Agenda CEBDS Business – Eventos que o CEBDS participa e


Agenda CEBDS Business – Eventos que o CEBDS participa e
Agenda CEBDS Business – Eventos que o CEBDS participa e recomenda
Segunda-Feira, dia 30/11
13:15 - 14:45
Título: Adaptation – Experiences, Lessons and Looking ahead
Descrição: The LDCF and the SCCF have financed US$1.3 billion in projects, addressing
adaptation concerns in vulnerable developing countries. The event highlights key outcomes
and lessons learned, and discusses the way ahead to continue to support urgent and
immediate needs.
Local: Observer room 02
Organizador: Global Environmental Facility – GEF
13:30 - 20:00
Título: Climate change: the finance sector and pathways to 2°C
Local: Salle Victor Hugo – Immeuble Jacques Chaban Delmas, 101 rue de l'Université
Obs.: We Mean Business recomenda
15:00 - 16:30
Título: Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition: Official Launch Event
Local: Open Business Hub - Blue Zone
Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: We Mean Business recomenda
Terça-Feira, Dia 01/12
09:15 - 10:00
Título: WBCSD - LCTPi Agri / CSA
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone
Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Organizador: WBCSD
9:30 – 13:45
Título: Lima-Paris Action Agenda, discussion about forests (title to be confirmed)
Local: Blue zone, COP21 venue
Organizador: MMA
Obs.: Coalizão Brasil Clima Florestas e Agricultura participará
10:30 - 11:45
Título: REDD+ as INDC Strategy
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone
Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: We Mean Business recomenda
11:30 - 13:00
Título: Provisions for market mechanisms in the 2015 agreement
Descrição: The carbon market, catalysed by a limited number of provisions in the KP, is one of
its most visible outcomes. The 2015 agreement emerges as a more heterogeneous system.
This event examines the provisions in the 2015 agreement that will allow for carbon pricing
continuing to play an important role.
Local: Observers room 02
Organizador: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
12:00 - 12:45
Título: Ministerial Announcement by the World Bank Group and Partners of a New Facility to
Support Scaled-up Carbon Crediting
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone
Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
13:00 - 13:45
Título: Around the World in Carbon Markets: Emissions Trading Case Studies
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone
Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
13:15 - 14:45
Título: High-Level Event on Carbon Pricing
Descrição: This session will focus on the role of carbon pricing in mitigation pledges countries
are putting forward for Paris. Experts from the IMF, World Bank, and various country
governments will discuss key issues in the design of carbon pricing and lessons learned from
experiences to date.
Local: Observers room 10
Organizador: ONU
17:00 - 18:15
Título: Sustainable Agriculture, Land management, Food Security & Rural Development
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone, Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
17:30 – 19:00
Título: Financing the transition to zero deforestation
Local: Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Organizador: Natural Capital Declaration (UNEP FI and Global Canopy Programme)
18:30 - 19:45
Título: Climate for Sustainable Growth
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone, Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
Quarta-Feira, Dia 02/12
09:00 – 12:00
Título: Implementing the INDC – Expanding the use of renewable energy sources in Brazil
Local: Embaixada do Brasil
Organizador: MMA, MME e MRE
Obs.: Imprescindível confirmar presença através de [email protected]
09:00 to 11:45
Título: Financing Mechanisms for Climate Technology Transfer to the Private Sector
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone, Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
10:00 - 11:45
Título: LCTPi: Results - What's Next
Local: Open Business Hub- Blue Zone, Parc des expositions du Bourget Place Charles Lindbergh
Organizador: WBCSD
11:30 - 13:00
Título: Transformation in the energy sector and achieving INDCs
Descrição: Several factors are driving energy transformation around the world. Now, as
countries plan INDC implementation, is a perfect moment to remove barriers and encourage
clean energy investment. Government and private sector experts will discuss how to achieve
energy sector transformation.
Local: Observer 08
Organizador: Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)
11:30 - 13:00
Título: Carbon Pricing, Technology Investment, and Trade: Integrating Design Elements for a
Low Carbon Club
Descrição: Multilateral negotiations can be complemented with coalitions on various climaterelated issue areas where there is a need for a high degree of policy coordination. We will
examine the idea of “clubs” of enhanced ambition based around the interrelationship of
pricing, technology investment, trade.
Local: Observer room 04
Palestrantes: University College London, ICTSD, World Bank, LSE
Organizadores: Climate Strategies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) e
University College London (UCL)
11:30 - 13:00
Título: Farmers Day: Partnerships to improve agricultural resilience and productivity in a
changing climate
Descrição: Farmers from around the world and experts from science, finance and the market
will discuss the possibilities and practicalities of improving agricultural resilience and
productivity as the climate changes, and examine the value of partnerships
Local: Observer room 03
Organizador: Asociación Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores
de Comercio Justo (CLAC), The Fairtrade Foundation, World Farmers' Organisation (WFO)
13:15 - 14:45
Título: Deploying Resources of the Green Climate Fund: "What makes a good Project"
Descrição: The Green Climate Fund is expecting high quality funding proposals. Speakers will
explain how GCF will go about identifying and prioritising investment opportunities and set out
the criteria that the Board will use in making its funding decisions.
Local: Observer room 10
Organizador: Green Climate Fund – GCF
Quinta-Feira, Dia 03/12
15:00 – 18:00
Título: How Far are the Present Aggregated Mitigation/Adaptation: efforts from current
scientific knowledge. ”
Local: Embaixada do Brasil
Organizadores: MMA e MRE
Obs.: Imprescindível confirmar presença através de [email protected]
16:45 -18:45
Título: What countries can do to scale up adaptation finance: using all possible avenues
Descrição: The event aims to address how countries can scale-up adaptation finance using all
possible means available, and especially with regards to the GCF, and explore the linkages
between NAP and INDCs.
Local: Observer room 03
Organizador: UNFCCC
17:00 - 19:00
Título: Opportunities for Investments in Forest Restoration and Reforestation in Brazil
Local: IUCN Pavilion (Blue Zone)
Organizador: IUCN
Obs.: Coalizão Brasil Clima Florestas e Agricultura irá participar
Sexta-Feira, Dia 04/12
13:15 - 14:45
Título: Adaptation Fund: Direct Access Experiences
Descrição: The event will bring together representatives from National Implementing Entities
(NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund to discuss their experiences and lessons learned from the
accreditation process, preparation of project proposals as well as implementation of approved
Local: Observer room 03
Organizador: Adaptation Fund Board (AFB)
13:15 -14:45
Título: Leadership on climate change adaptation: Innovative solutions for stronger resilience
Descrição: Leading experts will discuss how the private sector and governments can join forces
and build capacity to support climate resilient development as part of the UNFCCC. Building
resilience should be central to all policies and activities on infrastructure, risk management
and technology cooperation.
Organizadores: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Comité 21 / Club France
Développement Durable
Local: Observer room 02
15:00 – 16:30
Título: Investor Actions on Climate Change: Building on Momentum Past Paris
Descrição: This 90-minute side event will bring together CEOs of pension funds and asset
managers from around the world who are shifting capital in support of the low-carbon
transition. It will also present an opportunity to drive further activity and commitments from
the mainstream investor and finance world. This event will feature two separate but
reinforcing panel discussions covering both investment practices investors can adopt and the
role that they must play to influence regulators, companies and others in the financial sector
to align incentives in favour of a low carbon and climate resilient economy.
Sábado, Dia 05/12
11:00 - 14:00
Título: Resilient Cities, Sustainable Urban Development and Human Settlement Initiative
Local: Le Bourget - Blue Zone
Obs. Ecofrotas participa da organização e apresentará projeto
11:30 – 13:00
Título: Pathways to sustainable mobility through local, national and global action
Descrição: Shifting towards low-carbon mobility needs local, national and global action.
International frameworks, national efficiency standards,and taxation, improved public and
non-motorized transport transport, electric mobility and urban planning are some of the
measures that enable this transition.
Local: Observer room 04
Organizador: UNFCCC
13:15 – 14:45
Título: Path for low carbon shipping
Descrição: The event will describe the key drivers of the international shipping emissions and
present the opportunities for achieving absolute emissions reductions in the sector, whilst
ensuring that growth in world trade and demand for international shipping is not constrained.
Local: Observer room 02
Organizador: UNFCCC
13:15 – 14:45
Título: Joint side-event of UNFCCC and UNEP: Presentation of UNEP 2015 Adaptation gap
Descrição: The side event will present UNEP's Adaptation Finance Gap report 2015, which
provides an up to date assessment of the peer-reviewed literature and studies on the gap
between costs and finance for adaptation, how this gap can be bridged, followed by a highlevel panel discussion on the report’s implications for global climate policy and negotiations.
Local: Observers room 01
Organizador: UNFCCC
15:00 – 16:30
Título: Assessing readiness for private sector engagement
Descrição: Creating an enabling environment that will facilitate private sector engagement in
adaptation is important for building resilience. A variety of socio-economic factors determine
national readiness for private actions. This event will review indicators, metrics and
approaches for assessing readiness.
Local: Observers room 04
Domingo, Dia 06/12
Café de Briefing das Empresas
Local: 4 Carrefour de l’Odeon, 75006 Paris
Organizador: IEC – Iniciativa Empresarial em Clima
9:30 – 19:00
Título: Renewable Energy: Energising the Future
Local: Palais Brongniart, 28 Place de la Bourse
Obs.: Recomendado pelo We Mean Business
Segunda-Feira, Dia 07/12
8:00 – 10:30
WBCSD Council Meeting
Local: Marriot Rive Gauche
Organizador: WBCSD
9:00 - 19:30
Título: SDSN Amazon Solutions Day
Local: The Reid Hall, 4 Rue de Chevreuse
Obs.: Participação do CEBDS. Ana Carolina Szklo irá palestrar de 13:30 às 15:30
Terça Feira, Dia 08/12
*Evento com duração de dois dias
Dia 08/12 às 7:45 atéDia 09/12 às 13:00
Descrição: Hosted and moderated by New York Times journalists, including Pulitzer prizewinner Thomas L. Friedman, the Energy for Tomorrow: The coming low carbon disruption
conference brings together powerful CEOs, influential policy-makers, energy entrepreneurs
and leading academics to uncover the technologies, strategies and investments that will drive
success in the new low-carbon economy.
Local: CCI Paris Ile-de-France Hotel Potocki, 27 Avenue de Friedland
Obs.: O evento é pago, com desconto de 20% para empresas que tenham se comprometido
com o We Mean Business. Mais informações:
14:00 – 19:30
Título: Lançamento da Agenda Paulista de Mudanças Climáticas
Local: Embaixada do Brasil
Organizador: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo
Quarta-Feira, Dia 09/12
9:00 – 12:00
Título: Low Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative: Results and Outlook to 2016
Local: Paris Room, Open Business Hub - Blue Zone, Parc des expositions du Bourget Place
Charles Lindbergh
14:30 – 17:30
From source to sink: mobilizing public policies and private investments for forest restoration
and reforestation in Brazil.
Local: Embaixada do Brasil
Organizador: MMA
Obs: Participação do CEBDS, Marina Grossi será moderadora.
Quinta-Feira, Dia 10/12
8:00 – 18:00
WBCSD Council Meeting – Regional Network
Local: Marriot Rive Gauche
Organizador: WBCSD
Sexta-Feira, dia 11/12
13:15 – 14:45
Título: The Brazilian post 2020 climate change strategy: challenges and opportunities
Local: COP Pavillion, Room 03
Evento IEC e MMA
Obs. Participação do CEBDS, Marina Grossi fará a abertura