application of behavioral,academic, communication and
application of behavioral,academic, communication and
APPLICATION OF BEHAVIORAL, ACADEMIC, COMMUNICATION AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURES TO DOCUMENT TREATMENT EFFICACY ELIANE SCHOCHAT, Ph.D. Sao Paulo University - School of Medicine Speech and Hearing Department Audiology Professor Background & Rationale ¾ Does Auditory Training (A.T.) enhance central auditory function ? • How can this be measured? – Questionnaires – Psychophysical tests – Electrophysiology – Functional imaging MLR as an index of improvement in (C)APD 1. generator sites (thalamo-cortical) 2. abnormal in defined lesions of CANS 3. some data indicates MLRs to be abnormal in children with L.D. MLR Waveform Na – Pa amplitude [ Pa latency Pa V Na 0 10 20 .6 microvolts Pb Nb 30 40 msec 50 60 70 AUDITORY TRAINING ¾ The foundation of AT is brain plasticity ¾ AT can enhance various auditory processes by the reorganization of auditory neural substrate ¾ Reports of electrophysiologic changes recorded in humans after AT auditory) needs to be ¾ The system ((auditory) challenged to trigger the changes in structure and function ¾ Tasks need to be of moderate difficulty and progress appropriately over time. METHODS - SUBJECTS ¾ 30 normal subjects (age range from 8 to 14 years old) ¾ 30 subjects with APD (age range from 8 to 14 years old) ¾ all tested using two monaural tests and two dichotic (SSW/dichotic digits, non verbal dichotic test; PSI, filtered speech/speech in noise). SUBJECT CRITERIA ¾ Controls = Normal audiogram & normal performance on central auditory test battery. Normal school performance. ¾ (C)APD = Normal audiogram, & failed at least 2 central auditory tests, reported auditory difficulties ¾ Groups were age matched METHODS - PROCEDURE both groups ¾ BEFORE ((both groups)) ¾ Behavioral evaluation ¾ Electrophysiologic evaluation – MLR ¾ TRAINING (APD group group)) three months both groups ¾ AFTER ((three months)) ((both groups)) only APD group ¾ Behavioral evaluation ((only group)) ¾ Electrophysiologic evaluation – MLR Treatment Battery (Musiek, (Musiek, Schochat, Schochat, 1998; 1998; Musiek, Musiek, Baran, Baran, Schochat, Schochat, 1999) 1999) ÁDIID ÁFREQUENCY TRAINING ÁINTENSITY TRAINING ÁTEMPORAL TRAINING ÁLOCALIZATION ÁMEMORY (A.M.E.) TRAINING – PROCEDURES ¾ FORMAL AND INFORMAL ¾ 8 SESSIONS – 2 MONTHS ¾ 50 MINUTES EACH SESSION ¾ 15 MINUTES DAILY - PARENTS RESULTS APD X NORMAL – PRE AMPLITUDE C3A1 Ampl before C4A1 C3A2 C4A2 Nl APD Nl APD Nl APD Nl APD Mean 1,18 0,84 1,48 1,01 1,00 0,69 1,18 0,96 Median 0,92 0,76 1,14 0,97 0,91 0,63 1,00 0,78 Stand Dev 0,65 0,39 0,77 0,51 0,46 0,31 0,66 0,60 22 31 22 30 22 30 22 29 N p-value 0,022* 0,010* 0,005* 0,230 BEHAVIORAL - PRE/POST pre sd post sd PSI (s/r - 15) Speech noise Non verb Dic SSW RE RE RE RE LE LE LE LE 72 72 74 72 73 72 67 59 0,21 0,2 0,14 0,18 0,21 0,28 0,17 0,19 85 80 86 86 94 93 81 75 0,13 0,12 0,07 0,08 0,09 0,11 0,13 0,17 BEHAVIORAL APD GROUP – PRE AND POST – AMPLITUDE - ANOVA APD – Ampl. C3A1 C4A1 C3A2 C4A2 Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Mean 0,84 1,59 1,01 1,33 0,69 1,24 0,96 1,18 Median 0,76 1,44 0,97 1,02 0,63 0,98 0,78 1,13 Stand dev 0,39 0,82 0,51 1,36 0,31 0,73 0,60 0,53 31 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 N p-value <0,001* 0,235 <0,001* 0,149 PRE X POST TRAINING Amplitude Amplitude means means pre pre and and post post Auditory Auditory Training Training 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 C3A1 C3A2 C4A1 C4A2 AUDITORY TRAINING: EVALUATION OF THE BENEFITS FOR ELDERLY HEARING AIDS USERS METHOD - Subject ¾42 subjects – mild to moderate hearing loss ¾60 – 90 years old ¾Bilateral hearing aids users ¾2 groups – EG/CG METHOD - Procedure ¾ Both groups • Auditory Processing evaluation (S/N and DD) ––1st 1st and 8th session • HHIE ––1st, 1st, 4th and 8th session • APHAB ––1st, 1st, 4th and 8th session METHOD - Procedure ¾ EG - auditory training program (8 sessions) • 4 sessions without Hearing Aids • 4 sessions with Hearing Aids ¾ CG - did not auditory training – regular hearing aid fitting session RESULTS DICHOTIC DIGITS AND SPEECH IN NOISE TESTS BEFORE AND AFTER AUDITORY TRAINING (STUDY AND CONTROL GROUPS) 100% 95% 100% 86,30% 90% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70,70% 69,90% 70% 80% 75% 61,50% 65% 68,90% 66,80% 70% 65% 60% 60% 55% 50% 79,90% 85% 55% GE GC 1ª avaliação 2ª avaliação DICHOTIC DIGITS 50% GE GC 1ª avaliação SPEECH IN NOISE 2ª avaliação 68,90% HHIE QUESTINAIRE BEFORE MIDDLE AND AFTER AUDITORY TRAINING (STUDY AND CONTROL GROUPS) 70% 59,00% 60% 50,70% 50% 40% 29,90% 27,80% 30% 19,50% 14,40% 20% 10% 0% GE 1ª Avaliação GC 2ª Avaliação 3ª Avaliação APHAB QUESTIONAIRE BEFORE, MIDDLE AND AFTER AUDITORY TRAINING (STUDY AND CONTROL GROUPS) 90% 83,52% 82,48% 80% 77,10% * * 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 34,29% 24,29% 26,19% 17,90% 20% 11,90% 13,86% 10,33% 19,19% 12,38% 10% 0% FC RV 1ª Avaliação RA 2ª Avaliação AS 3ª Avaliação CONCLUSION THE AUDITORY TRAINING PROGRAM WAS EFFECTIVE CONCERNING THE BENEFIT DURING THE HEARING AIDS ADAPTATION PROCESS
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