l - Geology Ontario
l - Geology Ontario
9 M ALMA 010 DIAMOND DRILLING Township; Alma Report No; WORK PERFORMED FOR: RECORDED HOLDER : : CLAIM No, NOTES; SAME As ABOVE [ x] OTHER [ ] HOLE No, L 842527 85-1 85-2 #46-86 Resources me. FOOTAGE 105 105.3 DATE Oct-Nov/85 Nov/85 NOTE d) d) : i 1 i l 1 1 i i : i i : i . f r 1 —---— -..... 1 ** (0 g sf J -. —— -- - - 3u - ' K •"" - -- -- - ...... —- ; -- -- - -.. -- 1 j —— -( ^y y s --- -- - - .. - ^ -i-i -- --- ------ . . ' CO \^f\ cO —j ^ ' C ^ - "•"W * - -- j - \ \v r- \ -y tnartu mss tess iKMm - . .. - — - — - -••- j . - - S ' MHHMI . i . ^1 4 VH •^ 1 c) **w- S3 i "MM*- ^ -^ j i ^1 Ju 9 ij ; i 1? *, i "V 1 * p. ^ 91\" — l 'm 0 i F' - -- --- -- 0 - -t ' 'r ,, b 1 t ^ \ S9UU|0}-| — i—i~v'—.— i—T ~ T r" 12936 VI29 M.R l 2934 L.i. Wkfc.IV kJ HIGHWAY AND ROUTE No. OTHER ROADS TRAILS SURVEYED LINES: TOWNSHIPS, BASE LINES, ETC. LOTS, MINING CLAIMS, PARCELS, ETC. UNSURVEYED LINES: LOT LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY MINING CLAIMS ETC. RAILWAY AND RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY LINES NON-PERENNIAL STREAM FLOODING OR FLOODING RIGHTS SUBDIVISION OR COMPOSITE PLAN RESERVATIONS ORIGINAL SHORELINE MARSH OR MUSKEG MINES TRAVERSE MONUMENT DISPOSITION OF CROWN LA TYPE OF DOCUMENT j L. l 853650 l 833*64 l L. j 765248 l 83365l PATENT. SURFACE tt M INING RIGHTS. ' " .SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY.__. j L. t " .MINING RIGHTS ONLY ^._. LEASE. SURFACE ft MINING RIGHTS... " . SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY........ " , MINING RIGHTS ONLY.......... LICENCE OF OCCUPATION .._........ ORDER-IN-COUNCIL ...... ....... RESERVATION __........_........ CANCELLED __......._......... SAND 8c GRAVEL __.....__........ NOTE: MINING RIGHTS IN PARCELS PATENTED PFMOft | 1*13. VESTED IN OHIOINAL PATENTEE *Y LANDS ACT. N.S.O. 19TO. CHAP. MO. SEC. S3. l . , I SCALE: 1 INCH * 40 CHAINS l B02456 l 800642 l BOO643 1/602600 u. FEET 1000 20OO O TOO METRES 4OOO 1OOO (1 KM) 6OOO 3OOO (2 KM) TOWNSHIP CAIRO M.N.R. ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT sf CJ CJ LU en in to Oi - Ministry of Ontario Diamond Drilling Natural Resources Log Collar Elevation drilling Company .TES Date Completed -S SDate Hole Started 1-TODate Logged Date Submitted Totai Footage Dip of Hole at l o e.1, o Collar j Logged by F!. "i^.v-v MoV- U/SB exploration Co., Owner or Optionee es l Bearing of hole (ram true North Submitted by (Signature) Location of hole in relation to a | U o , rrt. fixed point on the claim. ^ T'^j? J\LMF* TXO?*. L- 3 4-7517 RHinon A Hole No. every page ™ j 2S~! -i. ! Claim No. Map Reference No. Location (Twp., Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) L.. 34.251 S Ft. i*-4C. Ft. l Property Name Ft. Footage To From Core l Planar | j Feature j Specimen j Angle * i Footage t Description Rock Type Colour, gram size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc. j Your Sample NcO Sample Footage To i prorn Sample Length o?. X Tot. Assays t Mo C?. G •50- S [^T rVi 5: ^M- l N1J Vec^y p.MV(g\-rvci. -I252JLJ— c^O-fi /•o 1-1 -3.3* S-t TfexTvJJgg - M nqof^ C?TZ. iT-fa ^Q0 To t-s; *23-9 Q7 38-4- 38-4 50. a co -n, ^T-5 PeogL -tl . /x -ri o(^ 81-2. H to fes-o -jfe: i Page NO. t Ministry of Natural Diamond Drilling Fill in on ^ Hole No. every page ^ Map Reference No. Claim No. Log Dntario ^rilling Company Collar Elevation Bearing of hole from true North Date Logged Logged by Date Submitted Submitted by (Signature) Total Footage Location of hole in relation to a fixed point on the claim. Dip of Hole at Collar | Date Completed Oafe Hole Started exploration Co., Owner or Optionee Page No. ™ Location (Twp., Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) * n-l Property Name "•l Footage From To 1 i c7^-.5 : 106. o 1 Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc. •SVEO1 T& co-^esc (2,(2XN i ^o CI O vVPPrr/xi?^S.-T'Z. ^frm^ - \/T-^V ^^ | (0c3V2L ^rre.iK^CS,iS.G.S - ^ o" To C/A, - KAO ^I^O-SHEVM t 3. ATT' C T ^ T7A"-2.ViL . Your Sample No. Sample Footage Assays t Sample Length To From j .s M - •poizpt-iytsi- i . "B 12 c UUJKJ* Core Specimen Footage t Planar Feature Angle * Description Rock Type Ev-J O top - 4-U-^'-^ 10-^.0 CHQ 0 1 i-i.-e.T- J - 1 l j kin-res'- i i t -r L-2,-2.ELS :PoKP-.f4 X e.w c^^e-^tAoc^o C" o A**f2 *^ (^ t^S^ivi N^C^/^ do-^Je^^G f" nSGF ^~- ! ""* ^" "pe-n-i-^o \\JI-TM NAO*2.^ eic^^jo i u-v -r/V^^s •^.VET^ i Tc r*if"?^ f^ ^KIS^^'' — /f-** •s.oVus.'^ ^ *-A L {Sw4 1—"s' (_(^ O-*^OO^ i i cfr x:— evxy 1x21 L-L- i i 1 i - i i i i ! 1 i 1 9 . 1 —— ' 1 1 i * - i For features such as foliation, beddina. schistosity, me?sured from the 'one axis of the core. t Addition 1 credit availabt*?. See Assessment Work Regulations. Ontario Diamond Ministry of Natural Resources Drilling Log ' Drilling Company Date Completed 3ate Hole Started Collar Elevation Bearing of hole from true North Date Logged Logged by T?. IV). Ft- Submitted by (Signature) p,. | Date Submitted Exploration Co., Owner or Optionee S/S, IkJC- To t a | Footage Dip ^ Of Hole at Location of hole in relation to a fixed point on the claim. r HoLME,S ALMA TIA/P 4, TU/P. i hi 101* Footage From To Description Rock Type Planar Feature Angle* Colour, grain size, texture, minerals, alteration, etc. ISM Claim No. Page No. S Location (Twp., Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Com Specimen Footage t Your Sample No. Property Name Sample Footage To From Sample Length . / ToiJ Assays t Of TVA. .g 3^.. G i ^4-?. S Hole No. L. -50" . 31 /SG Rllinon every page Map Reference No. lOK-S ^~rcH.O ^43,5 i •"5-5 i s7-c |,,-~,^!^^v-rt^ t c i - c t o5 nz •e,L^e, To Id'0 i -~i C. ggrr^Oi 3-4-. o i li- 2. ^-TlOKJ ~f^S5 — 2.1- e. i S-4-- ^ ! 5-5 f?- 'S l L- — '—o s "F"! ivJS ^o( C LAAt-o - CL, i-?. s 1 "T- -S" cor foat,, rps such as foiiario'i. beddinc. schis;fsi*y. measured from the lonp axj', o' the core. 5-3 t Addifi on^i credit ava^r^'c. See Assessment Work Reaulationr /^TI^ i 3 f\ VJtX Ontario Minis:-;, o; N atural Resources Diamond D rilling Log Fill in on On;;. ~g Company Bearing of hole from true North Collar Elevation Total Footage Collar -s-.e Hole Started Date Completed Date Logged Location of hole in relation to a fixed point on the claim. Dip of Hole at Logged by Date Submitted Submitted by (Signature) j Page No. ' i i ' Location (Twp., Lot, Con. or Lat. and Long.) Ft. ix; oration Co.. Ov. ~er or Optionee A j Hole No. every page ^ | 85 - 'Z^^ 'Z Map Reference No. ' Claim No. ^^B i Ft. 0 Ft. Property Name 0 Ft. Footage i —:——————-———; — ~m To ! i 3^.o i -42- S ' —3^-^ Description Rock Type Colour, g-a in -Tt^cP cp-r-Z- —^'j1- ^ STV2^G.T3^, ^ /-o s r f^o^s- y," von3E- — ^ o" ~l~7 - S --c. ^~7.^ "?~~' c? 1 i ^o" j -4-1 "t -4-1 S i 7~2**)SZkZ- 8 'Soctj'v/ Co^-c'/z i DA&*' To — ^^ - c; TZ&nszc?AJ S/Scx-O^' CfziZ^ . i ! "D^T^Qti^^ C V?-' ^3. L, i' oTZ- TO 4^" Cy ! R n -' ** ' ^ ' ' 1 "" , -, r-. •;. \ ' , v - " t. 7^2,/t.^G^y ' ' i L^x.7~f-i ^r,^^ i AA3 ^e /So V^-dS" X/?/? xX" - ^A.V J f^2.tLjL : i —r 1 f -J 7/f G : i i ! j 1 i t X C?^-"?? i i i ; t * ' t 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i y j C p ! \( E D riTnr-M-,-™0—f. j 1 O/C —————————,————————— —————————| i i l i - i i i St-Ei3S ^AX/P t * l SV^Lf CROC'S" ,... .t, j ; u..' y.' . . : I.- r -. i t ^ /e^v^-^ j ..........j. — - ,.--..- ; c iv; A:-.: 3 Jr^r'r.-'^i.^.-.*--"'"' ———StirS: Cx/xj'wc;/-^' C~ }?A 3 Si2ot*i*S i S7- 2 - 9^-o i i t tZ^r,C*t)*U [ iZG^sifSt-i ' Assays t SSmofe Length To ! 1 ' f^zzotycsi-i X O/ CP From ! i i ' t i ~75- '^ /^ - ^ C./A. 33 -e -— 34-4- j ~B.e:E-cic i A-TEO C^s 'S"'- "SjiZotieTOi ^3 5 - o Co^r— uo^s -4-0 -r — -4 1 ~7 — "B*2o*ic:Ki cot^rr; ST-o Sample Footage Your Sample No. TseT/^.1 us. ~ 3 ^-^ i •43 S Core Specimen Footage t Planar Feature Angle* size, texture, minerals, alteratron, etc. i i ! i 1 i i ! i : * 900 Summary of Work Performance and Distribution of Credits Total Work Days Cr. claimed --2.10 Mining Claim Number Prefix Work Dayi Cr. Mining Claim Prefix Number 04*2524. - for Performance of the following work. (Check one only) •2.0 Q Manual Work Shaft Sinking Drifting or other Lateral Work. Compressed Air, other Power driven or mechanical equip. C2.0 •2.0 84-2530 Power Stripping 2.0 r ] Diamond or other Core drilling Land S urvey (94-253-2- •2 C? Required Information eg: type of equipment, Names, Addresses, etc. (See Table below) At- 1- "Pg.1 LO-IWJ (^ PEgFDEM.E.O ' M- IE^;L?'J;-:: ;U. ST. fi ISLVP oio.-r^ic.io r R L C t: l V E D ' '. i j r L.D •see RECORDED HecorcSeekHolderor Agent (Signature) Date of Report T^^^&U^' Certification Verifying Report of Wo l hereby certify that l have a personal a id intimate knowledge of the facts se forth In the Report of Work annexed hereto, having performed the work or witnessed same during and/or after l ' 49RWJ8ti.9 njpnd the annexed report s true. Name and Postal Address of Person Certif Certlfiedjay (Signature) Date Certified "BAOf, Table of Information l Attachments Required by the Mining Recorder Type of Work"''" Specific information per type -s, t Other Information (Common to 2 or more types) Attachment* Manual Work Nil Shaft Sinking, Drifting or other Lateral Work Compressed air, other power driven or mechanical equip. Names and addresses of men who performed manual work/operated equipment, together with dates and hours of employment. Type of equipment Power Stripping Type of equipment and amount expended. Note: Proof of actual cost must be submitted within 30 days of recording. Diamond or other core drilling Signed core log showing; footage, diameter of core, number and angles of holes. Land Survey Name and address of Ontario land surveyor. Names and addresses of owner or operator together with dates when drilling/stripping done. Nil Work Sketch: these are required to show the location and extent of work in relation to the nearest claim post. Work Sketch (as above) in duplicate Nil