PERSONNEL COMMISSION LYNWOOD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AGENDA MEETING: REGULAR DATE: May 19, 2014 5:30 p.m. LOCATION: Conference Room B—Second Floor 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by _________________________ at______________. Confirmation that the Agenda was properly posted in conformance with legal requirements: YES NO 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by ______________. 3. SILENT REFLECTION 4. ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS Jacqueline Espinoza, Chairperson Maria Quinonez, Vice-Chairperson Barbara Battle, Member 5. STAFF PRESENT Kristin Olson, Director of Classified Personnel Regina Ramos, Sr. Personnel Specialist Elva Ruiz, Personnel Specialist Falencia Hill, Personnel Technician Veronica DeSantiago, Personnel Technician 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It is moved that the Commission approve the following agenda as submitted/amended: REGULAR Personnel Commission Meeting Agenda Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes 1 May 19, 2014 Call for the Question 7. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS 8. REQUESTS TO SPEAK This is an opportunity for community members to address the Personnel Commission on agenda items or non-agenda items for matters under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. Comments on items that are on the agenda may be deferred to when the item is considered at the request of the speaker, otherwise public comment may only occur during the period for public comment. A maximum of 3 (three) minutes will be allotted to any speaker before the Commission, with a total of twenty minutes for each subject matter (Pursuant to Personnel Commission Rule 20.200.8). Presentations before the Commission will be limited to 3 (three) minutes per person for any one item. In accordance with Government Code Section 54954.3, matters not on the agenda may not be acted on or discussed by the Personnel Commission, but may be researched and responded to in any one of the following ways: (1) by telephone after research, (2) by mail after research, or (3) at a later regular meeting of the Personnel Commission as an agenda item. Speakers will follow procedures specified with the Personnel Commission agenda and on the Speaker Request Form. If you are interested in speaking, then please complete a Request to Speak Form and hand it to the Secretary. All forms must be turned into the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. A. Communications (Request to Speak Form Not Required) Entity Present Board of Education Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No District Administration: Superintendent or Designee CSEA Official Leadership SEIU Official Leadership B. General Public (Request to Speak Form Required) 2 Representative 9. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION It is moved that the Personnel Commission adjourn to closed session. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question The Commission adjourned to closed session at p.m.: Conference With Legal Counsel - Anticipated/Potential Litigation - Pursuant to GC 54956.9(d)(2) Public Employee Performance Evaluation – Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Director of Classified Personnel It is moved that the Personnel Commission reconvene to open session. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes The Commission reconvened into open session at Call for the Question p.m. 10. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/APPROVAL/RATIFICATION A. It is moved that the Commission approve the following meeting minutes: Regular Personnel Commission Meeting Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes March 17, 2014 Call for the Question B. Approval of Reclassification Action It is moved the Personnel Commission approve Rhonda Moore for reclassification from Accounting Technician to Senior Accounting Technician due to gradual accretion of duties over a two year period, or longer, at higher course / scope of work. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes 3 Call for the Question C. Approval of Establishing the Classification of Senior Accounting Technician It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve establishing the classification of Senior Accounting Technician and approve the associated classification specification, in accordance with Education Code Section 45267. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question D. Recommendation of Salary Range for Senior Accounting Technician It is moved that the Personnel Commission recommend to the Governing Board the pay range for the following classification, and in accordance with Education Code Section 45268. Senior Accounting Technician: Range 138E of the CSEA salary schedule, at: $4065.00/mth-$4953.00/mth Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question E. Approval of the Personnel Commission Meeting Calendar for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve the Personnel Commission Meeting Calendar for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question F. Approval of Membership and Expenditures for Membership Fees for Organizations Relevant to Personnel Commission Responsibilities for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve membership and expenditures for professional membership fees, for the following professional organizations, for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, in the amount of $3,911.00. Memberships Cooperative Development for the Development of Selection Procedures (CODESP) 4 California School Personnel Commissioners Association (CSPCA) Personnel Commissioners Association of Southern California (PCASC) Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question G. Approval of Establishing the Classification of Administrative Assistant It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve establishing the classification of Administrative Assistant and approve the associated classification specification, in accordance with Education Code Section 45267. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question H. Recommendation of Salary Range for Administrative Assistant It is moved that the Personnel Commission recommend to the Governing Board the pay range for the following classification, and in accordance with Education Code Section 45268. Administrative Assistant: Range 130E of the CSEA salary schedule, at: $3,337.00/mth-$4,065.00/mth Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question I. Approval of Establishing the Classification of Legal Analyst It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve establishing the classification of Legal Analyst and approve the associated classification specification, in accordance with Education Code Section 45267. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes 5 Call for the Question J. Recommendation of Salary Range for Legal Analyst It is moved that the Personnel Commission recommend to the Governing Board the pay range for the following classification, and in accordance with Education Code Section 45268. Legal Analyst: Range 347M of the Non-represented salary schedule, at: $6805.00/mth-$8273.00/mth Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question K. Approval of Establishing the Classification of Instructional Assistant-Recreational Programs It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve establishing the classification of Instructional Assistant-Recreational Programs and approve the associated classification specification, in accordance with Education Code Section 45267. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question L. Recommendation of Salary Range for Instructional Assistant-Recreational Programs It is moved that the Personnel Commission recommend to the Governing Board the pay range for the following classification, and in accordance with Education Code Section 45268. Instructional Assistant-Recreational Programs: Range 118E of the CSEA salary schedule, at: $2481.00/mth-$3022.00/mth Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes Call for the Question M. Approval of Professional Expert It is moved that the Personnel Commission approve Aundreia Cameron as a professional expert, retained to provide temporary professional legal expertise for Lynwood Unified School District, with services to continue at the discretion of the Lynwood Unified School District Board, within the allowable timeframe for professional expertise. Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes 6 Call for the Question N. Information Received: Personnel Commission Budget The Commissioners received information on the Personnel Commission budget. O. Information Received: Job Postings The following Recruitments are currently open. Recruitment # Examination Titles Fields of Competition Occupational Open and Therapist Promotional Unit Affiliation NonRepresented Open Date & Close Date Continuous Applications to Date 3 1314-04-001000000 Accountant Open CSEA 04/30/14 - 05/22/14 67 1314-04-001000011 Speech and Language Pathology Assistant Open and Promotional CSEA 04/30/14 - 05/22/14 15 1314-02-001800055 85 Total applications for this posting period 11. NEXT MEETING DATE May 29, 2014 (Special Meeting), Time: 7:00 p.m., Day: Thursday June 16, 2014 (Regular Meeting), Time: 5:30 p.m., Day: Monday 12. ADJOURNMENT It is moved that the Commission adjourn the meeting at Action: Motion Vote: Ayes Second Noes p.m. Call for the Question Pursuant to Government Code 54957.5, a copy of all documents related to any item on this agenda that have been submitted to the Commission may be obtained from the Commission office, 11321 Bullis Road, Lynwood, CA, 90262. Agendas may also be available on the Commission website: events/commissionagenda/. 7
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