Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert


Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert


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Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert

Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert do contrato de concessão, incluindo a obrigação de obter NUITs separados

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Flash fiscal / Tax flash - Associação Fiscal Portuguesa

Flash fiscal / Tax flash - Associação Fiscal Portuguesa the relevant l t fi fiscall year ffor taxpayers whose fiscal year does not match the civil year. Entities included in the Special Register of Taxpayers and entities to which the special regime of t...

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PwC Flash Fiscal - Novos Códigos fiscais e amnistia fiscal em Angola

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Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert

Alerta fiscal / Tax Alert New exemptions for mining production tax (“IPM”) are introduced, in respect of (i) self consumption of the mining product, when authorized and (ii) mining samples without commercial value, extracte...

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