September 22, 2014 TIME and PLACE
September 22, 2014 TIME and PLACE
Page 7463 DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting – September 22, 2014 TIME and PLACE: The regular meeting was held on September 22, 2014, by the Board of Education of the Delaware Valley Regional High School District, Hunterdon County, in the Cafeteria of the Delaware Valley Regional High School, 19 Senator Stout Road, Frenchtown, New Jersey 08825. SUNSHINE NOTICE: In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Laws of 1975, adequate notice of this meeting was provided through the public notice on January 11, 2014 by: A. Emailing to the Hunterdon County Democrat and Express Times B. Posting on the District Website and the bulletin board in the District Office C. Filing with the Clerks of the following municipalities: Alexandria Township, Frenchtown Borough, Holland Township, Kingwood Township and Milford Borough. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Gordon-Obal. ROLL CALL Present: ALSO PRESENT: Ellen Gordon - Obal, President Brett Reina - Vice President Robert Haver Sandra Howell, Ph.D. Darrell DeTample William Martin David Sousa Debora Frank Sharon Kelly Community members Students DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS Present: Daria A. Wasserbach, Superintendent Teresa E. Barna, Business Administrator/Board Secretary President Gordon-Obal led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. STUDENT ACTIVITIES/OTHER PRESENTATIONS • Presentation of Honored Students – Adrienne Olcott, Principal • • • Students of the Month: Kaela Mangee and Anthony Amorim September Male Athlete of the Month: Christopher Ambrose – Football September Female Athlete of the Month: Alyssa Orrico - Field Hockey • Vice Principals presentation on testing score results. • • Frank Guenther presented the Annual 2013/2014 HIB Report. Student Council Presentation September 22, 2014 • Page 7464 15-16 Parking – Not enough spots, Juinor/Sophmore classes are willing to fundraise. PUBLIC COMMENT – Bylaw No. 0167 “Public Participation in Board Meetings” - None BOARD GOALS AND EVALUATION CALENDAR • 2014/2015 District and Board Goals (Adopted June 23, 2014) 1. Promote and measure the development of the well rounded student and recognize their achievements. 2. Enhance the academic culture; increase instructional resources, and explore alternative scheduling models. 3. Promote the mission and vision of Delaware Valley Regional High School through a focus on our successes and offerings by utilizing available resources in our community. • Mrs. Wasserbach reviewed 2014/2015 Goals Action Plan with the Board. • 2014/2015 Calendar for Board/CSA Evaluation Goals publicly affirmed by the Board ......................................................................... September 23 Action Plans presented to the Board .......................................................................... September 23 Updates given on progress ................................................................................................... Monthly Board Self-Evaluation form to the Board ............................................................................... June 1 Goal/Leadership Evaluation (Part 1 and Part 2): .................................................................. June 16 Goals/indicators of success incorporated into Goal evaluation document CSA completes form (goals, indicators, rating)...................................................................... May 2 Both forms returned to your FSR or Board President........................................................... May 16 Analysis completed by your FSR ......................................................................................... May 30 Initial CSA Summary Report completed and distributed to board for review .................... June 12 Reviewed with Personnel...................................................................................................... June 13 Personnel to discuss .............................................................................................................. June 16 Final CSA Summary Report completed by Board President ................................................ June 19 Report given to CSA ............................................................................................................. June 20 Summary Conference (must be completed by June 30) ....................................................... June 23 Final report to public on Board Goals................................................................................... June 23 ADMINISTRATIVE/STAFF PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Management Reports: • School Administration – Adrienne Olcott, Principal September 22, 2014 Page 7465 SUPERINTENDENT – Daria Wasserbach Informational Items: a. Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Monthly Incident Report for period ending September 22, 2014. Month/Year Sept 1- Sept 22 Sept 23 – Oct 27 Oct 28 – Nov 24 Nov 25 – Dec 15 Dec 16 – Jan 26 Jan 27 – Feb 23 Feb 24 – Mar 23 Mar 24 – April 27 April 28 – May 18 May 19 – June 22 TOTAL Action 15-077 # of Incidents Reported 2 # Identified as HIB 0 2 0 Remediation - Discipline & Remediation - Appealed (Y/N) - HIB Report BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education affirms the HIB report submitted on August 25, 2014. Moved by Haver, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-078 Statement of Assurances BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approved the Statement of Assurances and authorize submission of the NJDOE School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the ABR. Moved by Haver, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-079 Uniform Memorandum of Agreement BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approved the 2014/2015 Uniform Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials. Moved by Haver, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR/BOARD SECRETARY – Teresa Barna Informational Items: a. b. Next Regular Board Meeting – Monday, October 27, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Cafeteria Correspondence - An updated Committee sheet was distributed to board members September 22, 2014 Action 15-080 Page 7466 Minutes BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approved the following meeting minutes: August 25, 2014 – Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2014 – Executive Session Minutes Moved by Haver, seconded by Frank. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. OLD BUSINESS - none CURRICULUM COMMITTEE – Sandra Howell, Chairperson, Debora Frank, William Martin, David Sousa Alternate: Sharon Kelly Informational items: Action 15-081 Special Education Tuition – East Mountain BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the 2014/2015 Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement with East Mountain School, Belle Mead, NJ (student 15-005S/180 days) in the amount of $57,090.60. Moved by Howell, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-082 Special Education Tuition – Titusville Academy BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the 2014/2015 Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement with The Titusville Academy, Inc, Mercer County, NJ (student 15-012S/182 days) as follows: Tuition: Extraordinary Services: Total $47,341.84 $44,325.98 $91,667.82 Moved by Howell, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-083 Special Education Tuition – Hunterdon Preparatory BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the 2014/2015 Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement with Hunterdon Preparatory School, Hunterdon County, NJ (student 15-011S/174 days) in the amount of $41,760.00. Moved by Howell, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-084 Occupational Therapy – Mercer County Special Services BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves a contract with Mercer County Special Services to provide occupational therapy services (student 15-001S) one time per week in the amount of $88 per 30 minute session effective September, 2014 through June, 2015. Moved by Howell, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-085 Health/Physical Eduation Curriculum BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education adopts the revised Health/Physical Education Curriculum. Moved by Howell, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. September 22, 2014 Page 7467 FACILITIES / TRANSPORTATION/ TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE – Robert Haver, Chairperson Darrell DeTample, William Martin, David Sousa Alternate: Debora Frank Informational items: Action 15-086 Vehicles Auction BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the disposal of the following vehicles via auction through Vehicle Year Chassis Cap Vin B18 1999 Blue Bird 39 1BAHBCSA7XF085330 B29 1999 GMC 54 1GDM7T1C0WJ514548 V23 V24 S37 B19 1998 1998 2001 1999 16 16 4 54 Ford Ford Chevrolet GMC 1FDSE37F8WHB13318 1FSDE37FOWHB13314 3GNGK26U31G183378 1GDM7T1C6WJ514778 Reason Extensive Repairs Needed, 1 year left Extensive Repairs Needed, 1 year left Aged out Aged out Aged out Extensive Repairs Needed, 1 year left Plate 645ZS1 384ZS1 719WS2 720WS2 642TS2 310ZS1 Moved by Haver, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-087 Field Trips BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following 2014-15 field trips in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8(c): Organization/Department Learning Academy Music Co-Curricular Destination Lyndhurst-Medieval Times Nazareth, PA Date October 24, 2014 October 11, 2014 Moved by Haver, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Sharon Kelly, Chairperson Robert Haver, Sandra Howell, Brett Reina Alternate: Ellen Gordon Informational Items: Action 15-088 September Bill List BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the September 22, 2014 bill list as follows: General Fund Special Revenue Fund Food Service Technology $1,210,835.07 $ 52,594.29 $ 9,820.00 $ 18,369.90 September 22, 2014 Transportation Consortium Administrative Shared Service Page 7468 $ 237,574.49 $ 4,258.30 Total $1,533,452.05 Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-089 July and August Transfers BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves line item transfers for the months of July and August in the amount of $409,187.59. Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-090 July 2014 Fund Financial Reports BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the monthly certification of the Board Secretary for July 2014, and after review of the Board Secretary’s and July 2014 Treasurer’s Reports, certify no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C.6A:23 - 2.11(c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligation for the remainder of the fiscal year and that no budgetary line-item account has been exceeded pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1, and that no line-item account has encumbrances and expenditure, which in total exceed the line-item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A232.11(a). Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-091 August 2014 Fund Financial Reports BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education acknowledges receipt of the monthly certification of the Board Secretary for August 2014, and after review of the Board Secretary’s and August 2014 Treasurer’s Reports, certify no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C.6A:23 - 2.11(c) 3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligation for the remainder of the fiscal year and that no budgetary line-item account has been exceeded pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1, and that no line-item account has encumbrances and expenditure, which in total exceed the line-item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A232.11(a). Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-092 July and August 2014 Other Financial Reports BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following financial reports: Athletics Account – July 2014 and August 2014 Miscellaneous Account – July 2014 and August 2014 Student Activities Account – July 2014 and August 2014 Scholarship Account – July 2014 and August 2014 Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-093 2013/2014 Additional Extraordinary Aid BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts additional Extraordinary Aid for fiscal year 2013/2014 in the amount of $2,726 and to appropriate these the additional funds into the 2014/2015 budget into account number September 22, 2014 Page 7469 11-000-221-610 entitled Curriculum Supplies. Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-094 Employee/Board Member Travel BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following requests for employee/board member travel in accordance with the School District Accountability Act and Board of Education Policy. Only overnight stays are eligible for meal reimbursement. Mileage, meals and lodging reimbursements shall be in accordance with NJ Statute, Code and NJ Department of Treasury Guidelines. OMB Mileage Reimbursement Rate: $0.31. Lodging Employee/ BOE Member Teresa Barna Dorise Benson William Martin Matthew O’Brien Teresa Barna Daria Wasserbach Bulent Deniz Bulent Deniz Bulent Deniz Program Title / Location Eric West Meetings Randolph, Bernardsville, Basking Ridge, NJ Living with the Challenges West Orange, NJ NJSBA Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ NJSBA Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ NJSBA Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ NJSBA Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ Skyland Conference Athletic Dir. Meetings Gladstone, Flemington, NJ Hunterdon Warren Sussex Athletic Dir. Meetings Washington Twp, NJ Away Football Games Various Date(s) Cost Mileage (per diem) Meals (per diem) 10/01, 12/5, 5/5 $0 $62.31 N/A N/A $0 $34.04 N/A N/A $200 $89.90 $169.75 $165.00 $200 $89.90 $169.75 $165.00 $200 $89.90 $169.75 $165.00 9/30 10/28-10/30 10/28-10/30 10/28-10/30 10/28-10/30 $200 $89.90 $169.75 $165.00 8/27, 9/23, 10/22, 11/12, 12/3, 1/7, 2/11, 3/11, 4/15, 5/6 & 6/3 $0 $19.03 $0 $0 9/16, 11/5, 1/14, 3/4 & 5/13 $0 $29.75 $0 $0 $0 $92.26 $0 $0 9/26, 10/11, 10/17, 10/24, 11/14, 11/21, 12/6, & TBA 11/1-11/26 September 22, 2014 Daria Wasserbach Nanette Neadle Aimee Thomson Kristen Henderson Aimee Thomson Scott Woodland Yvonne Magala Thomas Jones Stacy Grady Margaret Esposito Clinton Ambs James Kluska Richard Giantisco Donna Daku NJ Smart Training NHVRHS PCAST New Brunswick, NJ Counselor Workshop Kutztown, PA Counselor Workshop Montclair, NJ HESAA Training South Orange, NJ HESAA Training Glouster County, NJ NJ Smart Annandale, NJ NJ Science Convention Princeton, NJ NJ Science Convention Princeton, NJ Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival Newark, NJ Mentoring Ed Program Teachscape Training for New Admin. Teachscape Training for New Admin. NJ Smart Training NHVRHS Page 7470 10/8 $0 $6.76 $0 $0 $0 $24.06 $0 $0 $0 $35.84 $0 $0 $0 $35.59 $0 $0 $0 $29.08 $0 $0 $0 $49.97 $0 $0 $0 $6.70 $0 $0 $170.00 $21.51 $0 $0 $170.00 $21.51 $0 $0 10/23 10/2 & 01/14 $10.00 $260.00 32.43 $54.81 $0 $0 $10.00 $0 09/30 $200.00 $8.49 $0 $0 09/30 $200.00 $8.49 $0 $0 10/8 $0 $6.76 $0 $0 09/29 10/10 09/26 12/5 11/18 10/8 10/14 10/14 Moved by Kelly, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 8; nays, 0; abstain, William Martin. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE – David Sousa, Chairperson Debora Frank, Ellen Gordon, Sharon Kelly Alternate: Brett Reina Informational items: IT IS NOTED THAT ALL STAFF APPOINTMENTS ARE AT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS AND THAT ALL SALARIES ARE PRO-RATED TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF EMPLOYMENT. Action 15-095 Retirement – Dennis Anderson BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the retirement of Dennis Anderson, Maintenance Custodian, with regret, effective April 1, 2015. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. September 22, 2014 Page 7471 Action 15-096 Leave of Absence – Sarah Hall BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Disability Leave of Absence for Sarah Hall, English Teacher beginning October 30, 2014 and ending on December 7, 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-097 Leave of Absence – Sarah Hall BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Child Rearing Leave of Absence for Sarah Hall, English Teacher beginning December 8, 2014 and ending on March 1, 2015. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-098 Leave of Absence – Fred DiLorenzo BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Leave of Absence for Fred DiLorenzo, Transportation Driver, beginning August 28, 2014 and ending on September 12, 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-099 Leave of Absence – Charles Temples BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Leave of Absence for Charles Temples, Custodian, beginning August 11, 2014 and ending on or about September 26, 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-100 Leave of Absence – Kristy Brown BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Leave of Absence for Kristy Brown, Transportation Driver, beginning September 29, 2014 and ending on or about November 10, 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-101 Guide Movement – Clinton Ambs BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the movement across the guide for Clinton Ambs, English Teacher, from BS+21, Step 9, salary of $58,275 to BS+30, Step 9, salary of $59,895 effective September 1, 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-102 Guide Movement – Christopher James BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the movement across the guide for Christopher James, Science Teacher, from BS+5, Step 10-11, salary of $58,775 to MS, Step 10-11, salary of $62,740 effective September 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-103 Locker Room Duty – Sally Brunkus and Jeremy Maerling BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Sally Brunkus, and Jeremy Maerling, Instructional Aides, as monitors for afternoon locker room duty, from Monday through Friday, 2:30 – 3:00, at their hourly contracted rate. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. September 22, 2014 Action 15-104 Page 7472 Substitute Locker Room Duty – Sharon Winnick and Susan Hoff BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Sharon Winnick and Susan Hoff, Instructional Aides, as substitutes for Sally Brunkus and Jeremy Maerling, to monitor afternoon locker room duty, in their absence, on any Monday through Friday, 2:30 – 3:00, at their hourly contracted rate. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-105 Monitor – Susan Hoff BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Susan Hoff, Instructional Aide, to monitor halls/bathrooms on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 2:30 – 4:30, on days of late bus service, at her hourly contracted rate. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-106 Substitute Monitor – Sharon Winnick BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Sharon Winnick, Instructional Adie’s, as substitute hall monitors, to monitor hall/bathrooms on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 2:30 – 4:30, on days of late buses service, at their hourly contracted rate. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-107 Chaperones – Sally Brunkus, Marc Cahill and Sharon Winnick BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Sally Brunkus, Marc Cahill or Sharon Winnick, Instructional Aides, as Education Chaperones to assist special needs students to participate in Clubs, at $36.00 an hour not to exceed 27 hours, effective September 2014. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-108 Raritan Valley College Students BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Raritan Valley College Students to fulfill their observation requirement for their Intro to Education course, beginning in September for 10 weeks, for 3 hours a week ending the week of November 19th. They are as follows: Tyler Allen Daniel Swanson Allison Timpert Regina Santangelo Observing: Leigh Ann Pintabone-English Observing: Ted Manner – Social Studies Observing: Carolyn Wolseifer-Math Observing: Stacy Grady-Science Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-109 Student Teaching – Krista Levy BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Krista Levy, Rutgers University Student, to participate in her student teaching 24 hour pre-service program for Alternate Route Teaching Candidates, allowing her to observe for 4 hours of classroom instruction. She will be observing Margaret Esposito-English. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. September 22, 2014 Action 15-110 Page 7473 Job Description – Media Services Coordinator BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Job Description: Media Services Coordinator Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-111 Homebound Instruction BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves all active Delaware Valley Regional High School Certificated Staff members to provide homebound instruction in their areas of certification through August 2015 at the negotiated hourly rate of $47.00/hr. Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-112 Homebound Instructors BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following out of district Homebound Instructors from September 2014 through August 2015: - Mary Ellen Aleksa - Christian Bajak - Kathleen Fabula - Beckie Hotz - Amanda Merkle - Anya Szlachtianchyn Math, Biology, Physics & Physical Science Math, German Biology Biology & Chemistry English Social Studies Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-113 Graduate Courses BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following request for graduate courses for the 2014/2015 school year: Employee Carolyn Wolsiefer Semester Fall 2014 Clinton Ambs Fall 2014 Course Action Research in Education Leadership Advanced Directing Workshop Credits 3 3 Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-114 Co-Curricular Club Advisors BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the appointment of Co-Curricular Club Advisors for the 2014/2015 school year: POSITION APPLICANT YEARS EXPERIENCE 2014/2015 SALARY September 22, 2014 Stage Craft Club Joshua Paul Page 7474 $2,295.00 1 Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-115 Co-Curricular Advisors/Coaches BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the appointment of Co-Curricular Advisors/Coaches for the 2014/2015 school year: POSITION APPLICANT Lacrosse Assistant Boys’ Coach Set Design Alan Schedlbauer Joshua Paul YEARS EXPERIENCE 9 6 2014/2015 SALARY $5,831 +$832 longevity $1,926 Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-116 Volunteer Coaches BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Volunteer Coach’s for the 2014/2015 school year: Allyson Scerbo Field Hockey Jason Farnsworth Football Chris Cancelliere Wrestling Jason Farnsworth Wrestling Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-117 Substitutes BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Substitutes for the 2014/2015 School year: John Sutton Greg Stout Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-118 Custodian Substitutes BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Custodian Substitute for the 2014/2015 School year at the rate of $12.00 an hour: Awilda Taveras Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. TRANSPORTATION: Action 15-119 Bus Aide Substitute September 22, 2014 Page 7475 BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following Bus Aide Substitute for the 2014/2015 school year Effective September 22, 2014 – June 30, 2015. Salary paid for by the Transportation Jointure. Aide Name SILLMAN, JEANNE 2014 / 2015 Hourly Rate $13.35 Moved by Sousa, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. STUDENT AFFAIRS/ PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE – Brett Reina – Chairperson, Sandra Howell, Sharon Kelly, Robert Haver Alternate: Vacant Informational items: a. October 2014 Community Activities Calendar: Alexandria Township: Township Committee Meeting (2nd Wednesday) Barn Tour Sunday, October 12, 2014 (10:00AM-4:00PM) Holland Township: Township Committee Meeting (1st and 3rd Tuesday) Document Paper Shredding Day - October 18, 2014 Kingwood Township: Township Committee Meeting (1st Thursday) Township Wide Yard Sale – October 4, 2014 and October 5, 2014; Frenchtown Borough: Township Committee Meeting (1st Wednesday) Frenchtown School Referendum – September 30, 2014 Milford Borough: Township Committee Meeting (1st and 3rd Monday) Milford Alive Saturday, September 27, 2014 (noon to 9:00PM) Delaware Valley Regional High School: HSPA Testing – Seniors - October 7, 8, 9 SAT Testing – October 11, 2014 Trick or Trot 5K – Frenchtown – October 19, 2014 10:00AM Action 15-120 Overnight Field and Athletic Trips BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education to approves the following 2014-15 Overnight Field and Athletic Trips in accordance with Board Policy No. 2340 and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 (c): Organization/Department Indoor Percussion Championships Destination Wildwood, NJ Date 04/29/2015-05/03/2015 September 22, 2014 Page 7476 Wrestling Atlantic City, NJ 03/05/2015-03/08/2015 Cheerleading Orlando, FL 02/06/2015-02/10/2015 Golf TBA May 2015 Track TBA 05/29/2015-05/30/2015 Model UN Philadelphia, PA 01/29/2015-02/01/2015 Moved by Model UN Princeton, NJ 11/20/2014-11/23/2014 Reina, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-121 Foreign Exchange Students from Germany BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education to approves Foreign Exchange Students from Germany arriving October 13th and leaving October 29th. Moved by Reina, seconded by Haver. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE - Ellen Gordon-Obal – Chairperson, Robert Haver, Brett Reina POLICY COMMITTEE - Debora Frank – Chairperson, Darrell DeTample, Ellen Gordon, Brett Reina Alternate: Sandra Howell Informational items: Action 15-122 Policies – Second Reading BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the second reading and adoption of the following policy and regulation revisions: P0141 P0143 P1581 P3125 P3230 P3240 R3240 P4125 P4230 P6511 P8507 P8508 Board Member Number and Term (Revised) Board Member Election and Appointment (Revised) Victim of Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave (M) (New) Employment of Teaching Staff Members (M) (Revised) Outside Activities (Revised) Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders (M) (Revised) Professional Development for Teachers and School Leaders (Revised) Employment of Support Staff Members (M) (Revised) Outside Activities (Revised) Direct Deposit (New) Breakfast Offer Versus Serve (OVS) (New) Lunch Offer Versus Serve (OVS) (New) Moved by Frank, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Action 15-123 Policies and Regulations – First Reading BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves first reading of the following policy and regulation revisions: P2412 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition (M) (Revised) R2412 Home Instruction Due to Health Condition (M) (Revised) P2417 Student Intervention and Referral Services (M) (Revised) September 22, 2014 Page 7477 R2417 Student Intervention and Referral Services (M) (Revised) P2481 Home or Out-of-School Instruction for a General Education Student for Reasons Other Than a Temporary or Chronic Health Condition (M) (Revised) R2481 Home or Out-of-School Instruction for a General Education Student for Reasons Other Than a Temporary or Chronic Health Condition (M) (Revised) P3283 Electronic Communications Between Teaching Staff Members and Students (M) (Revised) P4283 Electronic Communications Between Support Staff Members and Students (M) (Revised) R5612 Assaults on District Board of Education Members or Employees (M) (New) P5613 Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses (M) (New) R5613 Removal of Students for Assaults with Weapons Offenses (M) (New) Moved by Frank, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE - William Martin – Chairperson, Darrell DeTample, Deborah Frank, David Sousa NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC COMMENT – Bylaw No. 0167 “Public Participation in Board Meetings” - None ADJOURNMANT BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education adjourned the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Moved by Frank, seconded by Kelly. On roll call vote, resolution was ADOPTED as follows: ayes, 9; nays, 0. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Teresa Barna, Business Administrator/Board Secretary _________________________________ Ellen Gordon-Obal, Board President
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