academias daad de verão 2012 daad summer academies 2012
academias daad de verão 2012 daad summer academies 2012
ACADEMIAS DAAD DE VERÃO 2012 DAAD SUMMER ACADEMIES 2012 DAAD SOMMERAKADEMIEN 2012 Para mais informações sobre as Academias de Verão, visite os sites das mesmas. Caso o hiperlink não funcione, entre em nosso site e clique em “Bolsas e Oportunidades” e escolha “Outras oportunidades”, ou digite a URL Art, Music and Art Theory Tema da academia Público-alvo Instituição Período Fim das inscrições Idioma Link e observações: International Mendelssohn Academy Leipzig Young piano students. Bolsas apenas para indicados por instituições associadas. Infelizmente, nenhuma instituição brasileira. Portanto, brasileiros participam apenas sem bolsas. Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig 14 a 29/07/2012 01/05/2012 German / English / other language(s) Medicine Tema da academia Público-alvo ZIBI Summer School PathogenHost Interplay The summer school is for students with a BSc who are currently doing their MSc or PhD students or early post docs (within 2 years after they finished their PhD) who seek a career in infection biology, immunology or related fields. For the scholarship, we are interested in MSc students at an advanced phase of their studies. Instituição HU Berlin Período Fim das Idioma inscrições 09 a 25/03/2012 23/06/2012 English Link e observações: Em cooperação com Charité University Medicine Berlin; Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin; Robert Koch Institute, Berlin; German Rheumatism Research Centre, Berlin Vielfalt in der Großstadt, Faszination und Herausforderung für Soziale Berufe Graduandos avançados interessados em temas ligados à vida urbana: participação, estrutura social, desenvolvimento urbano, migração e integração, diversidade e educação, gênero, homossexualismo e formas (in)comuns de vida. Lower Saxony International Summer Academy (LISA) in Immunology International Bachelor's or Master's students of Life Sciences, Medicine and Engineering (Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedicine, Human Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacology) with strong interest in Immunology - basic sciences as well as translational aspects like innovative therapies. (Not older than 30 years) Innovative Engineering Approaches in Regenerative Therapies Students with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, bioinformatics, engineering, physics, chemistry or medicine. Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin Hannover Medical School Charité Berlin 13 a 23/04/2012 English 30/04/2012 English B2-C2 In Cooperation with: Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine Hanover, Helmholtz Center for Infection Research Braunschweig. 25/08/2012 09 a 23/09/2012 21/07 a 04/08/2012 01/05/2012 English C1 Em cooperação com institutos Max Planck e Helmholtz, universidades de Colônia e Leipzig, outros centros de pesquisa alemães, National University of Singapore, University College London, Queensland University of Technology, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Summer School Molecular Medicine Young postgraduate scientists from the field of biosciences who want to continue to work on biomedical research topics. Jena University Hospital Perspectives on Global Health in the 21st Century Part I: Medical Tourism Students and scholars of the life sciences (including undergraduate and graduate physicians). Young scientists and students of sociology and politics, the history and philosophy of medicine, anthropology /ethnology, and media and communication sciences are invited to participate. High priority will be given to applications by students from N Latin America. Ulm University (tb em Bonn, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Munich, Ingolstadt, Alt-Ötting) 27/08 a 15/05/2012 English B2-C2 31/05/2012 English C1 27/09/2012 16 a 29/07/2012 Em cooperação com outras universidades alemãs. Languages, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences Tema da academia Público-alvo Instituição Período Fim das inscrições Idioma International Summer Academy Cottbus: Understanding Heritage Mestrandos e doutorandos na área Heritage Studies e correlatas (arquitetura, conservação de patrimônios, ciências sociais e humanas, administração, economia, arqueologia, ciências naturais, etc.) BTU Cottbus 09 a 21/07/2012 30/03/2012 English Philosophical Summer School "Metaphysics or Modernity?" Graduate students from all disciplines University of Bamberg 06 a 17/08/2012 31/03/2012 English C1-C2 In Cooperation with DAAD and Villa Concordia Bamberg ISAB-TeSta Interdisziplinäre Germanistische Sommerakademie Bremen: Textualität der Stadt – Urbanität in Literatur, Sprache und Film Fortgeschrittene BA-Studierende, Masterstudierende und Doktoranden bzw. PhD-Students Universität Bremen 12 a 26/08/2012 15/04/2012 Deutsch B2 Interdisciplinary Summer School Rostock (ISAR) Der mediale Mensch Als Zielgruppe sind vor allem Studierende aus europäischen Ländern anvisiert (insbesondere aus England, Frankreich, Lettland, Polen, Rumänien und Ungarn) mit gutem und sehr gutem Bachelor- oder Master-Abschluss, die für ein weiterführendes Studium in Deutschland vorbereitet werden sollen. U Rostock 19/08 a 01/09/2012 Sob consulta German C1 C2 Summer School for Coptic Papyrology Advanced Students and graduates from fields such as Coptology, Egyptology, papyrology, religious studies, ancient history, Arabic studies, or Byzantine studies are invited to participate, provided they have aquired a solid knowledge of Coptic. Heidelberg University 26/08 a 08/09/2012 30/04/2012 English apy/index.html Link e observações: Students of civil urban planning, urban design, engineering, architecture, Innovative Approaches in landscape architecture, planning and Regeneration Planning design, geography or civil engineering. At and Design least a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a target group topic. Muslims in the West (BRASILEIROS NÃO ESTÃO NO PÚBLICO-ALVO) In addition to MA students and PhD students from our trusted partner universities (Jamia Millia Islamia/Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; International Islamic University, Islamabad; International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur; Bosporus University, Istanbul; al-Azhar University, Egypt; Qom University, Iran), we would like to welcome Muslims from Europe (Britain, France and Bosnia-Herzegovina) this year. TU Dortmund 22/09 a 06/10/2012 U Erfurt 01 a 15/08/2012 Sob consulta 30/03/2012 English C1 C2 English Em cooperação com instituições de Berlim, da Turquia,do Paquistão e da Índia. Law, Economics and Business Administration, Political and Social Sciences Tema da academia Público-alvo Advanced undergraduate MISU at LMU: Munich University students, postgraduate Summer Training (MUST) in students (LLM, PhD) as well as German and European Law young academics. The European System of Human Rights Protection Students and Graduates of Law and Social Sciences. Instituição Período Fim das inscrições Idioma Link e observações: LMU München 02 a 27/07/2012 15/03/2012 English C1, C2 European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) 09 a 22/09/2012 31/05/2012 English B2 In Cooperation with: Birkbeck College, University of London, University of Malta, University of Maribor, University of Rennes I, University of Oviedo, University of Sevilla, University of Lund, University of Hull, University of Wales, ERASMUS University of Rotterdam, Åland Is The Culture of Football Passion, Power, Politics Advanced students (at least graduate students - Bachelor of Arts) and postgraduates. European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) 04 a 20/06/2012 31/01/2012 BEENDET English C1, C2 Engineering Tema da academia Público-alvo Instituição Período Advanced Separation Technologies in Chemical Engineering Students with a completed first degree in process engineering, chemical engineering or energy engineering, PhD students, externals from industry and research institutes. TU Berlin 13 a 24/08/2012 Biomedical Engineering in an International Perspective Mestrandos e pós-graduados com alto rendimento em informática, engenharia da computação e engenharia elétrica, que tenham redes sem fio como principal área de estudo. Jade University of Applied Sciences 27/08 a Fachhochschule 14/09/2012 Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/ Elsfleth Fim das Idioma inscrições Link e observações: English B2 English 30/04/2012 15/05/2012 Mathematics and Natural Sciences Tema da academia Público-alvo Instituição International Summer School Marktoberdorf 2012: Engineering Dependable Software Systems Previous training and experience in computer science as well as a solid background in mathematics and logics are indispensable. The highest degree obtained should be comparable to an MSc. The summer school is targeted at computer scientists who want to pursue an academic career. TU München Biodiversity: The Diversity of Ecosystems, Genes and Species (local do curso: Período Fim das Idioma inscrições Em cooperação com o programa da OTAN Science for Peace and Security e com a Microsoft Research Bayrischzell) 31/07 a 12/08/2012 Bachelor's degree (or higher) in biology or a related natural science. University of Osnabrück 01 a 22/07/2012 20/03/2012 Modern Computational Science 2012: Optimization Estudantes de matemática, ciências naturais,ciências da computação e engenharias U Oldenburg 20 a 31/08/2012 15/05/2012 English B1-C2 Advanced Stochastic Methods to Model Risk PhD students, postdocs and advanced Master's students. U Ulm 09 a 22/09/2012 31/05/2012 English B2-C2 02/03/2012 English B1-B2 Link e observações: English B2-C2 In Cooperation with: Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador. OBS: O Programa DAAD Academias de Verão disponibiza recursos aos organizadores dos cursos acima para a concessão de bolsas a estudantes do exterior. As bolsas são geralmente apenas parciais. Pedidos de INFORMAÇÃO, INSCRIÇÃO E BOLSA devem ser encaminhados DIRETAMENTE ÀS UNIVERSIDADES organizadoras dos cursos. Verificar nos respectivos sites os dados de contato. Os prazos de inscrição na tabela referem-se ao limite para os candidatos a bolsas. Eventualmente, o prazo para inscrições sem bolsas pode ser outro. Na página você poderá encontrar informações atualizadas sobre as Academias de Verão.