PDF - Southwest Florida Water Management District
PDF - Southwest Florida Water Management District
Didelphis virginiana Eptesicus fuscus Dasypus novemcinctus iStock Mary Barnwell - SWFWMD Nine-Banded Armadillo Sherman’s Fox Squirrel Sylvilagus palustris Sciurus carolinensis Sciurus niger shermani iStock iStock Eastern Gray Squirrel R W Van Devender - Smithsonian Institute Marsh Rabbit Coyote Red Fox Peromyscus gossypinus Canis Iatrans Vulpes vulpes iStock iStock iStock Cotton Mouse Raccoon Urocyon cinereoargenteus Ursus americanus Procyon lotor iStock Black Bear iStock Gray Fox iStock Mammals iStock Roger W Barbour - Smithsonian Institute iStock Big Brown Bat iStock Virginia Opossum River Otter Striped Skunk Bobcat Lutra canadensis Mephitis mephitis Lynx rufus Through its efforts to protect water resources, the Southwest Florida Water Management District buys and manages land. As a result, plants and animals that live on these lands are also protected and the public can enjoy recreational and educational activities in the great outdoors. For a more comprehensive list containing birds, mammals, butterflies, frogs, toads, insects, trees, shrubs, reptiles, wildflowers and natural communities, please visit WaterMatters.org/species CONSERVATION LANDS