Pagina 3 Pagina 4 Pagina 6 Pagina 7 Pagina 8 Pagina 9 Pagina 10 Pagina 16 Pagina 17 Pagina 19 Pagina 21 Pagina 28 Pagina 29 Pagina 30 Pagina 31 Pagina 32 Pagina 34 Pagina 36 Pagina 37 Pagina 38 Pagina 39 INDICE Migdiel Cruz Alfredo Meurer Jr. Migdiel Cruz Migdiel Cruz Glenn Hauser Associação DX do Brasil Associação DX do Brasil Radio Heritage Foundation Alvin Mirabal Alvin Mirabal Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Yimber Gaviria Dino Bloise Glenn Hauser Anatoly Klepov Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Rubens Ferraz Pedroso Glenn Hauser Rafael Rodríguez R Glenn Hauser Rudolf Grimm Ontario DX Club Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Ontario DX Club Antônio Avelino da Silva Antônio Avelino da Silva Rudolf Grimm Dan Ferguson Adelson Jacinto de Sousa Dino Bloise Dino Bloise Glenn Hauser Alfredo Meurer Jr. Ulysses Galletti Dino Bloise Glenn Hauser Miguel Angel Rocha Glenn Hauser Claudio Galaz Alfredo Meurer Jr. Migdiel Cruz Claudio Galaz Anker Petersen Ivan Dias Jr. Guido Santrana KP4FAR Fabricio A. Silva Harold Sellers Dino Bloise Rudolf Grimm Rubens Ferraz Pedroso Zacharias Liangas Fran Jr Carlos Gonçalves Ahora, yo no le dí más aire a la antena Retorno depois de 21 anos QRH Invitación al evento de radioaficionados "Diploma 5 de Mayo" Qué poca participación de radioaficionados Logs May 2, 2014 Novos itens disponiveis em www.adxb.com.br Nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" do período de 01 a 30 de maio de 2014 Latest News and Fundraising Update El primer día con nuestro nombre en el aire y una tarea cumplida Día Mundial de la Radio The Voice Asia Comentario http://www.abu.org.my/Latest_News-@-ABC_Australia_... John Costa Minuta N° 1 y 2 Logs May 2-3, 2014 “RUS-DX” # 766 Transmisores de Radio Habana Cuba Interessante shack de um SWL alemão Logs May 3-4, 2014 Nueva entrada a mi blog DX programs, World of Radio sked, Hitlist updated “Concurso DXCB OM 2014” New file uploaded to odxa Emisoras de NUmeros ODXA DX REPORT Resultado do concurso de escutas em Onda Curta Lista dos ganhadores dos concursos comemorativo Atualização WRTH2014 WRTH Summer season International broadcast schedules file available Venta Cuba India Clash Frecuencia Al Día Visita a Italia Logs May 4-6, 2014 Tromelin Island DXpedition planned for October 3 - November 10, 2014 Venta El Radio Club Dominicano Logs May 6, 2014 XX Encuentro Nacional Diexista Logs May 6-7, 2014 A propósito de las estaciones de números Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas CONTENIDO Migdiel Cruz Ahora, yo no le dí más aire a la antena Ahora, yo no le dí más aire a la antena, le dí más antena al radio!!! T2FD de 12.5 mts de longitud y separación de 37,5 cm entre los dos hilos, soportada con tubo PVC, y cortociurcuitado al final con resistencia 330, y balun 4:1 a base de toroide Amidon T-157-2. Próximamente estaré dando más detalles para su elaboración. Sorprendentemente he visto cómo ha cambiado la recepción del Alinco DX-R8T, incluso pude captar emisoras que al momento no había podido sintonizar, Voice de Korea y algunas brasileñas... En fin, es totalmente cierto, minimiza el ruido! 73 DE XE-SWL-24-01 - Magdiel Cruz Rodríguez Alfredo Meurer Jr. Retorno depois de 21 anos QRH Samuel, Somos amigos há muitos anos e já conversamos muito sobre tantas coisas que daria um livro que poderíamos publicar juntos. Como você sabe muito bem, eu fui um SWL ultra super atuante desbragadamente e desmioladamente, beirando a insanidade desde o inicio de 1987 até ir caindo no decorrer de 1992, com esporádicas escutas em 1993 e quase nada em 1994. Entrei em QRT realmente no decorrer de 1992 e retornei às atividades de um SWL, cito essa sigla porque é a que os amadores usam quando escrevem os indicativos dos radioescutas, é uma convenção medieval no mundo HAM citar SWL para reports. Nesses anos que eu fui um desbragado SWL, era um mundo analógico, apesar de que, todos os receptores e transceptores já estavam com seus geradores de RF para sintonia digitalizados, mas as nossas informações em tempo real era a boca à boca entre os amadores que faturavam essa ou aquela estação DX rara e os boletins de DX que recebíamos de fora do Brasil já quase ultrapassados, o nosso tempo real era limitadíssimo! Ao retornar ao mundo de radioescuta como SWL tímidamente no decorrer do ano passado e agora muito voltado às estações de ponta, estou 22 anos mais velho e o pique passou, ficou a forma e fazer as escutas, isso eu não esqueci, mas aquele pique de virar madrugadas em busca de uma raridade que me faltava, eu não faço mais, ou até farei em casos que eu deseje mesmo. 21 anos depois de estar absolutamente parado em tudo referente à escutas de amadores, sem estar ligado a nada eu tive um choque ao começar as escutas no inicio do ano passado, muitas coisas estavam muito diferentes, não para pior, mas muito diferentes, eu saí de um mundo e voltei a ele repleto de tantas coisas que estou maravilhado e ao mesmo tempo nostálgico. Os QSLs do tempo que eu recebia eles, lá em 1988/89/90 eram infinitamente diferentes dos atuais, hoje uma pequena grafica digital faz coisas impensáveis naquele época. Hoje eu olho um spotter e vejo montes de estações ativas naquele nano segundo de forma instantãnea, isso é um milagre do mundo digital. Não vou comentar aqui as minhas saudades de tantas coisas que existiam no passado, pois o passado é história, hoje procurarei mostrar o momento atual, o que se passa agora, no instante que estamos vivendo e tentar colaborar no que for possivel de minha parte. Algumas formas de se fazer DX no universo HAM sumiram, desapareceram e isso ficou realmente mais desorganizado, eu estou citando os famosos Net controls, que eram controladores de estações raras e através deles tanto os amadores como os SWL podiam fazer escutas com comodidade sem a balbúrdia de pile ups que ouço hoje em dia tomando um espectro de até 40Khz ao lado da figurinha, sem duvida nenhuma falta dos antigos Nets faz os pile ups serem completamente desorganiados e selvagens, uma lei da selva, e dessa forma não podemos mais ficar na QRG dos amadores que falavam com a figurinha à espera e uma outra figurinha que fizesse um QSO com a figurinha principal. Bem, hoje temos a banda de 6m ultra ativa, coisa que não existia há 21 anos, muitos amadores e SWL estão faturando maravilhas nessa banda. Sem citar também as bandas criadas em 1979 e que se tornaram populares há uns 15 anos e hoje são bandas de apoio fantásticas, 12m é uma banda fenomenal, 18Mhz é outra que na baixa de 14Mhz ela está melhor, sendo que, 10m, 28Mhz ainda é a banda que sempre está dando alegrias a todos, mesmo quando 40m e 20m estão no seu pior momento, durante o dia sempre teremos amadores nos 10m, principalmente quando se possui uma antena vertical de ganho de 3db, a famosa PT5 cortada para 28500 de 5/8 e onda, a melhor antena vertical que se usa para a banda de 10m, podeno ser usada também na banda de 12m sem acoplador. Quando eu olho os qsls de hoje eu fico maravilhado, são lindos! os meus qsls são mixurucas, alguns até são bonitos, mas a maioria deles são muito trivaiis, mostrando o seu tempo, o seu período de uso. Ao entrar para o DXCB como colunista da coluna SWL HAM DXismo eu retornei ao mundo que eu fui muito feliz e estou sendo novamente e desejo passar essa felicidade aos colegas dessa lista. Tentarei passar as minhas experiências que tive no passado atualizadas no presente e desejar que todos tenham muito sucesso em suas escutas, que todos consigam realizar os seus sonhos de radioescutas, SWL, ou DXistas, não importa o nome. Essa decontinuidade de tempo que eu estou vivendo está sendo muito interessante, pois novos países políticos e DXCC apareceram e outros foram deletados do DXCC, os receptores estão muito mais poderosos e baratos em custo e podemos ter antenas de ponta hoje em dia que eram muito caras no passado, hoje temos muito mais facilidade em tantas coisas, mas temos também que aprender a lidar com os ruídos elétricos que não existiam no meu inicio de tudo. No final do ano passado eu tive um grande prazer de saber que o Samuel Cássio estava ingressando no universo SWL HAM, ele que é um dos DXistas nacionais de grande respeito e prestígio, agora expandiu seu universo de escutas e está em 4 meses já falando, comentando e escrevendo como um veterano no HAM Dxismo. Mais uma vez um abraço a todos e desejo que aqueles que realmente se interessem por esse segmento da radioescuta tenham muito sucesso. Preciso informar também que, nem tudo são flores nesse mundo, escutar estações de muito pouca potência em lugares muito distantes, em condições ultra adversas, operando muitas vezes com antenas verticais não é facil não, isso é uma realidade que os que estão entrando nesse hobby terão que saber, muitas incontáveis vezes eu ficava diante de meu velho Sony ICF-2001 à caça de uma estação e conseguia pegar ela depois de tantas tentativas que eu via mais um sonho concretiado sabe-se lá como? As dificuldades são compensadas pelo QSL que a gente recebe de uma estação de escuta suada, sofrida, que nos deu muito trabalho de esutá-la, a vida é assim, as coisa muito fáceis não têm o memo sabor das mais difíceis. Se a lista radioescuta hoje está menos povoada, vamos levantar ela com novas conquistas, o universo da radioescuta é ilimitado e expandido para o HAM DXismo ele ficará muito mais infindável. 73 GD DX DE - Alfredo Meurer Jr. - ZY1-0001SWL Migdiel Cruz Invitación al evento de radioaficionados "Diploma 5 de Mayo" Invitación al evento de radioaficionados "Diploma 5 de Mayo" Organiza: ASOCIACIÓN DE RADIO EXPERIMENTADORES DEL ESTADO DE PUEBLA A.C. http://diploma.puebladx.org/diploma_cinco_de_Mayo/BIenvenida.html Migdiel Cruz Qué poca participación de radioaficionados Qué poca participación de radioaficionados... anoche estaba oyendo a la operadora XE1SPM, del Concurso Diploma 5 de Mayo, tardó un buen rato y nadie le respondió al llamado... entonces, me dispuse a responder....pero me di cuenta que no tengo transceiver, ni tengo licencia, jeje.. http://youtu.be/8NXUVsN0P7c Glenn Hauser Logs May 2, 2014 ** CHINA. Firedrake and CNR1 jammer check morning of May 2: 13795, May 2 at 1357, CNR1 jamming mixed with target 13830, May 2 at 1357, CNR1 and Firedrake jammers during drumming, poor 15195, May 2 at 1354, Firedrake and CNR1 jammers mixing, fair 15115, May 2 at 1354, CNR1 jammer mixed with target, no FD 15265, May 2 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, plus usual het from off-frequency 15550, May 2 at 1355, CNR1 jammer, very poor, VOT het on lo side 17510, May 2 at 1357-1359:57*, Firedrake-only jammer, good! Aoki does not explain why this is on now, but 17510 is a jamtarget at 1300-1330 for BBC Uzbek via Oman; AIR English at 10-11; and RFA Tibetan at 01-02 & 06-07. Was BBC Uzbek extended? None in the 12s, 14s, 16s, 18s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 960, May 2 at 0501 UT during another KGWA Enid Fox-hole of dead air, with its hummy carrier nulled as much as possible, again the Mexican NA is what`s audible, 0502 ID as ``XEK, la Estación Grande de Nuevo Laredo, desde 1937, 5 mil watts de potencia`` and into other music. No XEW chimes heard this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1060, May 2 at 0503 UT, XEEP México DF manages to dominate despite night power reduced from 100 kW to 20, and helped by banning of other XEs from this frequency, a `clear channel` down there if not north of the border --- as they are mentioning XEPPM, 6185 onda corta, which tho unchecked, should be closing down about now after separate programming during the evening (Glenn Hauer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Monitoring channel A2 NTSC with antenna south starting around 1415 UT May 2: At 1457 brief fade-in of video, no bugs visible; then a bit of audio trying but can`t tell if Spanish. 1521 UT May 2, channel 2 fades in with animated Galavision logo. Per http://www.w9wi.com/web/tv-channels/2.html the *only* channel 2 station of any power on Televisa 9 network is: ``Hermosillo, SO XHHMA-TV 30,000 Z H 29-04-29N 110-57-35W XLIC S:Televisa 9`` tho I fear it is not so positive, as other Televisas, especially ``local`` ones may promo net 9 or even carry some of its programming part-time. Further snatches of ch 2 video were visible occasionally past 1530; 1606 two weak signals CCI; 1609 after ads back to `Matutino Express` which is a Foro TV = Televisa 4 network show, with the Facebook-like f bug in the lower right; but W9WI.com shows not a single net-4 on 2! Hoping for a stronger sporadic E opening, and it`s starting to build as I wrap this report (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Enid`s cable-access channel, Pegasys, which had been an independent organization, was de-funded and taken over by the City of Enid earlier this year, to considerable controversy locally. Last year it had to move out of its facility as the building was to be demolished to make way for a new downtown hotel; it moved across the street to the ``Non-Profit-Center``, really installed in a hallway which was never intended to be a TV studio. Now, it`s moving again several blocks away to what had been the City`s visitor center on the main drag, Owen K. Garriott. Three cable channels are involved, 11, 12 and 19. Eleven has been the main one, with Twelve for overflow, miscellany, and 19 for continuous graphic PSAs. Now this week, all three are simulcasting with ``Enid Community Bulletin Board`` originally on 19 only, with a notice it`s because of the relocation on April 29, but still no resumption of regular programming as of May 2. Now it`s the Enid Television Network [sic], forwarded from http://www.pegasys.org (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. ``TV-OK``, Enid`s only local on-air TV station, now enters its third(?) month of broadcasting nothing but extremely repetitious `Discover Oklahoma` shows, and occasionally a related one, `Outdoor Oklahoma`. There are long pauses of black where commercials are presumably expected to be inserted. And at odd hours, ID slide for KXOK-LD, as well as KTEW-LD, channel 18 in Ponca City, and K35JY, the translator in Lamont. These are on the RF 31 transmitter in downtown Enid, and duplicated on the inter-city relay RF32 transmitter from same site, with weaker signal here, as 31-1. 31-2 still is labeled M-FOX, but only color bars and silence. 31-3 is still active showing a good signal bar, but totally black and silent; formerly with Azteca. One day I was surprised to find in my Box 1684, a DVD from Discover Oklahoma addressed to TV-OK, which is Box 1683! Before remailing it, I wrote on the envelope, ``when are you going to broadcast something besides this, resume Retro TV``?? I bet they wonder how in the world that got on their mail, if they ever got it. Anyhow, KXOK is still on autoplay of the same DVDs over and over. And how does your restaurant or other business get publicity on `Discover Oklahoma`, by merit or by paying for it? A very gray area (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3905, May 2 at 1155, AM carrier stronger and steadier than Japan 3925, but no modulation; 1200 trace of talk modulation; continuous QRhaM from 3903-LSB. 3205, May 2 at 1158, weaker carrier than 3905; anyhow, these two correspond to the (only?) two most recently active PNG stations as reported by Ron Howard; 3205 being Vanimo, 3905 Kavieng (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN. 7250, May 2 at 0527, Vatican Radio is already on with tail of Albanian service which is not supposed to be on SW; 0528 harp music; 0529 cut to bells prior to scheduled 0530 English broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11222, May 2 at 0516, regular series of pulses, slow enough to count, as the number of pulses between pauses is continuously changing. Not pure carrier CW, but ``fuzzy`` with some modulation so you don`t really need BFO to hear it, but it helps. Pinpointing frequency also difficult, somewhere around 11221-11222. Is this some different kind of ``numbers`` station? Instead of real Morse numbers or `cut numbers` with letters substituting, just count the number of pulses each time. But unbroken series of pulses go beyond just 10, as many as 25 during the few minutes I copied them all; representing alfabetic letters, then? But most of the pulse groups are in the low-single-digits, which doesn`t make sense for that. Here`s what I copied from 0516 to 0520 or so: 2 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 10 - 2 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 8 - 4 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 7 - 6 - 16 - 8 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 12 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 6 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 17 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 10 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 16 - 16 - 16 - 5 - 13 - 3 - 7 - 1 - 14 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 6 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 10 - 5 - 1 - 10 - 11 - 2 - 5 - 2 - 3 - 25 - 8 - 5 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 13 - 1 - 1 - 7 10 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 6 - 11 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 7 - 13 - 3 - 18 – 6 Can anyone decode that? I did not pay attention to where some longer pauses were, perhaps separating these into groups. Steady strength and probably not too far away, altho the 11 MHz SWBC band was open from Europe, Africa, South America, New Zealand. Also British VOLMET on 11253USB. Recheck at 1210 UT May 2, it`s still there with the same thing, also at 1314, 1353. Then searching on 11222 in the UDXF yg, we find 23 messages so far about this since May 1, heard from Europe to eastern North America to New Zealand, subject ``Pulsing "frog" signal 11222Khz LSB``, including: Synesthetix posted: ``A weird one. Some kind of radar? Audio, 6 minutes: http://www.sendspace.com/file/coqfrw Zoom H4N, recording ICF-2010 tuned to 11222KHz LSB`` Nils Schiffhauer, DK8OK: ``should be 11.220 USB, TE-204/USC-11 modem of US Air Force; measured baud rate of 150 Baud, four channels (Signals Analyser). See also: http://bit.ly/R6fSRh 73 Nils, DK8OK`` Mike Chace-Ortiz: ``It sounds like a broken USAF TE204 4FSK modem. Rarely heard these days`` Paul V. Zecchino, Manasota Key, Florida: ``Sounds even better on 11,220 USB, often used as secondary to 11175. Perhaps the airman forgot to break down the data link after phone patch was complete? Very strong at FL Gulf Coast QTH, within 150 miles of Cape Canaveral/Patrick AFB, etc.`` Brodyflavin: ``I haven't tracked this much today, but for those of you who have what are the max number of buzzes heard in a series? It would be stupid to do it this way, but im wondering if a number of buzzes corresponds to a certain letter or number? We'll never know for sure, I know...`` Nils, DK8OK: ``found also this info: http://signals.radioscanner.ru/base/signal82/ showing this signal in full swing and not seemingly distorted as now on 11.220 kHz`` Tony, Maidens, Scotland: ``I reviewed this very book in March in my blog and did put a link to it on here, obviously it was missed by some of you – much like Nils email ages ago describing exactly what the signal was!! The link to the review is: http://planesandstuff.wordpress.com/ Tony`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Associação DX do Brasil Novos itens disponiveis em www.adxb.com.br *Boletim "Alô Amigos" - Março/2014. *Boletim "Alô Amigos" - Abril/2014. *Informe DX desde o Brasil, por Jorge Silva - Janeiro, Fevereiro e Março/2014. *Próximos itens da promoção "Dê o seu lance" - Maio a Agosto/2014. Acesse o boletim em PDF Acesse o boletim em PDF Acesse o informe em PDF Acesse a informação em PDF Associação DX do Brasil Nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" do período de 01 a 30 de maio de 2014 Nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" do período de 01 a 30 de maio de 2014 Já está a disposição a nova promoção "Dê o seu lance" referente ao período de 01 a 30 de maio de 2014. Confira em www.adxb.com.br/exclusivo/lance.htm Radio Heritage Foundation Latest News and Fundraising Update www.radioheritage.net - May 3 2014 - Hello Top News * New 3 part group of features about broadcasting in Western Europe in the Retro Radio 1953 series has now gone live. This was the year the infamous Cold War between Russia and the West began, the year Stalin died, Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in the UK, and the Korean War ended. We call the group Retro Radio Free Europe...take a walk back 50 years to see the massive shortwave armada directed at the Iron Curtain countries, the massive expansion of post war FM across West Germany and Italy, and the signals from famous but long gone AM stations such as Radio Andorra, Radio Luxembourg and Radio Monte Carlo. * The final in the highly popular Long Lost Australian Radio Stars series is now live, with an in-depth look at 2GB Sydney, a station still going strong and leading the ratings after more than 80 years on the air. * Work continues on the remaining Retro Radio 1953 features such as South America and Central America, bringing to life many famous radio calls heard around the world from south of the border. * Work will start again soon on the Hawaii Radio Guide, a contemporary guide to stations on AM and FM across the Pacific state of Hawaii, and useful for visitors to the islands, those who want to listen to Hawaii from home, and anyone who wants to know how so many radio stations can survive in such a small radio market. * The Silk Road by Shortwave is a new feature currently under research. This will follow the famous Silk Road from Asia, through Central Asia and on to Europe comparing shortwave broadcasters along the route between 1953 and 2003. For those who remember Radio Tashkent for example, this will be a treat. * Visits to the website part of the project continue to grow, and we're still averaging around 80% new visitors each week, and about 20% regulars. However, we're not a mainstream feature of people's lives and more than 2.750 million websites rank higher tan www.radioheritage.net. This means that attracting sponsors is hard. * It's that time of the month. Our operating costs for May are $1,992 and early donations towards these will be very welcomed. * Regular $25 Regular Gold $35 Contributing $50 Sponsor $100 and many other supporter options including small regular payments to help the budget! * Your support is what keeps the project alive. Remember, 100% of donations go straight into keeping the project afloat. We are also 100% purely volunteer operated. We file full annual accounts and reports with our state regulator and are registered as a non-profit charitable organization. You can always access direct links to our reports at our regulator through any page at www.radioheritage.net * Individuals around the world who like and support what we do to keep radio heritage safe are the people who make it possible for the project to continue both behind the scenes, and online where free access 24/7 continues to hundreds of features and images. We're now in our 10th year and have seen other attempts to preserve radio memories come and go...... * Have any suggestions or ideas for new research projects or new features you want to see at www.radioheritage.net? Maybe something you'd like to work on yourself or with a few friends? Email us at [email protected] and tell us what you'd like to see and maybe what you could offer to do. In the meantime, enjoy, and if you can make a donation this month, please do so using the Paypal button on every page at www.radioheritage.net...and don't forget to use any of our Amazon book, movie or music links to do your online shopping. Warm regards - Radio Heritage Foundation - www.radioheritage.net - The Global Radio Memories Project - New Zealand based for the world Email code DX to be removed from this mailing list and allow 15 working days for a volunteer to find and remove your address. PS....check out Retro Radio Free Europe 1953 and 2GB Sydney both new and now online Alvin Mirabal El primer día con nuestro nombre en el aire y una tarea cumplida Por Arnaldo Coro Desde que salimos al aire el 24 de Febrero de 1961, nuestra emisora se dio a conocer como ¨ La Onda Corta Experimental Cubana ¨, lanzando sus señales al mundo desde el todavía en pleno proceso de construcción Centro Transmisor Internacional de Bauta al oeste de La Habana. Laboraban intensamente constructores, ingenieros de varias especialidades, técnicos de nivel medio en energética y telecomunicaciones, asi como los torreros que instalaban las antenas para que el complejo proyecto bajo la dirección de los ingenieros Jose Althshuler, Pedro Luis Torres, Sergio Segarra y Luis Mir quedara terminado lo mas pronto posible . ¿ Por qué la urgencia en tener en el aire los cuatro transmisores Brown Boveri y varias antenas dirigidas hacia diversas partes del mundo ? Con un visión muy realista del incremento de las agresiones de todo tipo contra Cuba, y habiendo pasado la experienci de la ¨ Operación Verdad ¨ casi en los primeros dias posteriores al derrocamiento de la tiranía de Batista, la dirección de la Revolución Cubana dio prioridad a la creación de una emisora de radiodifusión internacional dotada de la más avanzada tecnología disponible en aquellos tiempos. Correspondió al Consejo Técnico Asesor de Telecomunicaciones , entidad creada en el seno del Ministerio de Comunicaciones el realizar el proyecto del Centro Transmisor de Ondas Cortas, el cual fue concebido muy inteligentemente como multipropósito, es decir capaz no solamente de realizar transmisiones de radiodifusión sino también el brindar soporte a los servicios cablegráficos de la muy joven Agencia de Noticias Prensa Latina, e incluso dar apoyo en las comunicaciones telefónicas de larga distancia, en una epoca donde los satélites de telecomunicaciones no existían y mucho menos los cables submarinos de fibras ópticas. Pocos dias antes del Primero de Mayo de 1961, se planifica el llevar a cabo la que fue primera transmisión por control remoto desde el masivo acto en el cual Cuba celebraría la muy reciente victoria alcanzada en las arenas de Playa Girón y Playa Larga contra las fuerzas mercenarias invasoras de la Brigada J 2506. El Director Técnico de Radio Habana Cuba , ingeniero Carlos Julian Estrada Castro nos asignó la tarea de garantizar el enlace desde la Plaza de la Revolución hasta los estudios de Radio Progreso en Infanta 105, los cuales utilizaba muestra emisora mientras se instalaban los dos primeros estudios , el A y el B al fondo del sexto piso del edificio . El enlace se hizo por medio de líneas teléfonicas para radio difusión, duplicadas como se recomienda en estos casos, pero Estrada, siempre previsor, nos orientó instalar un radio enlace REL de 164 megaHertz en la base del Monumento a Jose Martí desde donde estaría situada la tribuna del acto . El primer problema, de no muy difícil solución fue instalar el equipo receptor del enlace REL Radio Engineering Laboratories colocando la antena tipo ¨ Reflector de Esquina¨ en la torre del edificio de Radio Progreso, apuntando hacia la la Plaza de la Revolución. Pero, al trasladarnos a la Plaza, nos encontramos con la dificultad de no contar con un mástil o torre donde colocar la antena transmisora del REL, lo cual se soluciónó amarrando la misma a una de las columnas de adorno. La primera prueba realizada confirmó que la recepción de la señal del enlace REL en Infanta 105 era excelente, por lo cual nos dimos a la tarea de fijar la antena lo mejor posible , y llevar el cable coaxial hacia el transmisor que situamos en la unidad de control remoto recien llegada de Checoslovaquia , montada sobre un camión Praga. Desde la ubicación de la unidad móvil pudimos ser testigos de la triunfal marcha de las tropas que le causaron al imperialismo la primera gran derrota en América. Ante mis ojos desfilaron soldados del Ejército Rebelde vestidos de verde olivo, junto a los integrantes de los Batallones de la Milicias Nacionales y la Policia Nacional Revolucionaria mientras en los instrumentos de la consola de audio se registraban las señales captadas por los micrófonos en la tribuna de la Plaza de la Revolución. Manteníamos una continua observación sobre los parámetros del enlace REL, el cual según nos afirmaba el ingenier Miguel Angel Solano desde el Control Maestro de Radio Progreso, daba una mucho mejor calidad de audio que las líneas telefónicas, evidente razón por la cual el Maestro Estrada, como cariñosamente le llamábamos los jóvene técnicos, había orientado que se colocara en la Plaza el mejor sistema de radioenlace con que contaba la Oficina de Coordinación para la Radiodifusión del Ministerio de Comunicaciones, antecesora de lo un año más tardesería el Instituto Cubano de Radiodifusión. Alvin Mirabal Día Mundial de la Radio por Pedro Martínez Pírez Radio Habana Cuba Radio Habana Cuba se sumará el próximo jueves a las celebraciones por el Dia Mundial de la Radio, que fue proclamado hace tres años por la UNESCO, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. La iniciativa de establecer el Día Mundial de la Radio surgió hace seis años desde la Academia Española de la Radio, pero no fue hasta noviembre de 2011 cuando la Trigésimo Sexta Conferencia de la UNESCO, dirigida por la Directora General de ese organismo, Irina Bokova, le dio su aprobación. Desde entonces ese Día Mundial se celebra cada 13 de febrero en coincidencia con la fecha de creación de la Radio de Naciones Unidas, en 1946, un año después de la fundación de la ONU. Las primeras transmisiones de Radio ONU fueron por onda corta desde Nueva York, y consistían en versiones de los órganos más importantes de las Naciones Unidas en los seis idiomas oficiales. Hasta 2005 el servicio de radio de la ONU producía noticieros, reportajes y documentales que se distribuían por teléfono y mediante casetes de audio a más de cien países, entre ellos Cuba. A partir de esa fecha Radio ONU se sumó a la revolución digital y comenzó a ofrecer sus servicios directamente desde su página en Internet. Para Radio Habana Cuba, son muy valiosos los servicios de Radio de Naciones Unidas, de los cuales hemos podido obtener, además de las informaciones sobre temas puntuales debatidos en la Asamblea General, copias de alta calidad de intervenciones históricas en Nueva York de líderes cubanos, especialmente de Fidel Castro, Ernesto Guevara y del canciller Raúl Roa García. Como la radio continúa evolucionando en la era digital, sigue siendo el medio con mayor audiencia en todo el mundo. Se reconoce a la radio como un medio de comunicación especialmente apropiado para llegar a las comunidades alejadas y a las personas vulnerables como los analfabetos, los discapacitados, las mujeres y los pobres. La radio es el medio más económico y efectivo en situaciones de emergencia y en operaciones de socorro, como lo prueban también los radioaficionados. Como emisora de onda corta Radio Habana Cuba atesora valiosas informaciones. Fue escuchada en las prisiones por destacados luchadores sociales como el puertorriqueño Rafael Cancel Miranda, en Estados Unidos; el general Líber Seregni, en Uruguay; el líder comunista Ananías Maidana, en Paraguay, y el combatiente cubano Carlos Alberto Marú, quien estuvo durante tres años preso en una cárcel de la Sudáfrica racista. El entonces joven militar venezolano Hugo Chávez Frías escuchó en septiembre de 1973, por primera vez, la voz del líder cubano Fidel Castro en una transmisión de Radio Habana Cuba a raíz del golpe fascista contra el presidente constitucional chileno Salvador Allende. La radio cubana, que se extiende a lo largo de todo el archipiélago, celebra su fecha nacional el 22 de agosto porque ese día del año 1922 el notable músico y patriota cubano Luis Casas Romero inició las transmisiones radiales en la Mayor de las Antillas. Al 22 de agosto se ha sumado desde hace tres años el 13 de febrero, Día Mundial de la Radio, y Cuba lo celebra con el orgullo de haber sido en 1945 uno de los países fundadores de las Naciones Unidas, y de haber recibido hace muy poco en La Habana a Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de la ONU, quien asistió a la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, y antes, en noviembre de 2012, a la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova. Siddhartha Bhattacharjee The Voice Asia INTERNET WINNER of last months quiz is Tanveer Siddiq of Lahore Pakistan ENTER the Monthly Quiz for ... http://thevoiceasia.com/competition/#.U2Sufz0meKs.facebook Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Comentario Muchos de los temas sobre el significado de la palabra “Radio” o bien, la frase “La Radio” que aquí discutimos son, aunque expuestos de forma sencilla, debatibles en torno a la filosofía individual de cada uno de nosotros de cómo percibe “La Radio “. Para mí, existen una serie de aspectos verdaderamente fundamentales que considero. Primero. Soy de los que me fascina la radio, los potentes transmisores, las enormes antenas, los edificios donde albergan estaciones radiales, los locutores etc. etc. Segundo. Creo en que debo ser fiel a una o algunas estaciones radiales y ser consecuente con la programación que ponen y sus horarios. Por esa miasma razón, no creo mucho ( como otros ) en poner con mucha frecuencia un enorme grupo de estaciones de radio que escucho. En otros foros, hay quienes “postean” que escucharon o captaron (ej) 20 estaciones por decir; esa, no es mi teoría. Prefiero “postear “que solo escuche UNA estación radial y comentar sobre lo que escuche. Tercero. A tenor con lo anterior, no tengo ninguna objeción en escuchar estaciones de radio usando mi ordenador ( computadora ) o un radio con capacidad de trabajar estaciones que transmiten utilizando sistemas satelitales. Lo hago muy limitadamente solo para escuchar música en mi hogar contactando Pandora Radio. Cuarto. Mi verdadera pasión es la de escuchar estaciones que transmitan lo que Yo llamo de punto a punto. Utilizando sus enormes antenas, sus viejos transmisores y donde la señal sale como lo es en el caso de Cuba, de un punto (x) hasta la antena en mi hogar y de ahí a mi receptor. A tenor con esta filosofía mía, validar, la calidad de la recepción mientras uso y experimento con varios receptores de Base o Portables. Así lo hago cuando utilizo mi ICOM 725, mí Kenwood T570S y mi Kenwood R2000 (señor de señores. O hacer la misma prueba con tres titanes que son el Tecsun, el Kaito y mi viejo Grundig. La misma prueba hago usando una antena dipolo, mi tribanda. Seguiría escribiendo pero vale la pena dejar espacio para comentarios. Eso caballeros, es lo que significa para mi esto que conozco como La Radio. Yimber Gaviria http://www.abu.org.my/Latest_News-@-ABC_Australia_... http://www.abu.org.my/Latest_News-@-ABC_Australia_launches_new_radio_station.aspx When the ABC launched its first youth station on Sunday morning, 19 January 1975, it was called 2JJ (Double J). The renamed Dig now pays homage to that piece of Australian Radio history, and evokes the iconic name that will resonate with listeners who remember the original Double J. Listeners in Australia can tune in to Double J on their mobile via the ABC Radio App, online at www.doublej.net.au, or via the digital radio or TV. Australia’s public broadcaster the ABC has this week launched the newest addition to its radio family, Double J. After six months of audience and industry consultation, the ABC has rebranded existing digital radio service Dig Music to Double J from Wednesday 30 April. The station will focus on new music, celebrate Australia’s iconic music and provide access to its sister station triple j interview and sound archives. Double J's website will feature videos, reviews, illustrations and a unique new audio player, as well as music writing from some of the country’s most well-informed music specialists. ABC Managing Director Mark Scott said at the event: “Double J strengthens the ABC’s Digital Radio offering by catering to the demographic between triple j and the other ABC networks. It provides an outlet for contemporary Australian music aimed at the over 30s on air, online and on mobile. We’re thrilled to be able to provide such a unique service and I’m confident that triple j’s management and programming expertise will make it a great success.” When the ABC launched its first youth station on Sunday morning, 19 January 1975, it was called 2JJ (Double J). The renamed Dig now pays homage to that piece of Australian Radio history, and evokes the iconic name that will resonate with listeners who remember the original Double J. Listeners in Australia can tune in to Double J on their mobile via the ABC Radio App, online at www.doublej.net.au, or via the digital radio or TV. Dino Bloise John Costa Minuta N° 1 y 2 Acusando recibo de amigo LU5CAB Juan Luís Costa. Minuta N ° 1 Estimados HAM, YL and OM: Les informo que hoy tendría que haberse editado el Semanario "Escuchas y Comentarios LU-DX" ,pero por las circunstancias de una falla en el Ordenador ,ha estado en reparación. Durante roda esta ausencia han ocurrido hechos muy importante ,entre ellos la Semana Santa y la Pascua de Resurrección . Para la grey Judía fue el Pesaj. Otro fue mi Cumpleaños o Happy Birthday N°79. De todos estos hechos he recibido numerosas salutaciones y buenaventura de muchos amigos y colegas. Les informo que en el día de la fecha no saldrá el Boletín ,pues tengo que leer mucha documentación para observar lo actual y lo vencido. Ademas no he seguido la propagación y las Manchas Solares y estimo que el martes deben haber estado buenas las condiciones ,leyendo solamente los Indices. Estimo que la semana venidera tampoco se editara ,pues estoy a la espera de lo que ha preparado un colega,según lo hablado con la gente de la ARRL y la URE. Sera un Blog,ya les daré mas información . Había preparado dos 1° Escuchas y Comentarios LU-DX . 2°.- Predicción y Propagación. Anoche me llamo Diego LU8ADX,diciendo que esta en preparación un Blogger como LU5CAB. INFORMARE CON LA ANTELACIÓN NECESARIA LO QUE ACONTEZCA. 73/88 & DX para todos . Con afecto. Ing John Costa- LU5CAB GRACIAS – Con referencia al Semanario “Escuchas y Comentarios LU-DX N°655”. Este nuevo número se editara el próximo día jueves 08 de mayo, así que posiblemente que conjuntamente de las Manchas de ½ Noche lo podrán tener en vuestros Ordenadores. Como observación les comunico que antes se editaba por E Listas , pero ahora lo podrán buscar en el Blog >Radio!CAB!5913 <. Con los deseos de estar de nuevo en contacto , aprovecho para saludar muy atentamente. 73/88 & DX Ing. Juan Luís Costa –LU5CAB https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152424553846908&set=gm.675921292443078&type=1&theater Glenn Hauser Logs May 2-3, 2014 ** CHINA. Firedrake/CNR1 jammer search May 3: 16770, May 3 at 1259, CNR1 jammer, very poor but // 13830 15195, May 3 at 1253, CNR1 at good level, mixed with Firedrake, fair 13850, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, good 13830, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, very good 13795, May 3 at 1256, CNR1 jammer, fair; no others 12-18 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 11760, May 3 at 0203, RHC Spanish has some CCI, near zero-beat, no het, also in Spanish. Aoki shows: V of Islamic Republic of Iran, in Spanish at 0020-0220, 500 kW, 274 degrees from Kamalabad. CIRAF targets per HFCC are 11 thru 15, i.e. all of South America except Patagonia; Central America; Caribbean including Cuba! Altho RHC has used 11760 for 53 years, how can the Iranians know that, since Cuba refuses to participate in HFCC as that would entail negotiating with evil Americans?? Maybe turn on a radio? Naah. Altho RHC is atop here, situation should be much worse further east and south, including in the skip zone around Habana. Iran has another 11760 broadcast at 0320-0520, Azeri via Sirjan, aimed 336 degrees which happens to also be right toward North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 9315, May 3 at 0157, surprised to find no signal at all here from R. Cairo, yet 9965 in Arabic has very good steady strength, so not due to propagation. No, not back on previous frequency 9720 either. 0201 retune, now the 9315 transmitter is on as R. Cairo opens English to North America amid heavy hum and distortion. Then goes into deep fade and gone again, and back up again. This must be due to the transmitter/power fluxuating, unusual situation; but they might as well turn it all the way off if they can`t fix the modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 11820, May 3 at 0204, very nice flute and string music, // weaker 9790. Once again I am getting VIRI`s Kazakh service, *way* off-target yet with a VG signal on 11820, whose azimuth is 5 degrees from Sirjan, not too far from near-transpolar route to here. Music turns out to be only relief during otherwise talk feature, more of same every few minutes, 0210, etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA [non]! ** MEXICO. 960, May 3 at 0501 UT, for the third time this week, previously April 28 and May 2, XEK, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, is the inhabitant of KGWA`s Fox-hole of dead air: ID mentions it started on ``17 de mayo de 1937, en el 960 de su radio, con 5 mil watts``; choral NA but very short, only about a minute without the multiverses, then playing same ID announcement again, 0502 on to music. May we expect something special on May 17, 2014? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1010, May 3 at 0217 UT, from SSW, talk about the Familia García, mentions Coahuila and a .7 FM; seems to be religious-tinged advice show, 0219 romantic or devotional song, 0223 fading. Per Cantú there are two in Coahuila, but XEVK fits better: 1010 XEKD K De Oro Cd. Acuña, Coah. 500 250 1010 XEVK Tu Recuerdo + FM 106.7 Torreón, Coah. 5,000 1,000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Continuing sporadic-E TV DX opening May 2 from previous report: no big build-up but more peaks here and there: 1645 UT, ch 2, fade-in, bug in upper right, unknown 1725 UT, ch 2, square bug in lower right, unknown, talk show 1753 UT, ch 2 & 3, toons on Televisa net-5, oval italic 5 bug in lower right; briefly stronger video on 3, little if any audio, meaning MUF between 62 and 67 MHz. This 5 is well inside what might be any overscan or HD corner. 1758 UT, ch 2, novela in and out briefly, no bug visible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1640, May 3 at 1221 UT, KZLS Enid in open carrier, dead air except for pervasive hum; comes to life on hourbottom for Blaze ``news``, ending at 1232 UT and back to dead air. Why should anyhuman at the station listen to their own output?? Can it be that hard to run automation so it`s fail-safe or sets off silence alarums? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, May 3 at 1359 UT amid `Performance Oklahoma` on KUCO Edmond, on the DX-398 I notice the RDS has been updated to statically display: 90.1KUCO instead of KCSC-FM. So far no other AM or FM station has grabbed the available KCSC call (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9955 & 7570, May 3 at 0549, Brother Scare audio feed via WRMI is cutting off more than it`s on, making him even more unlistenable than usual, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 9465, May 3 at 0158, poor signal with Turkish music, I suppose the TRT IS which is no longer distinctive and repetitive, as VOT is scheduled 02-03 in Uighur, 500 kW, 72 degrees from Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12105, Saturday May 3 at 1246, WTWW-3 is on unexpectedly before nominal *1300, and still no Bibling; instead, it`s Ted Randall with his country music show ``tonight`` which originally runs Sunday evenings/UT Mondays on WTWW-2 5085. VG signal, while the other two are still on night channels 5085 and 5830 with BS and PPP respectively. After playing a sad song by Lori Morgan, ``A Picture of Me Without You``, Ted muses about how we mustn`t let The Devil mess up our lives; 1258 taking a request from Honduras (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1100, May 3 at 0215 UT, talk host from NW discussing ``gamma waves`` (not rays) in his brain, totally separable from baseball on WTAM Cleveland from the NE and roughly equal strength until the former cuts off abruptly, how rude! 0215 UT is indeed official FCC sunset in May for KNZZ Grand Junxion CO, after ND 50 kW daytime. It`s 10 kW direxional at night, or 36 kW during Critical Hours, tight figure-8 slightly counterclockwise from N/S, approx. 349/174 degree peaks, 80/260 degree deep nulls, each almost as nully plus/minus 20 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 96.3, May 2 at 2013 UT on caradio, since I had Mexico on TV earlier, I`m on lookout for any signs of FM DX. On this normally open frequency, a quick fade-in-and-out not in Spanish, but English ``music station channel 9-6-3``, soon gone before could evaluate what kind of music. Must have been airplane scatter thanks to Vance AFB, as KZCH Derby (Wichita) KS goes by ``Channel 9-6-3`` per Wikipedia, tho WTFDA FM Database has it as ``Channel 96 point 3``. (The *real channel* number is 242, but only FCC uses them; never caught on amongst broadcasters.) (BTW, 96.3 may not be open much longer as there is a CP for a translator in Enid of 95.1 KQCV, which will also ruin reception here of 96.1 KXXY OKC) (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 11222, May 3 at 0212, the buzzy pulser is still here with a widely varying number of pulses per group (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Anatoly Klepov “RUS-DX” # 766 “RUS-DX” # 766 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya - Sunday / 04, May 2014 Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC – Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia E-mail : [email protected] Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) Groups : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rusdx (Russian / English) “RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source. MAY 7 - DAY RADIO IN RUSSIA. CONGRATULATE ALL READERS EDITION HAPPY RADIO IN RUSSIA! (Editor) RUSSIA - Moscow Russian service " Voice of Russia " published a schedule of broadcasting on the FM band Armenia http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/armenia.pdf Georgia http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/georgia.pdf Kazakhstan http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/kazakhstan.pdf Crimea http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/krim.pdf Kyrgyzstan http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/kyrgyzstan.pdf Latvia http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/latvia.pdf Lithuania http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/lithuania.pdf Moldova http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/moldova.pdf Tajikistan http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/tajikistan.pdf Ukraine http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/ukraine.pdf Estonia http://rus.ruvr.ru/images/static/frequencies/estonia.pdf Also there is a DAB- broadcast in Switzerland and 3 communications satellite. http://rus.ruvr.ru/radio_broadcast/frequencies/ (Aleksandr Diadischev, Ukraine / "deneb-radio-dx"). ADYGEYAN REPUBLIC RUSSIAN FEDERATION / ADYGEYAN REPUBLIC : Today is 29 April 2014 Tuesday and at 1700-1800 UTC on 7325 KHz there is not any station. The published in RUS DX # 538 schedule of Adygey Radio is partly incorrect. For decades AR is on the air on Mondays,Fridays and Sundays (and not on Tuesdays). Now Fridays from 1700 and on Sundays from 1800 in Adygeyan and Mondays from 1700 in Adygeyan followed by translations in Arabic and Turkish ( some items in Turkish text are add also translated in Kurdish) - all on traditional for our summertime freq 7325 - all observed on 21, 25 and 27th April . (Rumen Pankov / Sofia / Bulgaria ) "RUS-DX PLUS" PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET Bulgarian DX blog - Shortwave DXDX-ing from Bulgaria Sunday, April 27, 2014 Frequency changes for Voice of Tibet TIBET(non) More and more frequency changes for Voice of Tibet: 1200-1215 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548 1215-1230 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1230-1245 NF 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15577 1245-1300 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15583 1300-1315 NF 15538 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15547 1300-1315 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15563 1315-1330 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1315-1330 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1330-1345 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1330-1345 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1345-1400 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15537 1345-1400 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15582 1400-1415 on 15525 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change 1400-1415 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1415-1430 on 15530 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change 1415-1430 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5 Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes BCBC-DX 1159, 28 April 2014 - edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany BELARUS Summer A-14 shortwave transmissions from Belarus Belarussian Radio 1 (including relay Radio Stalitza, Radio Grodno) 0400-0700 11930 MNS 125 kW 072 deg to EaEUR Belarussian 1500-1700 7255 MNS 125 kW 072 deg to EaEUR Belarussian 1500-2100 6080 MNS 100 kW 127 deg to NE/ME Belarussian Radio Belarus Minsk 1100-1400 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Belarussian 1400-1600 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian 1600-1800 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Polish 1705-1800 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Polish 1800-1940 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German 1800-1940 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German 1940-2000 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri 1940-2000 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri 1940-2000 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu 1940-2000 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu 2000-2020 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu 2000-2020 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu 2000-2020 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri 2000-2020 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri 2020-2200 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English 2020-2200 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English 2200-2300 7255 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Russian 2200-2300 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian (unid via RUSdx April 20) CHINA/GERMANY/KUWAIT/MARIANA ISL {Saipan Tinian}/MONGOLIA/PHILIPPINES/ SRI LANKA/THAILAND/TAJIKISTAN/UAE New freq of RFA Tibetan on 18980 kHz from Kuwait(?) RFA Tibetan on April 25. 0100-0200 17685 … 9885TJK … 0200-0300 … 9885TJK 0600-0700 … 17510TJK 1100-1200 …13830TJK … 1200-1300 …15195TJK, 13830TJK … 1300-1400 … 15195TJK, 13830TJK …. 1500-1600 … 9370TJK 2200-2300 … 7505TJK 2300-2400 9875TJK … (de Hiroshi; Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, dxld April 25) KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 4820.67 Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, at 0040-0050 UT on April 6, Kyrgyz speech, best in USB, weak heterodyne from Xizang 4820 kHz fading out, 44333 \\ 4010 kHz (55444). (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW via RUSdx April 20) 4010.063 Kyrgyz Radio 1, Bishkek Krasnaya Rechka, very tiny signal on downunder QSL-AUS remote unit. 1550 UT April 21. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) RUSSIAN FEDERATION The only shortwave station (except the 1st of AprilPomore radio on 5930 kHz ?) from RF seems is Radio Maykop of Adygey Republic heard 16-23 April on 7325 kHz via Krasnodar Armavir Tbilliskaya tx site, on Fridays 1700-1800 and Sundays 1800-1900 UT in Adygeyan, and Mondays 1700-1800 UT in Adygeyan, Arabic, Turkish (and some items also translated in Kurdish). <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adygea> (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27) 1089 QSL card. On the front side Photo radiotelebashni and the inscription Krasnodar Krayevoy Broadcasting Center. Russian radio and television. Krasnodar region. KRTPTS. "Dear Anatoly thanks for your letter and a report on the hearing of a radio station that broadcasts of pos.Oktyabrsky, Tbilisi district of Krasnodar region. Program "Vesti FM". Date 01.04.2014 year. Broadcast time 2100-2200 UT. Frequency of 1089 kHz. PB-681 transmitter. 1200 kW. Antenna ARRTZ. Circular pattern. Best wishes, good luck and Aether ! The return address on the envelope: KRTPTS, ul. Radio 3-A, 350038 Krasnodar,Russia. (Victor RU6AX, RUSdx April 27) UKRAINE/RUSSIA In Crimea, Ukrainian FM-station was replaced by Russian. State Special Communication Service of Ukraine will complain to the International Telecommunication Union. Instead Ukrainian radio stations began broadcasting in the Russian Crimea. In the FM-band radio Russia appeared such as "Vesti FM", "Europe Plus", "Russkoe Radio", "Autoradio", Energy, found "Capital" promonitoriv range radio-ether. "You listen to us online?" - Asked yesterday leading radio "News" from the caller to the radio listener from Sevastopol, not knowing that they are already on the air. On the radio goes both local and Russian advertising. In addition, in the Crimean air continue to broadcast local radio stations such as, for example, Leader FM. General Director of "Kiss FM" Anton Tseslik says that "for good" must be issued new licenses for broadcasting (new Crimean regulator or Russian). But such information, he said, have neither the Crimean local broadcasters or Ukrainian. Official information on tenders for radio frequencies under the FM-radio station in site Minkomsvyazi Rossii these did not appear. Minister of Information and Communications of Crimea By Dmitry Polonskiy on a business trip, said yesterday his assistant. At the request of the Ministry by email yesterday, no response. Recall that in early April in the Crimea from ether lost a number of Ukrainian radio stations. 6 In particular broadcasters "Taurus Media" - Russian radio, Hit FM, Kiss FM, Radio Roks, Relax, Radio Melody, as well as holding UMH - Autoradio, our radio, Europa Plus, etc." Radio Chanson "and" Favorite Radio" (Jukebox), are included in the Business Radio Group, and were forced to stop broadcasting in the Crimea on the background of the situation, said yesterday, "Capital" in the source group. According to research company "GFK Ukraine", in the southern region of Ukraine (including Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson) at the end of the first quarter of 2014, there were about 1.4 million listeners aged 12 to 65 years. According to the director, "Taurus Media" Igor Chernyshev, their partners in the Crimea forced to disable the radio. Press secretary UMH Julia Vasilenko added that further radio group is not technically feasible. Yesterday, representatives of the media groups noted that the situation in Crimea has not changed. Sales Representative Europa Plus (Ukraine) said that some residents of Crimea listen radio online mode call and participate in quizzes. Head of Administration of State Special Communication Service Vladimir Zverev notes that in the Crimea from the Russian broadcasters (including television) not included in the broadcast rights, as radio frequency assignment of equipment, and the equipment itself is the property of Ukraine. On this issue, the agency appealed to the International Telecommunication Union and finds this flagrant violation of their rights. FM-wave in close proximity to the warm sea can be spread over long distances and interfere with communications of other states, if their use is not pre-harmonized at the international level. Press secretary Roskomnadzora Vadim Ampelonskiy said he had no information on the use of radiofrequency - one in the Crimea, and added that such data can only clarify a few days. (capital.ua - OnAir.ru, via RUSdx April 27) UZBEKISTAN [and non] Statement regarding blocking of BBCUzbek.com website Date: 02.04.2014 Category: World Service; Corporate <http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/statements/peter-horrocks-uzbek.html> The Director of the BBC World Service, Peter Horrocks, has issued the following statement regarding the blocking of the BBCUzbek.com website. "The BBC is committed to providing an impartial and fair news service to its audiences in Uzbekistan and is asking Uzbek authorities to stop blocking the BBC Uzbek site without delay. Over a period of months, BBC Uzbek pages have become unavailable in the country, and users in Uzbekistan want to know why the service is no longer accessible." The BBC wrote to the Uzbek authorities about blocking, which began in November 2013, but have had no response and no explanation. PR (via Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, dxld via RUSdx April 6) Uzbek SW broadcasts from BBC, and VOA (at least) are also jammed by the Chinese Commmunication - on behalf of Uzbekistan, or because Uzbek is a Turkic language understood by some in China, such as Uighurs? (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld via RUSdx April 20) Log on 60 mb, poor lousy reception condition April 21, 1550 - 1635 UT. 4010.063 Kyrgyz Radio 1, Bishkek Krasnaya Rechka, very tiny signal on downunder QSL-AUS remote SDR unit. 1550 UT April 21. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 21) HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 136, Issue 34 Second harmonic of Voice of Martyrs or 2 x 7525 = 15050 KOREA NORTH(non) Second harmonic of Voice of Martyrs or 2 x 7525 = 15050: 1600-1730 on 7525 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg to KRE Korean, see video on April 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TniUdVpO1e4 73! - Ivo Ivanov HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 136, Issue 35 Summer A-14 schedule of Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow CLANDESTINE to IRAN(non) Summer A-14 of Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow: 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri till Sept.26 1700-1730 on 7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri from Sept.29 (73! - Ivo Ivanov) Shortwave Central blog - Monday, April 28, 2014 2014 QSLing Russia's Radio Maykop Russian Federation The only shortwave station (except the 1st of April Pomore radio on 5930 kHz ?) from RF seems is Radio Maykop of Adygey Republic heard 16-23 April on 7325 kHz via Krasnodar Armavir Tbilliskaya tx site, on Fridays 1700-1800 and Sundays 1800-1900 UT in Adygeyan, and Mondays 1700-1800 UT in Adygeyan, Arabic, Turkish (and some items also translated in Kurdish). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adygea (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 27) 1089 QSL card. On the front side Photo radiotelebashni and the inscription Krasnodar Krayevoy Broadcasting Center. Russian radio and television. Krasnodar region. KRTPTS. "Dear Anatoly thanks for your letter and a report on the hearing of a radio station that broadcasts of pos.Oktyabrsky, Tbilisi district of Krasnodar region. Program "Vesti FM". Date 01.04.2014 year. Broadcast time 2100-2200 UT. Frequency of 1089 kHz. PB-681 transmitter. 1200 kW. Antenna ARRTZ. Circular pattern. Best wishes, good luck and Aether ! The return address on the envelope: KRTPTS, ul. Radio 3-A, 350038 Krasnodar, Russia. (Victor RU6AX, RUSdx April 27) (WWDXC/Top Nx 1159) Ontario DX Association - Province of Ontario, Canada. Target Listening, May 2014 by Country, Harold Sellers Abkhazia [separtist area of Georgia] Apsua Radio *0700-0800 Abkhaz, 0800-0810* Russian 9535 irregularly Mon, Wed & Fri. Armenia Radio Sadaye Zindagi *1500- Dari, 1530-1600*Pashto 9400. Voice of Armenia *1415-1430 irregular, Armenian; 1430-1500* Farsi 4810. (Ivo, DX Re Mix News via DXLD Mar 8/14) Azerbaijan Radio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of Justice *0600-0630*W/Sa, *1400-1430* Tu/F, 9677.6v, in Azeri. Belarus Radio Belarus, Belarussian *0400-0700* 7255. English *2020(2000- Tu/W/F)-2200* 7255,11730. Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz National Radio, First Program 4010, 4795, 4821 *0000> in Kyrgyz and Russian. Lithuania Radio Free Asia *2300-2400* Tibetan 9875. Pridnestrovie (Moldova) Radio Miraya *0300-0600* 11565, in English & Arabic. (see South Sudan). Denge Kurdistane *0300-0500>, <1300-1500* Kurdish 11510. (Ivo, DX Re Mix News, Mar 28/14) Russia (European) Radio Magic Eye *1200-1600* Fridays only, Russian, 25900. Tajikistan Radio Tajikistan <2300-0400> Tajik 4765. Democratic Voice of Burma *1430-1530* Burmese &dialects 11560. (Hashimoto via DXLD Mar 31/14) Uzbekistan NHK World Radio Japan *1400-1430* English 11695. Vatican Radio *0140-0200* English 11730. DXDX-Window No. 504 - from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark - Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen - April April 30, 2014 DX NEWS CLANDESTINES and other Target Broadcasts 7505, Voice of Martyrs, via Toshkent, 1710, Apr 19, local programme, 44444. (Giroletti) 11560, R Miraya, via Grigoriopol, *0300-0411, Apr 22, opened with regional vocals, English ID mentioning news, more vocals with Arabic anns at 0326. At 0400 ID, several jingles and slogans before more music (this time rap songs) began. Fair. (D’Angelo) 15562, Voice of Tibet, Dushanbe, 1353, Apr 27, Tibetan talk, five short time beeps at 1400, ID, talk, 33433. (Ashar) UKRAINE / RUSSIA In Crimea, Ukrainian FM-station which were replaced by Russian State Special Communication Service of Ukraine will complain to the International Telecommunication Union. Instead Ukrainian radio stations began broadcasting in the Russian Crimea. In the FM-band radio Russia appeared such as "Vesti FM”, “Europe Plus”, "Russkoe Radio", “Autoradio”, “Energy”, “Capital”. "You listen to us online ?" asked yesterday leading radio "News" from the caller to the radio listener from Sevastopol, not knowing that they are already on the air. On the radio goes both local and Russian advertising. In addition, in the Crimean air continue to broadcast local radio stations such as, for example, “Leader FM”. General Director of "Kiss FM" Anton Tseslik says that "for good" must be issued new licenses for broadcasting (by new Crimean regulator or Russian). But such information, he said, have neither support of the Crimean local broadcasters or Ukrainian. Official information on tenders for radio frequencies under the FM-radio station in site Minkomsvyazi Rossii these did not appear, Minister of Information and Communications of Crimea Dmitry Polonskiy on a business trip, said yesterday via his assistant. At the request of the Ministry by e-mail yesterday, no response . Recall that in early April in the Crimea from ether lost a number of Ukrainian radio stations. 6 in particular broadcasters “Taurus Media” - Russian radio, Hit FM, Kiss FM, Radio Roks, Relax, Radio Melody, as well as holding UMH - Autoradio , our radio, Europa Plus, etc."Radio Chanson" and "Favorite Radio" (Jukebox ), are included in the Business Radio Group, and were forced to stop broadcasting in the Crimea on the background of the situation, said yesterday "Capital" in the source group. According to research company “GFK Ukraine”, in the southern region of Ukraine (including Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson) at the end of the first quarter of 2014, there were about 1.4 million listeners aged 12 to 65 years. According to the director, "Taurus Media" Igor Chernyshev, their partners in the Crimea forced to disable the radio. Press secretary UMH Julia Vasilenko added that further radio group is not technically feasible. Yesterday, representatives of the media groups noted that the situation in Crimea has not changed. Sales Representative Europa Plus (Ukraine) said that some residents of Crimea listen radio online mode call and participate in quizzes. Head of Administration of State Special Communication Service Vladimir Zverev notes that in the Crimea from the Russian broadcasters (including television) not included in the broadcast rights, as radio frequency assignment of equipment, and the equipment itself is the property of Ukraine. On this issue, the agency appealed to the International Telecommunication Union and finds this flagrant violation of their rights. FM-wave in close proximity to the warm sea can be spread over long distances and interfere with communications of other states, if their use is not preharmonized at the international level. Press secretary Roskomnadzora Vadim Ampelonskiy said he had no information on the use of radiofrequency, one in the Crimea , and added that such data can only clarify a few days. (capital.ua via OnAir.ru via RUS-DX No.765, Apr 27) DX RE MIX NEWS # 850 - from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. - Date April 30, 2014 TIBET(non) More and more frequency changes for Voice of Tibet: 1200-1215 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15548 1215-1230 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1230-1245 NF 15557 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15577 1245-1300 NF 15563 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15583 1300-1315 NF 15538 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15547 1300-1315 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15563 1315-1330 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1315-1330 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1330-1345 NF 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15542 1330-1345 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1345-1400 NF 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg to EaAs Chinese, ex 15537 1345-1400 NF 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15582 1400-1415 on 15525 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change 1400-1415 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 1415-1430 on 15530 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs Tibetan no change 1415-1430 NF 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 15588 All frequencies are jammed by China on xxxx0 / xxxx5 Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes Club Radio - April 2014 - Editor: Igor Guzey, Moscow, Russia Chita region . Chita – Radio Zvezda. April 1 Radio Zvezda began broadcasting in Chita on frequency 107,4 FM. Now you can hear in Chita educational programs Radio Zvezda , many of whom were winners of various competitions media. Among these programs " Now I'll know ," " My Russia . Radioputeshestvie "," Operations of special units "," History Award "," Unsuccessful interview "," There ! A story to tell ... "," Secret polygon "," Interesting movies "and others. And the evening and night on Radio STAR - the most interesting books : history, travel, Russian and world classics . Nizhny Novgorod region. Nizhny Novgorod In the city of Nizhny Novgorod on frequency 98,0 Fm started broadcasting station image Bashkortostan . Ufa - Love Radio By regional network broadcasting Love Radio joined Ufa Republic of Bashkortostan , the frequency of 90.0 MHz broadcasting . Potential audience 1141,1 thousand people. Regional partner Love Radio - LLC "GROWTH", CEO - Ibatullin RN Apart from Ufa, a regional network broadcasting Love Radio includes such megacities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Kazan , Krasnoyarsk , Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk , Samara , Togliatti, Tula and other . The official website for Love Radio: www.loveradio.ru. Help : Love Radio - one of the radio stations Krutoy Media. According to TNS Russia ( July - December 2013. ) , Daily coverage of the radio station is 3 million 184 thousand people, has a weekly reach 8 million 833 thousand people. Regional network broadcasting Love Radio has broadcast in 133 cities of Russia and CIS countries. Tomsk region . Tomsk - Russian Radio , Mayak, The Voice of Russia Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company ( RTR) radio stations refused to broadcast " Radio Russia ", " Mayak " and " Voice of Russia " in the long- , medium- and short-wave bands in the Tomsk region , the press service of the regional administration on Friday . " The company reported that the broadcasts were terminated due to the reduction in funding from the federal budget , the high cost of electricity for transmission equipment , low signal quality , limited fleet receivers specified ranges of the population " - are reported according to the head of the regional committee of transport and communication infrastructure Helena GALTZOVA . RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/tomsk/20140411/1003448624.html # ixzz30MeOYFTi Tatarstan. Kazan - " Radio Villa " Today , April 14, 2014 in Kazan began broadcasting two radio stations holding Krutoy Media. At a frequency of 90.2 MHz - " Radio Dacha ", at a frequency of 89.7 MHz - "Taxi FM». Potential audience - 1290,0 thousand people. Licenses for radio broadcasting belong Krutoy Media. This is the second after the St. Petersburg branch of the holding. Branch Director - Vasily Firsov In addition, since 2005 . Kazan relayed Love Radio. Thus , brands Krutoy Media received full representation in the capital of Tatarstan. Krutoy Media - one of the leading radio holdings , combining radio Love Radio, « Radio Villa " and " Taxi FM». On the basis of its own broadcasting licenses " Radio Dacha " carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi , Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk , Tyumen, Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Perm and Kazan. The plans - Astrakhan, Nizhny Tagil , Blagoveshchensk , Ryazan , Ulyanovsk and Naberezhnye Chelny. Based on their own licenses Love Radio broadcasting is carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. The plans - Chelyabinsk and Ivanovo. "Taxi FM» on the basis of their own broadcasting licenses in Moscow and Kazan. The total daily audience Krutoy Media stations is 8 million weekly - 22 million listeners. Total number of radio transmitters Krutoy Media, accommodation in broadcasting in Russia and the CIS , is 265 . CEO Krutoy Media - Julia Golubeva . Member of the Russian Academy of Radio . Winner of the National Award " Media Manager of Russia - 2012". Official site : www.krutoymedia.ru Irkutsk region . Irkutsk - Radio Mir. Radio "Mir" starts broadcasting in Irkutsk. Hear Radio "Mir" in " Siberian Athens" - so called Irkutsk before the revolution - will be at a frequency of 89,3 FM. " Irkutsk - a landmark city for us . We have been already presented in the east : Radio" Mir " know and neighboring Angarsk and Bratsk . And listen to us beyond Baikal to Ulan -Ude. We are pleased that it is now " World " will Irkutsk . Irkutsk and although ahead of Moscow for five hours , we will try to fit into the rhythm of the city and to keep up with our listeners , " - said the director of Radio " Mir " Dmitry jug . AKTUELL, AKTUELL, RheinRhein-MainMain-RadioRadio-Club, Germany Nr. 2 - 2014 Länder & Sender - Redaktion: Heinz Schulz RUS - Russland Stimme Russlands existiert nicht mehr Mit Ablauf des 31. März 2014 hat die Stimme Russlands als eigenständiger Programmveranstalter aufgehört zu existieren. Ein Teil der alten Arbeitsverträge gilt noch über diesen Termin hinaus, jedoch in keinem Fall länger als bis zum 30. April. Die Ausstrahlungsverträge endeten nach Angaben eines Mitarbeiters ausnahmslos mit dem31. März. In der Tat waren nach 20.00 Uhr UTC, damit nach Mitternacht Moskauer Zeit, die zu dieser Zeit noch geplant gewesenen Ausstrahlungen aus Pridnestrowje bereits abgeschaltet. Für die neue, zum 1. April wirksam werdende Struktur Rossija Segodnja haben die Mitarbeiter der Stimme Russlands den größten Teil der bisherigen Vereinbarungen mit ausländischen Partnern neu abgeschlossen. Rossija Segodnja plant jedoch keinerlei Nutzung von AMSendern mehr. Wie der langjährige Mitarbeiter des Moskauer Auslandsrundfunks gegenüber dem Worldwide DX Club weiter bemerkt, sei nach seinem Eindruck für Rossija Segodnja der Hörfunk nichts, das noch irgendeine Bedeutung habe. Mittel- und Kurzwelle schließlich würden nur noch als „letztes Jahrhundert“ angesehen. Die deutsche Redaktion der bisherigen Stimme Russlands hat bereits eine Neufassung ihrer ehemaligen Frequenzseite veröffentlicht. Dort nicht mehr aufgeführt und damit wegfallend ist auch der Kanal, den die Stimme Russlands bis jetzt auf dem Satelliten Hotbird 13D nutzte (im GlobecastMultiplex auf 12,597 GHz vertikal). Als einziges Rundfunksignal verbleiben die Übertragungen über den Satelliten Express-AM22. Hierbei handelt es sich um die bisherige Signalzuführung zu den Sendeanlagen des russischen Unternehmens RTRS wie auch (bis 2012/2013) zu den Mittelwellensendern der Media Broadcast in Deutschland. Zu den Weiterverbreitungsverträgen, die für Rossija Segodnja erneut abgeschlossen wurden, gehören der Aufstellung zufolge jene über die DABSendungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Diese enthalten nicht die aus Moskau selbst gesendeten Programme, sondern gesonderte Ausspielungen, die in Deutschland unter unklar bleibenden Umständen unter der Kennung „Radio Impala“ laufen. (Quelle: rbb Medienmagazin) Westi FM auf Mittelwelle Seit der Nacht zum 3. März läuft Westi FM, das Nachrichtenradio der staatlichen russischen Rundfunkgesellschaft WGTRK, rund um die Uhr über drei leistungsstarke Mittelwellen, und zwar 1089 kHz von der Sendeanlage Tbilisskaja im Gebiet Krasnodar, 1215 kHz vom Sender Bolshakowo im Gebiet Kaliningrad sowie 1413 kHz von der Sendeanlage bei Grigoriopol in Pridnestrowje, unmittelbar an der Grenze zur Ukraine. Die Ausstrahlung auf 1215 kHz ist dabei im Nordosten Deutschlands mit starkem Signal zu empfangen. Offensichtlich wurde die Antenne (ein aus jeweils vier Strahler- und Reflektormasten bestehendes System) wieder auf eine Abstrahlung nach Mitteleuropa eingerichtet. Diese Konfiguration war hier traditionell im Einsatz, bis zum Jahresende 2012 das deutsche Programm der Stimme Russlands von dieser Frequenz genommen und nur noch das russische Programm für das Baltikum übertragen wurde. Möglicherweise soll die Frequenz auf diese Weise jetzt primär den Westen der Ukraine erreichen, nachdem die eigentlich für die Abstrahlrichtung Süden bestimmte Antenne in Bolshakowo bereits durch die Frequenz 1143 kHz belegt ist. Die Frequenz 1413 kHz vom Sender Maiac bei Grigoriopol läuft jetzt mit der Abstrahlrichtung Osten, womit bei dem hier verwendeten ntennensystem (es entspricht weitgehend der Ende 2012 in Wachenbrunn bei Themar stillgelegten Anlage) in etwa das Gebiet von Charkow bis zur Krim versorgt wird. Auffallend stark erscheint auch das Signal auf 1089 kHz; es ist z.B. in Brandenburg deutlich hinter, zeitweise sogar über den hier laufenden BBC-Sendern zu hören. Dies deutet wiederum auf eine technische Einrichtung zur Versorgung der Ukraine, zumindest in Form einer hohen Sendeleistung (technisch möglich wären hier 1200 kW). Bislang wurden diese drei Frequenzen von der Stimme Russlands genutzt. Nachdem die Stimme Russlands die Tschetschenien- und Kosovo-Kriege noch mit strategischen Sondersendungen begleitet hatte, wird sie mit dem jetzt vorgenommenen Ersatz durch Westi FM regelrecht desavouiert. Vorerst kaum einzuschätzen ist, inwieweit diese Aussage auch auf die gesamte neue Struktur Rossija Segodnja auszudehnen ist. (Quelle: rbb Medienmagazin). UKR - Ukraine Zur Situation in der Ukraine Der staatliche Rundfunk NRKU sendet seit dem 03. März, mцglicherweise als unmittelbare Reaktion auf die Mittelwellenverbreitung von Westi FM, auf der Mittelwelle 549 kHz. Eine hierzu verцffentlichte Meldung spricht von „einer anderen Wellenlдnge“. Damit handelt es sich um einen Frequenzwechsel auf der Sendestation Lutsch bei Mykolayiv. Dabei kцnnte auch der „russische“ Charakter dieser bis März 2013 vom Moskauer Radio Majak genutzten Frequenz eine Rolle spielen. Bislang sendete die NRKU aus Lutsch mit 250 kW (technisch mцglich wдren 500 kW) auf 972 kHz. Dort war in den Abendstunden des 3. März in der Tat keine andere Ausstrahlung hinter dem NDR-Sender Hamburg mehr zu hцren, wдhrend auf 549 kHz zu dem bestehenden Gemisch aus Deutschlandfunk und Radio Koper ein weiteres, russisches/ukrainisches (dies ist unter solchen Umstдnden kaum zu unterscheiden) Signal hinzugekommen ist. Der Internetauftritt der GTRK Krim war am Morgen des 5. März 2014 ausgefallen. Nachdem zunдchst nur noch das von solchen Fдllen bekannte Baustellensymbol erschien, zeigte sich im Laufe des Abends dann eine Kennwortabfrage mit dem Text „Diese Seite befindet sich im Aufbau. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung fьr die Unannehmlichkeiten.“ Hierbei handelte es sich offensichtlich jedoch um einen Hackerangriff, Ebenfalls seit dem 5. Mдrz wurde das erste Programm der NRKU auch wieder auf der Frequenz 972 kHz ausgestrahlt, womit sich jetzt vollends der Eindruck eines offenen russischukrainischen Дtherkriegs aufdrдngt. Hierzu hieЯ es aus Kiew, auf 972 kHz sei ein seit lдngerem nicht mehr genutzter Sender der Station Lutsch mit voller Leistung von 500 kW wieder aktiviert worden. Aus Sofia/ Bulgarien wird hierzu ein Empfang in Ortssenderqualitдt gemeldet. Insbesondere im nordцstlichen Deutschland fiel die Ьbertragung auf 972 kHz am Abend des 5. März ebenfalls durch ein sehr starkes Signal auf, das den auf dieser Frequenz arbeitenden Sender des Norddeutschen Rundfunks zeitweise vцllig unhцrbar machte. Auch die seit dem 3. März laufende Ausstrahlung auf 549 kHz ьberlagerte hier den Deutschlandfunk weitgehend. Bei diesen Beobachtungen war der Empfang aus sьdцstlichen Richtungen allerdings generell bevorzugt. Mцglicherweise wдre diese Doppelausstrahlung nur wenige Monate spдter schon nicht mehr mцglich gewesen. Dem Vernehmen nach sind vor kurzem grцЯere Teile der AM-Sendetechnik an anderen Standorten in der Ukraine verschrottet worden. Betroffen sein sollen neben der Sendestation Browary, wo zuvor schon die Antennen abgerissen wurden, auch jeweils ein Mittel- und Kurzwellensender der Station Krasne bei Lwiw. (Quelle: rbb Medienmagazin) HardHard-CoreCore-DX Digest, Vol 137, Issue 2 Voice of Russia QSL for broadcast on WZHF Despite the crisis with Russia and with the closing of the shortwave stations, the Voice of Russia still sends QSL cards. I received the one below at the URLs for a 2 April 2014 report of their program on WZHF in Arlington, Virginia on 1390 kHz. http://dxclipjoint.com/qsl/Voice_of_Russia_WZHF_20140402_1390_aa.jpg http://dxclipjoint.com/qsl/Voice_of_Russia_WZHF_20140402_1390_bb.jpg http://dxclipjoint.com/qsl/Voice_of_Russia_WZHF_20140402_1390_cc.jpg Shortwave DXDX-ing from Bulgaria - Bulgarian DX blog - Sunday, May 4, 2014 Extended schedule of Radio Dniprovska Hvylya, now probably daily, ex Sat/Sun UKRAINE R.Dniprovska Hvylya was noted on Fri, May 2 + Sat/Sun as scheduled: 0600-0800 on 11980.1 ZPR 0.3 kW / non-dir to UKR Ukrainian CUSB, ex 0700-0830 New time and frequency of North Korea Reform Radio from May 1 UZBEKISTAN(non) New time and frequency of North Korea Reform Radio from May 1: 1430-1530 NF 9300 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to KRE Korean, ex 1500-1600 on 9380 Ivo Ivanov - QTH: Sofia, Bulgaria - Equipment: Sony ICF-2001D 30 m. long wire Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Transmisores de Radio Habana Cuba Por aqui un par de fotos de los transmisores "Brwon Boveri" que en sus origenes, utilizo Radio Habana Cuba y que se mencionan en el escrito de Arnie Coro que recien nos copio Alvin Mirabal. Este tipo de transmisor fue originalmente creado o diseñado por los señores Brwon y Boveri de Zuiza. En el portal Cibernetico de Wikipedia.com hay un extenso relato de quienes fueron. "Mis dos centavitos de trigo " Luigi Rubens Ferraz Pedroso Interessante shack de um SWL alemão Estava a postar vídeos no meu canal no Youtube, quando resolvi ver um vídeo postado por um radiescuta alemão onde ele mostra um pouco do seu shack. Fiquei admirado com o shack dele. É coisa de louco. O link do vídeo é: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grRM7v5A-gU Quem me dera possuir ao menos um daqueles receptores de comunicação. Não custa nada sonhar, hehehehe!. 73! Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (PY5-007SWL). Bandeirantes - PR Glenn Hauser Logs May 3-4, 2014 ** ALBANIA [and non]. 9842, May 4 at 0148, intermittent ute noise bursts approx. here, noticed when listening to 9845 R. Tirana music, but far enough away not to bother much (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11855.04 approx., May 4 at 0118, R. Aparecida in Brazuguese, now just a tad off-frequency, about one click on the DX- 398 fine tuning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 2749-USB, May 4 at 0151, marine weather in French by man with heavy English accent; 0153 to woman in French, 0154 man, 0156 stops. Per http://dxinfocentre.com/mb.htm#O%20ATL it`s VAR-3 again, for if not from, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia (we still need to know exactly where it really is), scheduled at 0140 and some other :40 hours; shared with 3 other stations, but none next until 0240 VCS Halifax, both of which are bilingual unlike the other two. When noise level permits on 2 MHz band I also check: 2598-USB for more Canadian CG weather, 2660 for the KGLD TX harmonic, and 2910 for the XEVT Tabasco harmonic; JBA carrier on 2660 is about all now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 1010, May 4 at 0558 UT, amid QRM I hear the ``RR`` Morse code ID of Radio Reloj; but WRTH 2014 shows no Cuban on this frequency! Nearest is 1020, 10 kW in Victoria de las Tunas; don`t think this was bleedover to next channel. How about R. Reloj`s own frequency list? http://www.radioreloj.cu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39:cadenas-de-trasmision-de-radio-reloj-poram&catid=12:programacion-de-la-emisora-radio-reloj&Itemid=138 indeed shows Tunas on 1010, not 1020, with 5 kW (was the town named for a fishing tournament or a musical competition? Ask Ernest) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. The DentroCuban Jamming Command continues to waste electricity, hence money, which might have gone to feeding undernourished Cubans, by powering multiple jammers at hours when there is nothing to jam, e.g.: 13605, 0058 UT May 4, multiple pulsing long after Martí is over 11930, 0527 UT May 4, heavy jamming but adding up to poor signals propagationally, long after Martí is over 9565 and 9805, 0533 UT May 4, more pulse jamming on unused Martí frequencies. The Cuban Commies apparently live in fear that RM will come on day frequencies at night, which they never do, being entirely too predictable. 7805, 7480, 7365, 0534 UT May 4, all with detectable pulse jamming. Could 7805 be a mispunch on one transmitter instead of 9805? 7480 is another stray with nothing ever really to jam. 7405, 0534 UT May 4, wall of noise jamming where it is ``needed`` but R. Martí is still readable. 11845, 1257 UT May 4, pulse jamming on long-abandoned Martí frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 6165, May 4 at 0105, RHC English is missing, way late coming on, but already running on 6000. By 0138 recheck, 6270 leapfrog with 6060 is on, therefore so is the fulcrum, 6165. 11760, May 4 at 1249, RHC has fast SAH and CCI from CRI English via Kunming at 1200-1357. Commies vs Commies! By refusing to coördinate in HFCC, Arnie manages to collide with his good friends the ChiCom, who even over here mar reception on Habana`s beam for ``Chicago``. Add this to the collision with 11760 Iran in the evenings as in my previous report. IRIB does participate in HFCC altho not exactly friendly with the USA, and even sent delegates to the HFCC in Dallas I attended (but they paid no attention to another collision I pointed out to them in person) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 7475 // 9420, May 4 at 0112, Greek music, with Avlis apparently still controlled by the dismissed ERT workers; nothing audible on other 7, 9, 11 or 15 MHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Big sporadic E TVDX opening in progress as I turn on with antenna south at 1405 UT May 4: heavy CCI on channels 2, 3, 4, 5, so the usual frustration of trying to pull out anything identifiable. 1411 on 5, net-5 bug in lower-right, during animation; XHGC itself? 1414 on 4, `El Sonido del Domingo` graphic, program title? Cooking segment judging from big guy in apron. That name is too generic; I don`t google anything connected with Azteca or Televisa 1412 on 6, MUF is up to here, 1413 graphic X-MEN 1417 on 87.75, now with the PL-880 on for FM DX, channel 6 audio fades in here briefly, while I am seeing a net-7 ID on 6 video, but not necessarily from same station due to CCI which is same offset now 1418 on 4, Azteca-13 bug in upper right, CCI, talk show 1438 on 88.7, only FM DX found, in talk show, M&W discussing `Bésame`, apparently a song they play a bit of rather than a certain AM station in the DF; 1442, several promos mentioning ``Fórmula 970 AM``, i.e. the Fórmula network flagship in Mexico City, XERFR, relayed all over the country, even on FM, with precious few local IDs. Plug the Brasil Mundial, Grupo Fórmula; 1445 promo show ``En Viva Voz``, newscast? Signal holds up well on the PL-880 with attached whip only at ground level, which is an advantage here, getting nothing much from semi-local KLVV Ponca City by groundwave. 1455 fades out, 1502 fades in; 1520 still talk show with good peaks; some tuning up the band as far as 97 MHz finds nothing else from México. So whence is it? Cantú shows two Fórmulae on 88.7: 88.7 XHJX Radio Fórmula Querétaro + AM 1250 Querétaro, Qro. 6,000 88.7 XHEX Radio Fórmula + AM 1230 Culiacan, Sin. 25,000 And so does WTFDA FM database: XHJX-FM 88.7 QUERETARO QRO 6.0 6.0 Spanish RADIO FÓRMULA QUERÉTARO + AM 1250 XHEX-FM 88.7 BELLAVISTA SIN 25.0 25.0 Spanish RADIO FÓRMULA + AM 1230 I was leaning toward QRO till I started getting TVDX from Baja California, but that`s later: 1541 on 3, real estate information with large-font crawler mentioning Rosarito BC et al., from WSW and surely XHBC Mexicali, still in analog! 1545 with Mexican phone number and AC (619) = San Diego CA 1555 on 4, dominant signal from WSW with loud audio, CCI; 1559 credit roll with music 1618 on 4, soccer on Televisa 2 net with Star bug in lower right; 1626 promos for net-2 with good view of large Star. Still aimed WSW. 1635 also a program? bug in lower left of a reverse C in a circle, or like a crescent. Probably XHBS-TV Los Mochis, Sinaloa, the only one in that part of the country per W9WI.com 1647 opening is fading out, with some remnant CCI on 2 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. 9925, May 4 from 0053 tune-in, The Mighty KBC via Nauen, GERMANY, now on new summer frequency, at 00-02 UT Sundays. It`s better overall than 7375 was, but with plenty of selective fading distortion on the obscure rock music. Plugs ``listener appreciation contest`` several times including 0120; see regulations at http://www.kbcradio.eu --- runs the rest of the year; PL-660 is the prize (model embracing it not included?); send reception reports with mandatory program comments. Circa 0130, Kim Elliott`s Radiogram minute. 0145-0150 Kraig Krist`s Forgotten Songs segment, so tuning in at 0150 would have missed it. This time, Melanie Safka`s ``Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)`` from April 1970 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 780, May 4 at 0132 UT, open carrier/dead air looping for KSPI Stillwater, and little signal from WBBM yet, even when the carrier is nulled; recheck 0158 UT now OC off, and mostly C&W from Colorado. FCC sunset in May for KSPI is 0130* (June & July 0145*); at least they didn`t leave it on all-night as sometimes happens (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PALAU. 9930, Sunday May 4 at 1244, gospel huxter in Spanish! wrapping up with a South Bend address, 1245 switch to English for another out of Jeffersonville IN. Sufficient signal from T8WH, with WTWW not yet Overcoming it. Aoki shows at 1230-1245 Sundays, `Eternal Good News` in English, and so does WHR`s own schedule upon which no doubt Aoki is based. Must be a bonus of doing business with WHR, as there is no significant Spanish audience in SE Asia, unless remnant of the colonial era in Guam, Marianas; Filipinas, where Tagalog is heavily Spanishinfluenced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, May 4 at 0100, R. Chaski carrier with some modulation making it, until cutoff at 0110:11* which is 12 seconds later than 32 sesquihours ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA. 12095, Sunday May 4 at 0528, fair carrier off and on with flutter, just barely modulated, 0530 off, and back on in unknown language joined in progress; keeps cutting off and on, with or without modulation. HFCC A-14 shows Meyerton with BBC Kinyarwanda scheduled 250 kW, 5 degrees, Saturdays at 0500-0600 & Sundays 0529-0600. Marred by TADIL-A bonker on low side circa 12089.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 4 at *0114:15 carrier on from SLBC; 0114:47 music starts; 0115:18, 3-pip mistimesignal ends, opening Hindi. Poor with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [and non]. 13720, Sunday May 4 at 1247, presumed PCJ Radio International via SRI LANKA is JBA, as usual, intended for SE Asia only. News from Keith Perron as of May 1: ``On May 18th 2014 we will be doing the first test from our own site. Target: Southeast Asia - Time: 1300-1400 UT [Sunday] - Frequency: 11765 kHz - Power: 20 kW To cut down the bureaucratic process of registering a frequency with the NCC, Radio Taiwan International will be letting us use one of their frequencies for the test. Regards, Keith Perron, PCJ Radio International`` Per Aoki, that hour on 11765 is a gap between RTI in Vietnamese until 1300, and CRI English via Urumqi from 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1719 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-2, 9930, Saturday May 3 at 2330:15; next airing, UT Sunday May 4 at 0030 on WRMI-14, 9495, however, is repeat of 1718, tho with good sufficient signal. Reconfirmed #1719, UT Sunday May 4 at 0400:55 on WTWW-1, 5830. Next: UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB (we hope: only the first few words aired last week) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5085 & 12105, UT Sunday May 4 at 0116, Ted Randall`s `QSO` show on both WTWW-2 and WTWW-3! VG signals, but not //; at 0139 recheck sounds like same interview guest voice, but nowhere near synchronized, no doubt separate playouts to neighboring transmitters. Still no Bibling any more on WTWW-3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7505.18 approx., May 4 at 0114, WRNO gospel huxter, still not back on authorized frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 920, May 4 at 0130 UT, Spanish mentions area code 832; loops NNW/SSE so that means it`s KYST Texas City (Houston) TX, dominant signal, 5/1 kW U4 per NRC AM Log 2013. Wiki has a table of unverified Mexican ``area codes`` showing 832 for several towns in Tamaulipas, not including Tampico where the state`s only 920 resides. I think those are more like exchanges than ACs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1570, May 4 at 0545 UT, in XERF null, Christian Resource Center in Beckley WV mentioned, unclear if start, stop or mid-program, but per http://www.christianradiojournal.com/index.php/find-a-station.html hovering over MO, they have a 1570 in ``Branson``, as I expected, my closest in the XERF null, axually KBCV, COL Hollister (Springfield address), 5/3 kW U4, with night pattern major lobe NW, minor SE, but we`re far enough off its null toward Del Rio. Furthermore it`s the only 1570 at http://www.thechristianradiojournal.com/images/documents/pdf/crj_stations.pdf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Rafael Rodríguez R Nueva entrada a mi blog Nueva entrada a mi blog reseñando dos confirmaciones electrónicas desde Radio Reloj 1300 Venezuela y STF Radio (Usa?) http://dxdesdecolombia.blogspot.com/2014/05/dos-confirmaciones-electronicas.html Glenn Hauser DX programs, World of Radio sked, Hitlist updated DX/SWL/Media Programs: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html WORLD OF RADIO schedule: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Alan Roe`s Hitlist of SW Stations: http://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm 73, Glenn Hauser Rudolf Grimm “Concurso DXCB OM 2014” Atenção para um adendo informativo na divulgação: O concurso inicia-se às 21:00 hs (horário de Brasilia) da sexta-feira, dia 9 de maio, tendo o seu final previsto para as 21:00 hs (horário de Brasilia) do domingo, dia 11 de Maio de 2014. Com base no “Dia das Comunicações” que será comemorado no próximo dia 5 de Maio, o DX Clube do Brasil estará promovendo o “Concurso DXCB OM 2014” que visa estimular a pesquisa e escuta de emissoras de Ondas Médias (OM) no espectro de frequência compreendido entre 530 e 1710 khz. O evento é dirigido para radioescutas e dexistas, associados ou não do DX Clube do Brasil, e que residam em qualquer cidade localizada no território nacional. Não serão aceitas inscrições de residentes em outros países. O concurso inicia-se às 21:00 hs (horário de Brasilia) da sexta-feira, dia 9 de Maio, tendo o seu final previsto para as 21:00 hs (horário de Brasilia) do domingo, dia 11 de Maio de 2014. Todos os participantes receberão por e-mail um belíssimo diploma de participação e os 3 (três) primeiros colocados receberão prêmios do DXCB. Para participar do concurso, o interessado deverá preencher o formulário eletrônico de inscrição no site do DX Clube do Brasil após ler e concordar com o Regulamento que estará disponível na mesma página de inscrição. Acesse http://www.ondascurtas.com/atividades/inscricao-em-eventos para fazer a sua inscrição e acessar o Regulamento completo. Não deixe de participar de mais esta iniciativa do DXCB em prol do hobby da radioescuta e do dexismo. Boa sorte e 73´s a todos. Paschoal Francisco Fideli - Conselho Executivo DX Clube do Brasil Ontario DX Club New file uploaded to odxa This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the odxa group. File : /ODXADX.pdf Uploaded by : luckywimpy [email protected] Description : We start the 2nd month of this new column. You can access this file at the URL: https://groups.yahoo.com/group/odxa/files/ODXADX.pdf To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_GRPS&locale=en_US&id=SLN15398 Regards, luckywimpy [email protected] Hector \(Luigi\) Perez Emisoras de NUmeros Estas emisiones donde por lo regular, escuchamos a una dama que a todas luces parece ser de extraccion Española son simpre emocionantes al escucharlas. Que dicen, que esconden detras del mensaje, cual seria el mensaje, a donde o a quien va dirigido; en fin, es realmente cautivante. Y en estos menesteres de mensajes escondidos detras de este tipo de emision, creo recordar que existe UN sooo dialecto del indio norteamericano no recuerdo de que tribu- que es el unico dialecto que si no es totalmente dificil de descifrar es uno de los mas dificiles. Ontario DX Club ODXA DX REPORT ODXA DX REPORT - June 9th 2014 - Send your best DX WHEN YOU HEAR IT to: [email protected] Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blue and older ones are in black. My wife came home from the hospital last Sunday so with my home life getting back under control I have found more time to spend with my radios and it shows. I hope more of you will find some time to spend at the radio dials and let us all know what you have been hearing. 3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 0005 in Spanish with music by a trio and some vocals – Good Jun 1 Wilkner-FL 3375.1 BRAZIL Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira at 0957 in Portuguese with a man with talk and local music at 0958 – Good with static crashes Jun 2 Wilkner-FL 3925 JAPAN Radio Nikkei 1 at 0950 in Japanese with symphonic classical music and into traditional Japanese music after 1000 – Fair May 29 Barton-AZ 4319 DIEGO GARCIA AFN in USB at 2345 with pop music – Weak Jun 2 Wilkner- FL 4451.1 BOLIVIA Radio Santa Ana possisbly the one at 2340 in Spanish with music and talk but no Ids – Fair Jun 1 Wilkner-FL – Robert hopes a Bolivian Dxer will see this logging to verify whether Radio Santa Ana has been reactivated – ed 4699.9 BOLIVIA Radio San Miguel at 1000 in Spanish with a man with sign-on – Fair Jun 2 Wilkner-FL 4835 PERU Ondas del Suroriente at 2319 in Spanish with a man with talk – Fair with deep fades Jun 2 Wilkner-FL 4875 BRAZIL Radio Difusora Roraima at 0230 in Portuguese with an Elton John song then a “Radio Difusora” jingle at 0236 and into a Brian Adams song – Good Jun 3 Coady-ON 4885 BRAZIL Radio Clube do Para at 0239 in Portuguese with a man with several promos with mentions of “Brasil” and “Radio Clube” and into a string of ads and promos then a singing ID at 0247 and more promos - Fair with CODAR Jun 3 Coady-ON 4985.5 PERU Radio Voz Cristiana at 0005 in Spanish with a man with talk – Poor but audible on USB to avoid the UTE Jun 1 Wilkner-FL 5910 COLOMBIA Alcaravan Radio at 0939 in Spanish with ranchero-like vocals and a woman with an “Alcaravan Radio” ID at 0942 – Fair with static crashes Jun 4 Coady-ON 6050 ECUADOR HCJB at 1029 in Quechua with a man with talk over Andean music then time pips at 1030 and into a man with brief talk and into Andean vocals – Fair Jun 4 Coady-ON 6055 SPAIN REE at 0040 with Justin Coe interviewing a man about the abdication of King Juan Carlos – Very Good Jun 3 Coady-ON 6350 SOUTH KOREA Echo of Hope at 1120 // 3985 in Korean with a mix of talk and female vocals – Good Jun 8 Barton-AZ 8989 NICARAGUA El Buen Pescador in USB at 0012 in Spanish with a man preaching and signing – Good Jun 1 Wilkner-FL 9400 LITHUANIA RFA at 0145 // 11945 in Uyghur with a man and woman with talk and Central Asian music – Fair with no jammers May 31 Forsythe-WI 9450 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1530 with IS and into a Chinese program – Good Jun 8 Barton-AZ 9700 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0628 with a woman interviewing a man about world health issues – Very Good Jun 3 Coady-ON 9996 RUSSIA RWM at 0215 with high-pitched time pips then rapid pips from 0220 and a continuous tone at 0230 then possible short data bursts at 0238 and CW ID at 0239 – Good with WWV May 31 Forsythe-WI 10960 CHINA CNR1 at 1145 in Mandarin with a man with talk jamming the Sound of Hope – Good Jun 1 Barton-AZ 11710.8 ARGENTINA RAE at 0159 with bilingual ID loop then a man at 0204 with ID and contact info and program highlights and into news – Good Jun 3 Coady-ON 11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radio at 2008 in Swahili with East African vocals and a woman with talk – Fair with static crashes Jun 3 Coady-ON 11815 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 0930 in Japanese with a man and woman with talk – Very Good Jun 7 Barton-AZ 11865 RWANDA DW at 2052 with a “World Link” feature on an Australian couple who moved to PNG from Australia to the Tenkile Conservation Alliance – Good Jun 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 11900 SRI LANKA VOA at 2048 in French with English lessions – Good Jun 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 11905 SRI LANKA SLBC at 0125 in Hindi with a woman with talk followed by a children's chorus then more talk with a postal address given over Hindi instrumentals to 0130 then time pips and a woman with ID of “Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation” and into Hindi female vocals – Good Jun 3 Coady-ON 11945 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 0940 with a man presenting music by “The Black Keys” - Very Good May 29 Barton-AZ 11950 MADAGASCAR NHK World Radio Japan at 2044 in French with a man with talk and music – Poor with ACI from CRI on 11940 Jun 7 WardaleENGLAND 11955 AUSTRIA AWR at 0500 with English IDs and contact info and into Hausa program with local choral music and preaching – Fair to Good Jun 1 Forsythe-WI 15105 ASCENSION ISLAND BBC at 1935 in Hausa with ID and news – Excellent Jun 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 15245 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1941 in Spanish with ID and a man and woman with news – Good Jun 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 15345 ARGENTINA RNA at 1945 in Spanish with a woman with talk and music – Poor Jun 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 15360 EAST GERMANY Mashaal Radio (via Nauen) at 0455 in Pashto with talk and regional contemporary music with several mentions of “Pakistan” and a “Mashaal Radio” ID at 0517 – Good Jun 1 Forsythe-WI 15540 KUWAIT Radio Kuwait at 2022 with pop music – Excellent Jun 7 Wardale- ENGLAND 15580 BOTSWANA VOA at 1805 with a man and woman with “Nightline Africa” starting with a report on Egypt – Fair Jun 8 Coady-ON 1572O NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0207 with a man interviewing a stand-up comic with clips of improv comedy – Very Good Jun 8 Coady-ON 17795 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 0232 // 15160 with a woman hosting “ABC Grandstand” with talk about the “State of Origin” championships – Very Good Jun 8 Coady-ON Thanks to our contributors: Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Charlie Wardale in England; Robert Wilkner in Florida KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may encounter: ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart) CCI – cochannel interference (same frequency) CODAR - Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands) DRM – digital shortwave radio; het – heterodyne interference ID – station ID; IS – interval signal LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited) QRN – noise QRM – man-made interference QTH – location RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty RTTY – radio teletype TC – time Antônio Avelino da Silva Resultado do concurso de escutas em Onda Curta Resultado do concurso de escutas em Onda Curta realizado dias 22 e 23 de março 2014. Classificação 01 - Fernando Luiz de Souza (195 escutas), Lorena, São Paulo – Brasil 02 - Paulo Cesar Labastie (71 escutas), Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo – Brasil 03 - Antonio Avelino da Silva (PY7048SWL), (56 escutas), Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil 04 - José Ronaldo Xavier (50 escutas), Cabedelo, Paraíba – Brasil 05 - Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (31 escutas), Bandeirantes, Paraná – Brasil 06 - José Parrado Navarro (19 escutas), Málaga – Espanha 07 - Nelcy Remedy Bidart (16 escutas), Sant'Ana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil 08 - Francisco Luiz Oliveira Nepomuceno (05 escutas), Caridade, Ceará – Brasil 09 - Gilvam Souza Costa (PY4110SWL), (03 escutas), Araçuaí, Minas Gerais – Brasil Escutas (logs): Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes SINPO 1. 9620 22/03/14 03:00:00 E REE,Madrid,SP,Id.,servicio de noticias 45444 2. 11670 22/03/14 03:05:00 CUB RHC,Habana,SP,Revista Informativa de la Noche,nxs,Id. 45444 3. 11800 22/03/14 03:10:00 ROU RRI,Bucarest,SP,Nxs,La canción del día,Id. 45444 4. 6175 22/03/14 03:15:00 VTN A Voz de Vietnã, Hanoi,SP,Nxs intls.,Id. 35443 5. 11780 22/03/14 03:20:00 B R.Nacional,Brasília,DF,PP,Id.,px Madrugada Nacional, 45443 6. 7730 22/03/14 03:26:00 TWN R.Taiwán Intl.,Taipei,SP,cms. Abt.Economía en Taiwán,Id. 35443 7. 11740 22/03/14 03:34:00 IND All India R.,Nova Delhi,DR,prgr. em língua Dari,mx indiana,Id. 45443 8. 7425 22/03/14 03:47:00 D D.Welle,Bonn,SU,prgr.em Suaíli,mx africana,Id. 45444 9. 5875 22/03/14 03:52:00 G BBC,Londres,AA,mv e fv:talks em Árabe,Id. 45443 10. 9520 22/03/14 03:57:00 CZE R.Liberty/R.Sloboba,Praga,RU,mv:talks em Russo, Id.: R. Sloboda, 35443 11. 15580 22/03/14 04:03:00 USA VOA,Greenville,EE,Nxs,Id. 45444 12. 9580 22/03/14 04:08:00 ARS BSKSA,Jedah,AA,mx,mv:prgr.em Árabe, 45433 13. 9940 22/03/14 04:13:00 MDA ? R.Miraya,Clandestina,Kishinev (?),EE,prgr.musical,Id. vs. 35443 14. 11980 22/03/14 04:18:00 USA R.Free Asia,Washington,MAN,mv:prgr.em Mandarim. 24432 15. 9420 22/03/14 04:23:00 GRC ERT3,Atenas,GR,prgr.músicas gregas. 35432 16. 5890 22/03/14 04:28:00 USA WWCR,Nashville,EE,prgr.abt.conhecer a Bíblia,Id. 45444 17. 6135 22/03/14 04:33:00 G BBC,Londres,FF,Nxs abt. África, Id. 45443 18. 7360 22/03/14 04:46:00 CVA R.Vaticano,SM di Galeria,FF,Noticiário intl.,Id. 45444 19. 5910 22/03/14 04:51:00 J R.JapãoToquio,RU,mv:prgr.em Russo. 35443 20. 11940 22/03/14 04:57:00 HOL R.Dabanga,Hilversun,AA,prgr.em Árabe,Id. vs. 45444 21. 12140 22/03/14 05:02:00 CZE R.Liberty,Praga,DR,mv:talks em Dari,Id. 45444 22. 11855 22/03/14 22:50:00 B R.Aparecida,Aparecida,SP,PP,prgr.Encontro DX,mx.,Id. 45443 23. 15345 22/03/14 23:00:00 ARG R.Nacional da Argentina,B.Aires,SP,Id.,Informativo. 45444 24. 12105 22/03/14 23:09:00 USA WTWW,Lebanon,SP,prgr.abt. O Evangelho. 35443 25. 15355 22/03/14 23:19:00 PHL R.Veritas Asia,Manila,TAG,fv:talks em Tagalog,Id. em inglês, 35443 26. 15525 22/03/14 23:25:00 AUS HCJB Australia,Kilsyth, fv:prgr.em Taiwanês,Id. Em inglês, sign off 23:30, 35432 27. 7315 23/03/14 00:09:00 ROU RRI,Bucarest,,SP,nxs,mx folclórica,Id. 35443 28. 13745 23/03/14 00:19:00 THA R.Tailândia,Udon-Thani,EE,mv:talks abt desenvolvimento, Id. 25442 29. 12025 23/03/14 00:27:00 G BBC,Londres,BR,fv:prgr.em Burmês,Id. 45444 30. 15690 23/03/14 00:33:00 USA R.Free Asia,Washington,LAO,fv:prgr.em Lao. 25442 31. 9495 23/03/14 00:40:00 USA R.Miami Intl.,Miami,prgr.World of Radio c/Glenn Hause. 35443 32. 7420 23/03/14 00:47:00 IRN VOIRI,Teerã,SP,cms. Abt. A oposição na Venezuela,Id. 45443 33. 9500 23/03/14 01:02:00 OMA R.Sultanato de Omâ,Muscat,AA,Corão Sagrado,QRM. 23431 34. 9420 23/03/14 01:09:00 GRC ERT3,Atenas,GR,mv:talks em Grego,mx. 34443 35. 6260 23/03/14 01:15:00 IND CVC Asia,Punjab,HI,mv:prgr.em Hindi,mx. 25442 36. 11685 23/03/14 01:20:00 CHN R.Nac.da China,Beijingg,TB,prgr.em Tibetano,mx tradicional tibetana. 35433 37. 9605 23/03/14 01:28:00 USA KBS World,Furman,SP,prgr Buzón del Radioescucha,Id. 45444 38. 13765 23/03/14 20:35:00 CVA R.Vaticano,SM di Galeria,FF,nxs em Francês abt.Igreja e Papa, Id. 45444 39. 15480 23/03/14 20:42:00 G AWR África,Bracknell,Berks.,AA,mv:prgr.em Árabe. 45444 40. 11995 23/03/14 20:47:00 F RFI,Paris,FF,prgr.musical abt.Blues,Id. 45444 41. 9550 23/03/14 21:02:00 VTN A Voz do Vietnã,Hanoi,FF,fv:Noticiário intl.,Id. 45443 42. 7405 23/03/14 21:10:00 CHN R.Intl.da China,Beijing,EE,Nxs intls.em Inglês,Id. 45444 43. 12015 23/03/14 21:15:00 KRE Voz da Coreia,Pyongyang,EE,fv:nxs abt.economia e desenvolvimento,Id. 35443 44. 17540 23/03/14 21:40:00 J R.Japão,Toquio,PP,prgr.Ponto de Encontro,Id. 45444 45. 11770 23/03/14 21:47:00 NIG Voz da Nigéria,Abuja,HA,prgr.em Hausa,mx regional,Id. 34443 46. 7460 23/03/14 21:52:00 USA R.Free Asia,Washington,KO,fv:prgr.em Koreano,mx. 35443 47. 6100 23/03/14 22:11:00 CHN R.Intl.da China,Beijing,SP,Aula abt. Números e dias da semana, Id. 45443 48. 7570 23/03/14 22:18:00 KRE Voz da Coreia,Pyongyang,SP,cms abt Economia,mxs patrióticas,Id. 35443 49. 15160 23/03/14 22:42:00 ROU RRI,Bucarest,SP,prgr.Rincón Diexista,Id. 45444 50. 13650 23/03/14 23:00:00 CUB R.Intl.da China,Havana,PP,Nxs,prgr.Encontro com Ouvintes,Id. 35433 Nome: José Ronaldo Xavier - Local da Escuta: Cabedelo, Paraíba – Brasil - Receptor: Degen DE1101 / Tecsun S-2000 antena: Longwire Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, localidade, detalhes, SINPO 01 11630 22.03.14 2000 RTW Rádio Taiwan Internacional (RTI), tx noticias, 44445 02 12030 22.03.14 2010 RUS Voz da Rússia, tx noticias, 44444 03 13635 23.03.14 0103 ROU Rádio România Internacional (RRI), tx sobre a România, 44445 Nome: Gilvam Souza Costa (PY4110SWL) - Local da Escuta: Araçuaí, Minas Gerais – Brasil - Receptor: Motoglobe Antena: telescópica (comum) Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, localidade, detalhes SINPO 1 7.405 22/03/14 06:28:00 USA R. Martín, Greenville, YL/YL, talks, mx, SS, 45333 2 7.390 22/03/14 06:33 F RFI, Issoudun, YL/OM, nxs abt eleições presidenciais, FF , 45344 3 7.325 22/03/14 06:38 ASC BBC, Relay Ascencion Island, OM/OM, talks, hausa, 45333 4 7.295 22/03/14 06:44 F RTV Algerienne, Relay Issoudun, OM, nxs internacionais, mx AA, AA, 45344 5 9.540 22/03/14 11:36 CHN CRI, Beijing, mx CC, YL, tx em cantonês, 45344 6 15.120 22/03/14 12:38 ARS BSKSA, Riyadh, OM, nxs internacionais, bengali, 45243 7 13.620 22/03/14 18:55 IRN VOIRI, Kamalabad, mx iraniana, id, FF, 25332 8 13.660 22/03/14 19:01 UAE BBC, Relay Dhabbaya, mx, tx em AA, 15331 9 13.695 22/03/14 19:12 IND AIR, Bangalore, mx hindu variada, EE, 55344 10 15.275 22/03/14 19:21 RRW DW, Relay Kigali, OM/OM, talks, EE, 45333 11 15.160 22/03/14 22:26 ROU RRI, Tiganesti, OM, nxs locais e internacionais, SS, 35233 12 15.190 22/03/14 22:34 B R. Incofidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, OM/OM, talks, 35333 13 11.605 22/03/14 22:51 TWN RTI, Tainan, OM/YL, nxs internacionais e nacionais, JJ, 25332 14 9.435 22/03/14 00:05 CHN CRI, Kashi-Saibagh, YL/OM, nxs da Ucrânia, PP, 45333 15 9.455 22/03/14 00:58 CHN CNR 1, Lingshi, YL, nxs, CC, 45243 16 9.480 22/03/14 01:07 KWT RFA, Relay Kwait, OM, nxs, tx em uyghur, 45243 17 9.490 22/03/14 01:38 GUF R. República, Relay Montsinery, OM, nxs, SS, 35243 18 9.560 22/03/14 01:50 CVA R. Vaticano, Santa Maria di Galeria, OM, mx, nxs abt economia, EE, 43343 19 9.575 22/03/14 01:55 MRC R. Mediterranee International, Nador, YL, nxs, AA, 45344 20 9.670 22/03/14 02:44 TJK RFA, Relay Dushambe-Orzu, OM/YL, nxs, tibetan (khams), 45243 21 15.215 23/03/14 12:09 UAE FEBA Radio, Relay Dhabbaya, mx instrumental, OM, relg, tibetan, 45243 22 15.360 23/03/14 12:41 IRN VOIRI, Sirjan, OM, nxs, CC, 35233 23 9.420 23/03/14 20:43 GRC Voice of Greece, Avlis, mx grega, tx em grego, 33333 24 9.445 23/03/14 21:04 IND AIR, Bangalore, YL/OM, nxs, EE, 33333 25 9.500 23/03/14 21:09 AUS R. Australia, Shepparton, OM, nxs, id OM: "------ on Radio Australia", EE, 45344 26 9.555 23/03/14 21:31 ARS BSKSA, Riyadh, mx AA, tx em AA, 33333 27 7.385 23/03/14 00:19 CHN PBS Xizang, Lhasa-Baiding, mx instrumental, YL, tibetan, 45344 28 7.420 23/03/14 00:27 IRN VOIRI, Kamalabad, OM w/ horários e frequências das emissões em SS, SS, 45243 29 7.435 23/03/14 00:49 G BBC, Woofferton, OM/OM, talks abt o Irã, tx em dari, 45243 30 7.560 23/03/14 00:55 CLN VOA - R. Ashna, Relay Irana Wila, OM, nxs, pashto, 45333 31 7.570 23/06/14 01:02 USA The Overcomer Ministry, Relay WRMI, OM w/ pregação, relg, EE, 45333 Nome: Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - Local da Escuta: Bandeirantes, Paraná – Brasil Receptor: Redsun RP300 e Sony ICF SW 7600G Antena/ Complemento: RC3-FM e LW Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes SINPO 1 11.735 22.03.14 16:35-17:00 B RÁDIO TRANSMUNDIAL-MULHERES DE ESPERANÇA, 55555 2 11.790 22.03.14 17:00-17:07 B RÁDIO DEUS É AMOR-A VOZ DA LIBERTAÇÃO, 55444 3 11.915 22.03.14 17:08-17:15 B RÁDIO GAÚCHA-PRÉ JORNADA, 55555 4 15.345 22.03.14 17:15-17:30 ARG RÁDIO NACIONAL-DEPOIMENTOS OUVINTES, 55544 5 6.000 22.03.14 22:00-22:15 B RÁDIO GUAÍBA-JORNADA ESPORTIVA, 55555 6 6.100 22.03.14 22:15-22:20 CHN CRI-CARTA DE BEIJING, 55444 7 6.060 22.03.14 22:30-22:40 E RÁDIO NACIONAL-DEPORTES, 55333 8 9.685 22.03.14 22:40-22:50 CHN CRIPOR-CHINÊS DIA-A-DIA, 55444 9 11.840 22.03.14 22:50-23:00 CUB RÁDIO HAVANA-MUSICAL, 55444 10 11.840 22.03.14 23:00-23:10 CUB RÁDIO HAVANA-MUSICAL, 55444 11 6.195 23.03.14 09:00-09:30 J RÁDIO JAPÃO-NOTÍCIAS-PONTO DE ENCONTRO , 55544 12 6.195 23.03.14 09:30-10:00 J RÁDIO JAPÃO-NOTÍCIAS-BUZÓN DE R. JAPÓN, 55544 13 11.680 23.03.14 20:45-20:55 E RÁDIO NACIONAL-TABLERO DEPORTIVO, 55444 14 11.855 23.03.14 21:00-21:05 B RÁDIO APARECIDA-A SANTA MISSA, 55555 15 10.000 23.03.14 21:10-21:15 B OBSERVATÓRIO NACIONAL-HORÁRIO, 55544 16 9645 23.03.14 21:15-21:20 B RÁDIO BANDEIRANTES-CAMPEONATO PAULISTA, 55544 Nome: Nelcy Remedy Bidart - Local da Escuta: Sant'ana do Livramento, rio Grande do Sul – Brasil Receptor: TOSHIBA TR 949GL Antena: TELESCÓPICA ACOPLADA Seq. Freqüência (kHz) (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes, SINPO 1 10000 22/03/2014 B R NACIONAL - BRASILIA ZERO HORA, ZERO MINUTO, ZERO SEGUNDO, 45545 2 9800 22/03/2014 CHN R CHINA INTERNACIONAL – prog. ESTANCIA DA CULTURA direitos humanos, cooperação internacional, 54444 3 9535 22/03/2014 E R EXTERIOR DA ESPANHA - músicas folclóricas da Espanha, 55455 4 9525 22/03/2014 ROU R ROMENIA INTERNACIONAL - taxa de mortalidade na Europa, evolução da legislação na Europa, 54555 5 9435 22/03/2014 CHN R CHINA INTERNACIONAL – prog. sobre livros, José Saramago, Gabriel Garcia Marques, obra "SONHOS DO PAVILHÃO VERMELHO" da literatura chinesa, 54444 Nome: Francisco Luiz Nepomuceno - Xico Luiz - Local da Escuta: Caridade, Ceará – Brasil Receptor: KENWOOD R-5000 - MFJ-784B - MFJ-1006 Antena: UNIFILAR de 75m Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes, SINPO 1. 5810 22/03/2014 00:00 USA Rádio EWTN(WEWN), Vandiver,entrv. Com Francisco de Miami, mv,fv, mx, 54455 2. 5830 22/03/2014 00:05 USA Rádio WTWW, Lebanon, nx em inglês, mv,fv 44444 3. 5920 22/03/2014 00:10 USA Rádio WHRI CYPRESS, Cypress Creek,pregação bíblica em inglês, mv, 44444 4. 5940 22/03/2014 00:15 B Raádio VOZ MISSIONÁRIA,Camburiú SC, inform. conta corrente para Gideões da Última Hora, mx cristã, 55555 5. 5970 22/03/2014 00:20 B Rádio ITATIAIA, Belo Horizonte MG, px de entrv. E adivinhação popular, locutor Robson 55555 6. 6000 22/03/2014 00:25 B Rádio GUAÍBA, Porto Alegre RS, prop."Jornal Correio do Povo", "Rio Grande Record" e "Rede Record de TV",mv 55555 7. 6010 22/03/2014 00:30 B Rádio INCONFIDÊNCIA, Belo Horizonte MG, px de entrv. Falando sobre o surgimento do Big Bang,mv. 55555 8. 6020 22/03/2014 00:35 ALB CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL (CRI), Cerrik,nx de atualidades em inglês,mv,fv 43333 9. 6025 22/03/2014 00:40 TIB Rádio PBS XIZANG, Lhasa Baiding, nx em tibetano,mv 33333 10. 6035 22/03/2014 00:45 CHN Rádio PBS YUNNAN, Kunming, nx em vietnamita,mv 33232 11. 6060 22/03/2014 00:50 B Rádio TUPI/SUPER RÁDIO DEUS É AMOR, Curitiba PR, px pregação religiosa pastor Davi Miranda 45444 12. 6080 22/03/2014 00:55 B Rádio MARUMBY, Curitiba PR, id. da emissora "ZYJ208,ZYE726, radio marumby a emisora da paz", oração. 55555 13. 6090 22/03/2014 01:00 B Rádio BANDEIRANTES, São Paulo SP, px "Esporte em debate",mx com Maria Gadu. 55555 14. 6120 22/03/2014 01:05 B Rádio GLOBO/ SUPER RÁDIO DEUS É AMOR, São Paulo SP, px religioso pastor Davi Miranda 55555 15. 6135 22/03/2014 01:10 B Rádio APARECIDA, oração do terço,mv,fv 55555 16. 6150 22/03/2014 01:15 IND ALL INDIA RADIO,Aligarth, mx folk,mv 33333 17. 6180 22/03/2014 01:20 B Rádio NACIONAL DE BRASÍLIA, px entrv. sobre Amado Batista ,mx "boate azul",mv 55555 18. 5990 22/03/2014 01:25 B Rádio BANDEIRANTES,São Paulo SP, prop.comercial 33333 19. 6190 22/03/2014 01:30 B Rádio CULTURA, Lorena SP, harmônico da emissora que irradia em 1460khz,mx Morris Albert. 44333 20. 7340 22/03/2014 01:35 ROU Rádio ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Galbeni,,nx em romeno,fv,mv 44444 21. 7350 22/03/2014 01:40 CHN Rádio CRI,Kashi-Saibagh, mx,nx em chinês,mv,fv 33333 22. 7365 22/03/2014 01:45 USA Rádio MARTI, Greenville Bay, nx em espanhol sobre atualidades, mv. 44444 23. 7420 22/03/2014 01:50 IND ALL INDIA RADIO,Hyderabad,nx em nepalês.mv,fv 23322 24. 7475 22/03/2014 01:55 GRC Rádio VOICE OF GREECE,Avlis,mx folk grega,som violão,fv 22222 25. 7395 22/03/2014 02:00 ROU Rádio ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Galbeni,,nx em francês,fv,mv 23222 26. 7850 22/03/2014 02:05 CAN CHU CANADÁ, Ottawa, time signal 22222 27. 9410 22/03/2014 02:10 TUR Rádio VOICE OF TURKEY, Emirler, nx em espanhol,fv 22222 28. 9535 22/03/2014 02:15 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPANÃ, Noblejas, nx sobre atualidades em espanhol,mv,fv 22222 29. 9565 22/03/2014 02:20 B Rádio TUPI/ SUPER RÁDIO DEUS É AMOR, Curitiba PR, pregação religiosa pastor Davi Miranda 33333 30. 9575 22/03/2014 02:25 IND ALL INDIA RADIO, Bengaluru,mx folk,fv 22112 31. 9585 22/03/2014 02:30 B SUPER RADIO DEUS É AMOR, São Paulo SP, pregação religiosa pastor Davi Miranda. 55555 32. 9595 22/03/2014 02:35 IND ALL INDIA RADIO, Delhi,mx folk,fv 22222 33. 9620 22/03/2014 02:40 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPANÃ,Noblejas, nx em espanhol sobre atualidades,mv,fv. 33433 34. 9645 22/03/2014 02:45 B Rádio BANDEIRANTES,São Paulo SP,mx popular. 55555 35. 9665 22/03/2014 02:50 B Rádio MISSIONÁRIA, Camburiú SC, px entr. Cristã,com ouvinte de Cuba. 55555 36. 9695 22/03/2014 02:55 CHN Rádio CRI, Jinhua, nx em chinês,mv,fv 21111 37. 9765 22/03/2014 03:00 CHN Rádio CRI, Nanning, nx em idioma ñ identificado, fv,mv 44444 38. 9690 22/03/2014 03:05 E Rádio CRI, Noblejas, nx em inglês,mv,fv 44444 39. 9810 22/03/2014 03:10 IRN Rádio VOICE OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, Kamalabad, nx em arabe ,mx folk 33333 40. 9820 22/03/2014 03:15 B Rádio NOVE DE JULHO, São Paulo SP,mx cristã padre Marcelo Rossi 55555 41. 9845 22/03/2014 03:20 BOT Rádio AFIA DARFUR/ HELLO DARFUR, Selebi-Phikwe,nx em arabe,mv 44444 42. 9895 22/03/2014 03:25 IRN Rádio VOICE OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, Zahedan, nx em arabe ,fv 34444 43. 9940 22/03/2014 03:30 MVA Rádio MIRAYA FM, Kishinev-Grigoriopol,mx cantora Shakira,mx arabe, 22222 44. 9955 22/03/2014 03:35 USA FAMILY RADIO, Okeechobee 10,pregação religiosa em inglês,fv 22322 45. 10000 22/03/2014 03:40 B Rádio DIFUSÃO DE SINAIS HORÁRIOS, Rio de Janeiro RJ, "Observatório nacional,zero hora,quarenta minutos trinta segundos 33333 46. 10000 22/03/2014 03:45 USA WWV, Denver, sinais em cw, bipes. 11221 47. 10520 22/03/2014 03:50 B Transmissão pirata de caminhoneiro no MT em USB 33333 48. 11565 22/03/2014 03:55 USA Rádio RMI OVERCOMER MINISTRY, Okeechobee 12, pregação religiosa, end de e-mailda emissora em inglês 33333 49. 11625 22/03/2014 04:00 CVA RADIO VATICANO, Santa Maria di Galeria,nx da igreja católica, idioma ñ identif. 22222 50. 11710 22/03/2014 04:05 ARG Rádio ARGENTINA AO EXTERIOR, General Pacheco,nx em chinês,fv,mx popular, desvio de 5khz+ 55455 51. 11750 22/03/2014 04:10 CHN Rádio CNR1, Shijiazhuang, hx em francês,mv,fv 22222 52. 11760 22/03/2014 04:15 CUB Rádio HABANA CUBA, Havana, nx sobre política,fv 22222 53. 11780 22/03/2014 04:20 B Rádio NACIONAL DE BRASÍLIA,Brasília DF, px "Programa Madrugada Nacional", mv 55555 54. 11870 22/03/2014 04:25 USA Rádio EWTN (WEWN), Vandiver,px religioso em espanhol, conversa pelo telefone. 33333 55. 11940 22/03/2014 04:30 MDG Rádio TAMAZUJ, Talata-Volondry, mx arabe,mv,fv,id emissora 33333 56. 12055 22/03/2014 04:35 CHN Rádio CNR1, Lingshi, px em chinês,mv,fv 22222 57. 12095 22/03/2014 04:40 SEY Rádio BBC, Mahe,nx em inglês,mv,fv 22222 58. 12130 22/03/2014 04:45 KWT MARSHAAL RADIO, Kuwait, nx em pashto, mv 22222 59. 12140 22/03/2014 04:50 KWT Rádio AZADI(Rádio Free Afganistan), Kuwait, nx em dari,mv 33333 60. 13680 22/03/2014 04:55 IRN Rádio VOICE OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, Sirjan, nx em russo, mv 33322 61. 15130 22/03/2014 05:00 CHN Rádio CRI, Beijing, nx em chinês, mv 22222 62. 15170 22/03/2014 05:05 CHN Rádio CRI, Jinhua, nx em cantonês, mv 23222 63. 15515 22/03/2014 05:10 KWT Rádio KUWAIT, Sulaybiyah, nx em arabe, mv 21111 64. 15560 22/03/2014 05:15 THA Rádio VOA, Udon Thani,nx em tibetano, mv,fv 21111 65. 17690 22/03/2014 05:20 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA, Agingan Point, nx em chinês, mv 23323 66. 17725 22/03/2014 05:25 CHN Rádio CRI, Xian,nx em inglês, mv 22222 67. 17860 22/03/2014 05:30 PHL Rádio VOA, Tinang, nx em chinês, mv,fv 22222 68. 21645 22/03/2014 05:35 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA,Tinian Island, nx em chinês,mv 44444 69. 21680 22/03/2014 06:00 UAE Rádio FREE ASIA, Dhabbaya, nx em tibetano,mv 34344 70. 21700 22/03/2014 06:05 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA, Tinian Island, nx em tibetano,mv 34344 71. 17530 22/03/2014 12:00 ROU Rádio ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Tiganesti, nx em inglês, fv 22222 72. 21780 22/03/2014 12:05 RRW Rádio DEUTSCHE WELLE,Kigali. Dialog,. parecendo radionovela em francês, mv,fv 33333 73. 21690 22/03/2014 12:10 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL, Issoudoun, nx de atualidades em francês,mv 44434 74. 21630 22/03/2014 12:15 ASC Rádio BBC, Ascencion,nx de atualidades em francês, mv 44444 75. 21610 22/03/2014 12:20 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, Noblejas,nx atualidades em espanhol, mv, fv 32323 76. 21580 22/03/2014 12:25 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL,Issoudoun, nx de atualidades em francês, mv,fv 33323 77. 21570 22/03/2014 12:30 ROU Rádio ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Tiganesti,nx em francês,fv 23233 78. 21540 22/03/2014 12:35 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, Noblejas,nx atualidades em espanhol, mv, fv, QSB 22322 79. 21540 22/03/2014 12:40 KWT Rádio KUWAIT, Sulaybiyah, nx em arabe, mv 22222 80. 21505 22/03/2014 12:45 ARS Rádio RIYADH, Riyadh,nx em árabe,mv 22222 81. 21470 22/03/2014 12:50 SEY Rádio BBC , Seychelles,nx em árabe ,mv 22222 82. 17650 22/03/2014 12:55 CHN Rádio CRI, Kashi-Saibagh, nx em chinês,mv,fv 21221 83. 17625 22/03/2014 13:00 ARS Rádio RIYADH,Riyadh, oração do alcorão,mv 33333 84. 17580 22/03/2014 13:05 CUB Rádio Habana CUBA, Havana, nx sobre política,fv,mv 21211 85. 15510 22/03/2014 13:10 THA Rádio BBC, Naklon Sawan, nx em uzbek, mv,fv 21111 86. 15375 22/03/2014 13:15 TJK Rádio FREE ASIA, Dushanbe Yangiyul,nx em tibetano,mv,fv 22222 87. 15120 22/03/2014 13:20 ARS Raádio RIYADH,Riyadh, nx em árabe,mv 33333 88. 14800 22/03/2014 13:25 TWN Rádio SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng,?, nx em chinês,mv 22222 89. 11895 22/03/2014 13:30 B Rádio LEGIÃO DA BOA VONTADE, Porto Alegre RS,pregação bíblica,mx,fv 22222 90. 11855 22/03/2014 13:35 B Raádio APARECIDA, Aparecida SP,px de curiosidades,falando sobre a cidade de S.Francisco Xavier 55555 91. 11780 22/03/2014 13:40 B Radio NACIONAL DA AMAZÔNIA, Brasilia DF, px de recados dos ouvintes,mv 33333 92. 11765 22/03/2014 13:45 B Rádio TUPI/ SUPER RADIO DEUS É AMOR, Curitiba PR, pregação pastor Davi Miranda 55555 93. 11735 22/03/2014 13:50 B Rádio TRANSMUNDIAL Santa Maria-Camobi RS, id. endereço eletrônico,para curso bíblico, fv 55555 94. 9630 22/03/2014 13:55 B Raádio APARECIDA, Aparecida SP, px de variedade conteúdo católico 55555 95. 7120 22/03/2014 14:00 B QSO de radioamador "Rodada Trem das Onze" ,PY2DMX,PY2JLT(USB) 55555 96. 7094 22/03/2014 14:05 B Radioamador PY2CFO Garcia, chamando geral a banda de 40 metros (USB) 55555 97. 5890 22/03/2014 18:00 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL,nx em russo,mv 11211 98. 6933 22/03/2014 18:05 B Transmissão de radioperadores piratas brasileiros, palavrões 55555 99. 7055 22/03/2014 18:10 B QSO final da "Rodada do Pelicano" coordenada por PY4LFO, ouvido PY1GG,PY1AZ, 55555 100. 9515 22/03/2014 18:20 B Rádio MARUMBY, Curitiba PR, px "Missionário Salva" da Igreja Assembléia de Deus 54444 101. 11580 22/03/2014 18:25 GUM Rádio KTWR GUAM, Agana, nx em vietnamita, fv,mv 12111 102. 11810 22/03/2014 18:30 ASC Rádio BBC, Ascencion,nx de atualidades , mv, fv 55555 103. 11820 22/03/2014 18:35 ARS Rádio RIYADH,Riyadh, oração do alcorão,mv 22222 104. 11830 22/03/2014 18:40 AFS ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO, Meyerton, px bíblico em inglês 22122 105. 11890 22/mar 18:45 PHL Rádio FILIPINAS,Tinang, nx em inglêssobre atualidades, fv 23233 106. 11915 22/03/2014 18:50 B Rádio GAÚCHA, Porto Alegre RS, entrv. antes da partida de futebol, Internacional X Cruzeiro 55555 107. 11930 22/03/2014 18:55 ARS Rádio RIYADH, Riyadh,oração do alcorão,mv 54444 108. 11940 22/03/2014 19:00 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, Noblejas, partida de futebol campeonato espanhol 33333 109. 13620 22/03/2014 19:05 IRN Rádio VOICE OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN,Sirjan,nx em francês, mx folk,fv 45545 110. 13640 22/03/2014 19:10 IND ALL INDIA RADIO,Bengaluru,mx folk,fv 33233 111. 13660 22/03/2014 19:15 UAE Rádio BBC, Dhabbaya, nx em árabe,mv,fv 22332 112. 13695 22/03/2014 19:20 IND ALL INDIA RADIO,Bengaluru,mx folk,fv 54545 113. 13740 22/03/2014 19:25 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL,px esportivo em francês,mv 44444 114. 13765 22/03/2014 19:30 CVA Rádio VATICANO,Santa Maria di Galeria,px sobre o Papa,entrv.,mx cristã 43333 115. 14205 22/03/2014 19:35 B QSO de radioamadores "Rodada do Pelicano", escutado as estações de PY1CAF, PY4XZ,PY4AWU, PY1RM, PY4AZB,PY5ON 55555 116. 15105 22/03/2014 19:40 ASC Rádio BBC, Ascencion, nx em hausa, fv,mv 55555 117. 15275 22/03/2014 19:45 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL, nx em francês sobre atualidades, mv,fv 34444 118. 15240 22/03/2014 19:50 AUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO, Moosbrunn, nx cristã em francês,mv 44444 119. 15260 22/03/2014 19:55 AUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO,Moosbrunn,nx cristã em 33222 120. 15275 22/03/2014 20:00 RRW Rádio DEUTSCHE WELLE,Kigali.nx em inglês,sobre atualidades,fv 44444 121. 15345 22/03/2014 20:05 ARG Rádio ARGENTINA AO EXTERIOR, General Pacheco,debate sobre a ditadura, mv,fv 55555 122. 15480 22/03/2014 20:10 MDG ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO, Talata-Volondry, nx em árabe, mv,fv 33222 123. 15620 22/03/2014 20:15 STP Rádio VOA, Pinheira,nx em francês, mv 23333 124. 15650 22/03/2014 20:20 GRC Rádio VOICE OF GREECE,Avlis,nx em grego,fv 22222 125. 17755 22/03/2014 20:25 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, Noblegas,partida de futebol, mv 23333 126. 17850 22/03/2014 20:30 E Rádio EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, Noblegas,partida de futebol, mv 23333 127. 15130 22/03/2014 20:35 F Rádio JAPAN,Issoudoun, nx em japonês,fv 33333 128. 28450 23/03/2014 02:00 J Radioamador JE1RXJ (TACK) chamado geral para QSO em USB 54444 129. 17730 23/03/2014 02:05 MNG Rádio FREE ASIA,Ulaanbaatar,id da emissora,mv,prop. 55455 130. 17640 23/03/2014 02:10 CHN Rádio CRI,Xian, nx em russo,mv 44444 131. 17605 23/03/2014 02:15 CHN Rádio CNR1,Beijing, nx em chinês,fv 22222 132. 15435 23/03/2014 02:20 CHN Rádio CRI, Xian,nx e pashto, mx folk 55555 133. 17550 23/03/2014 02:25 CHN Rádio CNR1,Beijing, nx em chinês,fv 22222 134. 17505 23/03/2014 02:30 CHN Rádio CRI,Kunming, nx em tamil,fv 22222 135. 15770 23/03/2014 02:35 CHN Rádio CNR2, Lingshi, nx em chinêsfv,mv 44444 136. 15670 23/03/2014 02:40 CHN Rádio CNR8,Beijing, ncx em kazakh,fv 22222 137. 17580 23/03/2014 02:45 CHN Rádio CNR1, Lingshi, px em chinês,mv,fv 33333 138. 15390 23/03/2014 02:50 CHN Rádio CNR13, Lingshi, nx em uyghur, fv, mx violão 33333 139. 15380 23/03/2014 02:55 CHN Rádio CNR1, Beijing, nx em chinês, diálogo entre duas mulheres 23322 140. 15230 23/03/2014 03:00 CUB Rádio HABANA CUBA, Habana, nx politica ,mv ,fv 33333 141. 15190 23/03/2014 03:05 B Rádio INCONFIDÊNCIA, Belo Horizonte MG, música popular brasileira 55555 142. 15185 23/03/2014 03:10 IND ALL INDIA RADIO, mx folk,id da emissora, nx em hindi,fv 22222 143. 15120 23/03/2014 03:15 IND ALL INDIA RADIO, Bengaluru,mx folk,fv 33344 144. 15120 23/03/2014 03:20 CHN Rádio CRI, Beijing, nx em inglês,mv,forte interferência da All India radio 22222 145. 13735 23/03/2014 03:25 CHN Rádio CRI, Kashi-Saibagh, mx , nx em tamil 21111 146. 13720 23/03/2014 03:30 CHN Rádio CRI, Kashi-Saibagh, mx em hindi 33222 147. 13700 23/03/2014 03:35 CHN Rádio CNR13, Lingshi, nx em uyghur, fv 22222 148. 15435 23/03/2014 03:40 KOR KBS WORLD RADIO, Kinjae, nx em espanhol,fv 22322 149. 13630 23/03/2014 03:45 ROU Rádio ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, Tiganesti,mx pop,fv, em espanhol 55545 150. 12035 23/03/2014 03:50 RRW Rádio BBC, Kigali, nx em inglês, fv 22211 151. 12025 23/03/2014 04:00 D VOA DEEWA RADIO, Biblis, nx em pashto,fv,mv 32232 152. 11980 23/03/2014 04:05 TJK Rádio FREE ASIA,Dushanbe-Orzu, nx em chinês, mv 22221 153. 11895 23/03/2014 04:10 RRW Rádio BBC, Kigali , mx em persa,mx "As 4 Estações " Vivaldi, mv 33333 154. 11840 23/03/2014 04:15 CUB Rádio HABANA CUBA, Habana, nx politica ,mv ,fv 22222 155. 5865 23/03/2014 19:00 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA, Tinian Island, nx em chinês, mx folk 22332 156. 5915 23/03/2014 19:05 ZMB Rádio ZAMBIA NBC,Lusaka, nx em idioma ñ identif. mv,mx folk 21112 157. 6080 23/03/2014 19:10 B Rádio ANHANGUERA, Goiânia GO, nx sobre atualidades, imposto de renda, mv fv 54544 158. 6860 23/03/2014 19:15 B Transmissão de radioperadores piratas brasileiros, qra" Teco-teco", "Bom jardim", Pé de manga". 55555 159. 7190 23/03/2014 19:20 B Transmissão de radioamadores em AM ,PY1AMB Muniz, PY2KO 55555 160. 6100 23/03/2014 20:00 CHN Rádio CRI,Xian, nx em árabe,,mv,fv 33333 161. 6050 23/03/2014 20:05 KWT Rádio KUWAIT, Kuwait, nx em árabe, mv 22222 162. 6155 23/03/2014 20:10 CHN Rádio CRI, Beijing, mx folk,nx em russo 34344 163. 7205 23/03/2014 20:15 F Rádio FRANCE INTERNATIONAL, Issoudoun,px musical em francês 33333 164. 7220 23/03/2014 20:20 VTN Rádio VIETNAN, Hanói-Sontay, nx em inglês, fv 22222 165. 7225 23/03/2014 21:00 CHN Rádio CRI,Beijing, f/in,,nx em croata,fv 44444 166. 7255 23/03/2014 21:05 NIG Rádio VOICE OF NIGERIA, Ikorodu, mx popular, fv 33322 167. 7300 23/03/2014 21:10 G Rádio HCJB QUITO, Woofferton, mx folk 33333 168. 7310 23/03/2014 21:15 CHN Rádio CRI,Kashi-Saibagh, mx,nx em inglês,mv,fv 44444 169. 7325 23/03/2014 21:20 CHN Rádio CRI, Xian , nx em sérvio, mx folk 44444 170. 7335 23/03/2014 21:25 CHN Rádio CNR2, Lingshi, nx em chinês fv,mv 32322 171. 7350 23/03/2014 21:30 CHN Rádio CRI,Urumqi, mx em inglês, mvem francês 33333 172. 7405 23/03/2014 21:35 CHN Rádio CRI, Beijing, nx em inglês atualidades, mv,fv 33333 173. 7415 23/03/2014 21:40 CHN Rádio CRI, Kashi-Saibagh, nx em inglês atualidades, mv ,fv, delay de 2 segundos da outra emissão em 7405khz 33333 174. 7495 23/03/2014 21:45 F Rádio ALGERIENNE HOLY QUR'NA, Issoudoun, oração do alcorão, mv 33333 175. 7495 23/03/2014 21:50 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA,Tiniang,, mx instrumentalfolk chinesa 22122 176. 7520 23/03/2014 21:55 THA Rádio FARDA, Udon Thani, mx folk em persa 22222 177. 7570 23/03/2014 22:00 KRE Rádio VOICE OF KOREA, Kuajang,mx coral feminina 22222 178. 9355 23/03/2014 22:10 MRA Rádio FREE ASIA, Agingan Point, mx folk chinês, mv 22222 179. 9575 23/03/2014 22:30 MRC Rádio MEDITERRANEE INTERNATIONAL, Nador, mx pop em francês e árabe 22222 180. 28261 23/03/2014 22:35 USA Beacon em cw id. "NJ3T/B" 22222 181. 28434 23/03/2014 22:40 ARG estação radioamadora argentina chamando CQ, LU1FFL (USB) 55555 182. 28482 23/03/2014 22:45 MRT estação radioamadora da martinica FM4NB em qso com LU6LB da Argentina 55555 183. 28425 23/03/2014 22:50 USA estação radioamadora americana KC4TVZ, chamando CQDX 55555 184. 28345 23/03/2014 22:55 ARG estações radioamdoras argentinas emqso LU4WAT e LU6LU 55555 185. 25175 23/03/2014 23:00 B transmissão clandestina de caminhoneiros do Pará 33333 186. 25155 23/03/2014 23:05 B transmissão clandestina de caminhoneiros RG Sul 55555 187. 15525 23/03/2014 23:10 AUS Rádio HCJB AAUSTRÁLIA, Amoy, , mx cristã em inglês 22333 188. 15470 23/03/2014 23:15 MRA Rádio VATICANO, Tiniang, mx em vietnamita, oração do Papa em latim 44444 189. 15320 23/03/2014 23:20 GUM Rádio KSDA GUAM, Agat,aulas de idioma em chinês,fv,mv 44444 190. 13650 23/03/2014 23:25 CUB Rádio CRI, Habana,programa em português,sobre o cerrado brasileiro, bebida e vinhos chineses 55555 191. 12050 23/03/2014 23:30 USA Rádio EWTN(WEWN), Vandiver, missa ,mx cristã em espanhol 55555 192. 12055 23/03/2014 23:35 PHL FEBC RADIO, Bocaaue,nx em dialeto palang e pale, desvio de audio de 5khz+ 33333 193. 12015 23/03/2014 23:40 KRE Rádio VOICE OF KOREA/ KCBS, Kujang,mx folk em coreano de coral,diálogo, mv, 44333 194. 8140 23/03/2014 23:45 B Transmissão pirata de radioperadores brasileiros em USB, caminhoneiros MT, 44444 195. 8165 23/03/2014 23:50 B Transmissão pirata de radioperadores brasileiros em USB, caminhoneiros RS, 33444 Nome: Fernando Luiz de Souza - PY2161SWL - Local da Escuta: Lorena, São Paulo – Brasil Receptor: Yaesu FT-897d / Sony ICF-7600 GR Antena: Dipolo V invertido 1/4 onda - Vertical 5/8 de onda Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes, SINPO SINPO 1. 17715 1827 22/03/14 E Radio Exterior de España (REE), prueba de moto velocidad, hay que sacar buenas posiciones, hay cinco españoles en la diputa (Moto GP), px Tablero Deportivo, 45554 2. 15190 1840 22/03/14 PHL Radio Philippine, woman talks in language “Philippine”, English, 45554 3. 15275 1845 22/03/14 RRW Deutsche Welle , man talks in language Huasa, 23332 4. 15300 1850 22/03/14 F Radio France Internacional, woman talks in language French, 34443 5. 15400 1855 22/03/14 ASC BBC World Service, woman talks in language English, 34443 6. 15420 1931 22/03/14 ASC BBC World Service, woman talks in language English, 45554 7. 12070 1937 22/03/14 G Rádio Deutschhe Welle (DW), Entrevista, francês marcos recordando as emissões, aprender de ouvido, 1º Episódio “Nunca usou Eletricidade”, px Espaço do Ouvinte, 34443. 8. 12070 2000 22/03/14 D Deutsche Welle (DW), News, man talks in language English, 45554 9. 11995 2005 22/03/14 F Radio France International (RFI), song French, woman talks in language French, foot ball “Paris San German”, 45554 10. 11930 2012 22/03/14 ARS Radio Riyadh, man song or talks in language Arabic, 45554 11. 11840 2017 22/03/14 ? (not identify) woman and man talking in language French, 45554 12. 11820 2022 22/03/14 ARS Radio Riyadh, man song or talks in language Arabic, 45554 13. 11810 2027 22/03/14 ASC BBC World Service, man talks, woman talks in language English, 45554 14. 9630 2230 22/03/14 B Rádio Aparecida, px Encontro DX, Participação de Ulysses Galetti, Segmento DX com Leonaldo Ferreira, memória musical, 34443. 15. 9955 2257 22/03/14 USA RMI Overcomer Ministry, man talks, song in language English, 34443 16. 10000 2305 22/03/14 B Observatório Nacional, mulher falando os minutos, 34443. 17. 9875 2310 22/03/14 KRE Voice of Korea (KCBS), woman talks in language Korean, 45554 18. 9840 2315 22/03/14 VTN Voice of Vietnam, man talks in language Chinese, 45554 19. 9820 2320 22/03/14 CHN CNR2, woman talks man talks in language Chinese, 45554 20. 9620 2325 22/03/14 E Radio Exterior de España, poemas, 55555 21. 9600 2330 22/03/14 PHL Vatican Radio, man talks, woman talks in language Vietnamese, 34443 22. 9590 2335 22/03/14 CHN Radio Internacional de China (CRI), hombre hablando, pasaos ocho años, 22222 23. 9575 2340 22/03/14 MRC Radio Mediterranee, songs in language Arabic, 34443 24. 9565 2348 22/03/14 USA Radio Martí, veo presentación, importante de maña, cambiado como mensajero, tienes que valorar, la última hablante de china habló en la asamblea general de la ONU, 45554 25. 9475 2355 22/03/14 USA WTWW, man talks in language English, song, 45554 26. 9435 0002 23/03/14 CHN Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), Notícias, Malasya, possíveis destroços do avião desaparecido foi encontrado próximo a China, O Presidente da Rússia Vladmir Puttin foi alertado pelo Secretário Geral da ONU sobre a oficialização da Criméia à Rússia. 45554. 27. 9410 0007 23/03/14 ASC BBC World Service, man talks in language English, 45554 28. 5810 0013 23/03/14 USA EWTN (WEWN), ser instrumento del Príncipe, ayer a las personas, es lo que desea Jesús, 45554 29. 5890 0030 23/03/14 ? Not identify, man talks in language English, 33333 30. 5920 0037 23/03/14 USA WHRI Cypress, songs, in language English, 33333 31. 9525 0042 23/03/14 B Radio Romania Internacional (RRI), músicas romanas, 45554 32. 5935 0047 23/03/14 USA WWCR University Network, woman talks in English, 33333 33. 5970 0152 23/03/14 CHN Rádio Itatiaia, comercial das Casas Bahia, propaganda Política PRB. 23332 34. 9605 0135 23/03/14 KOR KBS World Radio (KBS), px Buzón del Radioescucha, 45554 35. 9730 0201 23/03/14 TWN Radio Taiwán Internacional (RTI), Resume Semanal, manifestantes asaltan y roban el Legislativo el pasado 28/03, Japón va investigar a las mujeres en la esclavitud sexual en el país, px El Cartero, 45554 36. 6195 0915 23/03/14 J Rádio Japão (NHK), px Encontro DX, mx, apresentação de Roberto Maxuel e Kasue Imasato, 444 37. 7430 0933 23/03/14 CHN China Radio International (CRI), woman talks, woman talks in Chinese, 23332 38. 9415 0940 23/03/14 CHN China Radio International (CRI), woman talks, woman talks in English, 45554 39. 6195 0945 23/03/14 J Radio Japón (NHK), px Buzón de Radio Japón, 232 40. 9440 0950 23/03/14 ALB China Radio International (CRI), woman talks, woman talks in Romanian, 55555 41. 9565 0955 23/03/14 B Rádio Deus é Amor, Pastor David Miranda em oração, pedindo que Deus abençoe todos os filhos e filhas aqui na Terra, 45554 42. 9630 1000 23/03/14 B Rádio Aparecida, id, RCR Sat, px Nossa Missão, Missionários Redentoristas, Padre Inácio, Domingo da Quaresma, 45554 43. 9955 1005 23/03/14 USA WRMI (Not identify), woman talks, woman talks in English, 23332 44. 9880 1010 23/03/14 CHN China Radio International (CRI), woman talks, woman talks in Chinese, 45554 45. 9835 1015 23/03/14 MLA RTM Sarawak FM, woman talks in English, songs, 34443 46. 9820 1020 23/03/14 B Rádio 9 de Julho, Missa, “Como é que tu que eis Judeu pede ajuda a mim que sou Samaritana?”, 34443 47. 11735 1025 23/03/14 B Rádio Transmundial (RTM), mx, px Domingo no Rádio, id, comercial Pronatec, 34443 48. 11855 1030 23/03/14 B Rádio Aparecida, Ano Vocacional, A capelinha foi um dos marcos da Pastoral Vocacional, 34443 49. 12050 1035 23/03/14 USA Radio Católica Mundial (WETN), hombre hablando, 23332 50. 15135 1040 23/03/14 CHN China Radio International (CRI), curse of the Chinese in language Indonesian, 44444 51. 17490 1045 23/03/14 CHN China Radio International (CRI), woman talks, man talks in language English, 34443 52. 17570 1050 23/03/14 ARS Radio Riyadh, woman talks, man talks in language Arabic, 33333 53. 17615 1055 23/03/14 ARS Radio Riyadh, man talks in language Arabic, 33333 54. 17680 1100 23/03/14 ROU Radio Romania International (RRI), woman talks, man talks in language English, 45554 55. 17730 1105 23/03/14 CUB Radio Havana Cuba (RHC), Programa de alfabetización en Guatemala por cubanos, px Mundo de la Filatelia, 45554 56. 17730 1240 23/03/14 CUB Radio Havana Cuba (RHC), px En Contacto, hay muchas parejas, px Cuba Campesina, músicas cubanas, 45554 Nombre: Antonio Avelino da Silva (AAS) (PY7048SWL) - Local de Escuta: Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil Receptor: DEGEN DE 1103 Antena: Telescópica Seq. Freq Khz Data hora UTC ITU Emissora língua Comentários SINPO 1* 6090 22/03/14 1155 B Bandeirantes português px “jornal gente”apresentadores José Paulo de Andrade e Salomão Esper 44444 2* 11915 22/03/14 1315 B Gaúcha português ann “termas da marina”, ann “13° rodeio cidade de Porto Alegre” 33333 3* 11780 22/03/14 1353 B Nacional Amazônia português px” ponto de encontro”, mx de Paula Fernandes 33222 4* 9630 22/03/14 1425 B Aparecida português discussão sobre a falta de água no sistema Cantareira 54444 5* 5970 22/03/14 2210 B Itatiaia português px “reporter Itatiaia”, mv falando sobre a marcha da liberdade, na Savassi 32222 6* 9820 22/03/14 2230 B 9 de julho português mv falando sobre dependencia química, telefone para participação: 39321600 44333 7 6000 22/03/14 2330 B Guaiba português mv falando sobre camp. Gaúcho: público irrisório; pouca renda 21111 8 6010 22/03/14 2353 B Inconfidência português px “sertanejo moderno”, mx “você me vira a cabeça” de Bruno e Marrone 33333 9 6080 23/03/14 0001 B Marumby português pregação: valores do bem impregnam em nossa vida. O Senhor na sua imensa graça.... 33333 10 6120 23/03/14 0006 B SRDA português mx gospel 43333 11 6135 23/03/14 0012 B Aparecida português px”com a mãe Aparecida”, dia 22 de março é o dia de Sta Léa 55555 12 6180 23/03/14 0017 B Nacional Amazônia português mx sertaneja, Chitãozinho e Xororó 21111 13 9610 23/03/14 0023 CHN CRI chinês mx popular chinesa 21111 14 9620 23/03/14 0029 E Exterior Espanha espanhol mx clássica 21111 15 9655 23/03/14 0034 CHN CNR 13 uyghur mv, fv, noticiário 21111 16 9800 23/03/14 0039 CHN CRI espanhol mx ritmo rock, em espanhol 22222 17 9870 23/03/14 0045 IND New Delhi hindi mx típica 21111 18 9890 23/03/14 0051 CHN CNR 13 uyghur mv, fv, noticiário 21111 19 11520 23/03/14 0057 USA EWTN inglês mv, fv, mx instrumental ao fundo 21111 20 11765 23/03/14 0103 B SRDA português pastor falando que o diabo não pode tocar nossos corpos 44444 21 11845 23/03/14 0108 CHN CNR 2 chinês mv, mx tipica intercalada com a fala 21111 22 11870 23/03/14 0113 USA EWTN espanhol oração: Ave Maria 21111 23 11895 23/03/14 0120 USA VOA inglês mv, noticiário 22222 24 17560 23/03/14 1620 ARS Riyadh árabe oração, alcorão 22222 25 17640 23/03/14 1625 G BBC inglês mv, transmissão esportiva 21121 26 17830 23/03/14 1630 G BBC inglês mv, transmissão esportiva 22112 27 13605 23/03/14 1639 IND All India hindi fv, oração 21111 28 11735 23/03/14 1645 B Transmundial português mv falando sobre sobre perda de relacionamento, amizade, perdão que recebeu de uma amiga 55444 29 11855 23/03/14 1652 B Aparecida português mx “do you know”, depois “upside down”, ambas de Diana Ross 21111 30 11895 23/03/14 1658 B LBV português oração com irmão Paiva 22211 31 9645 23/03/14 1702 B Bandeirantes português px “domingo esportivo Bandeirantes”, com Claudio Zaidan 44444 32 9665 23/03/14 1707 B Voz Missionária português pastor Alexandre anunciando o site: www.gideões.com.br 54444 33 10000 23/03/14 1712 B Observatório Nacional português fv: Observatório Nacional, 14 horas, 15 minutos, 20 segundos..... 21111 34 5990 23/03/14 1717 B Bandeirantes português px” domingo esportivo”, Milton Neves falando sobre aplicar mais dinheiro na educação.... 21111 35 5940 23/03/14 1723 B Voz Missionária português fv fazendo um apelo para levantar fundos para ajudar um missionário enfermo 22111 36 9585 23/03/14 1728 B SRDA português Davi Miranda com suas pregações, traduzida simultaneamente para o espanhol 55555 37 9550 23/03/14 1733 B Boa Vontade português mx em ritmo de samba 21111 38 9530 23/03/14 1738 B Transmundial português mv: se alguma desgraça cair sobre nós como castigo....” “Rei Josafá se ajoelhou na presença de Deus 21111 39 15190 23/03/14 1743 PHL Pilipinas filipino fv, noticiário 21222 40 15205 23/03/14 1749 ARS Riyadh árabe mv, parece ser noticiário 21211 41 15225 23/03/14 1754 ARS Riyadh árabe mv, parece ser noticiário 22211 42 15275 23/03/14 1759 D DW francês fv, pequena vinheta, fim da transmissão em francês, id da rádio 21111 43 15300 23/03/14 1804 F France francês mv, noticiário 21111 44 15345 23/03/14 1809 ARG RAE espanhol noticiario, mv, mv falando sobre 1° ministro turco, invasão do espaço aéreo 43333 45 15400 23/03/14 1819 G BBC inglês mv falando nomes de alguns países, Germany, United States, mx ao fundo 44433 46 17715 23/03/14 1825 E Exterior Espanha espanhol mv falando sobre os meios de comunicação; a vida na Europa 23222 47 17755 23/03/14 1829 E Exterior Espanha espanhol mv falando sobre politica 11111 48 17800 23/03/14 1834 D DW francês conversa entre dois apresentadores 22111 49 17850 23/03/14 1839 E Exterior Espanha espanhol mv falando sobre o governo, politica da espanha há alguns anos atrás 23333 50 11995 23/03/14 2155 MRA Free Asia francês mx ritmo country 33222 51 12015 23/03/14 2201 KOR Voz da Korea espanhol mv falou id da rádio, no inicio da transmissão mx instrumental, parecia ser um hino. 22222 52 12050 23/03/14 2209 USA EWTN espanhol Santa Missa em espanhol 33322 53 11635 23/03/14 2215 TWN Taiwan chinês fv, noticiário 22111 54 11710 23/03/14 2220 CHN CNR 1 chinês mv, noticiário 21111 55 11740 23/03/14 2225 CHN CNR 2 chinês mv, fv, noticiário 21111 56 11810 23/03/14 2230 KOR KBS inglês mx pop 32322 57 11930 23/03/14 2235 AFS Riyadh árabe fv fazendo oração 21111 58 11940 23/03/14 2241 ES Exterior Espanha espanhol mv, assunto: futebol 21111 59 13830 23/03/14 2248 USA EWTN espanhol Santa Missa, oração Pai-Nosso, em espanhol 43333 60 13845 23/03/14 2253 USA WWCR inglês mv, parecia pregação, em inglês 23333 61 15190 23/03/14 2304 B Inconfidência português futebol: Boa Esporte 0X0 Cruzeiro, jogo em BH; 30 minutos do segundo tempo 32322 62 15230 23/03/14 2309 CUB Habana espanhol mx típica cubana 43333 63 15320 23/03/14 2314 GUM KSDA chinês fv em conversa animada com outra mulher 21211 64 15470 23/03/14 2319 CVA Vaticano vietnamita mv falando em vietnamita, parecia noticiário, intercalando com outro mv falando em italiano 33333 65 17080 23/03/14 2325 CHN Soh Xi Wang Zhishey chinês mv, fv, falando rápido demais, em chinês 21111 66 17520 23/03/14 2330 GUM KSDA chinês mx instrumental, som de pássaros 43333 67 17700 23/03/14 2335 KWT Kuwait árabe mx que parece um hino 21111 68 7205 23/03/14 2340 CHN CRI mongolês mx típica chinesa 21111 69 7220 23/03/14 2345 CHN CRI vietnamita mx instrumental, com guitarra se destacando 22111 70 7250 23/03/14 2350 CHN CRI espanhol mx pop, em espanhol 22111 71 7405 23/03/14 2355 USA Marti espanhol fv anunciando a rádio, varias pessoas conversando, risadas 32332 Nome: Paulo Cesar Labastie - Local da Escuta: Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo – Brasil RX: DEGEN 1103 – Antena: DEGEN DE 31MS RX: Transglobe B 471-3 - Antena: telescópica Obs.: emissoras com * foram sintonizadas no Transglobe Seq. Freqüência (kHz) Data "Horário UTC" ITU Emissora, detalhes SINPO 1 5910 22/mar/14 2,41 ROU Radio Rumania Int.-Debate 34333 2 5920 22/mar/14 2,47 USA WHRI Cypress-Información, suena su telefono. 43433 3 5960 22/mar/14 2,54 KWT R. Kuwait-Mx 34333 4 6010 22/mar/14 3,03 IRN La voz Islamica de Iran-Nx, información de España 22222 5 6020 22/mar/14 3,09 ALB-CHN China Radio Int.-Nx 44444 6 6080 22/mar/14 3,15 I-USA La voz de America-Nx 33333 7 6125 22/mar/14 3,21 E REE-Información-Españoles en la mar, puerto Málaga 44444 8 9570 22/mar/14 3,32 ALB-CHN China Radio Int.-Información 44444 9 21670 22/mar/14 11,38 ARS R Riyadh-Nx, Mx 43433 10 21610 22/mar/14 11,48 E REE-Información-Naturaleza nos ofrece 22222 11 17840 22/mar/14 11,58 IRN La voz islamica de Iran-Nx, Mx 33333 12 17800 23/mar/14 15,21 D-UAE Deutsche Welle-Nx 43433 13 17745 23/mar/14 15,34 ROU Radio Rumania Int.-Mx 55444 14 17660 23/mar/14 15,46 ARS R Riyadh-Mx 44444 15 17595 23/mar/14 15,53 E REE-Nx Adolfo Suarez 33333 16 17500 23/mar/14 15,59 IRN La voz islamica de Iran-Nx, Mx 44444 17 15825 23/mar/14 16,05 USA WWCR-Nashville-Liturgia 32222 18 15660 23/mar/14 16,12 GUM DSDA-AWR Guam Información-frecuencias 22222 19 15585 23/mar/14 16,23 E REE-Información-noche de insomnio 33333 Nome: José Parrado Navarro - Local da Escuta: Málaga – Espanha - Receptor: Icom IC-R75 Antena: COMET DS-15 Antônio Avelino da Silva Lista dos ganhadores dos concursos comemorativo Lista dos ganhadores dos concursos comemorativo ao aniversário do DX Clube Sem Fronteiras Listas dos Dxistas que participaram do concurso de Onda Tropical dias 08 e 09/03/2014 Lista de los Diexistas que han participado del concurso de Onda Tropical días 08 y 09/03/2014 Fernando Luiz de Souza (37 escutas), Lorena, São Paulo - Brasil José Parrado Navarro (08 escutas), Málaga - Espanha Nelcy Remedy Bidart (02 escutas), Sant'Ana do Livramento, Rio grande do Sul, Brasil Francisco Luiz Oliveira Nepomuceno (01 escuta), Caridade, Ceará – Brasil Listas dos Dxistas que participaram do concurso de Onda Curta dias 22 e 23/03/2014 Lista de los Diexistas que han participado del concurso de Onda Corta días 22 y 23/03/2014 Fernando Luiz de Souza (195 escutas), Lorena, São Paulo – Brasil Paulo Cesar Labastie (71 escutas), Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo – Brasil José Ronaldo Xavier (50 escutas), Cabedelo, Paraíba – Brasil Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (31 escutas), Bandeirantes, Paraná – Brasil José Parrado Navarro (19 escutas), Málaga – Espanha Nelcy Remedy Bidart (16 escutas), Sant'Ana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil Francisco Luiz Oliveira Nepomuceno (05 escutas), Caridade, Ceará – Brasil Gilvam Souza Costa (PY4110SWL), (03 escutas), Araçuaí, Minas Gerais – Brasil A premiação foi elaborada pela soma da pontuação nos dois concursos La premiación fue elaborada por el soma de la puntuación en los dos concursos TODOS OS PARTICIPANTES RECEBERÃO CERTIFICADO DE PARTICIPAÇÃO. TODOS LOS PARTICIPANTES RECIBIRAN DIPLOMA DE PARTICIPACIÓN. 1º Fernando Luiz de Souza, 232 pontos, Lorena, São Paulo – Brasil 01 Rádio TECSUN R-909 portátil analógico da Rádio Internacional da China (CRI) 2º Paulo Cesar Labastie, 71 pontos, Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo – Brasil 01 Camisa oficial do DXCSF 3º José Ronaldo Xavier, 50 pontos, Cabedelo, Paraíba – Brasil 01 Camisa oficial da Rádio Internacional da China (CRI) 4º Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, 31 pontos, Bandeirantes, Paraná – Brasil Brasil 01 Assinatura anual do DXCSF 5º José Parrado Navarro, 27 pontos, Málaga – Espanha 01 Assinatura anual do DXCSF 6º Nelcy Remedy Bidart, 18 pontos, Sant'Ana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil 01 Porta Crachá (cordão) da RFI 7º Francisco Luiz Oliveira Oliveira Nepomuceno, 06 pontos, Caridade, Ceará – Brasil 01 Brinde artesanal da CRI 8º Gilvam Souza Costa (PY4110SWL), 03 pontos, Araçuaí, Minas Gerais – Brasil 01 Brinde artesanal da CRI Rudolf Grimm Atualização WRTH2014 Colegas, Desde hoje cedo no site do WRTH está o arquivo com as atualizações de emissões internacionais (76 páginas) da edição 2014, correspondente ao período A14, free para todos os que desejarem acessá-lo. Um excelente volume de informações, que com certeza fará reativar o impulso pelo rádio para os que imaginavam que não há mais transmissões em quantidade por ondas curtas. Pelo que se percebe, muito material para escutas e busca de confirmações (QSLs). www.wrth.com Latest PDF Updates - WRTH 2014 Int. Radio Supplement 2 (A14 Schedules) (5 May 2014) 73 Rudolf Grimm - São Bernardo SP - http://dxways-br.blogspot.com Dan Ferguson WRTH Summer season International broadcast schedules file available From Sean Gilbert: The WRTH Editorial team is pleased to announce that the A14 International broadcast season schedules are now available for free download from the WRTH website, navigate to: http://www.wrth.com and follow the links. The file is in PDF format and will require the free Adobe Acrobat reader (http://www.adobe.com). Included in the 76 page, 3MB, file are the full summer 'A' Season broadcast schedules for International and Clandestine & Other Target broadcasters and DRM, Selected language broadcasts. Also a by frequency listing of the above schedules and a table of sites and site codes used. We hope you find this a useful accompaniment to the printed WRTH edition. Please feel free to pass this information on and/or repost on social media as you wish. 73, and good listening! - Sean D. Gilbert, International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)- On behalf of the WRTH Editorial team. Adelson Jacinto de Sousa Venta Amigos da lista, Com a devida permissao do sr. moderador, estou colocando a venda os seguintes receptores: 01 Sangean ats 909 preço 700,00 01 Eton xm e-1 preço 1.500,00 todos os radios em otimo estado de conservaçao. EM TEMPO: Caso algum colega tiver um iphone 5s novo para troca tenho interesse. porem so iphone novo. Grato . Adelson - e-mail para contato: [email protected] Dino Bloise Cuba India Clash I rarely am angry at international broadcasters... but I really am at India using frequencies without going through the usual rules... Clash of Cuba spanish on 11670 khz ... we can clearly hear india english underneath ... I wrote a email to RHC and to Arnie Coro ... hope this gets resolved.... there is no reason with all the shortwave spectrum to have this happening. I know they often clash with other broadcasters .. this has to stop.. 73 - Gilles Letourneau - Montreal, Canada www.youtube.com/officialswlchannel *** Gilles, Your anger is misplaced. India was on 11670 before Cuba was. There was no problem in B-13, until Arnie decided recently to start using 11670 before India finishes at 2230. Altho India`s participation in HFCC comes and goes, this season it`s in and including 11670 until 2230; they are following the rules, so it`s entirely Arnie`s fault for refusing to coordinate with anyone in HFCC. BTW, today I could not hear a trace of India out here before 2100; horrible propagation today. Both stations would offer the excuse that we in North America have *no* standing in this case since neither transmission is intended for us. Both however are targeting Europe, so if Arnie really wants to get in there, he`d better move. Rob Wagner reports in Australian DX News: ``11670 R.Havana. Spanish to Eu, s/on 2100, NF and fair level with co channel AIR's English to Eu. Also noted on the Twente receiver as well, where AIR covers Havana completely. Woeful choice of freq until 2230 when AIR s/off leaving Havana in the clear, 28/4. (Wagner)`` 73, Glenn **Another station clashing with All India Radio is Radio Taiwan International (via France), which uses the AIR frequency of 6155 for English to Europe at 18.00-19.00 UTC It was negligent of the French to put the RTI relay during the current A-14 season on an Indian frequency that, although intended for Pakistan, propagates so well into Europe and which has been causing serious interference to the RTI service. There are plenty of clear channels in the 6Mhz band during the relevant time-slot that could have been chosen instead. (Roger Tidy, London, UK) [DXLD - Glenn Hauser] Dino Bloise Frecuencia Al Día Visita a Italia 5 de Mayo, 2014 - Frecuencia Al Día - Un mensaje a todos los amigos de Frecuencia Al Día. Hola amigos, colaboradores y oyentes del programa Frecuencia Al Día. Entre los días 19 al 26 de mayo de 2014 estaremos de visita en Roma, Italia. Mucho nos gustaría poder encontrarnos con Ustedes y grabar algunas entrevistas. ¿Lo organizamos? Por lo pronto comentenos de su interés, disponibilidad y número de teléfono. Hágalo al email [email protected] y en el sujeto especifique "Visita a Italia". Muchas gracias, y les agradecemos si lo difunden entre sus amigos y oyentes de Radio. Dino Bloise - Miami, EE.UU Glenn Hauser Logs May 4-6, 2014 ** ANGOLA. 4949.78 approx., May 6 at 0102, off-frequency carrier detectable most evenings is a bit stronger, with some talk and a Luso rather than Brazilian accent, as expected from RNA, 0104 music; still more talk at 0131, yet very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11710.58 approx., May 6 at 0111, RAE in presumed Japanese, with big het from Egypt 11709.94 approx. Narrow bandwidth to the hi side helps, but there is so little modulation from Cairo that I can still hear RAE even tuning to the lo side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6000, May 6 at 0109, another night with RHC unable to get this English frequency going on time: carrier is on, but dead air, and then it drops off the air for several split seconds. 6165 is OK. By 0114, 6000 staying on and undermodulating; 0138 up to sufficient modulation. 13740 is missing, May 6 at 0128, supposed to be in Spanish from 21 to 04 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 9315, May 6 at 0120, no signal from R. Cairo supposed to be in Spanish. 9965 in Arabic has good signal; 12070 in Spanish very good signal level, but extremely distorted modulation; 11710- just barely modulated in presumed Spanish hetting ARGENTINA, q.v. HFCC shows all these are Abis site, but it has no monopoly over Abu Zabaal when it comes to severe transmission defects (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 7475 fair and 9420 good, May 6 at 0117, Greek music from Elleniki Radiophonia; nothing on other 9, 11 or 15 MHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. 7280, May 6 at 0116, Mideast music at first with a Qur`anish tinge, very poor amid heavy QRhaM. Helps a lot to tune USB only with narrow bandwidth on the PL-880. It`s only R. Farda, 0030-0400, 250 kW, 105 degrees from Nauen, GERMANY, per HFCC and Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, May 5 at 0523, poor signal with drumming and fluting, sounds native-American, so XEPPM is on later than usual 0500* not only with carrier but undermodulation too. Worst QRM is from second-adjacent supersig of WHRI 6175 with Vietnam relay splattering; Brasil 6180 betwixt quite insignificant now. At 0532, WHRI is off, so RNA gets to ACI Radio Educación all by itself, and XEPPM is still on with ID for 1060 running 100,000 watts of potency, webcast, no mention of SW now, but of significant date 5 de mayo; and I can barely make a // on 1060 which is supposed to be only 20,000 watts at night, vs dominant presumed WLNO New Orleans, if not KIJN Farwell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, May 6 at 0100, R. Chaski carrier and some modulation, until cutoff at 0110:21.5* which is 10.5 seconds later than May 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. 11975, May 4 at 1955, weird music until off with no announcement at 1956.5*, whence? Back on at *1957 with RRI IS. HFCC shows both RRI, going from Romanian to French on same 300 kW, 285 degree beam from Galbeni, so why any break? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. 11905, May 6 at 0115, missed the carrier-on, SLBC already in music but I don`t miss the 2+1 mistimesignal ending at 0115:18.5, opening Hindi; very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1719 monitoring: confirmed UT Monday May 5 at 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB, and webcast. Next: Tuesday 1100 & Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955; Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5085, UT Monday May 5 at 0305 I notice that Ted Randall`s Sunday-night country-music request show is still running on WTWW-2; unknown what times it starts and stops, but Brother Scare will surely resume before long. Nothing on WTWW-3, 12105 this time. 12105 remains mostly off the air, such as May 5 at 1339 check, no Bibling. I`m told that the tentative date for that to resume on an expanded schedule with many more languages than before, is May 22. Meanwhile, it seems Ted may turn it on with own programming unpredictably, even WORLD OF RADIO as heard twice last Thursday. I also heard that WOR appeared sometime circa 2330 UT Sunday May 4 on 5085; did anyone log that? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5109.74-CUSB, May 6 at 0149 check during AWWW, measuring off-frequencies, after re-calibration with WWV 5000.000, the DX-398 finds WBCQ approximately here (meaning the final digit is iffy). Early in the hour, Allan was preaching about Easter, so maybe a recent show unless from 2013y (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 850, May 6 at 0144 UT, organ music from NE/SW, vs Rockies BB from the NW = KOA. Surely it`s LCMS` KFUO Clayton (St Louis) MO, altho May official FCC sunset there is 0100 UT. IIRC, KFUO gets to stay on until LSS in Denver, which is 0200 UT now. Can`t find anything at AM Query for KFUO about this, however. 0145 UT organ music fades or cuts off? Meanwhile at 0146 UT, KOA pauses to promote ``Talkradio 6-30, K-How`` which was once a competitor, but now both are owned by Citicasters Licenses, Inc. Like me, never heard of that company? It`s a big `un, with several other Denver stations and all over the country: http://streamingradioguide.com/licensee-list.php?showall=on&licensee=CITICASTERS+LICENSES%2C+INC perhaps with some more that aren`t streamers. Also, while looking up KOA at FCC, I see that they have a CP for a 10 kW ND aux/backup site at a quite different location to the north and west of the main one, which means closer in to the city of Denver. When nulling KFUO to get KOA, I am also hearing a weaker station in English underneath; it`s too early for Tacoma, so presumably one of several stations after dark in the South. My streetlight ignites at *0137 UT with a clear sky, 14 minutes after Enid sunset at 0123*, cooling a 102-degree day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Alfredo Meurer Jr. Tromelin Island DXpedition planned for October 3 - November 10, 2014 Boa noite a todos Aos que interessarem, entre outubro e novembro desse ano está anunciada a FT5/T Tromelin Island DXpedition http://www.tromelin2014.com/en/ The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has announced a $25,000 grant to the FT5/T Tromelin Island DXpedition http://www.tromelin2014.com/en/ planned for October 3-November 10, 2014. Tromelin is number10 on The DX Magazines latest Most Wanted List. http://www.dxpub.net/Most-Wanted-Survey.html A difficult access No harbour nor landing in complete safety on beach. The access to the Island is possible by using the 1km runway maintained by the TAAF staff. Its by the airs thats we will reach Tromelin. The last operation took place in 2000. A 4 men team made 50,000 contacts with the callsign FR/F6KDF/T. Atenção!!! Tromelin Island está 14 anos desativada, esse é o HAM World. Eu recomendo aos assinantes dessa lista abrirem o link abaixo para verem a clasificação atualizada dos 100 Países DXCC mais raros por ordem de raridade. Most Wanted List. http://www.dxpub.net/Most-Wanted-Survey.html Esta será a segunda mega DXpedition a um país DXCC entre os 10 mais raros que teremos este ano, pois em janeiro deste ano esteve ativa a estação FT5ZM da ilha Amsterdam, no sul do oceano Índico e uma proxima DXpedition a FT/Z está estimada que não será antes dos proximos 10 anos. Nese link o leitor da lista radioescutas poderá ver a imagem da ilha Tromelim, no oceâno Índico e como é dificílimo chegar a ela, vocês vão ver as ondas enormes que se formam centenas de metros antes do micro pedaço de terra que aquele pontinho no mapaa tem, um lugar realmente incrivelmente inóspito e selvagem, não é nada fácil chegar à terra de Tromelim. http://afp-photo.tumblr.com/post/48199906592/an-aerial-view-of-the-tromelin-island-in-the Espero que os interessados em conquistar esse raríssimo País DXCC; FR/T Tromelin Is tenham boa sorte e se preparem antecipadamente com antena ou antenas mais poderosas, pois uma escuta desse porte não é nada fácil com uma antena mais simples. VRY 73 GD DX DE - Alfredo Meurer Jr. - ZY1-0001SWL Ulysses Galletti Venta Amigos. Informo que estou disponibilizando o meu receptor profissional Rohde & Schwarz EK 47. Informações sobre o Receptor: Link: http://www.shortwaveradio.ch/radio-d/rohde-ek47.htm Foi importado por mim da Alemanha oficialmente e revisado ao chegar na Rohde Schwartz do Brasil. Importei também da Espanha o livro Manual Técnico dele. Motivo adequação de investimento. Para maiores informações me escrevam para [email protected]. QRV Ulysses Galletti Dino Bloise El Radio Club Dominicano El Radio Club Dominicano invita a su HAMFEST/Feria Radioaficionado 2014. Con la participación de los sectores que ligados a la radioafición en la República Dominicana. La actividad será realizada en el local del RCD los días sábado 31 de Mayo y Domingo 1ro de Junio. El Domingo 1er. de Junio tendremos el mercado de pulgas junto a la actividad. Para mayor información y participación en el evento escribir a -----> Hi8KW: [email protected] http://www.radioclubdominicano.com/ Glenn Hauser Logs May 6, 2014 ** CHINA. 17735, May 6 at 1303, CNR1 news sounders, very poor, but obviously here to jam BBC Uzbek via Thailand at 1300-1330 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6165, May 6 at 0542, RHC is absent from this English frequency, which I know was on after 0100; remains on the remnants of the Cuban Five, 6100, 6060, 6000, 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 6185, May 6 at 0542, XEPPM is off, unlike last night. I guess it`s just a matter of when they get around to turning off the SW transmitter, mañana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, May 6 at 1330 UT, KOSU announcement by Kelly Burley about OSU applying for transfer of license to itself for KOSN 107.5 Ketchum-Tulsa, which they have been renting (I think). Go see the paperwork at an address in Grove OK; inconvenient (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. KOTV, KWTV, KOCM: see U S A TVDX report ** U S A. 9370, May 6 at 0540, WWRB with BS at night on day frequency, and this time // much weaker night frequency 3185 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1510, May 6 at 0551 UT, dominant signal is something new, Mexican music, long corrido, loops somewhat CCW from E/W. 0555 partial ID as ``La Ke Buena`` with no WLAC to be heard, but that must be in a fade, regaining shortly making 4 Hz SAH, during C2CAM; just after 0600 UT ID in accented English as ``WQQW, La Ke Buena`` and right back to music. This is a 1 kW *daytimer* direxional toward me! COL Highland IL, address in Belleville = St Louis MO market. See my previous log of November 7, 2013 in DXLD 13-46, when heard around sunrise, updating entry in NRC AM Log when it was in English as a ``hometown station`` for Madison county, quite a reversal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Finally, our first significant regional tropo opening of the spring, morning of May 6! I know something is up when I turn on 90.1 and hear Radio Kansas, KHCC Hutchinson, totally capturing the frequency from KUCO in OK, on the nondirexional YB-400 whip. KHCC is in a pledge drive interrupting `Morning Edition`. The Kansan gospel huxter on 91.5 is also elbowing KOSU 91.7, forcing me to off-tune for it to 91.75 but still hear some ACI. So after breakfast I switch to TV with the antenna rotated north. Hepburn tropo map for 1200 UT today shows a minor purple area in eastern OK and eastern KS, so we`re at the western edge of the opening. 1325 UT, all the big Wichita signals are solid on VHF and UHF, starting with KSNW-45, so I look for other ones. 1328 UT, still an NTSC signal on channel 28 and only 28, tnx to 8.8 kW KWKD-LP Wichita with Daystar. It`s weak with JBA sound but enough to lock and recognize. On the B&W analog TV I keep an eye on 28, where it`s a lot easier to peak the rotator on Wichita than with a DTV signal, and it is fading out by 1500 UT as the DTVs are also weakening and dropping off. Titan TV fails to list KWKD 28 for Wichita, just a TBN translator somewhere, K28JB, which is not in the W9WI.com database for Kansas. And not in FCC TV Query either for anywhere! KWKD analog 28 is // but not synchronized with Daystar OKC via Cable 95 in Enid (the latter breaks up and sometimes goes to black, apparently due to off-air pickup QRM to 50 kW KOCM RF 46 Norman? Enid Suddenlink has claimed they get everything from OKC via fibre now, not air, but maybe not applicable to this minor but apparently must-carry signal. I am not getting anything on 46 directly, but there are two low-powers in Kansas, and three others in Oklahoma including most likely Tulsa.) From 1330 UT I find that RF 43 bears THIS TV as 43.1 and a whole bunch of others, i.e. KCTU-LD Wichita KS with only 2.7 kW per W9WI.com which shows only 3 subchannels, *43.1:E:Fn *43.2:E:AMG *43.3:E:Untamed *43.4:E:Fn Asterisks mean ``major virtual channel guessed, not in database``. But I identify eight with PSIPs! 43-1 THIS [not really? see 43-6] 43-2 EBRU TV 43-3 SPORTS 43-4 HEALTH 43-5 AMG/FAM 43-6 COOL TV [but with THIS bug in lower corner!] 43-7 MICASA [so it`s Spanish?] 43-8 LAUNCH [old low def off-color movie? no sound either] Titan TV is seldom complete, accurate and up-to-date, but I bring up its Wichita on-air listings which also include much of the rest of Kansas as far as Colby. Its lineup for KCTU 43 is rather different: 43.1, KCTU Wichita - THISTV 43.2, KCTU-Cool EBRUTV 43.3, KCTU-DT3 UNTAMED 43.4, TVScout Ind 43.5, KCTU-LD6 Ind 43.6, KCTU-Ebru COOLTV 43.7, KCTU-LD7 IND [programming unavailable] 43.8, KCTU-LD8 IND [programming unavailable] [and no higher channels] I`d never heard of EBRU TV before, so Google it; surely not the ``newest cable network`` by 2014y!: http://www.ebru.tv/en/forms/about-us.html ``Ebru TV takes pride in being the newest cable network that offers a complete television experience that is both wholesome and exhilarating for family viewers of all ages. Launched nationally in 2006, the network broadcasts 24 hours in English to viewers across the United States. Ebru TV’s wide range of high quality programs serve to viewers eager for more inclusive and representative portrayals of their lifestyles. It offers members of diverse communities a place to share their unique stories and contributions. Ebru TV is available on RCN basic cable in Manhattan, Washington, D.C., Boston, Chicago, Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia as well as the largest international TV platform in the US, the Globecast World TV. Parent Company Ebru TV is a majority-owned subsidiary of Samanyolu Broadcasting Company (SBC), an international media corporation with headquarters in the United States, Germany, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. Founded in 1993, SBC has grown rapidly. Its programming currently reaches viewers in over 80 countries through several televisions [sic] and radio stations. The secret of SBC’s continuing rise has been our ceaseless effort to bring audiences unique, high quality content that integrates the values of today’s families, the wisdom of past generations and the fresh perspectives of tomorrow. Contact information for Ebru TV: 300 Franklin Square Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873 - Phone: 1 (732) 560 0800 Fax: 1 (732) 560 0801`` Click on the `Demand EBRU TV from your TV provider`` button leads to: http://www.ebru.tv/en/forms/channelfinder.html So I enter a zip for Wichita, and get NO on-air ``providers``, so they don`t even know they are carried on KCTU (or don`t want us to know). And just what is the Turkish/Azerbaijani connexion? Where does the name come from: surely nothing to do with Hebrew?? BTW, the U in EBRU logo is a pair of flames (or petals?). Programming includes Dr. Who! but hardly exclusively. 1329 UT on RF 30, discussion of juicing, program bug lower left says DAYtime. 1335 UT on RF 30, 30-1 RTV, but much of the time it`s black even tho with `good` signal, apparently a transmission problem. By 1416, Retro TV is showing, and no subchannels. At 1442 UT it`s black again, but then revives so I can identify multiple channels from it: 30-1, Retro 30-2, HRTHD – video of a radio talk show, about music? 30-3, FAM 30-4, PBJ 30-5, TUFF This more or less matches Titan TV, except here too some of the channel identifiers are mixed up: 30.1, KSMI-LD RTVNET 30.2, KSMI-LD2 HEARTLAND 30.3, KSMI-fam FAMILYCHAN 30.4, KSMI-TUF PBJ 30.5, KSMI-LD5 TUFFTV W9WI.com shows this as KSMI-LP, 15 kW in Wichita KS but only as a CP LD and a CP-MOD LD, with seven different channels: *30.1:E:RTV *30.2:E:My Family TV *30.3:E:PBJ *30.4:E:Tuff TV *30.5:E:FGO *30.6:E:Jewelry TV *30.7:E:Jamz The asterisks mean ``major virtual channel guessed, not in database``. KSMI also listed on RF 51, which if really on, I would not see here due to OKC, but they probably left it for 30 now activated. 1352 UT on RF 14, DTV 17 KAAS-DT is decoding. But per W9WI.com, KAAS Salina is on RF 17, displays as ``18``, and relays KSAS RF 26 Wichita ``24``. On RF 14 it`s really KOCW, 40 kW in Hoisington KS which evidently does not relay KSAS directly, but via KAAS. Is it really picked up off-theair, double relay? That`s risky. Hoisington is just north of Great Bend and a bit closer to Salina than to Wichita. 1355 UT on RF 44, I am getting NBC `Today` just like on 45 from KSNW, but soon to local break, news and weather from `KY3`, i.e. KYTV, another ``3``, Springfield MO --- despite antenna still being pointed at Wichita. Bunch of photos. At 1428 UT, I see a subchannel, 3-2, labeled on PSIP: KY3 24/ --- it`s supposed to be 24/7 as displayed on screen, but by leaving a space within the PSIP which allows only 7 characters, the last of 8 characters is cut off! Duh. It`s Weather Nation, combo with local info. Bunch of more photos. 1425 UT, I rotate ENE toward Springfield MO to see what else may be incoming besides 44: RF 23 has: 21-1, OPT-HD kidvid 21-2, OPT-LD? more kidvid 21-3, OPT Create This is KOZK, 100 kW in Springfield, Ozark Public Television 1426 UT, RF 22 with PSIP for 2-1, KSNC-DT which is Great Bend KS 1427 UT, RF 16 with Smoky Hills public TV bugs in LR or LL and: 9-1, KOOD-1 9-2, KOOD-2, same PBS kidvid as on KOOD-1, but not synchro!! Why? Are they relaying KPTS or some other station here? 9-3, KOOD-3, Create This is 496 kW in Hays KS; W9WI.com also shows a 9-4, PBS World, unseen. KOOD also has transmitters in Lakin, Colby, Dodge City. By 1500 UT, the Kansas signals are fading out, but at 1519 UT, KSNW-45 is still in-and-out. By 1533 UT, RF 45 is overtaken by KOTV Tulsa, even with antenna still toward Wichita. So then pointed at Tulsa, still solid for most of the hour as I am somehow tuned first to 6-3, which is Newson6 --- but it`s 4 hours old, as obvious from the continuous clock showing 6:xx am! Make that Oldson6. Report from Guthrie wildfires. Graphic style and everything match sibling station KWTV 39 OKC, except their old-news-channel is 9-2, News 9N while 9-1, the main CBS channel is nevertheless named News9. KOTV has an additional channel: 6-2 KOTV-CW while 6-1 is PSIP`d: KOTV-HD. It`s amazing how there is a complete lack of standardization in the way PSIP IDs are handled. The 30 and 43 LPs in Wichita don`t show their real callsigns anywhere, not even on the -1 channel. There is also an RF 24 LP in Wichita, blocked here by OKC. Distance-wise this opening was nothing special, but with the reduced reach of DTV, not getting any of these under dead conditions for months, 100 miles seems like real DX! And it is real DX concerning low-power outlets. Quick approximations, not site to site, by http://www.distancefromto.net --From Enid to: Wichita KS 152 km = 94 statute miles Hoisington KS 249 km = 155 statute miles Hays KS 305 km = 189 statute miles Springfield MO 419 km = 260 statute miles BTW, my rotor currently won`t reach between NNW and WNW, but fortunately not much TVDX to be had from those angles. Antenna is the C-490 about 21 feet above ground (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Miguel Angel Rocha XX Encuentro Nacional Diexista XX Encuentro Nacional Diexista. Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, México, 19-20 julio. Diexistas, radioescuchas de las ondas cortas y aficionados a las comunicaciones del occidente de México y de todo el país compartiremos anécdotas, experiencias y conocimientos sobre la radio experimentación en Lagos de Moreno, pueblo mágico, en el estado de Jalisco. Esta ciudad se encuentras cercana a León, Guanajuato y su Aeropuerto del Bajío, y a Aguascalientes, capital del estado homónimo, que cuenta también con aeropuerto. Organiza Iván Montánd con correo electrónico [email protected] y teléfono celular 4747492107. Apertura e inicio del evento a las 12:00 horas en biblioteca Biblioteca Maria Soine De Helguera, en Miguel Leandro Guerra N. 520 47400 Lagos de Moreno. En media tarde recorridos y posteriormente taller de antenas y noche diexista en Calle Rincón Gallardo #22 Norte, Colonia San Miguel CP 47420 Lagos de Moreno Jalisco. El domingo siguiente en la mañana, actividades diexistas. Quienes deseen aportar algún material impreso diexista, receptor u otro material para los asistentes, información sobre su agrupación diexista o radiodifusora enviarlos a Iván a esa dirección. El responsable del evento recomienda hospedarse en Hotel Posada Real pero hay hoteles y alimentación para variados presupuestos. 73 y muy buenos DX de Miguel Angel XE2004SWL/ XE2iTX/ 10AD222. Glenn Hauser Logs May 6-7, 2014 ** CANADA. 6160-, May 7 at 0159, CBC poor but clear thanks to silence of Cuba from 6165; CBC promos, news jingle starts late 5 seconds after 0200; presumably CKZN at this early hour, not CKZU; no trace of a second signal, but this one is very slightly on the lo side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 4765, May 7 at 0155, R. Progreso audio breakup and crackle during drummin` & strummin`, also undermodulated and with ``running water`` ute audible underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 12140, May 7 at 0127, RHC Spanish quite audible tho very poor vs CODAR, 2 x 6070 harmonic. 5040, May 7 at 0153, surprised to find RHC in English here; normally the English hours on 5040 are only 23-24 and 05-06. Squealing transmitter rather like WEWN; pitch varies except during modulation pauses when the squeal is constant; it`s also undermodulated. Then at 0158 I notice that the intentional English frequency, 6165 is missing, while 6000 is on. Maybe 5040 has deliberately been switched from Spanish to English as compensation. Or maybe it`s just SNAFU. Another hour of English is still on 5040 after 0200 with anti-American ``news`` as always, blasting VOA, RTVM and the ``mercenary media in Miami``. 13740, May 7 at 0158, RHC Spanish is back on after missing yesterday, also on 6060, 6070, 9810, et al., but not 5040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 9420 VG // 7475 G, May 7 at 0124 with Greek music; nothing on the other frequencies of Elleniki Radiophonia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. 15540, May 6 at 2045, western pop music from R. Kuwait; a little better reception than usual, but still only fair with deep fades vs local noise level. 2050 time check for 11:50 and news in English. First two minutes about his hiness the emir, mentioning Sabah several times and nothing to do with Malaysia, but apparently with football. 2052 on to international news: Syrian opposition groups; Yemeni government forces, air strikes vs al-Qaida group; UN Secretary General and some civil war, which? UN Human Rights about something; Ukrainian elexions; New York stox; sports, local weather, Wednesday`s forecast hi: 41. 2057.4 news is over, back to some music; 2059 quick sign-off announcement with English schedule still imagining that 15540 is on the 25 meter band; very brief anthem by band finishing in time for the accurate timesignal until 2100:00, switch to news theme and starting Arabic news but cut off at 2100.5*. No finesse by the transmitter operators. 17550, R. Kuwait Arabic service has already been on for an hour and has somewhat better signal than 15540; news continues on 17550, but this transmission is interrupted from 2101.8* to *2103.2, after which it seems a bit stronger. Was some antenna/transmitter change made during this break? None scheduled. News continues until 2115, and music, but it`s only theme, relief, same sounders every few seconds during talk feature. I was hoping for some continuous music to nap by (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, May 7 at 0107 music, 0108 announcement sounds like R. Free Whatever style, mentions ``another crackpot show``, closing with ``Whatever!`` to 0109.4* and a few unID words a bit later. 0110 a stronger pirate comes on, ``Where have you gone, comrade? I want more music, over``. These are in faux-Russian accents. The May CIDX Messenger illustrates the RFW QSL which is in faux-Cyrillic. (Do the Russians ever joke around with faux-Roman letters? I doubt it.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. 11725-, May 7 at 0113, my frequent bandscans make it easy to recognize something extraordinary, on a frequency normally vacant: four notes with variations making up an interval signal, 0115 YHWH ID and says he is going to read an article. Very slightly on the lo side compared to other 25m carriers, not including the ones which are way off. Fair with deep fades vs storm noise level. Not rechecked until 0152 when he`s gone. Another new frequency. Then Ron Howard heard YHWH starting at 0302 May 7 on 7300. John Carson in OK says May 6, ``Glenn, The YHWH pirate is being pretty bold these days. Last week he was doing his thing on 7194 LSB plus or minus. This week he is on 14274.75 USB, still IDing as YHWH and seemingly not worried about the FCC. Wonder if many others are hearing him and where the transmission are coming from? I first heard YHWH at approx 0415 UT on 7182 LSB on 27 April. 7194 LSB was last Wednesday at approx 0315 UT and 14274.75 was last Saturday night at 0345. Always on the ham bands`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5980, May 7 at 0106, R. Chaski carrier remains until cutoff at 0110:28* which is 6.5 seconds later than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 9870, May 7 at 0118, VOT in stilted Spanish about ``Los Otomanos``, and audio is also cutting out several times a second, yet remains readable. Comparing to // 9770: no such problem there, both Emirler transmitters, of course. At 0125, during music and talk, 9870 modulation is really skipping, now unusable. Carrier itself remains steady (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9370 // weaker 3185, May 7 at 0123, WWRB is devoting both transmitters to Brother Scare, so 5050 with other programming is off the air tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 750, May 7 at 0136 UT, preacher in English from N/S, surely KMMJ, Grand Island NE. Not in Spanish at the moment, a minute before my steetlite ignites for the nite. I also overlooked reporting this a few days ago: UT May 4 at 0133 UT, country gospel music in English from N/S, but by 0158 UT it`s off with WSB in. KMMJ is that rare ``Unlimited`` station with a Limited schedule, 10.7 kW, apparently in deference to WSB. Per http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/getimportletter_exh.cgi?import_letter_id=10208 from 1977y, in May the KMMJ hours are 1115-0145 UT; June, 1100-0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 850, May 7 at 0134 UT, ``Abide with Me`` by choir; got to be those Lutherans again at KFUO Clayton MO. KOA easily nullable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1190, May 7 at 0128.3 UT, I want to hear that real Star Spangled Banner signoff again like I logged May 2 at this hour from KKOJ in Jackson, southwest Minnesota, and there it is amid QRM, sounds like an harmonious male quartet and this time I can also make out some SFX of rockets and bombs, ends at 0129.9* UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1560, May 7 at 0141 UT, Harold Camping lives! Not on SW WYFR any more, but on KKAA, 10/10 kW U4 from Aberdeen SD. And he is getting younger, judging from his voice compared to the last days on SW. Also had him at 0133 UT May 7 on more common Family Radio station, 920, KYFR, 5/2.5 kW U4, Shenandoah IA. Now at 0141 and 0151 UT I can tell that 920 and 1560 are // and synchronized. How fortunate we are, since the FR translator in Enid remains defunct from 88.3. KKAA dominant on 1560, no KGOW to be heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1660, May 7 at 0138 UT, C&W music from N/S must be KQWB, West Fargo ND, ex-True Oldies. That Channel is being abolished as of June 30 and affiliates are already bailing out. Three items about this are in DXLD 14-18. Soon overtaken by Rockies vs Rangers on the ``Texas Rangers ESPN Radio Network``, i.e. KRZI Waco TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1100, May 7 at 0131 UT some classic rock, seems NE/SW but surely not WTAM Cleveland. Music shortly fades out (or goes off?) as WTAM fades up with baseball. There aren`t very many 1100s around; both KKLL Webb City MO and KDRY Alamo Heights TX are supposedly Christian. KDRY`s May sunset to go direxional is 0115 UT; and so is KKLL`s as a daytimer, plus critical hours after 0115 of 5 watts the first hour, 3 watts the second; so what can it be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 1500, May 7 at 0144 UT, quite a mix of silly ballgames: basketball from dominant KSTP, Spurs game mentioning rebound after rebound which I assume does not apply much to baseball, but with SAH of approx. 5 Hz, another station best heard with KSTP nulled carrying Cardinals baseball, reference at 0148 to cardinals.com where I don`t find any obvious link to their radio station list. Searching directly on that, the best I can find is last year`s: http://stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com/stl/downloads/y2013/stl_radio_map13.pdf And no, you don`t get 2014 by changing two numbers. Map takes forever to load and then you have to hunt for 1500s, as the map is not searchable. None found. Could be merely Pawhuska OK, I suppose, but last year the Bartlesville affil was KWON 1400. If DXM and DXN were on paper, I could have found baseball networks quickly instead of wasting a lot of time hunting & searching the pdfs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6947.44, May 7 at 0112 AM carrier, fair signal, thot it might develop into a pirate, but mostly silence, occasional tones, clix, still at 0122 and later. Mystery carrier has appeared here before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Claudio Galaz A propósito de las estaciones de números A propósito de las estaciones de números. Ahora quizás devenga en un interés en ella por el tema de webdriver torso: http://youtu.be/UVYPLhYvjBA Alfredo Meurer Jr. Escuchas Prezados colegas, Haverá uma breve operação de dois amadores japoneses na ilha Palau T8 no Pacífico, operadores japoneses, May 16-19 T8, Palau (update). Operators Fujio/JA1SVP and Takeo/JR1GSE will be active as T88FA and T88TH, respectively, from VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room) on Koror Island (OC-009). Activity will be on 160-6 meters, including 30/17/12m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. T88TH (JR1GSE) will operate mainly SSB and some CW. While T88FA (JA1SVP) will operate mainly CW and RTTY. Main rig is an IC-756 with a TL-933 (possibly other rigs). Antennas are a 160m sloper, 80/75/40/30m Inverted-V and 20-6m Yagi. QSL T88FA via JA1SVP, and T88TH via JR1GSE. Both either direct or by the Bureau. For more details about the VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room), see: http://www.palau-radio.com/index.php?page=rr2014 Uma ótima oportinudade para uma escuta muito difícil, pois essa ilha está cerca e 18,000Kh distante do sudeste do Brasil e uma operação amadora por apenas 3 dias com potência não superior a 300W é um desafio incrivel para nós termos essa escuta realiazada, porém nunca imposivel! Estejam atento aos QTRs em cada banda nos momentos propicios a ajanelas de aberturas de propagaçção e as chances serão boas para confirmar T88. Eu tenho duas estações escutadas de Palau este ano de 2014, uma Dxpeditions de dois japonses por pouquíssimos dias; T88SM; 21 de janeiro 2014; 21278, escuta entre 23:34 a 23:48z sinal fraquíssimo, momentos que ele desaparecia e reaparecia com 31 a 43 de picos de maximo sinal, forte QSB, qsos principalmente com japoneses e americanos, escuta muito difícil devido ao qsb e propagação ruim. T88MX ; 28 de janeiro 2014; 7130, escuta entre 21:32 a 21:44z, depois fechou completamente, sinal muito baixo, entre 31 a 43, QSB, qsos com japoneses. Receptor usado - Sony 7600G e antena dipolo para 40m ressonante em 7150 para ambas as escutas. Não escutei eles nas outras bandas. Obs. não tentei a banda de 20m, tentei de tudo para conseguir um deles em 10m, mas não tive sorte deles operarem nessa banda nos momentos de propagação de Palau para o Rio de Janeiro nos 28Mhz. Ouvir o outro lado do mundo com transceptres que não passam de 300W é uma coisa que não é sempre fácil, mas a gente pega eles, Boa sorte a todos. Alfredo ZY1-0001SWL Migdiel Cruz Escuchas LRA 36 Radio Arcangel San Gabriel, Gabriel Los Horarios De La Radio Es De 15:30 A 18:30 Hs. La Frecuencia De La Radio(Para Radio Aficionados) Es De 15.476 Khz Banda De 19 Metros. El Numero Para Contactarse Desde Territorio Nacional(Argentina) Es 0810-222-0770 Internos 316 O 216 Radio Habana Cuba, Cuba 3 QSL recibidas de las clásicas de “Una voz de amistad que recorre el mundo". 73 Claudio Galaz Escuchas ** ARGENTINA 1610 R. GUABIYU 04/05 0518 UT. Chamamé y música del litoral. SINFO: 45444. ** CHILE 930 R. NUEVO MUNDO 04/05 0331 UT. Vía Santiago. Programa «La semana en noticias» con informaciones políticas y música chilena. SINFO: 44554 con leve interferencia de LV7 desde Tucuman, Arg. ** PERU 700 RED RADIO INTEGRIDAD. 03/05 0302 UT. Programa «Gracia a vosotros» con el tema de dar razones de la fe con mansedumbre y ser un ejemplo cristiano, dentro del contender por la fe hasta las 0330. SINFO: 43343 con interferencia de LV3 leve a mediana, aunque aquella tiene mucho fading y desapareciendo completamente a las 0322 en adelante, con hegemonía de Red Radio Integridad con SINFO: 44544. 700 RED RADIO INTEGRIDAD. 04/05 0540 UT. Programa sobre las profecias acerca de Jesús Cristo como Mesías, himno: «En la cruz». SINFO: 44343 con leve fading de LV3. 700 RED RADIO INTEGRIDAD. 05/05 0408 UT. Programa «La Biblia responde» con el tema de la ira y su control. Además de una consulta de una auditora acerca del enojo en la crianza de los hijos, de un auditor sobre los problemas de una inquilina y el testimonio de otra auditora acerca del control de la ira y su efectividad en la crianza en el hogar. Corte musical en el programa con el himno:«Hay poder». Se vuelve a las respuestas de otros oyentes, especialmente de una auditora con respecto a las peleas en el matrimonio. El programa dura hasta cerca de las 0455. SINFO: 44444 con leve interferencia de LV3 como sonido de fondo y con fading. Aunque desde las 0420, la señal de Integridad baja a un SINPO: 33433 730 RPP. 04/05 0430 UT. Información sobre intoxicaciones en Huaraz. SINFO: 44333. 880 R.UNION 05/03 0510 UT. Cumbias andinas e id: «Unión, poder que se siente». SINFO: 34443 con baja señal y pequeños periodos de fading, cercano a 12 segundos frente a R. Colo Colo. 1010 R. CIELO 05/05 0502 UT. Avisos sobre los 37 libros sobre la ciencia celeste alfa y omega e Id cantado de la emisora para el comienzo del programa: «Vara de hierro». SINFO: 34433. ** URUGUAY 770 R.ORIENTAL. 04/05 0450 UT. Conversación entre dos hombres sobre los problemas de llegar a los 70 años. SINFO: 33433. Claudio Galaz - Rx: Golon RX-221 UAR - Antena: Loop QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile. Anker Petersen Escuchas Dear DX-friends, Last night I checked the tropical bands on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire and heard the following with always disturbing ticking noice: 3310.01 0110-0120 BOL 03/05 R Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi Quechua talk and songs 35233 AP-DNK 4765.04 0030-0040 TJK 03/05 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik romantic sentences from man and woman with stringmusic 45243. It had nearly faded out at 0120 AP-DNK 4800.00 0035-0045 IND 03/05 AIR Hyderabad English news from Delhi, 0040 Indian songs 25242. China had already faded out here due to early sunrise AP-DNK 4885.00 0040-0120 B 03/05 R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Portuguese ann, ID, pop songs 35232 AP-DNK 4914.97 and 4915.00 0045-0120 B 03/05 R Daqui, Goiânia, GO and R Difusora Macapá, Macapá, AP both heard with Portuguese ann and usical programmes - and heterodyne 32232 AP-DNK 5010.00 0050-0100 IND 03/05 AIR Thiruvananthapuram Malayalam ann and songs 35232 AP-DNK 5035.00 0055-0105 B 03/05 R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP Portuguese talk, 0100 orchestra music with weak heterodyne possibly from R Educacão Rural, Coari, AM 24232 // 6135 (31321) AP-DNK 5109.76 0105-0115 USA 03/05 WBCQ, Monticello, Maine English conversation on its SW broadcasts, phone no., "Have a nice weekend" - best in USB 35333 AP-DNK Ivan Dias Jr. Escuchas Caros amigos, Seguem os dados das últimas confirmações recebidas: 7850 CHU - Ottawa - CAN - Recebido cartão QSL. 19 dias. V/S: Ilegível. Informe enviado por email: [email protected]. QTH: 1200 Montreal Road, Building M-36, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canadá 13988,5 - JMH - Tokyo Meteo - Tokyo - J - Recebido carta QSL e de agradecimento. V/S: Ilegível. Informe enviado por email: [email protected]. QTH: Japan Meteorological Agency, Ote-machi 1-3-4, Chyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8122, Japão. Alguns comentários rápidos sobre as confirmações: 1 - A confirmação da CHU é interessante pois fugi do lugar comum, que seria relatar a escuta da transmissão de voz. A cada minuto ela transmite um sinal digital (FSK) que pode ser decodificado com relativa facilidade. Na decodificação é apresentada a hora certa e data. Coloquei a representação da tela do programa no qual fiz a decodificação como detalhe da escuta. 2 - A confirmação da JMH é a mais "bonitinha" que já recebi em 20 anos de hobby. Além de ter sido fruto de uma captação de Fax quase perfeita (que em breve colocarei em meu blog), o papel timbrado da Agência Meteorológica do Japão é cheia de figurinhas engraçadas do mascote de tal orgão do governo (Harerun). Fez eu lembrar dos selos da Hello Kitty em uma confirmação que tenho da Radio Nikkey. Disponibilizarei em breve esse material interessante em meu blog. 73 Ivan Dias Jr. - Sorocaba/SP. https://www.youtube.com/regionaldx http://ivandias.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/ivandiasjr Guido Santrana KP4FAR Escuchas Esta tarde 03 de Mayo desde las 6:30pm (22:30 UTC) hasta las 7:00pm (23:00 UTC) estuve escuchando una emisora de numeros con una mujer transmitiendo en 17,500 kHz. Eran grupos de numeros seguidos de lo que parece ser una transmission de facimil o codigo digital. Muy interesante. Fabricio A. Silva Escuchas Algumas escutas de Ham efetuadas hoje 03 de maio/2014 (apesar de bastante ruído nas bandas) - YB3EDD, Probolinggo INDONÉSIA; 21Mhz, 12:28. RS 43; WKD II4I - YC1LA, bandung INDONÉSIA; 21 Mhz; 12:39. RS 54 WKD II4I - HG7T, Debrecen HUNGRIA; 21 Mhz; 15:36. RS 59 WKD vários europeus e americanos - HJ1FAR, Barranquilla, COLÔMBIA; 21 Mhz; RS 56; 16:02; WKD HG7T - VP8BTU, ILHAS FALKLAND; 28 Mhz; RS 54; 16:56; WKD vários europeus - PI4DX, Contestgroep Zeeuwsvlaanderen, HOLANDA; 28 Mhz; RS 59 WKD vários europeus e americanos. - HR5/F2JD, Copan HONDURAS; 24 Mhz; RS 44; WKD vários europeus e americanos. Forte 73 - Fabricio A. Silva - PP5002SWL - Tubarão, SC - Sony ICF sw 7600GR - Antenas: Loop Magnética e Sony AN-120 Harold Sellers Escuchas 3365 3905 7295 9526 9690 9930 11560 11665 15140 15735 PNG NBC Milne Bay, 1309 May 3, Tok Pisin, pop songs heard during several checks. Poor and fading into noise. (Sellers-BC) PNG NBC New Ireland, 1309 May 3, Tok Pisin, pop music, DJ commenting on music, time check and trying a telephone call but no one on other end, PSA and back to music. Fair. (Sellers-BC) MALAYSIA Traxx FM, 1325 May 3, English, pop music, “Radio Malaysia, Traxx FM” IDs at 1331 and 1333. Fair. (Sellers-BC) INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia, 1300 to 1302 May 3, many IDs as woman concluded the Japanese program, then dead air and no English program, checked periodically through to 1341 and always just an empty carrier. Fair. (Sellers-BC) INDIA All India Radio, 1416 May 3, English, co-channel WRMI with Christian programming, woman spoke for several minutes about Russia, with mentions of elections and Pakistan, but I couldn’t understand the topic. Poor. (Sellers-BC) PALAU T8WH World Harvest Radio, 1316 May3, Sat/Sun only broadcast, with preacher beginning “Power of the Gospel”, QRM from Brother Stair on WTWW. Poor. (Sellers-BC) TAJIKISTAN Democratic Voice of Burma, 1429 May 3, tone on and off, then a longer tone to 1430, sign-on with Burmese music, man with ID. Poor. (Sellers-BC) MALAYSIA Wai FM, 1334 May 3, Bahasa Malay, pop music, 1338 woman announcer and into Islamic call to prayer. Fair. (Sellers-BC) OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1434 May 3, English, man with news and ID. Fair. (Sellers-BC) UZBEKISTAN NHK World Radio Japan, 1400 May 3, time pips, signature music, into English with “This is NHK World, Radio Japan, broadcasting from Tokyo.”, 1401 news by David Crystal and woman co-announcer. Good. (Sellers-BC) Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia - Listening in my car, by Kalamalka Lake, with the Eton E1 and Sony AN1 active antenna. Editor of World English Survey and Target Listening, available at www.odxa.on.ca Dino Bloise Escuchas En este momento 04 de mayo, estamos al aire por Chilena FM desde San Antonio, Chile. 1300 - 1330 UTC Escúchanos online: RADIO CHILENA - FM 101.3 - SAN ANTONIO - Señal Online. http://www.raddios.com/82-radio-chilena 11620 11640 11665 11750 12070 Rudolf Grimm Escuchas CHINA: China Radio International, Xian, 04/05 1120. YL: canção romantic em JJ, YL: talk, 35433 TAIWAN: R. Taiwan International, Kouhu, Ch, 04/05 1115. YL: canção taiwanesa, OM/YL: talk, 35333 MALAYSIA: Radio Televisyen Malaysia, Malaio, 04/05 1110. YL: talk, canção típica malaia, relay da RTM Wai / Sarawak FM, 35333 CHINA: China Radio International, Beijing, Ch, 04/05 1058. Portadora, Interval signal, OM: id em Ch, Mx instrumental, OM/YL: talk, 35533 CHINA: China Radio International, Xia, filipino, 04/05 1130. Sign-on, interval signal, OM: talk (nx?), 35333 Confirmação recebida: 17540 ESTADOS UNIDOS: R. Japão, via Cypress Creek, 61 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL, cartão postal, schedule, folder de divulgação. V/S: Equipe brasileira NHK WORLD JAPÃO. A imagem do QSL e de parte do outro material está em: http://dxways-br.blogspot.com 73 - Rudolf Grimm - São Bernardo SP - http://dxways-br.blogspot.com - www.ondascurtas.com Rubens Ferraz Pedroso Escuchas Amigos, preciso do endereço da Top FM, 103.3 MHz, São Vicente/SP. Não achei nada Net ,o tal endereço. Apenas achei o seu Facebook. Grato por qualquer ajuda nesse sentido. Rubens Ferraz Pedroso (PY5-007SWL). Bandeirantes - PR. Zacharias Liangas Escuchas Please reply to [email protected] LOgs 2626-28 /4 http://zliangaslogs.blogspot.gr/2014/05/logs-26-28-4.html Thurs 26/4 9730 V Vietnam 1602 music S9 9745 U Bahrain is as early as 1606 but poor under V o Kuanghua 5010.05 Air Trivandrum with signal S4 b ut quite under modulated so that talks are barely heard on 1628 at 1706 tune in with Tamil songs and signal S7 9835 Rtm Sarawak still off 1710 7240 V Tajikistan ? 1715 with talks with Quran chants Anther station with easy listening songs of same level S10 Sat 26/4 15190 ToM ? via WRMI 0635 signal S7 15415 RA 0649 sports program S7 4750 PBS Qinghai 2214 Chinese talks S7 Sun 27/4 11665 CRI 1555 with afghan songs and then mentioning website Lang seems Pushtu with Chinese music in background . Wai Fm under this station with kadazan semi tribal songs Signal S7 4750 Bangladesh 1605 swith old Bolly songs S8 9960 Furuisato no kaze ? (Eibi ) 1610 with talks in korean S9 9965 Deewa Radio 1729 many IDs wigth YL and OM talking in Dari S9 9940 RFA 1730 this is radio ….. east then sign off RFA per Eibi 9845 CNR // 9800 1735+ with a Chinese song of 80s in Cantonese version . 9845is S5 9800 is S10 7120 Somalia 7835 with talks , possibly news S9 Mon 28/4 with audio clips 7510 IBRA 14735 in Somali with HoA song yo radio B… then with lengthy talks Clip here from Degen 1126 conductively : http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/32409847 5800 Farda 1807 mentioning several websites S9 http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/32409849 6070 channel 292 (per Eibi ) 1813 with old songs – bad reception recording after 1816 http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/32409851 7236.9 1820 with hilife songs . back on 1815 but off Possilby V Ethiopia? 4319 AFN 1916 rock songs with rock song S4 max A clip of R Uganda on 1924 on 4975 with Degen on 1924 http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/32409859 my radio shack: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/album/282394 http://delicious.com/gr_greek1/zak (all my pages ) Fran Jr Escuchas Amigos, apesar de todos os problemas de interferencia que tenho aqui na cidade de São Paulo consegui receber pela primeira vez a Radio Atenas FM - 105.3 Mhz de Alfenas MG, postei 3 videos no Youtube, no terceiro video aparece a identificação da emissora: http://youtu.be/5F_eqVY1VnQ http://youtu.be/VNtCDS0eFks http://youtu.be/KjlCCwaFbWA 73´s Fran - São Paulo SP - Sony XDR-F1HD - Antena interna yagi 5 elementos Carlos Gonçalves Escuchas OCurta ANGOLA 4949,75 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1906-1920, 02/5, noticiário; 35332. Por agora, coíbo-me de facultar alguns dados mais acerca dos txs da RNA, mas conto fazê-lo, se e quando obtiver permissão p/ tal, da fonte. AUSTRÁLIA 4910 9710 VL8T, Tennant Creek, Territ.º do Norte, *2130-2154, 01/5, inglês, noticiário, canções; 34432, em perda, QRM adj. do B, em 4915. R.Austrália, Shepp. VIC, 0941-1015, 03/5, crioulo da N.ª Guiné Papua, canções; emissão em inglês, a partir das 1000, c/ desporto; 25443. 12080 idem, Brandon QL (10 kW), 0940-1014, 03/5, cf. // 9710 supra; 25432. BOLÍVIA 3310 R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2233-2245, 03/5, quíchua, texto, canções; 35332. 4699,9 R.San Miguel, Riberalta, 2230-2241, 02/5, castelhano, anúncios comerciais, "Noticiero Nacional", às 2131; 35433. 5952,5 R.Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2214-2227, 02/5, castelhano, canções índias e rubrica sobre a radiodifusão boliviana; 35332. BRASIL 3364,9 R.Cultura, Araraquara SP, 2235-2243, 02/5, 2.ª parte de A Voz do Brasil; 25331. 4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2200-2214, 01/5, noticiário de futebol; 35433. 4785 R.Caiari, Pt.º Velho RO, 2203-2211, 01/5, propag. relig.; 35433. 4805 R.Dif.ª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2204-2217, 01/5, anúncios informativos, noticiário; 34432, QRM adj. de sinal de ponto a ponto e da CHN, em 4800. 4815 R.Dif.ª, Londrina PR, 2138-2155, 02/5, canções, rubrica que pareceu ser um consultório jurídico, c/ conselhos, comentários e exemplos de casos, e, pelas 2200, A Voz do Brasil; 44343, QRM adjacente. 4875 R.Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 2205-2219, 01/5, canções; 54433, QRM de CODAR. 4895 R.Novo Tempo, Cap.º Grande MS, 2146-2200*, 02/5, canções, ID simplesmente como "Novo Tempo"; 35332. 4905 Nova R.Relógio Rio de Jan.º RJ, 2209-2216, 03/5, texto; 22431, QRM da CHN. 4915 R.Dif.ª de Macapá, Macapá AP, 2153-2209, 01/5, noticiário local, anúncios informativos, música; 33431, QRM da R.Daqui, B. 4915 R.Daqui, Goiânia GO, 2151-2202, 02/5, propag. relig. anúncios p/ reuniões, no sáb., 03/5, A Voz do Brasil, às 2200; 54333, QRM da R .Dif.ª de Macapá, B. 4925,2 R.Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2152-2209, 02/5, música, anúncios informativos, ID+indicação das freqs., às 2201, e A Voz do Brasil, às 2203, ou seja, sem emissão do seu início; 45332. 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2207-2221, 01/5, música pop'; 55433. 11815 fora do ar. 4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2225-2235, 02/5, quíchua, texto, anúncios informativos, canções relig. em castelhano; 35332. 5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2215-2226, 03/5, rubrica acerca da própria emissora, incluindo referências ao 50.º anivers.º do Sertanejo, v.g. sobre os progrs. em torno do tema; 44333, QRM da R.Educação Rural, B. 5025,05 R.Educação Rural, Coari AM, 2217-2225, 03/5, texto, música; 22431, QRM da R.Aparecida, B. 5939,8 R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2213-2225, 01/5, hum, cópia da SRDA, do ímpar D.Miranda? Pregador exaltado, muito ao estilo do dito, da SRDA; 55433; // 9664,9. 5970 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2211-2223, 01/5, relato de encontro de futebol, anúncios comerciais; 35433. 6010,1 R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2142-2156, 01/5, progr. A Hora do Fazendeiro; 45433. 6059,8 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2145-2153, 01/5, propag. relig.; 23431, QRM adj. e no mesmo canal. 6080 R.Marumby, Curitiba PR, 2205-2214, 02/5, A Voz do Brasil; 33331, QRM da CHN. 6135 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2207-2217, 02/5, A Voz do Brasil; 34432, QRM na mesma frequência. 9515 R.Marumby, Curitiba PR, 2218-2230, 02/5, A Voz do Brasil, 2.ª parte às 2224; 45433. 9550 R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2120-2125, 01/5, canções; 23441, QRM na mesma frequência. 9586,4 SRDA, São Paulo SP, 2219-2232, 02/5, A Voz do Brasil, 2.ª parte às 2224; 35433. 9630 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2216-2228, 02/5, A Voz do Brasil, 2.ª parte às 2224; 45433, sobremodulado. 9645,4 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2240-2301, 04/5, relato de partida de futebol Corinthians x (?) (não entendi o nome do outro grupo) c/ informações de trânsito e anúncios comerciais à mistura; 35433. 9664,7 R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2217-2229, 02/5, propag. relig.; 45433. 9818,8 R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2135-2150, 01/5, Jornal das Comunidades; 43432, QRM adj. da CHN, em 9820. 11764,7 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2118-2131, 03/5, propag. relig.; 45444. 11764,75 idem, 1005-1120, 05/5, dois sinais de áudio distintos, cada um c/ o seu progr.: um c/ o D.Miranda, outro c/ anúncios de milagres...; 25432. Como se não não bastasse já o facto de ser patético o simples nome da emissora e o que ela transmite... Opinião própria, é certo, mas atrevo-me a dar este desabafo: esta (talvez a campioníssima no ramo) e estações análogas só sabem mesmo difundir propag. relig. e A Voz do Brasil?! 11855 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1909-1927, 03/5, rubrica celebrando os 50 anos do "Sertanejo"; 35433. 11855,1 idem, 1002-desvan. total 1055, 05/5, noticiário, canções; 15442 11894,9 R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2221-2137, 01/5, canções e efemérides, propag. comercial da própria emissora, anúncios de programação; 34432, QRM adjacente sòmente até às 2130; // 9550. 11925,2 R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2222-2240, 01/5, notícias e comentários sobre futebol; 43442, QRM adj. da ARS, em 11930. 11925,2 idem, 0910-1035, 05/5, noticiário, progr. de futebol, Serviço Bandeirantes, ás 1000; 25432, em perda, QRM, às 1030. 15190,1 R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2301-2315, 04/5, relato de jogo de futebol; 25432. CANADÁ 6160 CKZN, São João da Terra Nova, 2201-2216, 02/5, inglês, noticiário da CBC, brevíssima informação meteorológica, às 2204 ao que se seguiu de imediato a rubrica As It Happens; 45333. COLÔMBIA 5910 Alcaraván R via A Voz da tua Consciência, Lomalinda, 2210-2224, 02/5, castelhano, canções folclóricas colombianas; 35433. GUINÉ EQUATORIAL 5005 RNGE, Bata. Sinal ausente, desde 5.ª-f.ª, 1/5, a dom., 4/5. INDONÉSIA 9680,1 RRI, Cimanggis, 0956-desvan. total 1040, 05/5, canções, texto; 25432. MADAGÁSCAR (?) 5010,3 R.Madagasikara (p), Ambohidrano, 1740-1755, 02/5, malgaxe (p), texto; 25332. MALI 5995 R.Mali, Kati,, 2242-2252, 04/5, francês, progr. de música folclórica maliana; 55433, modulação algo baixa. 9635 idem, 1301-1430, 02/5, francês, noticiário,..., canções tribais, pelas 1420; 25342. MONGÓLIA 12085 Voz da Mongólia, Khonkhor, 0900-1100*, 05/5, progr. em inglês; progr. de mandarim, às 1000, em japonês, às 1030; 24432, mas em ascensão, quando costuma ser bem o contrário. Será que os técnicos da emissora não conseguem manter um áudio limpo, sem traços de sobremodulação? Ela é particularmente notada durante as emissões em inglês e mongol. PERU 4774,9 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2227-2237, 02/5, castelhano, anúncios comerciais, canções, 34433, QRM da R.Congonhas, B. 4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2225-2235, 02/5, quíchua, texto, anúncios informativos, canções relig. em castelhano; 35332. 5980 R.Chaski, Cuzco, 2237-2250, 04/5, castelhano, propag. relig. e canções a condizer; 45433, alguma distorção durante a passagem de música. PIRATAS 4025 Laser Hot Hits, G, 2246-..., 04/5, inglês, canções; 45433. 6210 R.Sluwe Vos, HOL, 2136-..., 03/5, holandês, música pop', texto; 45433. 6215,4 R.Tango Italia, I, 2244-..., 04/5, música argentina, IDs em italiano/castelhano; 45332. 6255 R.Telstar South, G, 2133-..., 03/5, inglês, música pop', texto; 35433. 6285 R.Powerline Int'l, HOL, 2132-..., 03/5, holandês//inglês, música pop', texto; 45433. 6295 Reflections Europe, IRL, 1835-..., 04/5, inglês, blocos de propag. relig.; 34343, QRM adj. de sinal de ponto a ponto; // 12255 c/ SINPO 45333. 6305 R.Bogusman, G, 2131-..., 03/5, inglês, música pop', texto; 45433. 6725 R.Tower, HOL, 2140-..., 03/5, holandês/inglês, canções holandesas; 45444. 6925 TRX R, QTH?, 2142-..., música norte-americana; 35433. 12255 Reflections Europe, IRL, 1407-..., 04/5, conteúdo cf. 6295 supra; 35443; por esta hora, ainda inaudível em 6295. Piratas - Onda Média UGANDA 4976 R.Uganda, Kampala, 1734-1844, 02/5, inglês, texto,..., entrevista; 25332, em ascensão. VIETNAM VIETNAME NAM 6165 R.Voz do Vietname, Xuan Mai, 2151-2200, 01/5, mong (ou hmong), hino nac., ID e anúncio das freqs., sinal momentaneamente fora do ar, pelas 2154; 45433, QRM da CHN, às 2155, ao que se seguiu forte QRM adj. da R.China Int., em 6175, via retransmissão europeia. 9635,75 idem, Son Tay, 0959-desvan. total 1050, 05/5, vietnamita, anúncios informativos, separadores musicais, texto, canções; 15432. Neste dia e a esta hora, o tx do Mali, em 9635 ainda não estava no ar; só houve sinal pelas 1100; em todo o caso, não há QRM mútua porque ambos os sinais são recebidos por antenas Beverage diferentes. Bons DX e 73. Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL.