High touch meets high tech FÓRUM eTurismo: mundo digital
High touch meets high tech FÓRUM eTurismo: mundo digital
High touch meets high tech Ana Brochado ISCTE-IUL [email protected] FÓRUM eTurismo: mundo digital ao serviço da educação e formação em turismo| 23 de setembro de 2015 eHigh touch meets high tech MARKET CONTEXT e-Tourism Experience High Tech High Touch H TRENDS C R A E S E R & HE TENDÊNCIAS CONSUMIDOR MOBILE, MOBILE, MOBILE WEB 2.0 … Social media TECHNOLOGY Mutiple Screen MOBILE SOLOMO Customer driven Big Data (pictures, text) MOBILE COMPUTING ACCESS Social Environments Digital Story Telling e-Tourism High tech High touch Global Target REAL TIME Tourism Experience Social Media Reputation Gamification e-learning Sharing Economy User Generated Content INNOVATION CO-CREATION Disintermediation CRM PROSUMER Listening EXPERIÊNCIA Antes Durante Após e-Tourism How high tech meets high touch in tourism HE? Executive Master in Management in Hospitality & Tourism MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management double degree with Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida PhD. Tourism Management double degree with Universidade Europeia – Laureate International Universities NEW MARKETING RESEARCH EVOLUTION OR REVOLUTION? SOCIAL MEDIA & BIG DATA gs o l B ory Mining t a p ici t r uzz a B P d an search g o l B e R e n s Onli unitie , m Com esearch rkets, l a R WE- ctive M g virtua i n Pred arch usi l games a Rese s/ Soci ld wor Áreas de Investigação VídeoForTravel|2012 Team ISCTE-IUL: Virgínia Trigo| Hélia Gonçalves Pereira| Cristina Almeida| Rita Alves RESEARCH OUTPUT – EXEMPLO DE ARTIGOS CIENTÍFICOS Loureiro, S. M. C., 2015| The role of website quality on PAD, attitude and intentions to visit and recommend island destination| International Journal of Tourism Research. Brochado, A., Gameiro, C. & Rita, P. , 2015| Exploring backpackers' perceptions of the hostel' service quality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Pereira, H., Salgueiro, M. F. & Mateus, I., 2014| Say yes to Facebook and get your customers involved! Relationships in a world of social networks| Business Horizons