tFzÊt - Jardim Equipamentos
tFzÊt - Jardim Equipamentos
tFzÊt . Mb.Íâçào . ÍtreplcD'gêú Brrbg.n - Môâé.8 câpÈção d. Pó Ì.1.í.x: t62l3264.3268 E RUA FRANCISCO BAFBOSA - mtl: Jots. Uí[email protected] Í27 - OD. 11 LÍ. 07 NO FES. ANToNTO BARBOSA - CEP 74691-727 - ôOlÂNlA - GO llyilraulic Grawler llrill t_ FFE' FURUKRTUR ROCK DRILL trhc il;fimar& 0CImbinalion sf Pefiormance and [conomu The FUruka'rva HD7A0 seiies drÌfter is,.letsigred to lnÌrttmtzt clrÌli noise ar,rl v ìlt aiìon wiíi1aúl secflficÌnE perfcnnattce. !ncorporcttng a neví plslor .1e-s/g/i, the HDTA9 drifte! m a x ì m i ze s e n e fg y li?rÌsr]isslo/ì an(i CrÌiis effectÌvely tn a vãiet)/ of tack types. '{'i':' "'- 1if 'F -ì. ;\. 1 L .---''''.'' ! -os tt : tt, l,t i i 1.r FRD h.ìs devc opcd the Dla DamperSysÌenì a írrs. I the ndustry. For nrax rnum energy transfer acÌvc DDS nì n mizes relurrì of shock r/âves by keeDrÌìg the b t f rnì y agê nsl lhe rock at d J' ^g À . DD< r' .o.p- a I nìes .o. e ìd by olL nì zrng ihe overal íeed force. grealyLnrprove.ì Lìe liÍe oÍdrl Ììg accessores Af ad.litiona beneiil s grealy mproved |fe of dril ng accessor es enerqy Loss iF)l A corapacl shuttÌe va v-o m n rr zes oss oí oi pressure and rnaintir ns totê po!\'er oL]tplrt of the dr Íler lti Ìlre r L Rev-.rse P--rcuss oÌì Systeff (RPS) nìakes it cas cr ic frcc a slL ck Íod. A sL bstent a ncrcasc exlrâctlon force a o\"r's Ìhe ie d proven RPS (optionãl)to remove siuck rocls qu ck y. '- 'rt -. ' , :.-l n -- ,.' c. I F,e;]',i :l '<:+\. 'ï *'--.i '.-' ' t- \. .i-_ '::'L 2- !ij,t, .. -a/:';r !. -: _ ' lÍúVz' I a-.-c Maximizes 0[eÍal0Í [GÍlomancc with tne uftimate in drilling tccnn0l0gy. l.nJl low-emission engine Aduanced hydraulic & Pneumatic system Powerful CAT.englne s íully comp anÌ with Tler3 / Euro stage-3 emiss on conirol. Thanks to advanced hydraulic and pneumatic iechno ogy, outpul energy can be transferred lo each component wilh m n nìum power loss. Íhese systems suppoft high productivity. i ,I I Power-sauing scleGtol By using power-saving selector fuel consumption raÌeis'edu eddur ng gtsrwo'h i Standard :2,200 rninr Power-saving:2,000 min r .ondrtron Heâw dÍty undcrcarÍiagc Heavy-duty track frames provide strength and durabillty. One-p ece dr ve sprockets are rnanuíacÌured with hardened wear surfaces for longer life. Heavy-duty track rìks are forged from high manganese a loy steel, and pins and bushings are induciion hardened. Standard fu I tÍack guards prolect undercarr age. Track tension can be adjusted easily w th a grease gun. ''nen0fuí&""* Hign ca0acity con[lessoÌ &llüst G0lleGtoÍ Hlgh-output corì'ìpressor ìncreases flushing air, provides faster drilling and decreases bit wear. The upgraded dusi collector has a suctlon capacity higher than previous models. The dust collector rncludes an efÍective pre-cleaner io reduce ihe escape of drilling dust. An opl orèl dLsÌ supprêssion system is available for diffrcult drillng cond tions. Íield [Ìouen ]od chflngel The hydro-mêchanical ln-L ne 1 conveniional des gn rod changer is freid proven. Rod change speed is improved over previous design. Bod changer conlÍo leveÍs Prc-cieaner (opuona ) Sliding suctÌon cap can be raised to allow a fast v sual check of operation- i5 t.. ,4 .ltrfLfgffiúElyB0m I i ni n g RG]ÍO Íma n GG I ËËl ãt! l ,t'- .:t ) 'r-------) ãtr nool-Íorua]dcal to$y to GontÍol The standard air conditioner maintains the opemtor's environmênt. FRD's over-hang design Íront window increasês visibility toward the drilling hole and reduces glare from the glass surface. HCR900-DS I is provided with operator proven "triplê p[]s onê" drill control design. FRD experienced opêrâtors will perform their skill levelÍrom day one, with triple hydraulic drill control and one air control lever layout. No learning time is required. l3lw ndshi€ d wpêÍ ã.d washer switch (Íront and roor) 0[c]ator's scat Hi-back operatols seat with fabric upholstery and arm rests holds the operator in an optimum position allday. ifPercusso.pÍess!Íeeauge i9PercussioneveÍ AFeed íorce pressurê itRolãton press!Íe GlFeed ever {TlRolation ever l3lFushns lever sause sausê l4iF ush ns airpressurê sause i I tl" :J4 anil Gc0n0my *.,,. tcter [anel c0ml0ÍtaIle G0nt]0ls Engine coolant, compressor oil and hydraulic oil temperalure qauqes are over-head mounted ând warning lights are located at right-side oÍ the operator that allow the operâtor to monitor machines ÍLrnctions while he s concenkatng o^ dri{ling. aàEngine lhÍo1rle mnlro switch ,,*a=,ryQ@$p Adoption of cross-levers helps halve the number of levers required, further improving operabiÌity includinq boom/rod-chanqer control. aòcompÍessor slãrlina switch €lF oodlighl switch€s (írontând rear) {1lcu dê sldê & Oscliating ever ClGu dê trr & Gúide swng lever itBóôô lít & Bôôm swino leve. @Caíierswing & Ród adding drawing €)RôLlêr rotation & Rôllerslde lever (oÌ€ver levêÍs (wilh safety lock) l!,Íemp. gauge compressor i?ìÌemp OauSe enSlne cooanl l3)Ìemp qâuge hydíauicoll Sucr[ ea$e oÍ o[c]ation A mode switchìng hydraulic circuit performs switching between N mode for homogenêous rocks ând H mode for hard rocks, thus enabling safe and speêdy drilling. An anti-jamming device optimizês the drilling condition for a variety of rock typês, thus offering extended lifê of rods and bits and consequent reduction Ìn runninq costs. OFeed prêssurê @ntrold êl clDust ôór êcloÍ sbning switch (3lHôod & cenka izer swrch glanli-jámm ng swilch & Piol amp locrêase lubiÉton sw tch 0scillatng The entire machine oscillates up-down 10 degrees total 20 deqrees to maintain machine level. And right-and-leÍt hacks equalizes 20 deqrees each other to negotiâtê uneven ground. .wn@tr)út\t ÏE ,:+ Ë.-----l MaintenflnGG a SaÍetY l! . --i- -_- Érr Wc u'90. trr I 'J Travel lock p ates Fan guard Reinforcêd roof Hose Ìunctions Engage iÍâvel lock wh le driÌling. Fan guards ând belt guards aÍe standard. Rooí is reiníorced and overhead wìndow is sleel gauge protecied, Long hoses aíe junct on connected íor iíe and Wear plates Synthetic hose reeÌs Angle indÌcator Fire extinguisher Synthetic ware plales (optional) íoÍ cadage of Extends hose lfe, ensures longer serv ce líe and reducês service oad. Angle indicaior ls standard. Located ât reaÊright side I I ! I I q t 3 ! I : I I : I ! II I It : -, u*''' ,,*:ffÊ00-!M Walk-around, ground-level maintenance provides fast, easy upkeep or repair. Hinged service doors provide easy access to requiÍed areas. --a lccess to the ]igm side couel Fully opened access cover makes access to the radiâtor, thê grease can and thê drilling conhol valves easier. AGGess to thG left sidc couer Service for the engine, the electric contro panel can be made from the left side . [GGcsstotneÍea]oouel Filters arê within the reach. .-. AocGsstotne U0[eÍG0uGÍ gF'4 <Ê \--- - 8 I ISlandaÍd&0 ionaleüüllmGm 0Ìillirucoverasc HCRgOO.DSII Horizontal drilling coveíâqe Drifter siandârd {:"Guide shêìì Boom Vertical drilling coveÍage Llinq€VesloltânspofutÔn I Optional equipment Aulolhrolle@nirc lôrpeÍcussionandatrrow Othêrs Guide swing angle 2 dimênsoia erectrc ans ê nd Éror Heavyduty undêr cover I I I 0lmonslomrnnn I S[Gcilicrllons ât n9 t ne Weight & Dimensions w9!s!1 we!e!!rq!!E98q!qe!4 OveÍa! widlh (lransporraiion) 2 360 mm OveÍèl he qht iüansporràl on) ND7O9 135 k WeOht 550 mm Undercâriage 0 38km/h Waie.cooled dÍect nlecl on, 6-cyl ndê6 Enginê a spêêd Oulputl !tgl!. Hydraulic pump lc oi tânk rlo a Í afrêÍ coo ed. tLÍbo-châGed, diesel ._ 320 pçl!l-p!!! cãpêcl!!_ t 170 L PDS265 S35A (ArR[4AN) Screw 1 staqe Jôrced oi ubrcâlron Compressor up4!: R Qe!!!Q' 9hl4q Guidê shell Max. ód pu ÌíoÍce 245kN Hvdrau ical v opeÍaled châin drive Dust collector Rod arÍângemênt Bil & Rod I ivo" b* szeor"' Íod 32U 38R.38F 45R Lenglh oí Íod slèneÍ @d (Màt Íesúbrècl1ôchanqeslhoulnole nrheÍúrure 10 . Mjn Íaçáo - Bdbl€n - Moáí.m c.pbçâô d. Pó T.r.Íâr:í6213268,3268 E-tuil:[email protected] aaBBosa - N" 127 - OO. 11 - LÍ. 07 RES, ANÌONIO BARBOSA . CEP 74691'727 GOIÂNIA. GO FuÍukawa rêsêíves ight to chânge specjÍcations withoul prior notice *'"ffi* tso9001 FIiIE, FURUKRuJR RocK DRILL tro.,LTD. 3-14,2-chomê, Nihonbashilvluromach, Chuo ku, Tokyo 103-0022, Japan Phonê +81 3 3231 6982 Fax +81-3-3231'6994 HCR900 1so14001 DSÍ E0908 F2 n Japan Prnled
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