Gestural Recognition Interface for Intelligent Wheelchair Users, International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, Jan. 2013, IGI Global. R Hugo Nicolau and Tiago Guerreiro and Rita Pereria and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, ComputerAssisted Rehabilitation: Towards Effective Evaluation, International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support , 1(1), pp. 11-26, Jan. 2013, Inderscience. R Paulo Alexandre Crisóstomo Lopes and João Pinto and José António Beltran Gerald, Dealing with Unknown Impedance and Impulsive Noise in the Power Line Communications Channel, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 28(1), pp. 58 - 66, Jan. 2013, IEEE. R Giuliana Santos Veronese and Miguel Correia and Alysson Neves Bessani and Lau Cheuk Lung and Paulo Verissimo, Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerance, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 62(1), pp. 16-30, Jan. 2013. R Paulo G. S. da Fonseca and Jorge A. P. Paiva and Luiz G. P. Almeida and Ana Tereza Vasconcelos and Ana T. Freitas, Empirical assessment of sequencing errors for high through-put pyrosequencing data, BMC Research Notes, 6(25), Jan. 2013. R Rui Filipe Lopes Joaquim and Paulo Ferreira and Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro, EVIV: an End-to-end Verifiable Internet Voting System, Computer & Security, 32, pp. 170-191, Jan. 2013, Elsevier. 61 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R João Moreira and Jorge M. Pacheco and Francisco C. Santos, Evolution of collective action in adaptive social structures, Scientific Reports, 3, article 1521, Jan. 2013, Nature Publishing Group. R João A. Moreira and Jeromos Vukov and Claudia Sousa and Francisco C. Santos and André F. Almeida and Marta D. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, Individual memory and the emergence of cooperation, Animal Behaviour, 85(1), pp. 233-239, Jan. 2013, Elsevier. R Flávio L. Pinheiro and Flávio L. Pinheiro and Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, Reward from Punishment Does Not Emerge at All Costs, PLoS Computational Biology, 9(1), pp. e1002868, Jan. 2013, PLoS. R Duarte Sousa and Elmano Margato and António Roque and José Maia and Maló Machado and José Barão and Sérgio Ramos, Simulation of the Magnetic Induction Vector of a Magnetic Core to be Used in FFC NMR Relaxometry, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26(1), pp. 133-140, Jan. 2013, Springer. R Samuel Freitas Antão and Leonel Sousa, The CRNS Framework and its Application to Programmable and Reconfigurable Cryptography, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization , 9(4), pp. 33--33, Jan. 2013. R Jan LG Dietz and Jan AP Hoogervorst 62 and Antonia Albani and David Aveiro and Eduard Babkin and Artur Caetano and Philip Huysmans and Junichi Iijima and Steven JH Van Kervel and Hans Mulder and Martin Op’t Land and Henderik A Proper and Jorge Sanz and Linda Terlouw and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet and Jan Verelst and Robert Winte, The discipline of enterprise engineering, International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, 3(1), pp. 86-114, Jan. 2013, Inderscience Publishers. 10.2.2International Conferences R José Simão and Jeremy Singer and Luís Veiga, A Comparative Look at Adaptive Memory Management in Virtual Machines, IEEE CloudCom 2013, Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R J. M. Lemos and Conceição Rocha and Teresa F. Mendonça and Maria Eduarda Silva, A Nonlinear Continuous-Discrete Filter with Model Parameter Uncertainty and Application to Anesthesia , Dec. 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Conceição Rocha and Teresa F. Mendonça and Maria Eduarda Silva, A Nonlinear ContinuousDiscrete Filter with Model Parameter Uncertainty and Application to Anesthesia, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2013 , pp. 2072-2077. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and L. A. Paz and T. F. Mendonça, A Polynomial Design Approach to Robust Control of Neuromuscular Blockade of Patients Subject to General Anesthesia, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2013 , pp. 133138. R Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, A propagation approach to modelling the joint distributions of clean and corrupted speech in the Mel-cepstral domain, IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), Dec. 2013 , pp. 180-185. R Carlos Roque and Paulo Ferreira and Luís Veiga, Adaptive Semantics-Aware Management for Web Caches and Wikis, 12th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2013), in conjuntion with ACM/IFIP/Usenix Middleware 2013, December 9-13, Dec. 2013 , LNCS. R João Pedro Marques Silva and José Simão and Luís Veiga, Ditto – Deterministic Execution Replayability-as-a-Service for Java VM on Multiprocessors, ACM/IFIP/ Usenix International Middleware Conference (Middleware 2013), Dec. 2013 , Springer. R José Alves and Guiomar Evans and José António Soares Augusto and José Silva, Emulation in FPGA of G-link Chipset of Tile Calorimeter Electronic System, CETC 2013 - Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Dec. 2013. R José Simão and Luís Veiga, Flexible SLAs in the Cloud with Partial Utility-driven Scheduling (Best-Paper Award Runnerup), IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2013) , Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R João Miranda and João Paulo da Silva Neto and Alan W Black, Improved punctuation recovery through combination of multiple speech streams, ASRU 2013, Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R Ivo Anjo and João Cachopo, Improving Continuation-Powered Method-Level Speculation for JVM Applications, The 13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2013), Dec. 2013. R Simão Silva and Ricardo Lopes Pereira and Rui Valadas, IP Level QoS Mechanism for large Wireless LANs, Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Dec. 2013. R Fernando Carvalho and João Cachopo, Lightweight Identification of Captured Memory for Software Transactional Memory, The 13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2013), Dec. 2013. R Alexey S. Ignatiev and António José dos Reis Morgado and Jordi Planes and Joao Marques Silva, Maximal Falsifiability: Definitions, Algorithms, and Applications, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR), Dec. 2013 , pp. 439456, Springer. R Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva, Modeling and Simulation of a Many-Core Architecture Using Systemc, Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Dec. 2013. R Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva and Wilson Maltez José and Horácio C. Neto and Mário Pereira Véstias, Modeling and Simulation of a Many-Core Architecture Using Systemc, Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Dec. 2013. R Mikolas Janota and Radu Grigore and Joao Marques Silva, On QBF Proofs and Preprocessing, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR), Dec. 2013 , pp. 473-489 , Springer. R Sérgio Esteves and Luís Veiga, Planning and Scheduling Data Processing Workflows in the Cloud with Quality-of-Data Constraints, 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Scientific Applications (CCSA 2013), colocated with 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013) , Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R João Paiva and Luis Rodrigues, Policies for Efficient Data Replication in P2P Systems., The 19th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2013), Dec. 2013. 63 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Mikołaj Leszczuk and Dawid Juszka and Lucjan Janowski and Michał Grega and Rui Cruz and Mário Serafim Nunes and Charalampos Patrikakis and Stavros Papanagiotou, Quality Aware, Adaptive, 3D Media Distribution over P2P architectures, IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshop - Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications, Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R Álvaro Garcia Recuero and Sérgio Esteves and Luís Veiga, Quality-of-Data for Consistency Levels in Geo-replicated Cloud Data Stores, IEEE CloudCom 2013, Dec. 2013, IEEE. R José Simão and Navaneeth Rameshan and Luís Veiga, Resource-Aware Scaling of Multithreaded Java Applications in Multi-tenancy Scenarios, IEEE CloudCom 2013, Dec. 2013 , IEEE. R Filipe Palhinha and Ricardo Pereira and Duarte Carona and António Serrador and Mário Pereira Véstias and João Silva and Tiago Peres and Pedro Silva, RF FRONT END RECEIVER FOR GPS/ GALILEO L1/E1, Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Dec. 2013. R Daniel Foito and Manuel Guerreiro and Victor Pires, Road Motion Control Electric Vehicle with Speed and Torque Observer, International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities (SmartMILE 2013), Dec. 2013 , pp. 1-6. R Anton Belov and António José dos Reis Morgado and Joao Marques Silva, SATBased Preprocessing for MaxSAT, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR), Dec. 2013 , pp. 96-111, Springer. 64 R Horácio C. Neto and Mário Pereira Véstias, Very low resource table-based FPGA evaluation of elementary functions, International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), Dec. 2013. R Ricardo Filipe Sereno Póvoa and António Pinto and José António Beltran Gerald and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes, A 7.875 GHz IR-UWB Receiver Using a Narrowband Approach, Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Nov. 2013. R António Pinto and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes, A Study on the Offset Voltage of Dynamic Comparators, Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Nov. 2013. R Luciana Salles Barbosa and Monika Tarsalewska and Alberto Sardinha, An equilibrium analysis of feed-in tariff remuneration: market-dependent and market independent models, Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Ecoinnovations, Nov. 2013. R Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Challenges of Engineering Education in a Global World, Int. Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE), Nov. 2013. R Moinul Hoque and Teresa Gonçalves and Paulo Quaresma, Classifying questions in question answering system using finite state machines with a simple learning approach, PACLIC - 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation, Nov. 2013. R António Roque and Duarte Sousa and Elmano Margato and Gil Marques and José Maia, Control and Dynamic Behaviour of a FFC NMR Power Supply - Power Consumption and Power Losses, IECON 2013, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nov. 2013 , IEEE. R Élvio Manuel Teixeira Rodrigues and Micael Alexandre Delgado Carreira and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Developing a Multimodal Interface for the Elderly, DSAI 2013 - Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion Conference, Nov. 2013. R Manuel Portela and António Rito Silva, Encoding and Visualizing Variation in LdoD, 10th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, Nov. 2013 , ITEM–Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes. R Ricardo Dias and Manuel J. Fonseca, Improving Music Recommendation in Session-Based Collaborative Filtering by using Temporal Context, 25th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’13), Nov. 2013 , IEEE. R Carlos Rosa and Dimitri Vinnikov and Enrique Romero-Cadaval and Victor Pires and J. F. Martins, Low-power Wind Generation grid-connected system with MPPT and PC control, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2013), Nov. 2013, pp. 5991 – 5996. R Filipe Cardoso and Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Ricardo Ferreira and E. Paz and Susana Cardoso and Pedro Ramos and Moises Simões Piedade and Paulo Freitas, Magnetic tunnel junction based eddy current testing probe for detection of surface defects, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, Nov. 2013. R Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Melhorando o Ensino Universitário com a Gamificação, Proceedings of the 5th Portuguese Conference on Human-Machine Interaction, Nov. 2013. R Hector Pettenghi and Ricardo Chaves and Leonel Sousa, Method for designing modulo $\{2^{n} \pm k\}$ Binary-to-RNS converters, The Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Nov. 2013. R Carlos Leong and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Production and Lifetime Performance Enhacement in FPGA Designs, 28th International Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Nov. 2013. R Hugo Miguel Barreto Gonçalves and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, RF Power Harvesting with Bulk Tuning Capability, 28th International Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Nov. 2013.] R Sofia Inês Raposo Penaforte and João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, SocialVis: Aumentar o Conhecimento da Rede Social através de Visualização de Informação, Proceedings of the 5th Portuguese Conference on HumanMachine Interaction, Nov. 2013. R Thomas Geury and Sónia Pinto and Johan Gyselinck, Three-phase Power Controlled PV Current Source Inverter with Incorporated Active Power Filtering, IECON 2013, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Nov. 2013 , IEEE. 65 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Manuel Bravo and Nuno Machado and Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, Towards Effective and Efficient Search-Based Deterministic Replay, 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems (HotDep’13), Nov. 2013 , Springer. R Angel Manuel Bravo Gestoso and Nuno Machado and Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, Towards Effective and Efficient Search-Based Deterministic Replay, The 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems, Nov. 2013. R Margarida Alexandra Rodrigues Lucas da Silva and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Hugo Silva, User-tuned Content Customization for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, DSAI 2013 - Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion Conference, Nov. 2013. R The Anh Han and Luis Moniz Pereira and Francisco C. Santos and Tom Lenaerts, Why is it so hard to say sorry?, in Procs. of the 25th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2013), November 7-8, Delft, The Netherlands, 2013, Nov. 2013. R Joana Coelho and Isabel Mendes Gaspar and Alberto Mello e Silva and Ana T. Freitas, A machine learning approach for the identification of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, The 10th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease (ICCAD 2013), Oct. 2013, (Poster). R Diogo Proença and Ricardo Vieira and José Borbinha, A Maturity Model for Information Governance, Encontro Internacional de Arquivos, Oct. 2013. R David S Batista and Rui Silva and Bruno 66 Martins and Mário J. Silva, A Minwise Hashing Method for Addressing Relationship Extraction from Text, Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2013, Oct. 2013 , pp. 216-230, Springer. R Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and Nuno Marques and Joana Carvalho Filipe de Campos and Ana Paiva, A Model of Social Dynamics for Social Intelligent Agents, AAAI Fall Symposium , Oct. 2013. R J. M. Lemos and Inês Sampaio and Manuel Rijo and L. M. Rato, Actuator Fault Tolerant LQG Control of a Water Delivery Canal, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Oct. 2013 , pp. 432-437. R Vítor V. Vasconcelos and Flávio L. Pinheiro and Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, Bootstrapping back the climate with self-organization, , in Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems,, Oct. 2013 , MIT press. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano, Brief Announcement: Enhancing Permissiveness in Transactional Memory via Time-Warping , Proc. 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Oct. 2013 , Springer. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano, Bumper: Sheltering Transactions from Conflicts, The 32th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Oct. 2013 , IEEE. R José Marques da Silva and Lourdes Bugalho and Adélia Sousa and Luis Pessanha and Paulo Quaresma, Cálculo de un índice de humedad relativa del aire, considerando la resiliencia térmica horaria de la temperatura LST, obtenida por imágenes de satélite, Proceedings of the XV Congreso de la Asociacion Española de Teledeteccion (AET), Oct. 2013. R Amin Khan and Leandro Navarro and Leila Sharifi and Luís Veiga, Clouds of small things: Provisioning infrastructure-as-aservice from within community networks, 2nd International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB 2013) , colocated with 9th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2013, Lyon, France, October 7-9, 2013. IEEE 20, Oct. 2013 , IEEE. R João Santos and Bruno Martins and David Baptista, Document Analytics Through Entity Resolution, International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Oct. 2013 , Springer. R Marco Bertini and Alberto Del Bimbo and George Ioannidis and Emile Bijk and Isabel Trancoso and Hugo Meinedo, EUTV: A system for media monitoring and publishing, 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, Oct. 2013. R Danny Hendler and Alex Naiman and Sebastiano Peluso and Paolo Romano and Francesco Quaglia and Adi Suissa, Exploiting Locality in Lease-Based Replicated Transactional Memory via Task Migration, Proc. 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Oct. 2013 , Springer. R João Zamite and Dulce Domingos and Mário J. Silva and Carlos Santos, GroupBased Discretionary Access Control for Epidemiological Resources, HCIST 2013 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, Oct. 2013 , pp. 1149-1158 , Elsevier. R Tiago Dias and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa, High Performance Multi-Standard Architecture for DCT Computation in H.264/AVC High Profile and HEVC Codecs, Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP 2013), Oct. 2013 , pp. 14-21. R Sérgio Micael Ferreira Paiágua and Frederico Pratas and Pedro Tomás and Nuno Roma and Ricardo Chaves, HotStream: Efficient Data Streaming of Complex Patterns to Multiple Accelerating Kernels, 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD’2013), Oct. 2013. R Sérgio Sousa and Maicon Onofre and Tiago Antunes and Claudio Branco and Jose Maia and José Inácio Rocha and Victor Pires, Implementation of a low cost data acquisition board for photovoltaic arrays analysis and diagnostic, International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Oct. 2013 , pp. 1-5. R Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama do Rosário and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Improving Participation and Learning with Gamification, Gamification 2013, Oct. 2013 , ACM. R Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama do Rosário and Manuel J. Fonseca and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Improving Student Creativity with Gamification and Virtual Worlds, Gamification 2013, Oct. 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano, Input Acceptance of Time-Warping Transactional Memory, Workshop on Theory of Transactional Memory, Oct. 2013. 67 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Stoyan Garbatov and João Cachopo, Low- Overhead Profiling based on Stationary and Ergodic Assumptions, The Eight International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2013), Oct. 2013 , pp. 380-386. R Paulo Gomes and Ana Paiva and Carlos António Roque Martinho and Arnav Jhala, Metrics for Character Believability in Interactive Narrative, ICIDS’13 International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Oct. 2013 , Springer. R António José dos Reis Morgado and Federico Heras and Joao Marques Silva, Model-Guided Approaches for MaxSAT Solving, International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Oct. 2013 , IEEE Press. R Carlos Páscoa and Ricardo Horta and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Near Real Time Steering: The Organizational Cockpit, CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Oct. 2013 , pp. 266-271 , Procedia Technology. R Carlos Páscoa and Tomás Martins and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Operational Qualifications in the Information Architecture Context, CENTERIS 2013 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Oct. 2013 , pp. 272-281 , Procedia Technology. R Carlos Páscia and João Cardoso and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Organizational Views applied to the Operational Dimension, CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, Oct. 2013 , pp. 712-721 , Proceida Technology. 68 R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and João Cachopo, Practical Parallel Nesting for Software Transactional Memory, 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2013), Oct. 2013. R Flávio L. Pinheiro and Vítor V. Vasconcelos and Francisco C. Santos and Jorge M. Pacheco, Self-organized game dynamics in complex networks, , in Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems,, Oct. 2013 , MIT press. R Gil Marques and Duarte Sousa and M. F. Iacchetti, Sensorless Torque Controlo f a DFIG connected to a DC Link, SLED 2013, Oct. 2013. R William Klieber and Mikolas Janota and Joao Marques Silva and Edmund M. Clarke, Solving QBF with Free Variables, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), Oct. 2013 , pp. 415-431 , Springer. R António Rito Silva and Manuel Portela, TEI4LdoD: Textual Encoding and Social Editing in Web 2.0 Environments, TEI Conference 2013, Oct. 2013 , pp. 119-126. R Alberto Abad and Ramon Fernandez Astudillo and Isabel Trancoso, The L2F Spoken Web Search system for Mediaeval 2013 , Mediaeval Workshop, Oct. 2013. R João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Diogo Marques and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau and Kyle Montague, The Today and Tomorrow of Braille Learning, ACM SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) 2013, Oct. 2013. R Victor Pires and Duarte Sousa and J. F. R Rui Henriques and Ana Paiva and Cláudia R Levent Aksoy and Paulo Flores and J. R André Negrão and Manuel Mateus and Martins, Three-Phase Nine Switch Inverter for a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System, International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Oct. 2013 , pp. 1-6. Monteiro, Towards the Least Complex TimeMultiplexed Constant Multiplication, 21st IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), Oct. 2013 , pp. 328-331. R Luis Bruno and João António Madeiras Pereira and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, A New Approach to Walking in Place, INTERACT 2013, Sep. 2013 , Springer. R Nuno Saldanha and Jairo Avelar and Miguel Dias and António Teixeira and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Emmanuel Bonnet and Karine Lan and Németh Géza and Petra Csobanka and Artur Kolesinski, A Personal Life Assistant for “natural” interaction: the PaeLife project, AAL Forum, Sep. 2013. R Victor Manuel Antunes da Silva and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto, A Reconfigurable Computing Architecture using Magnetic Tunneling Junction Memories, International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2013), Sep. 2013. [bibTeX] R Márcia Baptista and Joana Dimas Couto Silva and Hugo Miguel Gonçalves Damas and Guilherme Coelho Barreira Raimundo and Rui Prada and Carlos António Roque Martinho and Pedro Alexandre Caria Santos and Jorge Peña, A serious game based on a public goods experiment, Proceedings of the 2013 ASE/ IEEE International Conference on Economic Computing, Sep. 2013 , IEEE. [bibTeX] Antunes, Accessing Emotion Patterns from Affective Interactions Using Electrodermal Activity, ACII’2013- Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Conference, Sep. 2013 , Springer. Paulo Ferreira and Luís Veiga, Adaptive Consistency and Awareness Support for Distributed Software Development, 21st International Conference on COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CoopIS 2013), Sep. 2013 , Springer-Verlag. R Carlos Leong and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and M. Valdés and Judite Freijedo and J.J. Rodríguez-Andina and Fabian Vargas and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Aging Monitoring with Local Sensors in FPGA-based Designs, Int. Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Sep. 2013. R Marília Santos and José Saias and Paulo Quaresma, An approach to the main task of QA4MRE - 2013, CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop - Question Answering for Machine Reading Evaluation (QA4MRE), Sep. 2013. R Pedro Sequeira and Francisco S. Melo and Ana Paiva, An Associative State-Space Metric for Learning in Factored MDPs, EPIA’2013 Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Sep. 2013 , Springer. R Wilson Maltez José and Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva and Horácio C. Neto and Mário Pereira Véstias, Analysis of Matrix Multiplication on High Density Virtex-7 FPGA, International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2013), Sep. 2013. 69 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Pedro Hugo de Queirós Alves and Paulo Ferreira, AnonyLikes: Anonymous quantitative feedback on social networks, ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware Conference 2013, Sep. 2013 , Springer, ACM. R António Mauricio Lança Tavares de Sousa and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Binding an Handheld Device with its Owner, Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones, Sep. 2013. R João D Ferreira and Cátia Pesquita and Francisco M Couto and Mário J. Silva, Digital preservation of epidemic resources: coupling metadata and ontologies, iPres 2013: , Sep. 2013 , Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. R J. M. Lemos and José Manuel Prista do Ana Paiva, Censys: A Model for Distributed Embodied Cognition, IVA’2013- Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep. 2013 , Springer. Valle Cardoso Igreja and Inês Sampaio, Distributed Reconfigurable Predictive Control of a Water Delivery Canal., Int. Conf Systems Science, Sep. 2013 , pp. 25-34 , Springer. R L. Pieper and Eduardo Costa and J. R Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and R Tiago Guiomar Ribeiro and Marco Vala and Monteiro, Combination of Radix-2^m Multiplier Blocks and Adder Compressors for the Design of Efficient 2’s Complement 64-bit Array Multipliers, 26th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, Sep. 2013. R Gonçalo Duarte Garcia Pereira and Rui Prada and Pedro Alexandre Caria Santos, Conceptualizing Social Power for Agents, IVA 2013 - Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep. 2013 , pp. 313-324 , Springer. R Xavier Vilaça and Luis Rodrigues, Cooperation in Planetary-Scale Epidemic Dissemination, The Workshop on Planetary Scale Distributed Systems (in conjunction with SRDS), Sep. 2013. R Cláudia RIbeiro and João António Madeiras Pereira and José Borbinha, Creating Awareness of Emergency Departments Healthcare Values Using a Serious Game, ECTEL 2013, Sep. 2013 , pp. 502-507. R António Roque and Duarte Sousa and 70 linearly controlled, EPE’13, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Sep. 2013. Elmano Margato and Gil Marques and José Maia, Current source of a NMR relaxometer Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama do Rosário and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Engaging Engineering Students with Gamification, 5th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games 2013), , Sep. 2013 , ACM. R Daniel Filipe Martins Tavares Mendes and Alfredo Ferreira and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Envisioning Multi-Surface Collaborative Review of 3D Virtual Models, Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones, Sep. 2013. R Levent Aksoy and Eduardo Costa and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro, Exploration of Tradeoffs in the Design of Integer Cosine Transforms for Image Compression, 21st European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Sep. 2013 , pp. 1-4. R Pedro Vilaça and Telmo Santos and Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Rosa Miranda, Innovative Concept and Application of EC Probe for Inspection of Friction Stir Welds, 12th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non-Destructive Testing, Sep. 2013. R Ana Aguiar and Mariana Kaiseler and Hugo Meinedo and Traian Abrudan and Pedro Almeida, Methodology for Speech Stress Assessment based on Physiological and Psychological Measures, 2nd ACM Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Sciences, Sep. 2013. R Gonçalo Duarte Garcia Pereira and Rui Prada and Pedro Alexandre Caria Santos, Modelling Social Power Intelligent Agents, IVA’2013 - Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep. 2013, pp. 476 , Springer. R Diogo Ricardo Cardoso Antão and Luis Taniça and Aleksandar Ilic and Frederico Pratas and Pedro Tomás and Leonel Sousa, Monitoring Performance and Power for Application Characterization with Cacheaware Roofline Model, International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2013), Sep. 2013. R Kostas Karpouzis and Georgios N. Yannakakis and Ana Paiva and Jeppe Herlev Nielsen and Asimina Vasalou and Arnav Jhala, Natural Interaction for Conflict Resolution, ACII’2013- Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Conference, Sep. 2013, Springer. R Alberto Abad and Luis Javier RodríguezFuentes and Mikel Penagarikano and Amparo Varona and Germán Bordel, On the Calibration and Fusion of Heterogeneous Spoken Term Detection Systems, Interspeech, Sep. 2013. R Miguel Coimbra and Francisco Fernandes and Luís M. S. Russo and Ana T. Freitas, Parallel Efficient Aligner of Pyrosequencing Reads, EuroMPI 2013, Sep. 2013. R Conceição Rocha and J. M. Lemos and Teresa Mendonça and Maria Eduarda Silva, Probabilistic Description of Model Set Response in Neuromuscular Blockade, Int. Conf Systems Science, Sep. 2013 , pp. 25-34 , Springer. R Hildegardo Noronha and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and Abilio Parreira, Resources Conflicts in Collaboration: From the physical world to the tablet world, Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones, Sep. 2013. R Laura Beatriz Torres Simões Wise and Joao P. Carvalho and Alberto Murta, Rule Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A tool for modeling qualitative information, ICES ASC 2013, 2013 ICES Annual Science Conference, Sep. 2013 , ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. R José Leitão and José Germano and Nuno Roma and Ricardo Chaves and Pedro Tomás, Scalable and High Throughput Biosensing Platform, 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2013), Sep. 2013. R Margarida Alexandra Rodrigues Lucas da Silva and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Hugo PLácido Silva, Simplifying UserTuned Content Management in Assistive Software, Proceedings AAETE2013 - 12th European Conferfence of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, Sep. 2013. R António Rito Silva and Manuel Portela, Social Edition 4 The Book of Disquiet: The Disquiet of Experts with Common Users, 13th European Conference on ComputerSupported Cooperative Work (ECSCW2013), Sep. 2013 , pp. 45-50 , DAIMI PB. R Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva and Gert Jan Hofstede, Social Importance Dynamics: A Model for Culturally-Adaptive Agents, IVA’2013Intelligent Virtual Agents, Sep. 2013, Springer. 71 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Ana Tomé and Teresa Heitor and Mário Serafim Nunes, Space-Use Interactions Described Through Computer Vision, Computation and Performance. Association for Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2003), Sep. 2013. R José Portelo and Bhiksha Raj and Petros Boufounos and Isabel Trancoso and Alberto Abad, Speaker verification using secure binary embeddings, EUSIPCO 2013, Sep. 2013 , EURASIP. R Tiago Gonçalves and Ana Paula Afonso and Bruno Martins and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, ST-TrajVis: Interacting with Trajectory Data, Proceedings BHCI2013 27th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Sep. 2013. R Nuno Marques and Francisco S. Melo and Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva, Towards agents with humanlike decisions under uncertainty, 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sep. 2013 , pp. 2978-2983. R João Colaço and Adrian Matoga and Aleksandar Ilic and Nuno Roma and Pedro Tomás and Ricardo Chaves, Transparent application acceleration by intelligent scheduling of shared library calls on heterogeneous systems, International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2013), Sep. 2013, Springer. R Anabela Marques Barreiro and Johanna Monti and Brigitte Orliac and Fernando Batista, When Multiwords Go Bad in Machine Translation, Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Sep. 2013. 72 R Luís Garcia and Luís C. Oliveira and David Martins de Matos, Word and Sentence Prediction: Using the Best of the Two Worlds to Assist AAC Users, 12th European AAATE Conference, Sep. 2013 , IOS Press. R Thomas Pellegrini and Annika Hämäläinen and Philippe Boula de Mareüil and Michael Tjalve and Isabel Trancoso and Sara Candeias and Miguel Sales Dias and Daniela Braga, A corpus-based study between elderly and young speakers of European Portuguese: acoustic correlates and their impact on speech recognition performance, Interspeech 2013, Aug. 2013, ISCA. R David Jorge Lopes Batista Martinho and António Rito Silva, An experiment on the capture of business processes from knowledge workers, The 6th Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2’13), Aug. 2013 , Springer. R Helena Moniz and Fernando Batista and Isabel Trancoso and Ana Isabel Mata da Silva, Automatic structural metadata identification based on multilayer prosodic information, Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, DiSS 2013, Aug. 2013. R Xiaodong Zeng and Derek F. Wong and Lidia Chao and Isabel Trancoso, Coregularizing character-based and wordbased models for semi-supervised Chinese word segmentation, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Aug. 2013, ACL. R André Domingos and Hugo Ferreira and Pedro Rijo and Cátia Vaz and A. P. Francisco, Degrees of separation on a dynamic social network, Mining and Learning with Graphs Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (MLGKDD’13), Aug. 2013, ACM. R Henrique Rodrigues Barbosa de Medeiros R Wang Ling and Guang Xiang and Chris R Stoyan Garbatov and João Cachopo, R Joao Marques Silva and Federico Heras and Helena Moniz and Fernando Batista and Luís Nunes and Isabel Trancoso, Disfluency Detection Based on Prosodic Features for University Lectures, Interspeech 2013, Aug. 2013, ISCA. Exploring Data Locality for Clustered Enterprise Applications, 24th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2013), Aug. 2013. R Leila Weitzel and José Palazzo Oliveira and Paulo Quaresma, Exploring Trust to Rank Reputation in Microblogging, DEXA 2013 -24th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Aug. 2013 , pp. 434-441 , Springer. R Xiaodong Zeng and Derek F. Wong and Lidia Chao and Isabel Trancoso, Graphbased Semi-Supervised Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-ofSpeech Tagging, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Long papers), Aug. 2013 , ACL. R Joana P. Gonçalves and Sara C. Madeira, Heuristic Approaches for Time-Lagged Biclustering, 12th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD’13), Aug. 2013 , pp. 1-9 , ACM. R Diogo Miguel da Costa e Castro Mónica de Oliveira and Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro, Leveraging Honest Users: Stealth Commandand-Control of Botnets, Usenix Wote’13, Aug. 2013 , pp. 1-13 , Usenix. R Pedro Fialho and Luísa Coheur and Sérgio dos Santos Lopes Curto and Pedro Miguel Abrunhosa Cláúdio and Angela Costa and Alberto Abad and Hugo Meinedo and Isabel Trancoso, Meet Edgar, a Tutoring Agent at Monserrate, ACL, Aug. 2013. Dyer and Alan Black and Isabel Trancoso, Microblogs as Parallel Corpora, The 51th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Aug. 2013 , ACL. and Mikolas Janota and Alessandro Previti and Anton Belov, On Computing Minimal Correction Subsets., International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Aug. 2013 , AAAI Press. [bibTeX] R Joana Dimas Couto Silva and Louis Philippe Simões Castelo Branco Lopes and Rui Prada, One for all, all for one: Agents with social identities, CogSci 2013 – 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Aug. 2013 , pp. 2195-2200. [bibTeX] R Ricardo Ribeiro and David Martins de Matos, Revisiting Centrality-as-Relevance: Support Sets and Similarity as Geometric Proximity: Extended abstract, IJCAI 2013 Journal Track, Aug. 2013 , pp. 3175-3179 , AAAI. [bibTeX] R João Paiva and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues, Rollerchain: a DHT for Efficient Replication, The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA13), Aug. 2013. R José Portelo and Alberto Abad and Bhiksha Raj and Isabel Trancoso, Secure binary embeddings of front-end factor analysis for privacy preserving speaker verification, INTERSPEECH 2013, Aug. 2013 , ISCA. R Andreia Teixeira and Pedro T. Monteiro and João Carriço and Mário Ramirez and A. P. Francisco, Spanning edge betweenness, Mining and Learning with Graphs - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (MLG-KDD’13), Aug. 2013 , ACM. 73 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Gabriel Falcão and João Andrade and Vitor Silva and Shinichi Yamagiwa and Leonel Sousa, Stressing the BER simulation of LDPC codes in the error floor region using GPU clusters, Tenth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Aug. 2013 , IEEE. R Waleed Ammar and Victor Chahuneau and Michael Denkowski and Greg Hanneman and Wang Ling and Austin Matthews and Kenton Murray and Nicola Segall and Yulia Tsvetkov and Alon Lavie and Chris Dyer, The CMU Machine Translation Systems at WMT 2013: Syntax, Synthetic Translation Options, and Pseudo-References , Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Machine Translation, Aug. 2013. R Barbara Kolany-Raiser and Silviya- Aleksandrova Yankova and Marzieh bakhshandeh and Hossein Miri and Mykola Galushka and Artur Caetano and José Borbinha, Towards a Legal Ontology for the Digital Preservation Domain, 1st International Conference on ICT LAW (Information and Comunication Technologies and Law), Aug. 2013. R André Carreiro and Sara C. Madeira and A. P. Francisco, Unravelling communities of ALS patients using network mining, Workshop on Data Mining for Healthcare (DMH-KDD2013), Aug. 2013 , ACM. R David Jorge Lopes Batista Martinho and António Rito Silva, Worklr: Supporting and Capturing Business Processes from Knowledge Workers, Demonstration Track of the 11h International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2013), Aug. 2013, pp. 23-28, CEUR. R Nuno Ferreira and Samuel Francisco 74 Mascarenhas and Ana Paiva and Gennaro di Tosto and Frank Dignum and John McBreen and Nick Degens and Gert Jan Hofstede and Giulia Andrighetto and Rosaria Conte, An Agent Model for the Appraisal of Normative Events Based in In-Group and Out-Group Relations, AAAI 2013, Jul. 2013. R Lidia Kuan and Pedro Tomás and Leonel Sousa, A comparison of computing architectures and parallelization frameworks based on a two-dimensional FDTD, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2013), Jul. 2013. R Adrian Matoga and Ricardo Chaves and Pedro Tomás and Nuno Roma, A Flexible Shared Library Profiler for Early Estimation of Performance Gains in Heterogeneous Systems, International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2013), Jul. 2013, pp. 461-470. R Victor Pires and António Roque and Duarte Sousa, A Power Converter With a Wide Voltage Range for PV Systems, The Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI’13), Jul. 2013, pp. 1-6. R Nuno Ferreira and Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and Gennaro di Tosto and Frank Dignum and John McBreen and Nick Degens and Gert Jan Hofstede and Giulia Andrighetto, An Agent Model for the Appraisal of Normative Events Based in InGroup and Out-Group Relations., AAAI’2013, Jul. 2013, AAAI Press. R Pedro Hugo de Queirós Alves and Paulo Ferreira, AnonyFacebook - Liking Facebook Posts Anonymously, 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2013), Jul. 2013, SpringerVerlag. R Gustavo Soares dos Santos and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Atomic and Molecular Intelligent Tutoring Systems - A new Architecture for Intelligent and Interoperable Open Educational Resources, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Jul. 2013, IEEE. R Nuno Claudino Pereira Lopes and J. Monteiro, Automatic Equivalence Checking of UF+IA Programs, International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software SPIN13, Jul. 2013. R Fernando Dettoni and Lau C. Lung and Miguel Correia and Aldelir F. Luiz, Byzantine Fault-Tolerant State Machine Replication with Twin Virtual Machines, 8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Jul. 2013. R Oksana Denysyuk and Luis Rodrigues, Byzantine Renaming in Synchronous Systems with t < N, The 32nd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Jul. 2013. R Ruben Carlos Gonçalves Martins and Vasco Manquinho and Inês Lynce, Community-Based Partitioning for MaxSAT Solving, 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, Jul. 2013, pp. 182-191, Springer. R Filipe Lira and F.B. Dilek and Ü. Yetiş and Miguel Coimbra and Ana T. Freitas and G. Pallara and Carlo Viti and Marco R. Oggioni and T. Cuesta and Jose Luis Martinez, Effect of triclosan on the selection of antibiotic resistance in sludge from wastewater treatment plants, 5th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2013), Jul. 2013. R Joao P. Carvalho and Luísa Coheur, Introducing UWS – A Fuzzy Based Word Similarity Function with Good Discrimination Capability: Preliminary results, FUZZ- IEEE2013 - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Jul. 2013, pp. 1369-1376, IEEE Xplore. R Pedro Neves and Paulo Ferreira and João Barreto, Leveraging Web prefetching systems with data deduplicatio, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA13), Jul. 2013, IEEE. R Tiago Costa and Moises Simões Piedade and Filipe A. Cardoso and Paulo P. Freitas, MAGCMOS - Monolithic Arrays of State of Art Magnetic Sensors and CMOS Circuits, CMOS Emerging Technologies Research, Jul. 2013. R Joao Marques Silva and Mikolas Janota and Anton Belov, Minimal Sets over Monotone Predicates in Boolean Formulae, Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), Jul. 2013, pp. 592-607, Springer. R Ruben Carlos Gonçalves Martins and Vasco Manquinho and Inês Lynce, Model-based Partitioning for MaxSAT Solving, RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion (RCRA’13), Jul. 2013. R Filipe Casal and António Pedro Aguiar and J. M. Lemos, Multiple-Model Adaptive State Estimation of the HIV-1 Infection using a Moving Horizon Approach. , European Control Conference (ECC 2013), Jul. 2013, pp. 42024207. R Tiago Guiomar Ribeiro and Ana Paiva and Doug Dooley, Nutty tracks: symbolic animation pipeline for expressive robotics, SIGRAPH ‘2013, Jul. 2013. 75 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Mikolas Janota and Joao Marques Silva, On Propositional QBF Expansions and Q-Resolution, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), Jul. 2013, pp. 6782, Springer. Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Requirements Patterns (RePa’13), in the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’2013), Jul. 2013, IEEE Computer Society. R Oksana Denysyuk and Luis Rodrigues, R Ibéria Vitória de Sousa Medeiros Order-preserving Renaming in Synchronous Systems with Byzantine Faults, The 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2013), Jul. 2013. R Anton Belov and Norbert Manthey and Joao Marques Silva, Parallel MUS Extraction, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), Jul. 2013, pp. 133-149, Springer. R Ricardo Ribeiro and Luis Marujo and R Alessandro Previti and Joao Marques Silva, Partial MUS Enumeration, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Jul. 2013, AAAI Press. David Martins de Matos and João Paulo da Silva Neto and Anatole Gershman and Jaime Carbonell, Self reinforcement for important passage retrieval, 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Jul. 2013, pp. 845-848, ACM. R António Roque and Elmano Margato and R Naercio David Pedro Magaia and Paulo Duarte Sousa and Gil Marques and José Maia, Power source of a relaxometer - Topology and linear control of the current, SAAEI’13, Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation, Jul. 2013. R Alexey S. Ignatiev and Mikolas Janota and Joao Marques Silva, Quantified Maximum Satisfiability: A Core-Guided Approach, Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), Jul. 2013, pp. 250-266, Springer. R David Ferreira and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, RSL-IL: An Interlingua for Formally Documenting Requirements, Third IEEE International Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE), in the 21st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’2013), Jul. 2013, IEEE Computer Society. R David Ferreira and Alberto Rodrigues da 76 and Nuno F. Neves and Miguel Correia, Securing Energy Metering Software with Automatic Source Code Correction, 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Jul. 2013. Silva, RSL-PL: A Linguistic Pattern Language for Documenting Software Requirements, Rogério Pereira and Miguel Correia, Selfish and Malicious Behavior in Delay-Tolerant Networks, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013 (FuNeMS2013), Jul. 2013, IEEE. R Paula Cristina Vaz and Ricardo Ribeiro and David Martins de Matos, Understanding Temporal Dynamics of Ratings in the Book Recommendation Scenario, International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication, Jul. 2013, pp. 11-15, ACM. R Tiago Gonçalves and Ana Paula Afonso and Bruno Martins, Visual Analysis of Mobility Data, International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Jul. 2013, IEEE. R Svetislav Momcilovic and José Germano and Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel Sousa, A Case study of Technology Push and Market Pull Strategies: Magnomics Start-up and Livedrive Spin-off, International Conference on Technology Transfer (ICTT 2013), Jun. 2013. R Victor Pires and J. F. Martins and J. Fernando Silva, A Control Structure for a Photovoltaic Supply System with Power Compensation Characteristics Suitable for Smart Grid Topologies, 8th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE2013), Jun. 2013, pp. 40-45. R João Paiva and Pedro Ruivo and Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, AutoPlacer: scalable self-tuning data placement in distributed key-value stores, The 10th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC ‘13), Jun. 2013. R Nuno Filipe Simões Santos Moraes Neves R Susana M. Vieira and Joao P. Carvalho and Andre S. Fialho and S. R. Reti and S. N. Finkelstein and Joao M. C. Sousa, A Decision Support System for ICU Readmissions Prevention, IFSA-NAFIPS2013 - 2013 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting, Jun. 2013, pp. 478-483, IEEE Xplore. and Nuno Sebastião and André Patrício and David Martins de Matos and Pedro Tomás and Paulo Flores and Nuno Roma, BioBlaze: Multi-Core SIMD ASIP for DNA Sequence Alignment, International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP 2013), Jun. 2013, pp. 241-244, IEEE. R Stefan Witwicki and Francisco S. Melo R Maria Couceiro and Pedro Ruivo and R Francesco Nesta and Marco Matassoni R Pedro Martins and Rui Jesus and Manuel and Jesús Capitán Fernández and Matthijs Spaan, A Flexible Approach to Modeling Unpredictable Events in MDPs, 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Jun. 2013, pp. 260268. and Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, A flexible spatial blind dource extraction frameworl for robust speech recognition in noisy environments, 2nd International Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments (CHiME), Jun. 2013, pp. 33-38. Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, Chasing the Optimum in Replicated In-memory Transactional Platforms via Protocol Adaptation, The 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Jun. 2013. J. Fonseca and Nuno Correia, Clip Art Retrieval Combining Raster and Vector, 11th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI’13), Jun. 2013. R Henrique Rodrigues Barbosa de Medeiros R Ana Portêlo and Ricardo Ribeiro and Mario Figueiredo and J. M. Lemos and Jorge Salvador Marques, A velocity field approach to the detection of pedestrian interactions., 21st Med. Conf. on Control & Automation (MED 2013), Jun. 2013. and Fernando Batista and Helena Moniz and Isabel Trancoso and Luís Nunes, Comparing different machine learning approaches for disfluency structure detection in a corpus of university lectures, Slate 2013 - Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, Jun. 2013. R Alina Aluculesei and Carlos Cruz and R João António Madeiras Pereira and Pedro Sebastião and Fabian Vaca Chavez and António Roque and Duarte Sousa and M. G. Tamba and G. Mehl, Angular dependent Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry in liquid crystals 8CB and CB-C9-CB, 8th Conference on FFC NMR Relaxometry, Jun. 2013. Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa, Compressed Grids for GPU Ray Tracing of Large Models, WSCG, Jun. 2013, WSCG. 77 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Sérgio Guerreiro and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Conceptualizing Enterprise Dynamic Systems Control For Run-Time Business Transactions, European Conference on Information Sysems, ECIS 2013, Jun. 2013, AIS. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and Margarida M. Silva and Teresa Mendonça, Design of Depth of Anesthesia Controllers in the Presence of Model Uncertainty., 21st Med. Conf. on Control & Automation (MED 2013), Jun. 2013, pp. 213-218. R Jacinto Nascimento and Miguel José Simões Barão and Jorge S. Marques and J. M. Lemos, Efficient optimization algorithm for space-variant switching of vector fields., IBPRIA 2013, 6th Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Jun. 2013. R Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa and João António Madeiras Pereira and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Fast Compression of Meshes for GPU Ray-Tracing, WSCG 2013, Jun. 2013, WSCG. R Leonel Severino de Almeida and Miguel Enrique Romero-Cadaval and Victor Pires and J. F. Martins, Low-power Home PV Systems with MPPT and PC Control Modes, 8th International Conference-Workshop Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE2013), Jun. 2013, pp. 58-62. R Alysson Bessani and Marcel Santos and João Félix and Nuno F. Neves and Miguel Correia, On The Efficiency of Durable State Machine Replication, USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Jun. 2013. R Aurélia Constantino and Aleksandar Ilic and Svetislav Momcilovic and Leonel Sousa, Practical Approach for Research-Based Start-ups Formation: INESC-ID Case Study, International Conference on Technology Transfer (ICTT 2013), Jun. 2013. R Nuno Machado and Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, Property-Driven Cooperative Logging for Concurrency Bugs Replication, The 15th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar ‘13), Jun. 2013. R Diogo Rodrigues Oliveira de Brito and Martins and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes, FM-UWB Transmitter Using RC Oscillators, IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, Jun. 2013. Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro, Standard CMOS Voltage-Mode QLUT Using a Clock Boosting Technique, 11th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, Jun. 2013. R Jelena Milosevic and Aleksandar Ilic and R Tiago Freitas and Jorge Baptista and Nuno Ana Simões and Rita Bento and António Gago and Mário Lopes, FUNDEC: A Successful Experience in Academic Engagement in Civil Engineering, International Conference on Technology Transfer (ICTT 2013), Jun. 2013. 78 R Carlos Rosa and Dimitri Vinnikov and R Diogo Proença and Gonçalo Antunes and José Borbinha and Artur Caetano and Stefan Biffl and Dietmar Winkler and Christoph Becker, Longevity as an Information Systems Design Concern, Jun. 2013, pp. 73-80. J. Mamede, Syntactic REAP.PT: Exercises on Clitic Pronouning, 2nd International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE 2013), Jun. 2013. R Elie Khoury and Bostjan Vesnicer and Javier Franco-Pedroso and Ricardo Violato and Zenelabidine Boulkenafet and LuisMiguel Mazaira Fernandez and Mireia Diez and Justina Kosmala and Houssemeddine Khemiri and Tomas Cipr and Rahim Saedi and Manuel Gunther and Jerneja Zganec-Gros and Ruben Zazo Candil and Flávio Simões and Messaoud Bengherabi and Augustin Alvarez Marquina and Mikel Penagarikano and Alberto Abad and et alt., The 2013 Speaker Recognition Evaluation in Mobile Environment, The 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Jun. 2013. R João Pedro Marques Pombinho and David Aveiro and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, The Role of Value-Oriented IT Demand Management on Business/IT Alignment: The Case of ZON Multimedia, 6th Working Conference, PRET 2013, @ ECIS 2013, Jun. 2013 , pp. 46-60 , Springer Berlin Heidelberg. R Silvana Roque de Oliveira and Catarina 4th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA 2013), Jun. 2013. R The Anh Han and Luis Moniz Pereira and Francisco C. Santos and Tom Lenaerts, Why is it so hard to say sorry? Evolution of Apology with Commitment in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma,, in Proc. of 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), Jun. 2013, AAAI Press. R Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva and Nick Degens and Gert Jan Hofstede, “Can I ask you a favour?”: a relational model of socio-cultural behaviour, AAMAS’13- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013, pp. 1335-1336, IFAAMAS. Moreira and José Borbinha and M. Ángeles Zulueta García, Thematic identification of “little science”: trends in the Portuguese literature in IS&LS by controlled vocabulary and co-word analysis, 5th Qualitative and Quantitative International Conference, Jun. 2013. R Taimur Kuntz and Fábio Alex Rabuske and R Joao P. Carvalho and Vasco Pedro and R Taimur Kuntz and Jorge Manuel dos Fernando Batista, Towards Intelligent Mining of Public Social Networks’ Influence in Society, IFSA-NAFIPS2013 - 2013 IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting, Jun. 2013, pp. 478-483, IEEE Xplore. R Paula Cristina Vaz and Ricardo Ribeiro and David Martins de Matos, Understanding the Temporal Dynamics of Recommendations across Different Rating Scales, UMAP 2013, The 21st Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Jun. 2013, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Cesar Rodrigues, A 5-bit 1.5GSps Calibration-Less Binary Search ADC Using Threshold Reconfigurable Comparators, IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May. 2013. Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Fábio Alex Rabuske and Cesar Rodrigues and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, A Self-Calibrated 10-bit 1 MSps SAR ADC with Reduced-Voltage Charge-Sharing DAC, IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May. 2013. R Hugo Miguel Barreto Gonçalves and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Miguel Martins, A Study on MOSFET Rectifiers Maximum Output Voltage for RF Power Harvesting Circuits, IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May. 2013. R Gonçalo Antunes and Artur Caetano and Marzieh bakhshandeh and Rudolf Mayer and José Borbinha, Using Ontologies for Enterprise Architecture Model Alignment, 79 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Miguel Costa and Daniel Gomes and Francisco Couto and Mário J. Silva, A Survey of Web Archive Search Architectures, Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion, May. 2013 , pp. 1045-1050 , ACM. R Hugo López-Fernández and Miguel Reboiro-Jato and Sara C. Madeira and Rubén López-Cortés and J. D. Nunes-Miranda and H. M. Santos and Florentino Fdez-Riverola and Daniel Glez-Peña, A Workflow for the Application of Biclustering to Mass Spectrometry Data, 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, May. 2013, pp. 145-153, Springer Verlag. R José Lopes and Maxine Eskenazi and Isabel Trancoso, Automated two-way entrainment to improve spoken dialog system performance, ICASSP 2013, May. 2013, IEEE. R Gonçalo Duarte Garcia Pereira and Rui Prada and Pedro Alexandre Caria Santos, Bases of social power for agents, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013, pp. 1289-1290, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagen. R Pedro Alcaria and Sónia Pinto and R Paula Cristina Vaz and Ricardo Ribeiro and R Mauro Castelli and Davide Castaldi and R André Carreiro and Susana Pinto and Fernando Silva, Active Voltage Regulators for Low Voltage Distribution Grids: the Matrix Converter Solution, POWERENG’13, May. 2013, IEEE. Ilaria Giordani and Sara Silva and Leonardo Vanneschi and Francesco Archetti and Davide Maccagnola, An Efficient Implementation of Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for Anticoagulation Level Prediction in Pharmacogenetics, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2013), May. 2013, Springer. R Tiago Costa and Moises Simões Piedade and José Germano and José Amaral and Paulo P. Freitas, An Instrumentation System based on Magnetoresistive Sensors For Neuronal Signal Detection, IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May. 2013. R Samuel Freitas Antão and Leonel Sousa, 80 on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May. 2013. An RNS-based architecture targeting hardware accelerators for modular arithmetic, IEEE International Conference David Martins de Matos, Book Recommender Prototype based on Author’s Writing Style, OAIR 2013 (the 10th International Conference in the RIAO series), May. 2013. Mamede de Carvalho and Sara C. Madeira and Cláudia Antunes, Classification of Clinical Data using Sequential Patterns: A case study in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 2nd Workshop on Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare, May. 2013, SIAM. R Tiago Costa and Moises Simões Piedade and Filipe A. Cardoso and Paulo P. Freitas, CMOS Instrumentation System For MatrixBased Magnetoresistive Biosensors, IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May. 2013. R Joana Carvalho Filipe de Campos and Carlos António Roque Martinho and Ana Paiva, Conflict inside out: a theoretical approach to conflict from an agent point of view, AAMAS’13- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013 , pp. 761-768 , IFAAMAS. R Luciana Barbosa and Alberto Sardinha, Deploying a Renewable Energy Project: An Equilibrium Analysis, 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment, May. 2013. R Joana Dimas Couto Silva and Rui Prada, R João Miranda and João Paulo da Silva Neto and Alan W Black, Improving ASR by integrating lecture audio and slides, ICASSP 2013, May. 2013, IEEE. R Ricardo Sousa Marques and Luis Guerra e Dynamic Identity Model for Agents, Proceedings of the MABS 2013 - 14th International Workshop on Multi-AgentBased Simulation, May. 2013. Silva and Paulo Flores and L. Miguel Silveira, Improving sat solver efficiency using a multicore approach, International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS), May. 2013, pp. 94-99. R Vasco Delgado-Gomes and José Lima R João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias and Celson Lima and J. F. Martins and Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves and Victor Pires, Energy Consumption Evaluation to Reduce Manufacturing Costs, IV IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2013), May. 2013, pp. 1012 - 1016. R Victor Pires and Daniel Foito and Duarte Sousa and J. F. Martins, Fault Detection on Multilevel Power Converter Based on Mass Center of the Voltage Pattern, IV IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2013), May. 2013, pp. 576 - 581. R João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias and Ana Paiva, I want to be your friend: establishing relations with emotionally intelligent agents, AAMAS’13- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013, pp. 777-784 , IFAAMAS. R Jan Verelst and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva and Herwig Mannaert and David Ferreira and Philip Huysmans, Identifying Combinatorial Effects in Requirements Engineering, Third Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2013), Advances in Enterprise Engineering, May. 2013, Springer. and Henrique Reis and Ana Paiva, Lie to me: virtual agents that lie, AAMAS’13Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013, pp. 1211-1212 , IFAAMAS. R Frederico Mendonça Passos de Lopes e Gonçalves and Lalith Suresh Puthalath and Ricardo Lopes Pereira and João Trindade and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques, Light-Weight Time Synchronization For Wireless Sensor Networks, Conference on Future Internet Communications - CFIC 2013, May. 2013, pp. 1-8 , Conference on Future Internet Communications (CFIC), 2013. R Luis Afonso and Sónia Pinto and Fernando Silva, Maximum Power Point Tracker for Wind Energy Generation Systems using Matrix Converters, POWERENG 13, May. 2013. R Natália Santos and Victor Pires and Rui Castro, Modeling of the Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller to Integrate in Power Flow Studies, IV IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2013), May. 2013, pp. 635-640. R Naercio David Pedro Magaia and Paulo Rogério Pereira and Miguel Correia, Nodes’ Misbehavior in Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks, The Conference on Future Internet Communications (CFIC 2013), May. 2013, IEEE. 81 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Ramon Fernandez Astudillo and Timo Gerkmann, On the Relation Between Speech Corruption Models in the Spectral and the Cepstral Domain, 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May. 2013, pp. 70447048 , IEEE. R Francisco Lima and Sónia Pinto and Fernando Silva, Power Electronics Voltage Regulators for Distribution Transformers, POWERENG’13, May. 2013, IEEE. R Rogério Martins and Duarte Sousa and R Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and André Silva and Ana Paiva and Ruth Aylett and Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André and Nick Degens and Gert Jan Hofstede and Arvid Kappas, Traveller: an intercultural training system with intelligent agents, AAMAS’13- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013, pp. 1387-1388, IFAAMAS. Victor Pires and António Roque, Reducing the Power Losses of a Commercial Electric Vehicle Analysis based on an Asynchronous Motor Control, IV IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG 2013), May. 2013, pp. 1247 - 1252. R Luís Dias and Nelson Faria Gonçalves R Levent Aksoy and Paulo Flores and J. R Monteiro, SIREN: A Depth-First Algorithm for the Filter Design Optimization Problem, Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), May. 2013, pp. 179-184. R João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Tell me what I want to know!: the effect of relationship closeness on the relevance of profile attributes, HT ‘13: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, May. 2013, pp. 230-235 , ACM Press. R João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and David Martins de Matos, Towards a Fair Comparison between Name Disambiguation Approaches, OAIR 2013 (the 10th International Conference in the RIAO series), May. 2013. R Ralf Abraham and José Manuel Nunes 82 Consequences for Enterprise Architecture Management, Third Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2013, May. 2013, pp. 73-87, Springer. Salvador Tribolet, Transformation of Multilevel Systems – Theoretical Grounding and da Silva and Tiago Filipe Dias Cardoso and Manuel J. Fonseca, Understanding City Dynamics through Spatio-temporal Visualization, 1st Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation (UDMV’13), May. 2013. João Pedro Marques Pombinho and David Aveiro and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Value-Oriented Solution Development Process: Uncovering the Rationale behind Organization Components, Third Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2013, May. 2013, pp. 1-16, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. R Joana Dimas Couto Silva and Rui Prada, You are who you hang out with: Agents with Dynamic Identity, AAMAS’2013 - the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, May. 2013 , pp. 1337-1338, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagen. R Pedro Miguel Florindo Miguens Matutino and Ricardo Chaves and Leonel Sousa, A Compact and scalable RNS Architecture, In 24th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors - ASAP 2013, Apr. 2013. R Marco R. Oggioni and Joana Coelho and Valeria Di Lorenzo and Leonardo Furi and Daniel Knight and Maria Laura Ciusa and João Carriço and Carlo Viti and Teresa Cocque and Graziella Orefici and John Blackman Northwood and Ian Morrissey and Jose Luis Martinez and Ana T. Freitas and the BIOHYPO consortium , A low correlation coefficient characterises the comparison of biocide and antimicrobial drug susceptibility in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, 23rd ECCMID 2013, Apr. 2013, Oral presentation. R Leonardo Vanneschi and Mauro Castelli and Luca Manzoni and Sara Silva, A New Implementation of Geometric Semantic GP and its Application to Problems in Pharmacokinetics, 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming, Apr. 2013, pp. 205216, Springer. R Nuno Ferreira and Gracinda Carvalho and Paulo Rogério Pereira, A Scalable Spam Filtering Architecture, 4th Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS 13), Apr. 2013 , pp. 107-114 , Springer-Verlag. R Frederico Pratas and Diego Oriato and Oliver Pell and Ricardo Mata and Leonel Sousa, Accelerating the Computation of Induced Dipoles for Molecular Mechanics with Dataflow Engines, The 21st IEEE International Symposium on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines, Apr. 2013. R Ivo Gonçalves and Sara Silva, Balancing Learning and Overfitting in Genetic Programming with Interleaved Sampling of Training Data, 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming, Apr. 2013 , pp. 73-84 , Springer. R João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Blind People Interacting with Mobile Social Applications: Open Challenges, MOBACC2013 - Third Workshop on Mobile Accessibility at CHI 2013, Apr. 2013. R Sérgio Almeida and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues, ChainReaction a Causal+ Consistent Datastore based on Chain Replication, EuroSys 2013, Apr. 2013, ACM. R Daniel Mendes and António Mauricio Lança Tavares de Sousa and Bruno Rodrigues de Araújo and Alfredo Ferreira and Hildegardo Noronha and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and Luciano Soares and Alberto Raposo and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Collaborative 3D Visualization on Large Screen Displays, CHI 2013 Powerwall Workshop, Apr. 2013 , ACM. R Gonçalo Almeida and João Gonzalez and Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Pedro Vilaça and Telmo Santos, dvances in NDT and materials characterization by eddy currents, 46th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Apr. 2013. R T Clemmensen and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and D Katre and J Abdelnour Nocera and A Lopes and R Omgreen and S Minocha, Human work interaction design (HWID) SIG: Past, Present and Future Challenges, CHI’13 Extended Abstracts: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr. 2013 , ACM. R Mauro Castelli and Sara Silva and Leonardo Vanneschi and Ana Cabral and Maria J. Vasconcelos and Luís Catarino and João B. Carreiras, Land Cover/Land Use Multiclass Classification Using GP With Geometric Semantic Operators, EvoApplications, Apr. 2013, pp. 334-343, Springer. 83 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Sara Silva and Vijay Ingalalli and Susana Vinga and João B. Carreiras and Joana B. Melo and Mauro Castelli and Leonardo Vanneschi and Ivo Gonçalves and José Caldas, Prediction of Forest Aboveground Biomass: An Exercise on Avoiding Overfitting, EvoApplications, Apr. 2013, pp. 407-417, Springer. R Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Tiago Catarrunas and Moises Simões Piedade and Pedro Ramos, Real-Time Processing of Multi-Frequency Eddy Currents Testing Signals, IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Apr. 2013. R J. M. Lemos and Inês Sampaio, Reconfigurable Distributed Control of Water Delivery Canals., 2013 IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, Apr. 2013. R Tiago Guerreiro and Jeffrey Bigham and Luis Carriço and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Yeliz Yesilada and Shadi AbouZahra, Third mobile accessibility workshop\, CHI EA ‘13: CHI ‘13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr. 2013 , ACM Press. R Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Pedro Ramos and Moises Simões Piedade, Time Domain Processing of Pulsed Differential Eddy Currents Testing Signals, 19th IMEKO TC4 Symposium, Apr. 2013. R Anton Belov and Huan Chen and Alan Mishchenko and Joao Marques Silva, Core minimization in SAT-based abstraction, Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Mar. 2013, pp. 1411-1416 , ACM. R João Luís Vazão Vasques and Luís Veiga, A Decentralized Utility-based Grid Scheduling Algorithm, 28th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2013), Mar. 2013, ACM. 84 R José Simão and Luís Veiga, A Progress and Profile-driven Cloud-VM for Improved Resource-Efficiency and Fairness in e-Science Environments, 28th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2013), Mar. 2013 , ACM. R Miguel Branco and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues, Bounded Gossip: A Gossip Protocol for Large-Scale Datacenters, The 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2013), Mar. 2013, ACM. R Diogo Proença and Ricardo Vieira and Gonçalo Antunes and Miguel Mira da Silva and José Borbinha and Christoph Becker and Hannes Kulovits, Evaluating a process for developing a capability maturity model, In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ‘13), Mar. 2013, pp. 1474-1475. R Anton Belov and Matti Jarvisalo and Joao Marques Silva, Formula Preprocessing in MUS Extraction, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Mar. 2013, pp. 108-123, Springer. R Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos and Eugenio Di Tullio and Rui Prada, Mappets: An Interactive Plugin for Transmedia Machinima on Unity3D, ICEC 2013 - Entertainment Computing, Mar. 2013, pp. 69-74. R Nestor M. C. Tiglao and António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo, On the Optimization and Comparative Evaluation of a Reliable and Efficient Caching-Based WSN Transport Protocol, 9th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN’2013), Mar. 2013, pp. 226-233, IEEE. R Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite and Rui Henriques and Ana Paiva, Sensors in the wild: exploring electrodermal activity in child-robot interaction, HRI’2’13 Human Robot Interaction Conference, Mar. 2013, Sheridan Press. R Amol A. Deshmukh and Ginevra Castellano and Arvid Kappas and Wolmet Barendregt and Fernando Nabais and Ana Paiva and Tiago Guiomar Ribeiro and Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite and Ruth Aylett, Towards empathic artificial tutors, HRI’2’13 Human Robot Interaction Conference, Mar. 2013, pp. 113-114. R Gonçalo Antunes and José Borbinha, Capabilities in Systems Engineering: An Overview. Exploring Services Science, 4th International Conference, IESS 2013, Feb. 2013, pp. 29-42, Springer. R Wilson Maltez José and Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva and Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto, Design of a Massively Parallel Computing Architecture for Dense Matrix Multiplication, IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems - LASCAS 2013, Feb. 2013. R Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto and Helena Sarmento, Design of a Multiband Full-Rate Ultra-Wideband Receiver in FPGA, IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems - LASCAS 2013, Feb. 2013. R Alvaro Garcia Recuero and Luís Veiga, Quality-of-Data Consistency Levels in HBase for GeoReplication, 11th Usenix Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2013), Posters and Work-in-Progress, Feb. 2013, Usenix. R Elmano Margato and Fernando Oliveira Nunes, Risk. Assessment of Chronic Exposure to Magnetic Fields near Electrical Apparatus, SHO’13, International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Feb. 2013. R Fernando Carvalho and João Cachopo, Runtime Elision of Transactional Barriers for Captured Memory, 18th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Feb. 2013, pp. 303-304, ACM. R Artur Caetano and Aurélio Assis and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, An Application of the ψ-Theory to the Analysis of Business Process Models, Enterprise Information Systems of the Future - 6th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference, CONFENIS 2012, Jan. 2013, pp. 258-267, Springer. R Jude Angelo ambrose and Hector Pettenghi and Leonel Sousa, DARNS: A Randomized Multi-modulo RNS Architecture for Double-and-Add in ECC to prevent Power Analysis Side Channel Attacks, 18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ASP-DAC 2013, Jan. 2013. R Miguel Campos and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos and J Pestana and P freitas, Delineato: a Diagramming User Interface Designed using a “What You Get Is What You Need” Approach, IEEE COMPSAC 2013, Jan. 2013 , IEEE. R Hildegardo Noronha and Pedro Filipe Pereira Campos, On the usage of different work analysis methods for collaborative review of large scale 3D CAD models, Proceedings of HWID - Human Work Interaction Design 2012, Jan. 2013, Copenhagen Business School. R Luís Borrego and Paulo Quaresma, Processing medical reports to automatically populate ontologies, ITCH - Enabling Health and Healthcare Through ICT, Jan. 2013, pp. 201-208, IOS Press. 85 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Pedro Hugo de Queirós Alves and Paulo Ferreira, Radiator - Context propagation based on delayed aggregation, 6th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), Jan. 2013, ACM. R Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, So Fun it Hurts - Gamifying an Engineering Course, HCI International, Jan. 2013, Springer. 10.2.3National Conferences R António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo and Paulo Rogério Pereira and Mário Serafim Nunes and Augusto Casaca, A Survey of Communication Technologies for the Low Voltage Distribution Segment in a Smart Grid, Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Nov. 2013, pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-972-8793-62-3. R João Paulo Ferreira Amaral and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Colorful, Proceedings of the 5th Portuguese Conference on Human-Machine Interaction, Nov. 2013. R Daniel Mendes and Pedro Pascoal and Manuel J. Fonseca and Alfredo Ferreira, Combinação de Técnicas de Recuperação com Deteção de Cores para Exploração de Pesquisas de Imagens, 5th National Conference in Human-Computer Interaction (Interação 2013), Nov. 2013. R Élvio Manuel Teixeira Rodrigues and Micael Alexandre Delgado Carreira and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Improving text entry performance on tablet devices, Proceedings of the 5th Portuguese Conference on HumanMachine Interaction, Nov. 2013. R Ricardo Dias and Manuel J. Fonseca, Recomendação de Música baseada em Filtros Colaborativos utilizando Informação Temporal, 5th National Conference in HumanComputer Interaction (Interação 2013), Nov. 2013. R André Ricardo Da Silva Camões and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques, SILOS - A Simple Location Service for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, 13ªConferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Nov. 2013. 86 R José Marques da Silva and Lourdes Bugalho and Adélia Sousa and Luis Pessanha and Paulo Quaresma, Cálculo de um índice de humidade relativa do ar, considerando a resiliência térmica horária da temperatura LST, obtida por imagens de satélite, Proceedings of the 8o Simpósio de Metereologia e Geofísica da APMG,, Oct. 2013. R João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and H. Sofia Pinto, Empowering the Search of One’s Social Directory, Interação 2013, Oct. 2013. R Tiago Dias and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa, Exploiting Coarse-Grained Parallelism in Multi-Transform Architectures for H.264/ AVC High Profile Codecs, Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers (CETC 2013), Oct. 2013. R Carlos Roque and Paulo Ferreira and Luís Veiga, Adaptive Semantcs-Aware Management of Web Caches and Wikis, Comunicação no INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), 5 e 6 de Setembro 2013, Évora (Portugal), Sep. 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Moammed Orazov and João Paiva and Luis Rodrigues and Paolo Romano, AutoConfiguração de Bases de dados NoSQL Multi-Dimensionais, Proc. INFORUM 2013, Sep. 2013, Springer. R Radovan Zvoncek and Luís Veiga and Joerg Niemoeller and Leonid Mokrushin, Distributed Prolog Reasoning in the Cloud for Machine-2-Machine Interaction Inference, comunicação aceite no INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), Sep. 2013. R Henrique Rodrigues Barbosa de Medeiros and Helena Moniz and Fernando Batista and Isabel Trancoso and Hugo Meinedo, Experiments on automatic detection of filled pauses using prosodic features, 5th INForum - Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2013), Sep. 2013. R Tiago Lima and Luís Veiga and João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva, FileCloud - Cloud Filesystem based Processing Offloading, INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), Sep. 2013. R Oleksandr Bodaskro and Luís Veiga and Paulo Ferreira, First Person Shooter for Tablets - FpsTab., INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), 5 e 6 de Setembro 2013, Évora (Portugal)., Sep. 2013. R Bruno Jesus Andrade and Luís Veiga and Paulo Ferreira, Locality and Interest Awareness for Wireless Sensor Networks (LIASensor)., Comunicação no INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), 5 e 6 de Setembro 2013, Évora (Portugal)., Sep. 2013. R Miguel Rosa Neto and Joao P. Carvalho and João Miguel Almeida, My Mobile Assistant, INForum 2013 - Atas do 5º Simpósio de Informática, Sep. 2013, pp. 225-236. R David Loureiro Ludovino and João Barreto and Paulo Ferreira, Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network for Aircraft Monitoring, Comunicação no INFORUM (Simpósio de Informática), 5 e 6 de Setembro 2013, Évora (Portugal), Sep. 2013. R Filipe Ferreira and Miguel Coimbra and Ricardo Vieira and Diogo Proença and Ana T. Freitas and Luís M. S. Russo and José Borbinha, Risk aware Data Management in Metagenomics, INFORUM 2013, Sep. 2013. R Filipe Manuel Lemos Ferreira and Miguel Coimbra and Diogo Proença and Ana T. Freitas and Luís M. S. Russo and José Borbinha, Risk Aware Data Management in Metagenomics, 5th INForum (INForum 2013), Sep. 2013. 87 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Nuno Miguel Grilo Fonseca Pinheiro and Ricardo Chaves and Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro, Secure Password Management With Smart Cards, Inforum, Sep. 2013, Inforum. profiling and evaluation of the PCIe interface, IX Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC2013, Feb. 2013 , pp. 33-40 , University of Coimbra. R I. Bastos and Luís Oliveira and J. Oliveira R José Alves and José Silva and Guiomar R I. Basytos and F. Querido and D. Amoedo R Sérgio Micael Ferreira Paiágua and Adrian R Jorge dos Santos Oliveira, Identification of R José Cabrita and Gilberto Rodrigues and J.Goes and M. Medeiros Silva, Double Feedforward 0.6V LNAwith High Gain and Low Noise Figure, Int. Conf.Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(MIXDES), Jun. 2013. and Luís Oliveira and J. P. Oliveira and J. Goes and M. Medeiros Silva, A 1.2 V Low Noise Amplifier with double Feedback for High Gain and Low Noise Figure, Doctoral Conf. Computing, Electrical andIndustrial Systems, Apr. 2013, pp. 573-581. microRNAs and analysis of their expression in Eucalyptus globulus, Bioinformatics Open Day, Apr. 2013. R Jorge dos Santos Oliveira and Nuno Mendes and Vitor Carocha and Jorge A. P. Paiva and Ana T. Freitas, Identification of microRNAs and analysis of their expression in Eucalyptus globulus, Bioinformatics Open Day, Mar. 2013. R Vitor Carocha and Clara Graça and Nuno Mendes and Jorge dos Santos Oliveira and Susana Pera and Andreia J. Amaral and Susana Araújo and Lucinda Neves and Clara Araújo and Luís Leal and Pedro Fevereiro and Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati and Ana T. Freitas and Jorge A. P. Paiva, The microEGo project: unraveling post-transcriptional regulation mechanisms on eucalyptus wood formation, Mar. 2013, Oral presentation. R Adrian Matoga and Ricardo Chaves and 88 Pedro Tomás and Nuno Roma, Accelerating user-space applications with FPGA cores: Evans and José António Soares Augusto, Communication Interfaces for a New Tester of ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Front-end Electronics, IX Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC’2013 , Feb. 2013. Matoga and Ricardo Chaves and Pedro Tomás and Nuno Roma, Evaluation and integration of a DCT core with a PCI Express Interface using an Avalon interconnection, IX Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC2013, Feb. 2013, pp. 93-99, University of Coimbra. and Paulo Flores, Hardware accelerator for biological sequence alignment using coreworks® processing engine, Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC), Feb. 2013, pp. 83-88. R Wilson Maltez José and Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva and Horácio C. Neto and Mário Pereira Véstias, Projecto de uma Arquitectura Massivamente Paralela para a Multiplicação de Matrizes, IX Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, Feb. 2013, pp. 7580. R Ana Rita de Sousa Ramalho da Silva and Wilson Maltez José and Horácio C. Neto and Mário Pereira Véstias, Using SystemC to Model and Simulate Many-Core Architectures, IX Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, Feb. 2013. 10.2.4Technical Reports R Amin Mohtasham and Paulo Ferreira and João Barreto, Exploiting Off-the-Shelf Virtual Memory Mechanisms to Boost Software Transactional Memory, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 30/2013, Dec 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, The moment of truth: virtues and limitations of commodity Hardware Transactional Memory, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 29/2013, Dec 2013. R Maria Joana Ribeiro Folgado Correia and R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Portfolio of clinical results on robust control of anesthesia, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 26/2013, Sep 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano, STI-BT: A Scalable Transactional Index, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 24/2013, Sep 2013. R Sérgio Micael Ferreira Paiágua and Frederico Pratas and Pedro Tomás and Nuno Roma and Ricardo Chaves, Accelerator Interconnection Framework: efficient generation of streaming patterns, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 21/2013, Jul 2013. Alberto Abad and Isabel Trancoso, Towards an Anti-spoofing System Based on Phase and Modulation Features, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 28/2013, BII, Dec 2013. R Xavier Vilaça and Luis Rodrigues, On the R Filipe Ferreira and Miguel Carvalho R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and João Valente Esaguy Coimbra and Raquel Bairrão and Ricardo Vieira and Ana T. Freitas and Luís M. S. Russo and José Borbinha, A risk management plan in metagenomics, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 27/2013, BII, Oct 2013. R Valéria Magalhães Pequeno and Helena Galhardas and João Moura Pires, Specifying Complex Correspondences between Relational Schemas in a Data Integration Environment, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 25/2013, Oct 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and Paolo Romano, Enhancing Permissiveness in Transactional Memory via Time-Warping, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 10/2013, Sep 2013. R Manuel Reis and Nuno Mendes, Extending the CRAVELA database and web interface, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 23/2013, Sep 2013. Effectiveness of Punishments in a Repeated Epidemic Dissemination Game, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 20/2013, Jul 2013. Cachopo, Practical Parallel Nesting for Software Transactional Memory, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 22/2013, Jul 2013. R Rafael das Almas Ascensão and Miguel José Simões Barão, A Python Software Library for Simulation of Mobile Robots, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 18/2013, Jun 2013. R Sandra Pacheco and J. M. Lemos and Jorge S. Marques, Activity recognition and object tracking in video sequences, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 14/2013, Jun 2013. R Carlos Leong and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Automatic Frequency Controller for Aging Effects Mitigation in FPGA-based Designs, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 16/2013, Jun 2013. 89 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Afonso Morato Alface Martins Teodoro and J. M. Lemos and Jorge Salvador Marques, GUI and Integration Development for an Activity Recognition and Object Tracking Video Processing Toolbox, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 17/2013, Jun 2013. R Ana Isabel Ladeira Portelo and J. M. Lemos, Human Interaction Between Pairs of Pedestrians, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 13/2013, Jun 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Robust control of neuromuscular blockade based on H-infinity design, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 11/2013, Jun 2013. R João Paiva and João Leitão and Luis Ilic and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa, Advanced Video Coding on CPUs and GPUs: Parallelization and RD Analysis, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 5/2013, Feb 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Depth of Anesthesia: A study on Robust Control Design with Model Clustering, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 8/2013, Feb 2013. R M. Medeiros Silva and Luís Oliveira, Regulated Common-GateTransimpedance Amplifierwith a Silicon Photomultiplier at The Input, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 4/2013, Feb 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Rodrigues, Rollerchain: a DHT for Efficient Replication, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 12/2013, Jun 2013. Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Robust cControl of Depth of Anesthesia of Patients Under Sedation based on H-infinity design, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 7/2013, Feb 2013. R Carlos Leong and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Semião and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, SEU Sensor for Short-term Effects Monitoring in FPGAs, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 19/2013, Jun 2013. R Gonçalo Fernandes Simões and Helena Galhardas and Luis Gravano, When Speed Has a Price: Fast Information Extraction Using Approximate Algorithms, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 3/2013, Jun 2013. R Carlos Leong and A. Romão, R. Cabral and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Power or Frequency Optimization in Long-term Operation, INESCID Tec. Rep. 15/2013, Apr 2013. 90 R Svetislav Momcilovic and Aleksandar Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Robust Control of Depth of Anesthesia based on H-infinity design, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 6/2013, Feb 2013. R Daniela Viegas Caiado and J. M. Lemos and Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa, Robust Control of Neuromuscular Blockade - A Polynomial Approach, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 9/2013, Feb 2013. R Ana Isabel Ladeira Portelo and J. M. Lemos and Susana Vinga and Emília Valadas, Parameter Estimation and Identifiability of an HIV-1 Model, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 2/2013, Jan 2013. R Nuno Miguel Lourenço Diegues and João Cachopo, Practical and Lock-free Parallel Nesting for Software Transactional Memory, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 1/2013, Jan 2013. 10.3Dissertations 10.2.5Edited Proceedings 10.3.1PhD Theses R Paulo Ferreira and Luís Veiga Ed., R João Carlos Silva Martins, Computational ARM 2013: 12th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (co-located with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 14th International Middleware Conference), Dec 2013, ACM. R José Borbinha and Michael Nelson and Steve Knight Ed., Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objets (iPRES2013), Sep 2013, Biblioteca Nacional de Portuga. R Paulo Ferreira and Peter Pietzuch and Zbigniew Jerzak Ed., CloudDP 2013 - 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Data and Platforms (co-located with EuroSys 2013, ACM, Prague, Czech Republic), Apr 2013, ACM/SIGOPS. R Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Kevin Sim and Sara Silva and et al. Ed., Applications of Evolutionary Computation, LNCS, no. 7835, Apr 2013, Springer. Models, Neuronal Metrics and System Identification in Bioelectronic Vision, PhD Thesis, IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Dec 2013. R Francisco Fernandes, Efficient algorithms to align DNA sequences, PhD Thesis, IST, Dec 2013. R Angelo Miguel Aparicio Cardoso, Hierarchical neural networks, PhD Thesis, Dec 2013. R Samuel Freitas Antão, High-performance and Embedded Systems for Cryptography, PhD Thesis, IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Dec 2013. R Nuno Santos, Improving Trust in Cloud, Enterprise, and Mobile Computing Platforms, PhD Thesis, Saarland University / Max Plank Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Dec 2013. R Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli, Intra- Lingual and Cross-Lingual Prosody Modelling, PhD Thesis, Dec 2013. R José Lopes, Lexical Entrainment in Spoken Dialog Systems, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Dec 2013. R Julio Cesar Vazquez Hernandez, Robust Aging Monitoring and Mitigation in Nanometer Integrated Systems, PhD Thesis, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), Dec 2013. 91 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Ana Cristina Mendes, AskL2F: um sistema de pergunta-resposta que suporta diálogo, PhD Thesis, IST, Nov 2013. R Rui Cruz, Adaptive and Scalable Video Streaming in Peer-to-Peer, PhD Thesis, IST, Oct 2013. R André Luis Andrade Menolli, Ambiente Colaborativo Social Semântico voltado para a Aprendizagem Organizacional para Empresas de Devolvimento de Software, PhD Thesis, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Oct 2013. R Nestor Michael Tiglao, Cross Layer Optimization for WSN, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2013. R Helena Moniz, Processing disfluencies in European Portuguese, PhD Thesis, University of Lisbon, Oct 2013. R Mário Luís de Jesus Rodrigues Guimarães, Real-Time Integration - Improving Collaboration in Software Development, PhD Thesis, University of Lisbon, Jul 2013 (before belonha). R Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite, Long-Term Interactions with Empathic Social Robots, PhD Thesis, IST, Jun 2013. R Rui Figueiredo, Persuasion in Interactive Storytelling, PhD Thesis, IST, Jun 2013. R Rui Marcelino, Sorting Machines for FPGA-Based Embedded Systems, PhD Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IST, Apr 2013. R Hugo Aleixo Nicolau, Disabled R All, PhD Thesis, IST/UTL, Feb 2013. R Luis Bruno, Walking in Place, PhD Thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Feb 2013. R Ruben Carlos Gonçalves Martins, Parallel Search for Maximum Satisfiability, PhD Thesis, Technical University of Lisbon, Sep 2013. R Pedro Sequeira, Socio-emotional reward Web Applications with a Multi-Language Model-Driven Approach, PhD Thesis, IST/ UTL, Jan 2013. design for intrinsically motivated learning agents, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Sep 2013. R João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias, R Luis Domingues Tomé Jardim Tarrataca, R Joana P. Gonçalves, Integrative Mining of The Quantum Production System, PhD Thesis, Sep 2013. R António Pimentel Brisson Lopes, Tilt Riders Creating Authorial-Agents for Interactive Storytelling, PhD Thesis, IST, Sep 2013. R Bruno Rodrigues de Araújo, Direct Interactive Modeling in a Semi-Immersive Environment, PhD Thesis, IST/UTL, Jul 2013. 92 R João Saraiva, Development of CMS-based Emoção, Decisão e Acção, PhD Thesis, IST, Jan 2013 (before belonha). Gene Regulation and its Perturbations, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Jan 2013. 10.3.2MSc Theses R João Pedro Campos Amaral, Bancada para Linha de Montagem de Automóveis, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Telma Filipa Lucas de Mira Pereira, A data mining approach to study disease presentation patterns in Primary Progressive Aphasia, MSc Thesis, Dec 2013. R Délcio Machado Garcia, Análise de um Transformador de Intensidade Imerso em Azoto, MSc Thesis, IST, Dec 2013. R Fábio Alex Rabuske, Estudo sobre Conversores Analógico Digitais para Aplicações em RF, MSc Thesis, , Dec 2013. R Joana Rita Gonçalves da Cruz, Host- pathogen interaction upon infection with Listeria using NGS techniques, MSc Thesis, Dec 2013. R Ana Raquel Matos Pinheiro, CMOS Integrated Circuit for Biomedical Microelectrode Array, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Rui de Almeida Batista, Conversor Electrónico de Potência de Elevado Desempenho para Aplicação em Sistemas de Energia Fotovoltaica, MSc Thesis, Técnico Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. R Filipe Miguel Rodrigues, FaceID-Grid: A Grid Platform for Face Detection and Identification in Video Storage, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico - ULisboa, Nov 2013. R Miguel Pereira Leite Fragoso, Filtro Digital em FPGA, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Paulo Miguel Curado de Carvalho, Motor de baixo momento de inércia para integração em cadeia de tracção eléctrica, MSc Thesis, IST, Dec 2013. R Ricardo Sousa Marques, Parallel SAT Solver, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Dec 2013. R Eduardo Cruz Francisco, •Estudo e Desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Envelhecimento Aplicado a Baterias de Tração, MSc Thesis, IST, Dec 2013. R Bruno Filipe Paredes Macedo, A Personal R Gustavo Isaac da Costa Maia, Grafical user interface for biomedical applications, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. R Carlos Filipe Correia Sequeira de Jesus Simões, Guidance System for Visually Impared Athetes, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. R José Leitão, High throughput biosensing platform, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. Platform for Parallel Computing in the Cloud, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Miguel Lobo Ferreira, High-Dimensional R João Pedro Carvalho Camejo, Automatic R Sérgio Micael Ferreira Paiágua, Off-Road Roadbook Creation From Satellite Maps, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. Indexing, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. HotStream: Heterogeneous Many-Core Data Streaming Framework with Complex Pattern Support, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. 93 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R João Pedro Garcia Franco Carvalho, R Luís Miguel de Oliveira Costa, Sensor de R Pedro Filipe Viola Mendes, Matrix R Ricardo de Sousa Augusto, Simulação Making Long-Lived Transactions Easier to Develop, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. Converter Based High Power High Frequency Modular Transformers for Traction Conversion Systems, MSc Thesis, Técnico Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. R Miguel Carvalho Valente Esaguy Coimbra, Metagenomic Assembler, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Annamaria Pompili, New features for on- de comunicações baseadas em Power Line Communication (PLC) para Smart Grids, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. R João Miguel de Sousa David, Sistema de Gestão de Vídeo, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. R João Pedro Lebre Magalhães Pereira, line aphasia therapy, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. Supervised Learning for Relationship Extraction From Textual Documents, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Elvio Manuel Teixeira Rodrigues, PAELife, R Ricardo Miguel Almeida da Silva, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. R Diogo Alexandre Miranda Moreira, Posto de Carregamento de Veículos Eléctricos com Painel Fotovoltaico, Sistema de Armazenamento e Ligação à Rede Eléctrica, MSc Thesis, Técnico Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. Utilização de Agentes Conversacionais em aplicações multimodais em plataformas móveis, MSc Thesis, IST/UTL, Nov 2013. R João Filipe Duarte Colaço, Virtualization of Shared Library Calls for Multi-platform Computation, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. R , Redes de Pontos de Distribuição de R Filipe Daniel Fernandes Brito, WiRe - R Eduard Kulchinsky, SAR ADC Assincrono, R Pedro Reis, A web-based data R David Luís Soares Ameixa, Say Something R Sérgio Silva, Dynamic Chain Value: A R Nuno Miguel Grilo Fonseca Pinheiro, R Hugo Pimentel, Enhancing locality in GMU Conteúdos com Base em Quiosques com Agentes Virtuais Conversacionais, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. Smart, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2013. Secure password management using smart cards, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Nov 2013. 94 Temperatura Integrado em Tecnologia CMOS, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. “What Is the RElation?” Finding the best way to present search engine results, MSc Thesis, Nov 2013. management system for linked data, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2013. Communities-based Case, MSc Thesis, University of Lisbon, Oct 2013. via caching, MSc Thesis, IST, Oct 2013. R Oleksandr Bodashko, fpsTab – first person shooter for tablets, MSc Thesis, Technical Univ. of Lisbon, Oct 2013. R Paulo Alexandre da Silva Ferreira, HistVis, MSc Thesis, Oct 2013. R André Camões, Localização e encaminhamento geográfico em redes veiculares, MSc Thesis, IST, Oct 2013. R Miguel Antunes Mendes Ferreira, SIMD Parallelization of Profile HMMs, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Oct 2013. R Rafael Ortega Baptista Pestana da Costa, Dual optimization based distributed predictive control of a water delivery canal, MSc Thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Sep 2013. R Álvaro Garcia Recuero, HBase-QoD: Vector-Field Consistency for Replicated Cloud Storage, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sep 2013. R Joao Tiago Luis dos Santos, Linking entities to wikipedia documents, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2013. R Antonio Pedro Pires Amaral, Pesquisa de respostas em bases de dados de perguntas frequentes, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2013. R Muhammet Orazow, Data locality aware partitioning schemes for large-scale data stores, MSc Thesis, IST, Jul 2013. R Margarida Alexandra Rodrigues Lucas da Silva, Desenvolvimento das capacidades comunicativas sobre perturpações do espectro do Autismo, MSc Thesis, Jul 2013. R Bhabuk Koirala, Dynamic modeling and control of the main metabolism in Lactic Acid Bacteria, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jul 2013. R Carlos Manuel Pereira Viana Martins, Estudo do Transformador Le Blanc”, MSc Thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Jul 2013. R Angel Manuel Bravo Gestoso, Fault Reproduction for Multithreaded Applications, MSc Thesis, Jul 2013. R Fernando Pedro Pascoal dos Santos, The evolutionary dynamics of fairness, MSc Thesis, Jul 2013. R Vítor Manuel Pereira Dionísio Machado dos Reis, •Caracterização do funcionamento de uma cadeia de tração com motor síncrono alimentado através de um conversor electrónico comercial, MSc Thesis, IST, Jul 2013. R Tiago Henrique Lopes Ferreira, Discover Implicit Relations Between Individuals in a Community based on a Newsletter Tracking System, MSc Thesis, Jun 2013. R António Sérgio Pádua Videira de Azevedo, 3-D Sound Enhanced Presence in Virtual Environments, MSc Thesis, Jun 2013. R Pedro Miguel Afonso Completo Bento, BennuFC, a Distributed System for Document Management, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico - ULisboa, Jun 2013. R Radovan Zvoncek, Distributed Prolog Reasoning in the Cloud for Machine-2Machine Interaction Inference, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Jun 2013. 95 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 R Filipe Alexandre Ginja Carapinha, Extração Automática de Conteúdos Documentais, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Jun 2013. R Joana Filipa Alemão Alves, Finding Arquitectura de um acelerador em hardware para alinhamento de sequências biológicas, MSc Thesis, IST, Technical University of Lisbon, May 2013. Maturity Evolution Paths for Organisational use of Information - A Moviflor Case Study, MSc Thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Jun 2013. R Pedro Jorge do Nascimento Neves, R Alexandre Manuel Fajardo Vicente, R Ricardo Daniel Marques Caldeira, FaceID- LexMan: um Segmentador e Analisador Morfológico com Transdutores, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Jun 2013. Deduplicated-WWW: eliminação de tráfego redundante no download de documentos na Web, MSc Thesis, May 2013. Cloud, MSc Thesis, May 2013. R Ricardo Filipe Sereno Póvoa, IR-UWB Receiver, MSc Thesis, May 2013. R Bruno Jorge Gaspar Franco, Reducing R Maria João de Melo Madeiras Pires R Mudit Verma, Scalable and Performance- R Nuno Filipe Simões Santos Moraes Neves, R Tiago Manuel Paulo Travanca, Verb Sense R Miguel Rosa Neto, My M.obile Assistant, conflicts in Software Transactional Memory, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Jun 2013. Critical Data Structures for Multicores, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Jun 2013. Disambiguation , MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Jun 2013. R Diogo Fernandes Simões, XML data cleaning, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2013. Pereira, Just.Chat - dos Sistemas de Pergunta/resposta para os Chatbots, MSc Thesis, May 2013. Multi-Core SIMD ASIP for DNA Sequence Alignment, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, May 2013. MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, May 2013. R Nuno Miguel Coelho Santos, Paralelização de Algoritmos de Optimização em GRID, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, May 2013. R Jorge dos Santos Oliveira, Algoritmos R Bruno Miguel Fernandes de Sá, PowerTAC R José Jorge da Silva Nunes, Aplicações para R João Vitor Gomes dos Santos, Scalable Eficientes para Identificar Micro RNAs em Plantas, MSc Thesis, May 2013. Redes Veiculares Tolerantes a Atrasos, MSc Thesis, May 2013. 96 R Gilberto Rodrigues, Biocores - - Negociação automatizada para o Mercado de Energia, MSc Thesis, May 2013. Architecture for Unified Transform Coding in Embedded H.264/AVC Video Coding Systems, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, May 2013. R Guilherme André Pereira da Costa Fernandes, Seguidor de Potência Máxima para Sistemas Eólicos com Conversores Matriciais, MSc Thesis, Técnico Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, May 2013. R Stefano Ruberto, Metodi semantici nella programmazione evolutiva (Semantic methods in evolutionary programming), MSc Thesis, University of Milano-Bicocca, Mar 2013. R Tomás Martins, Qualificações Operacionais, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea, Mar 2013. R Carlos Manuel Santos Roque, VFC for R Carlos Silvestre Bernardes Cordeiro, R Alfredo Augusto do Rosário Sota, R Hélder António Gomes Filipe, Redesign Wikis and Web Caching, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, May 2013. Protótipo de Conversor Matricial com Opção de Quatro Braços, MSc Thesis, Técnico Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, Apr 2013. R Ricardo José Andrade Lopes Perdigão e Compensação de Potência Reativa Utilizando Baterias de Veículos Eléctricos, MSc Thesis, IST, Jan 2013. da Interface de Utilizador do REAP.PT, MSc Thesis, Universidade do Algarve, Jan 2013. R Micas Camela Manuel Rafael, Uso da Silva, mtAndroid - Aplicação Móvel Android de Apoio a Percursos Pedestres Outdoor, MSc Thesis, IST/UTL, Mar 2013. Virtualização nos Servidores do ISUTC como Melhoria na Gestão dos Serviços de Rede, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicação, Jan 2013. R João Cardoso, ‘Vistas para a Organização R Bruno Ricardo da Fonseca Marques Operacional’, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea, Mar 2013. R Ricardo Horta, Construção de um Cockpit , •Virtual Prototyping of a Brushless Permanent Magnet AC Motor Electromagnetic and Thermal Design Using CAD Software, MSc Thesis, IST, Jan 2013. Organizacional para a Divisão de Operações do Estado Maior da Força Aérea, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea, Mar 2013. R Pedro Guedes, Construção de um Cockpit Organizacional para a Força Aérea, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea, Mar 2013. R Pedro Miguel Dias Neto, Energy Optimization in Building Water Supply Using Economic MPC, MSc Thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Mar 2013. R Pedro Carloto, Extracção de informação desde referências bibliográficas, MSc Thesis, University of Lisbon, Mar 2013. 97 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 10.4 Seminars 20-Dec-2013 The Organization of the Retina and Visual System Prof Eduardo Fernandez, Instituto de Bioingenieria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Miguel Hernandez 18-Dec-2013 Application of RNS to Cryptography Prof Jean-Claude Bajard, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 12-Dec-2013 Everything you always wanted to know about worst-case (but were afraid to ask)... Helmut Graeb, Technische Universitaet Muenchen 05-Dec-2013 A data mining approach to study disease presentation patterns in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Telma Pereira, IST DEI 04-Dec-2013 Some results with MWMR registers H. Fauconnier , University Paris Diderot 03-Dec-2013 Towards face-to-face conversations with social robots Joakim Gustafson, KTH 28-Nov-2013 Evaluating differential gene expression using RNA-sequencing data: a case study in host-pathogen interaction upon Listeria monocytogenes infection Joana Cruz, IST DEI 98 31-Oct-2013 MetaGen-FRAME Miguel Coimbra, IST DEI 31-Oct-2013 Unsupervised semantic structure discovery for audio Bhiksha Raj, Carnegie-Mellon 24-Oct-2013 On Multi-class Classification Problems Using Genetic Programming Vijay Ingalalli, IST DEI 23-Oct-2013 Tracking attention to issues as a way to learn about political systems: An Introduction to the Comparative Agendas Project Enrico Borghetto, Universidade Nova de Lisboa 10-Oct-2013 Quick Hyper-Volume Luis Russo, IST DEI 07-Oct-2013 Distributed Computations Using Local Broadcasts Fabian Kuhn, University of Freiburg 26-Sep-2013 Parallel efficient alignment of reads for resequencing applications Miguel Coimbra, IST DEI 17-Sep-2013 Incremental Maintenance of RDF Views of Relational Data Vânia Vidal, Universidade Federal do Ceará 19-Jul-2013 Coupling Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing Ahmed Hussen Abdelaziz, Institut für Kommunikationsakustik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 19-Jul-2013 Identification of Hybrid Time-varying Parameter systems with Particle Filtering and Expectation Maximization Andras Hartmann, IST DEI 03-Jul-2013 The Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for the Web: Towards a Better Understanding of Web Data Alberto H. F. Laender, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 03-Jul-2013 Deterministic Scheduling for Replicated Systems Franz Hauck, Ulm University 24-Jun-2013 Spoken Dialogue Systems: Progress and Challenges Steve Young, University of Cambridge 24-May-2013 Novel semantic approaches in Genetic Programming Stefano Ruberto, IST DEI 10-May-2013 Equilibria in a Repeated Epidemic Dissemination Game Xavier Vilaça, IST DEI 29-Apr-2013 Technical Deep-Dive in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database Martin Faust, Hasso-Plattner-Institute 26-Apr-2013 Novel semantic approaches in Genetic Programming Stefano Ruberto, IST DEI 17-Apr-2013 Named-entity recognition in the past Gerrit Bloothooft, Universitaet Utrecht 12-Apr-2013 Identification of microRNAs and analysis of their expression in Eucalyptus globulus Jorge Oliveira, IST DEI 21-Jun-2013 Unravelling communities of ALS patients using network mining André Carreiro, IST DEI 10-Apr-2013 SSL/TLS session-aware user authentication against man-in-the-middle attacks Rolf Oppliger, eSECURITY Technologies Rolf Oppliger 07-Jun-2013 Host-pathogen interaction upon infection with Listeria using NGS techniques Joana Cruz, IST DEI 05-Apr-2013 Towards OpenLogos Hybrid Machine Translation Anabela Marques Barreiro, Inesc-ID 99 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 01-Mar-2013 NLP-triggered, ontology-based KB enrichment strategies Nuno Silva, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) 25-Feb-2013 Re-Thinking Web Accessibility Vicki Hanson, University of Dundee 22-Feb-2013 Organizational Learning and Support Tools André Luis Andrade Menolli, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná 13-Feb-2013 Perceptual and automatic processing of French accents Philippe Boula de Mareüil, LIMSI-CNRS 100 01-Feb-2013 Optimal Design of Distributed Sensor Networks for field reconstruction Sérgio Pequito, IST DEI 25-Jan-2013 Partilha de dados científicos: Um contributo do LNEG Teresa Ponce de Leão, LNEG - Laboratório de Energia e Geologia 21-Jan-2013 Ultra Low-Power Circuits Tuan-Vu Cao, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 18-Jan-2013 Understanding the mechanisms of virulence and resistance Felipe Lira, IST DEI 10.5Distinguished Lecture Series 24 January 2013 Design reliable electronics in an unreliable world Prof. Georges Gielen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 24 June 2013 Spoken Dialogue Systems: Progress and Challenges Prof. Steve Young, University of Cambridge, UK 11 February 2013 Symbiotic Autonomy: Robots, Humans, and the Web Prof. Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 4 September 2013 Digital information storage in DNA Dr. Paul Bertone, European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute 13 March 2013 Model Checking and the Curse of Dimensionality Prof. Edmund M. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 21 October 2013 Achieving Photoreal Digital Actors in Film and in Real-Time Dr. Paul Debevec, Associate Director, Graphics Research, USC Institute for Creative Technologies 18 April 2013 The Multicore Revolution Prof. Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, USA 21 May 2013 An integrated view on future information and communication networks and services Prof. Daniel Kofman, Telecom ParisTech (ENST), France (in cooperation with IEEE ComSoc Portugal). 14 November 2013 A component and an interface algebra for dynamic networks of interactions Prof. José Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway, University of London 2 December 2013 Repetitions in Strings Prof. Maxime Crochemore, Institut GaspardMonge, Université Paris-Est 101 INESC-ID ANNUAL REPORT 2013 102 Design: FPreto – graphic design for closed and open media