NEWSLETTER N.º 30/2014 30.Julho.2014 ________________________________________________________ Eventos: 1) Convite para a assinatura do Auto de Consignação da obra do edifício Central - PCTA (Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia do Alentejo) Local: Parque Industrial e Tecnológico – Rua Circular Norte, Évora Data: 31.Julho.2014, 17h00 Link: 2) Conferência “ Pero puede realmente vivirse en Alvito em pleno siglo XXI” Local: Centro Cultural de Alvito Data: 9.Agosto.2014, 10h30 Link: 3) Conferência ““Portugal & a Europa, implicações locais e globais” Local: Centro Cultural de Alvito Data: 16.Agosto.2014, 10h30 Link: 4) Jornadas Internacionais “Memórias do Carvão” Local: Batalha e Porto de Mós Data: 11 a 13.Setembro.2014 Link: 5) II Seminario de Documentación y Musealización 3D del Patrimonio Cultural Local: Madrid Data: 17 a 19.Setembro.2014 Link: cion_3D.html 1 6) AIUCD2014. Terzo convegno annuale de la Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale Digital Humanities nella ricerca delle discipline umanistiche Local: Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna, itália Data: 18 e 19.Setembro.2014 Link: 7) Ciclo de debates "Águas passadas movem moinhos?" Temáticas relacionadas com o tempo, dividido em 4 temas - História, Memória, Arquivo e Museu. Local: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Lisboa Data: 7, 14, 21 e 28.Outubro.2014, 19h00 Link: Call for articles: 1) The Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences – September issue, 2014 Prazo limite: 20.Agosto.2014 The Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Science is currently calling for papers for its September 2014 issue. JAPSS is the flagship peer-reviewed journal of the International Academy of Social Sciences. The IASS is based in Florida, USA and holds annual international conferences. Informações: [email protected] Link: 2) Gender Issues in the Hispanic World: Identity, Power & Expression Gender equity is crucial social, economic, and cultural development in Latin America and Spain. The proposed for essays will highlight contemporary debates on gender issues in the Hispanic world from a variety of perspectives in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. The editors of this book invite papers and academic essays submissions in Spanish or English to be published in 2015. The interdisciplinary nature of the proposed collection will offer insightful and innovative ways to view the Hispanic world today through the lens of gender. Successful submissions must demonstrate rigorous and original analysis, a connection to gender theory, an awareness of contemporary gender issues, and familiarity with the Hispanic world. Prazo limite: 30.Outubro.2014 Informações: [email protected] Link: 3) Revista América en los Tiempos Modernos Temáticas: “El lugar de América en las Monarquías Iberoamericanas en los Tiempos Modernos” Prazo limite: 8.Novembro.2014 Link: Call for papers: 1) Thirteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities “From the ‘Digital Humanities’ to a Humanties of the Digital” Local: University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, Vancouver, Canada Data: 17 a 19.Junho.2015 Prazo limite: 7.Agosto.2014 Link: 2 2) Colóquio «Um acervo para a história II» Local: Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa Data: 18 a 20.Março.2015 Prazo limite: 15.Setembro.2014 Link: 3) 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Local: The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Data: 19 a 22.Março.2015 Prazo limite: 1.Outubro.2014 Link: 4) I Encontro Internacional de Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho (EISIOT) “Trabalho, Mudança Social e Dinâmicas Económicas: Desafios para as Sociedades Contemporâneas” Local: Lisboa Data: 27 e 28.Novembro.2014 Prazo limite: 12.Outubro.2014 Link: Atividades Culturais: 1) Inauguração da Exposição “RUAS PRIMAS” Local: Galeria da Casa de Burgos, Évora Data: 1.Agosto.2014, 18h00 Link:,0,2985.aspx 2) Exposición titulada “Expedientes Greco” Local: Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo Patente até: 31.Agosto.2014 Link: 3 Bolsas / Estágios / Emprego Científico / Oportunidades: 1) Concurso Bolsa de Investigação (BI) no CESEM Objectivos: Tratamento do espólio de Mário Sampayo Ribeiro Duração: 3 meses, de Outubro a Dezembro de 2014 Prazo limite: 13.Agosto.2014 Link: pt 2) Bolsas Marie Curie Prazo limite: 11.Setembro.2014 (as candidaturas pelo CIDEHUS devem ser apresentadas à Direcção do Centro até de 27.Agosto.2014) Link: 0/calls/h2020-msca-if-2014.html#tab2 3) Programa de financiamento europeu para o emprego e a inovação social (EaSI) Prazo limite: 28.Agosto.2014 Link: ls=yes 4) Cooperação Transnacional - Convénio FCT/CAPES (Portugal-Brasil) Prazo limite: 8.Setembro.2014 Link: 5) The Massachusetts Historical Society seeks an Editor in Chief for the Adams Papers documentary editing project. Responsible for all facets of the Adams Papers project, the Editor in Chief will play an active role in editing volumes as well as overseeing fundraising and development, personnel, and outreach. He/she will report to the President of the Society. The successful candidate will have a PhD and an established record in documentary editing. Required skills include editorial management and grants administration experience, knowledge of the early American republic, and familiarity with evolving trends in the digital humanities. Preference will be given to candidates who have both a PhD in history with a specialty in the early American republic and previous experience managing a documentary editing project. Applications, including a cover letter, a CV, and three references, will be accepted by Email (send to: [email protected]). All questions or nominations should be directed to the attention of the Chair of the Search Committee, Frederick D. Ballou, (via Email to: [email protected]). Review of applications will begin after September 15, 2014 and continue until the position is filled. Informações: [email protected] 6) Applications are now open for the Max Weber Programme at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. Amongst the largest, most prestigious and successful post doctoral programmes in the historical and social sciences, and located in one of the most beautiful settings, with truly outstanding research facilities, we offer from 5055 fully funded 1 and 2 year post doctoral fellowships to applicants from anywhere in the world in the fields of economics, history, social and political sciences and law. All areas and types of research within these fields are considered. Last year 98% of Fellows found an academic position on completing the Fellowship. Prazo limite: 25.Outubro.2014 Link: heMWP/Index.aspx 4 7) Two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Digital Humanities Rice University’s Humanities Research Center seeks postdoctoral fellows for two programs: the John E. Sawyer Seminar on “Platforms of Knowledge in a Wide Web of Worlds: Production, Participation, and Politics,” and Spatial Humanities. The Sawyer Seminar Postdoctoral Fellow will explore research on digital knowledge platforms (e-learning, publishing, collaborative research, crowdsourced, etc.), teach an undergraduate course, give research presentations, and actively participate in the Seminar. For details and to The Spatial Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow will consult and collaborate on spatial humanities projects underway at Rice, offering technical and intellectual expertise in geospatial or 3D modeling technologies, give research presentations and teach two semester-long courses. For details and to apply: Each program awards one 1-year fellow $50,000 salary, benefits eligibility, and a research/relocation allowance Local: Texas, United States Prazo limite: 1.Dezembro.2014 Link: Cursos: 1) Curso Financiamento de Organizações e Projetos Culturais Local: O Espaço do Tempo – Convento da Saudação – Montemor-o-Novo Data: 9 a 11.Outubro.2014, 9h30 – 18h00 Link: 2) Curso livre “O Homem Medieval” Local: FCSH-UNL Data: 13.Outubro. 2014 a 2.Fevereiro.2015 Link: Prémios Científicos: 1) The Berlin Prize 2015/2016 Prazo limite: 29.Setembro.2014 Link: 2) “European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards” Prazo limite: 15.Outubro.2014 Link: 5
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NEWSLETTER 34_17Setembro
2) 55 Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellowships Available at the EUI Prazo limite: 25.Outubro.2014 Link: heMWP/Index.aspx Applications ...
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