ENIAC-PAB-15-V220208-final 1/6 Conclusions of the ENIAC JOINT
ENIAC-PAB-15-V220208-final 1/6 Conclusions of the ENIAC JOINT
ENIAC-PAB-15-V220208-final 1/6 Conclusions of the ENIAC JOINT UNDERTAKING Public Authorities Board Meeting 22-02-08 Presence list: Lígia Amâncio (PT), Nick Appleyard (UK), Carles Cané Ballart (ES), Aldo Covello (IT), Emmanuel Gabla (FR), Tim Goodship (UK), Leszek Grabarczyk (PL), Baudouin Jambe (BE), Ulrich Katenkamp (DE), Sossanna Koliva (EL), Toivo Räim (EE), Laurent Rojey (FR), Ben Ruck (NL), Sabine Schröder (DE), Tom Sheedy (IE), José Silva Matos (PT), Wolfgang Tostmann (NL), Leo Van de Loock (BE), Anne Van den Bosch (BE), Ciro Vasquez (SE), Paloma Velasco (ES), Jonas Wallberg (SE), Michael Wiesmuller (AT), Kostantinos Zekentes (EL), Kerstin Zimmermann (AT) Observers: Hande Akce (TR), Karina Firkavičiūtė (LT), Tore Gronningsaeter (NO), Oiva Knuuttila (FI), André Odermatt (CH), Mircea Sbarna (RO), Jan Windmuller (DK) 1. Opening (agenda presentation, tour de table for the presence list and distribution of voting rights) (ENIAC-PAB-11-V150208-final.DOC) Only conclusions&decisions are minuted unless a point is explicitly asked by a delegate to be included. Point 5 (general information of the Status of the JUs) is removed as there is no new information, except the short update on the press release of the Commission on 22 February. Tour-de-table and presence for the officially nominated lead delegates of ENIAC. ENIAC Public Authority Lead delegate Present Austria Michael Wiesmuller Y Belgium Leo Van de Loock Y Czech Republic Not yet appointed Germany Ulrich Katenkamp Y Toivo Raim Y Spain Paloma Velasco Y France Emmanuel Gabla Y Estonia 2/6 Greece Sossanna Kolyva Y Ireland Tom Sheedy Y Italy Aldo Covello Y Ben Ruck Y Leszek Grabarczyk Y Portugal Luis Melo Y (proxy) Sweden Ciro Vasquez Y United Kingdom Tim Goodship Y EC Rosalie Zobel Y Netherlands Poland Member States and Associated Countries having sent observers Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey Quorum was reached for ENIAC. 2. List of actions and minutes of last meeting (documents ENIACARTEMIS-PAB-5-V150208-draft.DOC and ENIAC-ARTEMIS-PAB-10V150208-draft.DOC) Action 1.- Nominations of Representatives to the Public Authorities Board ENIAC: the following countries have not officially nominated representatives: Czech Republic (received on 07/03/08) Eliminate action from the list, missing countries are requested to send the nomination. 2.- Nominate National Funding Authorities to the Public Authorities Board. Pending Eliminate for the following countries: action from ENIAC: the following countries have not officially nominated national funding the list, missing authorities: countries are Czech Republic (received on 07/03/08), France, UK requested to send the nomination. 3.- Provide comments to the Rules of Procedure of the PAB 2 Eliminate 3/6 action from the list (decision in the agenda). 4.- Provide comments to the Memorandum of Understanding of Administrative Eliminate Arrangements (draft attached) action from the list (decision in the agenda). 5.- Provide comments to the Evaluation and Selection Procedure Point for discussion, decision moved to 11/03 and deadline for comments 27/02 6.- Prepare and communicate national Eligibility Criteria for funding for the First Point for Call in 2008: discussion in the agenda 7.- Communicate informal commitment to First Call in 2008 (ARTEMIS/ENIAC) Tour de table for new/updated commitments The minutes of the last meeting (document ENIAC-ARTEMIS-PAB-10V150208-draft.DOC) are approved by consensus with the inclusion of L. Rojey (FR) and Paloma Velasco (ES) in the attendance list (document ENIAC-PAB-1008 will be produced for the final versions). 3. Discussion and adoption of Rules of Procedure (documents ENIACPAB-12-V220208-final.doc and ARTEMIS-PAB-6-V150208-draft.doc) A table with comments from the PAB members is distributed en séance. The comments are improvements that do not imply substantial changes to the rules of procedure. The PAB will table again the document before the end of the year to discuss the potential modification of the rules of procedure, based on these comments. The PAB decides by consensus to approve the rules of procedure draft for ENIAC and ARTEMIS ARTEMIS-PAB-6-V150208-draft (document ENIACPAB-12-08 will be produced; it will include the decision and the approved text of the rules of procedure). 4. Election of Chair The representative of the EC (Rosalie Zobel or her successor) is elected Chair of both the ARTEMIS and ENIAC JU PAB by consensus. The lead delegate of NL in ENIAC (Ben Ruck) is elected Vice-Chair of the ENIAC JU PAB by consensus. 3 4/6 Although it is said en séance that the Vice-Chairs are elected for two years, the Chair minutes that according to the rules of procedure the first election for the Chair and Vice-Chair is only for one year. 5. General information of the status of the JU (removed from the agenda) 6. Presentation by interim Exec. Director of the template for the Memorandum of Understanding for the administrative arrangements, and adoption by the PAB (documents ENIAC-PAB-13-V220208-final.doc and ENIAC-PAB-7-V150208-draft.doc). Accompanying clarification document for the "zero funding national grant agreements" (document ENIAC-PAB-8V150208-draft.doc) The PAB of the ENIAC JU is empowered by the Governing Board of ENIAC to decide on the template for the Memorandum of Understanding for the administrative arrangements. A table with comments from the PAB members is distributed en séance and a short presentation is made by the EC. The following amendments are agreed by consensus: Article of the MoU Proposed amendment Title and Replace Memorandum of Understanding by "Administrative Agreement" denomination 4 c) fifth paragraph Insertion of: [The [national funding authority] shall ensure that national provisions are in line with Article 107(1) of the ENIAC financial rules, which states that, where implementation of the action requires the award of procurement contracts by the beneficiary, the beneficiary shall award the contract to the tender offering best value for money, that is to say, to the tender offering the best price-quality ratio, while taking care to avoid any conflict of interests.] (it is minuted that for Member States/national funding authorities that cannot sign this paragraph, a replacing sentence will state that the JU will not reimburse the percentage of the costs related to subcontracting incurred by participants with grant agreements from such national funding authorities) 4(d) third paragraph The technical reports and the results of the technical evaluation carried out by the Joint Undertaking shall be made available by the Joint Undertaking to the [national funding authority] within [15] days after their approval and certification by the Executive Director. 4(e) first paragraph The [national funding authority] shall process the cost reimbursement claims of grant beneficiaries [in its own language] according to its national procedures and taking into account the results of the technical monitoring carried out by the Joint Undertaking. It shall ensure that claims are valid and that costs eligible and in line with the national grant agreement. All necessary verifications shall be the responsibility of the [national funding authority]. 4(e) third paragraph The [national funding authority] shall certify to the Joint Undertaking the amount of accepted costs, any other financial or contractual issues as regards the execution of the national grant agreement and, where appropriate, each payment made to the 4 5/6 grant beneficiary. The [national funding authority] shall send this certification to the Joint Undertaking within [15] days from their execution. The [national funding authority] shall perform the financial and contractual monitoring based on the national regulations and procedures only. 4(e) fifth paragraph 6(e) second paragraph 10 third paragraph The [national funding authority] shall keep records of payments to national grant beneficiaries. The [national funding authority] shall keep at the disposal of the Joint Undertaking relevant financial monitoring information Insertion of: If any substantial amendment of the 'Technical Annex' is needed, the Joint Undertaking shall inform the [national funding authority] of the purpose of the amendment. The [national funding authority] shall provide the Joint Undertaking with any specific national requirements within [15] days following this information. The new 'Technical Annex' shall be negotiated by the Joint Undertaking, taking into account any requirement of the [national funding authority]. The Joint Undertaking shall notify1 the amended 'Technical Annex' to the [national funding authority] within [15] days from conclusion of this negotiation. Any other amendment of the 'Technical Annex' shall be negotiated by the Joint Undertaking which shall notify2 the amended 'Technical Annex' to the [national funding authority] within [15] days from conclusion of this negotiation. All All communication between the parties shall be held in [English]. (it is minuted that in order to avoid overburdening the Jus (which have very limited administrative resources) with documents in all official languages, if necessary and on a case-by-case a replacing formulation will be proposed by the JU . It is minuted that regional funding authorities are considered "national funding authorities" as "national" is meant in the document as "belonging to or coming from a given country". The PAB decides by consensus to approve the document for ENIAC ENIAC-PAB-7-V150208-draft with the agreed amendments in table above (document ENIAC-PAB-13-08 will be produced; it will include the decision and the approved text of the administrative arrangements). 7. Presentation by interim Exec. Director of the Evaluation and Selection Procedure, and adoption by the PAB A non-paper is distributed en séance by the Executive Directors, and a verbal explanation of the main changes follows. It was stressed that the non-paper does not represent an official view of the Commission or of the interim Directors, nor of any of the other PAB members, but it was circulated so that a discussion could take place in the meeting. The decision on this document is postponed to 11/03. Comments to the evaluation and selection procedures are requested by Thursday 28/02. 8. 1 2 Preparation of 1st Call (information) [to be defined] [to be defined] 5 6/6 A table is distributed en séance. The Executive Directors make a short presentation of the replies received about national eligibility criteria, national funding rates etc. Members who did not send their information on national eligibility criteria, and national funding rates should deliver by Thursday 28/02. 9. Meeting Calendar 2008 Next meetings (confirmed): o Formal/decision on 11 March (morning) o Formal/decision on 3 April (morning) o End of June (tbc) o 18 September o 27-28 October (Evaluation and selection, date tbc) o 24 November (Lyon before ICT Conference) AOB No AoB. 6