
Room Service Menu
Todos os itens do menu de serviço de quartos estão disponíveis 24 horas por dia,
com exceção da culinária japonesa. Para sua conveniência, oferecemos também os
seguintes restaurantes:
All dishes featured on the Room Service Menu are available 24 hours per day except
the Japanese cuisine selection. For your convenience the following dining facilities
are also available:
Eau French Grill, um toque diferente na cozinha francesa e uma carta premium de
vinhos. Aberto para almoço executivo de segunda a sexta-feira. Aberto para jantar de
segunda-feira a sábado.
Eau French Grill, a different touch in the French cuisine featuring a comprehensive
wold-class wine list. Open for lunch Monday to Friday. Open for dinner from Monday
to Saturday.
Café da manhã e receitas criativas da cozinha italiana para almoço e jantar. Aberto
para buffet de almoço de segunda a sexta-feira, feijoada aos sábados e para brunch
aos domingos. Aberto diariamente para o jantar.
Breakfast and all day dining restaurant featuring creative favorites from Italian cuisine
for lunch and dinner. Open for buffet lunch from Monday to Friday, feijoada on
Saturdays and for brunch on Sundays. Opens daily for dinner.
A autenticidade da culinária japonesa contemporânea acompanhada de uma carta de
saquês exclusiva. Aberto para o almoço executivo de segunda a sexta-feira. Aberto
diariamente para o jantar.
Authentic, contemporany Japanese cuisine featuring a wide selection of Premium
sake. Open for lunch Monday to Friday and daily for dinner.
O Upstairs Bar é o lugar ideal para curtir os sabores do Brasil em um “happy hour” ou
um aperitivo mais à noite, com uma extensa seleção de drinques e petiscos.
Upstairs Bar is the perfect place to sample the flavours of Brazil, for “happy hour” or
an evening snack with an extensive drink and appetiser list.
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
Continental Breakfast
Café da Manhã à la Carte
Breakfast à la Carte
R$ 46
Frutas frescas da estação
Seasonal fresh fruit
Sucos de fruta natural à sua escolha
Choice of freshly squeezed fruit juice
Cesta de pães frescos
Basket of oven fresh bakeries
Variedades de cereais acompanhados de leite (integral, semi-desnatado, desnatado
ou de soja ) ou iogurte (natural, desnatado, frutas ou frutas 0%)
Choice of cereal with milk (whole, low fat, skim milk or soy) or yogurt (plain, low fat,
fruit or fruit 0%)
Café ou chá
Coffee or tea
Healthy Breakfast
R$ 47
Frutas frescas da estação
Seasonal fresh fruit
Sucos de fruta natural à sua escolha
Choice of freshly squeezed fruit juice
Cesta de pães frescos : pão de centeio, pão multigrão e muffins de muesli
e uva-passa com queijo ricota
Basket of oven fresh bakeries with whole wheat, multigrain and sultana-bran muffin
with ricotta cheese
All-bran com leite desnatado ou iogurte de frutas
All-bran with low fat milk or fruit yogurt
Omelete de claras e ervas com tomate e cogumelos assados
Egg white and herb omelet with roasted tomato and mushroom
Chá verde japonês, café descafeinado, café ou chá
Japanese green tea, decaffeinated coffee, coffee or tea
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
European Breakfast
Café da Manhã à la Carte
Breakfast à la Carte
R$ 50
Frutas frescas da estação
Seasonal fresh fruit
Sucos de fruta natural à sua escolha
Choice of freshly squeezed fruit juice
Cesta de pães frescos
Basket of oven fresh bakeries
Variedades de cereais acompanhados de leite (integral, semi-desnatado, desnatado
ou soja) ou iogurte (natural, desnatado, frutas ou frutas 0%)
Choice of cereal with milk (whole, low fat, skim milk or soy) or yogurt (plain, low fat,
fruit or fruit 0%)
Seleção de dois tipos de frios: presunto, presunto parma, mortadela, salame, copa,
peito de peru e dois tipos de queijos: queijo fresco brasileiro, brie, cream cheese,
gorgonzola e queijo prato
Choice of two types of cold cuts: ham, Parma ham, mortadella, salami, copa,
turkey breast and two types of cheese: Brazilian fresh cheese, brie, cream cheese,
gorgonzola and yellow cheese
Café ou chá
Coffee or tea
American Breakfast
Frutas frescas da estação
Seasonal fresh fruit
Sucos de fruta natural à sua escolha
Choice of freshly squeezed fruit juice
Cesta de pães frescos
Basket of oven fresh bakeries
R$ 61
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
Café da Manhã à la Carte
Breakfast à la Carte
Seleção de dois frios: presunto, presunto parma, mortadela, salame, copa, peito de
peru e dois tipos de queijos : queijo fresco brasileiro, brie, cream cheese, gorgonzola
e queijo prato
Choice of two types of cold cuts: ham, Parma ham, mortadella, salami, copa,
turkey breast and two types of cheese: Brazilian fresh cheese, brie, cream cheese,
gorgonzola and yellow cheese
Dois ovos preparados à sua escolha servidos com batatas hash brown, bacon e
tomate grelhado
Two eggs any style with hash browns, bacon and grilled tomato
Variedade de cereais acompanhados de leite (integral, semi-desnatado, denatado ou
soja) ou iogurte (natural, desnatado, frutas ou fruta 0%)
Choice of cereal with milk (whole, low fat, skim milk or soy) or yogurt (plain, low fat,
fruit or fruit 0%)
Café ou chá
Coffee or tea
Bread and Pastries
Seleção de pães feitos em casa
Folhado, croissant, pão francês, bolo brasileiro e muffin
Selection of sweet and savory bread
Danish, croissant, French roll, Brazilian pound cake and muffin
R$ 17
Torradas de pão branco ou integral
Choice of plain or whole wheat toast
R$ 17
Pão de queijo Brazilian cheese bread
R$ 17
R$ 17
Bolo brasileiro Brazilian pound cake
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
Café da Manhã à la Carte
Breakfast à la Carte
Dois ovos preparados à sua escolha servidos com batatas hash brown, bacon e tomate grelhado
Two eggs any style with hash brown, bacon and grilled tomato
R$ 23
Omelete tradicional ou de claras servido com batatas hash brown,
bacon e tomates assados com ingredientes à sua escolha como
cogumelo, queijo, cebola, presunto ou pimentão
Three-egg or egg white omelet with hash brown, bacon and grilled tomato
with a choice of mushroom, cheese, onion, ham or peppers
R$ 24
Omelete aberto com batatas, cebola, chorizo e tomate grelhado
Open three-egg omelet with potatoes, onion, chorizo and grilled tomato
R$ 24
Filé mignon grelhado servido com batatas hash brown,
ovo frito e tomate grelhado
Grilled beef tenderloin served with hash brown, fried egg and grilled tomato
R$ 31
Panquecas com maple syrup, manteiga de mel
e compota de frutas vermelhas
Pancakes with maple syrup, whipped honey butter and berry compote
R$ 20
Waffles com maple syrup, manteiga de mel
e compota de frutas vermelhas
Waffles with maple syrup, whipped honey butter and berry compote
R$ 20
Torradas à francesa com canela e manteiga de mel
French toast with cinnamon and whipped honey butter
R$ 20
Iogurte natural servido com frutas picadas da estação
Plain yogurt served with seasonal diced fruit
R$ 18
Prato de frutas da estação
Seasonal fruit platter
R$ 21
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
Café da Manhã à la Carte
Breakfast à la Carte
Corn flakes, sucrilhos, raisin bran, granola, muesli ou all-bran servidos com leite (integral, semi-desnatado, desnatado ou soja)
ou iogurte (natural, desnatado, frutas ou fruta 0%)
Corn flakes, raisin bran, granola or all-bran served with milk (plain, low fat,
skim milk or soy) or yogurt (plain, low fat, fruit or fruit 0%)
R$ 17
Bircher Muesli
Combinação de frutas, iogurte, cereais, nozes, limão e banana
Combined with fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, nuts, lime juice and banana
R$ 19
Mingau de aveia com compota de maçã e canela Hot oatmeal with apple and cinnamon compote
R$ 16
Side Orders
Bacon, presunto grelhado ou linguiça
Bacon, grilled ham or sausage
R$ 16
Batatas hash brown
Hash brown potatoes
R$ 13
Cogumelos salteados com cebola ou tomate grelhado
Sautéed mushrooms with onion or grilled tomatoes
R$ 13
Iogurte natural, desnatado, frutas ou frutas 0%
Choice of plain, low fat, fruit or fruit 0% yogurt
R$ 11
Compota de frutas com canela
Homemade fruit compote with cinnamon
R$ 14
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
À la Carte
Spa Cuisine
Estes pratos são preparados com baixo teor de gordura, calorias e sal
These dishes are prepared with the smallest amount of fat and are low in calories and salt
Caldo de galinha com tortellini e vegetais
Clear chicken broth with tortellini and vegetables
R$ 26
Salada com grão de bico, aipo, espinafre, ricota e vinagrete balsâmico
Salad with chickpeas, celery, spinach, ricotta cheese and balsamic reduction
R$ 28
Bresaola com queijo pecorino, nozes, peras e balsâmico
Bresaola with pecorino cheese, walnuts, pears and balsamic
R$ 28
Massa integral com abobrinha, tomate cereja, cogumelo e ervilha
Whole wheat pasta with zucchini, cherry tomato, mushroom and peas
R$ 32
Meka grelhado com funcho, aipo e tomate cereja
Grilled swordfish with sautéed fennel, celery and cherry tomatoes
R$ 45
Salmão com abobrinha grelhada e aspargo
Pan roasted salmon with grilled zucchini and asparagus
R$ 44
Frango orgânico grelhado com batatas bolinha, cenoura e cebola agridoce
R$ 39
Grilled organic chicken breast with new potato, carrot and sweet and sour onion
Filé mignon ao vinagre balsâmico, cogumelos e alho-poró
Beef tenderloin with balsamic vinegar, mushrooms and leek
R$ 49
Prato de frutas da estação
Seasonal fruit platter
R$ 21
Menu 24 horas
All day menu
À la Carte
Brazilian Cuisine
Salada de polvo com palmito
Octupus salad with heart of palm
R$ 29
Bolinho de bacalhau com limão
Cod fritters with lime
R$ 22
Canja de galinha
Chicken broth with rice and vegetables
R$ 25
Arroz carreteiro
Rice with cooked dried meat, onion, tomato, garlic and chives
R$ 38
Feijão tropeiro
Brown beans, bacon, sausage, buttered kale, manioc flour, egg and rice
R$ 38
Feijoada tradicional
Traditional Brazilian black bean and pork stew with rice,
kale and fried manioc flour
R$ 39
Polenta made from pork stock with sausages, kale and eggs
R$ 38
Bisteca suína à Paulista
Paulista pork chop, buttered kale, manioc flour with bacon, banana and rice
R$ 40
Picanha grelhada e farofa de bacon e banana
Grilled rump steak, manioc flour with bacon and banana
R$ 46
Caldeirada de peixe com arroz branco
Salmon, St. Peter and snapper braised with vegetables and served with rice
R$ 45
Moqueca apimentada de camarão e peixe à Baiana
Shrimp and fish cooked in coconut milk, chili, cashew nuts, tomatoes,
fried manioc flour and rice
R$ 50
Disponível de segunda a sexta das 12h30 às 15h e diariamente das 19h30 às 23h
Available from Monday to Friday 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm daily
Japanese Cuisine
R$ 45
Filé mignon fatiado e apimentado com legumes e cogumelos sobre arroz branco
Spicy beef tenderloin with vegetables and mushrooms on steamed rice
TEMPURA UDON Sopa de massa udon com tempura de camarão e legumes
Udon noodle soup with shrimp and vegetable tempura
R$ 45
Anchova grelhada com molho cítrico acompanhado de nabo,
pimenta, cebolinha e gohan
Grilled bluefish with citrus sauce, radish, red chili and spring onions
served with steamed white rice
R$ 43
YAKIMESHI Arroz frito com frango, ovos e legumes
Stir fried rice with chicken, eggs and vegetables
R$ 35
Assorted Sushi and Sashimi
URAMAKI CALIFÓRNIA Enrolado de siri, alface, masago, pepino e abacate ou manga
Crab, lettuce, shisamo roe, cucumber and avocado or mango roll
R$ 29
URAMAKI SPICY TUNA Enrolado de atum, cebolinha e molho picante
Tuna roll with scallion and spicy sauce
R$ 33
SUSHI MORIAWASE Nigiris e enrolados variados
Selection of nigiri and rolls
R$ 53
Selection of sashimi
R$ 61
SUSHI SASHIMI MORIAWASE Sushi e sashimi variado
Selection of sushi and sashimi
R$ 63
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Soups and Appetisers
Minestrone Abruzzese
Sopa italiana de legumes com risone, lentilhas, feijão cannellini
e molho de tomate
Italian vegetable soup with risone, lentils, cannellini beans and tomato sauce
R$ 25
Sopa de três tomates
Trio of tomato soup
R$ 24
Sopa do dia
Soup of the day
R$ 23
Salada Caesar Folhas de alface romana, molho caesar, croutons e parmesão
Caesar Salad
Romaine lettuce, caesar dressing, croutons and shaved parmesan
R$ 26
com frango grelhado with grilled chicken
R$ 32
com camarão grelhado
with grilled prawns
R$ 49
Salada caprese com mussarela de búfala, tomate e orégano Caprese salad with buffalo mozzarella, tomato and oregano
R$ 28
Salada de radicchio, erva-doce, presunto Parma, gorgonzola e vinagrete
Radicchio salad with fennel, Parma ham, gorgonzola and vinaigrette
R$ 31
Salada de berinjela grelhada, alcachofra marinada e mussarela de búfala
Grilled aubergine, marinated artichoke and buffalo mozzarella
R$ 28
Carpaccio de filé mignon com rúcula, parmesão e azeite extra virgem
Beef tenderloin carpaccio with rocket, parmesan and extra virgin olive oil
R$ 32
Melão com presunto Parma e torrada de tomate seco
Parma ham with cantaloupe melon and crostone of sun dried tomato
R$ 32
Seleção de frios com compota de frutas secas e vegetais grelhados
Selections of cold cuts with dried fruit compote and grilled vegetables
R$ 32
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Meka com salada de abobrinha grelhada, grãos de bico e milho Swordfish with grilled zucchini, chickpea and sweet corn
R$ 29
Salmão defumado com salada de ervilha, cebola roxa, endivias e limão siciliano
Smoked salmon with salad of peas, red onion, endive and Sicilian lemon
R$ 32
Frito misto de lula e camarão com vinagrete de limão siciliano
Deep-fried squid and prawn with Sicilian lemon dressing
R$ 38
Pasta and Risotto
Tagliatelle ao molho bolognese
Tagliatelle with Bolognese and parmesan
R$ 37
Lasanha com molho bolognese e queijo mussarela
Lasagna with beef ragout and mozzarella cheese
R$ 37
Penne arrabiata Penne com molho de tomate apimentado e parmesão
Penne with spicy tomato sauce and parmesan cheese
R$ 33
Espaguete no azeite extra virgem, pimenta, alho e farinha de rosca
Spaghetti with extra virgin olive oil, chili peppers, garlic and bread crumbs
R$ 27
Fettuccine com carne de javali e funghi
Fettuccine with wild boar and mushrooms
R$ 39
Rigatoni puttanesca
Molho de tomate, alcaparra, anchova, alho, azeitona e pimenta
Rigatoni with tomato sauce, capers, anchovies, garlic, olives
and chili peppers
R$ 34
Fusilli com bochecha de porco defumada, molho de tomate, R$ 37
banha de porco e queijo pecorino
Fusilli with smoked pork cheeks, tomato sauce, pork fat and pecorino cheese
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Ravióli com ricota e cogumelos
Ravioli with ricotta and mushrooms
R$ 35
Canelone ao molho bolognese e parmesão Cannelloni with Bolognese sauce and parmesan cheese
R$ 37
Tortiglioni ao molho de cogumelos e alho-poró Tortiglioni with mushrooms and leek
R$ 35
Risoto ao funghi e azeite de trufa Risotto with mushrooms and truffle oil
R$ 47
Risoto à milanesa com ossobuco e açafrão Risotto with beef marrow and saffron
R$ 47
Risoto ao molho bolognese, ervilhas, cogumelos e fava Risotto with beef ragout, peas, mushrooms and broad beans
R$ 45
Risoto de frutos do mar
Risotto with sea food
R$ 52
Main Courses
Scaloppine de vitela com cogumelos e molho vitela
Veal scaloppine with mushrooms and veal sauce
R$ 48
Vitela à milanesa com batatas assadas, alecrim e alho
Veal milanese with rosemary and garlic roasted potatoes
R$ 48
Filé mignon ao molho pimenta verde com salada de tomate e rúcula
Beef tenderloin in green peppercorn sauce with tomato and rocket salad
R$ 49
Filé mignon com crosta de ervas, queijo taleggio e batatas assadas
Beef tenderloin with herb crust and taleggio cheese, roasted potato wedges
R$ 49
Meka grelhado com funcho salteado, aipo e tomate cereja Grilled swordfish with sautéed fennel, celery and cherry tomato
R$ 45
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Meka com caponata siciliana
Grilled swordfish with Sicilian caponata
R$ 45
Salmão com feijão cannellini e tomate cereja
Roasted salmon with cannellini beans and cherry tomatoes
R$ 44
Salmão com abobrinha grelhada e aspargos Salmon with grilled zucchini and asparagus
R$ 44
Costeleta de cordeiro grelhado, molho de tomate cereja,
azeitonas, cebola e pimentão Grilled lamb chops with cherry tomato sauce, olives, onion and peppers
R$ 50
Costeleta de cordeiro à milanesa com hortelã, batatas esmagadas e cebolinha
Crumbed lamb chops with mint, crushed potatoes with spring onion
R$ 50
Frango orgânico com purê de batatas e vagem
Organic chicken breast with mashed potatoes and green beans
R$ 39
Molhos: redução de vitela, vinho tinto, pimenta verde,
cogumelos, mostarda em grãos
Sauces: veal reduction, red wine, peppercorn, mushroom, grain mustard
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Side dishes
À la Carte
R$ 13
Legumes grelhados
Grilled vegetables
Batatas bolinha com orégano e alho
New potato with garlic and oregano
Batatas fritas
French fries
Purê de batata
Mashed potatoes
Vagem na manteiga
Steamed green beans with butter
Espinafre salteada
Sautéed spinach
Cogumelos salteados com cebola e tomilho
Sautéed mushrooms with onion and thyme
Salada de rúcula e cebola roxa com molho balsâmico
Rocket and red onion salad with balsamic dressing
Salada de tomate e manjericão
Tomato and basil salad with extra virgin olive oil
Salada mista com molho balsâmico
Mixed salad with balsamic dressing
Folhas verdes com molho de limão siciliano e orégano
Green leaves with Sicilian lemon and oregano dressing
Salada de erva-doce e pepino com salsinha, dill e mostarda em grãos
Fennel and cucumber salad with parsley, dill and grain mustard
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Ciabatta com mussarela de búfala, tomate, rúcula e pesto Ciabatta with buffalo mozzarella, tomato, rocket and pesto
R$ 28
Ciabatta com salmão defumado, radicchio, pesto de rúcula e cebola roxa
Ciabatta with smoked salmon, radicchio, rocket pesto and red onion
R$ 33
Ciabatta com salame, queijo taleggio e legumes grelhados
Ciabatta with salami, taleggio cheese and grilled vegetables
R$ 30
Ciabatta com bresaola, gorgonzola, nozes, figo e endívia
Ciabatta with bresaola, gorgonzola, walnuts, fig and endive
R$ 31
Ciabatta com filé mignon, cebola caramelizada, tomate e mostarda em grãos
Steak sandwich with caramelized onion, tomatoes
and grain mustard on ciabatta
R$ 33
Club sandwich com frango, ovo frito, bacon, alface romana, tomate e maionese
Club sandwich with chicken, fried egg, bacon, romaine lettuce,
tomato and mayonnaise
R$ 31
Hambúrguer de picanha com alface, tomate, cebola, picles e maionese Rump steak hamburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles and mayonnaise
R$ 33
Misto-quente Toasted ham and cheese sandwich
R$ 23
Todos os sanduíches são acompanhados de batatas fritas
All sandwiches are served with French fries
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
À la Carte
Prato de frutas da estação
Seasonal fruit platter
R$ 21
Semi freddo de chocolate branco, licor de Maraschino e cerejas
White chocolate semi freddo with Maraschino liquor and cherries
R$ 23
R$ 23
Cassata siciliana
Bolo de ricota com marzipan, laranja confit e sorbet de hibiscus
Marzipan sponge cake with ricotta cheese, orange confit and hibiscus sorbet
R$ 23
Ciocco Sambuca
Mousse de chocolate amargo Guanaja 70% e sorvete de Sambuca
Guanaja 70% dark chocolate mousse with Sambuca ice cream
R$ 23
Torta de pera com compota de laranja sanguínea e sorbet de Campari
Pear tart with blood orange compote and Campari sorbet
R$ 22
Bolo cremoso e crocante de gianduia com sorbet de limão siciliano
Creamy and crispy gianduia cake with Sicilian lemon sorbet
R$ 26
Seleção de sorvetes e sorbet
sorvetes: baunilha, morango ou chocolate
sorbet: framboesa, lemoncello, graviola ou coco
Selection of ice creams and sherbets
ice cream: vanilla, strawberry or chocolate chip
sherbet: raspberry, lemon, graviola or coconut
R$ 21
Três queijos italianos com compota de figo e nozes
Three types of Italian cheese with fig and nut compote
R$ 28
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Wines150 ml
750 ml
Dom Pérignon Vintage, França
Möet & Chandon Imperial Brut, França
R$ 960
R$ 380
Sparkling Wines
Chandon Reserva Brut, Garibaldi, Brasil
Santa Julia Brut, Familia Zuccardi, Mendoza, Argentina
R$ 120
R$ 110
White Wines
Chardonnay, Pulenta Estate, Mendoza, Argentina
R$ 36
Chardonnay, Catena, Mendoza, Argentina
Torrontés, Serie A, Familia Zuccardi, Mendoza, Argentina
Sauvignon Blanc, Trio, Concha y Toro, Casablanca, Chile R$ 36
Sauvignon Blanc, Casa Lapostolle, Valle del Rapel, Chile
R$ 149
R$ 140
R$ 110
R$ 140
R$ 149
Red Wines
Malbec, Felino, Viña Cobos, Mendoza, Argentina
R$ 40
Pinot Noir, Barda, Bodega Chacra, Río Negro - Patagônia, Argentina
Malbec, Rutini, Mendoza, Argentina
Syrah, Gran Reserva, Concha y Toro, Ribera del Loncomilla, Chile R$ 45
Carmenérè, Tabalí Reserva, Valle del Limarí, Chile
Sangiovese, Pater, Frescobaldi, Toscana, Itália
R$ 45
R$ 140
R$ 270
R$ 260
R$ 150
R$ 140
R$ 160
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Bottles of 375 ml
White Wines
Sauvignon Blanc, Villa Montes, Valle de Colchagua, Chile
R$ 65
Red Wines
Malbec, Doña Paula Reserva, Mendoza, Argentina
Montes das Servas, Alentejo, Portugal Belleruche, Côtes-du-Rhône, França
R$ 65
R$ 60
R$ 90
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Domestic beer
R$ 9
R$ 9
Non-alcoholic beer
Bavaria sem álcool (0,1%)
R$ 10
Imported beer
R$ 10
R$ 10
Água Nacional
Domestic Water
Água São Lourenço com ou sem gás
R$ 7
São Lourenço mineral water (sparkling or still)
Águas Importadas
Imported mineral water
San Pelegrino 250 ml R$ 17
Acqua Panna 250 ml R$ 17
Refrigerantes R$ 8
Soft drinks
Chá gelado
Iced tea
R$ 10
Limonada Suíça Swiss lemonade
R$ 10
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Suco de fruta natural
Freshly squeezed fruit juice
R$ 10
Laranja, abacaxi, melancia, manga, cenoura e beterraba
Orange, pineapple, watermelon, mango, carrot and beetroot
Sucos de frutas exóticas Exotic natural fruit juices
Abacaxi com hortelã, melancia com frutas vermelhas, manga com maracujá
Pineapple with mint, watermelon with red fruit, mango with passion fruit
R$ 10
Menu 24 horas
All day Dining
Coffee and Tea
Café expresso Espresso coffee
R$ 7
Térmica de café regular ou descafeinado Coffee pot (regular or decaffeinated)
R$ 19
Latte Café expresso com leite Espresso coffee with milk
R$ 10
Café expresso, leite e leite vaporizado Espresso coffee, milk and frothed milk
R$ 10
Chocolate quente ou frio
Hot or cold chocolate with milk
R$ 10
Leite quente ou frio Hot or cold milk
R$ 5
Seleção de chás a granel importados Selection of international teas and infusions
R$ 10
Darjeeling, chá preto, earl grey
menta, chá verde japonês, camomila
Darjeeling, English breakfast, earl grey,
mint, Japanese green tea, camomile