FNE/CEDEFOP Study Visit:


FNE/CEDEFOP Study Visit:
FNE/CEDEFOP Study Visit:
“Social dialogue in defining and
implementing new knowledge, skills
and competences”
Dates: 24-28 March 2014
Venue: Porto-Portugal
Fifteen Education
specialists from 13
countries in Europe
participated, between
24 and 28 March, in
Porto, in a Study Visit
organized by FNE in
collaboration with CEDEFOP - European Centre
for the Development of Education and
Education, under the program of Lifelong
Learning (Transversal Program) of the
European Commission.
This visit was organized to be part of one more
FNE contribution to the EI campaign Unite for
Quality Education – better education for a
better world
Social dialogue is crucial
for the future of Europe
João Dias da Silva, Secretary General of FNE (centered in the photo) speaks of the importance of social
dialogue in the determination of economic and social policies both in Portugal and in Europe
On his right, Margarida Sampaio from CIP. On his left Joaquim Santos (FNE - Organizer)
1 - Sandra Rita (CEFOSAP), Jorge Santos
(President of FNE), Horácio Lourenço
(Anespo) and Alexandre Dias (FNE Organizer)
2 - From the right to the left: Pereira Gomes
(President of UGT-Porto), Paulo Silva (UGTPorto) and Conceição Alves Pinto
(FNE/ISET/Higher Education)
3 - Elza Almeida (SPZN - Retirees), Maria
Arminda Bragança (FNE) and Jorge Santos
Employment and Training In the UE 2020 strategy
Role of trade unions
is irreplaceable
1 - The challenges of Tertiary Education at FEP (Faculty of Economics of Porto)
2 - Entrepeneurship in discussion at ANJE(young entrepeneurs association)
3, 4 - At IPATIMUP (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto), a top
cancer research which is now celebrating its 25 years
5 - Visiting Secondary Art School Soares dos Reis
6 - Visiting Secondary School Filipa de Vilhena
The 15 participants in this study visit were aware of the latest developments in Robotics, at ISEP (Superior
Institute of Engineering of Porto).
A robot soccer player was one of many curiosities of this science.
Under the title: Social dialogue in the
definition and implementation of knowledge,
skills and competences the 15 participants,
coming from different European countries,
debated the topic of social dialogue in Europe
and had the opportunity to discuss with
Portuguese social partners the different
approaches regarding negotiation and strategy
in the education sector. The opportunity to
visit companies, colleges, centers of research
and schools allowed participants to
understand the Portuguese reality and share
their vision regarding social dialogue in Europe
and at several national levels.
The economic and social situation, the topic of
social dialogue at national and European level,
the implementation of the 2020 Strategy and
the debate regarding the topic of the New Skills
for New Jobs dominated the topics of the visit.
The objective of this action is to promote a
culture of peer learning, observation,
exchanges and mutual learning from the
experiences of common interest at EU level
and aims to encourage discussion about
education and develop quality approaches and
transparency of education and training
The program and other documents are
available at the FNE website: www.fne.pt