Word Pro - 17M2Ing_2011_pro.lwp


Word Pro - 17M2Ing_2011_pro.lwp
2º período :: matutino
| 21 de maio de 2011
1. Exceto na avaliação de Desenho Geométrico, tudo o que será analisado pelo professor (desenvolvimento, argumentação,
justificativa) deverá estar feito, obrigatoriamente, a tinta (azul ou preta). Apague tudo o que estiver feito a lápis.
2. O raciocínio que conduz a uma resposta deverá estar claramente exposto e organizado, com início, meio e fim. De outra
forma, a pontuação da questão será prejudicada, podendo até ser igual a zero.
3. Respeite os espaços delimitados pelas margens; eles são suficientes para respostas adequadas. Evite o uso de abreviaturas e
símbolos, pois poderão não ser reconhecidos e invalidar a resposta.
4. Cuide da apresentação da avaliação: use letra legível, evite rasuras, responda às questões no espaço adequado. Em caso de
erro, anule com um risco e refaça. O uso de corretivos (liquid paper ou similares) implica anulação da resposta.
5. Não empreste nem solicite emprestado material escolar (caneta, lápis, borracha, régua, etc.). É proibido o uso de calculadora
(inclusive relógio-calculadora).
6. Não serão permitidas consultas. Telefones celulares, pagers ou MP3 player, ipod e similares devem ser DESLIGADOS e
guardados na bolsa ou colocados sobre a mesa do professor, longe do seu alcance.
7. A cada questão será atribuída uma pontuação de 0,0 a 1,0, em intervalos de 0,1. A pontuação da avaliação será o somatório
das pontuações nas questões, e a nota da avaliação será a pontuação multiplicada pelo fator de ajuste.
8. O respeito a estas instruções faz parte da avaliação e interfere na nota.
Read the song below and then answer the questions.
Tom's Diner
Suzanne Vega
I am sitting
To the woman
And I'm turning
And while she's
In the morning
Who had come in
To the horoscope
Straightening her stockings
At the diner
She is shaking
And looking
Her hair
On the corner
Her umbrella
For the funnies
Is getting wet
I am waiting
And I look
When I'm feeling
Oh, this rain
At the counter
The other way
Someone watching me
It will continue
For the man
As they are kissing
And so
Through the morning
To pour the coffee
Their hellos
I raise my head
As I'm listening
And he fills it
I'm pretending
There's a woman
To the bells
Only halfway
Not to see them
On the outside
Of the cathedral
And before
Looking inside
I am thinking
I even argue
I pour the milk
Does she see me?
Of your voice...
He is looking
I open
No she does not
And of the midnight picnic
Out the window
Up the paper
Really see me
Once upon a time
At somebody
There's a story
Cause she sees
Before the rain began...
Coming in
Of an actor
Her own reflection
I finish up my coffee
"It is always
Who had died
And I'm trying
It's time to catch the train
Nice to see you"
While he was drinking
Not to notice
Says the man
It was no one
That she's hitching
Behind the counter
I had heard of
Up her skirt
1. Extract from the lyrics of the song above:
a) Two sentences in the Present Continuous Tense, in the affirmative form.
b) One question in the Simple Present Tense.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 2º período :: matutino | 7º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 17M2Ing_2011_pro.lwp
PÁG. 1
c) Two different prepositions.
d) One part of the body.
2. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous Tense.
a) They _____________________________to his friends now. (not talk)
b) Be quiet please! The baby ___________________________. (sleep)
c) At the moment my wife ____________________________the dogs. (feed)
d) I ______________________________ the plants. (water)
e) The sky _____________________________dark. (get)
f) Jack ________________________________ right now. (not study)
g) Where is Carla? She ___________________________in the living room. (sit)
h) What _____________she ________________________? (do)
i) She ______________________________ TV. (watch)
j) What a nice dress you ____________________________today. (wear)
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs cleaning, doing, taking or vacuuming according to the pictures below.
a) Alfred is _________________ the trash out.
b) Lindsay is _________________ the ironing.
c) The children are _________________ the house.
d) Frederic is _________________ the house.
4. Identify the sentences. Write (PS) for the Present Simple or (PC) for the Present Continuous.
a.( ) Daniel, my friend, plays football and sings hip-hop.
b.( ) Does Anna sometimes watch documentary on TV?
c.( ) When are you setting the table?
d.( ) All the students are taking a test at the moment.
e.( ) I don't have a computer in my bedroom.
5. Find the mistake in each sentence and then write the correct sentence.
a) Ana don't like horror movies.
b) He live in a beautiful and comfortable house.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 2º período :: matutino | 7º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 17M2Ing_2011_pro.lwp
PÁG. 2
c) I doesn't like animals at home.
d) "Does you listening to music now?" " Yes, I am."
6. Look at the pictures of home furniture and complete the word puzzle.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 2º período :: matutino | 7º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 17M2Ing_2011_pro.lwp
PÁG. 3